Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Anne, should we call the Mounties????
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Looking at those snowy pictures. Brrrrrrrr. Anne you have more snow than us.

    LIN - LOL

    It has been awfully cold and snowy. Saw an article in the paper yesterday showing that it was colder in Edmonton than both the North and South poles. Edmonton is The capital of Alberta and quite a bit north of us. But it’s nasty here too

    I came down with a nasty cold 3 days ago and I am still fighting it. Feeling slightly better today and hope that is the trend.

    BUZZ glad your computer is doing better.

    Hope everyone is having a good day,


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My goodness, ANNE's pictures bring back memories! I recall my first winter on Long Island when the snow was so deep the kids dug a tunnel under the top that led across the street to their friends' house! Actually, I loved snow and sort of miss it, except that now the threat of frostbite or falls could be very great! So looking out at warm sunshine (about 72 degrees) is not too bad!
    SANDY, Chicken soup; the answer to whatever ails you! Or a trip to the Sunshine State? Feel better, dear.!
    JACKIE, I thought those things only happened in Delray Beach! At least get enough pasties to make the purchase worthwhile! It must have been quite a shock unless you had suspicions! I'm also thinking it might be wise to stay off the moors in possibly dangerous weather. If you miss a post, we'll send the police after you!
    PATSY, your descriptions of Katie's house runs are hilarious!Wish I had her energy. As for the foot problems, do you ever have a day when it feels better? Mine hurts more on rainy days, but I'm thinking you have so much rain, how would you differentiate? Sound like you are correct about 2017. What a crazy unbelievable year this has been! It can only improve next year!
    ANNE, enjoy looking outdoors as much as possible. Before too long, your first bulbs will be peeping through!
    JERI, just stay warmly wrapped and get the liquids in, and forget responsibilities until you feel stronger! Try chicken soup and think of SANDY! Hope you both feel well rapidly! I read and hear that this weather is affecting everyone everywhere, so try to forget chores and just allow yourselves to relax
    Hugs to everyone of you!uqgk29szbt0b.jpg
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I just saw Sue Grafton has died. There will be no “Z”.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2017
    Oh, and more good news, vandals attacked a honey farm and one half million bees are dead.

    Good Lord, no creature on this earth is safe.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Home from Christmas lunch and celebrations and now listening to a Rachmaninoff piano concerto on the radio as I relax before bedtime.

    Patsy ~ Katie's running round the house sounds like George's zoomies and he certainly doesn't always look where he's going as he flies from room to room usually dragging a stuffed toy in his mouth! Our walks are as much for me as him because I know it does me good although not in hail storms! Never mind, the days are getting longer!!

    Lin ~ Mindless vandalism does so annoy me and I hope in this instance whoever did the damage got a few bee stings in a painful place! Unfortunately no creature is safe from human ignorance!

    Buzz ~ There were suspicions about the farm shop saga but I suppose we all hoped it wouldn't happen. Room in my freezer already for those pasties! Florida is certainly the best place to be this time of year!

    Anne ~ That IS a lot of snow and definitely not the dog walking sort when Jilly is so small. Looks like it could be turkey meals for the next week but hopefully Michael can get a few spuds to you!

    Sandy ~ Always seeing the positive side to things and yes, you are right, one drug dealer off the streets and serves him right. The family have lost all respect in the community too and remembering the father of the 2 men from meeting him about 25 years ago I'd say he will be turning in his grave because he was an honest, hard working farmer.

    Jeri ~ Nice to see a post from you although sorry you are feeling under the weather. Is that a Freudian slip? Keep warm and rest.

    Maybe an early night for me after all that food!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am trying to show you an area rug I thought was as perfect for my dungeon.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've just put the recycle box out for collection and it doesn't seem quite so bitterly cold with only a few snow flakes fluttering down. I've decided to cook the turkey in the probable lull before the next storm. A day for making stuffing etc. And a hopeful totter down to the mailboxes on the next street. Hope Saturday is a good day for everyone and if the snow holds off I will have Michael over after work for our Christmas dinner. He lives about three quarters drive away further north. If not Sunday instead. And micro waved turkey!

    Alls good in the world of Anne and Jilly. Happy zoomies to all the young dogs! I have to put my feet up on the sofa when The Bean races past at supersonic speed and letting off steam! Oh Ducky is no more, made in China and ripped to pieces and likewise moose after finding madam with stuffing in her mouth from a rip in the back. Also made in China!

    Hugs from the reluctant turkey cooker Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello all. Will be staying today. Just the half block walk to the mailbox. Laundry done. Quinoa cooking.

    Anne, I hope the struggle with the giant bird goes well and that it never hits the floor and that no lack of wild neighborhood dogs run off with it. Yes, I have watched “Christmas Story” too many times.

    Scads of events being cancelled here not only for today but tomorrow as well. Even the skating plaza has shut down due to extreme cold. That will disappoint lots of kids who love to skate there over the long holiday.

    Be well everyone. And warm. (Jeri, I hope you are feeling better and Sandy, I hope you are still well.)


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Jackie, I love the little fluff it up birdie. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    And all church activities at my church have just been cancelled for tomorrow. A prudent decision.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Me too. There's a few birds fluffed up outside here, but not the poor turkey, he's just gone into the oven. I have no idea what it weighs, but I positively staggered to the oven with it. Should feed us for a week! It's about 3 times as big as Jilly, but that didn't stop her whimpering as she watched me prepare it sitting as close to the counter as possible. She does this when I cut up chicken as well. For one at times very sweet she can be a ferocious little mutt. Witness the torn to pieces departed duck to a garbage can grave. I doubt she could run off with this turkey as in Christmas story though LIN. She'd have to sit on top of it and skate along.
    Back to the kitchen sink,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I almost went to sit yesterday as my son asked if I was feeling better if I could so he could go to his meeting to celebrate 10 years of being clean and sober. I really didn't want too but didn't want to disappoint him. It was snowing so at three I texted them and said I would give it a try but if the roads were bad I was turning around. As it turned out Lisa's meeting was cancelled so I got to stay home, warm and safe. Very proud of my son, his life turned around so much, he is a great husband and dad but mostly a great son.
    I feel better except still have a heavy chest, I am using an inhaler to help break things up. I will go to 5:00 Mass today so I can stop at Babe's for my check. I will probably not go to twins 1st. birthday party tomorrow so I don't spread any germs. It will be a quiet New Year's Eve by myself and I am fine with that.

    Lin, glad you are staying home and off the roads. I love the Christmas Story, one of my favorite holidays movies. I think I will look for it today or tomorrow since I haven't seen it this year.

    Patsy, up on top by your name there is a line of icons, the one on the right that says attach image is the one to click on to add a photo. Once clicked click on choose file and find the photo you want in the folder you saved it in. Click on the photo and then click on open. The link will appear here and once you save your post the picture will appear. Clear as mud?????

    Jackie, love your little fluffy bird, I wonder if that really helps them to keep warm. Sad how some kids can ruin the image of the family but if you remember his father as honest and hard working, I am sure others do also.

    Buzz, I took your advice and had some chicken soup for dinner and will eat the left overs for lunch today. Bad season for colds and flu but I am still glad I didn't get a flu shot as too many I know got sick from one this year, plus it only is 10% effective.

    Babe said his son told him yesterday that he was going home today but when he talked to him this morning he said he sounded terrible and isn't eating so Babe has his doubts he will be going home. His brother is still in the hospital as well so all I can do is pray for them, certainly wouldn't visit Babe's son and wouldn't want to bring any germs to his brother.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2017
    One of those days.... shopping first thing to avoid more panic buying for the New Year when all I needed was fresh veggies and fruit, then walked George, the groomer phoned to ask if she could get here early because the previous client had gone out forgetting she had an appointment, George is now looking gorgeous George, the hens were then mucked out before a very late lunch, cup of tea and tidy. Phew, now I'm worn out so hope to relax for the evening.

    Stay safe and warm everyone. We are expecting a storm that has been named Dylan (swirling on the left)
    out in the Atlantic at the moment but hurtling towards us with lots of rain for tonight which means floods, whoopee!!


    P.S Sandy ~ That's wonderful news for your son and a great achievement. He looks so happy in photos with his family so I'm sure that's a wonderful support too as well as his mum!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jackie: watch out for that storm! We had our very first gale force in history, December 7, 2007, a storm that raged for 3 days and caused huge damage. Even our 911 service and all internet, phone service, electric and even water was gone for a couple of weeks. Needless to say, because we are a small town, we all worked together and pulled through. You can still see places where the storm damage has not been repaired after all these years. It was scary beyond belief. Storms still cause my heart to race and I always want lots of dog food on hand. I could live off "the stored fat on my hips" for months!

    Sandy: so proud of your son. What an amazing turn around. Not many people can pull this off. I suspect you offered a lot of support. It is very hard without a support system. I had a hard time when I discovered I had cancer. I am not sure I would have made it without John.

    Anne: having a lot of prepared food when the weather is awful can be great. I am not big on turkey but a turkey sandwich and big mug of hot coffee or tea is great on a cold winter day.

    I am getting ready for 2018!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Wow, that looks one heck of a storm JACKIE. Batten down the hatches.

    The turkey is cooked, I swear my very last cooked turkey, but, at least Jilly will survive if all the lights go out. It's minus 15 tomorrow! I can live happily on the stuffing! I'm not big on turkey either PATSY, but couldn't turn a free one down - courtesy Michael's firm.

    Mark and Mary Jo popped in with port wine. The good stuff for New Year's Eve. Mark trotted off to the mail box for me and took Jilly along. She was one happy dog. Oh and I got a new book to read. All set for tomorrow night! Then best of all, he fully cleared the drive before the next big dumping.

    Well done SANDYS son. What an achievement. Not easy.

    All seems well in our world. 2018 brings a new Sneaker baby, lots to look forward to.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry SANDY is feeling awful, but driving is dangerous in that weather so maybe things turn out as they are meant to! I also suspect your involvement and love were very much part of your son's determination to straighten out his future! Fantastic for all of you!
    JACKIE, that storm resembles a hurricane pattern! Isn't it winter in the UK? How weird; but then ...there's no global warming! I just took note that weather and global warming are 2 different things, and once we understand that, perhaps somethings will change?
    ANNE and LIN,I hope relaxation can be built into you both for the next few days. Sounds like good movie and reading weather!
    PATSY, John sounds like a treasure! And I'm amazed at your story of the damage that still remains from that storm! Here I worried about Puerto Rico, and right in our own country, similar things happen! Whatever happened to old-fashioned priorities?
    Everyone be well, get well, stay well; I need you all! A very healthy, happy, filled with love New Year!
    <3 Buzz
    <3<3<3<3<3<3 Always believe something wonderful is about to happen! <3<3<3<3<3<3
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Sandy - sorry you aren’t well. I agree with the others about your son and the good support you must have given him. I can tell how proud you are of him. Hugs.
    Buzz - good wishes to you as well. Hope you have a good New Years.
    Anne - good for you getting your turkey done. I’m a little tired of turkey now. We bought a small turkey breast for Ed and I, then thought it wasn’t big enough and bought another one to cook as we invited a friend over. One would have done the trick. 3 Days of turkey.
    Jackie - hope you make out ok with the storm. We are having cold cold snowy snowy weather.
    Lin - I agree with Buzz, take advantage and relax.
    Pasty - hard to believe 2018 is just about here.

    Scared to page back because I’ll lose everything. Sorry to anyone I missed.

    Feeling about 80% better. Still lots of nose blowing and sinus woes but feel so much better. I’ve been able to get in my 10,000 steps the last 2 Days so that’s good.

    Last minute we decided to invite the girls and all the kids and husbands over for New Years Day. I’ll cook a ham, that’s always easy. Tomorrow I’ll hit the grocery store. Thankfully I’m an organized person and still have my menu from a couple of years ago. A few revisions and it’ll be fine.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2017
    It's very mild todayso I managed a pleasant walk with George across a lower stretch of moors. Luckily I'd put on my wellies because the ground is saturated so one minute I was walking on terra firma, the next sinking into 6"+ of thick, soggy peat! George was in one of his stubborn moods hanging back and in the wide open spaces going into what I call his zen mood, thinking of far flung places across the horizon and totally ignoring my calls! The few other dog walkers that braved a walk laughed at him as he sat staring at nothing in particular! It appears storm Dylan veered north overnight so that poor old Scotland and the north of England are getting the worst of it. We still have a flood warning in Cornwall but that's probably because the ground can't take much more of any amount of rain but at the moment, thankfully we aren't getting much.

    Sandy ~ You give everything to your family in the way of support but please tell yourself you won't be able to do that if, God forbid, you have an accident in bad weather you shouldn't be driving in. More and more of my friends are saying they'd rather stay home in the warm than head for parties or firework displays New Year and I'm of much the same opinion. I'll think of you when I get up tomorrow morning in case you are still curled up in a comfy chair watching the revelers on tv!! Is Babe's son in hospital or rehab now? What a shame that he continues to worry Babe but I suppose that's not going to change. On a lighter note, my hens fluff their feathers up in cold weather so I'm thinking all birds have that warm undercoat when needed!

    Patsy ~ Once experienced I doubt such a storm as you describe would ever be far from your mind when the wind picks up. Yesterday I stocked up on the packs of lamb and chicken that make up George's main meal and as it went through the till the shop assistant said out loud "2 packs of lamb and 2 of chicken" so I told her that was the dog's dinner organised which did impress her! Rice, pasta and cous cous packs are always in my cupboards for emergencies but having done the 5/2 diet for several months last year I can now quite easily get through a day on few caloriest.... not sure about 3 days though!

    Anne ~ Hooray, the famous turkey is cooked so I'm sure you'll enjoy a delicious meal with Michael and no doubt Jilly will sample a tit-bit or two as well. ;) Yummy port wine too, is that from Portugal?

    Lin ~ Staying at home in the warm I trust since church has been cancelled.

    Buzz ~ Our storms generally sweep in off the Atlantic that believe it or not is warming up.... oh no, it's someone else that doesn't believe it isn't it! LOL We need you amongst us too dear friend so stay well and safe in your community.

    Jerri ~ Your stamina is gargantuan!! I think you are a star to invite the whole family over for New Year celebrations but knowing what a wonderful family it is I completely understand why you would. Hopefully by tonight you will be feeling 100% .

    And so dear friends, another year is upon us and I'd like to say what a pleasure it's been for me to know you all, enjoy your support through difficult times and laugh together at the absurd events that go on around us! I'll raise a glass when my clocks reach midnight to wish you all a healthy and contented 2018.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    A VERY HAPPY, PEACEFUL. HEALTHY, AND TROUBLE FREE 2018 To all you dear girls, your families, and your pets,
    I will be drinking a glass to that with - all the way from Portugal - special port wine!

    Everyone turned up yesterday for THE turkey and I was quite proud how the meal, the stuffing and all turned out. Little piggy Jilly had 3 cat sized bowls full, with a dash of gravy and potato, no stuffing! She deserved it after sitting for hours near the oven door and whimpering ever so slightly. Michael will again show up today at some point for leftovers, but I rather feel like baking a creamy sauced pot pie with the leftovers for a change. Make enough pastry for a few "lucky months" (mince pies) as well.

    I have to say that 2017 was one of the happiest years I've had and I'll be sorry to see the old man (year) out the back door, and baby 2018 come in the front door IF I can open either! Very, very cold today!

    So happy Hogmanay. My party days, or at least the winter ones - I'm all for summer garden barbecues - are gone. I'd rather see the new year in curled up with my dog, my new gift book, a mince pie, and a thimbleful of port whilst the ancient dish washer rumbles away.
    Hugs from us,
    Anne and Jilly Bean.