Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I love looking at snow falling, but with my limited walking skills now, just looking is more than enough! In fact, today, I made the decision to withdraw from the overnight bus trip I was planning on in January. While I enjoy the show, Chicago, which will be shown at the dinner theater on Florida's west coast, I really can not keep up with the pace of younger walkers, and it's unfair to the rest of the group to hinder their movements. So, it's "been there, done that" for now, and I feel a bit relieved to have finally made up my mind! I truly will not miss the stop at the excellent shopping mall or the casino on the ride back. Actually, I was beginning to dread them! I get whatever I need on the internet!!!
    JACKIE, I cannot imagine working on your garden in the kind of weather you have been describing! And walking the moors in such howling winds at 0 C, that 32 F? BRRrrr! You are much braver than I!
    ANNE, absolutely magnificent photo of Jilly! I have seen photos on tote bags, though usually grandchildren!
    SANDY, OK, I DO believe you and will get to bed by 10 tonight! That article did scare me. I think it was in AARP, in an article on brain health!...Thank you for caring! Love you, too <3
    This post posted itself before I clicked on it, so I'm technically now "editing" it!
    PATSY, I was very moved by your musician friend's tribute to his late wife on her 81st birthday! As far as KATIE's reaction to your dear daughter, I have read that canines keen sense of smell picks up odors of physical conditions we mere mortals never detect! Perhaps that might explain her staying far away! ...Interesting comment re: artists vs. musicians. I must think about those I know!
    LIN, my goodness, how frustrating having to deal with one series of problems after another! Hope the cost isn't too high!
    Wi-Fi going nuts again, perhaps due to weather somewhere! I'll wind up and start getting ready!
    <3 Buzz

    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.........................

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good morning. Well we didn't get the overnight snow after all. It's supposed to start after lunch today instead. Shopping malls and the getting to them are losing their charm for me as well BUZZ. Mainly the crowds at the moment, all that hustle and bustle and fried food smells.
    So......question for you gals, if I start buying clothes online now I've received my very first card, which brands should I visit for good quality dressier clothing. Up to now I've shopped locally and all I can think of in the malls is Banana Republic and overseas, Marks and Spencer's. I love European clothes especially German because they fit my European type figure, but I haven't a clue about good quality American manufacturers. Northern something springs to mind? There's Roots but that's more casual clothing.
    Anyway, if someone can come up with something I can start exploring on a snowy afternoon! AND get rid of the eternal Jeans except for gardening.
    On the whole PATSY Jill loves everybody, BUT a very few people who bend to pat her have her hiding behind me. I, like Buzz, wonder if she can sense illness. One man who to me seems perfectly nice actually has her cringing when he bends to stroke her. Isn't there some research going on about training dogs to detect illness when it isn't yet obvious? Another thing, she keeps well away from walkers and even infants pushchairs and shopping trolleys.
    Well another day about to begin.
    Enjoy, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is started and I am going to lunch with Joe, it is the only day I have free. The days leading to Christmas are going to be busy, but aren't we all?

    Anne, I do most of my shopping online but I like Kohls and Macy's. The problem sometime is finding the store that has the right fit. I also look at Amazon but their sizing can be tricky. You might want to search on google for the stores you normally buy clothes, they might have a website.

    Buzz, I think you made the right decision with the bus trip. It sounds like a long day with lots of walking. And glad you are listening and trying to get more sleep.

    Patsy, like Anne, I wonder if Katie sensed your daughter was ill and didn't want to hurt her. I am so happy I had my knees done, it really changed my life.

    Lin, are you still having trouble with the internet?

    Jackie, missed your early morning post, hope all is well.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm not sure where my day went but somehow it's gone 5pm and I've only just checked emails. It was bitterly cold this morning together with a howling wind from the Arctic so I chose to walk with George round the village instead of the moors. There is a country lane that climbs from the top of the village to the road that takes us to the moors and it's quite sheltered with high hedges so that was some relief for both of us although George does seem to relish the cold. I dug out a thick knitted wool hat that covers my ears and with 4 layers of clothing and my blue wellies looked wonderfully glamorous!! Now the sun has gone down it's freezing outside and we are apparently going to go way below zero tonight. Wendy, Cinders and Tilly are adjusting well to their new surroundings and today only one egg was layed which means they are conserving energy to keep warm which I'm pleased about. A bowl of warm porridge was put out for them this morning but they didn't know what to do with it once they'd had a few pecks.... oh well!!

    Patsy ~ I'm not so sure George would stay with me if I did get blown over, probably stand and look at me in a bemused sort of way. I know he wouldn't leave me though, probably snuggle up and lick my nose! My mobile phone is always in a pocket charged up just in case I have to phone for the air ambulance!! Dogs do have a high sense of awareness of anyone who has either physical or mental health issues and as Anne commented, some are trained to be warning assistants, especially for people who suffer epileptic fits because they know before their human that one is about to occur. A friend I sometimes visit who is now well into his 90's has suffered declining health for the past few months and each time I see him George moves further away, in fact the last time we went he headed for the kitchen and stayed there whereas he used to love to visit and sit on his knee. Katie can perhaps sense your daughter's health problems.

    Lin ~ Hopefully your handyman arrived?

    Sandy ~ Lunch with Joe, that'll be fun I'm sure. I wouldn't be walking out in this weather if it wasn't for George needing it but then that's another good reason for having adopted him.... he's keeping me fit even if frozen!! I forgot to weigh myself this morning so will hop on the scales tomorrow.

    Anne ~ My brother that lives in Spain buys M&S clothes online because they are the only store he knows that has his size. He's 6'5" and slim with big plates of meat!! Buying clothes can be tedious if you don't know how a particular brand cuts their cloth but definitely avoid Chinese suppliers whose clothes are tiny even when they size them as American or European. Also maybe ask one of the boys to help you with the first couple of payments if you haven't already so you don't fall into any insecure black holes and never trust anyone asking for bank details unless absolutely sure they are who they say they are. I expect both Mark and Michael have already said all this so I'll stop!!

    Buzz ~ My garden is long and narrow with high hedges and so long as I choose carefully my section to work I can usually stay out of cold winds and do wrap up and wear a hat. Once concentrating on what I'm doing I seem to be able to ignore cold feet for quite some time but of course in the end throw some corn to the hens and get back inside to put the kettle on!!

    Time for my evening meal so salad and quiche I think in spite of the rapidly falling temperatures outside!

    Enjoy the rest of your Monday.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just spent hours on the phone with Social Security and my Congressman. I wonder if they settle for no pay raise just so on paper it LOOKS as if they got one! My Medicare deduction just ate up my 2% raise, and I'm pretty upset about that! 50 minutes waiting for the phone to answer didn't help, either! My dear Congressman has been trying for ages to get the so -called "basket" from which the COLA is figured changed to reflect senior cost of living requirements, but so far we still seem to be buying baby goods and TV sets! Well, I now have to take care of all the things I should have been doing while waiting, so I'll just mention that while I have much success in shopping online, my figure is apple shaped rather than pear, and I generally have the most success at CHICO's, SOFT SURROUNDINGS, and J.JILL's. I never was able to shop at Macy, as they carried so much I got confused and found nothing! At CHICO's, I always get fantastic buys in their sale items, and people always want to know where I buy my clothes! Try $120 outfits for $19!!! It takes patience, but it's worth it!
    Gotta run now, as my wash is waiting !
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Good day. The handyman stopped by yesterday so I have a new light switch and he did look at my water filter. It seems there is a leak around the pressure release button and we switched filters while he was here and bled some water through it and it is working better now. Perhaps a little bit of lime was lodged on the button. It isn’t 100% but is better.

    I worked on some cards last evening and found several that I like and can use as winter cards rather than strictly holiday cards so I am going to make a few more of those. And yes, I started ink blending for the backgrounds this afternoon.

    A couple of loads of laundry out of the way, a trip to TJ’s, a drop off of packing peanuts at the UPS store and trying to milk more speed out of my Internet connection. I am connected but still in the slow lane. Growl.

    The wind here has been horrific and I could barely walk when I stopped at the UPS store. The fence in my backyard is tottering around like it will blow down. Of course it is the evening to put out the trash and the recycling. My recycling bin is full beyond capacity so it will blow away unless I unload a lot of it.

    I made some mushroom gravy, cooked a bit of quinoa and also cooked green beans. I need to go out in the cold to pick up my mail. It doesn’t seem an attractive option. Haaaa.

    Anne, I do not buy clothing that is nice but I do use Land’s End as I can return to my local Sears store if need be. I get slippers once in a while from L.L. Bean and some heavy socks from REI. Nothing dress up at all.

    Buzz, I am sorry for all the wasted time but admire that you got through to your Congressman. I have tried to call several times and just get voice mail. COLA has always been based on a ridiculous basket of goods. I trust the remainder of your day will be more pleasant. And good job on your Chico’s bargains.

    Sandy, I hope your lunch with Joe was pleasant. Days do just seem to get packed full of things to do in December. I hope you enjoy them all. I hope Daisy is well. And that Babe is at least no worse.

    Jackie, my goodness, your weather sounds quite beastly. I just turned up my heat and made some hot tea. Maybe by the time I drain the cup of tea I will be ready to go outdoors for the mail.

    Patsy, I am glad you are still celebrating. It is so easy to call a halt to everything. Although maybe that isn’t all bad. My friend says she cannot face a Christmas this year it was her husband who died last year between Christmas and New Year. He never woke up or spoke after going to bed on Christmas Eve. I can understand why she is not interested.

    Wishing everyone well. A bit of happiness and joy of course.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I spent a pleasant afternoon viewing all your suggestions on clothes buying online. Beats going on the buses to the mall in heavy falling snow!
    Thank you so much for the tips and advice. Haven't ordered anything yet but I will.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne! Once you've tried shopping on will never look back! We order the most amazing things. John loves a certain kind of mustard, he loves a certain brand of Italian panatone, he orders his Keen shoes and slippers from Ugg etc. etc. all on Amazon, free shipping if you bunch your orders. I order nice face cream, makeup, perfume, clothes from all manner of places. Sometimes I get stung, but not all that often. I even get Katie's vitamins, organic treats and grooming supplies on line. We live in such a rural area, shopping is limited. Good luck! Nice and relaxing to sit with a cup of tea and browse leisurely.

    Just watch your bills closely. Call your bank and the store emmediately if you see a problem. You have at least 30 days to protest a charge. John sings this song to me constantly! "Keep your powder dry, baby!"
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Rats. My post appeared to have posted but it is gone, gone, gone. Sorry.

    Hello, wishing everyone well.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2017
    Not on my internet, LIN! I read a nice newsy post from you, and am hoping you solve the trash/wind problem!!!
    I forgot to mention that Costco allows non-members to shop online and ships free! 5% surcharge , which is tiny! Their Kirkland brand is top notch quality The savings on many things makes it very worthwhile! I'm off to early sleep now; taking those warnings about brain drain seriously!
    <3 Buzz ...ZZZzzzzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.........................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An icy start today so I'm not rushing out with George anywhere. At least the winds have departed and we've had the most glorious sunrise with pink and gold clouds scudding across the sky so it should be an enjoyable walk when we do get going. Meanwhile a load of washing is on and George, having got up once and sat halfway up the stairs peering at me from under his fringe, has gone back to bed! I'll get some washing up out of the way then see how the temperature feels outside.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    For once our weather matches JACKIE and our dogs! Snowing outside and it looks quite deep from what I can see. Jilly is still in bed. I'm not rushing out either, but I can see shovelling in my near future! It's getting to look a lot like Christmas, well in Canada and Britain anyway.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Jill, Darren and I have almost cleared my enormous drive. Not quite. He's gone to work, I'm having a rest and a coffee and a very excited Jilly is doing zoomies. She loves snow, but not rain.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good morning. Oh my, Jackie and Anne, take care today. Nasty weather for you.

    The wind has died back here and it is cold and overcast. I am packing to leave. Going to stand in line at the post office. Then Mah Jongg followed by an afternoon of coloring and chatting at the library. This is just once a month and with people I do not see often so I am looking forward to it.

    Still having Internet problems. Reset, reset, reset and very slow speed. I really hope this can be fixed tomorrow. Fingers crossed that at least they do not make it worse. Haaaa.

    I see my post did survive. Apparently I could not refresh my view last night as I did not see subsequent posts.

    I have now signed up for emails from Marks & Spencer. I have never shopped there. Looks interesting.

    As Sandy would say, Onward.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    If you do ever buy clothes from M&S LINDA, follow the measurements very carefully because it's often UK sizes which are different to here. For instance my size 6 shoe size in the UK is an 8 in Canada, and my size 12 in Canada becomes a 14 in the U.K. Meanwhile, if you can see what's on offer I've got my eye on an Autograph silk shirt which comes in 3 colours and I fancy the bright poppy red for Christmas cheer. The reviews were good from customers except for one who found the colour too bright. Pricey, so I shall have to measure carefully. Fancy some pyjamas as well. Their undies in my day were excellent. I'll let you know how I get on when they arrive. Think I'll order for the very first time this afternoon.
    Nervous Annie!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ Knickers are always a good start with M&S and still superior quality to any other store I know! Well done for nabbing Darren before he went off to work and also your hard work. We've had no snow in Cornwall to talk of, just cold enough to freeze the damp roads and pavements. My washing has just been brought back in off the line still as damp as when it was hung out so now draped over an airer by a heater in the dining room!

    Lin ~ Connection problems are so frustrating and shouldn't exist in the 21st century!

    I've finished writing my Christmas cards to be posted and also put together a chicken curry in the slow cooker that smells wonderful but am perhaps going out for a pub meal with the yoga class this evening so will have to wait until tomorrow to try it! Waiting to see how many want to go, or not! Cup of tea time then off to our last yoga class of this year!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    We're having the same meal as well as the weather JACKIE! Just been out with The Bean and mine smelt good as well! If you read this, do be careful at Yoga seeing it's the last for 2017! M and S Knickers still good value eh? I know one of the royals bought them in my time in the UK.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, I've managed to order, not the shirt, but a cashmere sweater on the M&S internet. Hope it's as nice as it looks. I guess I have to watch out for a parcel now!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Busy day! Robby had Christmad recital and then got hair color and cut! Will be back in the morning!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just came up from a perfect holiday concert, a husband & wife team who are always a delight, and tonight . along with her lovely voice , she gave us a real treat: she's a professional flautist, also! I'm about to try again to download the latest and perhaps largest Windows 10 upgrade. And all my online favorite stores are offering 50% off entire bill...I figure they have probably run out of stock! Arthritis felt slightly better tonight
    Weird, weird, weird! As I was writing this, Microsoft announced it was closing my computer to install the new version of 10! This is the second time it has taken well over an hour to download and start installing, and boom! It hits a snag and has to reinstate my original version: another hour. So where does it open? Right where I left off: at this 1/2 written post! And saved it!!! However, it's now almost midnight and I have a breakfast date early in the morning with my neighbor, a young still-working lawyer whose husband has a galloping case of Parkinson's! So I must say goodnight, and hope I have a working computer tomorrow! GRRRrrrrrr!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................