Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good evening, we did receive rain, freezing rain, a bit of snow and strong winds. Temperatures have plummeted. Schools, libraries, etc., all closed today. My snow shoveling guy did not arrive but with all the wind and not that much snow I am not sure it matters unless the city gives me a ticket for not clearing my sidewalks within 24 hours. Since they did not plow the residential areas, I think I am safe.

    Never did get around to cooking today but got a load of laundry today. Otherwise, I just worked on cards. I have a lovely pile of winter cards now. Fronts finished, backs stamped with my Made By stamp. Just ready to stamp with a sentiment or to write a note and maybe add a bit of sparkle. I feel good about having a supply. Now onward to Valentines and some special birthday cards. And to finish up the Chinese New Year’s bits.

    Tomorrow is the next art lesson. I haven’t looked to see what supplies may be needed. If I cannot do the lesson as is without more supplies, I will just have to punt and do my best.

    Patsy, did you finish your taping project? Excellent strategy to eliminate things that might produce falls. And is the rug as you envisioned it? I hope you are inspired to start some new work.

    Sandy, hello to you and I do not have immediate plans to sell items on consignment but I wanted to understand their schedules, where to check for information, their discounting policies, special events etc. in 90 days items are marked down by 80% so anything I might decide to take there I would need to feel it was okay to get nothing for it. It is a huge store and just wandering through it takes quite a bit of time. I am so glad you are enjoying that new laundry. Wahoo!

    Anne, it sounds as if you had a lovely day. Happy Anne and happy Jilly this evening I would imagine. And thank goodness your hair is back to natural you. I hope tomorrow is another happy day.

    Jackie, the builders are making a quick job of your project. I am glad that George is now accustomed to the builders. A busy day for you indeed while I have been home today and plan to stay here again tomorrow.

    My card makers club meets on Saturday and they have issued quite a long list of supplies to bring for this meeting. I will work on that tomorrow as well. I don’t think I have everything on the list but luckily they do share little bits of supplies so all should be well.

    I am going to read for a while now. All best to you. Thanks for sharing your news and activities.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just under the wire tonight. Finally made it to the bank on the Bank Run, bus, again , one having a lift! The driver waited for me while I made a simple deposit and I thought how nice not to have to bother friends with taking me on my chores!
    ANNE, I think your hair looks lovely and indeed does not require chignons to look excellent!
    SANDY, I left a message for MARIE on her Facebook website, I hope I see her answer. Thank you!
    Gotcha, JACKIE! Quakers to Shakers! Yes, history is often stranger than fiction!
    LIN, nice to hear you allow yourself downtime, or rather reading space!
    PATSY, Hi and goodnight! Here it is, almost 1 AM! I am sleepy!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.....................................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A rather misty, murky start but I took a chance driving George to the top moorland and out into sunshine! So an enjoyable walk then into town for a few bits needed before a proper grocery shop tomorrow. A beef stew has just been prepared and popped into my slow cooker so the next move is to tidy before my pedicurist arrives for an appointment. My hair was cut quite short yesterday but then it probably needed it and when the mirror was pointed at the back of my head I saw a shaped style that had me wondering is that me!!

    Patsy ~ My hair is a mix of high and low lights although only the top layer and it seems to last for months. A couple of years ago I let the grey grow through and very quickly hated my badger look as it seemed to make me look so miserable so I'll keep paying out for the colour until my hairdresser is honest enough to say no more, you're too old!! The rug that sits in front of my fireplace walks in minutes of being tidied and hoovered, probably because George does his best to bury stones under it! One day I will come a cropper tripping on it I'm sure although I have told George he won't get fed if I break my neck!!

    Sandy ~ Poor little terrier in his cage, if that is the case. Sometimes I wonder why people have pets if they then feel they need to shut them away. Funny isn't it when we can get excited about getting a cycle of washing completed. LOL Today without the builders sending cement dust everywhere I stripped my bed and put it on while out walking so it's now hanging on the rotary line outside although not sure how much it will dry unless the sun manages to peep through.... it does look as if it might!

    Anne ~ Tottering across the moors is the best way I think so you get to take in the scenery. Scruff and her mum are tending to walk round the local lake in the afternoons at the moment where they meet another friend who is trying to lose weight. If I do join them on walks they stride off on some sort of mission while I play with George as we go and I'm soon left behind so better to say no thanks, we'll walk alone! A familiar face and hair is a comfort to most of us when we reach a certain age and I for one wouldn't feel right with a sudden change. Actress Miriam Margolyes currently has a series on tv where she travels across the States looking for the American Dream and on one stop off she was persuaded to have a make over before attending a gathering of rich folk. She had me in stitches saying to people who would never get it, I'm an old fat, ugly Jew and love the way I look and couldn't wait to get back to her hotel and ruffle her hair!!

    Lin ~ That's such a rewarding hobby you have that must keep you busy and entertained as the snow falls. Just picked up a phone message left while out to say the next round of builders will be here Monday to erect the remainder of the room, all glazed units and doors plus the roof so a new group for George to shout at!

    Time for lunch!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi don' t know why I am on this page? I will,post reply and see what happen.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi Marie!!!! <3
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Glad you are on this page MARIE, hello!!!

    What a morning. The snow banks are still melting so we have rising fog! Then the temperature plummets and we have icy rain and roads. This changes to snow this afternoon. Mike won't be over for grocery shop. He's going to his dentist over a hour drive away. I wish he would cancel as we have an extreme ice warning out. Meanwhile, Mark came over yesterday to try and sort out my hot water which has changed to a trickle because of lime build up we think. Not much success. He will try again and then call a plumber if flooding the system with vinegar doesn't work.

    Ive never dyed or put high lights in my hair. I've been tempted as the grey is coming in but I've been told in the past that the grey bits sparkle in the sun. Maybe because it tends to be fine strands but a thickish fuzz. Wouldn't know, living under it! It also grows so fast it would cost me a fortune to maintain. If it gets unbearable, woollen hats or hood in the winter and a sun hat in the summer solve the problem. I really envy you gals with your highlights though. I bet you all look very pretty, well judging by the photos you DO! I love Buzz's pretty hair!

    Mikes just phoned in on his way to the dentist. I wish he would get one closer to his home. Hopefully he will be back by 1 o'clock when things change.

    Bye, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning. Very cold day! I am staying home again today. Schools are open today but many are on delayed start due to cold and slippery roads. Will just try to do my bit of cooking that I have successfully avoided for days. I have maybe seven cuts on my fingers though so it will not be fun washing my hands over and over. I am running through bandaids at an alarming rate. :D

    Jackie, this construction project is going so well! I think you chose wisely when selecting a firm. So many of my friends do nothing but complain about the firms that they hire to do projects. Excellent. I am a bit sorry to hear that you and George are not walking with Scruff and your friend. Does George miss having another dog when you are walking? I personally would miss chattering at/with someone. You have the best places to walk. I would love to meander with you. I would be a slow one. I am great indoors and on even surfaces, not so good with uneven ground and potential holes, dips, etc.

    Anne, yes, a dentist closer to home would be ideal but there are many considerations. I went to a dentist just because the clinic was a few blocks from home. It was horrendous. I got a recommendation from my friend, whose dad was a retired dentist, and I switched immediately. That dentist was not pleased with the several fillings I had received with the previous clinic. The skill and caring of the person means a lot. But I do have a great aversion to driving in bad weather. I hope he has a safe trip. Meanwhile, I hope you get your hot water going again. Is it everywhere, or just one faucet that is acting up?

    Marie, I hope you come back again soon!!

    Buzz, up late again? So glad you availed yourself of that wonderful bus service. Excellent. And especially glad it worked so well.

    Time for me to zip along.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Of course you are right LIN. Mike goes to a lady dentist in the town he once lived in when married. He likes her and is loth to change to the unknown. Actually he and Mark are so lucky in having no fillings in their fifties! Unlike me with my neglected wartime teeth. Both sons only go for cleaning. You can imagine the rest of us are green with envy.

    I'm just going to take Jill to the mail boxes before the temperature plummets and ice starts forming on the wet roads and paths.

    Oh in answer to your question Lin, all of the hot water is affected but the worst is the bath tap. It's rather funny. I turn the bath tap on and this trickle comes out. So I go and cook my oatmeal, have my breakfast and wander back for my bath. The bath is less than half full at this point, but enough to sit in it with the water still trickling away. Just about right depth when I'm ready to get out. Forget showers! I think Mark is worried the wall cladding will come down if a plumber gets his hands on the lime coated pipes. He hasn't said so but I think he's worried the vinegar melting trick doesn't work. Meanwhile my neighbour Harry is having a great time. My fence is lined with discarded cupboards, doors, skirting boards and even the kitchen sinks. Is he getting ready to sell come spring?

    Off to the mail box with Jill. Is she learning to read as well as understand every word I say? Whatever,....... she wants to GO.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday ! :) Back to being chilly with snow flurries. I am going to sit for boys even though Lisa's mom offered. I haven't seen them all week and miss them. I also have an outfit for Max for his one year pictures on Monday. I hope it fits, it is adorable.
    I went to see Babe's brother yesterday in rehab. He has lost a lot of weight and now looks just like Babe. He is doing okay but said he never had such pain as he did. He had sepsis and it settled in his knee and heel but it is getting better now. They still aren't sure about the cause and if it was indeed from the dog but said the chances of that happening again are slim to non. I won't give up my kisses from Daisy, I love them too much.

    Anne, sorry about the corroded pipes, I do hope the vinegar works. You are not bathing in rusty water are you? I'm with Mike, my dentist is not near me but I won't change even if he is more expensive. I have such a fear of dentists and he is the only one I trust.

    Lin, ouch, seven cuts sounds painful be careful not to infect them.

    Marie, if you got here by accident we are glad, it was nice hearing from you. Have Alice put us on your favorites so you don't lose us.

    Jackie, I think a crate works for some people, the dogs actually feel secure in them and sleep in them even when the owners are home, with the door open of course. I just felt that if the terrier was in a crate and so upset I was hoping he didn't hurt himself. All is quiet today so I hope all is okay.

    Buzz, I hope Marie sees your message although messenger can be confusing for some.

    Patsy, any way you can post a picture of your new rug?

    Have a good day, can Spring be far away?

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well ladies, John and I had one of those nights where we just kept getting up for one little thing after another. That said, we both are a bit sluggish today. I watered my plants and the amaryllis is still green and growing. It is rather spindly, I may ditch this whole project if I don’t see any improvement soon. I could force some tulips or crocus.

    Just an interesting side note about crates for dog training. Maybe some people do right but Katie simply came unhinged when tried to use one. We donated it to our vet. He uses it for new born puppies. Our vet laughed and said we are devoted dog owners who treat our pets like people. Huh? I am sure dogs are people in dog suits. Seriously!

    Will try to get a photo of the dungeon rug. Fun colors and design. I am sure the interior design experts would cringe at this wild and crazy rug. The dungeon is a special place. It has great music, great smelling paint and paper. A coffee mug that always has old cold coffee in the bottom. A cookie jar with dog treats and a candy dish with peppermint drops for me, apple slices in a plastic bag, a computer on the old ugly desk, paint brushes etc.on my painting table, Katie has her lounging dog cushion under the painting table. I could live in there. There is a ballet bar for me to hang on to as I exercise. So you see, it isn’t a very classy place, just wonderful in a disgusting way.

    We are trying out some new burger-like things. They are made primarily of mushrooms, bell peppers and onions and carrots. I will make baked sweet potato fries. It is a Friday night special. Burgers and fries and a scary movie that John will pick out. It will doubtless be a thriller with lots of car chases and explosions. NOT my favorite.

    Have it great week end! I will be counting on you to have some fun!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I think the pipes are just lime encrusted. Not rusty. This area has trouble with lime build up and it is an old house SANDY. Dog crates. Jilly was bought one but I couldn't bear to put her in it after we first got this tiny pup who'd just left her mom and brothers. Into the garage it went and it's still there. We didn't use them in the past and that's how I treat Jill. Exactly as my Dad treated his dogs, they are our family.

    Mike phoned to say he was home and very glad to be so at 12:30 because the rain was freezing on his condo windows. When I manage to get out I must buy the poor birds some seed.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Anne, glad Mike got home safely. I get loads of lime/calcium gunk in my pipes. That is what provoked replacement of the last bit of pipe to my shower head not that long ago. The water conditioner people say with their system, in time, the gunk will clear out on its own. Did not work for me. Neither did any treatment I purchased. But it hasn’t been throughout the house, just the upstairs shower and of course I am on my third water heater. So I hope he finds something that works!

    Patsy, looking forward to a rug picture (if possible). The items in your dungeon sound delightful to me. And your dinner sounds yummy. The movie, well, I don’t know. :)

    Sandy, I hope you had a great time with the boys. Time for me to venture out for the mail. It just will not bring itself in.

    I am still working on the Chinese New Year decorations but here are samples, die cut dogs, die cut dragons, red and yellow tiny lanterns, tags with 2018 year of the dog logo, and a card with heat embossed little gold images and a good luck coin. I haven’t decided if I should just let folks do their own coloring on the little card or if I should fill in a bit of color. Time dictates probably no.


    I have not watched my video lesson for the week. I am intimidated. It is intuitive painting and the materials have me overwhelmed. Heavy body acrylics, fluid acrylics, acrylic ink, more Bombay ink, some type of odd spray paints, etc., etc. I am not sure how to substitute. Well, I have the three part lesson downloaded and can come back to it at some point.

    Hugs from another cold spot on this Earth.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2018
    From Facebook

    Hi Marie, the ladies from MFP want to say hi! Buzz sends her love. We miss you and love you.

    Eula Marie Ward
    Sandy I am doing great. Got me a new Doctor and she has already got me off o Fast acting insulin. Still on Lantus nite time med.

    I am following the Eat to live plan plenty of veggies, fruit nuts and so forth The same plan Lin is on. my eye sight is really terrible/ can't TYPE or read good. therefore not posting much. I do get on Facebook to check out my kids and see who post here
    Thank all a lot and do missed the ole time Sneakers. 10 years ago. ever since MFP took my days away I lost interest . it just isn't the same.. how is Babe doing? Jerry is not the same anymore. I still love him and would not ever put him away somewhere. He is still driving but to a very few places he can remember how to get there I still go to Walmart once a week and Alice still comes out to help me. Kathy finally got release from the Doctor and back at work at UPS after 8 month off. She could not drive so did not see much of her. love you Sandy Durante Litvin Formella

    Sandy Durante Litvin Formella Love you too Marie!! Thanks for responding I will let the MFP ladies know you are doing well.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hiya, li'l Sis! So nice to see you here even for a short visit! We all miss you so much and we certainly do worry when you disappear from us, dear. You and Jerry are doing a great job of taking care of one another, and I'm happy to hear you are on a healthy diet. Keep up the good work and please stay in touch , and as SANDY says, don't stay away altogether.
    My eyes certainly aren't what the were and I deal with blurry vision; I think it's called dry eyesl
    Since it's difficult to see, I stay online a much shorter period! I must get to bed now, but was so excited to see our MARIE again! Hi, everyone . I'll be back tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.....................................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not a pleasant day outside now we are back to cold rain and a threat of winter returning in the next few days. I drove to the local Aldi store when it was still dark for a few necessaries like fresh fruit and veggies then set out with George on the lowest section of moorland. Luckily his coat was in the boot of the car so I wrapped him up and off we went in our respective waterproofs.... just as well as the rain was driving across the moors. George returned full of adrenaline so chased his Christmas hedgehog around the cottage while I prepared his meal.

    Lin ~ it's just a different sort of walk when we go alone but George really doesn't mind because we get to play games without him having Scruff bark in his ear to stop him running or steal his stones! My friend and I chat all the way around our selected route about anything and everything while the dogs do their own thing but alone I can go to other places where the sheep and cattle roam because George isn't interested in chasing them whereas Scruff can't help herself which isn't good even though she wouldn't hurt them. To be honest I think my friend is too soft on her but not for me to say! I love what you've been making for the Chinese new year and think the idea of receiving a card to be coloured a great idea.

    Sandy ~ Probably a one off for the little puppy in its crate and I know some people swear by them. George was so traumatized by wherever his previous owners shut him at night it didn't cross my mind to do anything other than give him free access to everywhere!!

    Last night I finally found time to watch A Dog's Purpose dvd and laughed and cried my way through but then I'm too soft when it comes to animals! It's a lovely story but the book is probably a better option so I may well look out for a copy.

    The building company was a more expensive option but because so far I've not hit any problems and they always keep me informed of every step without me having to get involved, it's worth it. In the past I've had some awful experiences with local firms and individual builders and decided I'm grumpy enough without inflicting them on myself again! Mick who dug out the foundations and built the low wall last week was sub-contracted by the main firm and has left his phone number if I need any other jobs done so that's a bonus.

    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good morning. Packing up for the morning of card making. I did take some time last night to read about all the materials that had me anxious and I watched the video. I feel much better about it all now. I will take what I can from it and move along. :)

    Sandy, thanks for sharing your correspondence with Marie. I appreciate the update. The posts I see on Facebook are very brief so this is a lot of news.

    Buzz, so dry eyes can produce fuzzy vision? Did not know that. Take care and keep in touch.

    Jackie, I assumed you and George have a great time out on your own but sometimes when you don’t have a choice as someone’s schedule or routine has changed, I at least, can be wistful for the times that were lots of fun. I have not watched that DVD, I was afraid I would blubber my way through it. I do not care for movies that produce a good cry. My little paper bits and bobs are just party favors for people to take home with the exception of the little lanterns. Those darn things took more hours than I care to remember. Those are coming back home with me because I am selfish.

    Well, must finish my coffee, hope the garage door opens, and drive off to play with paper and chat with ladies I only see once a month. I hear we are messing with texture paste today. Yep, I have wet wipes and paper towels packed.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Going to 5:00 Mass and then to see Babe and Daisy. Will have pizza even though I am trying to watch my carbs again but at least Babe eats something. We are back to freezing weather again which I really hate. I think I will start looking at airfare to go visit my daughter in Florida but probably not until April or May when know it is hot there.

    Lin, good luck with your painting and crafts today, anything you make is beautiful.

    Jackie, I enjoyed walking Daisy by myself when I lived in the house. I used to take her to the forest preserve where we both got our exercise. Maybe I will do that again when the weather is warmer, I am not as brave as you.

    Buzz, maybe you have the beginning stages of macular degeneration which I have and can cause some blurriness occasionally. Mine has stayed the same for years because of the eye vitamins I take. I also go to my eye doctor every six months.

    Patsy, hope all is well in Portland.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, Grumpy?, Who's that? I cannot ever imagine you being categorizes as grumpy! :o ! You certainly have trained George well if he doesn't chase those animals! And yes, you chose prudently and well with your contractors! I hear horror stories everyday about mistakes .
    ANNE, did I mention how lovely your picture is? Love your hair!
    PATSY, we have those Mushroom burgers every few weeks here, on a Saturday night. They then seem to always add thin sweet potato fries, which negate to whole healthy aspect of the Boca Burgers! A group of us are talking about growing a couple of tomato plants. If we have extras, we'll donate them to the kitchen. Store bought tomatoes are so tasteless now a days! I guess they are picked green in order to travel well.
    My hands are so itchy I'll get to bed and wear gloves so I can put some kind of jell on them. Neuropathy seems as common today amongst my age group as arthritis! Still, I prefer the green side of the grass, thank you! o:)
    <3 Buzz
    ...................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.....................................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, i/2 my post disappeared! I wanted to reassure you that I see my ophthalmologist next week for my semi annual visit, when he will put plugs in my tear ducts, which moisten the eyes for about 5 months ! My eyes seem to be the most healthy part of me! Thanks for mentioning it...I also wondered if Daisy get very excited when you visit. I don't understand why my posts get cut that way!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's relatively mild today so having hung a small amount of washing on the line I'm going to put my wellies on and do some garden tidying and of course, muck out the hens. Oh yes, also put a container of sugar candy under the bees' roof as extra stores because it's going to get cold again in the next day or so. George and I walked alone again this morning so we spent our time on the 2 mile trek playing stones and yes, looking at the scenery.

    Sandy ~ Your winters are far colder than mine and with a lot more snow and ice generally so if I lived in your town I wouldn't be going far! I remember photos you posted walking Daisy in the woods so once it becomes more mild I'll nag you to get out with her! LOL

    Lin ~ When I first walked George my agility was awful but over time I've gained confidence in stepping higher and further than I used to dare, not to say I don't sometimes find myself in a pickle trying to find a way out of a trench I've wandered into!! At least there are few people around to see my embarrassment. :* DON'T watch the dog movie because like me you will blubber even though certain situations are handled in a gentle way. It only takes a hint of what's to come and I'm gone!!

    Buzz ~ Grumpy? Well I have my moments but mostly see a hint of my father's genes and decide I don't want to go in that direction and shake myself out of it. He had his reasons but goodness, he was difficult. Yes, do grow your own tomatoes and relive that wonderful flavour. Now is the right time to take a cherry tomato served up in a meal, cut in half and squidge the seeds on to a wet paper towel in a saucer and see what develops. Otherwise a plant pot of damp compost in a warm area should work wonders.

    The sun is shining so I'm off!!