Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    JACKIE, page 48 and I'm loving it! Garbage out, but after two trips down and back the long drive, frozen, The Bean isn't going out. The Bean isn't happy but it's for her own good. Now back to "Guernsey". Thanks for the tip,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My gracious, you poor dears! I remember that kind of cold well, as it happened every Thanksgiving Day in Boston when I was dragged to the Harvard-Yale football game (I was never a fan!). The Florida snow is up north. This is a very long state! we are in a sunny 56 degrees right now. Started around 39, but slowly rising. Yesterday my cleaning lady said I was the only apartment not being heated! Poor thing was sweating! I love it cool.
    I must get my nails done before dinner, as they are all peeling and splitting and catching on knitwear! So I might try that French tip again, though I didn't get such a good line on it last time. One of these days I'll get it done professionally. JACKIE, my phone seems to get more scams each day! I blocked 3 more numbers today when they never stopped ringing! ANNE, you remind me of trying to get the boots on 2 poodles each time it snowed; the 1st would take them off as I was fixing the 2nd! Horrors! Well, sounds like everyone else is bundles against the weather. Oh, I just got a glimpse of the Times, saying our chief button owner is trying to stop distribution of that new book about him! Now that's democracy! Rocket man? Dictatorman? How does he (nameless) get away with it? Have a beautiful day, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.............................................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    JACKIE, thoroughly enjoying the book, in fact I am having difficulty putting it down. I've just got to "Lord Tobias" and the wine cellar takings.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I had a busy morning with looking for my driving glasses in my car because when I left bingo I couldn't find them but was happy to have those night driving glasses you see all over. I did find them in between my seats but it was too dark last night.
    I won $50 at bingo just barely, since I almost missed it because I was too busy talking. My landlady is buying both a new washer and dryer and she had texted me at bingo to ask if my dryer was gas and I couldn't remember. I also wanted to get my towels rung out to the best of my ability and dry them in the dryer and will rewash when the new washer gets here next Wednesday. In lieu of all of that on my mind I didn't sleep very well but did manage to get it all done before my meeting. I went grocery shopping after the meeting and now it is time for dinner. I just wanted to tell Jackie I saw A Dog's Purpose and it is so good, she is going to love it.

    Will be back in the morning, I cheated and bought a ready cooked chicken for dinner and it smells so good I want to eat. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, I have read that book and enjoyed it as well. I hope you didn’t really want to sleep tonight Anne.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good evening. Happy that the garage door opened once again this morning. Made my way to the post office to send back an item that was not the one I ordered. They are sending the right one now but I am a bit miffed I had to pay the return postage. I should have told them to bill me for the set. Postage!! First class postage is going up a penny later this month. I was also not pleased that the two ounce stamps they sold me are not forever stamps so I will need to buy additional postage for them. Also not happy. There was no advantage to purchasing them. Since they are needed for my non machine stamp cards I still have to stand in line to request the special handling. Waste of effort there.

    I did go to the library to chat with my friends this morning. I really did not want to go but I sort of had my arm twisted. I sorted some library books this afternoon. Several cannot be renewed so I will be reading diligently the next few days. I also spent some time with art materials. Fun!! And then I have been searching for a couple of serial numbers for a claim I am filing. I don’t know why I am bothering, there is no cash involved, just a gift card that can be spent on the company’s merchandise. I just felt compelled to file when I found out I was entitled to share in the settlement.

    So there we are, cold here, light snow expected again tonight, cold temperatures, and me with totally dried out skin and cracking fingers, a rash on my face where I tried some moisturizing oil. I think I will stick my nose back into a book.

    Tai Chi tomorrow is a maybe once again.

    Wild weather days. Oh my.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Interesting day today. Mild weather, lots of mail, big changes in our town. Our legislators are retiring, the DA is retiring, several of our school board and college board are calling it quits! Change is in the wind.
    Good, bad or indifferent? Who knows? It makes me uneasy. The devil you know is ....well you know how that goes. It is very interesting, however.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, another late night, but a thought or 2: LIN, I never go to the Post Office. I buy my stamps at and you can get a roll of forever stamps delivered! SANDY,congratulations on that $50 win!
    PATSY, it depends on whether you liked your legislature, DA and the Board members! Think positive and never miss an election! I've been listening to reactions to the new book (Fire & Fury?) and this is the first time in my memory a President has actually ordered a publisher to not print! Freedom of the Press? What about tweets? On this note, I'm off to sleep!
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.........................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dear George is so unsettled by all the goings on outside he chose to sleep on my bed last night and although I wasn't sure this was a good idea he was a good boy and hardly moved until I skipped to the loo around 6.30am. He followed me, refused a pee trip outside the kitchen door then followed me back to bed. We managed a good long walk across the top moor this morning even with the ground being saturated and were just in time to get back to the cars as wet snow and hail blew across to us. The builders continue and are hoping to finish by next Tuesday then Mick the boss says the room should be constructed the following week so we're getting there!

    Anne ~ I sort of knew you'd love the Guernsey story because like you, I finished reading in just over a day after it was recommended to me by a Canadian friend that lives in London Ontario who understands us Brits! Now I'm wishing I'd ordered the book for the dog story rather than dvd because generally novels are more in depth but can always read it after I watch the dvd.

    Buzz ~ My thought about the 'Fire and Fury' book is if fighting a libel case keeps the man away from thoughts of annihilating us all it has to be a good thing. Watching our evening news when several quotes were read out it did have me giggling out loud although lots of the stories should probably be taken with a pinch of salt. First interesting point, they didn't expect to win and the family are in shock to be where they are, especially Melania who was in tears when the election result came through. I gather it's been published 3 days early so too late for the man to put a stop to it and perhaps Anne can put it on her book wish list!!

    Sandy ~ Have I thanked you before for mentioning night vision glasses? When you first did I purchased a pair on Amazon because I hate driving in the dark now with the flare of headlights in my eyes and they've been a godsend. Even when it's foggy daytime I wear them to cut down the white glare so thanks! B) Now why aren't I surprised you wouldn't know if your dryer is gas or electric LOL I've loads of washing needing a cycle but what with our wet weather and builders in the garden I'm not inclined to hang my smalls out on the line!! Perhaps tomorrow although one of them is talking about maybe doing some work tomorrow.... I'm hoping not!

    Lin ~ Oh dear, a frustrating time for you with your mail but hopefully the suggestion Buzz made about buying on line will be the answer. Is it because you've been home in central heating your skin is drying out? Of course with your winter weather you can't live my frugal life with just a few electric night storage heaters and coal fire but I do find a lack of central heating is best for me. I know I shouldn't tempt fate but I've not had a cold in over 5 years either..... that's it, fate tempted!! LOL Hopefully today will be a more pleasant one with nose in books!

    Patsy ~ Stay positive and imagine change is a good thing even if unsettling. As my gran used to say, it'll all come out in the wash!!

    The scammer has been on the phone again just now so I told him I checked with the phone company (which I didn't bother to!) and they confirmed it is a scam at which point he became abusive so I suggested his mother wouldn't be proud of his choice of career and hung up. If he calls back I will try the trick a friend uses and blow George's whistle into the receiver which should hurt his ears if wearing a headphone!!

    Mugs of tea out to the builders and a suggestion they take shelter in their truck to drink it because cold rain is now falling.
    I must find something constructive to do too.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2018
    JACKIE I once received disgusting perverted phone calls. These calls really bothered me as I lived alone. I suspected it was someone known to me in the work environment. A male work mate offered me an old time police whistle. I put the word out that the next time I received an anonymous obscene phone call I would blow the whistle which hung near the phone and the callers eardrum would be shattered. Never had another obscene call and never used the whistle!

    Ah THE book! I gather the first copies sold out overnight. I suspect the big red button man will soon be no more! I also think it will take at least 10 years for the USA to get on an even credible keel again. Much damage done. Meanwhile North and South Korea are getting pally.

    My skin is also cracking LIN. A combination of weather and central heating which is on almost continually methinks. Hey, spring is just around the corner.

    Jilly's been under the covers with me as well. Like George, not much movement but she will sleep crosswise and fully stretched out which has me clinging to the edge. I shall boot her back into her own bed if the temperature rises on blessed Monday. It was minus 22 overnight with a wind chill making it minus 40. If there is reincarnation I don't want to come back as an Eskimo! Despite the heating, when one touches the outer walls of the house inside they are icy cold! Well we aren't dying from heat stroke. Every cloud.......etc.

    I wonder if Mike will show up. The cupboards are bare and my poor doggie needs a chewy bone treat!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Doing laundry this morning. Saw this on Facebook from one of those pages that post lovely images. They say it is a Polish Frizzle Chicken. Really?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yes Lin that's a Frizzle. When I was given fertile eggs for little Squeak to sit on 2 were apparently laid by a Frizzle but I was warned ordinary looking hens attack them, maybe out of jealousy of those looks! As it turned out Squeak seemed to sense something different was developing because both eggs were pecked open by her long before they grew and hatched. Of course the outcome was Charlie the cockerel and Daisy out of thr remaining eggs, both of whom would have given any Frizzle a hard time!

    Anne ~ I hope you've mentioned the empty fridge to Mike so he can at least pick up a few things on the way even if not easy to drive you to the shops.

    Just delivered more tea to the builders and I can see they're winding down mentally now it's Friday afternoon! Don't think they'll be back now until Monday which is good as it will give us all a break.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Another load of laundry in the wash.

    Thanks Jackie! I didn’t have time to Google it so very happy for your information and personal eexperience with that interesting breed of chicken. I thought the photo was quite striking. I have never seen a Frizzle before. Haaaa

    Now time for a weekend and you and George can get a bit of peace. I hope you are pleased with the first week’s work.

    Anne, I hope you are off shopping and restocking now. Or maybe you phoned a list to your son for items to pick up? I trust your boys will make sure that you and the little Miss Jilly will be kept in supplies. I am so sorry the winter is cruel this year. So far we are just cold, we have not had the overwhelming snow.

    Sandy, I never congratulated you on your bingo win. You are a lucky gal. I could go every week I am sure and never win a penny. I have my fingers crossed as you spoke of your laundry appliance issues. My washer and dryer are ancient and I try to do as few loads as possible. Haaaaaa.

    Patsy, I love your descriptions of Katie. I think perhaps you should write adventure tales about her. Sorry for the shift in political landscape. I try to ignore as much as possible as I only get upset and can do little to change things, just vote.

    Buzz, I have to go to the post office for many of my handmade cards. In order to get a non-machine cancellation you must present the item at the window of the post office and answer any questions about the envelope as they press and press on it. Haaaaa. Serves me right for putting embellishments and layers on my cards. I sent a few this week that were made flat so that I did not have to go through that process. But they looked sooooo flat.

    Back to the laundry.

    Hugs to all.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    The zig zag walls of Ribblesdale from Facebook page Friends of the Dales this morning.


    Love it.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) The most exciting news I have is that Rob and Lisa are having a healthy baby girl. We are all so excited, I am so happy for them.
    Hard to keep warm in this kind of weather, can spring be far away? I am going to sit for the boys later, I really miss them. Tomorrow is Max's first birthday but the party isn't until the 27th. I am going to bring him his present today along with a couple of balloons including a pink one for Lisa. I think tomorrow they just want a family day and with the weather being so cold I don't blame them.

    Lin, love that little chicken, so cute! My new washer and dryer will be delivered next Wednesday so no laundry until then.

    Anne, I know your son will take good care of you and get those groceries needed. Daisy always slept with us when we first got in bed but she got too hot so didn't stay long.

    Jackie, your workmen must appreciate the tea to help keep them warm, I would do the same.
    You are welcome about the glasses, I am still getting used to them with the yellow tinting.
    They certainly help when the day is snowy or dismal. I also bought mine from Amazon but they weren't too expensive do you think that makes a difference?

    Buzz, I was going to order stamps online but it said it would take a week or more so I changed my mind. I will run there to get them, with the holidays over there should be no lines.

    Patsy, change is hard, but sometimes for the better.

    I hope you all have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, Michael did show up and it was absolutely freezing out at minus 16 and a wind blowing in from the lake. We went to the mail boxes first and I found my very first credit card bill. All paid up now and the cashmere pullover is REALLY mine. Jilly came along as well. When her paws get too cold Mike sweeps her up inside his winter jacket and she can view the world from an elevated position which must be very satisfying for a short legged dog!

    Then we drove to an almost empty car park to visit the bank. Likewise to the empty pet store and Jilly donated her extra small coat to the humane society and I bought her a very elegant padded coat in grey and black in her now grown up small size. The same story at the organic grocery, empty. The two assistants at the cash registers wearing their outdoor padded jackets because they are situated near the in and out doors. Yes it's that cold! Anyway the long and the short - I've well stocked cupboards and fridge now. Depleted in the cash department mind you.

    It warms up to minus 7 on Sunday but that comes with a price. Loads of snow to shovel again.

    Jilly is fast asleep, Michael is home but going out for supper with his mates, and I'm going to stick my nose in that book again. Life's good.

    Congratulations on the baby girl news SANDY,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2018
    Do you remember the Toronto Armoury JACKIE? It's being opened tonight to shelter the homeless for the next two weeks.
    Tragic, a 91 year old man died of a heart attack in his barn. His 86 year old wife went out to check on him and she's died from the cold. Sorry to be the bearer of such tragic news but it gives an idea how cold it is. I don't think they've ever used the armoury for the homeless before.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my ! I adore the little chicken. My grandma had a very exotic Japanese chicken with long tail feathers that trailed behind. This poor chicken was constantly getting tangled in fencing etc. I love the look of the frizzle chicken. It looks like me most of the time. I look like a nervous breakdown even when things are going just swimmingly.

    I agree about needed change. Our local and state political scene is interesting. We are a very liberal state. Our tax situation is odd. High property taxes and state income taxes but no sales tax. Our roads and bridges are a disaster. Floating a bond election is very difficult. Not sure what will come of our state pot industry. We were sort of counting on that to fill in the holes in our treasury. Maybe that is a fantasy. Washington state is even more liberal than we are. They have a sales tax and high property tax. Our next door neighbors (Washington) are different but we are both the PNW. Wet, wild and liberal!

    Went to the vet again today. Katie still has her UTI. She was not drinking enough water. I also needed to adjust her food. More meat, no or few carbs, more water and cranberry pills. John laughs that he was sure we would find a high maintence dog. It is our lifestyle. He says he lives with high maintence but interesting females. He thinks we rule the roost around here. Huh?

    I ordered the new trump book. I couldn't help myself. I think most of the stuff is already out in quotes. But I am a political junky, as you know. I read everything. Good stuff, trash, and wonderful literature as well. I have several books going at once, I read depending on my mood. One of my new years resolutions is to pick back up on my educational reading. My brain is in need of hard stimulation.

    Quantum physics, anyone?
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Nope - anne
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow, I love today's posts! I did NOT order that book, since I think I've reached saturation! But I may change my mind yet. I see it's almost midnight and I just watched The Crown, the episode where JFK is murdered! So interesting how things are seen on either side of of the ocean. Anyway, I'm
    . really unable to keep[ my eyes open, and I open automatically tO Seniors. XOXOXO
    <3 Buzz