Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We had to listen to one hail storm after another crashing on to the roof so George was disturbed and grumbling..... so was I at times!! This morning our walk was taken a half hour later to allow the frozen hail and sleet to melt but then we headed for the woods, over the styles and across the fields to the river. The great news for me was that I could climb the slippery rocky style with no hint of pain whereas a couple of months ago I struggled to get over so the slow release ibuprofen is working. Just a shame it runs out around 4pm but if I eat my evening meal early enough I can top it up again!

    Patsy ~ What with shopping either side of my hair appointment and catching up with my friends last minute so visiting for a cup of tea dear George was left for 5 hours, something I've never done before and felt terribly guilty so did my best to rush home although not easy on our narrow roads. Of course when I got home he gave me a wonderful welcome and was so forgiving as only a dog can be! He does have the cats for company and I leave the radio on so he can listen to some music but still I do get restless to return after just a couple of hours.

    Sandy ~ That's a delightful painting your ex MIL created and perfect that you can display it every Christmas and remember her. As for going to the dollar store with make up on you do better than me as I pick an choose which shops I want to make an effort for, certainly not our Pound shops!! LOL I think it comes from my take me as you find me or don't bother attitude!!I always feel we could share anything on sneakers and no one would be offended. ;)

    Lin ~ You used to have terrible problems with internet connections but that seemed to have been ironed some time ago so I do hope you can soon get back on line. You've no doubt tried the trick of unplugging the power, waiting a minute then turning back on and waiting for the lights to settle. It often works when my modem plays up.

    Outside I can see blue sky and sunshine so I'm going to visit the hens to clean out their house and see if I can work out a better way to present the new girls' crumb food rather than the bowl they keep kicking over! The others eat pellets from a feeder hanging on a line attached to a tree branch and I'm hoping the new chooks will move to that soon. The 3rd hen is to be named Tilly Trotter because most pantos seem to have a Dame of that name or similar.

    Enjoy your Friday everyone. Weekends are still special for me too although I've not worked for nearly 9 years but it must become ingrained over time to make the most and do something special on those days.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning all, it is freezing here. Jilly refuses to wear any of her three winter coats. She sits "doggedly" on the sidewalk until I remove the offending article. Once it's off, we resume our walk at great speed, or at least the fastest I can achieve.

    Makeup. Mmm. I still wear a little, and it is a little. A spot of face cream, a dab of powder, a smear of lipstick and that's it these days. I sort of have a fear of overdoing it like some old ladies one sees with black mascara and very pink cheeks. To be honest I rather think I look better without it, but the face cream protects from the cruel winter wind.

    The longest I've left Jill alone is 3 hours, most of the time spent worrying only to be greeted by a very loving dog who appears to have survived quite well. Probably slept.

    Great news JACKIE on the "no pain" walk. Isn't it wonderful on pain free days to feel ones old self again. Love the new name. Tilly. A bit like Jilly!

    We used to sing around the piano in my youth, but not very tunefully I'm afraid! The piano was covered in holes because it was located near the dart board. Happy days!

    LIN, hope you are back. You are missed.
    Time to get me a-moving for the day. Hugs to all, two footed, four footed and winged,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Went to Mass at noon, stopped at Walmart and have a doctor's appointment at 3:30 to check my knees. Since the doctor's office is so close to Lisa's mother's house I will stop there after my appointment to welcome them home.
    The game night was fun although she had so much food there wasn't much time for games.
    She had so many appetizers and didn't warn us she also had a regular meal to serve. We all ate so many appetizers there was hardly any room for the dinner. Needless to say I gained a couple of pounds from all that food and felt so stuffed I was uncomfortable. Back to my normal way of eating today, so hopefully I will shed the unwanted pounds.

    Anne. yeah, I am one of those old ladies who wears eye liner and mascara. It is not over done however and I think it makes me feel better to have a little color on my eyes, especially in the winter when I am so pale. Poor Jilly, doesn't she realize she will be warm with a coat?

    Jackie, happy to read you had no pain climbing the hills. I am sure George was fine for those few hours and appreciates you even more for coming home. Babe does not to leave Daisy for more than a few hours although I read somewhere that dogs can hold their potty for as long as how many months they are. So 12 hours I think would be max, but of course we dog lovers would never make them wait that long.

    Patsy, lots of talent in your family. Most of the time I mouth the words to hymns in Church because I have a horrible singing voice. lol

    Buzz, loved the video as I am sure the bride and all the guests did. I am listening to my body and taking it easy.

    Lin, hope you get back online soon.

    I better shave my legs for my appointment, wouldn't want him to hurt on stubble.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh happy weekend! I don't have any special plans but I will think of something. It is a sparkling day . Clear and cold. I am sure there will be some packages at the post office for me to wrap. I love wrapping gifts. My big hope is that the gifts are right for those intended. But it doesn't matter really. They are given with love and good intentions. How can I go wrong?

    Got something in the mail that has me weeping. We got a card that was in actuality a tribute to a recently deceased friend. Her husband is a retired music teacher and songwriter. The card had a obituary and a poem written by the husband. But the amazing tribute was a love song he wrote for the wife on her 81st birthday. She died shortly after her birthday. I am not really great at reading music but I sat at the piano and got the gist of it. I hope to have our other musician friend have his musical group play it for me. What a tribute! A love song titled "The miracle of love" for Mary on her 81st birthday.

    It is interesting that we always seem to have a number of musician friends. The artists that I am acquainted with are oddly very competitive and therefore not as supportive and friendly. The musicians, on the other hand are very sentimental and we are friends for life. John thinks it is because musicians are wired to cooperate. One must cooperate to play music together. I believe this to be true.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hi, well what a day. I got home, touched my thermostat to turn up the heat, got a static shock and the thermostat wiring is fried. I called my heating company, a guy came out, he is off getting parts and will be back later. Warranty? Watch me laugh. It will still cost hundreds even with the remaining parts warranty. Eeeck. And my Internet service works for a little while and then it is gone. I have reset the modem over and over. I called in and the first available appointment is next Wednesday, if it is not their equipment or cable causing the problem, I will be charged for the service call. Meanwhile, I need a new light switch in my first floor bathroom. I have texted a photo to my handyman so he can find something like what is there. Next week he hopes to gte here so I guess I will keep a flashlight in there for now. He said he will look at the leak in my water filter housing but I can tell he will not attempt anything with it. Time to schedule another service call. Ack. Enough.

    I hope to get nice and chatty again soon. Meanwhile just hoping to post and hoping to be able to read your posts.

    And yes Jackie, I went through long periods of Internet problems. I am less than optimistic that they will find a problem and fix it next Wednesday while I miss my Tai Chi class.

    Buzz, all the activities are at that one center. They have a fairly complex schedule to try to accommodate all the various interests.

    Take care and I hope to be back. I cannot even download an app update right now as my Internet speed is so slow. Guess I will be watching DVDs once agai.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Guess what! My internet went down just after 10 am and it's just come back on. No idea why.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mine too! WiFi on & off. Oh well! Glad you liked Vanessa's wedding, for those who watched. Pain in the ----to type while it's so erratic! Will try tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.....................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm still in business at 7:14am. Was out of Internet for approximately 8 hours yesterday. I'm about to start making chicken fricasse, or as we'd say in Yorkshire, good old chicken stew and dumplings. I've pinched Jilly's chicken to do this! It's so cold that it seems like a good idea! Otherwise nothing new to report, except to say:

    SANDY I think you'd look gorgeous with or without makeup. You are naturally pretty. Skilfully applied makeup looks wonderful but I'm on the shortsighted side and could overdo it so best leave well alone these days!

    LIN, it's one thing after another isn't it when one owns a house. Maybe Sandy and I are on the right track after all having landlords to fix things. Of course one needs a good landlord!

    Are you snowed in JACKIE?

    Good morning to all and let's hope for a trouble free day,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    Book lovers might like an Interesting article "Ian Rankin on the genius of Muriel Spark, BBC UK news." She wrote the "Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" if anyone saw the film starring Maggie Smith who won an oscar.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    I am connected right now albeit extremely slow. I am going to a papercrafter club meeting this morning. It is in a meeting room in a local library so maybe I will be able to sneak a few minutes to check in.

    Always delight in reading your posts.

    Hugs to my friends.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Not much time this morning, Lisa is picking me up to go to the mall so the kids can visit Santa. We are meeting her brother, his wife and their three kids as well as Lisa's mother and father. We do this every year and after Santa we have lunch together. It is a hectic time with three kids under the age of one and two age three. Later I will go to mass and stop in to see Babe and Daisy. I am finally feeling up to par and my busy life can move forward.

    We had a light snow and it looks pretty but it is really cold. It seems we all had some internet problems yesterday, must have been something in the air.

    No time to chat, enjoy your day and stay warm.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    No not snowed in Anne although it was 0c degrees first thing. We walked round the woods a couple of times and by the time we got back to our cars we were a balmy 3c so with a bit of sunshine, not a bad day. I've been in my garden attacking the wild bottom once again but of course as soon as I had checked with my neighbours they didn't have washing hanging outside and lit the incinerator to clear cuttings it began to rain!! The fire is lit and my first cuppa of the afternoon has been enjoyed so time to plan what to eat with my 2 extremely small lamb chops..... goodness what would a whole leg cost these days? My internet is also extremely slow so I wonder if North Korean Kim is playing his hacking games again!!

    Lin ~ Thank goodness you didn't do damage to yourself when the thermostat blew. A shame we live so far apart because as you know, I'm an expert with light switches after my DIY switch in my bedroom which still works perfectly! B)

    Sandy ~ George certainly managed the longest pee when I let him into the garden after his long time alone but good little man, no accidents! I'm hoping you have good news about your knees in that no damage done during your fall. Let us know.

    A text just came through on my mobile from a friend dealing with cancer. A scan shows chemo not working so trying hormone treatment. Have to ponder an upbeat response without being OTT.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Here's a nighttime Jilly!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Back from our visit with Santa and lunch at Red Robin. I am exhausted.
    The knee doctor said I could be the poster child for his website. My artificial knees have a 360 degree bend and the x-rays showed no problems. He did say I should be coming back every two years just to be sure things are good. I am glad I went and more than happy I did no damage. He again told me, don't fall on your knees. lol

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy day but at least I accomplished something: got my glasses fixed! And read an article on the importance of sleep to clear out the muck in our brains! I always end up short, so I'm off to bed this minute and will read this tomorrow! Love you all, and I know you'll agree with me it's time to clean up my act!
    <3 Sleepy -time Buzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    While a lot of the UK is dealing with heavy snow, well by our standards anyway, I've just walked George across a lower section of sunny moorland in high winds doing my best not to do a Mary Poppins and fly across the sky!! It was quite exhausting battling against the gale and splashing through deep puddles but George loved it and that's what it's all about.

    Anne ~ That photo of Jilly is a masterpiece and shows just what a cheeky little girl she is!

    Sandy ~ That's such good news about your knees and I'm thinking your bike riding has a lot to do with just how well they bend plus of course, all the bending you must do when doing your child minding. As for not falling again Oscar Wilde once said the only good thing to do with advice is pass it on, it's never of any use to ourselves!! Be careful anyway! LOL

    Buzz ~ Lack of sleep certainly fuzzed my brain and also made me short tempered which I hated to be so certainly advice passed to me that I can pass to you for you to pass on..... sleep is important and necessary! <3

    Coffee finished so washing up to be done before writing Christmas cards.

    A peaceful Sunday to all.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning. Warning on the weather channel. Snow late afternoon, followed by heavier snow all day Monday. Now there's a happy thought as I view my muesli! Should be interesting now I've lost my snow clearer Darren who will be battling his way to work instead.
    The internet is slow and off again.
    I joined Buzz and Jackie in a sleepless night!
    Typing is jerky and very slow, so l will away!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hello, another day of Narrowband Internet. I would laugh but it is not really amusing. While I keep resetting my modem I still cannot ever get more than 4.5 M Download speeds. But last night about 9pm while I was home but still putting touches on the day’s projects, I received an automated call from my Internet provider asking me if I STILL needed an appointment. Really? How about Monday instead of Wednesday. Grrrr.

    Well what a long day of working on projects. Finally out things aside about 10pm last evening.

    And now it is time to head to church. But my gosh, the coffee tastes wonderful. :D

    Jackie, I would have welcomed your assistance but the circuit board was fried on my thermostat and the company had to find one compatible with my zone heating and I received a huge warranty discount of 10% (can you hear me laughing?). The handyman is coming on Monday to replace a switch in my bathroom but it has two flippers—one for the light and one for the fan. Yipes! Double trouble.

    Anne, LOVE the photo of Jilly. However did you get such a spectacular photo? Snow. Fingers crossed, it missed us so far. I am sure we will get hammered at some point. I trust Darren will still do your snow removal when he is not at his job.

    Sandy, I am so glad your knees are in terrific shape. Good for you. Perhaps the biking does help? I would think that helps you use a very good range of motion. Whatever reason, good for you!

    Buzz, ah yes, sleep. I never feel that I get enough. It is a perennially tough issue isn’t it? I always hope you are getting more rest and meanwhile I never address my own bad habits. Argh.

    Patsy, hello to you. I hope you are having an enjoyable weekend.

    Time to move it even though coffee remains.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) A day to myself where I can get my few Christmas cards done, wrap the little presents that I have and get a form done on my computer for my meeting. I got my new car insurance bill and it went up in price so I am researching quotes from different companies. The problem is once you try to get an online quote they immediately call you as one just did.
    I told her the quote was higher than I am paying so she quickly hung up without even offering me a lower price. I will probably just stick with State Farm and try to convince my agent to lower my bill.

    Anne, I too, love that photo of Jilly. You should have it done on canvas (Walgreens is cheap, do you have those there) and hang it on your wall. Did you decide on a fireplace, I forgot.

    Lin, I am sorry you are having internet problems again. It could be the cold weather but either way I hope they get it working for you and soon. As far as my knees I think doing all the therapy certainly helped and yes the bike is a great source for replacement knees.

    Jackie, you are a brave person to walk in the elements. I admit I am a baby when it comes to walking outside in the cold. You and Anne have those little pups and they seem to like the cold weather. I know Daisy does but she is 100 pounds with a heavy coat. lol

    Buzz, I mean I don't want to say we keep telling you how important sleep is but maybe you will listen now. lol There is nothing that can't wait until another day especially when your health is at risk. Sometimes I think even though you are the elder of the group that we have to take care of you. Love you!!!

    Enjoy your day, keep happy.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Snow? Oh I hope everyone is careful and that it doesn't stick around all winter. When we lived in Anchorage the parking lots at the malls and the college were an all winter nightmare. We don't have snow here, just liquid sunshine.

    Our daughter dropped by and stayed for lunch. We enjoyed visiting but a strange thing is going on with our daughter and Katie. Katie quite simply is afraid of her and stays well away from my daughter. This is odd because Katie generally loves everyone. There has not been any distressing incidents between them. Very curious.

    We are in a national mood these day. Several friends involved in retail tell us that people still love Christmas but are cutting back and everyone is planning a low key holiday season. We certainly are. But we are still doing as much holiday stuff as we feel like. John and I are the ones in our small family who has the dinner, the tree, the big Christmas Eve present opening. And dare I say it...the big afterward clean up! I used to have a big New Year's Day family buffet. I think a huge pot of stew and a basket of some interesting bread and fruit will be the New Years buffet. Easy peasy! When will the kids start taking over part of the holiday duties?

    Jackie: your walks in inclmate weather are admirable. I cannot do it. John would be worried about falls out where no one would know where we were. Katie, the crazy nut case, would not stay next to us as we struggled to get upright and call for help. She would run off barking merrily at everything.

    Sandy: knees are so important. I think of them as part of our body's tires. If they don't work right, nothing moves right. I sort of hobble along. I am upright and mobile but not very graceful.

    Stay warm and bundle up if you venture out.