Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A dark, gloomy day outside, so much so I slept in until nearly 8am because my thermal winter curtains cut out what little light there was! Not walking with Scruff and her mum so we can take our time which means I enjoyed a leisurely bowl of porridge watching the morning news that at least had something cheerful to impart from Alabama!! The evening meal after yoga was cancelled because few could make it to the class being so close to Christmas and it was always an extra one put on the end of the course because a session was missed midway so I got to enjoy my warming curry and George got to cuddle up with me for the evening.

    Anne ~ Silk and cashmere.... you're just like me, always looking for a bargain but ending up being enticed by the most expensive items! Checking the M&S site before yoga I think I found the gorgeous silk blouse but in the UK the only colours available were lime green and what I call a dirty yellow!

    Buzz ~ Windows 10 used to always be doing its best to upload on to my computer and at first I would let it but much like yours, it would never finish but tell me it hit a problem. It seems to have given up on me now thank goodness and I happily potter along with a mix of Windows 7 and 8 depending on what I'm doing!

    Well since it's gone 9am I must get George out into the gloomy damp day then stock up on chicken feed and a few last items for Christmas presents. It helps that my neighbours have similar interests so I can find little items amongst the farm supplies!

    Enjoy your day. Hopefully Lin will be back with us properly once her modem is fixed.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    Minus 12C! The newscaster said "wear your long johns today". Jilly are you listening.

    The original shirt I fancied was white, black, or poppy red Jackie. And being me I fancied the poppy red, but got cold feet. A bit daring for a first buy! Didn't want to send it back if too over the top! I also ordered a bra but it was out of stock. When I was debating, a message said, only one left and by the time I stopped dithering it had gone. Very naughty ordering the cashmere, and I'm definitely a champagne girl on a beer salary! However, It sure beats trekking off to the stores in minus 12 temperatures, but I for one wasted a lot of time dithering. Did save on the bus fare, lol! Sort of glad you dodged yoga. Wouldn't like you to spend Christmas with aches and pains!

    Well I must eat my congealing porridge before I have to indulge my champagne tastes yet again by unsticking it with half and half cream!

    Feeling slightly naughty,
    PS. If you are interested JACKIE, the pullover is very conservative, VEE necked and in a golden brown. Thought it would go with my best pants, and if it's really cold, a white shirt under it. It's pictured in a silver grey - out of stock. That would have looked great with black pants! The model of course is gorgeous and would look good in anything!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ M&S were recently criticized for using so many skinny, lush young things as models when the vast majority of customers are mature ladies! When it comes to sale days online, especially boxing day, you will find most items in theirs disappear as fast as you type and pop in your basket and even if in the basket, if you haven't payed they take them out to give to another customer..... can you imagine them doing that in the store? :o It wasn't the yoga class that got cancelled yesterday, just the meal after and goodness, didn't I feel the consequences last night as I tried to sleep! At the end of the lesson our teacher came over to me and apologised for not realising just how bad my hips were, this after seeing me struggle to kneel on one knee and stretch the other leg out to the side.... ouch! Then there was the lotus position on my stomach lifting upper and lower body at the same time. I think I managed my legs and chin, that was about all!! I shall now go and look for your cashmere top, just to drool for a minute!! :) Don't go too far in the cold as I'm sure Jilly will be happy just to do a quick pee/pooh and get back in the warm.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    Just stopped for a break and I'm so sorry you suffered pain after all JACKIE. I misread. Hope it eases as the day goes on. Mike is picking up his free turkey this afternoon after a works Christmas lunch. I'm hoping he doesn't fill my fridge freezer section this afternoon if he bring it over for me to cook! That will teach me, indulging in cashmere sweaters, yes, I'm still feeling a little guilty. Thanks for the tip on Boxing Day sales, re M&S. I'll stay well clear, being out of cash anyway, lol.
    Models - oh yes, I'll never look dark and sultry in this life! Lol.
    P. S. I wonder if sales would drop if technology was invented that could put our own body shapes and faces inside the clothing we fancy?
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    For JACKIE - wow a European Mistle Thrush has been spotted for the first time in Canada. Anne
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yay, Alabama! I will now start one more attempt at upgrading my 10, after which I'll give up. while it's doing its thing, I will give myself a French Manicure. Have a great one!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Robby's recital was so cute and he knew all the words to each song. Later I got my hair done so I am one step closer to being ready for Christmas. Tonight is bingo night but it depends on how much snow is coming during rush hour. I hate fighting the elements which turns into a longer ride.

    Christmas Eve this year will be at Rob and Lisa's. Her mom is having shoulder surgery tomorrow and it will be too hard for her to have Christmas Eve. We plan on having lots of appetizers ( I will make meatballs) and a ham for sandwiches along with lasagna from Lisa's mom. We have found big meals are just to much after all the appetizers so we are trying to keep it simple.

    Buzz, my computer did a Windows Ten update yesterday. It took way over an hour and my computer sounded like it was going to blow up. I texted my son with a sound recording to find out if it was okay and he assured me everything was fine. I have no idea what the updates are, I see nothing different than before.

    Anne, congratulations on your cashmere sweater, I love cashmere. I own two, both turtlenecks so I hardly wear them unless it is really cold. When home I prefer sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
    It is very seldom I dress up except for certain occasions. I did buy a new glittery sweater for Christmas Eve, it was on sale at Kohl's.

    Jackie, I did check out the M&S store which had some beautiful tops, but I am leary of buying from Europe because their sizes are different. I did the same with a top I liked on Amazon only to find out it was shipped from China which took forever and when it finally arrived it was much to small so it was a waste of money.

    Lin, I do hope they are there fixing your internet.

    Patsy, are you getting closer to being ready for Christmas?

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Good day. They have been here. Did some replacements of cables and connectors and at this point, I have excellent service—both Internet and TV signal. So I started the Windows 10 update on my old laptop after installing the new version of iTunes and updating the software on my Mac. Wow, it is taking forever but if it will work now that the speed is better, that is okay with me. I have my fingers crossed that it won’t hang up with a grey screen like the last update.

    And Buzz, I hope the update is going well for you. What is a French manicure? I have never had anything done with my nails. Once upon a time I did put polish on them but not for decades.

    We have very strong wind, as predicted. And drizzly rain, also as predicted. The temperature is in the low 40s so no snow here for now.

    Anne, your order sounds lovely. I do hope you love it. I am not going to take a peek, no additional temptations needed. I only own very washable items though and I wonder about how you care for cashmere?

    Jackie, ouch! I am sorry yoga was so painful. Another reason I adore our Tai Chi instructor who makes it a point each time we get together that we are to do no poses or movements that cause pain. And she will help with modifications for anyone requesting help due to a bad shoulder or knee or hip.

    Sandy, oh what fun, Christmas/Holiday programs put on with little kids are just the cutest. I admire the helpers and teachers who work with the children to make that possible.

    I need to sort out my few gifts and gift cards as I plan to give them out at events in the next week. Also have a couple of local cards to finish and to mail. Then to the electronic greetings. I love to send those as they are lovely, with the animation and music.

    Time for a webinar in a few minutes and I have to use my iPad as my laptop is still trying to update.

    Hugs. Stay safe.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Yeah!!! The Windows 10 update installed. Wonderful!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Buzz and Barbie and those who celebrate:

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you, SANDY. Last night (the 1st night of Hanukkah) they served potato "latkes" (pancakes), which many people had never tasted. They were crispy and delicious! They signify the holiday's theme, which was the oil which was enough to last just one day actually lasted 8 days. Pan
    My computor gave me such agita I finally called DELL CONSIERGE service and it took him3 hours just to make it workable again! And he'll come back Saturday for the new upgrade!. SO I'm off to bed.because I've a 9AM appointment for my hair. Tomorrow night is Gala Night and our adorable social director says we must get "gussied up" for the big (?) night! I'm not a gussier upper! But I must see if I have something red!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Not a bad walk this morning as we kept to a lower path out of the cold wind. Scruff was subdued after apparently eating a rabbit yesterday and her mum isn't sure if she killed it or it was already dead! Probably too much information for the morning! More housework today after accidentally leaving a tissue in a pocket and into the wash so tiny bits of white fluff appearing everywhere!

    Anne ~ The cashmere top is lovely and not a bad price for what you get. I'm sure you will love it. Last night I just missed out on an ebay auction for a midi length dark purple Wallis jersey dress that sold for less than £14 after taking a phone call from a friend and then forgetting to check the internet until it was too late! Fascinating that a Thrush found its way across the Atlantic to your shores although the weather has been more than a bit freaky on those waters these past few weeks. Hopefully someone will make sure it survives by putting out worms and grubs for it to eat!

    Lin ~ Well worth waiting for the maintenance of your router and it's lovely to see you back with us. My yoga teacher does tell us not to push ourselves if we can't get into a position but I'm silly enough to try some when I know I shouldn't!!

    Sandy ~ You should be able to find a size convertor on the M&S site if they are selling from the UK but I remember when I lived in Canada and they opened stores there they followed Canadian sizes. After similar experiences with Chinese goods and reading bad reviews I avoid most items from that part of the world now! Their photos make everything look wonderful but any models are less than petite! Your Christmas eve get together sounds perfect. Do you go to midnight mass too?

    Buzz ~ Mmm, potato latkes!! Your hair looks perfect now so the early morning appointment will make you even more gorgeous and ready for the party gussied up or not, just like the song 'Lady in Red'...... I have never seen that dress you're wearing, or the highlights in your hair LOL.

    Must get on.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    My M&S sweater is leading a more adventurous life than its owner! I've just been notified it's in Cincinnati at the moment! I wonder if it will have to put on its snow shoes to reach our frozen neck of the woods. The door outside was frozen tight yesterday and I had to use a heater to get outside! I used the converter provided to make sure the garment will fit SANDY when I ordered it. Just to be sure I wasn't kidding myself on remembered sizes. I only ordered it on the 12th and so far I've had 5 notifications on its progress. Talk about that travel garden gnome on TV!

    Meanwhile, JACKIE, bird watchers are "flocking" to New Brunswick to spot the thrush so I think it will get fed if only to encourage it for photos.

    Michael turned up with an enormous gift turkey from his work last night which is now taking up the freezer section. Let it snow, I can always feed it to Jill if we lose power and she won't starve! She started barking at around 7pm and peering out of the window we saw a most odd sight. A lone man slipping and sliding on the icy sidewalk and pushing a large brown sofa which someone had maybe put out for collection? Harry's been putting stuff out all week. So maybe? Anyway after briefly stopping for a rest outside my front he continued on his way to who knows where! We do see life here I must say.

    Hey, enjoy the party gorgeous BUZZ!

    I don't think I'll have problems with the cashmere LIN. I usually wash by hand and dry flat, but this one apparently survives the washing machine, not that I'll risk it! IF it makes it here of course! Cincinnati for goodness sake!
    Off to see if we are frozen in again,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Coincidence. I worked at M&S Derby for a short time. Sweater set off from East Midlands airport, Derby to Cincinnati and now it's on its way to Toronto and me. Could arrive here late today! Now who feels like parceling me and Jilly up for arrival in Derby and the Christmas holiday, lol.
    Talk about speed. Ordered late Tuesday, arrival today?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ Many moons ago I was travelling back to Toronto (or so I thought!) from London when fog sent us by coach to the East Midlands airport and we were then flown to Gander in Newfoundland! I'll never forget the sight out of the plane window as we landed of channels dug in the deep snow! We had to spend a few hours in a frosty hanger but did finally reach Toronto and I think that was the longest journey of my life! :o It seems flights from the East Midlands go to all sorts of interesting airports!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    A cherry hello! I am madly wrapping gifts and playing with ribbons. I love doing that. I have also been mentally making my annual new years resolutions. I enter them into my computer and print up copies to pin up on the frig and in my dungeon. I am never going say I am successful in achieving any of these resolutions but they serve as a constant reminder that I am STILL a work in progress.

    My writers group is having a virtual Christmas party. Everyone is online chatting at once and sharing a glass of wine. Fun and often flirty and even silly at times. But these are a diverse and interesting group. The good thing is we don't have to go out in the snow and cold. We can have a couple of glasses of wine and not worry about getting out on the road. They often remind me of this wonderful sneaker group.

    I saw a marvelous pbs program on the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. (Lin!) There was an amazing amount of real testing and evidence on this rather than just a personal belief or philosophy. I was fascinated.

    Net neutrality is over!!! FCC caved! The internet is not going to be free and even for everyone anymore. Very sad! Little by little this basic communication will erode I fear.
    Stay alert,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I ordered the English M&S pullover on the 12th December at 4:30 pm.
    It arrived on the 14th December at 2:30pm
    Only 46 hours in transit.
    It's exactly as I imagined it and will go perfectly with my best pants.
    Very, very pleased.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    am about to shower and dress for our GALA evening (well, rack of lamb IS a treat anytime!). I'm finding little signs in many places, dear PATSY, that we are losing the freedoms we have always taken for granted! I hope it doesn't affect our forum, but I am seeing signs of Big Brother everywhere! Yes, I shed a few tears when I learned that the FCC no longer protects us!
    Everybody, personal business had me very busy today. A well loved speaker on current events showed up for what she thought was her scheduled discussion group last night, only to find no one was told she was coming, and the usual publicity had been neglected! Fortunately for some, word got around and she remained, but too late for me to know about her unannounced date! I'm not letting it pass, so was busy reaching the right ears!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited December 2017
    Buzz, I hope the gala is going well. You have so many activities and they are so interesting! A friend told me today that she and her DH have purchased and paid (at least in part) for a unit in a new community. I do mean New. It is under construction and the tentative move in date is mid-October. It is a new location, not just an add on or additional building of a currently functioning community. Talk about leap of faith. I suspect there was an attractive pricing offer for signing up early. She has hired a consultant to help her make decorating choices, hire movers, get rid of anything she no longer wants and to get them settled in after the move. Wow! I think my mouth was open during this entire conversation.

    Anne, amazing! I cannot believe how quickly you received it. I was in line at the post office again this morning. Packages are late....,people are coming in to pick up packages that were not delivered to their residence. Apparently thieving was so severe at several apartment complexes that packages are not been delivered right now. Wow!!! I guess they should live in Canada! And I don’t think you could be happier with your purchase. WTG!!! Good decision.

    Patsy, how fun! An online virtual party. I participated in a couple of online pajama parties with a cozy author. It was fun. But there were so many people that I couldn’t really keep track of the conversation. Enjoy!

    Jackie, good to hear from you. Any troubles with orders for you lately?? I am pretty lucky this week, nothing is missing. Best wishes to George. Did you get the reservations you were trying for? I have friends attending the first night of the new Star Wars movie and they, for the most part, bought tickets a long time ago as most theaters here are sold out. When anything is popular you must plan far in advance or take your chances I guess.

    We had a birthday in our little group this morning so lots of good wishes, a couple of gifts, some singing and people were in a kind of festive mood. This afternoon I made soup and have done some laundry (the last load for today is in the dryer).

    Wishing everyone well. Back to a bit of coloring, some reading, and a couple of interesting tv programs.

    Oh, and my Internet went wonky again this afternoon. I called the company but the service magically restored. They do not know why. I do not know why. I am less happy now. So if I don’t show up, blame my Internet service first. Grrrrr.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2017
    Our Gala night was truly lovely, dinner over the top, followed by a concert that was so enjoyable. The pianist was so talented and had played with many well-known entertainers, and sitting up close, the rhythms in his feet were almost as fascinating as the fingers skimming our Steinway concert grand ! I always get sentimental when I hear : The Wind beneath my Wings, which is how it was ended, and it was perfect. The following is the paragraph I sent to my Social Director ( the same one who "forgot" my current events favorite yesterday!)
    "Karie, Mark Bornfield is a genius at the keyboard, gets carried away by his singing (very original) and muted trumpet and I learned he plays a vicious harmonica, as well. It would seem he totally overshadows DJammin, but she’s too talented for that! She knows exactly when to take back the reins and treat us to Broadway quality songs. The venue was spectacular and their rendition of “Do You Love Me?” was the best I’ve ever heard in the many years I have enjoyed Fiddler on the Roof!
    Please treat us to this couple again soon!"
    <3 Buzz

    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.......................