Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    This is the school that was built on artist Pissarro's Sydenham Hill.... nothing like his views!!
    It was the first lunch break when the snow had just started to fall. It got much thicker as the days went by but we still walked 2 miles each way to school! Winter of 1963/64 was even worse!!

    Gone to bed!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just to make all the southern girls happy, the tv weatherman has issued an extreme cold weather warning for us up here. Minus 21C But with the wind feeling like minus 30C overnight. The back door had ice inside sealing it tightly shut this morning, but what really surprised me was the ice coating the inside of my north facing bedroom window when we awoke. I've never known that happen before over here! We have been warned not to turn the furnaces higher because that will put a strain on them. I will just let Florence my new furnace chug away as she is set, and add a sweater if it feels chilly. Apparently the repair men are out in force! So far I'm quite comfy inside, cross fingers! It's a system coming down from the Arctic.
    School uniforms JACKIE. I remember them well! Made us all the same, the rich and the poor, great idea! My walk to school was about the same as yours in distance. The extreme snow I remember the most was in 1945 I think. The schools closed for a glorious fun filled week of snow Fort building and snowball fights. I was ten or eleven.
    Hope everyone's evening and night remains cosy and warm,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I feel as if I have hit paydirt with all these wonderful notes to read tonight!
    My story:...I phoned Dell Concierge Tech Service in a real snit about nobody answering my call for help, and a quiet fellow offered to help. I didn't have much hope since he sounded as though he was simply filling in because no one else was available. When I explained the Outlook email mess, he said something about having just gotten off another case having trouble with email and quietly went about opening this, changing that, visiting here and back to there and about 15 minutes later he said, "I've made a few changes and you can check it out before we go on to the next problem. And he had indeed brought everything over to my new e-mail program and next, tackled my right click cursor loss, examined it, then went straight to work fixing it , getting rid of the trail and bringing back the drop down menu function! The same thing getting my start list back to functioning again! WOW! ANd he said there was nothing wrong with my computer so just enjoy it! Was that a great Christmas gift or what? :D
    The only problem is it brought over more than 5000 emails I will now delete!
    SANDY, I always wait for the 3rd shoe to drop, too, but it is just a superstition after all! The other one is having to do with a new life being created for one that has left, and what a joy you have to look forward to!
    JACKIE, you must be one of those schoolgirls, right? How delightful, even though I don't know which one is beautiful you!
    (A)NNE, you made me visualize the slightly chaotic nature of the party, and I'm happy you and the Bean survived! You both and
    PATSY have earned the right to say nevermore! Getting worn out is best done by the young 'uns!
    LIN, you have so many talents! The cards show so much love!
    Now I must try out my card program to make certain it's working, and so that I don't miss wishing a dear friend's husband a happy day on his 97th birthday. He has advanced Alzheimer's, but is so sweet and dear one does not mind being with him one bit!
    After dinner tonight, a History Club documentary of Presidents GHW Bush, Clinton, and George Bush brought back hushed memories of days gone by. 9/11 hasn't lost one bit of its horror as it goes down!. Actually, I think I'll head for bed!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................... Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!.............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    This is for Anne and any other sneaker suffering from Arctic blasts! Enjoy <3

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Very thoughtful JACKIE! I've just got up and am viewing the fire through bleary eyes. Florence, bless her, is still purring away, cross fingers. It is minus 24C as I write.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    PS. Jilly found one wise little house fly buzzing around on Christmas Day, happily, Freddie the fearless fly is still with us! Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's cold here too but nothing like the weather Anne is experiencing so I waited to take George for a walk but because of sheet ice on the roads and a few crazy drivers I took a detour into a woodland area not far from the cottage. Being close to the road I kept him on his lead so of course he did his best to tie himself up on bushes as well as pull me along a trail that became thinner and steeper before running out altogether. Probably we could have climbed on but I decided if I fell no one would ever find me so home we trudged! The plan was to take him out again this afternoon but he's snoozing on the sofa and looking out of the window I see sleet already beginning to fall as the late afternoon temps begin to fall so think I will forget that! Today was supposed to be the delayed Christmas with friends but it has become that old phrase a moveable feast as we now hope to do it tomorrow!! Instead I began to clear the old conservatory of plants and other items but after an hour got it in my head to rearrange the living room furniture!! Two hours later with a late lunch snack thrown in I'm pleased with what I've achieved and feel it's a great improvement with more space to move about plus the indoor plants from the conservatory are now on the window seat where I can see them.

    Anne ~ Clearing items from the conservatory I uncovered the biggest spider ever from under an antique wall plaque of a red squirrel and later, much like your Freddie, a buzzy fly made a nuisance of itself to the point I thought someone must have died and come back as a fly to haunt me!! With that in mind I didn't kill it but instead persuaded it into a container before throwing it into the garden! The spider disappeared!! I'm sure you're wise not to push Florence too much but goodness you must be so relieved the new furnace was installed.

    Oops, I hear Boris on the move from his snooze on the spare bed so had better keep a watch on him because the moved furniture could confuse him since he doesn't see too well.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It will be 15 degrees today so not as bad as Anne. I have my meeting today plus a few errands so will dress warm. Love the fireplace with music Jackie and love the pictures, thank you for sharing. Buzz glad you finally got some smart person from Dell to help you. Anne glad Florence is doing her job and keeping you and Jilly warm.Patsy and Lin keep warm. I really don't have much time so I must run. Enjoy the day even if it is cold.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    I haven't the heart to push little Freddy the Fearless Fly into the cold, cold snow, and just hope one of the resident basement spiders doesn't get him before Jilly.

    Horrors upon horrors, I've finally faced the truth that I am allergic to wheat flour unless it's organic. Michael has the same problem and was quite ill after eating a second helping of MJs homemade Christmas pud. I wasn't because I was feeling stuffed after the main meal and only had a teeny piece. However, I couldn't resist a large piece of Christmas cake last night and oh boy, if ever a woman suffered! What comedian used to say that JACKIE in the past? Anyway, unless I make my own with organic flour in the future it's goodbye to M&S delicious Christmas cake. I've had this allergy for some time, not pleasant, and I normally avoid bought pastries. But me being a piggy!

    This tells me if ever I end up in a senior residence I could have real problems!

    So, it's a new year without Christmas cake to welcome it in. However I CAN make organic mincepies to have with the welcoming Sherry.
    Fish today for lunch, makes a change until Sunday when we will be back into turkey.


    Just heard on the radio that we've past the previous record set 57 years ago for bitter cold. So this is the coldest I've known!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Okay! Things are chugging along here. Laundry is almost done. I have a little Dr. appointment about my always troublesome foot, lunch, of course, left over bird...aaaaaaagh! Tonight I hope will be an early night. Our son will be leaving to go back to Portland and then early Monday he is off to Seattle.

    Our son's doggies are getting so old, I see he is going to be dealing with elderly pups and all the special care they are needing. They are so sweet and adorable. Katie is the wild child with no manners and total ignorance when it comes to showing deference to her elder doggie family.

    We have rain (what else is new) I am ready to begin a new year. I would enjoy a big New Years party with dancing, music and gallons of champagne. Alas! It is not to be. I will be fixing my New Years soup and calling a couple of friends. John has planned a "shoot 'em up" movie and a beer. He is a classy professor, isn't he? Katie will be settling in on the couch between John and I. We will watch the big ball drop from the downstairs TV room, then share a big wet kiss! Happy new year, 2018. John says this will be better year because it isn't a prime number? Or something like that...?

    No insects or rodents to deal with yet. I am not as benevolent to these creatures as Anne and Jackie. I will try to adopt a better attitude, ladies, but it is going to take a bit of effort! I do love the Mousekin stories, however.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. Just boring things around here I think. I was able to get out of the garage this morning and went to the library to work on the jigsaw puzzle that has taken a number of weeks. Just 3 of us showed up and one lady does not really work on the puzzle but helps to carry on excellent conversation. When the two hours were up, the librarian said we could stay and work on the puzzle as nothing was scheduled in that room for a while. So we carried on but my friend had to leave for a doctor’s appointment but one of the librarians came in before she left and started to get interested in the puzzle. She stayed and the two of us finally finished it. Programs are changing next week with the new year so I think they wanted this wrapped up.

    I have cleaned out the water from my garage door area twice this afternoon and I hope the door does not freeze down overnight. I have lived here many years and have never experienced this problem before.

    I removed ice from the furnace exhaust yesterday. Guess what this evening I noted another icicle is forming so I should attack it again tomorrow afternoon.

    I hope to get to Tai Chi tomorrow and then wow,another Holiday weekend. My former employer is a bit slow this month on my pension deposit. I will check again tomorrow. I believe that is the last banking day of the year.

    It is a bit cold here and more light snow is expected tomorrow. And of course, cold through New Year’s Day. I plan to stay home again with the exception of church on Sunday.

    Wishing everyone happy days.



    A bad photo of the puzzle

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah, dear LIN, boring news is better than bad or sad news, and the puzzle looks like it was a real challenge! Persistence truly paid off
    I guess I'd better get to a bank tomorrow as I have 2 pesky small checks to cash. We usually have a bank here in our building, but with all the renovations going on, it will remain closed for several more months. Occasionally I miss my dear old car!
    ANNE, so sorry to hear of your wheat allergy, but it's a good thing you learned about it!
    PATSY, I hope John is correct about the year 2018 being better, for whatever reason.
    SANDY, busy, busy, busy lady! Be sure to take a few moments to relax!
    JACKIE, a moveable feast sounds intriguing; I've never attended one!
    I'm very late so I will log off wishing you all a great night's sleep. Have read about the dreadful cold snap and hope you are all safe, sound and snuggly warm!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We should have known better after early morning thunder storms and hailstones as big as peas raining down but with a glimpse of sunshine about 9 o'clock George and I agreed to meet up with Scruff and her mum for a gentle walk across the moors. Within 10 minutes on an exposed section the hail hammered down so heavily the dogs took shelter against a wall while we humans trudged on in our waterproofs.... still getting soaked of course! Another 10 minutes and we could see the trail in front of us was flooding so we turned to go back to the cars and at this point George trotted past me and just kept going on a mission to return to the vehicles. We got there just in time as stinging hail blew into our faces and I have to say I've never seen George so keen to get into the car, even foregoing his usual treat from my friend. The poor little man shivered all the way home in spite of a good rub down with a fluffy towel but soon cheered up once we got inside. Of course the sun was out before the car was put in the garage but we have had more downpours since so we're glad to be home. I'm now going to have a nice hot shower then it's out for our for once moveable feast... Christmas dinner with friends. Buzz, you probably have attended a moveable feast but not thought about it and why would you? My understanding is it's an annual celebration that occurs on different dates of the year whereas Christmas doesn't or shouldn't move!

    Sad news, we have just learned our farm shop closes next week because the landlord holding the lease is in prison for class A drug dealing and has to sell the land to pay a fine to the courts. The farm shop owner offered a small fortune to buy it off him but instead the criminal has sold it to "family". More like the mafia than a Cornish landowner!! Of course I'll have to pop in at the weekend to thank them for their wonderful service and stock up on Cornish pasties for the freezer!

    Lin ~ A silly question probably but have you got a carbon monoxide alarm because I'm now worrying about your iced up furnace exhaust? A beautiful jigsaw; well done for completing.

    Have a good day everyone and keep warm.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SNOWING HARD, 'NUFF SAID! Condolences to all fellow sufferers. I want RAIN!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Morning, will make an attempt to leave for Tai Chi in a few minutes. If the garage door does not open, I will be back in a few minutes. :D

    Snow did not arrive overnight but now is expected this afternoon. Multiple stories on our local news regarding frostbite, how to recognize it, how to avoid it. Well, I will just say about the snow and the cold cold weather “HO, HO, HO!” Not a bit funny.

    Take care everyone. And yes Jackie, I have a carbon monoxide detector on each level of my house and the exhaust is forming icicles BUT the exhaust is not totally blocked. I have discovered the ice well in advance of that. All I have to do to check is to walk out on my back deck. Short walk down the steps and over to the side of the house to remove any ice.

    Anne, I hope you are able to do a bit of shopping. Won’t a turkey keep a while in the refrigerator? They sell them Fresh in the stores and folks do not cook them immediately.

    Buzz, sorry you don’t have a banking outlet in-house right now. That is not very convenient.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited December 2017
    Well it looks pretty outside, sigh. Notice my garden bunny tracks going home.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have more than enough rain to share, Anne! We have local flooding and we have a couple more days of heavy rain. Then some sun...maybe. I never trust the forecast. They promise sun, it gets changed to rain.

    We are into the task of searching out the right company to replace out skylights. It will scheduled for early spring on any non-raining day. The new toilet is the same. Since this is a very old fixture, there is some plumbing involved.

    I am feeling pretty good. I guess my foot will always be an issue. But we will adapt and adjust.

    Lin, you are very brave and accomplished to do your own life-saving repairs on your furnace and garage door.
    Jackie, I know Katie would be very uncooperative if I attempted a walk in that weather. She is such a wimp, she will not go out in the rain. She uses her pee papers. For exercise, she runs full speed around the house. I do mean full speed. Get out of the way..she will knock you down and run you over. She is an expert at indoor ball, if need be.

    I hope everyone will be safe and warm. 2017 refuses a gentle exit.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We too, are expecting snow this afternoon and it is still only 9 degrees. I am not sitting today as I feel a cold coming on and I have a croupy cough that is annoying me. It is not consistent thank goodness so I hope hot tea will help and lots of fluids. I don't plan on leaving the house today so I might just stay in pj's all day.

    Patsy, Katie does sound like she has lots of energy, same as Daisy. Babe's house is too small to run full speed but I do throw a ball down the hallway where she runs to get it. Good luck with the skylights and commode.

    Anne, your picture is beautiful, especially since you are inside looking out. Is Jilly getting buried in the snow when she does her business? We used to shovel our pea gravel area so Daisy didn't have to squat in the snow.

    Lin, be careful out there, I hate driving in the snow. Our news is showing many people dying from our cold weather.

    Jackie, your weather sound frightful but your fire is delightful. (are you singing it) Too bad about your farm shop but glad they got a drug dealer off the streets.

    Buzz, I am listening to my body and relaxing today, I don't want to get sick and hope I can fight this off. With all the little kids and their running noses it was bound to happen.

    I hope to catch up on bills and thank you cards and some games. But mostly stay warm in cozy inside. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well it's still snowing here! I'm afraid Jilly is using pee pads as well because at this point it's deeper than her and I would say i am officially snowed in. Jilly is exactly the same as Katie, zooming at great speed around the house and tearing her Christmas Day duck to pieces. Of course they are the same age so apart from size, exactly the same.
    Michael decided to stay home and I'm so glad he did. He just phoned and said he went to a grocery store near him to bring me some spuds, hopefully for Sunday, and he said people are driving like idiots. I haven't noticed any cars on our unplowed street.
    Someone might find me and Jilly in the spring, lol.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Honest very last photo unless the snow reaches the top of the 7ft fence! It's the most I've seen since my Quebec days.