Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am looking at the 4:30 twilight again. I will be so excited to see those 2 more minutes of sunlight tomorrow. So in two days we will have gained 5 minutes and almost an hour by the end of the month...that can’t be right! I must have misread that information. Back to Wikipedia for a refresher course on seasonal light.

    Trimmed my hair. I can do as BAD a job as they do in the salon and I don’t have to pay 30 dollars. My bad job is free. Next I will be looking on YouTube about how do a better job of coloring my hair. At the salon they always put tin foil on it in little packets. Why? I can do that...maybe. I have been so dissatisfied with my hair cuts and coloring I am now diving into the job myself. I will report the results. Maybe scary photos.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Finally got connected, but the connection seems pretty spotty. First it announced I'm working offline, yet my wifi checked out that I'm securely connected! So I used my ethernet cable, and something is really peculiar as it doesn't seem to recognize it! Last night microsoft did another update, and whenever they do, I seem to run into connection troubles! well, I'll add a couple of comments and hope they post!
    SANDY, I find that on Amazon, when I receive something inferior, the merchants never ask for a return! They simply send a second replacement so their reputation isn't spoiled. Once they replaced a shopping cart free. Then a clock and a timer! No fee. I actually bought a Casio watch from the Amazon site, and I love the service I've received. I also buy online from Costco now, even though I no longer belong. It's worth the 5% extra charge since their prices are lower than Amazon, but they don't carry as much or as large a variety. And no shipping charge!
    JACKIE , I use weekly pill dispensers and never have a problem; but my leg pills I carry in my purse to use at the dinner table, and I have a week's supply of 2 different sizes. And I also have a dispenser in my pantry, and that's where I got confused. Fairly rare, but I was not concentrating that night! Good suggestion, though. THank you.
    PATSY. you certainly have courage. And memories! I've never been to Alaska, and regret that fact!
    I'd better post quickly, as my entire post just disappeared twice but luckily Ctrl + Z brought it back. I may not be so lucky next time.
    ANNE and LIN, hi to you both and if I missed others, i don't dare go to the previous page or I'm gone!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.............................................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Buzz, what confuses me is that I never get a notice for a Microsoft Upgrade. Microsoft upgrades itself and occasionally restarts my computer. I might have my updates set for after midnight so I don’t see a notice. But be careful and make sure it is really Microsoft because there are some scammers out there.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2018
    Just had a surprise! Before Christmas I bought a coffee table and side table. They both have drawers. Decided to use them a certain way and at the back of one drawer I've found a pamphlet stating I've bought part of the George Washington Mount Vernon Heritage Home Collection 1700's. Evidently part of the purchase goes towards preserving the house. I had no idea, but I guess my love of history came to the forefront when I viewed all the styles in the store. They certainly suit this old house!
    Thought this might interest the USA gals. Made in the States NOT China!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The only down side to having outdoor building work going on in January is that I have to keep a window open for an electric cable to run out to a cement mixer as there isn't an outside socket and bloomin' heck, it's been cold today so even George has been snuggling up! The builders have left early to go and pick up materials for tomorrow and rain is about to arrive so at least I can, thank goodness, shut the window and light the fire. Meanwhile rubbing hands together to warm them and sipping coffee!

    Anne ~ Your new tables sound lovely but just for a minute reading your post I thought you were going to tell us you had found a secret compartment with hidden treasures! Is furniture designed that early what I know as Shaker style? I always liked it.

    Sandy ~ There are so many scams going on these days on the internet especially from that part of the world I wouldn't be surprised if your credit card company say they've had other complaints. I agree with Buzz that usually they are happy to replace for free so don't throw good money after bad!

    Patsy ~ A couple of days ago I reset the timer on the chicken house door open and close mechanics and moved it on half an hour in the evening because I've already noticed the days getting ever so slightly longer. I'm sure you're right about 15 minutes extra a week, that's what I was always told anyway..... soon be summer!! A brave lady to be trying the foil highlights on your own hair. If I tried on mine the back would look very strange because I'm so cack-handed when having to look in a mirror to do anything back-to-front. Yes please to the photos!!

    Lin ~ Are you still rejoicing at warmer weather?

    Buzz ~ I was sure you would be organised with a pill dispenser, just seemed odd you didn't know if you had taken one. Now all explained!

    The rain is with us so I'll check the hens are ok for the afternoon then settle down in front of the fire and read for a while since it's quiet outside!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited January 2018
    Could be shaker JACKIE. Not sure. Early American anyway. What do you think? Coffee time you will notice! Sorry it's big yet again! Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) My only plans today are to clear out my laundry room for the new washer and dryer being delivered tomorrow. My landlady texted the window is 9-12, so she will be here to make sure it meets with her satisfaction. My laundry is piling up so will be glad to get the new appliances.
    My credit card company said the only way to get a refund is to send the monkeys back to China. I did not buy these from Amazon so I am stuck. The lady from China keeps saying to send them back and she will refund but not sure if she means my postage as well. I am going to try new batteries which I did order from Amazon since they are those little button cell kind and were cheapest through Amazon. I will get them tomorrow so hopefully they will work and I can move on from this nightmare.

    Anne, love your new tables, they are beautiful. Picture is not too big or we wouldn't be able to see the detail. Like Jackie, I thought at first you found a treasure but in essence you did!!

    Jackie, I can imagine the draft from the open window, just keep snuggling with George and stay warm. BTW, I am usually smarter when it comes to Internet things but I fell for a Facebook Ad which I will never do again. I was pre warned that if the monkeys came from China they were knockoffs but I didn't know they came from China until I was billed. I feel very foolish.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I'm sort of checking early so if the computer is still whacky, I can call Dell! Sometimes after an upgrade, it actually takes a day to straighten itself out! It no longer says I'm working offline, so that's a good sign!
    ANNE, I love the simplicity of your table, and if those are pegs on the drawer fronts, it may well be Shaker Style. However the color is not a Shaker color, though it's gorgeous. They did not use nails and the lines were simple and pure, never decorative, so I'm not certain about the pulls. The Shakers were a kind group (religious) who welcomed anyone into their communities as long as they accepted that cohabitation was forbidden!!! I have visited a number of their Villages in New England and New York. For obvious reasons, they simply died out as people did not join enough to make up for those who passed on. Since their farms and crafts were a thriving business, the single survivor in each village was the sole inheritor, and I recall several court cases from survivors who were not Shakers, but family members of the deceased! By the way, the name actually came from the practise of shaking during religious frenzy! At least that's what we were told. Enjoy your lovely furniture.
    JACKIE, your chickens and other animals live a better life than many children all over the world. I think I, too, see tiny changes in daylight hours though here, closer to the equator, the daytime hours are not that noticeable as they are more equal! We don't have the dramatic long summer evenings we had up north, nor the very short days, either! We do, however, get a bit cooler in the winter, much to the chagrin of those visitors looking for a quick tan! I think I miss the snow but not the treacherous ice! We'd love to see pictures of the progression of your renovations!
    SANDY, My notices come in the form of quick alerts on the right side taskbar. I never open links in mail unless I can check the properties, so I lost a perfectly legitimate photo my son sent of his new granddaughter playing with a hand- puppet grasshopper that I had for my kids 60 or more years ago! No message, just Hi Mom plus the link! So I warned him someone had hacked his address and he said no, he had emailed it! He sent another, and my new update would not let me open it! I guess you know that there is a huge vulnerability in computers with Intel programs inside, and so far they don't know how to make them more secure!!! ANd it is in all Intel programs going back many years! They just found another in AMD. And by the way, the fix they are trying for Intel slows down your computer a great deal! ... Also, my settings request Microsoft alert me before installing any updates, because some , I really don't want or require. I DO want everything for security! Since so far, I don't play games or watch movies on it, I don't need certain updates. I just discovered my Chromecast connection had been broken, so I re-connected that and now have to figure out how to reinstall that! And then try to find time to watch stuff. There are enough things shown here that I really don't much want to watch more movies. I'm glad you were able to remove your outside decorations before the cold damaged them!
    PATSY, I, too, am looking forward to those photos of your bravery! I doubt we will be scared! I get tempted to snip, but right now I cannot believe how full my hair has become! Figure it out: fine and thin with very full body and waves! I added a main picture on our site and it appears in the profile page, but not yet here on Golden sneakers! I thought a chosen avatar appears everywhere. The face is appropriately aged (I've earned every wrinkle!), but the hair (despite not coloring it) astounds me! Truly everyone else here requires wigs or wiglets of things to add where hair is sparse (why do they color it red in their 80s and 90s?) and mine appears wildly full!
    LIN, out of curiosity, do you consider boxing and selling the cards you make? You could start a whole new career and become famous!
    Still nothing regarding our MARIE? Can anyone set my mind at ease? It seems unusual that she hasn't dropped by for a quick hello!
    I must get a small quick lunch as tonight is "birthday night" with "cocktail hour" before and rich food during the meal (seafood bisque, filet mignon or salmon, cakes etc), and then entertainment afterwards. It's our once a month celebration. If I miss lunch, I will devour too much during the appetizer hour!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.............................................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Buzz, Marie posts on Facebook and is doing well. I think it is hard for her to see and hard to get on this website so she stays with Facebook.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hello, just home from book club. Busy day and yes, I am enjoying the break of very nice weather before our next blast. All the things I planned to do today, yep, got to all of them. It always seems easier to follow through when it is warmer and the snow is melting. I am less enthusiastic when it is very cold and we are receiving feeezing rain and/or snow.

    Anne, I love the coffee table and thank you, I will take a cup. I thought at first you were going to say you found a lost treasure! We live with high hopes. :)

    Buzz, I hope you are enjoying the evening. I cannot keep up with all the special entertainment and celebrations. No need to ever be bored in your community.

    Sandy, well soon it will be time for your new washer and dryer. I am sure you will be over joyed to be able to do laundry again. I hope they show up early rather than late.

    Jackie, I would be totally freezing with a window open! Can you run a cord through the window and stuff the rest of the opening with towels or something? I definitely would be running an electric heater to survive. And I would be drinking the hot tea and maybe sharing some of it.

    Patsy, we could almost see the sun for a portion of the day today. Looking forward to longer days as soon as possible please.

    Time to line things up for Tai Chi early tomorrow. Must remember to get out a other pair of shoes. ‘Tis the season where we must take off our street shoes and change before going in the room for Tai Chi in order to protect the floor. I guess we drag in salt and stuff. Okay, I can remember that....I think.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A post was typed before I went out walking this morning but seems to have disappeared.... perhaps I didn't click on post reply! A beautiful day with a long line of mist in the valleys that looked more like a huge wandering lake. Just George and me so we followed the track to the top with him chasing stones and me gazing at the scenery. It reminds me Spring isn't too far away. This photo was snapped on my little phone!

    Anne ~ That's a beautiful coffee table with simple lines that do look Shaker-ish! When I read Buzz's explanation of the Shaker movement it reminded me of the Quakers although obviously they're still around so did a google search and found they were a break-away group. All pioneers and to be admired.

    Lin ~ If I blocked the gap in the window, and I have been tempted, I probably would have felt just a bit unsociable since we do a lot of chatting through it! Today is completely different with the sunshine and I've just spent a few minutes standing outside talking with them as they sip the first cuppa of the day! I wish my pets had street shoes to be removed when entering the cottage because at the moment I have an ever darkening carpet where they trail builders debris.

    Buzz ~ My one visit to Florida was in the month of February after a flight from a freezing Toronto and I remember finding even mild temperatures by your standards were wonderful. When it comes to my animals I do my best to look after them as much as I can afford but agree, even in this country there are children going to school on an empty stomach although a lot of that is ignorance on the part of a parent!!. Some homes could do with some artificial intelligence!! Ah yes, the new garden room! For 6 days the builders have been digging down to create the foundations and only today are beginning to put up the small wall the main factory built sections will sit on. They've done an amazing job, precise and sturdy, so I feel confident there won't be problems with damp with what is now a raised concrete floor system. Photo taken this morning. Boring at the moment but gives you an idea!

    Sandy ~ Thanks for letting us know Marie is alright dear of her. I remember she was struggling getting into this site but do let her know we miss her. "Knockoffs"? Is that a term for fake or copies.... I'm guessing so!! A shame the people of that country can't put their talents to coming up with their own creations rather than copying others!!

    Time for some housework and at least hoover up the trail. If it remains pleasant outside I'm going to do a little gardening.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    You are on your way now JACKIE. Surely the worst is behind you. Is George still barking or does he realize the work lads are not out to plunder his home and chickens? Jilly loves the new coffee table because she can run UNDER it when doing her high energy bursts of speed.

    I am going to enjoy today because although still minus 3 it's going to be plus 3 this afternoon with rain. That might thaw the grey stuff that's lingering on the road and path and wash away the salt. In the 1980s Flo and I went to Florida for two weeks starting Boxing Day. We arrived wearing anoraks, sweaters and pants and never emptied our suitcases because of the cold. All the amusements were empty of people, we virtually had Disney world to ourselves. Heaters in the orange groves and the palms droopy with frostbite. Not a soul on the beaches except me and Flo! So........ I have still to experience a tropical paradise! Had a great holiday mind. I was never one for crowds of people! AND we were comfy in our padded jackets with just frost instead of ice and snow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Up at 8:00 AM, showered and dressed waiting for delivery. My landlady just called and said they should be here in 20 minutes, guess I could have slept longer. lol It is another warm day but with mist but at least it is melting the snow. I really need to get my car washed but not until the streets dry up. Bingo tonight, a win would be nice.

    Anne, too bad about your bad weather in Florida, sounds very disappointing. That is why I don't visit my daughter in Jacksonville until after March, they tend to get cooler weather for a few months.

    They are here with my new appliances and my landlady should be here momentarily. I will get back to you later.

    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    My new washer and dryer are installed and laundry is almost done. Great set, so modern and love that is chimes when done. My friend is sick so I am not going to bingo, the weather is crappy and I am tired so decided to stay home. Saves me money as well.

    Can't wait for Spring and sunshine.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good afternoon!!

    A fairly warm day in the 40’s but overcast and damp. After Tai Chi this morning, I did a number of errands including a long stop at the local consignment store. I now have a better understanding of how the place works such as their discount system, the scratch off days for discounts, etc. And I found several little interesting things, of course. My last stop was at the store for frozen vegetables. Home now and likely to stay here given the forecast. :)

    Sandy, glad you got your new laundry set and that you like it. I guess we will both be home tonight but I was planning on being here anyway. Sorry you will miss bingo and more potential winnings.

    Anne, my gosh what odd weather you and Flo ran into in Florida. When I was young I traveled with my folks to Southern California. It was around Christmas, but the weather was freezing cold and I wore my regular winter coat all the time we were there. Most unlucky timing for visiting the zoo and Disneyland. Zoom, zoom, zoom Jilly. Your own I Door racetrack.

    Hello Buzz and Patsy and Jackie.

    I am a bit worn out after all my excitement! I may take a tiny nap.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Such excitement today; finally caught the bus to local outdoor mall so I could replace eaten yogurt, cottage cheese, whipped cream cheese and cider vinegar. THAT was my shopping list: 4 items. $73 dollars later, I checked out with a bunch of BOGOs I couldn't resist, and of course will eventually need, like coffee, cereals, etc, so I will reap the benefits of BuyOneGetOneFree as the months go by. The drivers are so nice, and getting on board on the lift instead of trying to climb the stairs is a blessing with my elderly knees! Tomorrow, I shall try the banking bus for the first time. So convenient now that I have no car.
    SANDY, thank you for the information on MARIE. Please send my love, too? Use your laundry in the best of health!
    ANNE, your trip must have been long before I moved here, but I do remember visiting during a rare snowstorm in February and ALL the palm trees were killed! However, when Florida replants, they put in fully grown trees, and within a couple of weeks, everything looks normal again!
    JACKIE, I had no idea Quakers descended from Shakers! You are amazing! That foundation looks really sturdy! Great beginning! And what a gorgeous view of your moors!
    Hi, LIN and PATSY. I have to get to bed before midnight, so ending with love, grabbing my Metamucil and dragging myself to bed!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.............................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day as the builders were here early and after a walk round the village with George I have a hair appointment. I'm promised the base and wall will be finished today then some peace and quiet for a short while! Dear Boris is finding his way round with his whiskers as obstacles keep appearing and Anne, George is used to the men and the noise now so only barks if he thinks knocking is at the door when it's probably a brick being knocked into shape. He races round with a toy when he goes outside with them and impresses them with his stone chasing and sniffing out! Buzz, my comment wasn't written clearly, it was the other way round, the Shakers broke away from the Quakers! History is like a storybook to me with such fascinating events occurring and I love to read about any aspect.

    A frosty morning which means clear skies so I'll get going with our walk.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It's a glorious 9 degrees today. The path is clear and I can finally take the little bean for a long walk! but before I do I had washed my hair. My hair all winter has been looking like a wrung out limp floor mop. I thought my much despaired fuzz of hair was a thing of the past. The hairdresser didn't help way back, she had it cut and tamed in short order! I washed it today and the warmer, damper temperatures have brought the old girl back! I looked at the old witch like familiar self in the mirror and girls! I will never bore you again. I no longer want a chic chignon. I want to run across the moors with George and Jackie in glorious fuzzy abandonment. Well, change that to totter across the moors but you know what I mean. Okay, so I'm back to my old untidy self, but it's me, like it or not.
    Jilly hasn't bitten me so far, but then she's got a sweet nature under all the barking at other dogs.
    All I've got to do during the next cold snap is remember it will pass and I'll be back to normal again.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It is a dismal day with rain but warm temps. I am going to my meeting and then to visit Babe's brother who is in rehab. I asked Babe if he wanted to go with but he said no. I was excited as I was able to wash my bedspread in my new washer along with the blanket I use on the bed. I am very grateful for my new washer and dryer.

    Anne, I am so glad you were able to take Jilly out for a long walk, I bet she was happier than me. The visual of you running or trotting across the moors with Jackie makes me smile. BTW, when you spoke of Flo going to Florida with you I immediately thought of your furnace. lol

    Jackie, the builders are making progress, I can hardly wait until it is done. The little boston terrier across the hall from me hasn't stopped barking since I have woken. My feeling is he is in a crate and he doesn't like it. I do hope he tires himself out soon and naps, poor baby.

    Buzz, I will write a post to Marie today and give her your love. I am glad you were able to grocery shop and wish you good luck at the bank.

    Lin, another dreary day here as I expect you will have as well. Are you planning on selling some things on consignment?

    Patsy, where are you?

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good windy morning! Wow! Things are really tossing and turning outside. Our tall trees are waving and it is always a bit scary. We worry about a big tall tree cracking in the wind and crashing into our house or car.

    My new dungeon rug came and it will be installed today. I had to get special rug tape to tape the edges down. It would curl or creep around if not firmly attached to the floor. I am sure I would topple over if given any obstacles. Clumbsy is my special talent!

    About hair issues...I cut my own recently and it looks fairly good. I have not addressed my salt and pepper hair color. I have been thinking about “low lights” instead of highlights on it. It is rather easy to do and not very dramatic. I use and a good quality shampoo, conditioner and a styling gel. If that doesn’t get the job done, then it doesn’t get done at all. I do try however.

    I am going to donate a few new books to the library and try to jumpstart my creative activities again. Things got stalled during holidays. I got into the new year slump. Nothing much happening.

    This wind has me just a bit nervous and uneasy about all the trees waving and bending in the wind. There is a bit more light now. So I guess the season is progressing normally. Watched a very interesting special on PBS last night. It was called “Fire in the sky” about the northern lights. Amazing photography, wonderful video of the northern lights. We saw these light shows when we lived in Alaska. Took our breath away! It was a peak life experience.

    Back to this rug and rug tape project.