Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Still cold outside and wet but I saw hills of daffodils and the wild ones are blooming all along the roads! So we are on the way toward spring. Yea!

    Getting set to update my dowdy old spring wardrobe. I really like some of the new styles. When we were at lunch the other day I saw a really cute older friend, dressed to the nines. She was dressed in a jazzy sweater and jeans and LIME GREEN tennis shoes. Sounds weird but she was just adorable. Not sure I could carry that style off. But...

    Lin: holy cow! Deleted profile! What gives these days? Hope you get that resolved soon.

    Marie: I remember the acres of Texas bluebonnets, I get dewy eyed just thinking about them. I’ll admit it was just a few years ago that I saw that.

    Buzz: I love those exotic orchids. They are so beautiful. I buy the plants whenever I see them in the markets. I realize that I will not be able to keep them alive but I still can’t resist them.

    Shopping for lime green tennis shoes or maybe blaze orange! Nothing like a fat old lady in blaze orange tennis shoes and new embroidered jeans! Maybe a sequined baseball cap...That’s me...
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Between setting up my jazzy computer and all the commitments I seem to have made, and my slower pace now, I can't seem to accomplish 1/4 of what I want to , but I will try to answer direct question at least. So...
    SANDY, I started off with purchasing a Hallmark Studio Deluxe back in 2014 (my files tell me!) and have enjoyed it so much I purchased 2017. But I don't use them as they come. I combine personal touches which I find at various clipart websites and you would not recognize them as commercial cards, as each one I make is geared to the recipients interests. It's sort of like therapy for me, as there is a bit of creativity still left inside, and people tell me they save my cards forever, so that makes me feel good, too! Once you purchase the program I buy the disks, it is yours. no more charges. I guess it's worth it to me, though I no longer make as many, but there are loads of different projects and I find myself making posters and certificates for the Chaplain and some of the groups here at Edgewater, so I feel I'm contributing something. I really feel bad about becoming useless so I try to be somewhat involved.
    PATSY, LIN, JACKIE, I think I already mentioned how easy orchids are to care for. Most of the damage comes not from neglect but from overwatering )think nature...rain, mist, no drenching or overfeeding or direct sunlight and leave the roots out of any pots! The grab onto trees in forests and JUST GROW! I used to remove dead buds but really did not prune stems and it was amazing how the buds would eventually appear where I never expected!
    MARIE, I'm visualizing your daffodils...Hi Sis! Love ya!
    ANNE, as usual , you are so inspiring!
    Now I have promised to locate a bakery where we can buy a carrot birthday cake for a dear friend returning from a cruise tomorrow. Also I let my cell phone get dropped from the server, as I never used it anyway, and I should research for a different kind of deal where I only use it when I need it, like power outages and hurricanes.
    Back tomorrow, hopefully, and I am still hoping to make up all those sleepless nights. It's embarrassing to fall asleep at dinner, lol!
    <3 Buzz

    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello All,

    Sandy I’ve been busy helping Ed get his new computer up and running. He is definitely not computer savvy and new things and twists frustrate him to no end. One crisis this morning. However, I solved it within 10 minutes. LOL. Your feisty landlady sounds like someone good to have on your side.

    Marie so nice to hear from you. Big hugs.

    Lini agree with you 100% about your frustration with items that go out of stock. My hand is much better. I took off the bandaid and it is healing nicely. Still working with a 5,000 step goal. I don’t know about the rest of you but I seem to heal much slower in my older days. Darn.

    Jackie you really are having awful weather. Snowing again here too. Booooooo

    Buzz those orchids are so lovely. I have a black thumb, can’t seem to grow anything. Good thing I’m married to Ed who does great.

    A view from my kitchen. This is such an odd year. We seldom have this much snow this time of the year b


    Have a great day,


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Suddenly, my WiFi did not recognize me and everytime I tried to log into a website it would tell me "Entrance Denied!" Eventually, I got through to Dell and the agent started to ask questions when my desktop started going crazy and all the sites that I had been denied started popping up! JERI, wish you could be here! Love your photo. My new laptop has a much better camera than the old one. Truer color, certainly. Now, bedtime!
    <3<3 Buzz

    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I missed checking in yesterday mostly because I was checking with friends on Skype around the country, all having their own dramas with the snow. We did manage a walk yesterday with my neighbour which was just as well because a couple of times she had to drag me out of snowdrifts that I was stuck in and laughing too much to help myself!! George loved it until ice began to form on his paw pads and refused to carry on until I cuddled him while my neighbour brushed it away.

    This morning it's raining so perhaps finally that Siberian blast is coming to an end after all it is now officially Spring!!

    Will catch up properly later in the day.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Wow JACKIE, you sure know how to dress for a Siberian blast! I'm one of the "send you a hug", but Im not sure you'd feel it under the layers! Well done to be so well prepared for a walk down memory lane of Canadian winters. And now it's back to wellies and brollies for you. Jilly has problems with her paws as well so sympathizes with George. She sits down and looks pathetic until she's picked up to be cuddled in a goose down jacket.

    At the moment it's 1 deg here, but it's sunny and the birds are twittering. The snowdrop survived the dusting!

    I've just done my first of the day exercises and a 1000 step walk around the house. Jilly followed of course with her sock. I try to grab it but she's awfully quick, so at the moment we are both sitting exhausted on the sofa with me contemplating an unsweetened coffee.

    Michael's just phoned. He lives on the edge of countryside with a ravine outside his windows with lots of wild life, deer etc. BUT on the opposite side to him a notice has gone up announcing lots of new houses to be built on the "waste" land and maybe even a casino! At least houses can't be built in the ravine and stream, but...... it's surprising what survives in built up areas. A rather pregnant looking raccoon has just ambled by on the fence. Jilly very excited. Mama raccoon lives behind my garage. It's sort of nice on an early spring morning seeing Mama amble past with two or three babies.
    Well, must away,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning, I am packing up for a day of Papercrafting and I seem to swing between taking way too many things I will never touch to minimal and always short of something essential. Haaaa. I need to have an iron clad plan. Right, that will never happen.

    Look at those winter photos! Jeri, oh my gosh, too much snow for this time of year and Jackie, you definitely look like you are hiking through the Arctic. Brave souls! I remember walking my Huskies early morning, dead cold winter with loads of snow and they were so exuberant they pull me over into a snow bank. Lots of work to get back on my feet while still holding on to the leash for my female dog. I always attached the male dog’s leash to a kind of harness that I wore so if I dropped the leash he was still hooked to me. That dog could run!!!

    Buzz, bad computer, darn thing is giving you fits! I hope it behaves today. I had that Hallmark program as well a long time ago but as I moved ever upward in operating systems it no longer worked properly so I gave it up. All I did was select a card and print it. I never used it much and this was decades ago when I could really afford to replace color cartridges all the time. The printer I had at that time required you replace the color cartridge when it was low, now I can replace just one color at a time as needed. I really thought that was an improvement when I purchased this printer. I realize now, that printer is old! Argh.

    Well, the banking issue I really cannot discuss much since I cannot speak privately with you since this is a public forum. The outcome, my money is there, they are restoring my access. I was not hacked. The online folks told me if you do not do something with them for longer than 90 days, they now remove your access. I still think that is nuts, and I think they should have contacted me before doing that. Could give an old lady a heart attack. While I was at it, I checked another account and could access it but noticed my debit card has expired. That was my original link to online banking. Now, do I call them? It is unhandy to be without a personal banker! Ack!

    I ended up shopping with my friend much longer than I thought! I purchased nothing but we went to lots of stores where she tried on clothes and made a couple of purchases. I drug her through several gift shops and galleries. So all in all it was even!

    After I got home a friend called and that ended up as a two hour conversation. Nice to converse but still.

    I hope everyone is surviving the wild weather. We are sitting in a very good place with sunshine and not bad temps, just some wind. So again, I feel guilty to report we are fine.

    Hugs to all Sneakers!


    P.S. hello Marie, thinking of you and a blooming Texas <3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Off to pick up that carrot birthday cake I ordered from Publix which even with $5 off this week is far too expensive! Glad we're splitting the cost! I'm recalling the poor icy paws JACKIE and ANNE are contending with. JACKIE, here in Florida it ain't spring until it's officially spring! Of course it's not snowy, either. LIN, you are probably far more advanced than I on making cards. I mentioned my printer is a new one but an out of production model from Canon. And yes the cartridges are expensive but they last a good 100 pages beyond the first warning! I let me say till the color changes! Now, I see they are once again making rear feeders, so I shan't worry about this one dying! My friendly computer is behaving today, so perhaps yesterday's trouble was Comcast playing 'possum again! I must say I'm finding the 15" size more comfortable than my old beloved 17" laptop. All in all, it's settling in except my fingerprints still don't have a driver that can read them! Just plain worn off, I guess! The poundage I lost last week found their way back to my waist again, except for maybe 2! I'm not rushing to buy smaller sizes! Have a great weekend, everyone.
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my goodness! We have a beautiful sunny morning. A few high white fluffy clouds that seem to be of the friendly no rain variety. Katie and I will be out on the back deck with broom and maybe wash a window or two. At least the glass on the French door that gets “licked” could use a washing. Sunshine does turn a happiness switch in our brain.

    Watched the new movie “three billboards in Ebbing, Missouri.” It is a movie that is hard to watch but very important. Frances McDormand the lead actress was heart grippingly great in the movie. The subject and the way it was presented was amazing and I think it is a very important movie. Be warned! It is not a comfy relaxing sort of movie. Very important message however. This should get the Academy award!

    An Irish pen pal, a teacher, said his school has been closed for two days. They simply do not have the equipment to deal with amount of snow and the cold. The world over seems to be dealing with uncommon weather. There is no where to run!

    Wishing you all a great weekend. I so wish we could all sit around a big table and drink tea and gossip about our latest movie, book, or TV show. I just know the troubles of the day would dissolve and there would be a lot of giggles.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited March 2018
    Happy Saturday! :) We have a nice sunny day with the temperature to reach 48. I am almost done with my laundry and so happy to have the dryer open the right way. Going to mass at 5;00, then to see Babe and Daisy which means pizza and I finally got back down to my goal weight.
    His son is in the hospital again, he couldn't stand up or walk so Babe convinced him to call an ambulance. His wife told him he was faking and went to work. Sounds like trouble in paradise.

    Lin, I am glad you weren't hacked, 90 days doesn't sound very long to close the online banking but it must be for your own safety. But I do agree they should have notified you first. I use my ATM card for everything and I do pay all my bills online. It sounds like you had a fun day with your friend and a busy day today. Enjoy!

    Anne, you are determined to lose those last few pounds, good for you. Exercise will keep you young although you get plenty with Jilly. Michael sounds like he has a beautiful piece of property too bad they are putting up new homes but at least not behind him. Raccoons are cute but dangerous, watching them from inside is safe.

    Jackie, love your picture, you at least look warm. I also love George's haircut he looks so cute. Will he wear boots to protect his pads? Hopefully the snow will be gone and you won't have to worry about him. There is no way I could lift Daisy no matter what the circumstances.

    Buzz, you sound like me when I was denied access to the American Airlines website. After phoning them and emailing Comcast it is finally fixed. I hope Dell was able to help you fix all those bugs. I think I can make a card from Word, I will let you know.

    Jeri, that is a lot of snow, I am so happy ours is gone. When I took my car for an oil change yesterday they washed my car for me so it is clean once again. I am pretty good on the computer and when I get stuck I ask my son the computer troubleshooter.

    Patsy, I just ordered some tops from Macy's because I am tired of my old ones. I ordered online and thinking they looked big on me, I ordered them again in small. When the new ones arrive I will decide which I think fits better and return the ones I don't want to the store instead of mailing them. Crazy huh?

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited March 2018

    I’m staying in again today. Starting to get stir crazy. This shows how much snow we got overnight, and it is still snowing.

    Jackie Aren’t you brave. What an adorable picture of George too.

    Anne you definitely have nicer weather than Calgary right now. I smiled at your description of Jilly following you on your walk. Nice image.

    Lin As you can see, more snow again. You are a busy woman. Sounds like fun too. I love browsing galleries too.

    Patsy That’s a movie I was thinking about watching as well. We’ve been watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Amazon Prime. Really good.

    Sandy You have a full day ahead of you. Babe’s son is a challenge for sure. As for computers, I’m pretty good too but considering calling Melanie’s husband to help me add Ed’s computer to my network so I can drop files on his desktop when I need to. I did it before but that was about 8 years ago and I can’t remember how I did it. Hmmm. Her husband is a manager in an IT department.

    Buzz I have a huge printer for photos but the cartridges dry up on me. Darn things. Glad your computer is working better for you. The carrot cake sounds delicious too. Yum.

    Have a great day,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2018
    What a difference a day makes!! 9c and sunshine and when we walked the woods this morning we could see the little sprouts of bluebells sitting up already so Spring weather isn't too far away. We met every kind of dog walking with owners and George behaved himself until 2 bouncing Rottweiler puppies came to say hello and he went into his fight or flight mode which was funny because both dogs thought he was playing. I reminded him they were both 20 times bigger than him but typical terrier, he wasn't put off by size!! Lots of people with central heating are without heat because apparently oil in outdoor tanks was freezing and gas boilers icing up so at times like this I'm so pleased to be able to stoke up my fire and keep warm.

    Anne ~ Someone told me yesterday that the grit that's spread on icy roads contains something that can burn dogs paws. Apparently my vet practice has a notice on its facebook page to warn dog owners so since George stopped walking where a man was spreading grit on a bend in the road perhaps that's what hurt him rather than the ice. Perhaps you could check to see if it's a similar problem there that hurts little Jilly. One thing Canadian winters taught me was layers and more layers but on Friday I still felt a chill around the midriff!!

    Sandy ~ George is a bit of a lump but once on my arm I can hold him but wouldn't want to walk far! LOL He's stubborn enough when I try to put a coat on his back so I think boots would soon have him refusing to walk at all. Unless something really unusual happens with the weather again we should be out of the worst in the next couple of days. I'm only guessing the hospital doctors would tell Babe's son what he needs to do to get himself well again but we all know the only person who can help him is he himself and it doesn't sound like he's ready. He's lucky he still has a wife!!

    Lin ~ Busy as ever but doing such nice sociable things. It's always fun shopping with friends and when I do there seem to be more items jumping into my basket!

    Buzz ~ Someone needs to tell the jet stream we're officially into Spring because I understand what it did by turning back on itself once over Russia is likely to happen more frequently! Yummy, carrot cake is my favourite and I hope it was worth the cost! Your knowledge of all things computers has me thinking I should at least try to grasp the basics and since my 17” laptop is becoming somewhat slow I might just have to bite the bullet and update soon.

    Patsy ~ Hooray for you and John..... sunshine! Let's hope your year is a sunny and bright one! Three billboards is on my rather short list of movies to look out for so I'm glad you thought so highly of it even if it is a difficult watch. If I remember rightly the screenplay writer is Irish so will have a lot of experiences of living in an unjust society. They might have stopped bombing each other but there's till an awful lot of hate about which is such a shame because they are beautiful people.

    Jeri ~ More snow for you too and I'm sure if you had a dog that needed a walk you'd be out in it too. Not sure I'd have ventured out if it wasn't for George!

    Last night I watched a BBC movie “A Little Chaos” about a strong-willed female landscape gardener played by Kate Winslet chosen to design a sunken garden in the grounds of Louise XIV's Palace of Versaille when it was such a man's world. Some would say not much change there but now I have to check if it was based on a true story because it was a fascinating watch!
    When I returned from our walk I collected 5 eggs from the hen house so the least I can do is clean them out and give them some dry bedding! Also, now the temperature is rising the bees will need another block of fondant so I'm going to be brave and place one under the roof quickly and run rather than clamber into my beekeeping clobber!

    I haven't weighed myself yet because I know I've been comfort eating and yesterday my neighbours managed to buy me the last wholemeal loaf in our local town so I'll have to eat it!!


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning girls. Beautiful here. Deep blue sky, but still chilly. You certainly had a dumping there JERI. A bit like our previous to the last snowfall. We really lucked out with the past storm. It stopped short at Hamilton and we only got a sprinkling. Shirley further west would have been hit hard. It's something to do with the angle of the lake and the Bruce peninsula further north.

    I don't think its grit with Jilly JACKIE because we are the street the town forgets not being a bus route etc. Michael always tells me our street is the worst for lack of snow ploughs etc and the sidewalks are a source of icy peril. Definitely no salt or grit, but thanks for the possible tip. Have you peeled off the layers like a butterfly emerging!

    Michael really lucked out when he acquired his condo SANDY, but the poor lady who sold it didn't, well she did in a way. You see she had cancer and was given a short time to live. She decided to enjoy life with frequent trips to the casino and vacations. The result, she survived but bankrupted herself, then had to sell quickly and move into a government senior home. Michael found out later and wasn't sure why he had got a bargain at first. Hidden faults in the building etc, but no, he just lucked out for once after all his recent misfortune.

    Today is communication day with Roy etc. I think his packet of snowdrops got confiscated! They haven't shown up here. Actually, I've got spring fever and really want to communicate with the great outdoors after such a tough winter.

    Hugs to all you gals,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited March 2018
    Happy Sunday! :) Another sunny day in the 40's. Nothing planned for today will just play my games and then watch the Oscars tonight. I haven't seen any of the movies but like seeing the gowns. It always gets too political and with Jimmy Kimmel hosting I am sure he will get his dabs in. Tomorrow I am sitting for the boys and have to be there by 10:30. I miss them as I haven't seen them all week.

    Anne, good for Michael but sad for the lady who squandered her money. I do like the casinos and vacationing but I do know what I can afford. As a matter of fact I am going to a casino with my three lady friends next Monday through Wednesday to celebrate two of our birthdays, the other two are in the fall. I am glad Michael had good luck after all the other misfortunes.

    Jackie, not sure Daisy would keep boots on either, but if it is below zero we never let her stay outside more than 5 minutes or however long it takes to do her business. Babe said his son is getting three MRI's, but he wasn't sure where. My guess would be his back, his knee and his hip. Only time will tell if he is going to help himself or not.

    Jeri, that is a lot of snow overnight. I know you can do sharing but not sure how when one has a Mac and the other a PC. I am sure your SIL will be able to help you.

    Patsy, when I watched the Golden Globes ( can you tell I like award shows) they showed a clip of “three billboards in Ebbing, Missouri.” and it looked interesting so I will watch it once it becomes available either at Red Box, Netflix or Hulu. She did win at the Golden Globes.

    Buzz, as far as your thumb or fingerprint it is very sensitive. You have to hold your print still until they tell you to move it, that is if it is the same as my phone. Or you might be able to set it up with voice recolonization. Is this for getting on your computer? If you live alone do you really need a password or thumb print to access your computer? I was able to make a free card on this website and it turned out really cute.

    Lin, again we share the same weather and the sunshine is amazing. Today is your church duties and clean up if I am not mistaken. I do hope you got someone else to volunteer for March. What else is on your agenda?

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi everyone! Sunday: cloudy, cool, occasionally showers. I guess in other words, SPRING!

    Tonight is the academy awards, so we will sort of tune in and out. It is fun for us because we are movie buffs. We are looking forward to seeing Sally Hawkins in “The shape of water.”John is always interested in the special effects and photography/film techniques. For me it is the story and acting and oddly lighting and color. Some films use a blue filter to create a cold or depressing atmosphere.

    I need to up the exercises. My blood sugars were not where they should be. The type of diabetics that I have is most often regulated by regular exercises. Muscle memory works against me. I have constantly change things up or increase certain exercises. Oh well, there are worse things. I look at one of those movies I talk about while I exercise. I hardly notice the time going by.

    Our son often works in the movie business doing computer related special effects. It is so funny. We love looking at movies and our son only looks the ones he needs to for his work. I guess it world be that busman’s holiday thing.

    I treasure your friendship and contact.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, is it generational? I had problems getting engaged in the characters in 3 Billboards to Ebbing, Missouri and eventually dozed off,missing the ending! It was being shown again this afternoon downstairs and I didn't see it again. I feel stupid as I ordinarily pick up and perk up on social issues! Maybe it's because it's just so pervasive now? Corruption seems to be the norm!
    Jackie, did I miss a month? I thought Spring arrives March 21st, but maybe this year it's different (like everything else!) ! How delightful to find 5 new eggs! I love your picture!
    SANDY, no comment on that home-breaker. You probably can guess what I'd say anyway! Your card site has adorable cards! Are you able to add text or clip-art if you want? also has card programs onsite. I cannot picture you even attempting to lift DAISY! Perhaps the other way around? ...As far as my fingerprints, you are right. No one else uses mine so why bother? Well, true, but once I started the procedure challenged me. On the computer, it says to keep moving the finger u[ and down quickly, and then around. But no matter what I did, I have worn down prints now. As if they'd been filed down! "Red" and I are getting used to one another and I have added my separate keyboard and mouse to the pullout drawer on my desk so I type lower, and added a platform to raise the computer desktop level to eye level. I might have done better buying a desktop computer! The platform can be raised so if I want to stand up while on the internet, I can do that!
    ANNE, bully for you, getting hold of yourself before waiting too long!
    JERI, I think I have forgotten more than I ever learned! My printer is a small desktop size and I seldom print photos, so larger is not necessary. I mostly print the cards I make.
    I think I'll grab some salad so I can watch the Academy awards tonight. My doctor called and insisted I see him tomorrow, so I will go down to our clinic and bring some papers for him to see! Have a great evening!
    <3 Buzz
    ...............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello all. I am watching the program about the life of Billy Graham right now. I have several learning videos to watch later. I tried to catch up last night and I fell asleep. No learning that way!

    Today was relatively warm but quite windy again. Before dark, it did get cloudy and I understand rain and then snow are heading our way over the next several days. I texted with one of the Mah Jongg ladies, the one who had surgery. She is doing okay but we are cancelled for this coming Tuesday and then we will see. She thinks maybe in another week. I told her, just recover, we’ll see as time goes on. I am glad she is feeling better each day.

    Yes, today was church day and once again communion duty. Hopefully two ladies who are on vacation right now will take over the the remainder of the month. I spoke to another lady this morning who had taken a month last year. She has refused as she says she can never make it to church more than twice a month. Okay. Looks like there will be loads of communion days for me this year.

    When I got home I made lunch and sorted out a few things and worked on a in-process journal page as it was calling to me again (Must stop listening!). Then I hunted for all the drawing pencils I might have stowed away in the house. I found a few as well as a sketch pad. So I am ready to watch the 45 minute video lesson on sketching the human figure. I do not believe 45 minutes will do much to get me started. Maybe dozens of hours of work might help but I am having trouble keeping up. Actually, I am not keeping up. I am not doing some of the little side projects and each month they have a contest challenge. This month it is sponsored by Stencil Girl and I am interested but I work too slowly to consider it.

    I need to get some cards ready to send, laundry is staring at me, cooking as well, and organizing tax materials for my preparer.

    So, it should be a busy week though both Mah Jongg and the Thursday morning get together are cancelled.

    Jackie, glad spring is peeking at you! Best wishes to you and George.

    Buzz, I am with you apparently since I am falling asleep during things I really do want to watch. Argh.

    Anne, I am glad you and Jilly are doing well. I do a lot of walking indoorswhich takes time out of my day. Cannot walk as quickly around the house as you can on a track outdoors or on a treadmill as there are too many obstacles.

    Jeri, hey, that snow has stopped now right? We are heading towards spring and we have our Spring Forward start of Daylight Savings time next Sunday.

    Patsy, I hope you and John enjoy the award show this evening.

    Sandy, oh my, time to see the boys tomorrow. Enjoy that time. Hose are cute little boys.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Just wanted to say hi before leaving to sit. Will try to get back later but if not have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hi Sneakers

    Much thunder and rain overnight disturbing my sleep. Today our weather includes strong winds, rain and later snow. I was going to run a couple of errands before the snow rolls in but I have a huge load of laundry in the dryer right now and that is going to take quite a while to finish up and then there’s all that laundry to put away. I am also sorting out boxes and crushing them for the trash tomorrow. Then I will clean out my magazine rack as well as tomorrow is another recycling pickup day.

    I haven’t gotten any cards addressed either but first things first, my oatmeal is ready. :)

    Have a good day. I hope all who watched the award show enjoyed it and that you agreed with the outcomes.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Heading towards evening already and after a walk in the woods and a messy bottom incident with George requiring a warm wash when we got home I've been sorting paperwork, getting boxes destined for charity shops out of the spare room ready to load into the car tomorrow and avoiding going outside into cold rain until just now when I checked the hens and fed them their evening corn. One of those days so nothing of interest to write about. I'm fed up with grey skies but nothing I can do about it other than light the fire and hunker down after my main meal of outdoor reared pork with a jacket potato and steamed veggies.... my tummy is rumbling at the thought!!

    Hopefully you all have a brighter Monday than mine!