Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2018
    BUZZ, when I read about your streak of white hair running backwards in your black, I wondered if you know that is a distinctive feature of the 13th and 14th century Percy family of Northumbria? Harry (Hotspur) Percy, 1st Duke of Northumbria was the most famous. Killed in battle, he is buried in the famous York Minster. Who knows, have you checked your DNA lately? We could be visiting you in Alnwick Castle rather than Florida!

    It rained all day yesterday. Not the gentle rain of heaven, but torrential. Never mind, I cleared all the expired stuff out of the fridge and it now resembles mother Hubbards cupboard. Fortunately that's where Jilly's bones are situated!

    Hoping for long walks today,
    The Percy coat of arms.....just in case Buzz!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We didn't have a pleasant walk this morning George and me because a cold wind and driving rain hit us just as we got out of my car! We were alone so I had thought it a good idea to get to the moors for a good run for George but even he turned round halfway and headed back to the car. The rain has now cleared so I will put a warm jacket on and spend an hour in the greenhouse planting on 6 cherry tomato plants and 50 onions!

    Patsy ~ I love your wonderful memories of a hippy wedding and all that came afterwards which must give you a warm feeling when you look back. Carrot cake and champagne sounds a perfect celebration meal!

    Tomorrow I have an appointment at the eye hospital in Plymouth to check if cataracts can be removed, not before the cruise of course but in the next few months. A friend will drive me there as I won't be able to drive home with drops in my eyes. If I don't check in you'll know my vision is too fuzzy!!

    Happy Wednesday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Good day, well, that is quite the coat of arms. Hummmm, fish?

    Anne, I did not like the sprinkles of gray in my hair but lived as an ash blonde for years so I did not really notice. I developed an allergy to all sorts of hair dyes though (just add it to the list) so had to let it grow out. I had whitish streaks near the front of my head. I called them skunk stripes. I hated them! Over time things have evened out and I ended up with some light some darker but not all white or gray. I am content with it now.

    So bits of space junk will rain down on us. Lovely. Thank you China.

    And the mystery train is no longer a mystery. I couldn’t believe the North Korean left his country for a natter with the Chinese President. But since both are now in essence leaders of their respective countries for life, I guess they had lots to discuss.

    Off to Tai Chi soon. Then a stop for some veggies on Health Market discount day.

    Yesterday I went to one of the county senior/community centers and got signed up so that I will be allowed into programs in any of them. I saw some gals doing crafts. It was time for their break so they asked me to join them and I did. So we sat and talked for quite a while which made a long break for them. Being the new kid, never that much fun is it? Anyway, this center is hosting Tai Chi two days a week for the month of April so I am good to go to that! Different instructor and different style. Should be interesting. The facility I have been going to is a city facility, not associated with the county system. They need more funding so they are going to start charging an annual fee for attending any health/wellness/exercise classes. Interesting.

    Sandy, thank you for the pix. Love those kiddos. They are always adorable. What wonderful creations they were making. Maybe some day they will make something just for you. I would imagine mom wanted to keep these first art works.

    Anne, ick weather for you. We are having our nicest day of the week today I guess. I should stay home and cut down dead stuff but it is still kind of cold out there. Maybe April will bring some warmer weather for those chores? Hello Jilly!!!

    Patsy, division of labor. Love it. Your DH is also an interesting guy. Enjoy your anniversary celebration. As you talked about things to organize, My head is chugging around what I could do with this mess of church records. So far, just chugging and no good ideas. I was going to make one sheet for each member and have a section for former members who have withdrawn their membership but that would be a lot of work since I would have to start from scratch and create a record for each person from these years of records. The information is scattered throughout the records, written down by year of occurrence. And I may not do this for that long and someone else wouldn’t agree with that system and would redo again. Hummm.

    Jackie, any good weather in your neighborhood now? Oh joy, your trip is coming up soon. Lovely, lovely. I would be so excited.

    Buzz, you are busy and now you are a video star too? Wahoo! I hope you got some rest last night. What’s on for today?

    It is late, must zip along.



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I wonder if the fish on the heraldic shield are religious symbols? Fish being the early Christian symbol. But maybe nothing so interesting, Yorkshire and Northumbria are bordered by the sea.
    Everyone so far seem to be having an interesting day, but not me. Jilly's suddenly in season and confined to the back yard for the next 2-3 weeks unless Mike or Mark are around to help me with walks. Send those records around here for sorting LIN, I've time on my hands!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I have errands today including getting a no chip manicure. The statues are done being fired and ready for pickup and I am hoping the rest of my order from JC Penny comes in today. I think I will try to grocery shop for my granddaughter and her boyfriend today to avoid the crowds on Friday. I hope to get this all done before bingo tonight. Once again I am hoping to win that big pot. (one can dream)

    Anne, has your vet mentioned that female dogs not spayed tend to get more bladder infections? The choice of course is yours, I was just curious as to why you don't want her spayed? Please forgive my intrusion.

    Lin, how exciting for you to get signed up at a new center. You do keep yourself busy and I know you love all those activities. Thanks for your kind words about the boys, I am a little bias so I do think they are more than adorable.

    Jackie, good luck with the eye doctor, I have had cataract surgery and it was fairly simple. I unfortunately developed secondary cataracts but that was fixed with laser. If you had it done before your cruise you have plenty of time but I can understand why you want to wait.

    Buzz, your hair is just beautiful. My natural color is a mousy brown thus the highlights. The highlights also give me more body since my hair is so fine.

    Patsy, you certainly are an old soul, your wedding sounds perfect.

    Must get moving.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi SANDY. No intrusion. My friend Janice's little dog has bladder leakage BECAUSE of spaying. She leaks all the time. The vet tells me It occasionally happens apparently. However, we chose not to have Jilly spayed because we have never ever had a female dog spayed going back to my grandads time. We just want to keep her as Nature intended. I'm glad nobody spayed me when I was young, lol. Seriously though, it's no bother. Female dogs keep themselves clean and it just means more time spent in the garden than walks. Not so bad with it being spring and planting/gardening time almost upon us. The main problem appears to be maybe cancer in old age, but then, most elderly cats and dogs get cancer then regardless. Just personal choice in the end. I know these days I'm a rarity!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It isn’t raining! It seems to be a high cloud cover, so maybe no rain today. Still very chilly out.

    Today will be a bit of shopping for a Easter dinner. AND John has an appointment to get the taxes done by our accountant. It is always a relief to get that done and over.

    Anne: your knowledge of English history is remarkable. Jilly will be fine, I am sure. You always keep an eye on her, to discourage boy dogs with amorous ideas. Katie has an enormous back yard to run in but I don’t keep watch over her constantly. I have mentioned our neighborhood dogs, coyotes, etc. having her in heat would be dangerous. A little dog like Jilly is a different matter. Either way there are pluses and minuses. Our vet and the animal rescue organizations are supportive of spaying and neutering.

    Lin: I love that you get out and meet new people. I would love that as well. I seem to stay in touch with the same people. Lethargy and being stuck in a rut is my enemy.

    Jackie: confession time here! I really never walk Katie. We have a ball game in the morning if it isn’t raining, if the weather is bad we have a catch and fetch game down our long hall plus a small ball game in the tv room. The ball game happens also in the evenings. Katie is a high maintence kind of girl. You would really be shocked to see Katie on the leash. She is like a bull dozer straining to go at top speed. I am an old lady with a bad knee and I like to go slow. But I can throw a frisbee and a rubber ball like a pro!

    Sandy: those adorable grandsons are so great. What a lovely relationship you have with your son’s young family. How will the new grand daughter change your relationship? Little girls are a delight. In my opinion, probably not politically correct, there is a world of difference in a little girl’s personality, right from the beginning. Different but wonderful!

    I will dye a few eggs for Easter dinner. John and our son, Damon will get a giggle over finding them Easter morning in a little basket on the breakfast table. Also a small chocolate bunny. Never eat the bunny ears first!!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oops, I forgot my accountant is coming Friday morning and I haven't sorted out my figures yet, other than having stuck them in the proper folder of my accordian file :o . Perhaps I can do it now, though I'm hosting dinner for tonight's speaker, against whom there have been lies and threats against her talking because she discusses current events as they are, and not as some people prefer to see them! I may attempt speaking reasonably concerning having certain residents request another person in addition to tonight's talker so we may be exposed to their preferences as well! Also, I have agreed to make "Certificates of Appreciation" for people who donate to different causes here (all worthy, like a Samaritan Fund, Staff Scholarship Fund, Unexpected Medical Fund for Staff, Bereavement Donations, etc) and since it's been done by our wonderful secretary in the past, there is need for help. Her husband died last week, and now it was discovered she has Cancer of her lymph glands. We are all heartbroken and I feel I want to help however possible. Marty has been like the pillar of strength here, for everyone and every problem, and we all adore her and are very concerned! Of course we don't know yet if she will return to Edgewater eventually, but no one wants to even talk about that!
    ANNE, with all those fish, it's not in my genes!!! I'm trying so hard to learn to like fish, but not really succeeding too well! But thank you for the research! My Dad was born in Jerusalem and my Mom's family was from Riga, so I cannot imagine their forebears found time to dally in Northumbria. I'm just glad they finally found one another in New Hampshire, where my Dad picked Mom up from a fall from the horse that bucked! They both said it was love at first sight!
    JACKIE, within a week of my cataract surgery I was seeing better than my entire life! I got Crystalenses, which have an indiscernible hinge that adjusts to distance, reading, driving, and everything in between! They were well worth the difference! And I think everyone will note what a difference new lenses make regarding colors we haven't realized were tremendously changed through the years! Between the 2 surgeries, I recall looking at white cabinets with each eye closed. The new eye was pure white. The one awaiting surgery was yellow!
    PATSY, so how many years has it been?
    LIN, Honey bun, YOU should charge THEM for sharing your time and knowledge; never mind paying to join! You have SO much to offer!
    SANDY, win, win, win! I hope you get the entire pot!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen......................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Okay Buzz! Here we go! John and have been married 55 years. We were married in a blooming peach orchard in Grand Junction. Colorado. My bouquet was made of small limbs of peach blossoms and other blooming wild flowers. My wedding cake was carrot cake cupcakes. There was a tower of cupcakes for the guests along with a punch made of ginger ale and peach flavored vodka. My dad made the vodka! My dress was a flowered dress my mom made and I had a halo of flowers on my head instead of a veil. Like I said...a hippy wedding. Guitar music, friends sang, and we danced in the orchard. John’s very proper parents were charmed but were totally fish out of water. The wedding pictures were Polaroid snapshots that are so faded they are not distinguishable now. What memories! I knew we would last together even then.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ooh, I do love a love story with a happy ending.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    Ooh, I do love a love story with a happy ending.

    Me TOO!!! <3<3<3<3<3

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Hello again. I just got home from an entertaining class at REI entitled Bigfoot Basics. The guy is a hoot! He taught the zombie survival class I went to what, a year ago? Tonight he was giving basics on items to pack and how to act when going hiking. I always learn something. And I used my dividend to purchase a nice shirt.

    When I got home today, I made a pot of soup and baked a couple of sweet potatoes. I got my tax bundle from the preparer today as well. It is reviewed and ready to mail out. Yippee. I did forget to include one expense item but it was small. I am surprised she did not ask me if I had expense in that line item. Oops.

    Still giggling from the bad but amusing jokes from the class.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I got most of my errands done yesterday except for picking up statues the boys painted and my JC Penny order since it isn't in yet. Today is one of my friend's 75th birthday so we are taking her to lunch. I am skipping my meeting which I rarely do but she is worth it. I won a game at bingo for $100 so the timing was perfect. The big game is now at $4000, so my hopes are still going. My closet light decided not to work, it is on a pull chain and the chain won't budge. I am going to have my granddaughter's boyfriend try to fix it because I don't like to mess with electric. I did tell my landlady and she said to see if he can fix it but if not then she will send a repairman. I am having a hard talking to her lately as she still confuses me about my move out date which as far as I am concerned is the end of August.

    Lin, it sounds like you had a good time at REI besides a good find.

    Patsy, 55 years? to the same man? lol If my first marriage survived I would be married 56 years next October so we are in the same ball field. With Babe it would be 27 years in September but we got married 13 years into our relationship so that is 40 years together.

    Buzz, no wonder you are so tired with all that you do. You are a good person and I hope you are appreciated. You and Lin are very kind and good people.

    Anne, Jilly is so tiny I am sure she doesn't make a mess, Daisy however weighs 106 pounds so kind of glad she is spayed especially living with Babe. lol I am also spayed but for different reasons. lol

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello everybody! Another dreary rainy day, but I'm sort of glad because little Bean doesn't want to go out any more than I do! She is a tiny dog SANDY so no bother at all, she likes the sofa, but it is covered in a sheet and towels on top of that. I had to wash the towels today but really hardly worth it. Just from sleeping because during the day she keeps clean being awake. She may get spayed down the road if she ends up with one of the sons, them being involved with work, but for me being around most of the time, it's no bother. I read somewhere that everything slows down as the dogs age. We will see! She is under 10 lbs I think. Next vet visit we will find out. We have coyotes here as well, PATSY, but they aren't out hunting during the day.

    Golly, I would have been married 62 years if he "hadn't found another and poof he had gone", lol. Actually I'm rather glad he poofed and was gone. A very handsome man but he had a wicked temper. His mom told me he was born in a temper! Mike tells me nothing's changed! We were 17 when we met and followed PATSY and JOHNS path but unlike them it wasn't to be in our middle age. Anyway, I wish him all the best because he must have found ME very trying with the pair of us being opposites.

    And that's about it from yours truly I'm afraid, "nuffing" going on at all to excite everybody,
    Anne and the indisposed one.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Beautiful day today! Partly cloudy coolish, but still very pleasant. Katie and I did my exercises out on the back deck. Katie kept a close eye on the resident crow flock. They comment on every activity. I rather like them. I know, sadly, they are robbing nests like crazy. But it is the cycle of life I guess.

    Taxes are done and paid. Odd...where was that tax break again? I didn’t see it. Once again I fearfully look at the news and try not to get too terrified. Our senators are emailing us daily with the latest. All bad news!
    My advice is just concentrate on Easter, family, chocolate bunnies and carrot salad.

    Our son will most probably not be able to come this weekend. But John and I will celebrate Easter and our Anniversary. Music is such a big deal with us, I want to have a few of our favorites playing during the weekend. We were young married kids when we found Harry Neilson. We loved his musical, The
    Point.” Also that heart breakingly beautiful song, Without You. Also Whitney Houston singing I will a,ways love you!

    Anne: well! Katie is spayed but she can still make world class messes daily. Chewed up sticks, any tissues she can steal, she loves to unroll toilet paper, she loves to chew cardboard, she brings in rocks and dirt on her feet. Like I said, this girl is high maintence! But like you, we love our little lady.

    Sandy: Good idea not to try to fix electrical wiring. Knowing me, I would try, get things totally wrong, get a nasty shock and have to yell for John or call an electrician. I am fearless at times and those are the times I should fear!

    Go forth sweet friends,

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Where does time go? I checked this group today and I had 103 unread messages. Wow.

    We were very busy as we had the five granddaughters for 4 Days. They are 17, 12, 8, 5, and 20 months. Thank goodness for the two older girls as they were so much help with the little ones. Elizabeth put the baby’s bed (a playpen) in her room and put her to bed every night and put her down for a nap in the day. We had so much fun but sure were tired at the end.

    Tomorrow we are heading up to where I grew up for the weekend. My Aunt Suzie is celebrating her 200th birthday on Saturday. She does pretty good, has trouble with her vision, but still loves to laugh. A girl after my own heart.

    So right now I am doing laundry and getting organized.

    Happy Easter.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2018
    Have you read that under armour discloses breach of 150 million myfitnesspal accounts? !!!!!!
    It's on Reuters news page. I gather we should change our passwords. I think I will leave this site for now and join later. Be seeing you. Take care of yourselves. Hugs from
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Yes I saw that. I am not certain of what may be impacted but the horse is out of the barn already. Sigh.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2018
    Oh my, ANNE, and to think I seldom go on Facebook because I don't trust their handling of private information!
    .............................................PATSY and JOHN,...................................................
    .......................... H A P P Y 55th Emerald A N N I V E R S A R Y .........................

    ....................................May all your dreams be fulfilled!.......................................

    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen......................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    Have you read that under armour discloses breach of 150 million myfitnesspal accounts? !!!!!!
    It's on Reuters news page. I gather we should change our passwords. I think I will leave this site for now and join later. Be seeing you. Take care of yourselves. Hugs from

    Since we are not paying members I doubt we are compromised. Just change your password and don’t leave us.