Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    High clouds but warming and no rain at the moment. I’ll take that!

    We are ordering more and more over the internet, amazon mostly. Even coffee and other food items. That entailes all these lovely boxes with the arrow/smile. Now we must make a trip to the dump with the cardboard recycle bins. We must break down the boxes and tie with a string. This process can really gobble up your day.

    Received several Evalentines and loved them. I still can’t get the iPad to cooperate with ecards. I do enjoy writing personal notes. They aren’t lovely sparkly artistic graphic -rich notes however.

    Getting a haircut today. I don’t have the skilled hairstylist that Buzz has, so I will end up with some shapeless boring hair style. The only plus is that it will be shorter and out of my face. You can tell I am living in Oregon. Ugly shoes, jeans, pullover shirt often with some message or logo, the ever present hoody zip front shirt to have on as we dash out in the rain for whatever reason. It is almost an Oregon uniform. Not very stylish, I fear!

    Lin: our library seems to be a harbor for the homeless. The restrooms have a horrible Odor and is constantly out of TP. The computers are filthy, no one really wants to touch them. The chairs often have ugly debris in them and are very dirty. Why you ask, doesn’t someone clean all this up? Why indeed! I have no answer and least we remind the city council and library staff, tax payer money goes to support the library. The out of town library card holders pay a hefty fee to use the library. Something is wrong here.

    Sandy: I read recently about some advances made regarding migraines. The article seemed very positive about the outcome of the research and it was now being available to the general public. Of course, since I don’t have that issue, I didn’t take notes on it. But research should pull up this latest info.

    Jackie: Katie has an amazing set of “furniture.” She has tuffets and sleeping nests in almost every room. It is John’s responsibility. He wants her to be comfortable. They do take up room and require regular washing of the removable covers. There is also a large toy basket in the living room and in the TV/exercise room. All in all, our house is decorated by “canine interior design.” Not terrible attractive!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Katie in one of her sleeping nests. Morning nap after her breakfast!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,181 Member
    Love the photo Patsy!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Must call Canon before midnight, as I found out there is no current driver for my beloved printer to make it compatible with new computer! Somebody goofed!
    Sick over guns and kids! 17 dead!!! :'(
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A glorious day with lots of warm sunshine so halfway round our walk I even unzipped my coat!! Scruff was supposed to finish off a few tricks while I filmed them so we can put together something called an Ubber dog video for her mum to send away for a certificate but it seems she has picked up George's stubborn streak and refused point blank to spin and lie down in one movement so back to the drawing board! :D

    Patsy ~ Your attire sounds so comfy I can't blame you at all. My drawer of gardening clothes has far more in it than any casual or smart wear so in the summer I live in old worn jeans and baggy t-shirts! What a gorgeous photo of Katie who looks so comfortable in her bed. George too has beds dotted round the home and I'm even contemplating one in the garden room although am sure the cats will commandeer it in no time! Here's George in his bed and you'll notice the stash of toys in the corner behind him all of which get pulled out and thrown about at some point. Today it's a very grubby Pinky, the first toy he had when I first adopted him.

    We watch in disbelief as a Florida senator suggests on British tv that teachers should be armed to stop these shootings.... nothing about stopping the sale of killing machines. Hard to imagine teachers want to carry guns but I appreciate it's a different culture.

    The sunshine is calling me and I want to make a start on the footpath needed round the garden room.... slow but sure!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I didn't post yesterday. I couldn't. I kept thinking of the 17 school shootings across the border since 1st January. This morning I keep thinking of the poor parents waking up to empty beds if they slept at all. The two little girls across from my house came and chipped away the ice around the corner so I could walk Jilly to the mailboxes. Every morning they skip to school with their little friends and shout "where's Jilly" as they pass our house. I cannot imagine them going to school, which should be a place of safety and learning, and never skipping home again.

    Sorry girls. Today should be a day of mourning and reflection in the USA. It should be everywhere so we don't follow the same gun frenzy path.

    And it should be a day also to remember the indigenous women and girls murdered over here. One thousand, six hundred, and 600 plus still unaccounted for.

    I'm almost deleting this. But I won't. What should be a happy carefree world is monstrous for others. In the medieval world men carried knives and bows and arrows to defend themselves. Over here, south of the border, its "progressed" in 600 years to ironware much more lethal!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin ~ Here's a link to the wormery company I purchased mine from. A great way to not only recycle all veggie and fruit waste but also it makes wonderful compost. When a tray is full I empty it out around a shrub or bush that looks in need of nutrition along with a few worms allowed to escape!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning everyone! Today is trash bin day. John hauls the trash bin down the road for the huge trash truck to pick up. It is a liberating feeling to get rid of trash each week but I have such guilt about the enormous amount we generate.

    I am terrified of guns. But there does seem to be a strange common interest in guns and weaponry in our culture. It is curious and terrifying. If I were a parent of young children these days, I would Home school. It is becoming a whole industry. Parents so inclined to take their children’s education on are finding various associations and agencies to provide materials and curriculum.

    The sensitive and vulnerable teens are easily persuaded toward negative behavior. John points toward excessive time on the computer with social networks, gaming, copycat or group thinking. It is a complex social illness we are in the middle of.

    We need to support the young that are in our life. Be that safe harbor. Be a grandparent for them. In My little reading group, the kids all cuddle up close. The need for human contact is elemental.

    Well that’s enough of my philosophy for the day. I hate guns and weaponry. Change what is influencing our children.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,181 Member
    Good afternoon Happy Chinese New Year. Our get together was very nice today. Leaving in a few minutes for the paper crafting evening.

    Jackie, thank you for the link to the wormery information. I want to look that over in detail. I was considering it once but was told I could not keep them outside over the winter or in my garage as it got below freezing there as well. They had a small kit and suggested keeping it in the kitchen under the sink. That didn’t sound so good to me so I let it go.

    Lotsa trash. I have lots of recycling but could go a couple of weeks with just the trash side of things before needing a pickup in my little cart. I am not sure what that means.

    Well, just a fly-by. See you tomorrow.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Hi, sitting and busy day so will check in tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes indeed, JACKIE, the answer to 17 dead kids and many more wounded seems to be ---Teachers should pack a gun!!! How about the Congressmen who stated, "This is not the time to discuss gun control"!!! AM I crazy? The chaplain's granddaughter is now afraid to go to school. Still I cannot accept that this is an evil world, as the chaplain said today. There are evil acts, NOT an entire world! One of the ministers on TV spoke of it! I cannot accept that, nor ca n I accept that there is no answer to the gun adoration! It simply has to be dlscussed and stuck with and stop letting the NRA lead us! WE know common sense, and more guns do not seem to me a sensible answer! I need my sleep, if I can get it.
    :'( Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another lovely walk across the moors before getting out into the garden to work at creating a footpath round the garden room. Yesterday afternoon I ordered sand and stones at a local builders yard that will be delivered on Monday but meanwhile I dig and create foundations for the material. At such times I realise I'm not as strong as I once was but have managed to move heavy slabs one at a time so feel pleased with myself. A mug of tea is on the go now then it's into a hot shower and relax for the evening.

    Lin ~ We had freezing days and nights this winter but my worms survived, I think because they go into a sort of state of cryonics (is that an adjective or noun... perhaps a verb?? :s ). Of course your cold lasts a lot longer than mine but still, I think perhaps in your garage covered in a sack or old duvet could work. Like you I wouldn't fancy them in my cottage and certainly not under the kitchen sink however good a system of recycling it is!!

    My heart goes out to all you Americans who see the insanity of your gun laws but are unable to make changes and so innocent children continue to be slaughtered along with the other thousands of citizens each year. It's beyond my comprehension so I won't even try to make sense of it.

    Cuppa finished so time for that hot shower.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Re my earlier post:
    I'm still very upset about the poor parents of the slaughtered children. I think all the people who are equally upset, and there must be millions of American citizens who realize this insanity must stop, should band together and make it very clear to the self serving, power hungry politicians that if the laws aren't changed quickly they are out on their ears. Home schooling children, thus barring them from a childhood with friends is not the answer! I seem to remember "dyed golden old mans" son shot a poor creature in Africa not so long ago. So brave! Guns are smuggled into Canada. Most gun related crimes committed here are from south of the border guns.
    My heart goes out to all who feel so helpless, and those who are bereaved.
    Can you imagine the monstrous mountain if all this lethal weaponry were confiscated!
    Sorry girls, sometimes one has to vent.

    I have a sick pup today. I suspect she ate something she shouldn't have.
    Not one of my better days,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, ANNE, everyone who grieves for bullet victims, I am actually ashamed of those who control American gun laws and actually a Congress that is truly do-nothing! We multitudinous hordes are virtually helpless, as those supposedly in charge are so beholden to the NRA, which is eholden to very few but their own greed. This is still the land of the wild west, unfortnately. Guns, GRRrrr!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Land of the Wild West BUZZ, but not the land of the free apparently. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Saturday! :) Just got a text from my son asking me if I could watch the boys while they go look at a minivan. I am still deciding since I want to go to 5:00 mass and still haven't showered. I sat from 1:30 to eight last night and before that I went for a 10:00 appointment for a mammogram and didn't get home until 12;30. The hospital had a new computer system and were so far behind I was glad I wasn't there on a life or death situation.
    My landlady texted to say she is getting my condo a new water heater and it will be delivered Monday. I however, have a doctors appointment for my yearly physical so she will come here to oversee everything. I also have a hair appointment on Monday so I hope they are done for that.

    I hate guns but more importantly why is it legal for a 19 year old to buy an assault rifle or for that matter anyone?
    I loved when the world was a safer place but like Buzz I refuse to believe more people are bad than good. There has to be hope.

    Sorry but I have to get myself moving because you know I will probably run there so they can go see the used minivan which they will need.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,181 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good day, got a slow start to the day. Yesterday was festive and lovely to visit with some people I either do not see often or if I do see them it is a short visit. Unfortunately all the running about, putting banquet tables up and down etc. on concrete floors simply was too much for me. I was up and down all night long with horrible spasms. That really is about as much pain as I can bear. Could find no relief for much too long periods. I did use heat and sprayed my legs with BioFreeze. Anyway, not much sleep.

    Need to get a few things done but am taking it easy today. I have been stewing all week long. Another good friend out of the blue with a brain mass. She’s had no symptoms and it all started with a routine eye doctor’s appointment where some vision loss was detected. They said she had probably had a stroke. Anyway, she’s been told even without surgery he is confident at her age that it is malignant and it will not able to be 100% removed with surgery. She is off to try to get a second opinion.

    Today one of my Mah Jongg friends called me and said she does know when she will be able to play again. Yes, medical issues and a surgery in the works. It will depend on how soon she can be scheduled. Or if she cannot get on the schedule she may play once in awhile.

    And with that, I will leave as I am not in a good mood either. Just too tired.

    Hugs. Sorry others are bothered and troubled and also sorry Jilly is unwell.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    I decided to stay home and my son was very understanding. Some days we are just tired and need to reboot.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Our senator had a local town hall meeting yesterday. Interesting coincidence! One thing I feel works is to take my concerns right to the place of possible correction. Not that correction happens, you understand. Emails and letters are often given rote reply but the issues and concerns of the constituents are registered. We need to let our legislators know what concerns we have. In the western part of this country, guns are ubiquitous. There are gun clubs and shooting ranges. There are gun shows. You were right about it being part of a culture. This is going to be a hard and complex issue to solve. Our senator is troubled and seeks input. I live in a gun owner part of the country. How can we deal with this?

    My daughter was a teacher and John came with a long history of family teachers. It is terrifying to be a teacher. Locally there are many families that are choosing to home school. They have associations that provide enrichment programs. One of their big concerns is a demented gun nut attacking their school. Not sure what the answer is. Our young senator is gently suggesting more gun control. I felt hostility in the room as he suggested that . Even in light of the current horror. Oregon has some of the most restrictive gun laws but still leaves us vulnerable. Write or email your legislator, let them know what you want done in Washington! Our voice in combination with others makes a loud noice!

    Katie has a new hobby. Stand at the open French door, head and shoulders outside as it rains. She licks rain water off the glass on the doors. It really slimes up the glass. Gets the carpet wet in front of the door. Washing the windows this spring will be quite a challenge.

    I became intrigued by Lin’s creative coloring. I am working on a series of drawings, multi media, using conte crayon, colored pencil and acrylic ink. Fun! Messy! Deep into rewrites on the kid chapter book. Creative projects keep me positive and help me stay away from dark depressing fears. I still need my happy light for a period each day. Katie even likes it.
    Don’t let the bad guys Win!