Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We are later home from tea and cake with friends than planned so the roast veggies are on hold until tomorrow. Instead it will be easier to bake a Cornish pasty and throw a bit of salad on a plate. Rain storms have been rushing by and I noticed just now dropping by my neighbours' home to feed their cats that the temperature is falling so it might be icy later. Just about everything coming our way! Brady took great care in pulling the Christmas tree over while I popped next door, no doubt cross that I'd gone out without feeding him but they've now been fed special Christmas fayre of a variety of pates and all is peaceful.

    Sandy ~ Congratulations to the family on their news of an anticipated new arrival. You could be child minding into your 90's if that snip doesn't happen soon!! :D

    Anne ~ How intriguing.... the letter A and nothing else. A code perhaps!!

    Supper on the go, a pleasant glass of red wine on my desk as I type and contented pets.... what more could I wish for? :)

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    A very merry Christmas everyone! I must be still asleep this Christmas morning. I had a long post then forgot to click on the post reply space!

    Our son had to stay home on Christmas Eve. The coastal range was glaze ice and very dangerous. I told him it simply was not worth the risk. We will put Christmas on hold until he can get here...whenever!

    John and I shared a nice Christmas Eve nosh and a glass of champagne. Lovely! Isn't it funny that the unusual rich food and wine can just feel so good going down but there is that afterward upset tummy. I truly am a wimp. I can't even indulge in forbidden foods without consequences.

    Katie got a big white Christmas bear for her Christmas gift. She likes it but isn't sure if it is a friend or enemy yet. It will take a couple more hours to determine the intent of this new creature.

    We watched "Love Actually" as our Christmas movie. We both love it. I love all the music in that movie.

    We are blessed. I feel very blessed that you all share your lives with me. My family is quite small and not often together. You are all so special to me, thank you for being there.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Nothing exciting about the A, JACKIE. SANDY said she'd like to see the much travelled and super sonic pullover so I duly took a photo and again it turned out HUGE. I managed to eliminate the post but to do so had to leave behind the A from Anne! You will all have to imagine the pullover but I just love it! I wish Mary Jo would give us Cornish Pasties with the plum pudding! I LOVE Cornish Pasties. Enjoy!

    Jilly received a giant plush duck from Michael PATSY. It honks, and she shook the poor thing so much I am very glad I am not a duck! She got a rubber squeaky bone from me. I think Mike, Jilly and I will make it to Marks house, but not sure we will make it home. Blowing snow the culprit. I do hope your son has made it today.

    And here is the said Michael. Don't eat too much now, don't copy piggy ANNE!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Had a lovely Christmas noon lunch so our servers could have family time. Nobody mentioned my red outfit but I felt very special anyway! Wishing SANDY and her expanding family so much luck! Loved JACKIE's brood playing with their toys! LIN, I smell your squash, too;YUM! ANNE, what is Christmas without snow? Thanks for sharing yours!
    JERI, delightful seeing you , as usual; and hearing your devotion to your dear Ed! PATSY, hope you're too busy with wonderful family happenings to check in, but we are all thinking of you and your family!
    Addendum...I now have to figure out why my mouse has been disabled :s
    <3 Buzz <3
    .......................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..................................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2017
    As I thought, this morning the temperature had dropped to freezing and on the way to the top moor, driving slowly as it was icy, Scruff's mum phoned to say that since she was having to scrape ice off her windscreen she didn't fancy travelling up there. Because a taxi was stuck right on my tail, obviously in a rush to slide off the road, I took a detour and stopped lower down so George could be run across the open spaces so of course when we got home he was straight in the shower, yet again! He's now washed with a blow dry and I'm contemplating some sort of healthy fayre to get my system back to not feeling bloated. Anne, the Cornish pasty was delicious last night washed down with a glass of red wine and Lin, the salted caramel vodka is so wonderful that after one small sherry glass full I was warm inside and ready for bed! The bottle is now in a cupboard out of sight otherwise I might be tempted to finish it this week!!

    Patsy ~ Sometimes delayed celebrations are the best so I'm sure once your son reached you safely you all had a great time. My Christmas day is now planned for tomorrow when hopefully my friends get home from their family emergency.... ham and duck with all the trimmings for us!

    Buzz ~ You ARE very special whatever colours you choose to wear and those servers must love you all for the opportunities offered up to them.

    Now I'm sneezing so I'm going to light the fire, whiz round with the vacuum cleaner while a few veggies are steaming. Toad in the hole for my lunch made with pork and cranberry sausages.... now that's novel!!



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well I'm going to chill out! The meal at Mary Jo's was wonderful as always but I had no idea that instead of just our small family they had invited all their friends as well and so it was a rather large and noisy party! I wouldn't have taken tiny Jill if I'd known beforehand because a large group of oversized - one family are all over 6ft - humans was a little too much for a very small dog. She spent most of the time cuddled up on Michael's or my knee. I knew everyone of course, but the one other elderly mother had decided to stay home, and I have to be honest, my days of loud music and conversations that I'm not clued into anymore are well behind me. Michael at 56 said he also was a fish out of water. No matter, it was quite an experience of ghostly past days and Jill went straight to bed when we finally staggered home in a peaceful snowy world. Jilly is still fast asleep. Well she opened one eye to peer at me, and then immediately closed it again.

    So Jill and I are definitely chilling out today. Mind you she did collect more toys including Rudolph the red nosed reindeer who has a large Canadian maple leaf on his chest but was made in, well guess where!!! If you guessed Canada, totally wrong!!!!

    Happy Boxing Day girls.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good Morning everybody, and you all sound great today. PATSY, your extended celebration simply stretches out the season'd good cheer! JACKIE, I hope that sneeze was simply a bit o dust. Stay well! My darn computer has become quite unstable and I'm waiting for a call from Dell t o straighten me out, fix the wandering zoom level, get rid of the shaky trail on a cursor that has lost the ability to do most things we expect a right click to do. I also discovered some unpaid bills I shoved into a cabinet before my cleaning gal came! Oops, better pull myself together and get to work! The new 10 keeps giving alerts regarding Facebook, spelling etcetera. Need to delete that. I better write a list. Back later
    <3 Buzz

    ... Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..................................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, just hung up from Dell, and it's possible my 5 + year old "came with Win 7" computer is simply not compatible with all the Win 10 updates, but I'll try it for a week and see if the fixes help! I probably need a new laptop, but I'm silly enough that I've been waiting for a color I enjoy! I have a gorgeous hot pink/almost fuchsia cover now, but if Dell fixed most of the update problems, I'll hold off. I hate gray, silver or black (in cars, too!)! He seems to have fixed the right click that stopped working. The technician was learning right alongside me, as he had not run across these problems before! Keep your fingers crossed!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................... Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..................................................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    Happy Tuesday! :D I got up early to go sit for the boys while Lisa (who is sick) took Rob for his procedure. When they got home she took a short nap and then went to the technician for a blood test and I finally got home a little while ago. I am tired!!!!!
    Had a good time at my friend's son's house yesterday, more good food and lots of games. I got home early enough to watch my favorite movie, It's a Wonderful Life and went to bed early.
    I really can't wait to get back to some healthy eating and get back on track.

    I hope you don't mind me not addressing everyone but I am just beat. Will check in tomorrow bright eyed and bush tailed.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Happy Boxing Day! It is a cold spell for certain now! Wind chill at noon was 14 below zero F. Our outlook is for cold and snow for the next week or so.

    I hope Katie, Jilly, George, Missy, all felines and other creatures that we love are well and enjoying any and all special treats and gifts. My dogs always loved special edibles but new toys lost their glamor quickly.

    This morning I decided I needed to sort through all the bits of paper that I have saved when cutting paper down for cards. After sorting and sorting, I have one plastic bag for each color or set of colors. I was feeling quite good about that until I reached for a storage envelope and realized all the bits and pieces from late summer/fall projects cut on the Cricut were enclosed. Yep, went right back to it. Threw out unlikely bits and again sorted the remainder with the same color categories. Now, unless I find some other surprise, I think the paper leftovers are sorted out. Then I set up my Cricut and cut out more bits for Chinese lanterns I have another stack of cut pieces to work on when I get motivated. Haaaa. I think I will cut dragons next. If I keep at that, I will have enough little dragons for decorating and gifting. The lanterns, well, there may not be many of those. We will see.

    Buzz, that is a problem with an older computer, they often do not have everything necessary for these software updates. Another way to keep us purchasing new electronics. Luckily I love, gray, silver and black so I don’t have problems purchasing replacements. Right now my Windows machine is bright red, the one prior to this one was bright blue. My iPad is gold. Happy shopping if it comes to that.

    Anne, I am happy you got home safely last evening. I always feel somewhat adrift if there are people at an event that I did not expect. Even if I know them a bit. Big get togethers are no longer in my comfort zone. So good job Jilly and Anne for making it through the gathering.

    Patsy, are you celebrating today? I haven’t heard about the weather in your area. I hope whatever you are up to today is loads of fun!!

    Sandy, hello. Hope you are well.

    Jackie, love the graphic. Wherever do you run across things that can be posted in a B.B. forum? Or are they photo format? Good idea to put that vodka away although anything that I like a lot, no worries I will climb as many stairs as needed, or move things, just about anything except staying out of it!

    Back to my chores.

    Hugs my friends.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2017
    I am avoiding going out in the cold to drag the trash carts to the curb. I know, it isn’t going to get any warmer. Here are some huge photos of the latest general winter/hello/thinking of you/ whatever cards depending on what I stamp or write inside. I know, boring but I just really like these peaceful bits and pieces.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    And I decorated the gift card envelope I am giving to a friend soon....


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Love the cards Lin, you are on fire!

    Just watched the Christmas Special of Call the Midwives, loved it! Anne and Jackie do you remember the snowstorm in 1962? Such a great show!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Snow, ice, high winds.... you name it, we've got it this morning so I've already told George the garden is it for now even if he needs to do more than pee. He was quick doing that first thing and is now curled up in his donut bed so I don't think he will be arguing!

    Sandy ~ I didn't mention the Call the Midwife special because I thought perhaps you wouldn't be able to get it in the States yet. It was one of their best episodes wasn't it and as ever brought a tear to the eye! Yes I well remember that snow that seemed to go on forever and as fast as we kids were sent out to clear the footpath outside our house it blew back.... a bit like Anne's over Christmas! I've a photo somewhere that I took in the school playground and will dig it out later and post it!

    Lin ~ Those cards of yours are very special and I love the imprinted 3D effect that look so peaceful and gentle. I'll tell you a little secret about some of the images I post here. Whatever the subject, I google search the word followed by "image" and then run through all that get put up for me to view, right click on one I like and save to my computer then all I have to do is browse for my post. Does that make sense? Last night I had a thimble full of that caramel vodka before bed but have decided even half a thimble could be too much so might have to padlock that cupboard!!

    Buzz ~ You have hit the Microsoft wall that I did when trying to download Windows 10 and of course it's all a ploy to get us to spend, spend, spend. That's why I'm happy to get on with a mix of 7 and 8 for now and payed a small amount for additional virus protection since Microsoft tell me without their updates I'm not protected..... there they go again, spend, spend, spend!!

    Anne ~ I'm guessing Jilly's Rudolph was made the same place as George's Santa hedgehog! It's cute but after the horror stories we've been told recently about that country still using real fur on such things but labeling as synthetic I'm a little concerned. George loves it of course!!

    The night's ice is melting but we have wet snow and sleet coming down at the moment so I might have to dig out my waterproofs and a warm hat to give George a short stroll along our track into the village so long as the roads are quiet.... we don't have sidewalks as you call them!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    I had a wonderfully quiet Boxing Day. Jilly slept through most of it after her hectic Christmas. I lit the candles in the evening and followed JACKIES example by having an extremely small Brandy and water with a piece of Christmas cake, became very whoozy (I rarely drink) blew out the candles, managed not to burn the house down and tottered off to bed. Jilly is confined to the garden as well with temperatures plummeting down to -18C or 0F. Yes I remember the snow of 1962. Michael was 15 months old. Difficult pushing the pram and no car yet in those days. (Mark was born at home by the way, in 1964, with one of those wonderful midwives. She didn't make it in time at four in the morning! But that's another story!)

    Aren't LINS cards absolutely beautiful! I am full of admiration for the gorgeous work you so patiently craft Lin! Wonderful hobby which gives so much pleasure.

    My task today is to find room in the fridge to start defrosting the enormous bird in time for New Year's Eve cooking! A task I am not looking forward to with relish! Goodness knows why, after all you just stuff it, cover it with strips of bacon, more or less ignore it for 5 or 6 hours and Bobs your uncle! Whoops, do you remember that expression! I wonder who the original Bob was? Anyone know? It's what goes with the turkey that's the actual problem.

    Where's PATSY? Up to her ears in cooking I expect and wading through Katie's new toys and Johns pile of new books. Hope Christmas turned out just perfect in the end Patsy. SANDYS certainly did with a new grand babby on the way to love just like JERI with her beautiful brood.

    Hiya BUZZ. You are so patient! Very impressed! I'd have hit the computer with an axe by now! And then regretted my impetuousness of course. Remember:
    Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can,
    Seldom found in woman, and never found in man!

    (And rarely found in Anne)
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi, howdy and hello! It is me, the happy camper! I have an announcement! I am NOT going to do an American Christmas menu ever again, I HOPE. For years I have avoided the turkey and dressing, gravy, green beeen casserole, cranberry sauce etc. this year I did it twice. Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am now back to less tradition fare. It was a lovely day after Christmas dinner with our son. He is such a sweetheart. It would have broken my heart not to see him. But I would have been beyond sick if he tried to come in bad weather and ended up in a car smash up.

    Katie was delighted to have Damon here along with his two little dogs. They are older and a bit cranky. They fuss loudly at Katie when they are ready to rest and stop running endlessly in and out of the doors to the back yard. They are such sweet old doggies. Katie has a new Christmas bear. She likes big heavy toys. She loves dragging them around and pouncing on them almost like a cat. She loves to perform for everyone.

    John and Damon watched another sci-fi movie while I got the Christmas dinner on the table. And now I am intrigued by Jackie's salted Carmel vodka. I must try some. Maybe for New Year's Eve.

    All the gifts were fun and sort of heartwarmingly sweet. Sweaters, books, scarfs, odd tools, dvds, etc. expensive dog beds and toys.

    Once again, I wonder why we fuss so much about Christmas? The real treat is getting together. All the rest is just time consuming work. I will put this in my resolutions. I do think Katie and I would have loved that big party of Anne's family. I know Katie would have loved it. I am sure people would find Katie an over the top guest. And dare I say it...rather unwelcome in her enthusiasm. So be glad Jilly sat wisely on your lap. It could have been much worse.

    New Years just around the corner. I am praying for a better 2018. This year was interesting but troubling in so many ways. I am ready to begin a new year.

    I love each and every one of you. You are all very dear friends.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited December 2017
    After all the lovely posts this morning I am just dropping by to say hello. It is dreadfully cold and I need to tend to several things around the house including a hardly functioning toilet and a frozen down garage door. If I can get the door up I have three or four errands that I must get to today before more snow and cold for tomorrow and the weekend.

    Oh joy. Sorry to share less than happy news but another story of a fall. A friend who is quite young, just 21, took a nasty fall. She has one fractured ankle that requires surgery later this week while the other one while not broken is horribly sprained. Her husband is helping out a lot as they have a very active two-year old. Luckily her employer is allowing her to work from home. I was just horrified to learn this. Young people are not as prone to these outcomes normally.

    So please be safe my friends.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I finally managed to defrost the back door and got me and The Bean out at 11:15am. It's COLD out there. Frozen dog pee, but not much fun to sniff at I presume, it being frozen. It will be minus 20 c tonight. Or minus Four Fahrenheit, yikes!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is cold here as well with a temp of 1 degree and a wind chill of minus 4. I think I am still going to bingo tonight if my friends are going, thank goodness for my automatic starter to get the car warm. I am doing laundry today and catching up on computer, in all honesty if my friends stayed home tonight I wouldn't be upset to stay home.
    I feel as I have been running on fumes for the last two weeks, I look forward to the New Year where hopefully life gets back to normal.

    Anne, some frigid weather for you, be careful and watch Jilly's paws, does she have boots?
    I agree about the turkey, in itself it is fairly easy, those side dishes are what is a pain and time consuming. I am glad you enjoyed your boxing day and had a little cheer. And I have visions of you waiting for the midwife just like in the series. Please tell us the full story.

    Lin, oh how awful for your friend especially with an active two year old. I hope she has someone to help her if and when her husband has to work. Speaking of sad news, I have heard of two deaths during this holiday, one expected and the other not. I am a little superstitious as far as death comes in threes so I hope I am wrong especially since both Babe's brother and his son are both in the hospital. Both are having tests but according to Babe his son looks awful so Babe is very worried. Sorry to be such a downer.

    Patsy, I agree two turkey dinners for the holidays is just too much fuss. We were trying to keep it simple with a ham for sandwiches and some appetizers but of course with all that people brought and Lisa's mom bringing lasagna there was just to much food. I would be happy with just appetizers but that must just be me. lol I am glad you had time with your son and he was responsible to not take chances with the bad weather.

    Jackie, I look forward to your picture of the snowstorm in England. I just love that show and I agree, the Christmas special was heartwarming and brought tears to my eyes as well. I can't wait until Spring when the new series starts. I hope you were able to take your walk but please be careful.

    Buzz, your battle with Windows 10 doesn't seem worth all the problems. It might be time to invest in a new computer, do you use a laptop or desktop? I know there are red laptops out there and I have seen a pink cover for a laptop as well. Just google it.

    Have a great day, stay warm if you live in the cold and Buzz enjoy that Florida weather.

    One Day at a Time