Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I can't believe this swift delivery either JACKIE! The shirts where put on a plane at 11:30 on Saturday, Derby and reached me at 1:00 Tuesday! Although very plain to match my tastes, they are just what I wanted. Unbelievable, exactly like the photos and I think the pink one will go well with a pair of grey dress pants I've yet to wear from two years ago. All part of the smartening Anne up and confining the jeans to the garden and housework! I think a lovely colourful wrap will be just the thing for a black dress Jackie, but then I love colour.

    We had a rare glorious day yesterday. It was so warm on my front door that I opened it so little shorty could have a nose. She's too short to see out the windows even on an armchair. She had a glorious yap at two men hauling out to a truck what looks like the entire interior of Harry's house next door. He's guttering it! All what's left is the piles of wood, old doors, skirting boards etc stacked against my fence of course. Think it will be used for his stove in time! Finally we regretfully had to close the front door because Jill was barking so hard she appeared to dislocate her jaw. Happily restored after a few splutters and coughs. Her idea of a perfect day because she had another good yap when the express delivery bloke showed up.

    The snow, although still existing in street snowbanks is all but gone in my backyard. If the grass is less boggy today I'll go out and see if I can see any tiny spears of daffies and snowdrops thrusting through the earth. Fancy 6 days and it's February and Jilly will be two years old on Valentine's Day. Oh, talking of Jilly, no more "tuffducks" etc. She's only getting stuffed socks from now on to tug at. Mikes got huge feet, so HIS socks and cut up old tee shirts. She won't choke on fluffy stuffing anymore!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited January 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) My son told me not to drive anywhere as there is black ice and numerous accidents. Hopefully, it will clear up so I can go to bingo but if not I will stay home.
    How many days until Spring again?????

    Anne, is shipping free with your purchases? It sounds like Amazon Prime where items are delivered in two days with free shipping. I love them for that reason. So does this mean you are going to doll up to walk Jilly? Jackie's dress is actually purple with splashes of black, I enlarged it to see a closer look. It is really pretty but a black wrap would look great.

    Jackie, I am confused, is the ceiling being painted with a pink primer or is that the color it will be? I bet your critters will be just as happy as you to get their lives back with no workmen to interfere. Good luck at the eye doctor.

    Buzz, always the good Samaritan, does this involve printing all the certificates?

    Lin, I hope your roads were okay for Tai Chi. No, I do not plan on getting a flu shot even if my doctor suggests I do. Sorry about your Trader Joe's, I hope there isn't any severe damage or we will have to worry about you and what you will eat.

    Patsy, hope your day is going well and you have more sunshine.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yes SANDY, shipping is free if you spend over $50. The shirts are very plain, so yes I'll be wearing them to take Jilly walking. I got them to go with my jeans.
    I worked at M&S temporary for 3 months over one Christmas when the boys were small and it was great, i got a discount on all I bought there and I got the boys school uniforms, plus food and a few things for myself. I absolutely loved the job and at the end of my temporary three months, remarkably, out of the 20 ladies also working temporary, the management asked me to stay on and I would be trained as a buyer. I was so thrilled, but I couldn't take the job because my ex husband wouldn't look after the boys when I wasn't around. I've been so fortunate. I worked for ten years at my first job which I also loved, and then after being deserted after only three years in Canada I was lucky enough to get my last job which was for 23 years. M&S was a nice little interlude. Not lucky in love, but very lucky in employment and work mates. I DID find part time work after M&S, and closer to home in the local pharmacy. A lot of laughs in that job I can tell you! Some very funny things happen in a chemist shop!

    I've never had a flu shot by the way. Never had flu since I got the Asian flu back in 1957 on honeymoon! There's always a next time but so far keeping my fingers crossed!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Good afternoon. The sun magically appeared about an hour ago. And yes, I went to Tai Chi this morning and walked carefully in the parking lot as it was slick in spots then. Now it is melting again. I stayed after class and a couple of us had an impromptu meeting to organize the Chinese New Year’s party. Several people now have assignments. I have the Master list so I guess we will be checking in and hopefully checking items off the list.

    I am back to cutting out dogs. I already have three cut fingers. It is not the tools I use, it is the cheapie rough edged die that is causing all the cuts. I am quitting again for today as a I have strapped on a number of bandaids. :)

    Back to stamping and heat embossing as I do not have enough coloring sheets. Three other groups have been invited. Definitely not enough. If these aren’t used, I can color or paint the images myself and cut them out to use in my own creations. So not a waste. I am afraid I will run out of gold embossing powder though. Those little jars really are small!!

    Sandy, if you get our weather tomorrow, the roads should be fine. Yippee! Not usual for you to stay home that long. And no worries, if Trader Joe’s doesn’t open for a while, I will shop at a combo of Natural Grocers and Whole Foods. It will cost more but I will still find much of what I want. (But I would rather shop at TJ). People here are also sad that both of our Toys R Us stores are closing. I think that leaves us with no toy store. I heard one opens in our little Outlet Mall but that is not exactly centrally located.

    Buzz, I hope the certificates are coming along nicely. With you in charge they will be perfection.

    Anne, you certainly have had an interesting work life and of course now we will be waiting to hear more stories. This time about the pharmacy.

    Jackie, more busy days for you. How many days a week do you go to agility class? One? I hope practice is going along well. Did you say you are going to a tile shop? Picking out flooring?

    Well, I should pick up my mail and get started on the embossing. But I don’t like the layout so back to my drawing board.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hugely appreciated. Already being used, but the 4 AM bedtime took its toll! I'm too sleepy now to remain but at least I'm catching up with all. Will return tomorrow, after my attempts at seated volley ball, a 4 hour Fair I'm involved in , and an interview I've agreed to do for our new internet portal! I almost hate to get up tomorrow. Tonight we had a very beautiful Annual Celebration of Life, very moving . We lost 45 people last year. Our Chaplain's wife read a very profound poem written by her father,, who died Christmas night after a long and harrowing illness, and poor Tracy broke down in the middle of her reading. I invited her to come to our support group if she thinks it might be helpful for her.. . See you tomorrow evening!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.........................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An enjoyable walk with George in sunshine this morning although he seemed in the mood to do his own thing, hang back and sniff every blade of grass. Making the most of the pleasant weather the hen house is now cleaned out, 4 eggs collected and Jim the plasterer is just finishing cementing the floor of the garden room. Talk about small world.... he told me he took a different route home last night and realised just how close to the moors I live, in fact 2 years ago he had been involved in a kids' charity cycle run that brought them up to the car park we use for our walks. I remember that group, they had a van handing out bacon sandwiches and coffee to the cyclists and we gave them our change for the charity!

    Yesterday's visit to the optician was interesting as he told me my right eye needs a cataract removed sooner rather than later otherwise I might lose my drivers license so a referral will be made to the eye infirmary. It seems my body is falling apart suddenly!! The tile shop didn't have anything I liked so will go back to looking at the British ceramic tile company near to the builder's home who's offered to lay them for me. A funny thing when I returned home I discovered Jim had finished plastering the walls and stuck the inside of the cat flap with a sealant for me, only thing was it was upside down!! I managed to remove it and put more sealant on it before sticking it up the right way. This morning I said he's obviously not a cat person and we had a laugh about it! Poor old Boris who doesn't see too well is getting more confused with the changes and around 5 am this morning I thought I heard him crying outside so went down to open the door and there he was, unsure of how to get in. Hopefully once the work finishes tomorrow (Hooray!!) he will find his way about again.

    Sandy ~ When ceiling and wall plaster is first mixed from powder it appears pink, I'm guessing there's a pigment in it, but once spread on a surface and dried out it needs a coat or two of paint to protect it from marks and scratches as it still generally maintains a chalky texture. That's as much as I know which is little or nothing!!

    Anne ~ When I first left school I remember lots of my friends wanting to work for M&S for all their perks as much as anything. They were one of just a few that offered reductions to their staff and a good pension scheme for part timers. Unfortunately they are currently going through a rough patch as more and more customers shop online but quality is something they don't skimp on. Plain blouses always look smart so I'm sure you'll be wowing your neighbours once the warm weather arrives and Jilly is taken for regular strolls. Having just felt the warmth of the sun on my back as I cleaned out the chicken house I can't wait for Spring!

    Lunch time so I'll heat my spicy pumpkin soup before hopefully some gardening.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning all!
    I bought a pretty short sleeved blouse from M&S when I was last in the UK 9 years ago. It remains my favourite summer blouse so I can say if these new shirts have the same lasting quality I will be more than well pleased! I don't mind paying a little more if things still look good after 9 years and you will gather I'm no fashion plate so that's no problem.
    Glad you've got some sunshine at last JACKIE. It's still cold here but sunny. We are promised frigid temperatures in February though.
    Mark fiddled with the lime encrusted pipes again yesterday, and when I had my bath this morning I do believe the hot water flowed a little freer.
    So not much going on here. I've "joined" LINS "book club" and spent a little time yesterday reading a mystery she mentioned. Jeanne M Dams, "A winter of discontent". I'd never heard of this author. Set in England it's about octogenarian sleuths! Now that's new!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good afternoon. Quite nice day. I did wear my coat but are you ready? I did not zip it and left my gloves in the car!!! For me that is practically summer. Made a trip to find a funny birthday card this morning. I got a text last night that one of the Mah Jongg gals has a birthday coming up right away and loved funny cards. Next Tuesday would result in a belated card so I went out and found a card that made me laugh. Then on to the Library to talk and talk and talk, did some word puzzles and helped finish the jigsaw puzzle that has been in process for a while. Home for lunch and got the card out for the postman to pick up today.

    I was going to go out to the grocery store but decided it could wait another day and my finger started bleeding again so am trying to not bleed on anything important. :D Not too much to play with paper I guess so will do my lunch dishes and may read for a while and maybe a few odds and ends.

    Oops, package time out. UPS left the wrong package on my porch, flagged down the deliveryman and all is straightened out now!

    The page will not refresh so I do not know who has posted since quite early today. Wishing everyone well.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Didn't have time to post this morning and now it is time for dinner. Ran some errands after my meeting including finally getting my car washed since the sun was out.
    I upgraded my Comcast Cable Box so I have to install that and then make dinner. All this running around makes me tired but I still want to ride my bike tonight.
    Will be back in the morning before going to sit for the boys.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Me, too, , busy, busy, busy! Was interviewed for something to do with our internet portal'; attended an interesting Fair held downstairs, regarding the huge changes happening in the field senior living. Another seated volley ball session saw a slight improvement. The legs seem to be swelling a bit more than usual, so I'm making certain I get my full hour in the compression boots. Tonight watched a movie on Norway during WW2. It seemed to me they were totally unprepared for the Nazi war bombings and invasion, but their King Haakon refused to give into Quisling's insistence on cooperation. One more example of the horrors of war! I must get to sleep, so I'll try to get back tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.........................................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just dropped in to say Hi! Busy day. Finally all my old dog walking friends are out and about and Janice and Amy dropped by to see me and Jilly.
    It's promised to be mild today, and I'm wearing my new shirt.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Hi! Off to Tai Chi, followed by lots of errands. See you later.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Last day of garden room construction and the sun is shining! I've been shopping and will now spend an hour or two in the garden to tidy a few things and advise my neighbour on pruning her apple tree and grapevine. Agility this evening and not enough homework achieved so we may be in trouble!! My latest dress purchase arrived this morning and is much darker than my screen showed but actually I love it. Haven't tried it on yet but looks a good fit.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Sitting earlier today so Lisa can clean her house for Max's 1st birthday party tomorrow. It is supposed to be in the 50's but windy, hopefully I can take the boys for a walk in their wagon. I lost 2.9 pounds, riding the bike and watching my carbs has paid off. Of course I will probably gain it back at the party tomorrow. Circle of life.

    Jackie, I loved the dress as well, I hope we get another picture of you. Trying to keep up with you, is the tile for the garden room? Is that the nice neighbor or crabby neighbor?

    Lin, enjoy Tai Chi and I hope your weather is as pleasant as mine.

    Anne, Miss Popular, your new shirt must have brought good weather.

    Buzz, once your interview is on the internet let us know so we can see you.

    Patsy, where are you?

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hearing about new clothes and styles of the sneakers here, I am astounded again by the differences we all enjoy. In my search for some new clothes, my hand unerringly reaches for the right colors and sparkles. I love a bit of lace and embroidery. You simply cannot keep the old hippy style from coming out when I hunt for new clothing. It is in my DNA! Not the best idea, I grant you, but our tastes and background determine our choices. As I mentioned before, I am not classy! I do love all the fun styles of today. New jeans with holes and distressed areas. I wear mine with an elegant navy blue sweater and a scarf with sparkles woven in. My very conservative lunch partner almost gasps as I walk in.

    We continue to have unending rain. Katie has a bad case of “cabin fever.” We have to invent active games several times a day to keep her from going crazy and being very naughty. Keeps us all on our toes.

    The flu is everywhere. We had our shot but it really doesn’t protect us much. There are some scary cases here in Oregon. People are almost dying from this flu. Wash hands and stay away from doctors offices...sick people hang out there.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2018
    PATSY, how I envy you being able to fit into jeans! I cannot do up waistlines on any pants without elastic pull-on bands! Knits feel best! And I must wear wide legs to accommodate my leg wraps! Lymphedema has certainly changed my life and dress code! Even shoes! I can wear only the Mephisto Helen nothing else fits! I cannot wear sneakers or any closed shoe, which means I cannot travel where weather runs cold! I guess Florida was invented for me :o ! I love loose fitting tunics because nothing else fits!
    I was invited to go to Costco today with a very dear gentleman here who keeps me supplied with blueberries, and I grabbed the opportunity, knowing I needed toilet tissue and walnuts. Well, I bought the walnuts, blueberries, forgot the tissues, yet managed to spend over $70 on things I never knew existed! I simply cannot shop there and remain sane!
    Now that season 2 of the Crown has ended, we are being shown a series called Peaky Blinders, another British series about a notorious 1919 Birmingham gang. I tried getting interested, but it isn't my kind of movie. I miss Elizabeth!
    SANDY, good for you on your dietary discipline! My 3 pounds lost came back with a vengeance with one Chinese restaurant meal (I ate only half!). Yes I know water, but despite pills, drinking water, and all the other controls, that 3 pounds remains stubbornly attached! Kiss Max a Happy Birthday from his internet fans! Where did that year disappear so fast?
    JACKIE, so glad you like the dress. I doubt I could figure fit online for a dress! Separates are enough of a challenge for me! Keep us informed as you dress up your lovely new room!
    ANNE, can you send us a "selfie" in your new shirt? I'm happy for you that your pipes are delivering better water! Good capable sons are hard to come by!
    LIN, do you include a form of meditation with your Tai Chi? Actually, do you meditate? I keep reading of how important that is, yet I've never mastered it!
    I have about 15 minutes to grab in that elusive "before midnight beauty sleep"! I still find it difficult to reach!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.........................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another wet day and Scruff off to a dog show where she mustn't look muddy so George and I walked alone on a lower section of moorland just half a mile away and once again squelched our way through the mud and running water. It is mild and halfway round I felt extremely hot and bothered..... I think my blood sugars were complaining.... so decided I was just going to remove my hat and get soaked. I felt better for doing it even if it meant dripping for the rest of the walk! My plan today is to do my best to get some semblance of order in my small cottage by moving a few items into the completed garden room even though the floor needs tiling (yes Sandy, that's what I was looking for.) It will take a couple of weeks for plaster and cement to dry out but that's fine, I can still plan.... might even place my folding exercise bike out there so I can listen to the birdsong as I cycle but houseplants first!! Photos taken this morning after our walk including pink ceiling for Sandy. :)

    Sandy ~ I'm in no fit state to photograph myself in my new dress today but have tried it on. It has a short zip running down under one armpit but luckily I can slip the dress on without undoing it because once on it falls into a curved shape that makes it impossible to pull up. So long as I don't put weight on it will fit just fine and is quite shapely which I didn't think I was anymore!! As for the crabby neighbour, he hasn't an ounce of empathy for nature so any apple tree needing a prune would probably get a chainsaw (effing!!) haircut and be done! LOL This was my nice neighbours who treat me like the batty old lady next door they need to keep an eye on. The apple tree is looking much more healthy so I'm just hoping they get apples this year and in exchange I was given an unwanted wooden pallet to place in the chicken run for the chooks to perch on out of the puddles and mud.

    Patsy ~ Yesterday lunchtime I had to pop into my GP practice to pick up a prescription for Ibuprofen for my painful hips and was relieved to see only one patient in the waiting room and no one in the queue for drugs and practically ran in and out to avoid touching anyone or thing!! I wash my hands after every trip away from home now which is something I never worried about in the past.... it's wise advice! My taste in clothes tends to go back to skinny jeans and longer skirts and I'm lucky any weight I gain tends to add inches to places other than my waist and of course walking George in the terrain we have helps. If Katie gets too stir crazy you could perhaps get her an ipad game...

    Buzz ~ The Crown to Peaky Blinders is a huge contrast and a shock to the system for some I'm guessing! It's not a series I've followed although I see from trailers it was beautifully shot and very atmospheric but in the end the story is everything and it looks too violent for me.

    For those who enjoy Call the Midwife, we started a new series last Sunday, tissues at the ready, and just so you know they are still struggling with the heavy snow of 1963!

    Too much time spent at my laptop so much get on, finish the pumpkin soup made earlier in the week and see if I can't lose at least a pound by Monday!

    Happy weekend to Anne, Lin and all.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Absolutely love the garden room JACKIE. Lucky George with such a view to look at and meditate! Positively green with envy!

    I meant to settle down last evening and write some emails but much to Jilly's delight my new neighbour rang the doorbell and stayed for a couple of hours. I like her and she wanted to vent. I listened and I said she was welcome to pop over anytime if she needed to talk. She said it was a relief to talk to someone who she'd really just met, but who had a "kind" face. Me???!!! She couldn't get through to her children and family members easily as they couldn't understand the difficulties she was facing. I said she could come over and vent whenever she wanted as I seem to be a permanent fixture in this house. (I've already decided to haunt it one day!)

    'The midwives'! Ah! I absolutely must tell you a story my midwife told me in the sixties when I gave birth to Mark at home as was then customary. She'd been called out to a tinkers (gipsy but not Romany) camp in the fields opposite our house. One of the ladies was about to give birth to yet another child. She was sitting on the ground and my midwife said to her she would refuse to attend the birth unless they obtained a bed. She'd already attended two births and this was not only unhygienic but also hard on the midwifes knees. The call came and she cycled over to the camp to find the expectant mother lying on a nice new bed. Baby was born and she cycled over the next day for follow up only to find mom was back on the floor. She asked the father where the bed was and he said "oh, we sent it back to the store. We don't need it anymore".
    Makes you wonder what we buy doesn't it! I lost touch with my lovely midwife. She emigrated to a Canadian hospital after her fiancé was killed in a road accident.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited January 2018
    Wonderful room Jackie! Just perfect. I am sure you will find lovely tile. Haaaa, love the doggie video. Hey, do I see a bit of a pink flamingo sticking out behind one of your plants? Or am I seeing things.

    Anne, lovely visit with your neighbor and delightful of you to let your neighbor unload her problems. You are a very kind person and I am sure she will be back often. Maybe she will walk with you and Jilly as well?

    Buzz, I have been sort of stop and start with meditation. Just doesn’t stick with me. During tai chi we do a period of time with mindful standing. Purpose is to be still and to feel the Chi flow through each part of the body. That is similar to meditation.

    I made soup today and it still smells just lovely in my house. The weather has been nice today and I made a little trip to a charity shop near here. I hadn’t been there for about a year. Just wanted to browse. Always fun to look but nothing to purchase. The place smells funny now and I really did not want to take anything home.

    Well, church tomorrow and a congregational meeting immediately following the service. Will be gone for a while again. I think I will eat a little tangerine, I need some vitamin C.

    Take care everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    I didn't forget about you, I just got home from party. I will be back in the morning or sometime tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time