Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    2018 resolution(s) ~ enjoy friends, enjoy pets, enjoy life.... never mind what gets thrown in my direction!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Like Lin we are in a deep freeze, another day to just stay indoors. I am feeling much better and have the laundry going. I want to get rid of the germs from my bedding. lol Bryanna went to the store for me yesterday and got some needed groceries and Dyquil and Nyquil which seems to have done the trick. I do not make resolutions but will follow Jackie's since it makes sense.

    Jackie, I watched a Netflix movie called First They Killed My Father: Loung Ung is 7 years old when the Khmer Rouge assumes power over Cambodia in 1975 and it broke my heart. George will be happy when the room is finished and he can sit and look outside with his mommy.

    Anne, I am sure we all ate and drank too much over the holidays. I completely gave up on no carbs but now I am going to go back to sensible eating. And will push myself to ride my bike since it has been ages since I have ridden.

    Jeri, yes our MFP family is an important part of my life. I am sorry your cold in lingering, have you tried NyQuil and/or NyQuil? It finally got rid of my sinus headache and I am grateful. I admire you for getting in 10k steps a day, I have a hard time getting 5k.I

    Lin, I hope your garage and car cooperated if you did decide to go to Mah Jongg. Me, I want no part of going out in that cold weather. I love the Jack Reacher movies but haven't read any of the books.

    Buzz, I am so jealous of your lobster, although I only like the tail, not the whole lobster. Is Dunkirk worth renting? I am not good with blood and guts so maybe not?

    Patsy, I hope all is well with you.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    The year begins! I had a rather restless night but a nap and I will be cranking along maybe less productive than I'd like "I'm on it!" I am almost afraid to jump on the scale. I have avoided it during Christmas week. Now I must pay the piper, as they say.

    Katie has a UTI. That means antibiotics and pill pockets. I have no idea why these little treat things are so expensive. I am now also giving her cranberry pills. It is funny that certain dogs have little tendencies just like us people. Her problem is she doesn't drink enough water. She also noses around in all things disgusting. Aaaaaagh! Love this crazy blond pup. She is a handful.

    I have started a rather long resolution list. These are also "to do" list items. I want to stay on the side of being still under construction. I have as one of my most important resolutions to always be involved in something larger than myself. That one is easy considering the children's story reading and writing. I love Lin's card making activities. I can't even get an ecard working on this iPad.

    Buzz is an inspiration with her political activities. Learning and contact with your legislators is essential these days. It makes you feel like your voice is heard.

    Sandy, you are a wonder. I could sit for a child maybe an hour, thenthings could go downhill fast. I don't have the energy to sit for a kids. I don't have any grandkids any more, but I sure wish I did.

    Anne: sounds like little Jilly is very healthy and doesn't develop these strange maladies like Katie. Wouldn't you know, she is a dizzy blond with crazy ideas.

    Jackie: your George acts just like our son's. Same breed and his little girls are prone to non-stop barking if something unusual is happening. They also go into a trance at time. I guess it is in the DNA of the breed.

    Jeri: how lucky your big family is all nearby. They seem to get along and they all love you. I hope you will have a minute to do your photography. You have the EYE for photography. Not everyone can compose those amazing shots.

    Glad you all are out there. It would be lonely without you.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah well, I never did get downstairs last night, because I felt so sleepy so early! Maybe next time. SANDY, I hate blood and guts, and worse than that, I could barely breathe through most of Dunkirk. I really just couldn't move and think it was a very difficult movie watching a beach full of 300,000men waiting and hoping to get out of the dreadful position they were in and totally exposed to the Nazi air force at all times! So watch The Crown instead! I'm enjoying it so much! So glad you are feeling better! And you were right about Glitter Graphics! Thanks for reminding me. I lost my list of bookmarks when I reset Windows! And yes, the lobsters were 2 4 oz tails cooked to perfection!
    JACKIE, not another storm! Are you being tested, or something? I hope you will send us pictures of your conservatory once it is finished. It sounds just perfect for relaxing with George and the rest of your group!
    JERI, as if we couldn't guess where your heart lies! I just truly wish you a really really HEALTHY 2018 so you can thoroughly enjoy your close and extended family!
    ANNE, I figured you would not really relax after the holidays. So if you must , clean the fridge and the oven and---do you do windows??? I'm glad to hear you read, or I would be worried for you! How did the Bean come through the holidays? I'm sure your son is grateful for the leftovers! Someone asked about resolutions and I recall your mentioning the waistline. How nice that you have one! I've not found mine in years! So I think I resolve to look for it this year, for both my weight and lungs! I cancelled the weekend trip which would have included dinner/theater to watch Chicago because the thought of the dinner was too distressing!
    PATSY, do send pictures of the carpet! Sounds terrific! Years ago, we made a huge "coffee " table from a large board and a few cans of paint, some brushes, combs and I forget what else, and the finished product we called our "Pollson *kitten*" table! It was such fun! Just snapping paint across the huge board and watching a "painting" form!
    As far as Katie, I guess she does have poodle fur, needing grooming monthly. Which breed does her disposition resemble more? I always loved eating and sucking out the entire lobster, but I was perfectly content with the 2 tails!
    I hope you will keep us informed of your planned books, paintings, and other exciting goals. ...and most of all, we all wish for your daughter's improving health!
    LIN, who else would consider, poking out in your kind of weather? Tell me about the books you so enjoy, please. Who is Jack Reacher and what has he written? Or what type of books does he write? Somehow, the name rings a bell, but I don't recall it! As for New Year's resolutions, you seem to have figured out beautifully how to keep your desires in check, and you manage self-control so well! I hope some of it rubs off on me. Wishing you a craft-filled productive year!
    MARIE, just let us know how you are doing, dear! Wishing you and Jerry a healthy, happy 2018, and pop in!
    I, too, am afraid to turn back to the last page, so I hope I haven't been remiss, because would hate to have left anyone out! To all of our friends who use other forums and websites, we all wish you a wonderful New Year. Stop by every so often, just so we know you think of us, too!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.............................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello friends, the garage door opened and off I went to play Mah Jongg this morning. The temperature was on the rise and tada, we are in positive territory now! We had not gotten together for several weeks due to holidays and special events so there was lots of talking today. When we packed up after I decided to do a once around the mall combined with some shopping so was quite late in getting home. I mostly walked but will admit to looking over the sale items in the Land’s End nook of the Sear’s store. Many things were 60% off this week. And bad me, I stopped for a lottery ticket on the way home. I know, just throwing my money away. But it gives me a tiny smile.

    Buzz, forgive me, I often list books by the main character rather than the author. Jack Reacher is the character in a series of Lee Childs’ novels. I do not like the movies. I am just starting another book in the Michael Connelly series with the character Bosch at the Center. Just finished a book in a series by Christopher Fowler with Bryant & May as the main characters. I am halfway through the Tom Hanks book, “Uncommon Type” and also just finished a Kate Carlisle mystery.

    Sandy, so glad you are on the mend and that you were able to have someone run an errand for you. That is wonderful.

    Anne, cleaning the refrigerator is a kind of nasty job but it is lovely when it is finished. I am certain the Bean would be interested in anything that you removed!

    Jackie, wow, finally time for the work to commence. I trust they will stay on schedule and that George does not bark each and every day. I am sure it will take quite a while but I know you have patience, at least much more than I have ever possessed.

    Patsy, a never ending resolution list? Remove and add to? Is that it? I don’t make actual resolutions these days but I signed up for a year-long weekly art discovery journey called “Wanderlust” and I am quite excited for the first video coming later this week. Different instructors each week, different medium as well, but each month has a theme. I am interested in learning more and had determined to start a mixed media journal in 2018. I signed up for a methods class in colored pencil and another for markers in addition. So I guess I resolve to have a colorful life this year.

    Jeri, I am so glad the holiday went well. And I agree, I hope you find time to use your skills with the camera. I am being selfish as I always love what you share with us.

    Hello to Marie and Diane and Gayla, Becky, Phyllis, and Phoebe and Judy and all the rest of the Sneakers. I do hope to hear from you at some point this year.

    Hugs and all best wishes.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, I didn't clean the fridge OR the oven BUZZ, I had a friend come over instead in the morning and later I spent the afternoon reading. Fortunately Jilly decided to take a nap so she wasn't bugging me with her toys. Touch wood PATSY, so far she is a very healthy little dog and she is so energetic she drinks quite a lot of water. I'm so sorry Katie has a waterworks problem. Apart from Jill's heart tablets in the spring we have managed to avoid vets (and doctors) so far.

    I can't say I've made any resolutions this year. Just a continuation of the usual which I'm forever breaking and try, try again.

    So......what with buildings being erected, new books and art projects to tackle, lots of children to love, new baby on the way, a new rug on the way, it looks as if 2018 is going to be a very interesting year indeed for the Sneakers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A wild night as Eleanor swept in. Typical of a woman to be more feisty than the boy storms!! Thunder storms, high winds that have split a neighbour's tree but thankfully leaning away from my property and our usual torrential rain but it looks as if we might see the sun for a while this morning. The builders have arrived so work continues while I see if I can get George anywhere for a walk without getting blown over!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, I've just read two interesting things! A Jack Russell dog in the UK ate twelve mincepies and almost died. Raisins are toxic to dogs kidneys, AND Mr. Trump is doing a bit of sabre rattling by announcing HIS button is bigger than Mr. Kim Jong-uns. Well I've learned to be very careful with mince pies when Miss Piggy is hanging around the festive table, but will the renowned leaders ever learn?

    New year resolution after all, try not to read so much news on the iPad this year. Maybe, just maybe, bad news will go away if I bury my head in the sand. My eyesight might improve as well, I swear it's deteriorated since I acquired this pad.

    Still very cold here, and no improvement in the long term apparently. I have lots of books to catch up on and read so that's okay. One of my faults is being a bookworm. Much prefer books to the TV etc. I swap books with my daughter in law.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello friends - nope, did not venture out to Tai Chi due to the skiff of snow that made the roadways slippery as people drove over it. I mixed up a no recipe concoction of pumpkin purée, applesauce, raisins, rolled oats, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. I popped it in my countertop oven and it smells quite divine. It is about done now and I will make my trip to the store and Library soon.

    Jackie, sorry to hear of your wild weather. And hope that the weather now stays stable so the builders can get some work done. Oh wait, I guess the workday is over now isn’t it. Well best to you and George.

    Anne, I love to read too. Always have a stack of books that I will never get through. Both library books and books I have purchased over the years and haven’t read yet. I fit one or two in when I don’t have anything from the library. That actually doesn’t happen as much now that I joined the book club. Those books take longer to read than my preferred reading.

    Oh, the timer went off. See you later.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited January 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) Yes, still freezing but I am going to go to bingo tonight since I haven't been out of the house since Saturday. On my last load of wash, the towels, my washer decided not to spin. A repairman is coming tomorrow and my landlady will decide if it is worth the repair or if she is going to buy a new washer. She made the appointment between 8 am and noon so you can imagine how happy I am about that. lol Hopefully he will be done in time for me to go to my meeting since I am chairing.

    Lin, I wish I loved to read as much as the rest of you but for some reason I just don't. I do read my daily books but just not into novels. Be careful with your trip to the store and library.

    Anne, so many things that are toxic to dogs including chocolate and poinsettia plants. I think men who brag about how big their buttons are, really have very small buttons. B)

    Jackie, be safe with that storm, don't venture too far. I am glad the tree went the other way, you have had enough problems with bushes and trees.

    Buzz, I am done with season two of the Crown, I watched it on Netflix. I did think season one was better, but I look forward to season three.

    Patsy, poor Katie, I hope she isn't in too much pain, I hated having mine and hope I never have another.

    I hope you have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello there! A beautiful morning here. Partly cloudy but still a nice day. It is an errand day for us today. Katie will be able to come with us and she loves to assist in the navagation. Her UTI seems much better. She never seemed to be in pain but we saw a tiny bit of spotting on her pee papers. We did some internet research and found that cranberry supplements were very helpful for doggies as well as people. There are even cranberry doggie pills. So! She is still going in for a check from our vet. We also read that certain breeds have a tendency for UTIs. Naturally...

    Buzz: Katie is a f2 labradoodle. She doesn't shed so she has to be groomed regularly or there is BIG trouble. She is very smart like the poodle and also very active. She has the poodle independence and she hasn't any hip problems like our dear old sheepdogs had. the lab part is she is very affectionate, has a raging case of separation anxiety. She can hardly take a minute to go potty outside unless we go with her. The vet said it is not uncommon for this to occur in very large litters. She is the permanent puppy. Tons of toys always playing ball, tug, run and pounce! Aaaahem! Perfect for the senior citizen? Wellll, maybe! But absolutely adore this juvenile delinquent.

    I read everything and constantly. My writing group also sends out their latest writing. That is fun. We get to see a novel or essay in process. There are a couple of English writers in the group as well an Irish poet. They are an international group and far more expert than I am, but they are very supportive. They will tear into any and all writing, I do mean TEAR! John is devoted to Lee Child etc. he likes action and plot complexity. Relationship novels are not his thing.

    A full day ahead. John has a long list and I have mine. Repotting an ancient jade tree. Getting fancy new pot and potting soil at Home Depot.

    It is a grand day!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Woke up to another day of pouring rain, but when I saw what was happening elsewhere in the country, I was delighted it was just rain!The arthritis gave me fair warning, and I'm glad to see sunshine this afternoon, even though we expect to get down into the 30 degree F later tonight. That should take care of a few of the iguanas!
    LIN, you stared the New Year with a bang, and I hope you bought the lucky ticket! Just be very careful with the ice on roads, which Georgia and Florida are suddenly experiencing! You mention enjoying Lee Childs novels, as does PATSY, in regards to John's favorites. If I ever make time again to read, I will investigate. One of my favorites is Ken Follett, whose series I find fascinating! I don't know how you find time to do 1/2 of what you do! And that pumpkin, applesauce mix you made sounds heavenly! Is it a recipe or a concoction? You certainly are creative!
    JACKIE, we have warnings also, of gale winds dousing rains unless it drops even below 32F. in which case...who knows? So relieved for you that the neighbors tree went the other way! You surely have your hands full with this feisty New Year! We are all excited about your renovations, so good luck with that!
    ANNE, the naughty dog probably ruined someoAs for the biggest button, I remember a certain campaigner bragging about having bigger something else, but at least that couldn't blow up the world! This game of Russian/Korean roulette is getting mor frightening and wearisome every day! Kindergarten brains don't know better, but supposedly grown men? Avanka, where the heck have you disappeared? Some watchdaughter you turned out to be! ANNE, if you are an avowed news hound, all the resolutions in the world will not make you less curious and concerned, so keep the iPad in good condition, as there will be plenty to read!
    SANDY, how annoying to have the washer break down, but what a lovely landlady; I think she appreciates her lovely tenant more than you realize! Now, what are your "daily books"? Like you, I cannot seem to find time to read and I used to be an avid reader. Was that before computers? I think that is when my reading habits changed so much. Now YOU be careful driving to your meeting. All the talk about icy roads has me concerned for each one of you! As far aas The Crown, I was quite confuse about the beginning of the chapter concerning the Nazis and finding the buried box regarding the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and then I remembered the scandal! So far, I'm fascinated.
    PATSY, so pleased to hear your beloved permanent Puppy is feeling better! I can avow for poodle smarts, but I think that's due to them thinking they are not dogs, but people! Their emotions used to follow mine to perfection! And I still recall how they'd sit on either side of me on the piano bench and "sing" while I played! They were so pleased with themselves! The separation anxiety may also be part of the breed. I never considered that as the reason for toilet paper wound around everything in the hous, or silver wrapping from chocolate greeting us on each return! Ours could open doors and drawers almost as easily as we could! ...Is your writing group online? That is very exciting. I'm often suggesting that JACKIE put her adventures and thoughts into some kind of collectable writing. Quite a few of our members now have an ability I envy! Lately, remembering exact words has become worrisome! Well, good luck with the jade! Are you keeping it miniature? Was that called Bonsai? I vaguely recall doing that many moons ago! Enjoy the soil!
    MARIE, CHECK IN, PLEASE! I hope everything is alright with you! we miss you, dear.
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.............................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Pardon my typing goof, but I did not mean LIN stared at the New Year, of course! What I meant to say was started! What a difference 1 letter makes!
    JACKIE, I met a lovely couple at dinner tonight and since they are visiting here from Bath, I mentioned you and George and your wonderful hikes across the moors, and of course they asked if you live in Yorkshire and I was embarrassed to admit I didn't know! But I promised to find out. They were surprised to learn I knew about Eleanor, which they had just missed by hours! Of course we spoke of the climate change, which is not happening! I told them I didn't want to wake you, but would find out ASAP your town and area and so forth.
    Now I'm about to look up a new book, Fire and Fury by Michael Wolf (e)? which it appears opens a chaotic view of the White House at present. Just curious, so I'll read about it in Amazon!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.............................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2018
    In case I disappear for 4 weeks, I've just had a phone call from someone in a call centre in India telling me he's from the main telephone UK company and my internet is going to be disconnected for 4 weeks because my computer has some corrupted files!! I said I suppose that means you want to get access into my computer and scam me. No, no madam but it's up to you like some sort of threat so I told him to go ahead and cut me off and I will take it up with my server..... he hung up!!!

    For the first time in nearly a week I took George up on to the moors where we met Scruff and her mum. We should have known it would be a struggle because we both had difficulty opening our car doors because of the wind but once out we set off, or I should say flew off across the hills with the wind at our backs. The footpaths we normally take are flooded, in fact everywhere is flooded, so it became more difficult but also very funny as we got buffeted about and both on more than one occasion nearly ended up in ditches or large pools of water. Both dogs were seen to stand rigid with paws pressed firmly into the ground to stabilise themselves when the wind really got bad. At least we saw a handful of regular walkers with their pooches so we could all wish a happy new year and laugh at the elements as we staggered like drunks!!

    Buzz ~ Bodmin moor is my local so coming from Bath I'm sure your friendly couple will at least know of it. It's covers a large area of Cornwall and almost joins up with Dartmoor. Yorkshire is Anne's neck of the woods, or used to be! Ah yes, as ever that climate change that isn't happening.... several of us talked of it on this morning's walk although we avoided the mention of the man and his big button because we all feel there's nothing to be done about his absurd comments until someone decides to remove him from office!

    Book reading is something I'm determined to return to this year and to be honest I've no idea why I stopped because I used to have at least two on the go and I do miss it. Sometimes in the evening I find myself watching the most appalling rubbish on tv and tell myself off. Last night whatever it was sent me off to sleep only to wake at midnight then have to take George out into the rain to walk round the side of the cottage to get into the garden while the back door is boarded up. He was so fascinated by the deep trench in the garden he stood for some time on a plank staring into the abyss. Young Brady has also been to the edge and contemplated jumping in but then there isn't much going on between his two pretty ears so I wasn't surprised. Today the builders are busy filling in with concrete while I ply them with mugs of tea!

    Patsy ~ That's good that Katie is feeling better but then dogs are so resilient aren't they. Her madness must be a joy to live with and have you laughing all the time!

    Sandy ~ Your landlady is a wonder at fixing any problem quickly. Was bingo successful or at least a treat to get out from the 4 walls for a change.

    Anne ~ At the Christmas lunch on Friday George was seen at one point chasing a grape round the floor and we all jumped up saying no, not allowed as we tried to get it before he eat it. I don't know why that family is toxic to dogs but yes, apparently it is. Is it still snowing in your area or just cold? I can't think of a nicer way to see the cold winter months through than curling up with a good book.

    Hello to Lin...... don't go out there if it's frozen!!

    Time to make more tea for the boys outside. At least the sun is shining on them today and the cottage shelters them from the wind so they might fill in the foundations before they go tonight then the fear of pets falling in will be gone.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It's appalliingly cold here. The Suns shining, but don't be fooled it really is appallingly cold. Tomorrow minus 16 daytime! Too cold to snow. I can't take Jilly beyond the end of the drive. She stands with one paw in the air looking pathetic until picked up. Cold tootsies. Don't mention boots for dogs, she'd never keep them on and so far wriggles out of her three coats as well. BUT relief is in the forecast finally. 1 degree on Monday and we can't wait! Definitely a year of book reading, preferably murder mysteries with a touch of humour. LIN S very good with suggestions for which I thank her. Second resolution, more book reading because believe me JACKIE television here matches the weather! AND I'm so fed up of repeats!

    I was wondering how you were coping with the hole and curious George and Brady and praying neither would have to be rescued. OR you ended up with a moat instead of a building addition because of Eleanor's arrival. Tea always works with British workmen. Over here they refuse offers and the youngest is sent off to Tim Hortons periodically.

    Not much to report. Not a sniff of dog walkers or indeed anybody on the street. I finished the somewhat depressing book and wondered why I had been given it. So, I'll be going online to find something more cheerful for this afternoon. At least it will be more interesting than looking at the walls! Even the fridge cleaning holds a change of scenery when ones stuck in. Cabin fever! Roll on Monday!

    Remaining cheerful however,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ It takes some wild weather to move the BBC forecasters away from our storms but I've just watched our lunchtime news as I'm going a little stir crazy too boarded up in my cottage and wow, they just showed your Arctic blast coming from the north and hurricane winds meeting it from the south. I gather Niagara Falls is beginning to freeze up and a severe weather warning of snow in Florida so Buzz may well wake up to a surprise!! We're heading in the opposite direction with cold and dry high pressure on the way for the weekend after more of the wet stuff tonight. First thing this morning I hung out of a window calling Boris in case he'd dropped into a chasm overnight but my neighbour called back that he was with them enjoying breakfast so I probably worried too much.

    With a window having to be opened to allow an electric cable in I'm in a constant draft and sneezing so layers are the order of the day.... I'm about to put a 3rd one on!! Stay warm as you pat Florence and tell her she's a good girl and I'm sure the Bean will be fine for a few days indoors.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This one is for the Bean!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Although I'm so sorry you are suffering from the draughts JACKIE - misery enjoys company you might say. Lol. Please be careful though seriously, don't catch cold from the cold air blowing in, put on your thickest jumper and boots if your slippers aren't fur lined. I'm really serious about this, feet and heads are the extremities that suffer the most.
    We were told a week ago that Niagara Falls is now an ice palace. I saw this many years ago and it was very beautiful with long pillars of ice. A few brave souls were shown on the tv news viewing this phenomenon whilst trying to keep upright on the thickly iced pavement. They couldn't grip the solidly iced hand rails.
    It's hard to imagine people in the past exploring the North Pole and Antarctica although one day we had it colder.
    I'm keeping Jilly in. Thank the Lord for pee pads! We get our exercise by playing tug the squirrel, throw wingless ducky and zoomies around the homestead but I think she misses the sniffing when out!
    I bet spring gets the biggest welcome ever from all us poor souls who aren't suffering from climate change. Yes I'm being sarcastic OAP with The Big Red Button.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That's funny and true about misery!! The workmen have put their first layer of concrete foundation down and after a last mug of tea have set off for home which is a good hour and a half away and the window is now firmly shut until tomorrow. Advice taken though. When I took the tea out to them I noticed the temperature has fallen considerably so it's now time to light the fire and yes, read my book The Island that I started in the summer. Having just ordered a couple of new cushions off Amazon for the chairs that will go back into the garden room I needed to spend a couple more pounds to get free delivery so have ordered the dvd of a film that's been recommended called A Dog's purpose apparently Anne based on an excellent book you might enjoy. Just a thought!

    Have you read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Comment from The Times review.... one to lift even the most cynical of spirits which is often me and I didn't put it down until finished!

    Time to check the hens are ok then light that fire.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Okay, The Guernsey Literary etc is now purchased. Will let you know when I get around to read it. Doggie one noted.
    Just now I have to brave the cold and put the dustbin out. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Anne of the chattering teeth.