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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2019
    Dear Buzz, I assure you there’s no comparison when it comes to your Republicans. Boris is a mini Trump but our parliamentary system would never allow abuse of power or position so in a way he’s bordering on harmless. We all know to take what he says with a pinch of salt if not a spoonful and his womanising is generally smirked at by the press but my pleasure at the election result comes from knowing the far left opposition controlled by anti Semitic bullies with Marxist tendencies who hurl abuse and death threats at their own female MP’s not only lost but many of their party supporters have turned their backs on them. Just as important, the Conservatives are the only party working hard to extricate us from the European Union that is heading towards federalism in a worrying way so you see dear Buzz, the devil is in the detail!

    Sorry to bore everyone else.....I’m off out for yet another cold and wet doggy walk but I will return. ❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well said JACKIE!
    BUZZ, British politics are nothing like the states or even much like staid old Canada. British elections can be so much fun! I know because I used to be a clerk at the polling stations in my British days.
    My very small British pension has gone up by a whopping nine dollars just in time for Christmas! So I am much elated and very thankful to dear old Boris (who I hope will mould into a great leader as he adapts to the job) and the British electorate.
    I'll be even happier when Britain says goodbye to the EU and the cost of being a member. More money for the national health service and maybe my pension, lol.
    No, very, very hopeful for Britains future as we greet a brand new year.
    Hugs to all from Anne.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Absolutely horrid weather here. Heavy rain to soak you through with snow mixed in to freeze you.
    Anne. Guess there's worse things, bush fires, erupting volcanoes etc.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I did get the wrapping done and the cards sent out so I am happy. Today is Church with Joe, followed by something to eat. I did get my flu shot Thursday and have a slight sore throat today but not like I had. Hopefully, that is the only side effect.

    For Anne and Jackie, I saw this advertised and thought of the two of you. Sounds warm and cozy doesn't it?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wow! Sounds perfect for Cornish moors. I just stay in being a sissy. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you, dear Brits, for clearing that up. I was worried about having 2 alikes on the scene.
    I am waiting for a Facetime call from my DS. His daughter is now visiting them in Germany and they are out showing her the area. My Granddaughter lives in Oregon, and I seldom see her so at least we'll have a videovisit!
    I actually think I'm feeling better today, which is encouraging! Leg swelling is much better, bur the large toe has lost its nail and it's still oozing after several days soI may start soaks. ALso investigating portable Oxygen concentrators for when I am on medicare. They do help with my breathing.
    You all have a great weekend and I'll be back. Have a 90th surprise party for one of our newer residents, a retired Dr, and his sons are making the dinner party.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Crickey Sandy, with the amount of rain I walk in I'd be terrified I'd get electrocuted!😂 Then there's that word "slimfit"... hmm! Did give me a good laugh though.

    As I set out with the dogs this morning the clouds parted and sun appeared but the wind was howling on the moors and freezing with it. Perhaps I could have done with Sandy's suggestion! 😁
    When I got home I took my wheelbarrow out to the car and managed to heave the package out and roll it past my neighbours without being seen. It really is heavy so I'll definitely drop a thank you gift off for the lady who helped me because I'm amazed she managed to carry it as far as she did. I've also been online today to order a gift to be sent to my friend who put me up on my recent visits to London as well as a voucher for my neighbours for all their support this year what with hip replacements and trips away. It's for a night at a country inn of their choice with meal and breakfast thrown in. It's reminded me what a year I've had but as Anne has promised, next year will be a great improvement!!

    I can smell my meatballs in a tomato sauce cooking in the slow cooker which hopefully means it's ready to eat so I'll wish everyone a happy Saturday. 😍
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    edited December 2019
    Good day my friends. I spent the morning putting away clean laundry, fussing with my old laptop which froze up, finally paying bills online when I got it started up again, reading and trying out a new stamp and die set.

    Oh my, I see a bit of sunshine. Wahoo! But it is cold so will stay in once again. Not like your weather Anne but cold enough for me.

    Sandy, interesting jacket. Another thing to keep charged up! Haaaaa. Some good review from tiny ladies. 😉 I read nothing from giants. But it is interesting to see the product. Well done, cards done and gifts wrapped. Wonderful.

    Jackie, wow, you are on a spree to thank everyone. How kind of you to remember everyone who has helped you recently. Although the huge heavy package is quite a project. Maybe it could have been delivered straight to them as a gift?

    Buzz, I am glad you are feeling better. I hope you find a suitable oxygen concentrator. Oh gosh, you lost a toe nail? Ouch. Enjoy the FaceTime!

    Patsy, it is good that John is looking out a bit for the visiting cat. Odd situation.

    Well wishing everyone happiness.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️❤️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A wet day here AGAIN! But we are pressing on. I see some sun among the clouds. Katie has been out and in about two hundred times. She has gotten out her balls and several of her stuffed animals and is lying on top of them, chewing on one of their ears. We have to just wade through the doggie toys as we go about our house.

    Jackie and Anne: the political makeup of Canada and Britain is interesting. Our own here in the US has worked in the past but this current debacle is unprecedented. I don’t think I know the name of such a strange situation as is happening here. The world looks on in startled disbelief at one outrageous action after another. This new year will be better, I feel it in my bones.

    I dug out my grandmothers recipe for gumbo and I realize I will not be able to make the authentic Cajun Christmas gumbo. Some of the spices etc are not available here in Oregon. I will try to order them but will they get here in time? Maybe...maybe not. I will make a facsimile along with French sourdough bread. Boy! does that bring back memories! An Irish Catholic grandmother and a German emigrant grandfather living in south Texas, near the Louisiana border. Many Cajun cowboys and ranchers in and around our life, and wonderful special Cajun food. Talk about diversity......

    Buzz: so glad you are feeling better. Yes! Get that oxygen any way you can. I know several people around here with mini-tanks and they seem to be able to manage beautifully. One very stylish lady has modified her Coach handbags to accommodate her oxygen tank. Zowie!

    John had Christmas flowers delivered yesterday to our sweet helpful neighbors and some for us as well. Fresh flowers always cheers up the house. I maintain you can hardly see the dust and dog hair if you have fresh flowers on the table. Hummmmmmmm!

    HAve a lovely weekend dear ones,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. My day started with a 2 hour stroll on the moors with George and Betty requiring them both to be showered off when we came home because so much rain has made the ground incredibly soggy. At one point I thought Santa was passing us on his horse and so did George who ran after them but the lady rider told me they were on their way to a horseback Carol singing Service... what a wonderful idea!

    The hail storms have returned since we got home so plans to work outside have evaporated and instead I will run the vacuum cleaner about upstairs and generally tidy. Might even strip the bed!

    Patsy, hang in there because it took Britain close to 4 years of wrangling and nastiness to reach a positive place so you must believe the nightmare that is the orange man will come to an end soon. Cajun is one of my favourites although I tend to cheat with a jar of Schwartz!

    We might have snow tonight but probably not to last long. Never mind, it will soon be the shortest day then we head towards Spring as daylight hours increase.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    A jar of Schwartz??
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Chilly but sunny day. Although I seldom watch football today I will to see if the Bears can work their way into being a wild card in the playoffs. They have to beat Green Bay to win who are our rivals.Does it sound like I know what I am talking about because I don't. lol I think another team has to lose as well as the Bears to win. I will probably just watch bits and pieces.
    I also want to get my cards and checks mailed to my grandchildren out of state. Still deciding if I should mail a check to my grown children who seem to have more money than I. Just feel bad about not giving them anything so might reconsider.
    I think I am sharing all my thoughts and none of ite makes sense except to me. lol

    Jackie, love the current pictures, such beautiful scenery. Babe called to tell me Daisy is not eating and he is very concerned. He was going to try some boiled chicken and rice but if she doesn't eat that I will also be concerned. He did take her to the vet and they ran tests and did an ultra sound but didn't find anything. They told him as dog age they get tired of their dog food so they gave him a new one but she didn't eat it. I told him she could be stressed living there, so we will see.

    Enough rambling, enjoy your Sunday-Funday.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Lin, I assumed Schwartz was worldwide, in fact I'm sure I was introduced to their spices while living in Canada!

    Sandy, what a worry! Could Daisy be depressed or as you say, stressed? She must miss you and if loud voices kick off nearby I'm sure she wouldn't be happy; no dog would. How old is she if you don't mind me asking, only because you know how I love all creatures great and small and she's worrying me now?

    My friend phoned that lives in Plymouth. She is off on a Carribean cruise at the end of next week but worrying because she is not too mobile these days. I did say I'm sure they will look after her but didn't add these ships are full of seniors!! As we talked she gasped as a flash of lightening then loud thunder appeared from nowhere so I stood up to look out at the horizon about 20 miles away and yes, there were flashes of fork lightening zipping down along the coast but thankfully nothing here. The builder also rang this evening to let me know he will be here tomorrow to knock out the old hearth in my dining room and replace it with a solid granite base with rounded edges.
    Betty has an appointment with the vet at 9am for her boosters but also a health check so I can ask about her breathing that always worries me. I know Pugs aren't the best design for a clear nose but she does have more than most pugs so hopefully the vet can put my mind at rest. Nothing I can do about it anyway but forewarned and all that.....!

    Not a thing worth watching on tv so I'll see if there are any programmes I need to catch up on my ipad. A cup of tea and cosy fire is all I really need!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Jackie, Daisy is ten years old which is older in a big dog. Babe called back to say she ate some boiled chicken and rice so my guess is she has an upset tummy. I will admit I teared up when I hung up with him, she is my baby and I probably won't see her again. Sorry, I don't mean to be a downer. Good luck with Betty tomorrow. Can't wait for 2020 hoping it is a better year.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Thanks Jackie. Just dumb me, I have never heard of that spice mix. Thanks.

    Sandy, sorry about Daisy and yes, it is worrisome when our loved fur babies have problems, especially when a larger dog is older. I hope her tummy is set right and she will do fine. I know you miss her. I wish you could see her but humans have such a horrible time getting along.

    Jackie, wow, storms, glad you aren’t getting that lightning. Yes, so happy the builder will be there tomorrow to do the work on your hearth and hoping for good news for Betty at the vet tomorrow. Hopefully there is nothing seriously wrong.

    Well, big excitement at church today. The kids had their last rehearsal this morning during Sunday school. I listened from a distance while preparing communion. The service this morning was very nice and featured the choir as well as a small group doing special music. Then a huge surprise, our former pastor slipped in during the service. I heard an ‘Amen’, my head whipped around and yes, it was him. I was just amazed. He spoke to everyone as we dismissed to let us know his wife is still hanging on but is not doing at all well. Actually I was shocked at how he had changed, he seemed so diminished, in stature and his voice was not as loud and booming as it once was. But wonderful to see him and give him a hug.

    Everyone was all a flutter after the service to visit with him, to look through all the Angels (with needs for the church) on the tree. I cleaned up the communion and went out to look through them. Many of the same items were on four or more angels. I have a sense of what they need. I didn’t actually take an angel, I will either just wing it and purchase something or give them some money.

    I hope all is well with Anne, Buzz, Patsy, Jeri, Diane, Karen, Shirley and Marie. (Who did I miss?)


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good evening, my dear friends. Today's 90th birthday party was deligtful and really did surprise the guest of honor. I felt great about getting into a lovely velvet top I haven't been able to fit into for several years. Spent the rest of the day doing laundry. ANd wearing the stationary oxygen concentrator I have in the house. I don't get so weary when using it. But I tend to tire easily! So bedtime is getting to appeal more ! My mind and body respond to lack of sleep now...
    The shots of the moors are glorious, JACKIE.
    PATSY, My beautiful Granddaughter lives in Oregon. She just took a flight from there to Germany yesterday.
    My fingers are so numb I have to retype almost every word, so I must get some sleep! Hugs to everyone...
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.....................
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Wonderful posts from everybody although very sorry to read about Daisy and poor Betty with a possible nose job to help her breathe easier.
    I had rather a hectic weekend what with church choirs, Michaels visit before his office dinner party, Derek's birthday which is actually tomorrow etc etc and today I'm cleaning the copper and brasses ready for Santa's non arrival in this household and putting up the trimmings after all. Jilly is not a happy girl with Anne tugging stuff around. Never mind Jilly you might find a bone under the clutter on Christmas morning.
    So girls being unusually busy for me I'll hopefully pop in later although I also need to write to my bush fighting cous down under. At least with the cold we are not cutting foliage back from the house and coping with replaced knees!
    Merry pre Christmas. Anybody going carolling?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Meeting friends for our Christmas luncheon followed by a little gambling.
    I hope to get to Whole Foods before that to get some gluten free meatballs, grape jelly and barbecue sauce. We are having our Christmas potluck at our meeting this Thursday and one of the ladies is gluten free. I am not sure how it will taste but trying to be nice so I hope she shows up.
    I also have to get some cards to be mailed and some groceries for my house. I am not a fast mover in the morning so I hope I get this all done.
    I will be making meatballs again for Christmas Eve along with some giant shrimp cocktail.
    The holidays are just so stressful and it is not even at my house.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    edited December 2019
    Good day, it is sunny today and overnight we had less than an inch of snow I believe. So a good day. I had planned on going to a friend’s house today to work on a puzzle and to bake some cookies from some pre-prepared gluten free cookie dough I purchased . It turns out her son is having surgery today so it is likely we will not get together this week. Next week she has company coming to town for Christmas. Now what to do with the dough I thawed. Ack.

    So, I am playing with paper once again (having a good time) and finished reading a book that needs to be returned to the library. They will be closed from Dec. 24 until Jan. 2. Extra long time on the closure as they will be moving things again related to the remodel.

    Sandy, kind of you to try to accommodate your friend. It is very difficult to cope with the dietary issues that are so prevalent these days. Have a wonderful time today with the luncheon and the gambling.

    Anne, happy decorating to you. Quite an about face on the that issue. Good for you. I am sure it will be lovely.

    Buzz, so glad the party was enjoyable and that you wore a top you hadn’t been able to wear lately. What a great feeling. I hope you rested overnight and will have a portable oxygen concentrator lived up soon after the new year.

    Hugs all round!


    PS Our church had a caroling get together Saturday evening at a local nursing home. I didn’t go as once again it was on the other side of town and my eyes don’t cooperate that much at night.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I was out early today to drive Betty to the vet for her booster. She was a very good girl and accepted being pushed and prodded and the needle didn’t bother her either. He listened to her heart for some time when I mentioned how her noisy breathing worried me in case it was a strain but no problems. Ha though, then began the diet discussion so I came away feeling very naughty even though I weigh out her daily special kibble. Up 5 grams from last week but I know that’s the equivalent of a teaspoon of porridge oats. I have swapped her treats for going out for a pee with kibble too although I maintain being spayed had some effect.
    Soon after I got home the builder arrived and used a hammer drill to break up the old fire hearth before cementing in the new slate that looks very smart. He left a bottle of a special oil to rub on in a couple of days to protect it... I think I can manage that! 😊. He will be in touch in the new year to talk about digging out a base for my new greenhouse and I’ve also asked if he can fit a new staircase because friends and family nag me about my lack of a bannister but when I looked online I found a whole staircase and thought why not? 🙃

    It’s been a cold day but dry and if the same tomorrow I’ll take George and Betty on the moors again in the morning because today’s walk was very short. I stripped my bed, washed the linen and hung out on the washing line but even by 3pm it hadn’t even begun to dry so is now draped over an airier in my dining room.

    Sandy, now I understand why you would be so concerned about Daisy and my eyes did tear up when you mentioned perhaps not seeing her again. My pact with George is I go before him as I couldn’t ever cope with things the other way round! Enjoy your lunch. 😉

    Lin, could you bake those cookies and store until church on Sunday. They’d surely soon get eaten!

    Anne, cleaning copper and brass! Not my favourite task but always delighted at how lovely it looks when finally finished. 😁. I might drag my tiny Christmas tree out from under my bed in the next day or so but at the moment there is only a token parachuting Santa hanging from a hook!

    Buzz, I’m so relieved and happy for you as I read you are beginning to feel better as well as slip into favourites. Are you following a diet or just being careful? I had a lovely ecard from Judy and Gerald as well as a short note from Judy while they are driving north.

    Time to put my feet up and relax before bed.
    Take care everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Hey Jackie, I threw the tube of cookie dough back into the freezer. I may see this lady later this week, not for baking etc. but for a quick visit. If so, I will give her the tube so she can make cookies. She is the one who was really craving a freshly baked cookie.

    The people at my church would not appreciate gluten free cookies. They all get to eat the real things but thanks for the idea.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent day straightening out insurances, paperwork, all the fun stuff. Saw Dr, who doesn't think my oxygen concentrators will be covered by Medicare. My count is not low enough!
    Legs are really getting worse so forgive me, but I cannot sit any longer. Once I'm on Medicare I'll find a decent neurologist who can help with this augmentation! Meantime, please bear with me!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.....................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Good morning friends. A gray day here but a happy one as this is a Mah Jongg and Cribbage morning, an afternoon of tackling that large puzzle at the library. Looking forward to the chatter.

    Jackie what busy days you have. I am happy Betty is okay. Lectures really don’t help anyone do they? Don’t feel guilty. Betty has a very good life with you. Wow, a new staircase? Amazing. That sounds like a massive project but the outcome will be wonderful. What a super contractor you’ve found.

    Buzz, gosh those endless TV commercials make it sound like Medicare will pay for those devices but they are quite clever with the wording. Hummmm. Hugs.

    Anne, how is the decorating going? Has Jilly joined in?

    Hugs my friends. Must get moving.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,428 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Tuesdays are sitting days so will be seeing kiddos later. I am also going to bring all my wrapped gifts, Christmas and birthday so I don't have to carry them on those days. Our dinner was good but my plate was just too full and couldn't eat it all so gave leftovers to my friend for their dog at their farm. Did not win at gambling but didn't lose too much. Hopefully I will win at bingo again to make up for the loss.

    Lin, enjoy those games and puzzle, I know they all make you happy. :D

    Buzz, I am sorry you are suffering with your legs and do hope you can get some relief.
    I am a little confused on why you weren't on medicare before? Don't we all get it if we sign up when we are 62-65?

    Jackie, I am glad Betty is okay even if she is a little overweight (aren't most of us). Daisy is eating her boiled chicken and rice so I think she will be fine. Babe's son supposedly has a new job so maybe I will be able to see her again if only in her driveway. I agree with Lin, a new staircase sounds like a giant project, where did you see an assembled one?

    Anne, I am glad you chose to have some decorations, take pictures and savor those memories in this house.

    Hello to everyone else, I do hope Jeri is doing okay after the death of her sister. ((hugs))

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,523 Member
    Sandy, answering for Buzz, if you choose a Part C plan also called Advantage Plan, or some call it PPO or HMO, your plan takes care of everything, you are not technically on Medicare. The companies receive a per person stipend, they provide services and must have benefits at least as good as Medicare.

    Had fun with Mah Jongg and Cribbage. A high school orchestra performed some lovely music for a while. All in all, super! Having lunch and then on to the library.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good evening. We had a frosty start which is George’s favourite weather so we went up to the moors and walked and walked for over an hour. Well actually George danced and skipped over the grass while Betty was a little subdued after her booster yesterday. More washing on the line that was almost dry when it was brought in but my dining room is beginning to look like a laundry as it’s hanging everywhere. I’ve made phone calls to book an appointment with an electrician to modernise wiring and heaters, a tree surgeon to tidy conifers overhanging the track my neighbours and I use to access our properties, and a service of my garage door that has recently taken to opening of it’s own accord. They will all appear in the new year so a busy time ahead. The staircase I want to replace could be dangerous as I get older with no bannister but it’s style makes it easy to remove and the new one should slot in relatively easily plus I trust Simon the builder to know what he’s doing. It’s made of oak and the manufacturer has a good reputation. Here it is...

    Sandy, I’m happy that Daisy is eating again and I do hope you and Babe can work out visitations.

    Lin, a good plan for the cookies. My hairdresser has to keep to gluten free and often offers a piece of cake during an appointment which I find pleasant because of the light texture.

    Buzz, what a nuisance your health care is so complex and I’m guessing can easily be manipulated by insurance companies to suit. I really do hope you can get medication to relieve your discomfort very soon.

    Hello to everyone else. It’s time for me to put my feet up! 🙃😉😌

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Rushing to dress for our GALA DINNER and entertainment. Each day I think I'm improving how I feel! Just ordered the Inogen G5 Oxygen Concentrator online and am keeping my fingers crossed that it works out for me!
    LIN's answer about my HMO was perfect and I saved a great deal for about 10 years, and Humana included free transporataion and many other extras, plus staff attending to my needs right in my apartment. But as I age, I need more specific care than I might get in the HMO so I'm back on Medicare. Much costlier, but more sensible at this stage. Must run!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My goodness BUZZ your medical insurance is making my head spin! How on earth do you figure it all out!

    JACKIE, love everything you are doing to make life not only comfortable but something to enjoy as well. Your "cottage" will be more like your palace, and be absolutely delightful by the time you are finished I guess sort of renovating. Any grumbling from Violet the ghostly one? You haven't mentioned her for ages so I think she thoroughly approves.

    LIN Jilly Bean wasn't at all thrilled with Anne in a festive mood decking the halls with bunches of holly. In fact she went and hid in the back room, but now after exhausting herself keeping a beady eye on me, she is fast asleep cuddled up next to me on the sofa. She says decorating is for the birds as in slang for women.

    SANDY dashing off with the little ones gifts. How shall you get them into your sons house without Robby spotting you now that he's become worldly after being clued in by the other kids at school about the existence or not of Santa Claus?

    No sign of PATSY yet on this page but I bet she's having fun wearing her Christmas gear. Am I right Patsy? Isn't John a love buying everyone flowers, bless him. Us single girls could do with a John now and again. I shall buy myself some on Saturday. After animals and birds I love flowers.

    I opened the blinds and drapes this morning to be confronted by SNOW. Will someone tell Ma Nature it isn't supposed to snow until Christmas Eve. Oh I forgot, I'm in Canada now, lol.

    4:37 and it's getting dark already. Must turn on the lights and think about feeding me and The Bean.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PS. If you are wondering where the holly is coming from I have two small bushes in the back garden. They came from Mary Jo's garden because they were struggling. I've never cut a few branches before but seeing they will be dug up next year I might as well enjoy!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our Gala Evening was jst lovely. I chose to go down toward the end of the Appetizing hour, during which time everyone walks around sampling all the delicious platters being served by administrative staff, from Beef Wellington puffs to eggrolls and thse mini hotdog puffs, cheeses and other things I did not see. Since the weight loss seems fairly steady, I did not want to be tempted. The meal itself sarted with shrimp cocktail, followed y an interesting salad with cranberries and blue cheese. I chose the rack of lamb but those who had Chilean Seabass raved about that, also. Lovely sides and dessert was tirimisu plus they kept bringing different wines and also croissants throughout the meal. My table was in our Harvest Room which is usually reserved for private parties so it was not too noisy. Afer our scrumptious meal, we went to the auditorium for my favorite entertainer, Ashley Cooper, a tall slim fellow who sings, does imitations, dances, leaps on and off the stage, is tasteful and seems totally fluid in his movements! I watched some UTube videos of him and learned he is a young missionary in Peru, and donates most of his earned money to the areas he volunteers in. He will be working near Machu Pichu next winter. Here is a shot of his typical dancing:

    By the way, I had NO Restless Legs tonight!!! Miracle. When I came home I lay down to watch Rachel Maddow and promptly fell asleep for almost 2 hours! Woke up and looked through my dear friends posts, bringing me up to date on Daisy and Phil, JACKIE's staircase, LIN's busy lfe, ANNE and the Bean enjoying the final year at the old homestead, SANDY delivering presents between Bingo etc! Now am getting sleepy. So have a beautiful Wednesday. I did not clean up for my cleaning helper!

    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!....................