Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2018
    Recognize you anywhere JACKIE and GEORGE the zen dog. I think our Jilly needs a class of some sort. Or actually, maybe me! She's very intelligent (Mike and I are sort of glad she can't talk because she seems to understand most of what we say) and she has me (us) wrapped around her pinky size paw.

    We have to smile when looking back at some of the characters we have met during a long life. Going back to the less than desirable male, I once went on a blind date with a couple who brought along the husbands friend. He was highly intelligent and held quite a high post in a research company. Seemed quite a catch until I asked what he actually did and he replied he was a "lecher, whoops, lecturer". This said with his tongue hanging out, rolling eyes, and a huge grin. I decided not to find out which was true, but suspected both! Later confirmed by his friends wife.
    It's a minefield out there, no wonder I like being an octogenarian!.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good first session Jackie (and George). Good Lord I didn’t realize how really thick your hair is. Time for me to leave soon. I will clamp my stocking hat over my few wisps of hair. <3:D<3


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No win at bingo but still had fun. Today is my meeting, then a wake for a lady from our bingo hall and then we are going out to dinner to celebrate a birthday. Busy day but at least the weather is decent and the sun is shining.

    Lin, have fun on today's adventures and keep warm.

    Jackie, looks like a nice place for George to learn some agility. It makes me laugh that George goes into a zen mental state, I don't think my Lhasa ever did that. There were actually two pictures of you and George, both of you bending over. lol

    Time to get myself going, enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy new year folks. well I did make it to 2018 and happy to be here among you folks.
    Cold Cold here, so cold I think I will make some Mexican food for lunch.. just thought I would drop by to see you all. love Marie
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello from wet and wild Oregon again. We are having an unusually high tide and a trough of very high seas is causing flooding and beach erosion. We are all being warned away from beach combing and beach walks. Many people love to go to the beach when we have a storm. Storm watching is fun but we need to be in just the right SAFE place to watch! We also have vicious sneaker waves. These are not sweet friends like you all. These are big angry waves that pull people off the beach and out to sea.

    Hello Marie! Glad you visited your old homestead! Everyone misses you.

    Today is a mini-groom for Katie. Brush and skin/fur condition treatment. She has a much better beauty regimen than I do. I look like I need to spend a week at the groomers.

    Buzz: yes I read all of Senator Flake’s speech. It was spot on and very well thought out. Our Oregon senator wyden is on some very important committees but he says the democratic process is in deep trouble. I have worked for the Alaska Governors office as a communication assistant. ( not Sarah Palin) I pulled together news papers (we still had them in those days) TV reporters and state internet programs. Great fun and rewarding.. the speech writers were like internal rock stars. The good ones were the best writers on the planet.

    Since I have been married all my life, I have not had to worry about unwanted attention from men. I am not glamorous or even classy. When some man is demented enough to hit on me, I usually giggle and say, “no thanks.” I have to say, I would not be able to handle a stalker. I would panic and run for the police. I hope everyone stays cautious and safe.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I somehow got lost in he maze of 90 pictures and couldn't get back to Golden Sneakers! Had to open a new window, so here I am, but cannot stay! Nice to see MARIE here, and we miss you, love! JACKIE, dare I say I really like that triangular window at the peak of your new Garden room! PATSY, your seas sound frighteningly fierce! Is it that way often or is it being attributed to climate change? I like your sen. Wyden, and am afraid he speaks the truth. So far, we don't seem to have much say about the direction we are headed, do we? I cannot believe a 24 year old "boy" has been named head of the opioid commission! And denigrating the press is a very frightening omen! It CAN happen here! SANDY, I was hoping you'd walk off with top winnings, but you have such a great disposition regarding enjoying the play! Next time! ANNE, was the lecher married? I must say you don't look octogenarian! Is there anyone else here aside from MARIE who is also one? LIN, I think I'd be nervous about using those lethal-looking instruments! I think I'll stick with the safety of my printer!
    Tried out for the senior seated volley ball team for our coming Olympiad competition, but we had to halt tryouts when a 98 year old man on oxygen decided we could not discriminate against him and he wanted to play! We were unable to convince him it was too dangerous, so we had to disband! I guess he should be admired for determination, but it seemed so inappropriate to the rest of us klutzes! Well, I'd better get some sleep before I snooze right here! By the way, tonight, my Kindle Fire is giving me a difficult time regarding paying for using the WiFi. Do you all pay extra for wireless when using tablets?
    <3 Buzz
    ...................................Always Believe Something wonderful is About to Happen!.............................................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning, oh happy morning. We are promised a run of warmer temperatures. Mark was over yesterday and he took Jilly's leash with one hand and propped me up with his other hand whilst we slipped and slid to the mailboxes. The mailbox was NOT exciting containing nothing but junk and the utility bills. I am so looking forward to trotting off again on ice free sidewalks. I don't remember a winter this bad for ages. Today is shopping day with Michael and I'm hoping Mike will have a "no propping mum" up day for a change. I don't feel like an octogenarian normally, but I do on the ice!

    Hi BUZZ, I found that the lecher was single again after his long suffering wife took off for "home" and western Canada leaving him with 5 teenage children and a house to look after. He told me during the blind date that she had a breakdown which he didn't believe but somehow I did!

    And that's about it for now, said she stirring her porridge,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My meeting was good, the wake sad and dinner was great. Today I am sitting for the boys but going earlier than usual as Lisa did not like the way her hair was done so they are going to try to fix it. I didn't sleep well so I am tired but hopefully the boys will wake me up.

    Anne, please be careful on that ice, you don't need any broken bones.

    Buzz, no I do not pay for WiFi on my IPad, I use the WiFi from my Comcast modem.

    Patsy, your ocean does sound treacherous and getting caught up in one of those waves could kill someone.

    Marie, happy new year to you as well. So happy to see you check in with us.

    Lin, what is today's agenda?

    Jackie, did I mention how much I already love your garden room?

    Short and sweet and by the way I gained weight this week so I better start my low carb diet again and do some exercise.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    TGIF and it is another wet one here. I am flustered, I have so many undone chores I don’t know what to tackle first. I guess I will go for the hardest and work down.

    We are watching the new “blade runner”movie. Very dark but the art direction is magnificent, just like original. Haunting story. John loves sci-fi and I like it sometimes. I do lean toward romantic comedies however. John can enjoy them as well...sometimes. I also really find movies and books with a message or statement are some of my favorites.

    Some time ago I decided to erase the word OLD from my personal vocabulary. I do believe in that old saw...words have great power. I have problems in that area. I can talk myself into illness, depression, pity and loneliness etc. Or great joy and silliness with adolescent adandon. Therefore I do not confess my age. It is irrelevant. Besides, everyone knows that 80 is the new 60. Can we see ourselves as young women with a few challenges? Self delusion is my specialty.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We're definitely getting somewhere now. The charming 2nd team have cleared up and moved on from fitting windows and roof and I've already received confirmation the plasterer will be with me Monday morning to render walls and ceiling. Within a couple of minutes of the builders driving away the pets moved in and took a good look around!

    So muddy paw marks on the new windowsills courtesy of guess who!!

    Anne ~ Agility classes are wonderful so long as the trainer is switched on to every dog's personality. We had an amazing mix of complex issues that made George appear normal, not something I'd usually consider him to be! Jilly is obviously intelligent so I'm sure would take to it, especially if you are already teaching her a few tricks.

    Patsy ~ Once the board that darkened my cottage was removed from the door into the now garden room I was upstairs bagging up anything that isn't required anymore ready to take to the tip because ~I decided start at the top of the cottage and work down otherwise I'd be going round in circles for the next 6 months. Of course we have to be in the right mood for such chores!

    My microwave is beeping to tell me a fish cake is ready to be eaten with some steamed veggies so I must away with a quick hello to all I missed. Sandy I haven't weighed myself probably because I know my weight won't have gone in the right direction since Christmas so you're no alone!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Greetings Marie. Thanks for posting a note <3<3

    Jackie, wow, what progress on your room! I continue to be amazed.

    Patsy, good for you. Tackle the worst first. Good advice. I tend to do the opposite. I ease into the chores and start with something I know I can accomplish (at least that is my strategy most of the time).

    Anne, having a thaw now? I hope the ice is finished for now. We are and the snow has been disappearing quickly all day. Wahoo!!

    Sandy, you stay on the run each day lately. You are making me tired you busy bee.

    Buzz, well, we all will be watching to see if there is a government shutdown again. The world is insane, I know, I say that each day and it doesn’t help anything does it?

    Today was Tai Chi, some conversation after class and then off to get my vehicle washed. I took along a book to read as the lines were extremely long. I was patient, enjoyed my book and eventually did get into the car wash. Oh yes, the vehicle actually has color other than mud! My vehicle had been sprayed heavily and completely by a semi changing lanes in the slush a while ago and wow, the wash was a relief.

    This afternoon, I sorted through my class materials and am ready to start the third week project tomorrow. And I am packed to leave in a little while to make some Valentines this evening. Definitely things I love to do.

    I did tackle one thing I had been avoiding. I had a real foul up with Amazon so I finally printed out all the order information, chat transcripts, receipts from the Post Office and UPS and made the much dreaded call. Once again I was prepared for a long siege and had everything at hand. The representative let me go through the salient points of the mix-up, verified my information by checking on the order numbers and other records and finally she contacted Accounting and after an extended hold she returned and let me know a refund would be issued. Yippee!! I have a confirmation by email and a follow-up indicating it has already been processed.

    Wishing everyone well. One of my friends just came down with a horrible cold. She sounds terrible, poor dear. I hope to avoid that as well as the nasty flu.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WiFi problems today, and despite proper password, I couldn't log in. Now , I keep dozing off and cannot remain awake so 'nitey nite.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This must be the wettest, most miserable Winter on record.... certainly my records! We got a lie in this morning until walking on the moors around 10am but within half an hour soaked and cold I took George back to the car, rubbed him down with a warm towel and headed home. Lin, my hair might be thick but I still needed a woolly hat and waterproof hood to keep cold and wet out!! My plan was to drive straight to the supermarket for a few items but being so wet and in my wellies I didn't think I should so am now psyching myself up to go at the busiest time, which I hate! That old chestnut 'age is just a number' is very true because it's all in the head. Mix with young people whenever possible and behave like them because it rubs off!
    Advice was given to leave windows and doors open in the garden room to allow the inside to dry out for the plasterer but I can't see that happening today or tomorrow.

    Oh yes, weighed myself this morning and still 3 lbs over where I like to be so I definitely need to reign something in and already cut my oat biscuits coated in peanut butter with morning coffee down to one!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good advice about mixing with the younger folk. Well heres me mixing with you younger folk for a start lol, and to be brutally honest there ain't
    too many over eighties around in my life to mix with, and especially out dog walking!

    I'm on a mission to get this extra weight off. 2lbs extra over Christmas and 5lbs before that. I started two days ago and in my case if I can manage the first 4 days on a diet of a little protein and many veggies it becomes easier. Or it did when I first joined MFP and got below the weight I wanted. The trick I find is to maintain. Old habits creep in. One piece of Christmas cake won't hurt etc soon becomes two pieces won't hurt. Willpower is called for!

    Of course this brutal winter doesn't help. Lettuce leaves and grated carrots etc are far more appealing on a hot summer day. Well girls it's only 59 days to spring! Think spring!!! The flowers that bloom in the spring!! Tra la!

    Anne, full of enthusiasm until the next wintry dump.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It is a balmy 42 degrees here with the sun shining. 59 days to Spring? I can hardly wait. Mass today with a visit to Babe and Daisy. It is always fun to listen to Babe complain about his son but luckily I just tune him out and change the subject.
    I too have gained weight and I am going to go back to low carbs as much as I can. Tonight is pizza with Babe so there goes that plan for today.

    Anne, I do agree, winter weight is harder to lose than in the summer when we are busy outdoors. Good for you with walking Jilly, she is good for your health and well as hers.

    Jackie, I agree that this winter is just horrible. Glad you didn't go to the store all wet, no sense in tempting the health gods. Love the pictures of George and is that Scruff? Your view from the new garden room is beautiful in the winter so I can imagine how wonderful it will be in the summer.

    Buzz, I do hope you got some sleep. I keep a book with all my passwords and update them when I update them on the computer. My memory is not so good.

    Lin, sorry about your friend and that nasty cold, stay far away. I still haven't gotten the flu shot, although wondering if I should with people dying from the flu.

    Patsy, are you trying to tell us you are in your 80's or just making a point? I figure you as one of our younger members because you are so carefree.

    Have a great Saturday!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Here is my wild area rug for my dungeon. It had to be unrolled and weighted down to relax the curl before installation. Doesn’t it look like it has been pre-diastered? I love it! John is ....well... intrigued by the design!
    It reminds me of my paintings and happy times in my dungeon.

    Aha Sandy! I am not confessing my age. I will say I am old enough to buy a martini with two olives. Just saying...
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Age - our kids ages give us away don't they, unless of course we were child brides! Mm. Good one. That makes me just turned 70, lol.

    We've just been for a long walk in melting snow, the Bean and I. Warm enough to chat to my neighbour on the other side. I think I will be seeing a lot of Marie now she's retired.
    Anne and Jilly Bean.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Patsy, I love the new rug!!

    Anne, glad you had a lovely walk in the melting snow. The girls down the block had made a little snowman with remaining snow yesterday, not much left of that creation. I do love the January thaw though.

    Sandy, it is older people in this state dying from the flu which is making me rethink my decision to avoid the shot as well. Hummmmm. I hope you enjoyed the pizza because that sounds great to me.

    Buzz, sorry for the Internet problems. It is so annoying!

    Jackie, ack, horrible weather, cannot escape it so we just have to live through it. You and George do a pretty good job of it.

    I had a nice time doing the Valentines last evening. One card was kind of a design problem. No one, who normally makes cards, was interested in following the suggestions provided. That usually doesn’t happen. I came home after helping to clean up and fussed around until I got something acceptable.

    Today I have been working on the lesson projects all day. Made a start but haven’t finished. My white pen gave out and I just ordered a replacement. Haaa.

    Well tomorrow is church and communion duty and then going to go to another library for a photo transfer project. Sounds interesting.

    Well, going to watch a bit of some British shows and read for a little while.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2018
    Oh PATSY, that's my idea of a great rug! I love being surrounded by color and exciting design, so why not start with the bottom and move up? That rug is an inspiration, and so are you! By the way, your age, no matter what it is, can be hidden, OR can be worn proudly! With an eldest daughter who is 68, I am nevertheless amazed to have reached 90, because I still haven't made up my mind what I want to be when I grow up! I still equate some of the people living here with being like my grandmother, and then realize I must seem the same to them! The few times I think "age" is during weather changes when my joints rebel! And living with an almost 103 year old gal wearing her tunics and tights as she runs, not walks, to her various destinations, is awesomely inspiring! Gert still wears her highest heels when attending weddings, and her nails sport the latest designs! She's proves 103 is the latest 60!
    JACKIE, you are more than welcome to come thaw out here with me! There is a certain comfort in knowing the next day will return to the 70s! What is the size (feet, please) of your wonderful outdoors inside garden room? Aside from dampness, we would never ever leave doors and windows open here! It would be an open invitation to invasion!
    SANDY, love your achieved attitude toward Babe and his child-addiction! What a change from when that affiliation first upended your life! You have taught us all a huge lesson while learning so much yourself: adapting to life may be the most important lesson ever to learn! How often do I come across people railing against what life has dealt them? No matter how painful, some things simply cannot be changed, so spending that energy toward learning new attitudes is a wonderful way to grow! Thank you for sharing your pain and joy with us all!
    ANNE, since my mid forties, my biggest weight problem has been maintaining! I used to lose easily, and the start the cycle all over again! Now, the losing has become almost impossible! If I breathe near fumes from food...WHOOPS! Up 3 pounds. I finally managed to lose about 5 pounds so we went to a Chinese restaurant coming home from our ophthalmologists yesterday and I gained 1.5 pounds this morning! I need a Jilly Bean to walk, I guess, except iguanas could make quick game of her, eh?
    LIN, so glad your problem with Amazon was handled well. I have always found their vendors to well earn their reliable status! I've never had a problem with them!
    My good night sentence almost got obliterated when I forgot to finish writing it! I can see how sleepy I am by the errors in every single word !
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..............................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    One morning I'll be able to write that we enjoyed a walk in warm sunshine and everyone was smiling but not today. Same old, same old..... a drizzle at home but halfway to the moors we walk on which are only 2 miles from home I drove into the clouds, the rain poured and the wind began to howl. High ground, low ground, it doesn't matter where we go we have to splash through inches of water and suddenly find our boots disappearing into thick mud when we least expect! Never mind, job done and home to see how much of the cement the cats have walked in can be sucked up by my Shark. Brady insists on walking over the back of the sofa, down the arms and into the seats and no amount of leather cleaner is removing his paw marks at the moment so I'll have to rub a lot harder!! Last night George and I did our agility homework and as soon as I placed a foot stall on the rug in front of the fire he put his paws on it as he is in the photo and grinned at me! Later today it's a case of getting him to straddle a stick and walk forward without going left or right. This is all to teach him he has back legs and needs to think about them more!!

    Patsy ~ Your rug is marvelous and if you didn't have your own art to hang on your walls would look wonderful covering a blank area..... the perfect purchase and well done for discovering it! I seem to remember you watched the movie Mr Turner when it was released. Well I had the dvd for ages and finally decided Friday evening to settle down and watch but thought what a disappointment because I imagined it would be about his work as an artist and how he found such inspiring subjects to paint but no, instead a rather unpleasant story of his private life!! So not a pleasant man but still a great artist!

    Lin and Sandy ~ We are told there are 4 different flu types hitting people at the moment so pot luck if you get the right jab. The Australian flu is apparently the worst sort as it hits the stomach but I think there are many who say they have flu when it's just a bad cold or stomach bug. When I get home from anywhere out and about I wash my hands with an anti bacterial soap because it seems so many don't follow hygienic habits these days so leave germs everywhere.

    Sandy ~ That 2nd photo is cat Brady on the windowsill, now a full grown cat but still behaving like a delinquent kitten!!

    Anne ~ Thanks for the countdown which makes me feel better about what's going on outside and hooray, Jilly Bean got to walk out with you and socialise with neighbours! Walking George I've met so many more folk in the community although as ever on the moors I tend to remember the name of the dogs rather than owners half the time!!

    Buzz ~ A week or so ago a BBC news programme had a live interview with a political analyst who happened to live in Boca Raton and I sat here admiring the scenery behind him as he gave his opinion of THAT book!. At the end of the interview the 2 presenters turned to each other and commented on your blue skies saying how wonderful to see such glorious sunshine. We are all missing our dose of vitamin D that's for sure!

    The vicious circle of maintaining an acceptable weight has hit me too as it seems each January I find myself exactly where I was a year ago. Of course the weather doesn't help because as Anne says, a lettuce leaf doesn't satisfy but during my battle in the supermarket yesterday, and by the way I will never food shop on a Saturday midday every again, I bought baking potatoes, a pack of lean pork sausages and plenty of veggies as well as a box of frozen summer fruits to spoon on to my morning porridge so now have no excuses.
    It's time for me to drag out the Shark and see how much cement dust I can draw out of my poor carpets.
    Happy Sunday everyone