Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Friday! :D So much snow here and more expected!1srnbk383z5c.jpeg
    I was worried about them driving to hospital but they made it with no problems. I am glad I came to sit for Robby so my son could drive. Robby and I had a sleepover in the lower level, he on the floor and me on the couch. Unfortunately he has a bad cough so I didn’t sleep very good. Plus new noises I wasn’t used to including their clock that plays music every hour. Hopefully I will be able to drive home later and sleep in my own bed tonight.
    Lisa said they gave Max medicine to relax him and he was drunk. Lol He is done now and doing fine although this picture brought tears to my eyes.
    Sorry this post is all about my grandsons but I can’t help sharing.

    I hope Jackie is better today and the snow has stopped for Lin and Anne. It has stopped for me as of now. Buzz,congratulations!

    Have a great day, thanks for listening once again.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Still struggling with this bug as although advice is to eat small amounts all that does is create uncomfortable cramps. I did manage a walk on the moors with George this morning but the north wind was blowing and freezing.... probably blew a few cobwebs away!! If it is what a think, the Winter Norovirus that is rampant at the moment, it will take 4 to 5 days so I just have to get through it. Cross with myself because if I picked it up anywhere it was at a store on Monday where I only purchased dog treats and cat food and then, instead of going home when I'd normally wash my hands, I took George for a local stroll after which it didn't cross my mind to wash them.
    Loving the image of Buzz with her viscous serve! LOL Great to read Max is fine. Snow everywhere else it seems. Every day different here, one freezing, the next wet and mild so having been cold today the rain is on its way for tomorrow!

    Enough moaning..... I'm off!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! We are having a sunshine moment! I am not expecting anything more than a few minutes, but they are glorious none the less.

    Katie is in trouble with John. She jumped up on him and snagged the skin on his hand. Her toenails are long because the bloodline in them is so long, right to the tip. It is on the part of his hand that will not hold a bandage so it is very annoying.

    The snow looks so beautiful but I know it is dangerous and and troublesome. Please be careful folks.driving, walking, shoveling. I remember a good friend who died when he suffered a heart attack when shoveling snow in Colorado.

    Olympics are colorful and interesting. I always love the ice skating, swimming, skiing etc.etc. Etc
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    No time to go back and see all that I missed, but I hope JACKIE feels better pronto, and I'm sure little MAX will be himself in notime! Poor Grandma SANDY needs a big hug!!!
    PATSY, as a former dog groomer, I will share how to shorten that vein that prevents you from getting the nails short enough so they don't deform her feet, ankles, etc! John probably has a grinder, right? Since it isn't easy to learn to grind and calm her at the same time I suggest If you have Katie professionally groomed, tell them to GRIND her nails (the groomers shirk on this because it takes time!) until the vein recedes so her nails can be short! Otherwise, her entire paw is forced to walk incorrectly. An alternative is to have your veterinarian do it, at least the first time. Katie will not love it, as the grinder heats the vein, so I always took extra time allowing a cooldown before continuing, but that's the proper way to shorten a dog's nail, unless your Vet knows a more recent invention. Clipping nails is NOT the way to go! It's the heat that forces the vein into proper length. I'll see if I can find a newer correct method, but someone should fix her nails quickly as it will affect her posture and eventually hips etc! The groomer basically should be capable of grinding!
    I'm off to dinner.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, here's a website to look up!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good evening,

    Sandy, I hope you are able to get home safely. We have many flights from our airport cancelled due to the weather in Chicago. Oooooh. Maybe staying over another night might be safer. Well, I am sure you will choose wisely. Cute photos once again. I would have trouble sleeping at someone else’s home. I would probably be up all night. Every house has its own sounds and I would be jumping!

    Jackie, gosh, sorry you are still trying to heal up. Some very nasty bugs on the loose. They are telling us, sure wash your hands, but you are breathing in the virus which can live 24 hours. They are scaring the heck out of me! A doctor that I follow had a webinar last week and he had little to offer in order to protect yourself. Stay away from people was pretty much his answer. Of course no hugging, keep washing your hands eat well and rest. Sounds like mostly common sense. He doesn’t think a flu shot will help.

    Two ladies in our area died last week. My friend’s ex-boss and her sister. The sister got the flu and the other lady went over to take care of her. Both ended up sick and passed away quite quickly. They were quite young, late 50’s I believe. Argh. I am so full of good news.

    Buzz, congratulations your serving prowess. Enjoy the games.

    Anne, has your neighbor ventured out to visit with you again? Are they leaving soon on their trip? I went out to get my mail and cleared away the muck near and under my garage door. This is getting old isn’t it? Duh, of course it is.

    Patsy, I hope Katie gets out of the dog house. I am sure John cannot stay angry with her for too long, right?

    Is this the time for Jeri’s trip? If so, I hope they have a good time.

    And I see we totally missed Chris’s birthday. Sorry Chris! I hope you had a good day.

    I hope to get to the card makers club tomorrow so I am packing my tote with everything we were asked to bring. Just in case, I can always just unpack it again if We get too much snow overnight.

    Hugs. Hoping the best for everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY and ANNE have gotten my curiosity up regarding doggie sites, and I'm rather impressed with and all the tips offered by this blog, such as: Hottest dog training tips and need-to-know essentials!
    Giveaways, promos, and notifications about special doggie deals! I would be obssessed if I owned a pup today as there was no internet when I had my dogs!
    By the way, JACKIE, Did I spell vicious wrong? I'm such a lousy typist (non-typist)! Wish we could comfort you!
    LIN, isn't the house the safest place to be with snow covering icy roads? You and SANDY concern me with all these people around you driving carelessly!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I was woken up at 5 this morning by the sounds of Darren shovelling my driveway! I think he was making on before the young men who were out asking for business last evening did the rounds again. It snowed all day yesterday and is continuing today and tomorrow, the worst dump being tomorrow. It's quite unbelievable this year! Impossible to walk Jilly if the drive wasn't cleared. I was getting short of rations and despite me pleading with Mike not to risk driving the three quarter hour trip, over he came. He never did listen to me! Anyway we got stocked up again, food for me and Jilly and Jilly's treats which were getting disastrously low. A quick lunch and two hours later he was back home. I was so relieved because of all the accidents, and he made it home in lightly falling snow before the heavy snow started up again. We both almost fell on ice dangerously covered by a light coating of snow.

    The iinternet pet sites are good BUZZ and especially so if one is not sure if any fallen food is snatched up by ones furry friend. Such as when chopping carrots. Yes they can chomp on a piece of carrot that flew off the chopping board, but definitely not any onion or a grape. I get the vet to trim Jill's claws. $25 a time! She's fine in the summer with lots of sidewalk walks doing the filing, but in the winter they really grow. I never expected owning one small dog to be so time consuming! Cats are so easy apart from cleaning the litter box or chucking the odd mouse or grasshopper out of the house, but dogs are completely different. They come to you with sock or ball, eyes pleading, okay let's play! And they are ready for walkies any old time. Any hobbies become a thing of the past! But, it's all worth it for where else can you receive such love and devotion!

    I hope you are feeling much better today JACKIE. Horrid feeling queasy all the time. I don't think the hand washing helps that much after reading we can breathe in a virus if near someone sick, but who wants to wear a face mask filter in the stores!
    Well must away,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Rain was forecast and goodness, didn't we get wet this morning even cutting the journey by half. It was the first time we managed to get together with Scruff and her mum for over a week so at least we had lots to talk about!! Last night I took George to his agility class where for the first half he sat looking the other way totally ignoring any command. When asked to walk across a bridge made up of 3 small steps I had to lift him on the first but he just kept jumping off so teacher let him sit to one side and watch! It was a cold night and the heating in the hall was full blast so that may well have upset him because he's currently wearing his winter coat and when the girl running the course admitted it was too hot and turned everything down he suddenly perked up and did as asked, if only for the last 10 minutes!

    Lin ~ Unfortunately these bugs are everywhere so extremely difficult to avoid. I was brought up with one of my Gran's many sayings... a little bit of dirt does you good but that of course was back in the days before resistant strains appeared and stayed. Not too many years ago I'd never have been using anti bacterial washes the way I do now so it's a sign of the times. That's so sad about the sisters who died of the flu and quite frightening too. Staying away from people sounds fine but becoming a reclusive type isn't in my nature so I'll just have to keep on washing my hands!!

    Buzz ~ No my dear, your vicious is correct, mine got a bit carried away but because Microsoft underlines so many of my English spellings that it considers incorrect I now take little notice assuming it's on one of its moves against my English language's French influences!! I'm going to check out that dog advice website too because grooming George this time of year is a nightmare as his coat picks up everything. At the class last night it was pointed out he had a small leaf in his beard and that was after a thorough groom so in his defense I suggested it was picked up in the car park.... to be fair that was probably in my defense!!

    Patsy ~ The Olympics does look wonderfully colourful but also cold with all that snow so I will have to make sure I'm sitting in front of my cosy (underlined in red and I don't know why!!) fire before watching the events!

    The cramps continue so I'm eating very little other than bland food and also haven't made a brew of coffee since Wednesday so think I'm getting withdrawal symptoms! Never mind, if I believe the advice given, this being day 4 means it's on its way and as the weather is so awful there's little I can do outside, I will light that fire and snuggle down to more international rugby games being played this afternoon. I hope Anne is safe and warm with a purring Florence and new M&S nightie and Sandy was persuaded by her family not to risk travelling in the snow storm. (As far as I'm aware Microsoft, we Brits spell travelling with 2 L's!!)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Anne, typing at the same time! I'm so glad Mike managed to get you out to stock up the cupboards.... now you can sing Let it snow, let is snow, tra la la!! If only it was just the odd mouse with Brady LOL

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) The snow has stopped for the day ( I hope) and the sun is shining so I am going to go visit Laurie for a couple of hours. The roads should be good but I do want to get back to go to 5:00 Mass because 4 more inches of snow is predicted over night. Will this winter never end?? Laurie is going to be released from the hospital on Monday so after I pick her up I am going to take her to meet Max. Since Max goes to bed at 5:00 I do hope we have enough time. Tuesday I will go to the dentist return home and take Laurie to the airport. Another busy week including my yearly mammogram.

    Jackie, if you went into your settings can't you change your language to English Europe?
    We spell cozy with a z, that is why they are changing yours. George doesn't like to work in the heat it seems. Don't you think you should stay in and rest until you are well? Do you have a fever to go with your other symptoms? I did drive home yesterday as the roads were cleaned up enough for me to get home for which I was grateful to sleep in my own bed.

    Anne, we used to give our other dogs carrots for treats to help keep their weight down. Also mixed some lettuce in their food but Daisy has to sensitive a tummy for any table food.
    I also am glad Mike was able to take you shopping so you and Jilly didn't starve.

    Buzz, don't be concerned, I don't drive if I don't think it is safe unless it is absolutely necessary. Since it is a weekend and there should be less traffic I think the roads will be fine today.

    Patsy, I watched the last part of the Olympics for the torch lighting and thought it beautiful.
    I will be watching as much as I can if not to busy driving around.

    Lin, I hope with all the cancellations that my DIL has no problems leaving Tuesday. Pretty scary stuff with this new flu and so sad about the sisters. I still don't want the shot but maybe next year I will think about it early in the season, we will see.

    I better get moving, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2018
    I received a lovely sale catalogue from Dell with one very tempting laptop to replace my 5 1/2 year old baby that is actually oversize for my desk (17") and they have a 15" beauty that I must look up. Problem for me is my fairly recent printer is not wireless, but is a back feeder, no longer being produced. Using heavy card stock requires a back feeder, so I must start research. Ugh! Actually , I love the speed of new computers but hate the transition , so I feel I'm between a rock and a...well, you know what I mean! You'll think I'm nuts, but I got a beautifull deep pink (almost fuschia) cover for my old computer, and the one I'm considering is available in pearl or soft pink as well as the usual silver or black! At my age, why should that matter, anyway? It's sort of like I always loved red cars!
    JACKIE, I wonder if it is doing you any good going outdoors with George in the wet weather! Could you just let him out the back door for a bit? I know you don't cater to yourself, but if you don't, who will?
    LIN, Unfortunate about the 2 ladies; this flu season is the worst in may years, so just do what you are comfortable with, and use caution.
    ANNE, how wonderful to get that unexpected help! You are right about the independence of cats vs. the attention our canines want and we love giving it. I was getting lost in that website and had to shake myself out of it! Perhaps we need dogs more than they need us?
    Anyway, I must start putting together my different components to see if a new laptop will work, so have a super weekend, snow or no! naeevo860fx8.png

    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. English use in Great Britain SANDY. It's under language and region, General, JACKIE. I've just changed it and will probably get myself in a right mess now because I write Canadian/American/British. I'm so mixed up. Anyway let's give it a go:

    Cosy and yes it's accepted British style.
    Cozy and it's still accepted!

    Does this mean no more red underlining?

    Travelling, Traveling.
    Neighbour, Neighbor.

    Love it! Or as we say "up north", Luv it!

    Meanwhile I've got time to play because it's still snowing. Until Monday, aaagh! The Bean thinks it's bedtime and is snoozing in her bed!
    Anne (or Ann Lol.)
    A big heart ❤️ for SANDY.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Doggie videos! Thanks Buzz! Great info! Holy cow! It also seems that this household is a dog dominated home. We think, play, talk cook, brush, comb, vacuum, and purchase all in canine mode. There are far worse things, to be sure.

    We had a couple hours of sun. It was fabulous. High clouds now, but at least they are light clouds. I continue my survey for emerging daffodils. So far just the one glimpse of yellow as we drove into town, that was perhaps a scrap of trash.

    Happy Mardi Grau, let the good times roll! I wish they would televise the parades like they do the Thanksgiving Day parade. One of my most exciting memories was watching the Zulu black and white parade. Scary costumes and people. Even the beads were scary. They looked like little bones. I almost got lost in the crowd. I was about 10 years old, I think. My dad, a petroleum engineer, worked for an oil company in Louisiana. Gives me shivers just thinking about that holiday. There is nothing really like carnival in South America or Fat Tuesday in New Orleans.

    We will be celebrating valentine’s a day early because Valentine Day is on Ash Wednesday. Things are mixed up these days. I will get Katie a new red neckerchief for a portrait photo. If she will sit still. If we were to take her to Jackie’s agility class, chaos would reign. She would be excited and bark at all the dogs, run around avoiding all attempts to catch her and leash her, once she decided to settle down, she would sit on our feet refusing to move. At home she cooperates most of the time but tends to enjoy a hysterical run about if she is excited. We are very bad dog trainers.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Funny , funny, funny! I'm too "mature" to own a Katie now! I'll go find my Mardi Gras necklace and wear it to dinner!
    dell actually woud not accept my purchase of the computer I want! Not until 2/12! I hope I don't forget or change my mind. Crazy sales department!... I just had to deal with a dear friend whose husband causes nearby diners to wretch from his habits while eating. I suggested we eat upstairs together rather than the main dining room. She said she would try to get the therapists to teach him where to blow his nose! He was a top executive at Macy's! Oh dear! Must run.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,186 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good afternoon. Well, just three and and a half inches of snow overnight and I was determined to go to join the paper party so off I went. Ack, small car, side streets and some main roads were so slippery. Of course every stoplight turned red as I approached. Used my brakes a lot. A SUV pulled out in front of me and gunned it. Not the best thing to do on ice, lots of slipping and sliding but good steering and the vehicle was going straight quite quickly. When I left our meeting to drive home there were fewer problem areas as it warmed a bit and the salt was working. Anyway, I am home and fed and have my things lined up to take to church tomorrow. Now, I wonder how much snow will we get overnight and tomorrow morning.

    Yes, many occasions all grouped together this year. Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday then although I’ve not looked someone told me April Fool’s Day and Easter do as well? I guess I should check.

    Buzz, I hope dinner goes well but really, I feel sorry for the gentleman with the eating issues. Clearly he cannot help it. Darn.

    Anne, stocked up. Wahoo! Your boys help to keep you stocked up. If you believe they are thinking primarily about Jilly, well, I do not know about that but as long as you both have provisions, Jilly has had some walking and you have your mail, all is well yes?

    Jackie, a bit better each day I trust. The Norovirus is the cruise ship virus isn’t it? And you’ve not gone on your cruise yet! Well, well, too hot for George to play along with this training nonsense. Mr. George, what will you do when it warms up?

    Sandy, I think you got lots more snow than we do. At least that is what they keep telling us. It got kind of bright here today but the sun didn’t make much of an appearance.

    Patsy, your parade memories sound very frightening. I like to watch the big parades on TV. I have never seen a Mardi Gras parade except bits and pieces in a movie.

    Well, I best get moving as sitting seems to feel too good.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well Darren my snow remover friend has gone on a course for work this weekend. So me and Katherine his wife have just shovelled the drive. It's still snowing but Jilly got to play with Katherine's little girls. I think about 6 inches new snow, but it was soft and easy to shovel. I must admit if the stuff isn't too heavy I don't mind shovelling. Just scared of slipping and breaking something. I couldn't look after my short little pal if I break my hip! Anyway it was a good work out and that's what I need! Jilly Bean had so much fun trying to tunnel into the snowbanks. She loves snow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am starting to feel like Anne, snow and more snow. I sure hope it stops and the streets are clear for me to pick Laurie up tomorrow. I am just staying in and making myself a pork roast with veggies and salad for dinner. I will have a video call with my kids later but first I have to make myself look presentable.

    Anne, please be careful with the shoveling, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you and neither would Jilly. Are your boys coming to help you today? You are very welcome for the language setting, I knew it had to be there somewhere.

    Lin, they say we have set a record for the most amount of days in snowed in a row here in Chicago and the suburbs. I am not impressed, it could stop for good as far as I am concerned.

    Buzz, getting old is not for the weak and the poor guy probably doesn't even know he offending people. I have a thing for bodily functions, they all make me yucky. I am not doctor or nurse material that is for sure. I was able to help my mother and mother in law but they were family so it makes a difference.

    Patsy, Ash Wednesday came too quick this year and with Easter being on April Fools Day a friend said having the kids look for eggs but not really hiding them would be a mean April Fool's Day joke.

    Jackie, where are you? I do hope you haven't taken a turn for the worse. Please check in with us just for a minute.

    Seems like everyone is missing in action this morning, hope everyone is well.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'm here but was beginning to wonder where everyone else was, well not LIN who would be at church this morning.

    We've got a lovely change from snow said she somewhat sarcastically. Today we have freezing rain, and then just to make things interesting, snow later today. However we must be grateful, rain, freezing or not means it's warming up, and just to make me hopeful of spring around the corner Roy on the phone this morning tells me he's put snowdrops out of his garden in a valentines card he's sent. I think they will be a bit brown on arrival but a nice thought anyway. My snowdrops if they are peeping through are under about 2 ft of snow. I bought a begonia in a plant pot two weeks ago and it's full of yellow flowers blooming near my window. Another hopeful sign of spring in the air.

    I was so glad for the language tip SANDY, not a red underline in sight!

    Michael decided to stay home today. He can handle snow but doesn't like icy roads. Usually Mark and Mary Jo pop by on their way to the Organic Garage, not sure about today though. It's rather dark, rainy and gloomy outside.

    Oh must tell you I bought a rather expensive shirt a year ago. I've kept it "for best" so it was hardly worn. I washed it last Wednesday and was horrified that despite being roomy most of the stitching was too close to the seams and it was fraying and actually ripped in parts. I'm trying to replace "old clothes" so decided to order another similar M&S shirt late on Wednesday evening. Back came an email that it was already being packed and would be on the evening flight to Cincinnati. Well it arrived in Cincinnati okay, but got stuck there because of all the snow. I gather it's now here in the local receiving depot and I'll get it Monday instead of Friday. Amazing, I can keep track of it every step of the way!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am and still steadily improving as well as discovering what I can and can't eat which is mostly dry toast, pasta and porridge.... exciting! If I try anything more interesting the cramps return. At least I've lost 2 lbs so that's a bonus. Lin the norovirus does occur on cruise ships so my friend and I already have a plan to stock up on medicated hand wipes but it's also just about everywhere else these days.
    We had light snow and some hail first thing so I didn't walk George until about 10am but once again, when we reached the moors the cold wind was howling. Anyway I thought since we were there I may as well get on with it and George did seem to enjoy himself. Buzz, I'm just not someone who can sit about on my rear too long unless I think I'm dying but don't worry, I wrap up in layers to keep warm. That doggy website was fascinating and I think I've found a solution to George's constant muddy feet. It's called a paw plunger that looks like a large mug and apparently has brushes inside so you pop your dog's paw in a hole at the top and turn it to brush the mud off.... perfect even if a bit expensive but it's our adoption 4th anniversary on the 21st of this month so I will buy one for the two of us!
    My intention was to sort out some items that are still sitting in my dining room since being moved out of the old conservatory but had to smile about an hour ago because it seems all I achieved today was to change a light bulb.... some busy day! Phone calls and another rugby match filled my time and I'm now ready to think of something to eat because I need food in order to take a pill. Anne I checked language, region, general as far as I could but wasn't able to move on from English (United Kingdom) so perhaps it's this website that's set up for English (United States)!! I will have another look later this evening though. Patsy, images you create about crazy Katie do make me laugh! At the class there is a beautiful blue collie cross called Flossie that bursts through the doors before the class and makes a point of barking loudly at each dog and person and I'm sure there's no aggression in this because George just sits and looks at her whereas any other dog doing this would have him straining on his lead growling.

    Time to cook some noodles (sigh).