Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I think you all MUST act PATSY otherwise you have seen the last elected president of the United States. He appears to want to be a dictator and follow in the motley footsteps of Russia, China and other backward looking countries. We seem to be returning to the Dark Ages instead of enlightenment. I personally am very worried by the direction the world is moving in. Cameras watching us on street corners, mounds of guns everywhere, drugs becoming legal, internet hacking. Alas, although most of us are nice, decent people we just haven't got the mindset of these power hungry few to see how their minds are progressing.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pleasant Spring day with a splash of sunshine. George has been walked in the woods and I've tidied round the cottage so now wait for a message to let me know I can collect Pat from the hospital and hopefully her son from the train station. Meanwhile George barks and barks and barks.... who'd have a Lhasa?

    Patsy ~ Ah, the joys of democracy when a country is split! Much the same feelings exist in the UK when our choices are either far right Tories who support the rich while taking from the hardworking or an ex-commie that seems able to charm idealistic young voters into thinking extreme socialism is the answer. Of course most of us prefer the middle ground but little chance these days. Just for a minute yesterday, watching an interview on British tv with senator Jeff Flake I thought there is hope but then realised he is about to retire. Is he jumping the burning ship I wonder? Who knows Patsy, it could be the porn stars that take him down before too long!!

    I forgot to weigh this morning but am sure once my visitors are safely away some sort of routine will return to my life.

    Enjoy your day friends.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member
    Just a hello. Many things on my agenda today. So hi and bye!!

    Many hugs.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Me too, shopping, cooking etc with Mike over.
    A woman's place is in the home (?) so I will stick to ironing etc but empty my mind of all unpleasant thoughts and let the children sort things out!

    Pom/chihuahua/shiatsu mixes bark a lot as well, sigh.

    So, also.......hi and bye.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I changed my laundry day to Friday since I always seem to have something to do on Mondays. I lost the extra weight I put on and am back to goal, so I am happy.
    I have no plans today just computer stuff and computer games, tough life but someone has to do it. :D

    Anne, I think most little dogs are yappers but they are still cute and I love all dogs. Umm, no a woman's place is not in the home if she doesn't want to be. Are you thinking of the 50's?
    Things sure have changed since then haven't they? My poor mother was victim of the 50's and demands of my father. I felt bad for her even then since my father was verbally abusive.

    Lin, have fun and be careful.

    Jackie, I hope all went well with your friend today and she is resting. Life will get back to normal for you soon and hopefully for George and the other critters. I am glad Boris has a reprieve but I know you will know when the time is right even though it is so hard to let go.

    Dryer is ringing it is done, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, it's the 1st time I have seen the possible explanation for what is happening to our democracy, though I must admit to saying I suspected a coup! Somewhere today I heard that with Bolton coming back, the Cheney desires will be carried out!!! OMG! Florida is a very conservative state, but some of the survivors of the school shooting are becoming vocal and active, and they are our future! I have not felt as helpless in the past as I do now, because his followers make no sense at all. Some are lovely people and do not reflect his kind of sleaziness in any way. Yet the adore him! They are moral upright people so what are they seeing we don't see? JACKIE has explanations, but this goes beyond any common sense at all!
    I can't think straight and I have accomplished next to nothing beyond a couple of urgent meetings today. One was about trying to decide to continue our grief support group, which at this point I think I belong to only because of the newer widows and widowers who feel so lost. But I still have a couple of issues, too, so I voted to keep it up. I wish our chaplain could attend instead of lead as he has had a very rough year in his family, poor guy. They are a lovely couple who give, give, give of themselves until they are both worn out!
    SANDY, good for you, getting rid of that extra couple of pounds quickly! Moving will keep it off, too!
    ANNE, I think most people are decent too, but confused about what's right or not in today's climate! How much responsibility should each individual take for morality and remaining ethical in a challenging world? Values really have changed and we have come to realize ostracizing people because of accident of birth is unacceptable, yet it is still happening! I do think democracy is worth fighting for if we can properly define what it is! And I don't mean warfare! I mean TALKING about it! I find few people wish to discuss it though, thinking it will go away! OK, too much for one day!
    LIN, hope your day went well. Is 4 PM too late to snack? I'm hungry!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Today, early this morning I had to go to VAMPIRE CENTRAL, I had to have a blood draw for the rest of my physical. I will not take the blood thinners unless things get very dicey. So far things are going along pretty well. After some discussion, I think our doctor handles things pretty poorly. He seems to go by the age. At a certain age, he prescribes certain meds, in a sort of blanket fashion. Not going for that at all. Blood thinners are dangerous drugs with dangerous side effects. Causion should be the watch word here!

    I am on a mission to try to handle more of my health needs and learn more about my symptoms and what it means. Heck! Ladies! You might be able to come to me for medical advice once I go through med school.

    We have had hail! Rain! Snow and sleet! And sun! And the worst, according to Katie, THUNDER! Spring must here. Lots of flowers in bloom but it is still sort of wintery looking. Trees are bare, but some buds of the flowering trees are appearing. Spring is having a hard time this year.

    Buzz: the demographic of the DJT supporters is quite interesting. They swing from the very young, usually young men, to the older people who have felt at odds with the very liberal view. Here is the interesting part, many of the young protestors did NOT vote during the presidential election. Conservative voters were older and more women than men. A fact I found astounding. There has been a huge effort to find and count these people to determine possible voter fraud. Here in Oregon we are a total electronic voting state. We also very blue and heavy immigrant population. You get registered when you get your drivers license. Life is interesting!

    Patsy, in the cold rain!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our Spring weather has decided to take a break and yet this morning in the woods we noticed the first flash of white from tiny heads of wood anemones popping up through the leaves and the birds are certainly busy building nests so I think it's time I came out of hibernation too!
    The decision was made yesterday for Pat's son to come home with me from the station, pack his mother's car and drive to the hospital, collect her and carry on to her home rather than us both travelling back and forth. It meant not being able to say goodbye properly but I will Skype her later today and wish her happy birthday. It seems very quiet and I'm feeling lost without a mission to complete but not sure I could have taken much more worry either.This morning when I heard the French police officer who swapped with a hostage in France and was then shot by the psychopath terrorist has died it brought tears to my eyes. What a waste and for what?

    Sandy ~ Last night George was allowed back on the spare bed with all his comfy cushions to roll in so at least his routine has returned! LOL Yes Boris is too special to allow him to deteriorate and fade so I will continue to watch carefully but today I see the painkiller drops are working and he is walking with less stiffness in his legs. It's a battle to administer as he has the biggest teeth and claws but I tell him it's all for the best! Well done on losing that extra weight.... you certainly know what you're doing. Wish I did!! :/

    Patsy ~ Cold rain? I know all about that! I'm delighted you will be our medical advisor because certainly blanket meds at a certain age are a ridiculous concept almost as if we're written off as individuals. Our generation is far more informed than before and of course we have access to so much information we can and should question rather than blindly trust. My friend Pat had a long conversation with her consultant so she understood what she's taking and any side effects. The vet I saw with Boris talked of a balancing act because what's good for one symptom could so easily upset other organs then gave me the options and passed the decision back to me. Doctors should do the same for us!

    Buzz ~ Grief is such a complex emotion that can't be fixed as such but you know, it sort of becomes a part of us so it's good you can continue your support group. Do you think at one of your meetings someone could encourage the chaplain to talk about his own issues as well as lead? As for all things political I wouldn't want to be Chinese or Russian when it seems if you oppose you mysteriously die or get locked up but at least we can live with the hope of fair elections can't we? :*


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    edited March 2018
    Happy Saturday! :) The snow is missing us and for that I am grateful. It might not be Spring weather but at least it is not snowing. I will be going to 5:00 Mass today and then to have pizza with Babe and Daisy. I will also leave early and go to confession today. Since I am Catholic and missed mass last week I want to confess and be ready for Easter. Today is also a long gospel with the Passion of the Lord, which always makes me tear up.
    When I was with the boys last week I took a picture that melted my heart so I am sharing. s0nobdwejwye.jpg

    Jackie, I think you are like me in that I always feel better when I have someone to help or something needed. Being an enabler it is hard for me to know when to say no. You are a good friend and I know Pat appreciates all you did for her and will tell you in your skype call. I also saw the report on the French policeman but at that time they did not say he died. How very sad, there are just too many deaths and it is heartbreaking. One of the girls shot at the school in Virginia also died and all because of a breakup. I hate guns and any kind of violence.

    Patsy, you do make me laugh: Vampire Central???? Eating healthy and doing some exercise is a good start to good health. Of course there are always genes from our relatives which we have no control, but in my case so far I have been blessed.

    Buzz, you are really involved in politics, but I worry it is causing you too much stress. I know we all have to do something to help this county but I think that can only be done in elections. Enjoy each day for each day in your wonderful complex, breathe in breathe out.

    Anne, I can't believe I beat you here today. Busy???

    Lin, out and about already?

    Time for breakfast, have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Sort of busy SANDY. The French policemans (a Lt. Colonel) death is heartbreaking. And to think he wouldn't be dead if the terrorist hadn't been allowed into his country. Makes one think doesn't it. Beautiful photo Sandy, and maybe, just maybe your sweet little boys will grow up to a no guns society. That is - for the general public anyway!

    We haven't any snow, or rain, or thunder, but it IS freezing cold! Still below freezing at mid day. Roy just phoned from England because he thought it was Sunday. Apparently it's pretty awful there on the east coast and he can't get out to pick his daffodils or mow the grass. Not a sniff of a daffodil here of course! Anyway full of hope he's off to the garden centre with my cousin once removed (his stepson) to pick up compost.

    So you can see I am having a pretty uneventful day when I have to rely on news from thousands of miles away to tell you gals. Mind you, the Bean and I enjoy uneventful days!

    So, on that note I'll wander off and eat my fried rice, mushroom, onions, and assorted veggies. I made homemade salmon fish cakes for Michael and me yesterday and they were so good!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello! Snow day.

    I’ve finished my laundry, changed the sheets on my bed, cleaned toilets, finished a birthday card I need next week and finished addressing (well almost, missing one street address) my Easter cards. I have some other projects I would like to work on but thought I would say hello.

    Yesterday afternoon my one hour coffee with friends turned into four plus hours of visiting. One lady is the gal who had a stroke while visiting her mom and stayed for months to recover. She is doing quite well but has trouble with conversation. But overall is doing well she has been here for a while working on preparing to sell her condo here and will move out of state permenently. She’s planning on getting her property listed at the end of May. Sounds like good timing. I just hadn’t planned on such a long visit.

    Sandy, love that photo. Such cuties. I hope you have a nice time with Babe and Daisy. We have Palm Sunday service tomorrow which is usually very good. Next week there are services Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and two on Sunday.

    Jackie, I am glad your friend was able to go home. And the logistics sounded reasonable, otherwise, too much driving. I am sure you will speak with your friend often. Good for George getting back to normal. It is nice to be comfortable and at ease. I hope you get rested up from all this excitement and stress.

    Patsy, glad you made your decision regarding that medication. I trust all will work out for your best health. Rainy weather for you, snowy/rainy weather for us. Still waiting for a sign of spring. Yesterday afternoon and evening it was so incredibly windy it felt like we a storm was blowing in. A couple of branches fell in my front yard.

    Anne, oh dear, Roy thought it was Sunday? Oops, does that mean he will call again tomorrow?

    Buzz, I hope you are feeling well today. You are always so incredibly busy. I must say I am relieved to have my tax appointment finished. Now just the paperwork in the mail and checks to write. Oh my.

    We have a grief support group at my church. But it is a limited time group. They ran a 13 week program, took a break, and started a second session. One lady who has gone to all of the meetings said there are people who attend who never say a word.

    Need to get up and go!!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi all, I'm wiping away tears, too, SANDY (Yours little boys certainly are just gorgeous!), but I'm afraid I can't ignore totally the politics going on around me, so I watched those incredible young people in Washington, Parkland, Florida, Boston, New York, and other places gathering to make a difference in their lives by getting the NRA out of politics! Our fabulous president would have given his eye teeth to have drawn such a huge crowd for his inauguration! (He claimed his was bigger than Obama's!) . There was one 11 year old from Florida who was so eloquent she amazed everyone. Another 17 year old young woman from California was determined to make us all understand how common gun deaths have become in so many families, and how it never loses the pain! I could not get over how mature every single one of the students was in speaking passionately about making sure our votes count, and how we adults have surely let them down by continuing to vote for Congresspersons who refuse to change gun laws to stop allowing automatic war weapons to be sold to a civilian public. Or vote for new golf clubs over funding public schools! I wish someone could explain to me how a Constitutional mandate for allowing gun ownership for a MILITIA constitutes letting everyone own any kid of gun and as many as they want wherever, whenever and however! And why we are so blind to the actual intent of the NRA, the board of which simply gets rich, richer and richest by stopping any and all legislation regarding gun ownership! Does anyone ever bother to research the people who run the NRA? On a sweeter note, we are being bussed this evening to FAU to hear a contest among student singers for next year's scholarships. The University provided free tickets for their acoustically perfect auditorium. Tomorrow night I signed up for a stone crab dinner, since I have never tasted one! Then I had a nightmare that I kept trying to fit the crabmeat under my eyelids like contact lenses, but they didn't fit! I wonder what a psychologist would make of that !
    PATSY, aside from stating I think you are approaching your recently discovered medicinal changes very rationally, I also want to add how much I admire your area for its values and direction. I wish Florida were a bit less uptight!
    JACKIE, your cruise date is creeping up quickly! If you get an opportunity to take a side trip around Flam up into the glaciers, I seem to recall that being a highlight for me. Of course my memory after 40 years could be fuzzy, but I do think that was Norway, with which I fell in love! ...In answer to your "fair elections" question, don't you have gerrymandering in the UK? Our states have made a mess of "fair elections" since the lines for zones are redrawn every 10 years assuring the party in power will remain in power at least another 10 years! Therefore, Florida, which has more registered Democrats, has an almost completely Republican Legislature, Governor and Justice Department very unrepresentative of the makeup of the state!...How are you enjoying your new garden room?
    ANNE, uneventful days can be safe and happy days! And your salmon cakes would be very welcome anytime. So enjoy Michael!
    I hope LIN is having a wonderful day. Miss her but she is allowed a day off,lol!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member
    I posted just before you Buzz. <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Have a lovely day whatever you get up to!
    <3 Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member
    Happy Birthday Barbie

    All best wishes sent your way. <3<3<3


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Same here. Happy Birthday Barbie,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another day to myself except for my video call with my kids. I have some paperwork to do and figuring out where to order our Easter Dinner. It is just easier than cooking when all we have to do is warm it up. Lot's to do this week including taking the boys somewhere fun tomorrow while Robby is on Spring Break.

    Barbie, hope you have a wonderful birthday and you and Jake can do something you enjoy!
    How is Jake doing after his surgery? And how are the pups??

    Buzz, my granddaughter in Minnesota was among those in Marches. She posted pictures and took some flack from my ex sister in law. She stood up for herself and I am very proud of her.
    I had other friends and relatives in marches as well, hopefully someone will listen to our youth, they seem much smarter than the elders.

    Lin, I know you are at service and very busy, I hope it was as nice as ours was.

    Anne, today is family day for you correct? I hope it is a wonderful day.

    Jackie, did you have your skype call with your friend? How is she doing?

    Patsy, hope all is well in Oregon.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Barbie: Happy Birthday to our dancing sneaker. I know you must love music as much as I do. When you have a dance that you put on YouTube...let us know! Maybe a birthday dance would be appropriate! Many happy regards of the day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The recital was uneven, but the microphones weren't properly adjusted at first. Two of the women were just lovely, were amazingly talented and had magnificent audience composure, with wonderful mezzo soprano range, which is not generally my favorite. I learned later that they were actually voice teachers, ...not students! One girl had a voice like an angel and sang Summertime as well as I have ever heard it, but she could barely walk onto the stage, she was so overweight! I do hope she has a career ahead of her because her voice and style were so professional.
    I finally went to bed as the sun was rising since I thought it made sense to video call my son who is 6 hours ahead so I always get him as he's preparing for bed! We had a great chat and he and his wife are in a play for the next 3 weekends, so I would not have gotten him later anyway! I just hope I'm not too sleepy during our stone crab dinner tonight! so I've been sort of napping/relaxing all day.
    I hope you are all enjoying Palm Sunday.
    Also, is today BARBIE's birthday? If so
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................