Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just arrived home. Freezing out, and snow just starting. Where's me cup of tea!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited December 2017
    Back from getting together with friends. Just as Tuesday evening, several people had other commitments pop up but it was fun. Both of my vehicles have gas now and although no ice overnight, it still may arrive overnight tonight. I will need to stay in touch with the friend I am to meet early tomorrow.

    Enjoy your party Sandy. And glad the right person won on your show! I have been waiting for a package, but only for myself. It was shipped by Amazon UK. It got stuck somewhere, finally showed up in customs and then went missing. I got a sorry, if it doesn’t surface by the 27th, please let us know. Gosh, that wasn’t even China for goodness sakes! I have ordered through Amazon with vendors from China a couple of times and the item has always shown up but they never offer tracking. Can be frustrating.

    Anne, SNOW again????? Here, reach out, I have your cup of tea. :)

    Take care friends. Hugs.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I made it! Am now using a brand new version of 10, installed almost all day with practically nothing added yet, but came back home to my internet family first thing! My wonderful Golden Sneaker pals! Now I have to download Chrome and an email program I can enjoy using. Windows Live Mail is no longer being supported by Windows. Too bad, because it had all the features I liked, like being able to print or save mail! Similar to old timer Outlook Express. Actually, I need to get some sleep.
    <3 Buzz
    ..................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Welcome back Buzz!!!!! <3
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    SNOW, lots of it. What I'd give for Patsys rain!!!! Won't be shopping or seeing Michael today. Christmas shopping for groceries will have to be Christmas Eve. The good news? Freezing rain/snow mix after lunch. Maybe I'll get my wish after all, lots of laughs! One thing, the kids will be happy, no school today. Every cloud has a silver lining!
    Just ventured out with The Bean. Seems to be icy pellets right now. Wondering if I should start defrosting the turkey though for cooking on Christmas Eve, just in case. Forecast doesn't look good.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2017
    Late lunch for me because I had a Buzz morning doing my best to download AVG internet security that was offered at a reduced rate. Over an hour later because the website had me going in circles from when logging in telling me the purchase didn't exist to suggesting I open a new account and then telling me I couldn't because my email address already existed. Don't ask me how I got there but finally the more thorough protection is now up and running! Goodness Buzz, you have oodles of admiration from me for your patience and determination with Windows 10. So far I'm sticking with Windows 8!
    Yesterday my day was spent driving on extremely busy roads to complete a couple of last minute purchases to chasing George who caught a mouse that Brady brought in during the early hours. Too long a story but it didn't end well for the mouse or my blood pressure!!

    Sandy ~ After too many bad experiences I don't buy from China anymore. As Lin says there's never any tracking and I'm sure items get sent on that slow boat to China on its return trip! A friend had a similar experience to you a few weeks ago and in the end insisted on a refund then a few days later the item arrived. She let the seller know but they said keep it anyway, I'm guessing because they didn't want bad feedback.

    Patsy ~ You're right of course, I should have your laid back approach to agitated shoppers behind me because looking at their shopping as it's placed on the belt would give the same message out. Next time I'll try it and let you know! LOL Yes, dangling earrings and a nice necklace are on my shopping list.

    Lin ~ So frustrating if your UK Amazon item got through customs before disappearing. Our customs is extremely slow but at least I know if an item is stuck there for a while it should at least be safe! There are more couriers on our roads at the moment than public cars so obviously a very busy time. I'm waiting for one more Amazon delivery but I see they didn't send it out until yesterday so I'll be lucky to see it before Christmas. At least this is a gift to myself so I can wait!

    Anne ~ A white Christmas! Something everyone in the UK wishes for but I say they don't appreciate what would happen because everything grinds to a halt after just an inch of the white stuff. Oh dear, that turkey might come out of your freezer sooner than anticipated!

    Have I said, the tree surgeon is arriving early tomorrow to take down the magnolia so I must go out and make sure nothing is in his way. Have a good Friday everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Friday ! :) Our potluck Christmas Party was great at our meeting, lots of good food.
    After I went looking for replacement toys for Robby and his cousin to no avail. I ended up ordering something from Amazon and had it delivered to Lisa's house since they said it would be there Christmas Eve. I hope nothing changes or it will be too late to get anything else. If only my package from China would arrive. :(
    I found out yesterday on Facebook that Babe's brother is in the hospital in ICU with an UTI, bad knee and infection in his blood possibly from the UTI. He is one of my favorite persons so I had his DIL call me to explain what happened. I tried calling his wife but I am sure she is at the hospital with him which will be hard on her as she has MS. Praying he makes a full recovery and gets home soon.
    Babe is also worried about his son as he looks awful according to Babe. Babe has convinced him to go to the doctor today because his stomach is as big as a nine month pregnancy, his coloring is horrible and he has had diarrhea for a week. I hope he listens and goes to the doctor because I think he belongs in a hospital.
    I am going early to sit for the boys today so Lisa can go grocery shopping for Christmas Eve.
    They also have their meetings tonight so I will be spending a lot of time with the boys today.
    Will be going back tomorrow for our Christmas celebration with Bryanna.

    Busy times for all of us, I just hope the weather co operates with no big snow storms.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Foggy boggy day here. I have been chugging around sort of thinking in terms of a nice low key Christmas Eve. I will be my usual worried mother self...looking out the window repeatedly for our son to arrive. The trip over the coastal range is long curvy and often with thick fog. Deer and elk love to walk on the highway. I am already a nervous wreck, just thinking about it.

    I have My Christmas music on the CD player. John discreetly turns it down or off when I am not looking. He is as sentimental as I am but it shows up in different ways.

    Katie has matted up from the many trips out in the rain. She loves to dive outside, get sort of wet and wants right back inside. We dry her off, she wants back outside almost emmediately. Why not? I really have nothing else to do but to let her in and out and towel her off. It is in my job description.

    I had a very low blood sugar reading this morning. It was alarming really. I was not feeling too bad. Just woozy. I am back on track now but it does cause some worry. Why? What? I will be very cautious fir a while. Eating low glycemic foods, checking BS often. Most likely it is the odd schedule we fell into. But starting today...a few seconds more sunlight! Yeahooray!

    John is involved in procuring all provisions for he holidays meals. I have been making the cranberry sauce. It must cure in the frig for at least 24 hours or longer. We are having Cornish game hens for Christmas dinner. NO LEFT OVERS. Our son will be ever so grateful. They never go over very well around here.

    I suggested we all dress up for Christmas dinner. That suggestion was met with a loud protest. So while I would love to dress up, John and our son doubled over in laughter, "you have to kidding! I will be in my socks and jeans and Seahawks sweatshirt." Aren't they classy? Well, they are, really, but not at home while relaxing.
    We are almost there, dear sneakers. Santa is packing up his sleigh. I am wishing each of you a peaceful Christmas. If by chance, you are alone during Christmas Day, you are really not far from our thoughts. If you are with friends and family, enjoy ! We will expect a full report after Christmas. There is great TV options for entertainment. Wonderful music, I understand from our son, there is even turkey pizza, delivered. Boom! We got it covered.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Other than having to sign in to my favorite website, I must say getting the new Windows 10 was not the dreaded experience I feared! The Concierge help from Dell literally took me through everything including replacing backup! She saved all the things I was so worried about losing and I am one tired but happy camper! Of course this was the first place I logged into. So now I will have breakfast/lunch, and not be concerned about my computer as she even showed me all kinds of new additions and Windows 10 has many wonderful new tricks up its sleeve! I'm sorry to hear about Babe's family problems, and I wonder, should I feel guilty feeling that his son is responsible for his own problems as well as many others! JACKIE, I know exactly what you went through with registering AFTER you already registered, but I have been very pleased with the FREE Windows Defender, Firewall and the entire Security program they have. Once a month I also scan with and I've had no viruses since I gave up my expensive antivirus program, where I caught a Trojan! I might just go back to bed after whatever this meal is, since I got no sleep last night with totally needless worry! And again, I wish you all a relaxed happy preholiday weekend! My red pants and top from Chico's huge sale arrived yesterday and fit perfectly, so I'm ready!

    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!...................................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    One of the new things on my computer is information on every website's safety. I was surprised to find "not secure" on myfitnesspal! The following is a synopsis of what it means:

    The site isn't using a private connection. Someone might be able to see or change the information you send or get through this site.
    You might see a "Login not secure" or "Payment not secure" message. We suggest that you don't enter sensitive details, like passwords or credit cards.
    On some sites, you can visit a more secure version of the page:
    Select the address bar.
    Delete http://, and enter https:// instead.
    If that doesn't work, contact the site owner to ask that they secure the site and your data with HTTPS.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good evening. We had a bit of slippery stuff and a tiny bit of snow overnight. This afternoon the sun came out and the bit of snow melted away.

    I had a nice time with my friend this morning. Her grand daughter wasn’t able to come with her but that was okay. She had breakfast, I had coffee and then we did some grocery shopping. I didn’t do much but she bought everything for Christmas dinner including turkey and ham! They are also having scalloped potatoes, corn casserole, cornbread, sweet potatoes, some lovely rolls and butter. I am not certain what else they are having but she needed sour cream, more butter, little marshmallows, and green beans. She had four types of pop/soda, and some things to make more fudge. I think they will eat well.

    The rest of my day has been sorting things out. I had an order go bad with Amazon. I was surprised how messed up things got and how long it took to get it straightened up on chat even though they were willing to work with me. The bottom line is the item I ordered from Amazon warehouse didn’t exist. The item they had did not match the description they put online. So I am returning what I received BUT they thought they had something that would work and they shipped that. Unfortunately it is also the wrong item so when it arrives I have to refuse the item in order to get my refund. Sounds odd and it is!

    Wishing everyone happy times with family and friends. I have one little thing to do tomorrow, then church on Sunday and then I plan to just hang out here until things open up again. I am appalled that all of the libraries will be closed until Wednesday for goodness sakes.

    I need to make a few birthday cards and several thinking of you/hello/winter cards as well as a thank you. So I guess I better get started in earnest soon. :D I am enjoying Lucy and Dick Van *kitten* tonight although I don’t really care for colorized version. I like B&W.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    No prizes for guessing what it's doing outside! Clue. It's getting to look a lot like Christmas. The turkey is becoming more and more a defrosted turkey if this keeps up!!

    We've just got back from a slow walk for me and a sniffy walk for her. Not too cold in the falling snow and me the only human and her the only canine in sight. Well what you could see of her nose burrowing through the white stuff.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    For anyone not able to enjoy a white Christmas, here's the view from my front window. It IS snowing but doesn't show! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    I liked this image. I know there are lots of extra bits that I cannot edit out. Sorry about that. And Anne, thanks for the winter picture. <3


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thank you LIN. A big ditto! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited December 2017
    Happy Saturday! :) No snow here and I am glad about that because I hate driving in snow. Going to Rob and Lisa's at noon to celebrate Christmas with Bryanna. I plan on going to 5:00 Mass and stopping at Babe's to give Daisy her Christmas stocking but will have to see what is going on with his son who is in the hospital for tests. And the information on Babe's brother is:He is having surgery tomorrow morning to flush out the infection in his blood. He then will have to come back to the hospital everyday for 6 weeks to receive antibiotics thru an IV.
    Doctors determined that this infection was caused by a parasite in his dog's saliva. She most likely licked an open wound on his hand.
    Scary isn't it? I let Daisy kiss me all the time which I think might have to stop after hearing this, but I love her kisses.

    Very cute graphic Lin and the snow looks so pretty Anne, as long as it is in Canada. I better get moving and get ready the next few days are very busy.

    Have a fun day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, the treatment for Babe's brother sounds a lot like the treatment for MERSA (or however it's spelled), which is becoming more prevalent. At least it is now treatable! Hope your celebration is lovely! Merry Christmas, dear friend! <3
    ANNE, thank you for the snow picture! It looks simply beautiful to this Floridian!, and Merry Christmas to you, love!
    LIN, loved your post on my number of days page; makes me feel so warm knowing you! Merry Christmas, sweetheart!
    JACKIE, too much to comment on regarding the years of knowing you, so just accept my Merry Christmas wishes and, computer willing, I'll see you tomorrow! I'm still downloading many deleted programs, including email! love you, dear!
    JERI, miss you , and BARBIE, and all our other friends and a very Merry Christmas to each and every one!
    I'm now back to figuring out where my missing programs are!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!....................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited December 2017
    Scary stuff Sandy! I always let my dogs slurp me and I did work on the farm without gloves and had scratches and cuts on my hands and those hands got into lots of things worse than doggy saliva. Gosh I hope your day and evening go well.

    Meanwhile, I have been cooking and fussing around here all morning and I am not quite finished yet. I made a pot of vegetable soup with a lot of broccoli in it. Then mushrooms and green peas with vegan cheese sauce. I have quinoa cooking now. May roast some sweet potatoes or an acorn squash later. I don’t think the squash will keep much longer.

    Isn’t this just such interesting news? Oh, I did get a nice surprise. Remember the price protection guarantee I filled out? Didn’t hear a thing from them until they approved it and I got a check in the mail. Very lovely. I also got a new debit card in the mail. I haven’t carried or used one for years and years. I decided since I am staying in the area now (never wanted one when I was going up for my Father’s care) that it might be nice to have as an option. I called my credit union yesterday and they were very helpful. They activated the card, gave me an authentication code and the number to call to reset my PIN. It all worked so I am set! I still do not plan to use it on a regular basis but I could use it if needs must.

    Laundry is done for today but no cards started yet.

    Anne, again lovely photo of the snow but a bit too much for the upcoming holiday events. And taller than Jilly I would imagine.

    Need to check my quinoa.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    CROSS FINGERS. I do believe it's finally stopped snowing. Couldn't resist another photo taken right now from a side window.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've just had so much fun! Me and The Bean both. Talk about being 12 years old again! As soon as the snow stopped Darren and Catherine came over to start digging me out, then Barry a bachelor I barely know came over with his brand new snow blower and REALLY dug me out. Then I collected Jilly for walkies. Now Jilly LOVES snow and this stuff is deep. We all walked down the road to another couple to help dig them out and at this point 6 of the kids where building snow forts, snowballs flying everywhere. Of course Jilly wanted to join in the fun and I've just brought home an exhausted but very happy small dog. We will both sleep deeply tonight methinks.

    The good thing about being oooooold is you can be as daft as you like and enjoy your second childhood!!

    I must buy all these good folk boxes of chocs or biccys tomorrow. I never thought I would enjoy being the oldest person in the street these days, so much!