Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I am back and rested after a good night's sleep. I came home with all my money which is a win but no one won the big pot at bingo so I still have a chance next week.
    We had a wonderful time, it is hard to believe we are seniors the way we party. lol
    We had great dinners and lots of fun. We penciled in our trip for October even though I am not sure I will be going with them if indeed my grandson gets married in Hawaii next spring.
    I am not going to my meeting as I need a day to regroup and catch up on all my computer things. It is good be home.

    Jeri, very generous of you to help with your granddaughter's dress, I bet she was very happy.
    How wonderful to plan a trip to Scotland, I know you will have a wonderful time.

    Lin, I am like you and determined to put things together even though it can be so frustrating.
    I will admit if the project is too big such as when I bought my recumbent bike I ask my son.
    Bryanna and her past boyfriend put my bookcases together but I handle the smaller things.

    Anne, what a terrific job you are doing on losing those last few pounds, I need to follow your advice which I didn't do while I was gone. I am about 4 pounds over what I like to be so I will watch today and Friday but unfortunately I am going with friends for corn beef and cabbage on Saturday.

    Buzz, I did not win the big one, but still have a chance. My blood work said that I need to repeat a thyroid test and that I am low on vitamin D. I have new pills I ordered from Amazon for the vitamin D and have to schedule the blood test. I really am one of those people who try not to even watch the news when it comes to politics. I know that is bad but it gets too depressing.

    Patsy, my son's house sold in two days, Portland must be a hot area. In fact two people were interested so they got above asking price. Good luck with your physical today.

    Jackie, I absolutely love your footpath, you did a great job. I can understand why your bones were crying, those slabs are very heavy to maneuver. Sorry about the leak but hopefully it is fixed now and you can soon start enjoying your garden room with some beautiful weather.

    Glad to be back with you, enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello lovelies! I am off for that physical today. Here is an interesting event. Our doctor advocates a Life for seniors that includes a bit of favorite foods, a small drink of alcohol occasionally, as much social activity and sleep as possible. Exercise all muscles and weight lift light weights. If we do all these things we will need less meds, have a happy healthy aging, and will not be filled with regret or anger. That’s quite a prescription. He also prescribes lots of hugs! The man is a genius.

    Off to the doctor...I’ll have to give him three big vials blood. EKG and poking and prodding.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah, my dear JERI, you are getting that trip to Scotland I had planned some 40 years ago, when Doug and I had our wedding planned. He had never been to his father's islands and wanted to make it our honeymoon. I believe I have mentioned the brain tumor and his death 5 months after our hurried ceremony in a civil office so I could officially make decisions for medical care. So you must make copious notes and tell us all your details when you return.
    I have realized how many errors I am making in sentence structure and spelling, and some don't make any sense at all as I finally read them a day too late! I apologize, and I suspect I fall asleep several times while composing my lengthy posts!
    JACKIE, of course I know how you feel about the crazy course this country has been on for the last year or more, and today beat everything when I learned of an official being fired 2 days before his retirement, and being deprived of a life's work benefits!It's an upside down world when a single powerful person can undo so much achieved by previous far more knowledgeable leaders. And he still will not admit he lied about Obama's birthplace! I just feel so helpless as he gets away with breaking every rule regarding presidents! Excuse me for ranting, please. We saw a movie tonight way off the beaten path. "Call Me By Your Name" was the title, and I believe it was mentioned for various Academy Awards. The photography was magnificent, and the various inventive uses of it just striking. I did a bit of squirming at the subject, but then I was never comfortable feeling I was peeking through keyholes. However at the latter part, there was a "speech" made by a father that made me very glad I did not leave early, because what he said was something I will mull over many times and hope I fell into his category as a human being and a parent. Actually, I have been judgemental more than I care to admit, but I may be more conscious of it after this movie's message!
    LIN, I hear the same vibrance back in your post that I thought was missing with the bitter weather you were experiencing. Your enthusiasm is inspiring!
    ANNE, you are doing splendidly cutting this, that, and the other and losing at just the right rate! You should be very pleased to have that control!
    PATSY, how did your Doctor's visit go?
    AND SANDY, how did YOUR adventure end up?
    MARIE, a quick hug, and the same to BARBIE and I see midnight crawling up quickly. I missed the dreadful news about the brand new bridge collapse in Miami, so perhaps I'll catch some details shortly.
    <3 Buzz
    ................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Jeri ~ Our old friend from a couple of weeks ago, the Beast from the East is visiting again this weekend so yes, I can believe you are still getting snow in your part of the world too!! If you haven't visited Scotland before I'm sure you will love it..... scenery to match yours and charming people. Of course you'll take your camera!

    Sandy ~ You'd have my chooks living the high life wouldn't you! LOL Don't think I haven't looked at such chalets and fancy houses for them but somehow think they'd still make the same mess that has me regularly sweeping out and replacing bedding! As I'm not a gambler I'd say coming home with the money you took to the casino is a win since you had such a good time with your friends.

    Patsy ~ One thing I learned when working in the community was that as we get older the best thing we can do is keep moving, keep thinking and most importantly, keep laughing! As for the rest, it's everything in moderation. Those I met that chose to sit in front of the tv and vegetate daily rapidly faded but I don't think any one of us Sneakers is that way inclined.

    Buzz ~ It's not just your country that's on a crazy journey right now but as Anne commented, there's something either in the air or perhaps their teabags that has our world leaders behaving in egotistical ways and getting away with it. At least you have your 25th amendment should you ever need.... not sure that would work in China or Russia!!

    This morning I've had a swim for an hour and am now in the midst of housework before my friend arrives, hopefully not during a blizzard...... (reminder) lag the outside tap again!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It's ruddy cold here as well. Snow overnight, but brilliant sunshine right now. Something about March coming in like a lion?

    Talking of things being put in teabags causing our leaders to act like March hares (who also go dotty in the spring) and seeing the world is crawling with spies, secret agents etc, couldn't something else be quietly put in their tea bags to make them all become docile kitty cats? Might stop them lying as well, i.e - recent Donald remarks to Justin. Honest, put them all in short pants and school caps and we wouldn't know them from any other school yard kids apart from bulk of course. Can't even give them the cane any more either, which might have caused the trouble in the first place, lack of I mean.

    I shall do as a friend suggested, go and look at the daffodils instead of spouting off. Only trouble is the daffodils are also in hiding still, but my little snowdrop is still showing it's brave little face!

    Maybe the slimming isn't helping in the above remarks. I shall bravely carry on though!
    Hugs, honestly, hugs from
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! The physical went fine. EXCEPT when I fell getting out of the car and really twisted my knee. Like I have voiced before, suddenly Life changed! I am now hobbling around, cussing my way around the house. John is trying to handle my part of our daily chores. He is a champ. However this morning my knee is just a tiny bit better! “What a revolting development!” This was! One of life’s little challenges to work through.

    I am not sure what and how much I should do on my knee. Called my Doc but his suggestion didn’t suit me. No I think a jug of painkillers is not the answer, but he is trying to help ease the pain. Wrapping and a good knee brace is the next plan. Then while I find a good orthopedic doc, I will research this. Isn’t it funny how dogs understand we are having problems? Katie is right at my side with John. She sniffing my knee and bringing me her chew bone. With all this support, I will be okay.

    Yes Jackie, the key is to keep on keeping on. An interesting note here. Both John and I have lost weight. We do have a very healthy diet. But we have given up an evening meal. We have a piece of fruit as a sort of bedtime snack. We have our main meal at lunch. Doc is a bit worried about John’s weight loss. Even though he exercises daily, he seems to be losing muscle. I have not lost as much muscle. We are now also looking at ways to deal with that. Challenges!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Good day. Drizzly, cold, windy today with maybe freezing rain or snow. I can believe that since the temperature is around 33 degrees F. Back to straightening up the basement again due to the impending water meter swap. I have moved enough stuff now that they can access all around the meter AND no worries about hitting their heads on anything as everything hanging above is removed for now. Loads and loads of packing materials and boxes left to remove but no place to put them. My little recycling cart is packed to the brim. Argh. Looks like another campaign of weekly toss away and donate on tap for upcoming months.

    Patsy, I am so sorry about your knee. You are right, things can change so quickly but trying to make things right again, not so easy. And each of us is different. Just try to find what will relieve the pain and rehab the injury although obviously you did not ask for advice. I live with a heating pad and generous amounts of BioFreeze when needed. I also keep some elastic slip on braces (for knees, ankles, and wrists). I never know what is the right thing to do. I hope you start to feel better soon. It takes a while after a fall. Glad you have John.

    Anne, well, not so cold here as in your part of the world but definitely not a warm sunny day with chirping birds and greening grass. That is my vision of spring. Someday!

    Jackie, I also had to peek at the link Sandy provided and oh my gosh, luxury digs!! But until the girls can keep their own home clean I think they are just fine where they are now. Haaaa. And I hope your visit with your friend went well. Weather, weather, weather, and not good. Thank goodness for warm houses.

    Buzz, you watch such interesting movies. I tend to to go for old things I have seen before which doesn’t offer anything new but does provide comfort. I sometimes wish I was interested in the type of sports you can see on TV, there would always be something to watch (or have on) with no thought involved. I have never become attached to any sports team/franchise. But that is fine I guess.

    Jeri, what a wonderful trip you have planned. I hope we get to see a photo or two (or more). I never know what is coming for you guys next. Excitement!

    Sandy, we need sunshine to bring that vitamin D level back up! Sorry you didn’t win the jackpot but most of do not win do we?

    Oh my, I hear sleet!

    Back to work although sipping tea is quite pleasant.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Well my landlady came this morning to tell me that she wants to move back into my place. She is going to put her duplex up for sale around May 1st and want to coordinate a move with me. My lease isn't up until August 31st but if she sells her place and I can find a new place she will let me out of my lease. So everything depends on her sale which makes it very hard for me. If I leave before her sale I would have to pay two rentals and I can't afford to do that. I love this place but hopefully there might be another unit in the same complex to rent if the timing is right. Did I tell you how much I hate packing and moving and paying a movers fee?

    I am babysitting for the boys later which I hope will cheer me up.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Sandy! How miserable! You always enjoy your little condo and it looked so uncluttered and neat. I hate to think about your having to leave it. I am longing to live nearer our son. He is thinking of a big business relocation to Seattle. That might work for us if we could relocate to a suburban island. I think I have whined many times about how John hates change. But then again...he will jump in do what is needed at any given moment. The wonderful thing about Life is that change brings new excitement and challenges. There is always good and bad in most situations. Maybe there is a condo nearer your son, if that would please both of you. You are in my thoughts, sweet friend. High anxiety-time. The answer will appear soon.

    Lin: I guess you know you are a strong woman who handles the day to day challenges with good cheer and determination. I am going to be following your good example on joint relief. Braces, heating pad and biofreeze. That...a couple of aspirin should help. I hope you don’t overwork and have to join me with heating pad, biofreeze and brace.

    Jeri, your trip sounds like a perfect photo opportunity- non stop. My family is Irish. I would also be scheduling in an Irish visit. I still have distant relatives in Ireland. We occasionally send photos and family news. Scotland sounds magical. I know it must be beautiful.

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow. We are going for green beer and corned beef and cabbage and harp music at a friends restaurant. The 42nd Street Cafe! Should be fun. With my current knee problem, I know I will not be tempted to try a jig. Sad to say!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Very sorry to read about your impending move SANDY. It's always a problem with renting isn't it. I'm forever asking M and M if they want to sell this house, but so far they tell me it's mine as long as I can manage. However, one worries about being a nuisance or burden. I really am sorry though for your predicament. You know, I'm going to stick my neck out and wish that you and Babe and Daisy could sell up and move near your daughter in warm Florida. Well away from his own trouble maker child! Believe me, if we'd ended up in the states instead of Canada, I would have considered it. Think how the little grands would love visiting grandma and playing on the beach! I know; mind your own business Anne, but I love happy endings! Hey, BUZZ would be over the moon as well!
    Wishing you a smooth transition whatever you do, and again, I really sympathize,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    I am so sorry Sandy. :(:(:(:(:(

    So disappointing.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh I love little Lucy’s the spider[url="http://"][/url]
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well it didn’t post! Too bad. Lucus the spider issoooo cute in YouTube.
    How do we post a YouTube video?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hoh! Hoh! Hoh!!! I know tomorrow is St Patrick's Day and NOT Christmas, but I just love ANNE's fantasy! It would solve so many problems.....or create too many others! The greatest might be what caused SANDY's rift in the 1st place: BABE's inability to cut the umbilical chords and take back his own life and bride!!! However, it's an intriguing thought!
    I just had to delete well over 3 full pages of the letter "p" since I muat have dozed off at that point!
    I took advantage of our bus driving over to St Jude's funeral parlor for visitation to our wonderful secretary's husband's death, very unexpected. I'm afraid it took more out of me emotionally than I realized, so I apologize, but I seem to be having a problem concentrating and remaining awake! I enjoyed everyone's posts this evening but somehow my computer keeps blacking out and I need sleep badly! Will return tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My friend phoned at 8.30 this morning to tell me it's snowing already where she lives in Gloucestershire so her drive to me could be precarious and although I suggested she wait until Monday when it should have cleared through she's determined to come. Hopefully she will be at my door by lunchtime. George has been walked locally in a cold wind so once the coffee has brewed I will get on with the last few tidying jobs. A spicy parsnip soup could be on the go by the time she arrives too if I get myself organised.

    Patsy ~ Ouch! So sorry to read how you hurt your knee and hope there's nothing more than bruising going on. It's frightening how these things happen in an instant and somehow, when we are older, the effect is more severe or we just don't bounce back as quickly. Dear Katie obviously adores you so is concerned as John will be about your pain because dogs do pick up every emotion we feel for sure. When I swap meals round and have something very light in the evening my weight moves in the right direction, it's just a case for me of getting myself organised on a daily basis..... not easy! Sorry I couldn't see your spider but hope she/he is safe in a corner!

    Sandy ~ Oh dear, and I thought you were so settled and your landlady a godsend. If your lease runs to the end of August you mustn't be rushed into doing something sooner than you'd rather not because May is just round the corner. What a shame she couldn't have given you more notice but then everything has a reason so I'm sure this will end up the right place at the right time. You do so much for your son and family I'm sure they will reciprocate and help with the move.

    Lin ~ My friend's impending visit had me sorting piles for charity and tip yet again and I do wonder just how much more there is to be removed to one or the other. The answer to that is probably lots!! At least it's in your head now to clear more from your basement but difficult when you have so many far more interesting hobbies!

    Coffee brewed so onwards and upwards!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning. More sackings at the White House etc. Is it possible that Mr T could be the last actual "president" before something more dictatorial takes over?
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Although chilly, the back garden is sunny and sheltered so the Bean and I have just spent a whole hour cutting back dead foliage. The snowdrops are indeed decimated after the coldest and longest and snowiest winter I can remember. Just the one brave soul. Not sure about anything else at this point. We both so enjoyed pottering instead of being huddled up against the bitingly cold winds. I hope my honeysuckle made it. At least tiny buds are showing on the lilac and pear tree.

    Of course, everything is aching now! Sympathy sent to PATSY and all joint sufferers.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Lin! Thank you for posting Lucas. Isn’t it charming? I wish all spiders were that charming. The animation technique is the kind of thing our son does.

    Well my knee is just a little bit better today. I still do not have full range of movement. But the pain is much less. Swelling is going down but still noticeably different than the other knee. I can now tottle along and do a few things.

    The political news is so bazaar that I can’t even stomach much time on it. I must not obsess over what it all means. We are too old to immigrate anywhere. No safe place on planet earth today.

    Saturday and a Happy St. Patrick’s Day. High thin clouds, sort of cold, a bit dreary. But a good day for a wearing of the green. ( Wink, wink...pinch anyone in orange)