Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Have a lovely birthday, lovely Sandy! As we all know, it takes a consistently caring person to keep a group together. You do that in a lovely way. I love the way you stay interested in looking and being as young on the outside as you are on the inside. Age really is just a number and your number is very young! Many happy returns sweet friend.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) You are the greatest friends who are making my birthday special. Jackie love the dogs partying. Lin love the shaky puppy along with the birthday graphic. Anne and Patsy thank you for the wishes and wonderful comments.
    As of now I have no special plans today, but the next few will make up for that. For some reason I did not sleep well so I am tired, my body wants me to rest up for the casino trip. lol

    I was hoping to go to lunch with my brother but found out he slid off his bed and couldn't get up and was lying on the floor from Friday night until Saturday morning when his daughter came to check on him. He is staying with his daughter for the last two weeks and I hope they convince him to sell his house and move in with one of his kids. He doesn't have a cell phone and he won't wear the neck thing because of money. He is so stubborn.

    It is hard to believe I am 76 years old, as my grandson Robby says I am "really" old. I agree with Patsy though and age is only a number, as long as I am healthy and active and enjoying life I can deal with that number.

    Thank you again everyone!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    76 YEARS YOUNG! k35r1mddkdnw.png
    from all of us who love you!
    ..........................Always Believe Something WOnderful is About to Happen............................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Thank you Buzz!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member

    To Sandy

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Thank you Barbie. Hope all is well with you, Jake and pups.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2018
    We've walked the woods and fields to the river this morning with 2 additions to the pack as my friend is looking after a couple of Jack Russells while a friend of hers is away for a few days. Although dry at the moment storm clouds are gathering, so much so that when I tapped my barometer it dropped dramatically, so before even my usual morning coffee I cleaned out the hen house, collected 3 eggs and made sure their water and food is topped up. The rescued chooks are so funny as they do their best to help me clean up, especially Cinders who lives up to her namesake and they get fixated on my wellies and the bag containing fresh wood shavings as they seem to think the outer print is something to eat!

    Sandy ~ Sorry to read about your brother's accident and thank goodness he wasn't hurt, just his pride perhaps. As sensible as it may appear I don't think people should be wrapped up in cotton wool just because they are getting older although a cell phone in his pocket would hardly be doing that but stubbornness goes with the territory so you can only advise!

    Buzz ~ Somehow I just knew your team would miss your competitive approach to the game never mind your ability but how annoying to lose by so many points and have to deal with Chutzpah lady!! Bide your time and wait for the next opportunity to show them how it should be done! Your mention of the word Chutzpah reminded me of a documentary I saw the other evening about the man in the Kremlin..... my goodness, yours in the White House is a pussycat in comparison! To turn off a You Tube video move your cursor to bottom left of the picture and a line of controls should show up so you just click on the arrow.

    Close to my lunchtime so having lost a couple of pounds in the week I must maintain momentum and come up with a healthy option never mind what my stomach is telling me!

    Enjoy your Sunday
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The celebrations continue with lunch this afternoon at Olive Garden. I went to Babe's after Mass and had our usual pizza. When I came home I turned my clocks forward so I wouldn't stay up too late so got a good night's sleep. I will pack my little bag later and will be leaving around 9:15 in the morning for our casino trip. I will try to check in but if not wish me luck for BIG money!

    Jackie, I love that name Cinders, I presume she is adjusted to her new living conditions. What are the other names of the chickens? Yes, I am grateful my brother did not get hurt and I didn't want to mention it but my niece said he also couldn't get up from the loo ( I am using a polite word I hope). She went there to check on him in the morning and he sat there for three hours. That is when they convinced him to go stay with her even though he still wanted to stay home by himself. I will make a better effort on calling him and visiting him, he is my last living sibling.

    Hello to everyone else and hope you have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning all! We are having the most glorious morning ever! Bright sunny and cloudless. Now I realize such an event would not be remarkable to some of you but here on the north Oregon coast....REMARKABLE!

    The day is really half gone but we are just now getting into gear. I am in such a great mood because of the sunshine. I have too many things begging for my attention. Where to begin...?

    We are hoping for our weekly chat with our son. Maybe he will be out cleaning or checking on his boat. Bachelors have an odd life. No one to keep them on track, really. Dating is hard work and I think at times he is put off by cranky uppity women who want that LTR. Commitment is difficult for guys sometimes. I caught John when he was a young minnow who didn’t know any better. bawhahahahah!

    Sandy: hearing about your brother was very upsetting. I know you are worried about him. I’ll bet after an initial adjustment period, he will love being with family. He is very lucky to have caring family. John and I laugh that when we crock, they would only find our bones, years later when someone came with a delayed amazon order. Do I sound wimpy or what?

    Off to make some sort of headway on this gorgeous day.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good evening my lovely friends. It's been a leisurely day and after brunch, I attended this afternoon's movie about Felt, the FBI whistleblower who turned out to be Deep Throat. What a sad period in the USA, and I had forgotten how the administration was investigating and dividing the country. I wonder if this particular movie was made at this particular time to remind us how dangerous governments can become when controlled by the wrong people! I am truly beginning to believe we cannot relax for one moment of oversight of those running our lives in seats of power! Our students are making better progress than the adults as far as disobeying NRA orders; they are succeeding in making gun laws in Florida somewhat safer though still no progress against selling lethal automatic weapons which are meant only for warfare. Why would one want to tear up a poor deer one plans for dinner when a well aimed rifle will do a cleaner job? And certainly a rabbit or duck would become inedible! I hope these young dedicated students stick with their goal to reform a very serious problem that has gotten extremely out of hand! Where ever did the memory of a well-trained "militia" disappear?
    SANDY, of course we are all wishing or praying for your big payout! For me it would be a vicarious thrill, since I only won a small amount once in my life. SO sorry about your brother and the worry that comes along with his condition. There truly seems to be a time that arrives for most people when they must recognize independence becomes another word for BURDEN, but burden for others unless it is planned for! Truly it is worth investigating long before it becomes a necessity! If family gets along magnificently, that's one option, but there are more choices today than ever before, and I hope he will realize it before serious problems arise. Anyway have a great time at your casino!
    JACKIE, your darling chooks sound almost human! What a delightful connection you have with your feathery; furry and buzzing friends. They obviously appreciate you as much as you do them!...And thank you for your faith in me even though I really don't know a thing about seated volleyball except for my unexpectedly good serve, lol!
    PATSY, I love the joy you conveyed in your latest post! And I have never "gotten over" the wonder of a beautiful sunshiny day, no matter how frequent! It is always a treasure to see the brilliance and feel the warmth of that amazing sphere! The distance between earth and sun overwhelms me; in fact the idea of infinity overwhelms me! Do make the most of it when it happens your way!
    A day without our lovely LIN? I certainly hope you are making the most of a lovely Sunday and we look forward to tomorrow with you again!
    Everybody have a sweet Sunday evening. My watch did not pick up DST so I had to change it manually today. Need an early sleeptime!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Day is done, gone the sun. It was a snowy and cold day here. Snow melted this afternoon but it remains cold. I stood in the parking lot talking with a lady after church and the cold seeped in through my feet and up my legs. I have not defrosted all day. Looking forward to my nice heating pad later on. I started to look at the newspaper but ended up on the phone several times with lovely but very long conversations. Mah Jongg is cancelled for one more week. One lady has an appointment and another lady took a fall. And my friend who did not show up at church forgot (really!?) that we had a time change overnight and could not get to church on time so she would not come at all.

    Just did a Facebook live group for my gel print group. Fun! 45 minutes wasn’t enough.

    I need to address some more St. Patrick’s Day cards for those who didn’t make it to church this morning. Must get out the addresses again.

    Sandy, have a wonderful trip. Do they still have nickel machines? The few times I went to the local casino that was the only slot machine I played. I hope you can keep in closer touch with your brother. And I hope he has brighter days ahead. I am sorry for his troubles.

    Patsy, I think you got our quota of sunshine today. :D:D:D:D:D I hope we have a sunnier day tomorrow. That always makes me feel better too.

    Jackie, I love that name as well, Cinders. Black hen? You have a good heart my friend. Now, my gosh, walking with Jack Russells! They are energetic dogs aren’t they? One of my friends from church has started a dog sitting business and she stays with the dog in the owners’ house when they are out of town. She sits for the dogs of family members and friends and friends of friends. All seems to work well. She really loves looking after the dogs. Good fit for her. Happy dogs. Happy owners too!

    Barbie, hello!!

    Buzz, hugs. My friend went to a live performance of Chicago at our Civic Center this evening. She adores live theater. Of course she already posted a selfie on Facebook. Makes me giggle. Oh and I watched a movie that I adored, The Hero with Sam Elliott.

    Well, must move along good people.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The name of my movie was - 'Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House' casting
    Liam Neeson as Deep Throat ....Rotten Tomatoes says it seems eerily current! Were you all old enough to recall that period, or am I the only one old enough to remember? Aha, MARIE would recall it, as well!
    Luckily, I just remembered it is Mike's dear son's birthday on the 12th; the one who was born in a blizzard and snow storms happen every year since his birth and sure enough, NY had a couple of whoppers again this year!
    Sleep well, y'all.................
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen...........................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Buzz: oh yeah! I remember. I remember sitting in a ski resort in Vail, Colorado, having an Irish coffee when Nixon came on the TV and resigned. Then things really started popping. I think we all sat there stunned. We had several more Irish coffees and talked until 3 o’clock in the morning. Then the next morning we drove home to Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Hungover and we all realized we just saw a historical,event. Patsy
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dreary is the only description I can come up with for today's weather. Grey, damp and no wind to move things on as my barometer continues to give bad news on the storm front. We walked twice round the woods rather than climb into the muddy fields with my friend having to keep one of the visiting Jack Russells on a lead because she came into season last night. No warning from her owner this might happen but apparently last time the other *kitten* followed suit so my friend is not a happy bunny and has already booked my carpet shampooer!!

    Sandy ~ If he hasn't got one already your brother could maybe get a toilet aid off Amazon that sits round the loo and has handles either side to ease himself up. They're not expensive.
    My rescued hens were named after pantomime characters because of the time of year I collected them from the farm and Cinders is named because she had dark specks on her back as if someone had scattered bits over her. As her health has improved those marks have spread out but because she loves to sweep and tidy with me she's kept her name! Wendy is very gentle and ladylike while Tilly Trott is a rebel and drops her eggs wherever she stands rather than use the nesting boxes!!

    Lin ~ Dog sitting has become a favourite business of many here especially as so many responsible owners who work all day don't want to leave their pets alone for that long. The man who will be looking after George and Scruff while we cruise is an obvious dog lover so we feel very comfortable about leaving them in his care although I'm not sure he knows what he's letting himself in for!

    Buzz ~ Asked on BBC news recently why he needed an automatic rifle to hunt wildlife, a young American responded because it's fun! Couldn't he do without that bit of fun if it saved lives?
    Answer with a big smile.... NO! That's probably a small part of what you're up against!

    Time to move on because a friend is visiting for a few days at the end of the week so I need to at least start a few household chores.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning all. I'm pretty much involved for the next few days, so probably won't post. Will be back, meanwhile take care of yourselves,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday! :) My friend woke me up to postpone our meeting time to a half hour later so thought I would just drop in and say hello. My lunch with Rob, Lisa and the boys was wonderful and loved celebrating with them. I do hope you are okay Anne and busy with fun things. Jackie, that is a good idea for the bathroom and I will pass the information on to my niece. Time to shower so I will just say hello to everyone else and hope to post about my big winnings.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning! Wow it is dark out. At nearly 7:00 a.m. and it is totally night. Moon and a stars. DST is very confusing for Katie. To make matters worse, she has an ear cleaning and grooming session today. Not her favorite. But it must be done.

    A bit more cofffee and I will start the laundry while the oatmeal cooks. It still feels like spring. We are to have another lovely day today but rainy tomorrow. We have been having warm sunny days this weekend. I have been beside myself with spring chores and spring cleanup. It is a wonderful life affirming feeling to crawl out of the winter hibernation. It really made me feel rather creaky and old to take so long to do anything. But I am still in the game, as John says.

    I saw new lambs and calves in pastures around here. My daughter says the animal shelter is full of puppies and kittens. Heartbreaking. If I were a few years younger, I would adopt an older dog. Not sure I have the soup to take another one on. They are a joy but time consuming and an important responsibility.

    Off to do laundry. “Have a lovely day today, and whatever you have to do...I wish I was doing it with you.” Remember that song? Was it sung by Doris Day?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good evening. I got caught up in the day once again. I have three boxes of clothing to donate. I am not certain where I will drop them off but I must get them out of my car tomorrow. I have an appointment to have my water meter changed later this month. I have all the paperwork assembled to have my taxes completed and have sent copies to my attorney. I also have an appointment for that later this month. I also have contacted some people at church and will be taking some of my old music in with me on Sunday to see if any of them would like to have it. I have quite a collection of accompaniment tracks, books of written music, the original CDs for many of them and I am not the Youth Choir director now and I haven’t done any specials/solos in years so no need to keep all of this material.

    There are precious few of us this week! Now I feel I have nothing to say.

    Anyway, it was cold and sunny again today but a warm up is on the way. Wahoo. I am ready for warmer.

    I am still working on adapting to this time change. I finally changed the last clock tonight which is the one in my garage door opener. I had forgotten to get to that one.

    I wonder if Sandy has won a jackpot by now?

    Jackie, I love the names of your newest girls!

    Patsy, I did not do any laundry today. Maybe I should have. I always feel I have accomplished something when I have a stack of clean things.

    Well, another day for that.

    Hugs my friends.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2018
    Sorry, posted a long one that disappeared and I'm too sleepy to repeat! Yours were great to read, and LIN, I asked our KARIE to order The Hero. I'm crosseyed from copying and pasting a 14 page article from the Atlantic called The Last Temptation--; most interesting; 4/18 issue and written by Michael Gerson. Hugs to all,
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Awoke to a day full of Spring promise so now I have 2 loads of washing out on my rotary line and after a walk in the woods, across fields, tiptoeing over the granite post that forms a bridge across the stream and to the top of the fields I am hoping to finally finish the footpath round the garden room.
    Lots of drama in our news after a Russian spy and his daughter were poisoned in one of our rather sleepy towns and in such a dangerous way several innocent people including a police officer have been affected. It's like something out of a 1960's cold war movie but of course in this instance the man who ordered it will continue to smile blandly, deny all knowledge and get away with it!
    It's such a crime that so many people still breed when the world is full of unwanted pups and kittens and I often think we humans are taking backward steps in just about everything we touch these days. Thank goodness for the sanity that is our Sneakers board! Apart from that there's little going on in my world which is probably a good thing! We are threatened with more snow at the weekend just as my friend plans to visit but it shouldn't affect us too much because we usually sit talking for hours on end apart from walking George!!
    Patsy ~ It wasn't Doris Day's Move Over Darling for sure!! LOL How about Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries?

    Oh dear, now we have fighter jets buzzing round our skies which comes with being so close to the coast on 3 sides so my peace is shattered.... perhaps the Russians are coming!!
