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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We've just got back from a freezing walk! I've got a bean stew simmering away and it smells wonderful. Do you all have those days when one wakes up and feels gloriously happy for no apparent reason? Maybe a forgotten dream tucked inside the subconscious? Anyway, that's how I woke up today and The Bean and I absolutely skipped to the mailboxes. We are now warming and cuddling up.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Bingo night and not much else. Winter is just boring with not much to do. I will again ride my bike and try again to start the book.

    Anne, I love that you are gloriously happy, I can't say I ever woke with that feeling that I can remember. :'(

    Lin, our weather is just cold, not much in any precipitation. The winter humdrums are here and need to get our this funk. Maybe a big win at bingo will help. lol

    Buzz, your new doctor sounds wonderful. I am so glad she didn't have to remove your nail and has plans to take care of you. <3

    Everyone else must be busy so I will just say hello and have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our one day of the week when we shouldn't get rain but HAA, out of the car to walk the dogs on the moors and over came the usual dark cloud and began to drizzle on me. I had hung washing out to dry before leaving home so wasn't too happy but when we returned the sun was shining so it must have just been one of those low clouds that drift across the moors.

    I phoned the company that should have delivered a large quantity of coal to speak to a rather bored, disinterested young man who hummed and hah'd in a non commital way until I found myself getting cross because it was a premium rated phone number, but did manage to keep my cool. After a few minutes he said he could find no order from me and when I told him I had checked my bank account and also had confirmation of my payment from Paypal he muttered about emailing someone else who might know. Will I hear today I asked but Mr. non-commital but he couldn't answer that one so I hung up! Gone 5pm and no word, no coal so I've asked Paypal to organise a refund and will use logs until I'm organised with coal from a different supplier.
    Jim my wonderful handyman popped in just now to look at Phase 2 of the fencing job he started in the Autumn and also replacement of a facia board so I spoke to him about the base required for the new greenhouse that the other builder is dragging his heels over and he's offered to do it for me so we'll play that one by ear. I also had a callback from a lovely young man (I suppose they're all young to me these days!) called Charlie who will visit on Friday morning to give me a quote on taking down a couple of conifer trees that are becoming a nuisance growing across our entrance track then blow me, just as I'm now typing the landline rang that has been out of order since Christmas and it was Ali who gives me a pedicure so maybe that fault has been fixed. Goodness, what a great afternoon after all!! :D

    Sandy, I remember many years ago using a drain plunger to pull a dent out of a car. It worked wonders! Do you read while on your bike? I can watch tv while I cycle and that makes the time go quicker but not sure a book would hold my attention in that position! Godd luck at bingo tonight.

    Buzz, what a wonderful caring person you have found in your podiatrist, someone who is interested in you as an individual and all that's ticking over rather than just doing a job. Sleep is so important I realise now that I get a good night of it rather than the tossing and turning I used to do before my hip replacements. Lack of sleep is just plain exhausting but you must find time for the wonderful entertainment too.

    Lin, the ice has melted thank you and today, at least at home, the sun felt almost warm. It dried my washing and at one point I unzipped my fleece jacket so that was a joy! Love the graphic of the man with hollow legs and it's making me think time to put the kettle on!!

    Yummy bean stew Anne, something I make more and more in my slow cooker. It's lovely to come in from the cold to that smell of spicy beans. Stay warm!

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    News on and the UK are now signed out of the EU. Many tributes on how British wit will be missed. That's something I missed when I came over. What a day for you though Jackie. Keep warm!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooooh! Foggy and very rainy! We are expecting between a half inch and one quarter. Not too much fun.

    John is getting new transmission oil and general oil change as well as some other maintence done on our Honda Element. It is Katie’s car. This is the one where she ate the seat belts. Anyway on a soggy day like this, the car mechanic will pick John up and deliver the car when it is finished. Yea! They are good friends and John trusts him to do a good job...but not cheap!

    I believe one must be born to a tea drinking family to really enjoy it. I love herbal tea and occasionally oolong or jasmine tea with Asian food. My drink of choice in the mornings is coffee, I mean strong coffee. Something to get my motor running.

    January is almost gone and I say “Good Riddance!” This hasn’t been my favorite time of year. Too dark and I have SAD more during this month.

    So I am doing really bad things like more shopping online, thinking longingly about chocolate, cooking things I should not, like tater tots and sausages in BBQ sauce. You can plainly see I need to get a grip!

    We are almost at Groundhog Day, so hang on sneakers!❣️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yes Anne, Friendly words of farewell and talk of future cooperation.... makes me wonder what the past 3 years was all about! Newly elected EU officials also acknowledging why so many of us wanted out so we’ve perhaps done the less influential European countries a big favour. Things are looking positive finally. 😊
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    YEAH, YEAH, YEAH !!!🇬🇧!!! JACKIE!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi and goodnight. No sleep last night and got up in excrutiating arthritic pains in left knee and shoulder and right elbow! Sure enough, my clock did not receive the time and date signal last night, so I was the chosen one..........OUCH! I'll be back tomorrow and hope I feel more like writing! There must be a huge weather change moving in and must get some sleep!!!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting and then to Lisa's to spend time with kiddos and her parents who are leaving for Florida next Wednesday. I won twice at bingo last night so I am happy.

    Nothing new and exciting going on so will just say have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member


    At former library ladies this morning. Book club this afternoon.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    It's freeeeeeeeezing out !!! Jilly doing zoomies to warm up! We aren't supposed to put the garbage out until after seven for tomorrow, but to heck with that. They are OUT because I ain't going out again if I can help it.
    Time for my cup and brand of tea. "Yorkshire tea" it's called.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A bit of sunshine and then as usual in our winter...clouds and rain. But I will be okay if I see a small period of sunshine at least. Good to know it is still out there, the sun I mean.

    I had one of my moments this afternoon. I occasionally feel that I can almost hear Katie’s thoughts or moods. I have had this feeling with all our animals. Hard to explain but I am sure if you live with an animal, eventually it will happen. I happens to me in a quiet way. I Will just be going about my day and I suddenly have mental pictures in my mind of Katie’s thinking. Not always about hunger or needing to go outside but other desires or observations.. almost every person I know who lives with an animal will understand what I am talking about. It is non-verbal but absolutely real. Thoughts for the day...................

    The dampness in the air is chilling and makes us crave soup and hot drinks. Easy dinners and a need for extra effort with exercise and strength building. I will add a few more reps with my little bar bells. I am trying to stave off those awful creaky arthritis joints. I already have them but will try to work out the kinks and rusty joints.
    Keeping after “it!”
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Mild and foggy today with 12c which is about 53f so feels quite odd but I’m not complaining. I was out early to buy groceries then walked in the woods with the pooches not wanting to get lost on the murky moors! Still no communication from the coal supplier so after lunch I drove to a farm supplier that also sells bags of coal and brought 3 bags home, each weighing 20 kilos so a bit of a struggle to get them out of the car. Never mind, the fire is glowing and I’ve got the phone number of an independent coal merchant from a friend to call tomorrow.
    I read today that Unilever who a few years ago bought out some of our food producers, is talking of selling off my favourite brand of tea PG Tips because it’s felt tea drinking is not as popular as it once was. It seems young people prefer herbal teas and fancy coffee but I do hope someone continues to make my brand. ☹️
    Simon the builder will be here very early in the morning to brick up the discovered hole at the back of my chimney, then it will be a visit from Tree surgeon Charlie followed by a friend dropping in for coffee. I’d better get myself to bed!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    day filled with agony of (I thought) and between the LEFT SHOULDER, THE LEFT (ouch) KNEE, and the RIGHT ELBOW, just picture trying to sit.....or stand (!) without screamng in pain! I tried to drink very lttle water today, as it was impossible to you-know-what! I really cannot concentrate, but I CAN send <3<3<3 !!!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    edited January 2020
    Good morning. Another day of light freezing rain and bits of snow. My long awaited luncheon with my friend has been canceled once again due to slick parking lots and sidewalks. I will be trying to spread salt again near my garage door and front stoop/porch.

    I used to drink PG Tips. But they ditched the sock monkey right? Loved him.


    Buzz, thanks for checking in but hate to hear you are suffering. ❤️❤️

    Anne, grocery delivery day? Errands?

    Jackie, what a busy day. I hope all goes well with the repair

    Patsy, we will need to call you the dog whisperer. Good to know what is going on with Katie. That is a gift. I would like to have that ability with people.

    Must move along and make tea.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN, I've never found PG tips over here! Always drank it in the UK. Must look a little harder!

    Yes it's grocery delivery day and it's Michael day so one little dog will probably either have a heart attack or wag her tail off. I'm going to make creamy mushroom soup with ciabatta crusty bread and lots of butter if delivery arrives on time and it usually does.

    I read that in Britain the final EU day will be celebrated with roast lamb and Yorkshire pudding. Wish I was in Britain waving my Union Jack and eating crispy risen Yorkshire pud. Shall you celebrate JACKIE? I'm just beginning to realize how much I miss puddings! Spotted dick, jam roll poly, Adam and Eve pudding, apples you might guess under the cake, duchess pudding all served with a huge dollop of custard. I'd be even bigger if I still lived in the UK.

    I think if you live close to a dog you can communicate PATSY. The Bean tries very hard to vocally tell me what she wants. Sort of little rumbles in the back of her throat. We are getting there.

    Whoops, Mikes just shown up.
    Bye for now,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Friday! :) This day is getting away from me. Doing laundry but also was trying to copy a DVD for a friend and ran into problems. I finally figured it out but here is is afternoon already. She is coming around 4:00 to pick it up so I better get on the stick.

    Nothing exciting going on so will check in with you later.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, this is my PG Tips sock monkey used a few years ago to promote a charity red nose event. No one should be without! 😁

    A successful and busy day starting with the builder and his mate arriving at my door about 8.15. George agreed they could come in then sat quietly watching them work in his usual guard dog pose! The work was completed by 9am so I walked the dogs round the block then waited for the tree surgeon but he was running late so my friend arrived first. She told me he was parking up as she walked along the footpath so I poured her a cup of coffee while Betty and George made themselves comfortable squeezing on to her lap.
    I got on with Charlie right away as he turned out to be extremely nice and full of advice so I've booked him to take down the conifers when he's available in a couple of weeks.
    Back to my friend for a catch up. Apparently telephone engineers were all around our village yesterday, perhaps because so many of us were having problems and so far mine is working again.
    After a lunch of a toasted cheese and pickle sandwich with an apple I drove to a local DIY store to buy sheets of polycarbonate to fix over one end of the chicken run because the poor things are getting so wet every day and muddy.
    That just leaves coal to be organised because the merchant I rang was out delivering but should ring either this evening or over the weekend.

    Patsy, I often wish I knew what George is trying to tell me as he barks and barks. He on the other hand reads my mind at every turn.

    Anne, no fireworks or champagne tonight but out for a roast on Sunday. The friends I'll be with voted to remain so I think I'll have to enjoy a secret celebration in mind only to avoid any heated discussion!

    Buzz, I hate to read you are suffering and do hope you can gain relief, perhaps from your pharmacy. That or perhaps a change in your weather. Are you glued to the impeachment process? I'm thinking what a travesty before its even over!

    Hi Sandy, as busy as me!!

    Feet up!!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very windy and rainy day. It is trash day and John ran out to retrieve the trash can. Our trash collection company isn't very careful with the cans. We are lucky if the lids are down and the container is sitting upright. IT is often sitting there filling up with rain water. Little annoyances that really mean nothing.

    I have never watched a TV program called A Good Place. It has some philosophical meaning and I read a review of the whole series. It is now ending but I am sure there will be re-runs. Interesting premise about how we as humans need complexity and the need to overcome a difficult problem. A totally trouble-free life is not a really good and happy life. Hummmmmmmm I guess that is true but I have no idea, in truth!

    I have a large collection of medical books and PDR books. I am going to see if the senior center is interested in them. They are not medical texts but reference books for your average person seeking more info. Most of us use the internet now to get this info. But there might be those who resist doing that. They were expensive and useful. Nice books but unused now.

    Buzz: I am so sorry you are suffering. I wonder if getting into a warm therapy pool and moving those joints in supportive warm water would help? Does your facility have one? Movement hurts and helps at the same time. At least that’s my experience.

    Anne: a great day for you! Visit from Mike and it is your Market delivery day! I wish John would consider this but like that TV series suggests, we need the irritation of shopping. And I do mean irritation! High prices and not what I am looking for and unappealing produce!

    Super bowl coming up...popcorn!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited February 2020
    Yes, Dorio showed up, met Michael, stroked Bean and brought in the as usual very fresh veggies and groceries, Jill was in doggy heaven. She had a puppy day, non stop playing and bugging Michael to take her out. I made the mushroom soup and Mike went home with the recipe because he liked it so much. Dorio is growing a beard. He looks very young but the beard is white so he's older than I thought!

    It was also our garbage day. Usually my can is on its side in the middle of the road and the lid somewhere on the grass verge. I think PATSY that garbage men are the same the world over, and to be honest I'm glad I'm not a garbage man. On windy days, being on its side the bin is usually rolling off somewhere into the yonder. Darn annoying especially if it's icy out.

    Mike went home at 2:30 and Jill still hasn't woken up since he left. He exhausted the poor little dog! Yes I'm being sarcastic! I bet Mike went home for an afternoon nap as well!

    BUZZ, I don't say much, but I really feel very sorry that you are having such a hard time with health issues. I hope sincerely you find some relief very soon.

    Time for Jeopardy on TV. I do great with history, but am completely clueless about American universities and football.
    Night night,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry I'm becoming a Pai in the ___ and I'll let you nw as soon as this changes. (WAVING goodnight)
    <3 Buzz
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello ladies..another hot day here but not as bad as yesterday which reached 39 C - 102F - far too hot to do anything and the animals didn't know where to put themselves so as we only have air con in the bedroom we spent the afternoon in there .

    I know what you mean about the communication between dogs and humans...our Daisy who refuses to let anyone near her had an amazing connection with my son when I was nursing him at home...she willingly went and lay with him..she sensed he was not well and it gave him a lot of comfort...I also took her to the hospice unit and everyone loved her...I might continue to take her there...seems to be good therapy.

    I had another long visit with my lovely young Dr - he really is amazing and gave me a huge hug on my way out...still cant come to terms with it yet though...I've been ordering my groceries online and they get delivered the same day ...saves me having to go to the supermarket and risk seeing people I know who always ask how our Christmas was and that always makes me break down...I'm still very fragile but know I will have to face up to things sooner or later.

    So sorry to hear you are suffering with health issues...hope you feel better soon.

    Judy from NZ

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Judy, for you.

    “Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.”
    Brian Jacques

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    How very true LIN. We are sure we will never see the sun again when we lose a beloved. We never fully recover, but the pain in our hearts finally stills and we remember with tears of joy and give thanks that we had the beloved one in our lives. And you know, I find our loved ones are never far away and, if we are lucky, they visit us in dreams.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Will be going to Mass with Joe and then get something to eat. It is my turn which seems to upset him but I don't think it is fair for him to pay each time as some of his other lady friends let him.
    My daughter and her husband will be coming on Thursday night and their daughter will be here on Friday. All eat low carb so I am looking for meals to make or at least one meal in my crock pot. Right now the choice is beef stew although it calls for many ingredients I don't have. Will still do some more research.

    Anne and Lin, very nice sentiments and I am sure Judy will agree. <3

    Judy, there is no time line on grieving especially with the loss of a child. Just know that we are here to listen and send virtual hugs.

    Buzz, I am so sorry you are suffering and hope that the medical staff there can help you find relief. :'(

    Patsy, I watched The Good Life and loved it. It was cute and funny and of course had Ted Danson so eye candy as well. lol

    Jackie, must have some decent weather and will join us later.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi Ho everyone! We have clouds at the moment but no rain. Now that will change I am sure. John has been out checking everything because be had a lot of high winds yesterday and last night. At this last word we only had a gate that came unlocked and banged in the wind. Thank goodness. We also have lots of twigs and small limbs that blew off the trees.

    Saw an interesting YouTube video on dementia and how some older people in Australia are avoiding it. It was really heartening to see. These older couples in their nineties dancing and living in their own homes, with a social life. They have the same aches and pains as we all have, but they are dealing with aging in wonderful way. I need a double dose of what ever they are taking!

    John is still determined to avoid sugar in any way. That is way more difficult than you can imagine. It is in almost everything. Everything from soup to frozen veggies. Lin! How do you avoid all of the additives and even food coloring? Arrrrrrrrgh! This isn’t easy!

    Dealing with grief is one of life’s biggest pains. I still have days after 5 years when I get so immersed in sadness over loss of family as well as beloved pets, I can hardly breathe. Happy photos and videos help me visit them when I need to.

    Getting ready to groom the Kate! Grooming table, clippers, brush, plastic bag for hair, combs, sissors, hair conditioner, grooming towels etc. then there is talking Kate into cooperating. That will probably not happen! She is a full time job. Think twice before you consider a large fuzzy dog. She is our sweetheart.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just discovered Windows wiped out my gmail account! What next. Have decided to go down todinner so am a bit late. But JUDY, it's OK to cry, feel sad, fell everything you must feel! Grieving is a long slow process. Mike's 95th birthday is coming up this month and I'm really feeling it and it's been 4 years!!! If you love someone, they are NEVER gone!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Late again! Another busy day but enjoyable, not only because it's been sunny and mild but after a walk on the moors I joined my neighbours on our allotment. We always start with coffee and lots of planning before physical work and at the moment we are creating raised beds with treated timber that should see me out! Heavy work I wouldn't have been able to cope with this time last year but my bionic hips are holding up wonderfully now!
    Another of my bantam hens is poorly, I'm not sure why but seeing her struggle over the small step into the hen house this evening I picked her up to help her and could tell she's lost an awful lot of weight in a short time. I don't know why and vets don't show much interest in hens so no help in that direction.
    I heard yesterday that the vet I'd used for 30 years until he retired not long ago has dementia and he's only in his 60's. I had a feeling something was wrong and it was obvious his staff did everything to support and even protect him but his decline has been scarily rapid. I'm going to remember him as the handsome 30 something, unconventional, caring vet I first met so long ago who as well as being a bit of a flirt, seemed to have an answer for everything my pets might throw at him!

    Judy, what everyone else has already said is so true. Grief has no time scale so you mustn't put yourself under pressure. Tears will fall at the most unexpected moments but know that one day in the future a memory will give you a gentle smile rather than the heartache you're feeling today. ❤

    Already time for bed so I'll bid you all nite, nite. 😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    edited February 2020

    Happy Birthday! Love you! Have a special day!💕💕💕🎂🎉🍷
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    edited February 2020
    Messed up my post...so just ignore this one