Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Here it is Sunday and it is dark, cold and wet out. I am really feeling that light depravation thing today. I took a vitamin D and turned on my happy light. So far things are still sort of yucky. Must dive into a project!

    I read The Velateen Rabbit at school. It was requested by the teacher, so I didn't have to hunt for a Christmas tale. It was a beautiful little story but sort of dark, really. The kids loved the velateen rabbit that I used as a visual aide. I tried to find a store to donate 32 little velateen rabbits for the kids. Great idea but couldn't find the right store. Next year I will hit the new Walmart. You never know....

    I have been working periodically on a small chapter book for older kids. I went to a meeting for writers of children's books. There was an agent there and a children's book editor. I got encouraging comments and suggestions. It is interesting that not only books for adults but also children's books have been flying off the shelves. The trend is back to paper books and old fashioned vinyl records. I might send in a design for the cover when I send in my finished manuscript. I know that's not how it should be done but HEY! I am an amateur!

    My closets are messy, my spices are a jumble, the disarray inside my cabinets are frightening. But the bathrooms are clean and organized. Little by little I will try to get the rest of the house straightened up.

    More phone calls and salmon quiche for brunch. Fresh pears also!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well I won the ebay auction for £7.89 including postage (that's not much more than $10) and it should be with me by the end of next week. Perhaps it will do for an evening on next year's cruise to Norway with a jacket over the top!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Thank you so much for the “Hello Jeri s” from time to time. I’ve stopped by to read posts but much too busy to post much.

    We went up to Edmonton for a funeral on Saturday. We had to stay overnight because the funeral was at 10 am and it’s about a 4 hr drive. It was a service that was done in the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox manner. Way different than other funerals I’ve gone to. Very religious with lots of chanting and waving of insense and praying. Quite nice. We were glad we went as I can tell it was really appreciated.


    Our tree is up, Christmas carols on and we are off to a school concert tonight.

    Can’t believe Christmas is almost here. We still have a few presents to buy. But almost there.

    Cheers to all,


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Jackie, Diane wanted me to pass this on to you, she said a new project for you!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yesterday was a technical nightmare, as I spent all day with a kind and patient beyond belief technician from Dell, who thought he was going to have to reset my entire Windows program. Despite having total backup with Carbonite, reset to me is a horror, since all my data, including photos, is somewhere in folders I have problems finding! I don't know if this new Windows update, a huge one, caused the corruption, or if my computer had a corruption that would not allow the installation, but here I am, after dozing off, finding that I ow will go back to Chrome as my default browser, and stay far away from Edge! I'm delighted to see how beautiful JERI looks and having read your posts without being able to absorb them, I shall go fall into bed for a couple of hours sleep before daylight! I never did hear from my kids in the northeast probably exhausted from their travel from Germany!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always believe????????????????????.........................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A perfect Winter's day with wall to wall blue sky and sunshine. On the way home from our walk the car thermometer told me it was 7c outside which is a treat while it lasts. We strolled across the top moors with Scruff and her mum then as we got back to the car park another mutual friend came by on her horse so we managed to have a quick catch up and make arrangements to get together properly on Wednesday morning for a coffee. Her horse then decided it was time to go home and turned and walked away whether our friend wanted to go or not! George has just had his legs and tummy washed in the shower because he picked up so much mud and I'm now going outside to look at any plants that will have to be moved before the builders arrive on January 2nd to take down the conservatory and dig out foundations.

    Sandy ~ As I'm not on facebook that link won't allow me to look at it so perhaps you or Diane could find another way to link to the video or give me a name so I can find it elsewhere. Do thank her for thinking of me whatever it's about!

    Buzz ~ From what you're saying Windows 10 is still giving people as many problems as it did when first introduced. IF that's so Microsoft should think about moving on from it and coming up with a better idea! Do you think perhaps your computer problems stopped your kids getting through? Hopefully you will have a good catch up today.

    Jeri ~ Lovely to hear from you and see you both looking to amazingly well. If only I could sit with my legs crossed these days but I learned at yoga one leg is more than happy, the other plain refuses to go there! Many moons ago I went to a Greek Orthodox wedding, in fact I was living in Toronto at the time and as much as I didn't know a great deal about what was happening I loved the atmosphere, incense and chanting so know what you mean.

    Lin ~ Today should be the day my farm supply arrives. It could be a new feeder for the hens I ordered from someone with a completely different name and even that will be exciting enough!

    The sunshine is calling me outside so I'll take George with me and hope he can dry off the remnants of his shower!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning all. Can't linger but for JACKIE M&S preview sale starts later today. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Parcel arrived and it was the feeder. Confusion was due to me purchasing from 69fboy that turns out to be Bright Wheel Industries Ltd who in turn have a subsidiary BW Farm Supplies. Got there in the end and feeder now full of chick crumbs for the chooks to enjoy!


    PS Thanks Anne, I should get an email from M&S unless this is only for overseas customers. Will keep an eye out for it as sometimes they send at midnight just to get people panicking!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Laundry is started and cleaning girl is coming later. I am going to see Lisa's mom before sitting and bring her a little box of edible fruit. I happen to get a free box so since she had surgery I thought it would be a little something to cheer her up. I am again sitting Wednesday and Friday so a busy week with the kids ending with Christmas Eve next Sunday.

    Jackie, Diane sent this to me through messenger on Facebook so I just searched for it on You Tube. It is cute, something for your chicks to do to entertain themselves???? Glad the mystery is cleared on the farm supply delivery, I am sure the hens were very happy.

    Anne, enjoy shopping on your clothing site, hope you find some great deals.

    Buzz, wow, you are really have a bad time with your computer. What was your original version of Windows when you purchased your computer? I only use Google Chrome, I think it is the safest and easiest to use, but that is my personal opinion.

    Lin, not sure if it is your laundry day or if you have things to do today. I hope you are busy and not having internet problems.

    Patsy, I checked Portland weather and it says party sunny so I hope that is cheering you up.

    I have to get moving, lots to do today.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Rain here, so sloppy, slidey walk this morning. I thought the chicken looked a little uneasy on the swing. But there again what does an uneasy chicken look like, lol.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hah, I thought the same as ANNE regarding the chicken; was it getting queasy? Anyway, here I am after about 2 hours sleep last night, but although I did not allow a complete reset to my Windows 10, It took many hours to clean it up. Microsoft reset all the defaults, so I've been resetting them all again! SANDY, My laptop had Windows 7, which I liked, and then 10 insisted on installing and once I got to learn it, I liked it...all except the updates which drive me nuts! But they added a "pencil " and capability to draw, which I just discovered and , Like others, I'm hoping all this renovating and lack of sleep will be resolved now; version 1709 is now downloading for, I hope,the last time!
    I think the kids were either too sleepy or busy yesterday, but they called 1st thing this morning and we are set for Facetime tonight. We did a trial and as I saw my face I realized I look just like my Dad's Mother! wrinkles and all, can't we figure out how to use gauze on the camera? JACKIE, thank goodness you have the desire and energy levels to follow through on all your plans, because they are very exciting indeed! George will love all the commotion and results as much as you will! By the way, I did not know of the problems Elizabeth and Philip endured, which I watched in The Crown. I feel for both of them but of course , more for what she suffered.And poor Margaret!Being Royalty has its problems, eh?
    PATSY, I think you are enjoying this season. Winter Solstice! How I loved it. Now, although I enjoy seeing it all around me, I miss the SMELL of snow and cold! The decorations don't have that feature, but if someone would like to invent something....? My hands are back to itching again, so I'd better cut back on the shrimp! Off to catching up on missed work!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always imagine something wonderful is about to happen!...................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2017
    Oh, SANDY, I agree about Google! I have had it as my browser for ages! Switched to Edge and am now back to Google!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Okay! We are on the home stretch...Christmas Day in view! Gifts bought and wrapped. Decor up and colorful and fun. Food is planned and some of it is already purchased. Our son is coming from Portland. Our daughter lives right down the road and I will deliver their gifts on Christmas Eve. Katie will be wearing her new Christmas neckerchief. I will wear my new red sweater with the sparkles. John will wear whatever he darn well wants! This man is dedicated to comfort and style is for Katie and Me.

    The new movie on Churchhill, The Darkest Hour, is reviewed as quite good. Gary Oldman is supposed to be amazing in this role.

    I have stressed out over this Christmas for NO good reason. But I am starting to settle down now. No one can figure out what was so unsettling this year. I of course always blame the political situation. I should get Christmas cards from our congressmen...I have written them so often this year. We are pen pals!

    By the way, how long do you leave the tree up? I have always left it up until Epiphany, January 15th. That is why we have a fake tree. The real one would have all the needles shedding on the floor. Some traditions are hard to ignore. What ever happened in our childhood seems right and we tend to try to recreate it. I sadly take down everything and slowly begin spring house cleaning again. I never totally finish however. Can you tell this is my truth statement? Good for the soul and for beginning a new year.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Hello, I ran a few errands today but am home now. I did some laundry and then wrote a couple more checks and decided to drop them off at the post office. I got dressed but didn’t do much more. As I drove to the post office I saw that the consignment store which has been going out of business slowly had everything except the fixtures for free. Of course I had to stop, look around, grab a couple of things and talk to the owners for a while. Then still on the way to the post office, I stopped for a gift certificate for a friend. Sort of a birthday/Christmas combo gift. And once again, I talked to the manager for a while as she is so friendly. Then finally got to the post office to mail my letters. It was just as busy as Last Saturday with a line backed up nearly to the main entrance. I dropped my envelopes in the slot, thanked the Lord and moved on.

    I did some cooking and have been talking on the phone and sending messages pretty much since then. Mah Jongg is cancelled tomorrow as one lady who has not been feeling well, went to urgent care as she thought she might be having a heart attack. After lots of tests they decided no and they gave her a prescription to ease the pain in her throat area. Anyway, she is referred to another doctor and has her appointment tomorrow. She brings another lady to our game so with them out, there are only two of us remaining so we will not play.

    Then sort of out of the blue, a friend I saw last Thursday on her way to an afternoon eye doctor appointment got in touch. I will not see her this week as they found some disturbing issues with her eyes and she is referred to another doctor as they are very concerned that she is in danger of having a stroke. She is having more tests this week.

    I have asked both of them if there is anything I can help with this week but so far, no. I suppose if I had all of these issues going on, I would just skip the Christmas preparations that remain undone.

    Buzz, I hope this update For Windows 10 has gone well for you. I have used Google Chrome and/or Safari as my browsers and have been happy with them. I hope tonight you get more rest.

    Patsy, good for you being all ready to go for the holiday. Excellent. I am sorry for the period of stress but you have pushed past it. Wahoo!!

    Jackie, okay, a feeder. So clever of you to figure out what was coming your way and now gift wrap the feeder for the hens! Ho-ho-ho!! Congratulations on your auction win. I hope you like the dress and that it will be a good addition to your cruise wardrobe.

    Jeri, you and Ed are just such gorgeous happy people. I hope your holiday events are joyful and that no one is ill!

    Sandy, a busy week for you too. It is very considerate of you to think of doing something for Lisa’s mom. And yes I am back to Internet and television problems pretty much all the time. So far, just enough to function although YouTube videos often feeeze up, which is a bit annoying. Okay, a lot annoying.

    Anne, icky weather day once again? What does Jilly think about that? Is Darren keeping your drive and sidewalk in good order? Have you been on the phone with your family and friends? I hope Flo is doing okay. My friend is getting worse. She was to go to visit a friend BUT she was going to ride with another friend. That lady called her to remind her of the arrangements the night before. Yes, everything was fine. But when the lady arrived to pick her up she was not home, the door was wide open so she went in and called out to her. She was nowhere to be found. Eventually the lady went on to visit the mutual friend. There was the lady she was supposed to pick up. She drove herself over AND she went two hours early. The person they were visiting was so tired she couldn’t visit any longer and they left shortly after that without much of a visit. Yesterday she talked out loud during church services over and over, often repeating the same comment.

    Aren’t I just a happy person?? Well, one thing is happy. I had looked at the item in the attached photo at the consignment shop each time I went in. Today it is mine. Just love it.


    Hugs. Best wishes.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OMG! LIN, I once had that Chinese Checker board! What a flood of memories! Have you the marbles, too? I never minded playing that, even though I never cared for playing cards. Liked checkers, chess, Chinese checkers, and aside from Monopoly (I now shudder at Real Estate games!) there were 1 or 2 others I thought were pure fun! It's been years.
    I never did get the update installed, though it tries endlessly! But I refuse to reset my Windows again, as my memories of the 1st time linger on!
    Anyway, I must get some sleep, but it's been days since my darn computer has been tied up with this update nonsense. I never tried Safari, never cared for Firefox, though. I think nobody in the world likes Edge! I was beginning to until I ran into some stubborn problems
    with it! Now, almost too sleepy to sleep! No more (familiar?)...well, if I hadn't decided to check my mail, I woul have missed a good deal on compression anklets, so it was OK! LIN, the card is absolutely beautiful! Thank you!
    <3 B uzz
    .........................Always imagine something wonderful is about to happen!...................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    First thing this morning, when the roads were frosty and the temperature just above freezing, I took myself off to the supermarket to miss the crowds but unfortunately quite a few people had a similar idea. Never mind I got round without being run over by a stressed trolley pusher then at the tills met the daughter of a lovely lady I used to assist when working for our adult care service so we had a good natter as we waited patiently to move on. Unfortunately the young thing behind me decided I wasn't unloading my trolley quickly enough for her so slammed down the divider and began to put her shopping out. One look from me stopped her in her tracks!! LOL George has enjoyed a leisurely but shorter stroll on the moors and I'm now preparing to pop into town for a couple of last minute items. This afternoon a tree surgeon is visiting to see about cutting down one that is too close to the cottage and although a Magnolia it only flowers for about 3 weeks in the year before producing huge dense leaves.

    Buzz ~ I've not watched The Crown but from what I hear from those who have the script writers seem to have used a fair amount of artistic license although insiders have over the years spilled the beans on some of the Queen and Phillip's issues in the early years. It's certainly not a life for the fainthearted when protocol affects every minute of the day!

    Sandy ~ Thanks for the video link which had me checking Amazon to see how much they are but for £20 I could make one myself which takes us back to Diane's point of another project! My girls have perches but nothing that moves so I might well see what I can come up with. If that hen was stressed it would jump off but I do think that child probably sat her on it in the first place!!

    Patsy ~ Our tradition in the UK is for the tree and all decorations to be removed on 12th night....

    In 567 the Council of Tours proclaimed that the entire period between Christmas and Epiphany should be considered part of the celebration, creating what became known as the twelve days of Christmas, or what the English called Christmastide. On the last of the twelve days, called Twelfth Night, various cultures developed a wide range of additional special festivities. The variation extends even to the issue of how to count the days. If Christmas Day is the first of the twelve days, then Twelfth Night would be on January 5, the eve of Epiphany. If December 26, the day after Christmas, is the first day, then Twelfth Night falls on January 6, the evening of Epiphany itself.
    A belief has arisen in modern times, in some English-speaking countries, that it is unlucky to leave Christmas decorations hanging after Twelfth Night, a tradition originally attached to the festival of Candlemas (2 February), which celebrates the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.[6] Other popular Twelfth Night customs include singing Christmas carols, chalking the door, having one's house blessed, merrymaking, as well as attending church services.

    Now you have it!! You've probably planned your Christmas stress levels perfectly since you can now relax for the week before!!

    Lin ~ A great choice from the consignment shop especially if marbles were included. As for the feeder I should have guessed from the start what was on its way since ebay names rarely match those of any business. The chooks do seem impressed with their feeder and because this one has feet, it stays above the messy ground.... perfect!

    Anne ~ Hopefully you aren't sliding on wet pavements this morning. I did notice on a news story about a mystery surrounding the death of a businessman and his wife in Toronto that it was snowing.

    Time to go!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    12th night for us is always the 5th of January. Great perils in the new year would befall anyone who went past that date. Or so our mothers told us as the decorations and baubles were taken down and the tree placed outside. Talking of superstitions, I'm always nervous of sleeping reflected in a mirror. It's supposed to open a portal for who knows what to come through. I know it's daft, but I simply can't sleep facing a mirror. Childhood tales stick with us!
    Yes, we had a fair amount of snow JACKIE, but it started melting yesterday with rain and I hope it's all gone when I take little Bean out. The deaths of the Toronto billionaire and his wife are causing great speculation here. A very loving couple giving millions away to charity; their family don't accept it was suicide despite no signs of entry. They were selling their home and had bought another to move into after Christmas spent in Florida. The police are being very tight lipped despite homicide called in. It's a very sad situation because they appear to have been well liked by his employees, the charities they supported, neighbours and their family. Four children.
    On that sad note I'll depart,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I have been given the option of Windows 10 reset :s , :'( , or forgetting this huge update , which comes in 3 stages, the first 2 which seem to download, and after a restart, the 3rd "prepare for install" opens, takes about 3 hours to reach 96% installed, and then hits a snag! And I must restart and the an announcement about reinstalling my original Win 10!
    I'm preparing by printing some irretrievable stuff, but also wondering if it's worth it! I'm reconsidering as the thought of resetting means there's Data I'll likely never see again!Try as I might, I'm not too savvy on finding things I've neatly filed away, but if it was filed by Carbonite, I'll NEVER find it again!
    This entire mess has set me behind badly with all the other necessary chores, so I'll put it off and hope for wonderful things to happen!
    Last night there was a pre-dinner party to celebrate our Round the world dinnernin Italy this week. Our new head chef made to die for fresh mozzarella , plus something I've not seen in America, Italian chopped liver! It was not as good as the ones we ate in Florence, but pleasant enough. I've started pulling together papers for my accountant for tax returns. Who knows what next year. Right now I'm feeling overwhelmed due to (I think) having slowed down so much! I enjoy reading your stories as a relaxing period in my day, but I can't dally until I catch up , so have a super day, enjoy all the lovely holiday spirit, sights, and get-togethers, and I hope I get back tomorrow!

    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always imagine something wonderful is about to happen!...................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Nothing planned today, just a rest day. Bryanna has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so we are going to celebrate with her on Saturday afternoon at her dad's house. It is a busy week so I have to take advantage of my down time or I will get too stressed.
    It has always been a tradition to leave my tree up until the Epiphany which is January 6th but since living alone I am ready to take my tree down right after New Year's Day. Maybe this year I will follow tradition and wait until after the Epiphany.
    [iEpiphany is a Christian observance celebrated on January 6th each year. The day is also known as Three Kings Day to help us remember the three wise men who visited Jesus as a baby.][/i]

    Anne, wow, that is quite a story, please keep us informed if there are any new developments.
    Now I am going to have nightmares since I sleep facing my dresser mirror. Thanks.

    Jackie, a swing for the chickens, who would have thought??? Hmm, what kind of look did you give the lady behind you slamming her groceries? I can't wait for all to be done at your cottage, I am sure it will look like a postcard of beauty.

    Buzz, you really are having a bad time with getting the update from Windows, I wish I could help. Glad you were able to get a deal on the compression socks.

    Lin, I too, loved Chinese Checkers as a kid. Not really sure I would remember how to play but there is always google. lol

    Patsy, do you also bake for Christmas????

    Have a great day my friends.
    One Day at a Time