Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2017
    I keep meaning to tell LIN a French manicure is one where the tips of the nails are painted white while the bed is either clear or slightly pink or natural. I love the look , although I have really ugly shaped nails! I inherited my Dad's nail shape, short and wide, instead of my Mom's elegant ovals. My hands are aweful, plus which I can't figure out how to reduce image size, I can't find the option for that! But can you make out the white tips? nketj83fs666.jpg
    It takes me hours, waiting for each coat to dry thoroughly before applying the next! I'm strictly an amateur, since I've never allowed myself to have it done professionally! I sometimes wonder where I ever learned to waste time so efficiently!!! :s
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A lovely day first thing although windy but we enjoyed a wonderful walk across the moors where once again the light showed some areas up as if they had been planted overnight and we were exclaiming as we went, look at that, and did you ever notice those mounds before! When I walked back into my cottage I was struck by its untidiness so am now on a mission..... first some washing up then kitchen floor to be washed followed by once again running my Shark vacuum cleaner about the place. This weekend I'll pop just a few decorations about and even put a very small tree up so there folks, I'm finally getting into the spirit of things!

    Lin ~ We do so rely on the internet don't we and I too get so fed up when my connection plays up as if it's another form of oxygen and we can't live without it!! My parcel deliveries do seem to have settled so I'm even more convinced the past problem was more that the seller had not sent the item in the first place (or the 2nd place!). Funny thing is I've received an email from our Royal Mail advising me that a parcel has been dispatched from a farm supply company and will be with me within 48 hours but I have no idea who it's from because unless I'm going nuts I haven't ordered from them! So long as it's not breathing and I have to feed it!!

    Anne ~ Good old M&S, what would we do without them? It seems the size you chose was correct as well as the colour and I'm sure you will look and feel gorgeous wearing it at Christmas.

    Buzz ~ Unfortunately my nails never stand up to my lifestyle so I've learned to keep them cut and filed short otherwise they do their own thing and end up in a terrible mess. I'm looking at them now thinking it's certainly about time I gave them some attention!! Your gala sounds wonderful, especially the rack of lamb. It seems you are surrounded by talented entertainers since they all seem to put on such wonderful shows. You didn't mention falling asleep either so it must have been a terrific evening!

    I have to admit I don't know what the FCC is or what you will be losing but it reminds me I was going to tell you about a programme I recently saw about Cuba where the point was made they don't have free access to the internet, much like China. Anyway the seniors who were touring Havana commented that it was wonderful to see young people talking to everyone, dancing on the streets and playing games without staring into an iphone or viewing the world through an eye piece. When the kids were asked if they resented not having access they weren't at all concerned. I suppose they couldn't miss what they hadn't had.

    Housework here I come.... and the chicken house of course!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm still reeling at the speed of the M&S delivery! Wonderful first time shop on the internet! It's come in time to wear at my grandsons birthday dinner on Sunday at our favourite Italian restaurant. The owner always kisses Mary Jo on the cheek and since I once bleated in fun, "hey, what about me!" I get kissed as well. Poor young man!"

    I'm like JACKIE in the finger nail department BUZZ. Too much grubbing around to ever get beyond the very short stage. Forget nail varnish! Although we did use the clear stuff to stop runs in our panty hose or tights (UK). I'm considering becoming elegant (lol) and buying tights again especially if I once more venture into skirts. Chunky fair isle socks do not look elegant with skirts!!! I've got some pretty shoes which haven't been worn for donkey years!

    That's one good thing about living in a residence LIN, I'd have to clean up my act for gala nights! Good luck for your friends transition, I hope all proceeds smoothly for them.

    Busy shopping day today. Pray the flurries keep away until the afternoon!
    PS. The internet has been acting peculiarly for a few days, you are not alone LIN.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It looks like I forgot to post yesterday and not sure why. I had my meeting and then a Christmas dinner with friends which was lovely. They came to my area and we went to the restaurant where Bryanna works, although it was her day off. I was a little upset because I had asked if we were getting gifts and was told no but the other three ladies did indeed get something. They only thing I brought was a little box of Fannie Mae so I was a little embarrassed. One gave us a bracelet and a beautiful candle. The other a box of chocolate covered pretzels and some little purse toiletries. It seems too late now to get anything especially when I won't see them before Christmas.
    I have an eye appointment this afternoon and will be going straight to the boys to sit.

    Anne, Amazon Prime has two day delivery and it still amazes me how fast items arrive. Make sure someone takes a picture of you in your new sweater, you are going to look fabulous. I do like to get a no chip manicure but can't seem to find the time right now. Hopefully, I can fit it in next week and I think I will also get a french manicure. My nails are short and horrible but she seems to make me look presentable when done.

    Jackie, the FCC stands for Federal Communications Commission.
    Who knows where this is going. I can't wait to hear what you are receiving from the farm supply company.

    Buzz, again your residence impresses me, so many things to do, great entertainment to watch, wonderful food. You are indeed lucky you found this great place and you seem so happy. Good work on your french manicure, I could never do one on myself.

    Lin, busy, busy, busy. I am sorry about your internet nothing is more frustrating. I am glad to hear your packages are arriving without incident. I will probably wait for the Star Wars movie to come to Netflix unless I get a free rental from Comcast.

    Patsy, the virtual Christmas party sounds like fun and much safer if wine is involved.

    Have a wonderful day and stay happy.
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Foggy and damp today! Great day for a decorative fire in the fireplace and Christmas lights. I don't bake anymore, but if I did...this would be a great cookie baking day.

    My dungeon is a jumble of wrapping paper, ribbon, boxes, gifts and paper. Looks like Santa had a. Bad accident in there. There really is no hope for that room. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh!

    I am doubled over laughing! Looking at my truly horrible fingernails. I have them cut to the quick and even then they are cracked and have paint permanently stained under whatever nail is left. I have cuts and bruises on my hands from the tree decorating. The only beauty treatment these poor digets get is a splash of hand cream from the bottle next to the kitchen sink. I would cause a manicurist to pull her hair in frustration.
    Loving the season...solstice is almost here. More light, even part of a minute is appreciated.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My nails were looking pretty much as you all described, but I find if I simply use a top coat of clear every week, they start looking a bit better! I get cracked ridges all the way to the cuticle, so I'm thrilled they don't look horrible for the Holidays! And don't forget, my days of real cooking , cleaning etc. are pretty limited now!
    Yes, dear friends, I realize every day how fortunate I feel to have spent many frugal years so that we might be able to not burden the kids, since they don't live closer than 1500 miles anyway! I always worried about outliving any savings we might accrue, but living here has removed that since for residents who "run out" of savings ( not having cruises on their list!) there is a Samaritan Fund to help! They will not throw you out!!! It's something to consider! Our Group of Communities is non-profit, and a certain percentage of our fees, therefore, is deductible from Federal Taxes under Medical Expenses, since it is considered Health Insurance. We receive Lifetime Care when we purchase residency. LIN, if you are able to speak to those friends about the advantages and disadvantages of different communities, recommend they learn about Lifetime Care Communities, or CCRC's. And the reason buying in is so important! There are vast differences in end costs and savings! We had no mortgage when we sold our home. but the money we received was what we used to buy in here. Rentals may be more reasonable to begin, but have absolutely no advantages as needs arise! This is for the USA, since I know nothing about other countries that appear to be more concerned about retirement benefits! Our Medicare is in for huge cuts next year! I know this is a boring post, but we must take care of retirement plans while we are still able to do so! Don't wait until it's too late!!! As far as being Independent, I have as much independence as anyone else who does NOT NEED HELP! Once we require help, no one remains independent!
    If anyone wants answers, just send me messages and I will gladly answer, as we both felt this was the best move we ever made! And we, too, felt "We weren't ready yet!". I'm climbing down off the pedestal !!! And getting ready for dinner!
    <3 Buzz

    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good evening, yes, same as usual, very limited bandwidth. Hoping this will post. Who knows.

    Buzz, what a lovely job you do with your nails. Many layers of polish then, right? A lady I know puts some kind veneers or something on her nails and the ends are white as you illustrate in your photo. So many interesting things that people do with their nails. Nail art, one nail a different color and design. My ridged and cracked nails have ink stains and I wash my hands so often they are on the edge of cracking open all the time so I funk them up at night which he,ps. I admire the effort you put into keeping everything looking great! Thanks for sharing the info. I have learned something new.

    Sandy, you are so busy now with all the baby sitting that you do. I am glad you stop by to visit when you are able to spare some time. The little guys are adorable and I can see why you like to stay with them.

    Anne, lots of shopping and running about today? What mischief did you get into if I might ask. And the snow is over for now? I have visions of a gigantic turkey barely fitting into your freezer.

    Jackie, we are all interested to learn what you receive in the order you did not place. Sometimes I receive a little package and I will think what the heck is that. It is usually something I ordered a long time ago that is just showing up and the name of the sender is not familiar. I don’t usually get anything I didn’t order. In other words, no gifts!!

    Patsy, your dungeon sounds just right to me. That is how I seem to live but not just in one room. My stuff is taking over the entire house. I try to contain it and it spills out once again when I get involved in yet another project. But it is fun. (And I am glad none of you is able to get here for a visit......)

    I plan to stay home tomorrow. I am not interested in the children’s Christmas party at church, or going out caroling, or going to soup supper. It will be home sweet home for me. Church on Sunday morning to hear the cantata which should be enjoyable. Thus will the weekend be spent.

    Wishing everyone happiness and good health. I think another cup of tea is in order.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I have 3 spots in my home that are "gathering spots": my eating counter which gets everything I bring in through my main door. 2. My DESK!!! Every 2 weeks I gather up all the important papers I've printed, saved, received, or have not figured out how or where to file! 2 weeks because that's how often my cleaning help lady comes, so I MUST make a pile which then gets stuck on the existing piles, temporarily existing on top of my printer! bedroom bureau! This is a triple length which every 2 weeks is swept clean of all mess! It remains clear of extraneous stuff for maybe 3 days. Then, stuff mysteriously starts gathering , which I truly plan to clear away ASAP! Well, the earrings do get carefully put away at least every few days. I cannot figure out what the rest of the "stuff" is, but at the end of the 2 weeks, it takes awhile to organize and put away all this mess (everything of which
    must be too important to throw away! Then the bathroom counters! One remains perfectly clear; this was Mike's bathroom so I NEVER use it! My bathroom is attached to my bedroom by a short hall, where my overstuffed closets exist. My counters always start out clean, clear, and dust free. By the 3rd day at least 1 Sudoku book appears. Next day, my eyeliner brush joins. After that, I couldn't begin to explain the absolutely necessary articles gathering as I rush through my dressing preparations, often too late to organize! By the 13th day, I usually cannot find my nail file or phone! ALL OTHER AREAs are normal and neat. Does this indicate anything serious? Or, is it simply that I need a Lady-in-Waiting more than Elizabeth does! (Oh yes, I watch 2 chapters of The Crown religiously every Friday night!)
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning and a beautiful one it is too. George and I walked for just over an hour across the moors in glorious sunshine with no wind and halfway round I had to remove my fleece hat and unzip my coat because I was too warm. It's only about 6c but that's good enough this time of year. My kitchen floor didn't get washed yesterday after all so it will be my first task after my cup of coffee. It seems a few of us tend to live amongst unneeded piles. My dining room is currently cluttered with the materials for renovating the 4 chairs and also beehive supers full of honey needing to be extracted.... oh yes, and the extractor itself of course! The honey could be into tubs in an afternoon but it's a messy job so I have to psych myself up for it! My plan is to work on the chairs while the builders are here demolishing my conservatory since it will be a good excuse to stay out of their sight through the door leading from the cottage out to my garden. After that I have to have a New Year's resolution to refrain from letting these indoor jobs build up although I know as soon as it is gardening weather again I'll be outside. Oh well....!!

    Well, just learned that if I click on a link posted by a sneaker mine that I'm currently typing doesn't disappear if I click back to the site! I've just viewed the link Sandy gave me so thanks for that, I now see what's proposed for your internet. When our fibre optic broadband was first introduced we had problems with the big boys cutting out their smaller but cheaper competitors until the internet regulators told them off and threatened massive fines. As ever competition is fine until the big boys gang up!

    Lin ~ No sign of my farm supply yet but then 48 hours delivery with Royal mail can often mean 72 or more!! I don't imagine Anne's cashmere top ended up in one of their vans!

    Time for my cup of soup and a few crackers for lunch. I might even throw in an apple!! Oops no, I have to wash the floor first!

    Have a good and safe day.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A spur of the moment ebay bid on another supposed Wallis dress last night. Now I'm almost hoping I'm outbid since it could have me looking like a sack of potatoes plus I have some concerns about the neckline.... might have to get a friend who's good with needle and thread to raise that an inch or more! We'll know tomorrow!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017

    Woooo, sexy neckline JACKIE. I bet you can carry the neckline off, and if you feel bare, maybe a nice scarf?

    I've just been reading BUZZ's, PATSYs and LINs lives of glorious disarray and abandonment. Am I reading right? Oh dear, I must be the most boring person ever, and I so admire you girls! Because In contrast my own life consists of everything put back in its rightful place once abandoned. The coloured pencils and pens sit in a very large mug on my desk, every bill is meticulously put away in its special drawer as it arrives, the blanket box is full of writing projects, poems, paintings, my clothes hang in the cupboards coordinated, all the white shirts together followed by beiges, browns,yellows, greens and so forth, not that I've got many clothes. The pants line is the same AND the sweaters in their respective drawers. This is easy actually because I don't have too much in the clothes line. It's the same with food. Folks laugh at my lines of alphabetical spices and my rows of mason jars containing rice, pasta, raisins, etc. The makeup is put back in its makeup drawer and the nail file etc in the brush and comb drawer. The only truly untidy person is young Jilly who scatters her toys with the same abandonment as the rest of you free spirits. I think what created this boring Anne person was a rather strict upbringing followed by life in various offices where everything HAD to be filed for easy finding.
    Of course my house isn't at all large which helps in the putting things away. I'm happy to report that although Mark tends to be like me in this regard, Michael most definitely did NOT take after me. The rigidity is broken there! I have one room full of brimming boxes of HIS stuff in the basement.
    I somehow don't think this leopard can change its spots at such an advanced age, but I CAN admire everyone else's homes brimming over with interesting things! The only good thing about being "organized" is I can always find my glasses being short sighted!

    Anne in yet another snowy day. Wish I could organize nature to just snow overnight or when I'm not going out.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good morning, coffee is calling to me. I just finished packing up my little bags of treats/gifts to take to church tomorrow. So something has been accomplished. Christmas cards to put in the mail and a trip to the Library is needed as the librarian did not have a copy of the next book club selection for me—she ordered one and it has arrived and should be on hold at the circulation desk.

    Anne, I admire your organization skills. Although I have chaos I always have keys, purse, checkbook, garage door openers, cell phone charger etc. pretty much in the same spots so I don’t lose those. Other things are generally organized—inks, papers, printer cartridges all easily found. The rest, God help me. A particular stamp set or embellishment? Well, makes life interesting.

    Jackie, I like the color of the dress. I am unsure about the neckline. I cannot really imagine how it would look on rather than hanging. But I am getting to the age of not-so-great skin anywhere! Still waiting to see what might arrive at your abode. I ordered something from Amazon UK. It was stuck in one location for over a week but is now back in the system and is proceeding through customs I believe. Maybe I will receive it by Christmas. Maybe. That will be my surprise.

    Buzz, I just pared down one of my gathering spots. I have a magazine rack that receives lots of materials as they arrive. Catalogs, offers, newsletters, newspapers and more. It was overflowing yesterday. There is a bit of extra space now. Oh and thank you for the information on communities. My friends have already made their commitment to this new place. Out on the edge of nowhere (right now at least) so they will have longer drives everywhere unless they use community transportation. She is already having meetings about picking out colors and carpets and customizations to make it just right for them. She is extremely exacting and fussy. She is losing sleep every night worrying that it will not turn out 100% to her taste. Oh my. I am still extremely happy in my hovel.

    Time to get moving to refill my coffee cup.



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Me, in the middle of housework. I didn't say I was the best housekeeper by the way, lol. Being neat doesn't exactly mean I'm free of the odd cobweb! All is deceptive under a veneer of neatness. Anyway on reflection I've probably misread comments, easily done these days, so I apologize if this is so and my previous comment was actually done tongue in cheek. I know!!! Difficult to see facial expressions on the internet. Feel free to write comments on my obsession with lining jars up and colour coordination. Actually, I think I'd like a lady in waiting as well, although maybe a parlour maid with feather duster would be more appropriate! Oh, AND a cook!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Had my eye checkup but unfortunately they dilated my eyes and it was a stressful ride to the boys house. I asked my doctor about those night vision glasses that you wear over your prescription glasses and he said he heard they helped so I ordered a pair from Amazon. I won't get them until next Friday but will let you know if they help.
    No plans today except for Mass and my weekly visit with Babe and Daisy.

    Anne, I think you are like me and a little OCD. I have a place for everything and everything has to be in place. Again, like you I do not like cleaning thus I have a cleaning girl. But when she is done I have to make sure everything is back where I want it and how I want it. My daughter is the same, so she inherited my gene.

    Lin, I am waiting over a month for something I ordered and did not realize was coming from China. I am hoping it will make it for Christmas but if not then I am requesting a refund. The tracking does not work so I can't follow the location.

    Jackie, I love the dress and color. I think the "dicky" is high enough to keep you modest. I hope you will post a picture of yourself in your new dress.

    Buzz, you do make a lot of stress for yourself in cleaning before your cleaning girl arrives. I am sure she would work around your piles or maybe even sort them for you. Maybe you just need some little containers to throw your stuff in until you have time to sort through it. lol

    Patsy, you almost got a belated birthday wish from me today until I saw that is was Marcella who had a birthday yesterday. I am not sure she still reads our posts but happy belated birthday Marcella. I think you creative people probably get so engrossed in what you do that you just put things down as you use them and eventually you have a pile of something.
    No big deal.

    Have a happy day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! It is a cold overcast day here. Not my favorite! I loved reading about neat organized homes. It is incombant on those dwellers to keep clutter to a minimum. That is my bugaboo. Not only do I have tons of little sentimental doodads, dear ones keep adding to my collections. Our son always brings me back some little trinket from his travels. I love them. However things are really piling up since he has done this for years.

    I decided I would try to at least try to keep my hands from looking so chapped and dry. More hand lotion and cream. Another New Years resolution! But I know that it comes down to a life style and personality trait. I am always dragging in some odd rock, feather, piece of wood to serve as one of my instant inspirations. My dungeon is full of these artifacts. These things would drive most of the sneakers crazy. I cannot imagine the cleaning person willing to deal with Katie and me. To my credit, I do constantly try to attain some sort of order. Not wholly successful I fear. The order in Anne's kitchen is admirable. I can whip up a pretty good company dinner and serve it in style. I have great kitchen and serving stuff. I love using my fancy stuff. But then there is that cleanup and put away problem again.

    More coffee...less drama!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2017
    A Hoot and a howl! ANNE, I have the same compulsion regarding jars and spices! Alphabetized, collected in brands, similarity of bottles, recipes etcetera ! In fact, I could put my finger on everything in my pantry except for all those bottles of water in every size that we buy yearly just before hurricane season starts! I like your idea of hanging clothing by color, and might get around to copying that one day!
    This morning, I waited for my promised call from Dell, and after 3 hours, realized the REAL owners of that phone number could not get through since I blocked it from the scam artists who call me at least 5 times a day, using Dell's ID!!! So I sent an email, and finally received one back suggesting I go on their website, and somehow we got connected. So from 11:12 AM, until I went down to dinner at 5:15 PM , their agent tried installing the new Windows 10 version. Just before leaving, it appeared to have finally installed properly! Hallelullah!(sp?) When I returned, there is that stupid little window stating there was n error in my system, and Microsoft was trying to reinstall my original version! I cannot believe it! That's about 5 wasted hours, and still no version 1709!
    Unfortunately, the whole thing left my eyes so blurry, I can barely make out the style of JACKIE's new dress! How about the tag at the back neck; Is it a famous name? Please send a picture showing how it looks on you! And how is the honey coming along?
    SANDY, of course I knew you were totally organized and neat as could be. You have managed a very tidy solution to rather messy circumstances, and have done it with such finesse and grace, I might have been jealous of anyone else, but from you, it is a beautiful thing to watch! My hat's off to you, love!
    LIN, how would you;; or PATSY ever find time to straighten out, with all the projects you are each involved in ?
    OK, must pop off to bed. My kids are in NY from Germany, and I asked them to Facetime with me and my Daughter. tomorrow. Perhaps something at least , that , will work out properly! .Meanwhile, off to bed!
    <3 Buzz

    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    BUZZ, I'm so glad we share a compulsion for alphabetical stored jars of spices! Doesn't it make a difference in finding one quickly when you are in the middle of cooking something and especially if ones got such a load of spices like I have. It's the same with clothes colour coordinating. I even put the scruffiest, say white shirt column, first and move along to my favourite or best at the far end. That way, no rooting around for scruffy work shirt Monday and it's time saving, BUT I never thought I'd find another spice jar alphabetically storer. Yeah!
    Definitely a family day today, it being my grandsons birthday. So I will away and wish you all a glorious and happy Sunday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Time to get going but must add my spices are not in alpha order but the ones that are front and center are the ones I grab for almost every day. B)

    Time to roll over to TJ’s for some shopping nd then on to church. Bags full of bags to take with me. I wonder what it would be like to just go to church with my purse and Bible? Likely I will never know.

    I tried hot foiling Friday evening and yesterday afternoon I was messing with ink blending once again as I had one eye on the television watching episodes of Star Wars movies played in order. It made more sense with binge watching (when my Internet connection worked). That entire series might be called the making of Darth Vader. I have heard the word Sith too often. Today they are showing the original series that I like.

    Buzz, these device problems just eat up our lives don’t they? I get so discouraged when the same problems keep coming back as they really never seem to be conquered. I hope you have nice visits via FaceTime with family.

    Anne, are you dug out of the snow?

    Jackie and Sandy, hello but must get up and get going.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Grey and drizzly today but George and I did at least get in a dry walk on the moors before the mist rolled in. I've been putting a video together of outtakes from the proper one I made of Scruff doing tricks for a website submission. The outtakes are far more entertaining but don't tell Scruff!! OCD is a condition I will never suffer from although I too had an extremely strict upbringing. I was just too much of a rebel to keep up a regime once I'd left home, in fact it probably sent me in the opposite direction once I knew I didn't have to! Keeping my home clean is a must but I'm afraid colour coordinated clothes wouldn't last 5 minutes in my wardrobe and just like Lin my spice cupboard displays the most used in the front! Having said that, I'm aware my knitted tops and other jumpers are coordinated in the dresser drawers so perhaps I have a slight case of OCD! Oh dear, no one else has yet bid on that dress so it could end up mine but then it's so cheap I can send it straight to the charity shop! No photos Sandy if I look how I think I will in the shapeless garment!!

    A couple of jobs to do before I light my fire and settle down so I'll wish everyone a peaceful Sunday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    edited December 2017
    Happy Sunday! :) It is a stay at home day and a wrap presents day. Other than my video call with my kids I have no plans. I just ordered 5 robo twist jar openers for three of my kids and my two friends who gave me presents at dinner the other night. I saw it on TV and thought it was funny and practical since it opens jars by itself. Just a little something for them to open. I bought them from Amazon for the free shipping so saved some money.

    Jackie, I disagree that the dress is shapeless, but until you try it on you won't know for sure.
    You are tall so I think it could be flattering but then you never know from a picture do you?

    Anne, when I first separated and moved into my own apartment, Bryanna's friends organized my closet into colors. They did a great job but I however messed it up with my second move.
    I try to keep seasons separated but there are times I go in my closet looking for something to wear and discover something I like and forgot about.

    Lin, since I am not a cook, I do not have many spices and keep them on a lazy susan. I watched all the Star War Movies last year and tried to keep them in order even though some were made out of order. I will probably have to watch the last one again to remember what happened before watching the new one.

    Buzz, you are absolutely sure you are talking to Dell when they get access to your machine correct? So many scams it is hard to trust anyone. BTW, Babe is also very neat so it was easy to keep our house tidy since he picked up after himself and even did his own laundry.

    Patsy, did you get all your presents wrapped?

    I am hoping I do not waste too much time on my computer, but once I start my games I am hooked. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time