Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Quote for today. "I am a very stable genius". (AND modest). - Mr. T.
    Well. Me too. Note post about quantum physics! Lol.
    Right now minus 22. This cold snap is addling my brain, which wasn't exactly un-addled at the best of times.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2018
    A cold start to the day but lovely sunshine so George and I trekked across the moors crunching the icy puddles. A quick lunch before I then drove to a town a few miles away to buy a birthday present and card for my nice neighbour because I suddenly realised it's tomorrow! On the way home I guffawed as a few more tweets were read out on the news and that old saying came to mind.... the man doth protest too much!! Anyway proof if needed that "being like really smart" doesn't always get you thinking straight!

    Anne ~ Can't remember if it was my 24th or 25th birthday living in Toronto that I experienced the sort of bitter cold you are dealing with at the moment. When it's that freezing it's impossible to hang around in as your face freezes! It was great to read you have stocked up on food so Mother Nature can do her worst now! I can't imagine sleeping out in such cold temperatures and do vaguely remember the armoury when on hot summer days I'd walk home from work and pass it. Have you spotted the news story about the councillor in Windsor who has asked police to move on any homeless people because they will make the area look "untidy" when visitors arrive for the royal wedding. He's now dealing with quite a backlash and I imagine even Harry will have something to whisper in his ear!!

    Sandy ~ The night vision glasses I bought weren't the cheapest once I read a few reviews saying some broke easily and questioning if they really were polaroid but these had good reviews and once I was used to the yellow vision think them wonderful. They cost £19.99 which I'm not sure these days, could be around $25

    Patsy ~ You know what someone once said.... whatever floats your boat and if quantum anything is it go for it. Whenever Stephen Hawkins talks of his black hole I do my best to understand the whole concept but soon realise there are geniuses and then there are tiny specks of dust in the universe and one of those is me!! The current expansion of robot intelligence does fascinate me although how it was ever conceived seems a miracle but then I don't really understand how I can type on this laptop and in no time you can read it. All done with mirrors obviously. ;)

    Buzz ~ You have my curiosity aroused about the Crown series although according to critics in the UK, there's a lot of fiction! I might just have to order a box set just to see for myself. Meanwhile my Doggy movie has arrived so something worthwhile to watch this evening.

    Lin ~ Are your doors frozen up again? In a way it would be a good excuse not to go out right now but rather stay where it's warm and safe. I did think of you when I saw news footage this morning of the mounds of snow and ice...... brrr!!

    Time for me to guide George round the side of my property and through the garden gate without him diving off to chase my neighbours' chickens that they've allowed out to dig about. Last night he disappeared for too long in the dark and had me worried but my calling brought him back in the end. Hello to anyone I missed.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Today is Max's 1st Birthday, where does the time go? I brought him a peek a boo elephant a day early since I won't be seeing him today. His party is on the 27th where he will get more gifts. He is just so cute but of course I am a little prejudice. lol


    I am hoping to take down my Christmas decorations today before church. I will stop by to see Babe and Daisy after mass and make a frozen pizza which seems to be our new routine when I visit. At least I know he is eating something even though I eat half the pizza.

    Jackie, I think mine were about $16 and they fit over my regular driving glasses. I am getting used to them now and think they help a lot. Do you have Netflix to watch The Crown? I think it is pretty accurate but of course they always add their own spin on things. Let me know how you liked It's a Dog Purpose.

    Buzz, I won't be ordering that book either, enough said.

    Patsy, I do hope Katie is on the mend, has she been spayed?

    Anne, minus 22? I thought we were cold at 7 degrees, keep warm and indoors that sounds like too dangerous of weather to even stick your head out the door.

    Have a great day and stay warm everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Quantum physics, microscopic world? Add me to the tiny specks floating around!

    Yes I saw the councillor in Windsor, UK who was trying to ban the homeless from the streets during the royal wedding. Not much compassion there but then who's to say the homeless here wouldn't have been shut away for the day in the armoury if Megan had decided to marry from her flat in Toronto. It took quite a bit of arguing in the Toronto council before the armoury was opened up. I just can't imagine sleeping on the pavement wrapped in a donated sleeping bag in these temperatures!

    It starts warming up tomorrow, but today at minus 18 and noon, I'm just about to totter down the drive for my dustbins. Spare a thought for the poor dustmen, firefighters, policemen, and ALL who work outside, AND for the fox trotting home, the squirrels, my bunny and the poor birds. All creatures great and small.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    You know we are getting about 2 more minutes of sun a day now! Celebrate the light! Seriously! I was thinking about the quantum theories and that is fascinating for me. One of our writers in the group is a sci-fi writer. He is a science teacher in a small college. I love the Irish poet. He always reverts to type. He is pessimistic and always writes about death. But with a sort of wink and whimsy. I know that sounds odd. I am the children's writer in the group. They are very supportive and all have grandchildren or children of their own. They test drive my stories.

    Our day is wet and with moments of weak sun. Not too bad but still cold. I see a bit of blue. Yea, I have news. I was just about to ditch the amaryllis bulb and make room to force some tulips etc. I have a green spear shooting up from the amaryllis. Just goes to show...never give up! I have been watering and talking to this ugly brown bulb for weeks.

    Katie is now on antibiotics, she requires chicken and brown rice as a diet. She can't have her regular treats. Only meat treats. She gets a slurp of yoghurt for the probiotics, and cranberry pills for the bladder benefits. She was not drinking enough water. She developed crystals in her bladder. Poor baby. But she seems to be improving. I guess the important thing is for dogs to maintain an acidic urine. More than you wanted to know, I am sure. YouTube vet advice and our own vet...ditch carbs. Katie is upset about this news.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2018
    Katie's now on Jilly's diet. Lots of protein. After all, in the wild they would make short work of a chicken. Sorry JACKIE, but....they are dogs!
    How did you know PATSY? Was she crying when she peed?
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh it was so scary, we knew it was something that needed addressing immediately. She had BLOOD spots In her pee. She was going in inappropriate places and with a sort of urgency. She was lethargic and not herself. Our dogs are our family so you know their personalities. You would know immediately if Jilly was feeling sick. I am certain you would be doing something about it. Katie is lying my feet and on my new heated throw. It is her nap time. She appears to be back on track. Still have to urge her to drink water. Mix chicken broth in her water to tempt her. Aaaargh!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Glad she's on the mend. Scary. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Patsy ~ You could try mixing her probiotic yogurt in a bowl of warm water which she might lap up and so get more fluids in her. When I first adopted George he had terrible diarrhoea which would then dehydrate him but luckily he loved his daily slurp of this mixture and in a short while his tummy settled and urine lost its terrible orange colour. Just a thought.

    Anne ~ George has lots of chicken mixed in with his lamb, rice and carrots, just not MY chickens!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I know JACKIE. I try not to think of the chicks and the lambs when my little carnivore is leaping up and down excitedly when I'm chopping things up. That was good advice you gave PATSY, ie yogurt and water! Must remember....just in case!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening, did I mention I was going to spend the day at the library with the Papercrafting ladies? Well, I did! I did not get enough accomplished. Everything takes longer than anticipated. I was trying a new tiny die to cut out small intricate dogs for Year of the Dog. Oh my, dozens of small bits cling in the die after the paper is cut. Each has to be poked out separately before the die can be used again. And the actual cut piece of paper also hangs on and other bits have to be poked or cut out of it. Took forever to get just 10 dogs cut. My stack of dragons is now up to 50. I also did a bit of work on the tiny lanterns. I need a couple of additional full days to finish the dragons and maybe another 10 or 15 dogs. I am guessing a dozen lanterns would take at minimum 3 more days. I have some winter cards to finish, some birthday cards and then Valentines. I am not sure I can get to all of this. Your friend is slow.

    I will not be getting in any other trouble. Haaaaaaa

    It was not as cold here today and we had sunshine. Tomorrow, I don’t know but someone said today some kind of little storm might blow through here making roads slippery.

    Have you patted yourselves on the back lately? You should. You are all good and caring friends who help each other. Recommendations, hints, help, and much concern. <3<3

    I hope everyone has a safe Saturday evening and Sunday.

    Anne, are you staying warm? Is Florence doing her job? Oh, I had a relative of Freddie the Fly staying here for a few days but he disappeared from the kitchen window. I must have been too boring for even a fly.

    Jackie, I assume your chickens and the bees are well removed from the building project? Or would the bees be bothered at all since this co struction is during cold weather?

    Sandy, I hope you had a good with with Daisy and Babe. Nice photo of the birthday boy.

    Patsy, I hope Katie is feeling better? Could she have so much fun playing and running around that she forgets to stop to drink water?

    Buzz, I am successfully avoiding all things political this weekend. That is a difficult task but I find myself a happier person when I succeed at being too distracted by learning or doing something interesting. I watched my first online lesson and learned a bit about Dr. Martin and several other inks. I am fired up to try to get to some time for using an ink dipping pen. And I have a fountain pen again. Right now I only have one bottle of ink but am hoping to draw a bit so that is fine. The instructor advocated pen drawing and coloring with water color if you did not have many supplies. I did the assignment for the week but really would like lots more time to play.

    Other news, mixed. A friend and her husband just left for Hawaii for an anniversary trip. That was lovely. Then the troubling news, a friend’s ex-husband (who she is very close to) was taken to the hospital by ambulance last evening. He has blocked stents and has been waiting for surgery in Rochester but apparently it was not considered critical. I understand now it is and she expected they would be heading to Minnesota very soon. I don’t know if they will allow her to drive him now or if he will be transferred by ambulance. Anyway, I realized he needed surgery but was distressed to hear he had not received priority and his condition has deteriorated. Sad.

    Another friend who is scheduled to have shoulder replacement surgery on the 16th failed her physical on Friday and must see a cardiologist on Monday. She doesn’t know what is up now but she is facing a long road this year. Shoulder replacement surgery bladder removal and an ankle replacement are on the schedule for the year. She seems to be taking it all in stride. Some people just have a lot of resilience.

    Well, I am going to read my book, watch Godzilla and maybe color for a while. I feel I am steeped in paper dust.

    Tomorrow is church day.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm feeling so out of it tonight and thinking I may have mistakenly taken my leg pill twice in error. I'm thoroughly confused by quantum anythings, bitcoin ascendancy, satellite science, etc, that I am delighted to view SANDY's gorgeous progeny and wish little MAX a great 1st birthday! My, time does fly! And I am so thankful for whatever the magic is that makes it possible for us all to have met, grown together, and converse instantaneously as we can do, all once predicted by my very first World's Fair back in the 1930s! I must now lie down. Oh, has anyone heard from MARIE? perhaps on Facebook? I don't do Facebook, and I know many of you do, and I'm concerned about her condition. I'm too groggy to do individual comments tonight, but as usual, your posts are a highlight of my evening! Thank you all !
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...............................................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2018
    It's still minus 17, but will warm up to minus 6 after lunch, can't wait! Even if it does mean snow this afternoon and overnight. The sunrise this morning was absolutely gorgeous, but, red sky in the morning, shepherds warning.

    Whether the weather is cold,
    Whether the weather is hot,
    Whatever the weather we're in it together,
    Whether we like it or not.

    I've decided to do Mondays laundry today. One never knows if the power will go in a snowstorm. It's hard to believe it's 14 days since Christmas morning! Most people here are ignoring 12th night and everything is still cheerfully lit up. Not me. Old Scrooge here had everything down in time to let the new year in.
    Hope all Sneakers and the Sneakers pets are feeling well today. Jilly is recovering after eating a few stolen potato chips (crisps) last night. Gave her the trots. I was so absorbed in the Guernsey book I didn't notice what she was up to. Plus she may have eaten some stuffing out of Ducks beak. Hope not! I tell you, it's like having a two year old in the house. No more crisps because they didn't do me any good either. Too salty.
    PS. Just read on BBC news that it's plus 117F in my cousins town in Australia. Poor Helen and Sao her cat! People dying of heat, people succumbing to cold. Of course its all normal to the genius with the big red button, sigh.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I managed to get all my Christmas decorations down yesterday, now I am waiting for Bryanna to carry them down to the garage. It is too cold to remove the balcony decorations but I did pull the plug so they won't turn on. After my video call with my kids I might call my friend who thinks I abandoned her and meet her for a drink. It depends if she is available and also on the weather. I am sitting for Max tomorrow for a couple of hours while Lisa takes Robby to the indoor pool. He went for a swim lesson yesterday and wanted no part of it, so she is trying to get him used to being in the pool.

    Anne, I wish I could do laundry but will have to wait until Wednesday when the new washer and dryer are installed. I hope both you and Jilly are feeling ok with your tummies.

    Buzz, I hope you are back to normal and not feeling so fuzzy. Be careful with those pills.

    Lin, your lucky friends who went to Hawaii, I love it there even though it has been over 40 years since I have been there. Terrible about your other friends, that could be a costly mistake.

    Time is getting away from me so hello to those I missed, I have to jump in shower and restart my computer for the video call.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good afternoon. I am giddy and filled with joy. The temperature is 39 degrees F and we have a bit of sun. I have banged on the downspout and cleared out all the icicles that were plugging it and removed the ice from the furnace exhaust again. And finally cleared out all the ice at the bottom of my overhead garage door. It may come back but it is soooo good to have cleared away the accumulation.

    Sorry for being so happy when other Sneakers are suffering. I hope and pray everyone will stay safe in extreme conditions.

    Sandy, good progress on the decorations! You are doing much better than most people I know.

    Anne, sorry the crisps made both you and Jilly queasy. I hope she didn’t eat any stuffing from the toy. My dogs were huge but always got ill if they ingested that fill from the dog toys.

    Buzz, hope you are feeling better today. Some days we just don’t feel as great as other days but if you doubled your meds, I hope you are okay today. Kind of scary.

    I am going to finish nibbling now and try to cut 10 dragons this afternoon. Then a bit of reading and then we will see. My cable TV provider lost all of the Public Television channels yesterday and they weren’t back on this morning. I was getting ready to place a call and I tried once more and they were on again. So I missed the later evening programming. Wonder what I missed?

    Onward. Hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sundays here are brunch or dinner at noon (I usually prefer brunch foods though always love their soup and salad along with brunch entrees. Afterwards I attended the movie they showed, "The Battle of the Sexes". I really enjoyed watching Billie Jean King beat that insufferable Bobby Riggs! Are there still men as chauvinistic as he was? we have come a very long way! I have so much to catch up on, and Windows wants to do another update shortly as there have been some bad security breaches again so I better finish what I need to do now! Hugs to everyone,
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...............................................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone. I just did an update on my iPad and I just hate the “improvements.” It will make everything harder and slower. What were they thinking?

    I noted that the golden globes was on TV but I really needed to,do a few other things. John is planning a big Costco run tomorrow. Not sure what I will do. I need to Brush Katie and I want to finish packing up the Christmas decor. My new rug will be here this week sometime. So I need to scrape out the dungeon. You notice I keep saying...I need to do....not I am doing or will do. Comittment is a dangerous thing.

    We have rain, rain, rain. There are people who cannot tolerate all the rain. I can’t tolerate a great amount of extreme cold. I think I can see the extra 2 minutes of light. It was quick but I think I saw it! I do remember all the extreme cold and snow in Colorado and Wyoming. We also lived in Anchorage, AK for 6 Years. Brrrrrrr! I even wore a fur hat. I donated that when we left Anchorage. I never felt good in it. Those were adventurous years.

    The new year begins in earnest now. Getting ready for taxes, trying to ditch the pounds gained during the holidays. Looking at my New Years resolutions printed up and tacked to my bulletin board. So far...things are not happening.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The builders are on a roll as a huge soak-away hole appears in my garden with the loss of only one rather old and tired Azalea and now the cottage trembles as a hammer drill breaks up the old conservatory floor that will then be tipped into said hole! The kettle will be put on in the next 10 minutes for the first cuppa of the day!

    Sandy ~ No, Netflix isn't for me since I barely have time to watch any of the 70+ channels available to me now! LOL Two BBC channels, one independent and a 4th that broadcasts more arty and off the wall programmes are my main viewing habits, the rest seem to be either full of old repeats, some going back to the 70's, or doing their best to sell me so-called bargains. Max certainly is a happy chappie isn't he. This morning I wore my night vision specs as I drove back from our moors walk in low but bright cloud and marveled at the difference they make. I notice too that the more expensive cars have polaroid windscreens that look yellow but not the cheaper makes..... ha, their secret is out!! My decorations were taken down on January 2nd mostly because my cottage was filling up with so much from the conservatory I couldn't stand the extras anymore!

    Buzz ~ This is probably teaching gran to suck eggs again, or even swallow pills but have you thought of getting a pill dispenser so you know for sure you've taken the right amount? If I had to swallow more than the one a day I take I'd need one for sure and sometimes I even forget that one!

    Lin ~ Our cold weather is keeping the bees indoors in a tight, warm cuddle but certainly if they were close by in warmer temperatures they would probably be pinging the builders to warn them to stop or else! The postman has just left a parcel of sugar candy for me to feed them if it does warm up (the bees, not the builders!) which is something I normally made myself but this was an offer I thought was good and one less job for me other than place it inside their roof when needed. The hens are a good 80 meters or more away so not disturbed by all the noise and that leaves me, George and the cats although in a funny sort of way I'll miss them when they're gone!

    Anne ~ Yesterday we had the most awful easterly wind blowing across from Siberia but even that only brought our wind factor down to about minus five so nothing like the temperatures you've suffered. Hopefully the worst is over for you now.

    Patsy ~ Sometimes it takes something new arriving that motivates me to have a blitz so I'm sure your dungeon will get the necessary too! How exciting, a new carpet and splashy colours too.... inspiration if needed to get the paints out.

    Tea has been dispensed so now it's my turn to move a few things in the cottage around and drag the vacuum cleaner out. Oh yes, and the chair re-upholstering that was to be done while the building went on is a job staring at me but finding room to do it is a problem right now!

    Happy Monday
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It's amazing how jobs you least expect suddenly loom into view. I don't know if it's from the installation of young Florence the Furnace, but I made The "mistake" of peering inside the outlet vent for cool air. I couldn't believe my eyes! I'm forever vacuuming, dusting, mopping etc but under the grid was enough dust, and Jilly hair, and grit to grow spuds in! It has to be the new installing because I've never seen this before, well not to this extent, so that's my job for the day, crawling around peering into the heating vents. I've changed the furnace filter and it wasn't too bad at all!

    Of course I should be outside clearing the snow that's gently falling. However, blessed be the day, the extreme cold is GONE and this afternoon it should be, wait for it PLUS 2 with rain!! It's actually minus 1 right now and I feel like jumping in the lake for a swim for pure JOY. Hallelujah! Yes there really WILL be a spring, Annie my girl.

    I can't stand the TV either. If it's not ancient repeats of what I viewed in England forty years ago it's recent repeats. PBS actually put all of Downton Abbey on again over Christmas, and now we are back with Victoria. If I wasn't so nosy I'd dump the lot and concentrate on growing spuds in the vents instead. At least we wouldn't starve the next time the overnight temperature hits minus 40 with the wind chill.

    Enough! The warmer temperatures are making me my old benevolent self again, lol. I wonder what all our poor migrants from warmer climes think to our Canadian winter? Probably what I thought 40 years ago, lol.
    Bye everyone, must get my head stuck down the remaining vents!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I am back from sitting for Max while Robby and mommy went swimming.
    Max is easy peasy, he played for a little bit then fell asleep for a hour and 20 minutes. His mom came home shortly after so no problems.

    It is a heat wave here today with temps in the 40's. I was able to take my balcony decorations down without freezing so I am happy. We might hit 50 degrees on Thursday but then cold again. The sun feels so good today, makes everyone happy.

    I have to dispute a charge from China with my credit card company. First it didn't arrive in time for Christmas as promised, second it was a knockoff and both monkeys were broken within 5 minutes of opening. The lady wants me to send them back but I checked the postage and it would be $25. I paid $35 for both toys so it isn't worth sending them back so I am hoping my credit card will agree with me.

    Have some catching up to do on the computer, so will be back tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time