Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'm on my way to bed and in fact George has already had his last pee in a frozen garden and trotted upstairs to the spare room but had to tell Anne how that field hockey comment made me laugh out loud because in a school report when I was around 14 our sports teacher wrote Jacqueline could make an excellent hockey player except for her tendency towards dangerous play!! LOL Oh dear, doesn't Roy realise he's breaking the law picking rare snowdrops or do they grow in his garden? Hopefully the latter! Patsy, my oak beams in the ceiling are a haven for little spiders and their webs so I do have to occasionally think to look up when flitting a duster! Your comment that friends become family etc is so very true although I can't be sure when the transition took place in my case. Somewhere tucked away is a travel diary I wrote as I crossed America in an old Buick with a girlfriend. She was running away from a disastrous relationship with a young Lebanese boy whose father was insisting he return home from Canada to fight in a civil war. Sad.... never did hear what happened to him. I must dig it out and read again after 40+ years! What a beautiful scene outside your window.... an image to capture in your memory before it melts then go look for the titanium white in your dungeon and get to work painting!

    Hugs to everyone else but I have to get to bed and up early to walk George before a friend drops in for coffee.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good evening, such a wonderful collections of posts today and this evening. I have enjoyed them so much. I loved the poems so much and Jeri’s pictures, Sandy’s Bingo stories, Patsy’s snow photo and I am sending along my encouragement to Jackie to continue to write. Buzz, congratulations on the new red laptop. Anne, we would never drum you out of the group! I agree with everyone—Hawaii is beautiful. I have been there several times and adored it. I actually had no allergy issues when I was there, locals told me it was the tradewinds.

    Wishing everyone a good evening. May our days be filled with joy.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    HA HA!!!! So it was you JACKIE who caused the bump on my once straight nose!!!!. Lol. I had no idea who did it. A vague memory of a hockey stick descending and then a haze of stars surrounding my head and blood running onto the old stiff upper lip. I wasn't a good looking child in the first place and the rearranging of my nose did nothing to improve my chances in the marriage stakes. However, the boys inherited the original DNA. Only joking dear friend you will understand! It was definitely a member of the opposing team though. Now, about that book! JACKIE! Just think, fame and all the veggies you can buy instead of grow if you become famous.

    When I was young, maybe eleven years, I had a lovely teacher who wrote on my report card that I had the chance of becoming a famous writer one day. Was she ever wrong! Anyway we had to write an essay on a country walk. I decided to become a hobo or tramp. (Hope I haven't told this story before.) Anyway, there I was in the story, being a happy hobo. Highly satisfied with the result and sure I would get high praise for this literary effort I arose from the floor where I had been composing only to have Judy our then dog bound into the room after a long muddy walk with my dad. She planted her George like paws on my exercise book. This combined with the ink blobs (we used bottles of ink in the olden days) made for very messy pages and it was bedtime, homework done! I handed my essay in, still young and hopeful. Back it came and on the top my favourite teacher had written:-
    " This LOOKS like the work of a tramp, or are the ink blobs and footprints there to add a touch of realism. "
    Nothing like sarcasm to dash ones girlish hopes!

    I'm thinking taxes today. I hate doing taxes. One slip still to come, but it's the works pension which never changes year after year so I can start a draft. Must keep our PM in lovely trips aboard with his family, oh and in new saris and kaftans!
    Hugs from us,
    Anne and the well behaved (HAH!) Jilly Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I now know what it's like to live in Siberia as their bitter cold winds fly over Scandinavia and the North Sea before hitting us with force. George was walked round the village first thing then it was home to re-stoke the fire before a friend dropped in for coffee. I should have thought to offer lunch because she didn't head home until gone 2pm but we did consume a lot of strong coffee together with gorgeously rich chocolate muffins so that should have kept her warm for the journey. I've checked the hens are ok and thrown them some corn but can't face work on the footpath when it's so cold so a cup of tea and curl up in front of the fire for me.

    Anne ~ Ha, gone are the days when we students were allowed to swing hockey sticks and tennis rackets in the air with gay abandon since now even egg and spoon races and conkers are on the Nanny State's banning list! My only injuries were a broken toe in a dance class when a friend next to me in the line kicked out the wrong foot and a badly sprained ankle when thrown over a teacher's shoulder in a judo class but I always say we survived these accidents with no psychological damage!! Fame is definitely something I can live without but not sure about the home grown veggies! LOL

    Wow, where did the day go? Oh yes, sorting out the world over mugs of coffee!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry today as my landlady and installers are coming to replace my water heater tomorrow. Since I am not sitting today and was there yesterday for Bryanna's birthday today feels like Saturday to me. I have to go grocery shopping and I am thinking of calling my hair dresser to see if she can add a little brown to my highlights since I feel too blonde. I also think I should have her trim it more but will see how my day goes.

    Jackie, I am sure it was wonderful just relaxing over coffee and solving the world's problems.
    We will all be so grateful when summer arrives, I don't think any of us will complain about the heat.

    Anne, I really thought you were going to tell the teacher the dog ate it, but your story is funnier. I wish I had writing talents or any talents for that part, I always wished I could sing.

    Lin, maybe you should live in Hawaii for health reasons except you better have a lot of money since the cost of living is so high there.

    Patsy, I could clean my place myself but I am spoiled and lazy so I have a cleaning girl come in every two weeks. I am thinking of just once a month and dusting in between to save a little money.

    Bad week food wise and I have gained 2.2 pounds. Time to get back at it once again.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Looking at that beautiful family photo! Sandy, you , your son, your grand daughter, and Robby, all look so much alike. I think maybe little Max looks like his beautiful Mom. Your hair is very cute and youthful. Color for me is such a problem. My coloring is what my family calls “Black Irish.” Pale skin, green eyes and dark hair. Our family also had dark freckles across the nose. My hair is now salt and pepper. I think I would look awful in all dark hair...light hair just doesn’t seem quite right. So I am stuck with salt and pepper.

    Still very cold and our little snow is now a hard crusty ice. Our son says it is miserable skiing here in Oregon. Lots of snow generally but is is hard and icy. Also mogles, tears up your skis and is not fun. Colorado dry powder snow is a skiers dream. That is where we lived ( near Aspen) when he was a kid growing up and learning to ski. Hold your breath..I even skied back in the day. Those days were very special.

    Jackie: I am such an extrovert that I must have radio, or Tv or music or a contact with people going at all times. John often says it is interesting to live in a household with someone who loves or needs cacophony. I would have been right there with you, solving world problems as long a I could. God knows someone needs to solve them.

    Anne: I broke my nose as a kid when I jumped over a gate in the horse barn. What a mess. I looked pretty bad. They tried to straighten it but it became a pug nose that is slightly off kilter. The sprinkling of freckles hid the off center nose. Not lovely but I can use it to breathe and smell the roses!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Good evening. Overnight I woke up a number of times hearing ice pellets hitting the house which reinforced my decision to stay in today. The temperature hovered around freezing all morning but when the sun finally broke through this afternoon we experienced melting on drives, walks, etc.

    The friend who fell yesterday ventured out early this morning to take her car in for repairs and yes, she fell again. This time she said she hit her head hard on the concrete so she decided this time she needed to see the doctor. Her sister was going to take her. She said she really was very careful when she went outside. And so it goes.

    Anne, I have never heard that story before. Bad dog. Your career sidetracked by muddy paws! Argh. And the teacher was not very empathetic but in days past teachers often were somewhat severe. Sorry about the day of taxes. I hope you made some progress today. Once again, I did not touch any tax paperwork. My days of avoidance will need to come to an end in the next couple of weeks.

    Jackie, ick, horrible weather. Tea and talk seemed to be the best option for Siberian weather. I played sports when in school and suffered multiple minor injuries, jammed joints, sprains, and the like. I would imagine a great number of them were because I was a klutz. Not a graceful Tuesday’s child. I hope your weather improves. I would imagine George stays home when the weather is quite bad right?

    Sandy, love the photo! Did you have time to get your hair trimmed a bit more? I think it looked just fine but you need to be happy with it. Ah, new water heater day once again. I will be home again tomorrow as we are once again expecting more rain/ice and the like. And again, I would rather have a few inches of snow each time rather than ice as I no longer bounce when I fall. Haaaa. And no, I always wanted to live in Hawaii once I discovered how well I felt when there. I also knew I would never have the resources to do that.

    Patsy, I always have sound around me—day and night. And often several things at once. Luckily I live alone and can only drive myself crazy. And really, how much crazier could I get? Oh, maybe I should not think about that. Wow, really, you broke your nose jumping over a gate? You Tomboy! I would never have guessed.

    Buzz, I hope you got some rest last night. And I hope the new red laptop is treating you well.

    Okay, what should I have for supper? I made soup today and cleaned loads of fresh vegetables so lots to choose from so of course, I want a baked potato with mushroom gravy and cherry/grape tomatoes. Oh my, I love tiny tomatoes. Oh my, that did it. Off to cook a spud.

    Hugs dearest Sneakers.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I slept very well last night, thank you, LIN. But my new laptop reminds me why I put off getting a new computer. The passwords for wiFi did not get me on the internet as there was a screwup from the last technician who changed everything! I'm inally starting to figure it out. It talks to me! Love the picture from SANDY and Jeri's are gorgeous, too. But can't concentrate on texes so I'm thrilled to have found you all and tomorrow I'll get back to work here!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's a bright sunny and cold day so I headed for the Hurlers on the moor with George before walking on up to the high ground. George ran and ran, sometimes chasing a dry piece of cow poo in circles tossing it in the air and catching as it fell to earth, the rest of the time just running because he could. We sat on our favourite rock at the top and this time George put his front paws on my lap and snuggled so I imagine he was feeling the cold although he is still wearing his winter coat. There are 2 rugby matches this afternoon that I can't miss watching but will do a couple of hours work on the footpath first.

    Anyone else seen news of the ecological disaster hitting a long section of South African coastline. “Nurdles”!! Who ever knew and apparently huge containers of them get shipped round the world but if one ends up in the sea watch out!! I sometimes think we don't deserve this beautiful planet!

    Sandy ~ Another delightful photo and as Patsy commented, there is an amazing likeness in all the faces. My hairdresser cancelled my appointment last minute on Thursday via text telling me she is opening a new salon next week which surprised me because she and a business partner only set up the current one last year. I then get a text from that partner offering a 30% discount if I go to him so there must have been an argument along the way, something I don't wish to get involved in and anyway my hairdresser has been cutting and colouring my hair for over 15 years and knows how to keep it relatively under control. My appointment is now next Friday so I expect I'll hear all about what's been going on!!

    Patsy ~ Certainly I do have to have background music going at all times otherwise I hear me talking to myself too often.... silence certainly isn't golden in my world!! Of course my friend and I had solutions to every world crisis and did wonder why world leaders can't see it but then last night I reached saturation point with the latest news on gun laws in your country and saw that some leaders don't possess empathy nor guts and imagination to change things so had to switch off the tv!

    Anne ~ I've now caught up on your PM's rather embarrassing antics in India after a news story showed him in fancy dress and constantly putting hands together in a rather disrespectful way. Do you think he maybe has too many of his mother's hippy genes? LOL

    Lin ~ George loves cold weather and the one time we had barely an inch of snow since I adopted him he rushed round the garden creating mounds as he jumped in and out of it! It's his mother that doesn't much like the cold, especially if it creates ice because I've found as I've got older my agility isn't as it was then I walk awkwardly in fear of falling which of course means I do fall!!

    Buzz ~ Hooray, the red computer is with you and I'm sure your IT dexterity will soon get it doing what you want. Enjoy!

    Must get on as the sun continues to shine and we must remember what Sandy says about summer and never complain if it gets too hot!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    He's got too many of somebody's genes JACKIE. He loves to dress up! 2 weeks ago he was running around in an Indian chiefs feathered headdress. I remember his dad visiting the Queen many years ago in a top hat and black Victorian cloak much to everyone's amusement "up north". Anyway, the East Indians over here have had a good old titter because they say he was even over dressed for a high caste wedding and your average "Singh" never ever dresses like that. So, he joins the ranks of the dyed hair, gun loving, etc brigade in this old ladies estimation. I suppose it will be a kilt next or québécois fancy dress to match both his parents backgrounds. "I am a lumberjack and I'm alright" sort of thing.

    Stop the world, I want to get off!
    PS. Could it be that the present leaders had their brains addled by pot etc in their privileged hippy youth? Beats me.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    The birds were singing this morning. Springs arrived and I've one snowdrop in my garden so far.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited February 2018
    Good morning, another indoors day for me. We are on the transition line as far as weather is concerned so we are promised some of everything, snow. Ice pellets, freezing rain, rain and then repeat! So Coffee, books, work on a collage and who knows what else. Whatever, it will be enjoyable.

    Yippee, posts from you to start the day. Love it.

    Buzz, glad you got some sleep but I know a new laptop means lots and lots of work. My wishes for you that it goes smoothly. <3<3

    Anne, your PM may be a bit flamboyant but gosh, he still is a darling looking man. I do wonder though, don’t they have advisors to let them know what is appropriate in terms of clothing, gestures and the like? I cannot believe it. I saw a snippet of the entourage yesterday and they looked like something out of a very colorful movie. Well, at least he’s not threatening to blow up the world.

    Jackie, hummmm, yes, sounds like a fallout with the hair dressers. I would stay with the long term relationship too. We are good customers to those who treat us well and do a good job! Many young folks just go for a haircut to any old place as long as they can get in immediately. Good grief! And I am with you when it comes to the cold but them you knew that. Ha George, racing about just because he can. What a delight.

    More coffee for me. Hugs to you.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning? Oh my! We have really had the full array of weather! Snow, hail, sleet, more snow, ice and there was even a moment of sun. Okay! We get grateful for whatever weather we have currently because there is something worse that could be thrown at us.

    We are getting a new dryer because John is very concerned about our current one. Every time I dry a load of clothes he worries about fire. I do not have an outside clothes line. It rains so much here, it really would not be useful. So I never really complain about new appliances coming into the house. It could not work any worse than the current one. Yea, for modern clothes dryers. I do remember that addictively wonderful smell of fresh sun dried bed linens.

    We have a busy Saturday just doing the regular home maintenance stuff. It is very cold here now so I am making soup and cornbread. I have a bag of huge pears that are ripening. But not yet....

    A note of hope here. Our governor, Kate Brown, just signed a rather comperhensive gun control law. She is very progressive. I really like her strength and intelligence. We need more like her.

    More coffee and washing and drying and folding and...well, you know the drill.

    My drawings are fun. I am thinking of doing a few fanciful animal drawings. I am laughing thinking that our delightful Anne’s response to seeing a salmon wearing a tennis shoe on its head. Things similar to my strange Easter rabbit, Percy.

    The sun is threatening to emerge.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Re salmon wearing a tennis shoe PATSY. Anythings possible in today's polluted waters!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Saturday! :) Well the new hot water heater is installed after another two hours with my talkative landlady. Next is the inspection from the village and today I told her my dryer door is for left handed people and needs to be changed so I can put my wash into the dryer without having to do it over the door. I thought my son would do it but he doesn't want to take the responsibility with how my landlady is and I don't blame him. She will have to have Home Depot come out again to change it and I am sure she will want to be here for both the inspection and the dryer. Ugg. I don't see her for months but is all good though with all new appliances so I shouldn't complain.

    Patsy, wow, my son is probably happy they are moving with your weather. Although Illinois has some bad winters he is south of me and they don't get them as bad. I love my new washer and dryer, just wish I noticed the door opened the wrong way.

    Lin, we are expecting rain later so I hope it is okay to go to Church at 5:00. Enjoy your time in the house doing whatever you feel at the moment.

    Anne, the birds are confused with our weather, one day cold the next day warm. You might have a point with brains being scrambled, something to think about. lol

    Jackie, out of four children Rob is the only one who resembles me and of course his son and daughter resemble him. Although Bryanna's mother is Colombian and has a darker completion and Bryanna has her face exactly but my son's coloring so everyone thinks she looks like him. Max does indeed look like his mother so we will see who baby girl Charlie looks like in July.

    Buzz, glad to read you got a good night's sleep. Now I hope you get your new laptop set up to your liking. I am glad I have nothing to do with taxes, Babe has his accountant do ours as we still file jointly.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Sandy what a great picture. I agree with Patsy, you all look so much alike.

    Buzz glad you had a good sleep too. We bought Ed a new computer today. We’ll get it next week, they’ll transfer all his data over. I’ll be pulling out my hair because Ed’s is Windows and I have a Mac now. AND .... my brain doesn’t work as good anymore. I used to be so good with computers.

    Lin sounds like awful weather. The older I get the more I dislike winter.

    Anne I agree with you about our dress up PM. Will he ever grow up. Linyou are right about him too. Jackie ha ha ha

    Jackie your adventures on the moor always make me envious, despite the weather.

    Very fun day. Lunch with Melissa and her family and then they came here for 4 hrs. Lots of fun visiting and playing with the kids.

    Better run.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2018
    Truthfully, JERI hit it on the head! My head doesn't work the way it used to. With all the help Dell is giving me, I just don't understand what 1/2 the terms mean, or why Microsoft is sending me codes for messages they claim are waiting for me. It will take another 24 hours for my data to be transferred, and in the meantime I'm grunting"Huh"?
    The great news is my printer is compatible and is up and working! Everything else I think is meant to keep me in a perpetual state of confusion!
    Forgive me but I read posts and nothing registers!
    JACKIE, what in the world are nurdles?
    :s Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think I'm getting onto this thing! Finally downloaded programs that would simply not load! I'll never change computers again!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've woken up all bushy tailed and full of ideas for putting the world to rights. Now I know there are exceptions to everything, but in general-
    The only people allowed to run for president, prime minister, chief of tribal council etc. should be between the ages of 50 - 70.
    Before the age of 50, more likely to be concentrating on pot, producing children, considering extra marital affairs, wondering what to wear, and the excitement of pushing red buttons.
    After the age of 70 more likely to be concentrating on bald spots, arthritic hips, fumbling for high blood pressure pills, and who gives a damn if I press the red button.

    This means that all over the age of 18 can be a congress man/woman, member of parliament etc etc because youth brings a fresh approach, and those over 70 can bring caution and wisdom.

    However, me being well over 70 I am unlikely to be listened to, so I'll concentrate on my dog, my kaftan, what's for dinner and my achy hip instead.

    Communication day in the Anne homestead. Enjoy Sunday everyone!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello, well good, thanks for sorting things out Anne. Now how to get the world to follow those rules? Enjoy your day!

    Buzz, good for you to get the printer working! I don’t think anyone can keep up with all the new terms and technology unless you are involved in the industry or are very dedicated to keeping up. I am not. I just want things to work.

    Jeri, wahoo, a new computer in your house as well. Great to have someone else do a data transfer. I hope you enjoy it. Wait, will you get the opportunity to use it or is it only for Ed? A friend of mine has a sharing problem in her house. She and her hubby share a laptop and and they have not only have issues with both wanting to use it at the same time but they also want different settings. Oh my. Your day with family sounds wonderful.

    Time to creep along to church. Should be great later as the ice melts. Meanwhile it is a day for my footwear/snowtires. Haaaaa.

