Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Don't know about adventurous, LIN, more like needs must! You are probably right about Jilly not accompanying me in a row boat, and to be honest with the effect on my eye from the vein widening drug, I probably wouldn't see the islands and row straight past to Russia. Neither Jill or I fancy meeting the "Russian bear". Enjoy your Mah Jongg and hope you are top gal!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2018
    Almost missed your post PATSY on the previous page. I remember the gnats in GB but I never encountered a mosquito until I came to Canada. They really plague me and I'm allergic to their bites. I dug up a photo from one of the isles.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Crofters cottage
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    edited March 2018
    Happy Tuesday! Happy First Day of Spring! Someone should inform Mother Nature. I am taking my car in for a front wheel alignment this afternoon and then going to Babe's to figure out why his internet is not working. He, himself doesn't use the internet but I remotely get on his computer so he can watch his granddaughter play softball. It is simulated with a baseball field and their names appear to where they are playing. It explains if it a ball, strike or hit, quite interesting but not like a real game. I tried to get on yesterday but there is no connection so some wire must be unplugged or something.

    Jackie, that must have been very frightening for both of you. I am glad you called for an ambulance and she is where she should be. Her symptoms did sound like a stroke or even Bells Palsy so I do hope she is on the mend. What a terrible time for an emergency to happen, one of your biggest snowfalls. I do take a baby aspirin each day as a preventive. All the pills I take are over the counter but each helps me in a different way. I do believe in medication if it is going to cure me or keep me out of pain, especially after surgery. The only thing I have a problem with is the flu shot which I didn't get this year but that is not to say I won't next year.

    Hi everyone, really need to catch up on some things before taking my car in, so have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh Anne! I think the Outer Hebrides looks like paradise. I absolutely love the crofter’s cottage. I’d move in tomorrow. By the way...what is a crofter?

    Having coffee without cream...bleck! Veggies without salt...double bleck. I must readjust my taste buds. I can still have hot peppers however. Life is good. Tonight I fix salmon and veggies.

    Jackie: isn’t it a Buddhist teaching about when the student is ready, the teacher will come? I think your experience with your dear friend was a teachable moment for me. We eat rather healthy but could really do better. My exercise seems hit or miss. Not my favorite pastime but now it will become a daily ritual. Thank you for sharing. In fact, you all have shared your wisdom and life experiences.
    With grateful affection,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Such a fright, JACKIE! Actually, Pat was fortunate she was with level-headed capable YOU! Had she been alone, who knows what might have transpired? But I am too well aware of how quickly situations can change! I take baby aspirin every OTHER day to help avoid strokes, which are plentiful in my Mother's family; but so are those bleeding strokes in the brain , which leave one a blithering mess, and the doctors don't know any more than I how to avoid both! So I hope I go in my sleep, and trust the paperwork is all prepared!
    PATSY, have more faith in your coping abilities, because I see you coping beautifully, whether or not it's the way someone less imaginative might choose! You are certainly unique and we all cherish that about you! And good luck whatever you decide to do!
    SANDY, your internet knowledge always amazes me! The baseball bit sounds fascinating, even though I can't figure out what it is, lol! Keep us informed regarding your living quarters, OK?
    ANNE, You have the most interesting background, including the Outer Hebrides! I suspect you would not get lost no matter where you might be. Just stay away from those mosquitoes! Strangely enough, I used to fear them in New York, but the only bite I got in Florida was a red ant, before anyone warned me! I swear I saw him open his mouth and bare his teeth before biting my foot. It took 6 weeks to heal!
    I must check my mail, as I could finish the last few days and with all the pleading political mail I receive, I had a huge pile the past few days. But I feel it's really important to let my representatives know how I feel about them selling out the country I love! And today, a few important ones in the Senate finally spoke out against firing Mueller (sp?). I think they are all terrified of big-mouth! Another PlayGirl is coming out with her story. He's just a sleazeball, and we're supposed to respect him? Our leader just congratulated Putin on "winning" his election! Did he use the same company to arrange the election, I wonder? Gotta go before I blow up from apoplexy!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...........................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2018
    PATSY, I understand a crofter is the tenant of a cottage and plot of land on which to grow veggies. Usually tended by women while the men were grazing sheep on common land, fishing, or doing whatever else absent husbands do! One wouldn't be able to exist on the land produce alone. You are of Irish descent and I think the similar lifestyle is what sent many Irish and Scottish folks off to your shores during the potato blight. The islands really appeal to me though because of the Wild beauty and seascapes. I can see you sitting on a headland painting away, hair blowing in the wind, wrapped in a big red plaid shawl and circled by gulls, gannets and puffins. I can see me grubbing in the soil and looking for foundations of Viking cottages, and circled by gulls, gannets and puffins. But these days we'd go home to live in one of the small towns! Can't do without electricity anymore! Maybe in the next life, eh!
    And Patsy, guess what, I eat dinner at lunchtime and I had a little pasta, salmon and veggies in a light creamy sauce. Delicious!
    Please don't blow up BUZZ "they who shall not be named" are not worth it!
    Hugs to all from
    Anne and The Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    At last a bit of routine for George as this morning we walked across fields and round the local woods and after another visit to the hospital yesterday to find Pat cheerful and ready to wow the physio therapist this morning I'm going to spend the day at home. My 20 year old cat Boris is beginning to wobble at times so I was going to take him to the vet to check if it would be kinder to let him go but the earliest non emergency is tomorrow evening so we both have a reprieve! The experts think Pat was having a series of mini strokes that were leading to a major one so yes, she's been extremely lucky. The consultant saw her yesterday and told her she will be ok although her arm might remain weak so she is already doing her own exercises and I will take one of George's small rubber balls in to her so she can sit and squeeze while she rests.

    Juggling medications can be a nightmare Patsy but I get the impression you have a good relationship with your doctor so can tell him your fears and ensure you feel reassured before agreeing to any changes. My friend eats healthily and apparently her heart is strong so who knows but I'm thinking of reintroducing the mild aspirin I used to take so a learning curve for us both! Everything in moderation as granny used to say!!

    Buzz ~ If the Senate is paralyzed out of fear of big mouth then one day they are going to be dragged down into the mire by continuing to condone him so I say let them. It seems one world leader throws away the moral compass and the rest follow but I hold on to the belief that Karma will one day bite them on the backside and each will have to deal with whatever they are arrogantly getting away with.....the lies, murders, corruption, sleaze can't go on forever.

    Thanks to you all for your kind words and encouragement for us both which I will pass on to Pat. It seems she will be in hospital for a while and I can happily add regular visits to my days so long as I avoid the rush hour which was a nightmare yesterday evening but that's another story!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello, time to leave for Tai Chi. Good to read the updates from everyone. We are going to se the sun today. At least for a while although it will remain chilly. Then day after day of rain on tap they say. All better than the poor folks in the Northeast with yet another storm.

    Jackie, with this new Northeaster does that mean it may zip over and cause bad weather for you once again? I hope not. And also wonderful of you to visit your friend and I agree, avoid the times of heavy traffic. I went in rush hour last night to a small library having an evening of coloring and I am not happy in long lines of traffic with frantic lane changing and blocks long backup at a stoplight. Ack. If I go back next month I think I will go early and just spend time at the library. Never a bad thing. As to taking an aspirin, my dad was told to take a baby aspirin every day and he did that religiously. So I think lots of folks do that.

    Anne, I love the beauty I see in so many photos and videos of wild places in the world. They are compelling. But yes, electricity is wonderful! My grandma washed with wash tubs in the basement for years. I would help her when she manually pumped water from her cistern into buckets to fill the rinse tub. That was hard work! No wonder she lived so long. I remember when she finally agreed to electric washer and a dryer. It wasn’t long before my mom and I were there each week to do the laundry for her. We would sit and talk and drink tea while the laundry chugged away.

    Buzz, hello, the news is so toxic for our health these days. Try as I might I still cannot avoid it. And I was a happy girl yesterday, I did win 2 of the 4 Mah Jongg games we played yesterday. One went to the table so to speak, no one could put together a win. The others hate that, I kind of like it. I think of it as fighting to a draw. Haaaa.

    Sandy, did you get things straightened out? The car and Babe’s Internet? Let us know. You are an electronics whiz. It sounds as if you have found a regimen of drugs and supplements that work for you because you are on the go and healthy! Excellent.

    Patsy, life without salt isn’t bad when you are accustomed to it and find alternate seasonings. For people getting off of salt, everyone in my dietary world sings the praises of Benson’s Table Tasty. Far superior to Spike. I order online directly from the company but then I know I like it and don’t mind having a half dozen bottles of it on hand. I run a warehouse in my basement.

    Errands to do after class, later.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Must try the Bensons Table Tasty LIN if I can find it, up to now I've used Spike.

    I'm so glad your Pat is on the mend JACKIE. A lesson for all of us! Awfully young though at 71 did you say? Did you see the young looking 100 year old on BBC? Her sisters are 97 and 94.

    We've just got back from a long walk. Much better than yesterday temperature wise, but still finger tingling at slightly below freezing. Never mind, spring is peeping around the corner.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I got my front wheel alignment and only paid $37 due to a 10% discount and I had what they call Ford dollars that totaled $58. Love when I get a bargain.
    I am sitting most of the day today as Lisa has two doctor appointments. My son is home but will go to her second appointment which is a long ultra sound. She is 35 so they take extra precautions after that age which seems silly to me since a lot of girls aren't even getting married to 35. Better to be safe than sorry so let's pray all is good with the baby girl.

    Anne, I only use salt for cooking but never add any to my cooked food. My blood pressure is good so I think I am safe. Our weather is not spring like but like you I am hoping.

    Lin, I take Calcium with vitamin D, Fish oil, Preservision Areds with lutein (for my macular degeneration) baby aspirin and Align (probiotic) all over the counter but so far it all seems to be working. I did repeat my thyroid test on Monday and it came back normal. Have fun at Tai Chi and glad you finally got to play Mah Jongg and won two games. I did fix Babe's internet it was just a matter of pushing a button on his Netgear. All is good now and ready for the next game whenever that will be.

    Jackie, I am very happy for your friend and glad she is doing well. Scary stuff and yes I agree with Anne, she is young. Just goes to show you that you never know so enjoy life to it's fullest.
    I am glad George got back into his routine, I bet he was confused.

    Buzz, I am trying not to think about my move as yet, it just stresses me. I know my lease is until August 30 so unless she agrees to let me out of it early she is stuck with me until then.
    I am sure we will work together and figure it out. My daughter's MIL sent me an email and this was one of the things in it:

    Time to get moving and grooving.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2018
    My cleaning gal just left and the place looks fresh and new, I got rid of piles and piles of"where does this go?" junk and still there is more to look at and toss! But I can see daylight!
    SANDY, how delightful to see that little whatever with the "Always Believe' Statement, which kind of lifts me up even when I feel the lowest. I really feel your change will turn out to be very much for the best, so try to feel positive about it , if you can!
    JACKIE, what an outstanding friend you are, and how lucky Pat was to have that episode happen while with you! I trust your reaction to our leadership problems is correct! I read today that our beautiful first lady has chosen "Bullying" as her topic for change and while many people are calling her a hypocrite for choosing that subject, I believe she knows exactly what she's doing and it may be her call for help! Her DH is the greatest example of a bully I have ever encountered! I suspect his undoing will be all these women he has "never met"! It's simply coincidence he made them all sign confidential statements!
    LIN, I have been making my own no-salt mixture for years and use it primarily for egg dishes.
    But I will look up your Benson’s Table Tasty to see if it appeals to my taste buds! I never liked Spike or any of the other salt-free seasonings I've bought. ANNE, let us know if you like it, too!
    I think I need a nap, which is something I never take during the day. But I also never get enough sleep, and I'm overwhelmingly tired as I continue trying to type! It's trying to tell me something, lol!
    Last night's piano concert was worth a million ! I've seen this musician every time he comes, and am entranced and amazed by his virtuosity , inventiveness and choices, from Hayden to contemporary jazz! Last night he chose "Variations" from Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Oscar Peterson and Hayden and the entire audience was entranced and enthusiastic; standing ovations!!! He also invented a means of camera catching his hands on the keyboard and displaying the video on the open piano so we can all see his magic! Fortunately, we have a magnificent Steinway Concert Grand for visiting musicians! If you ever hear the name Frederik Moyers, run for the nearest box office! I probably used to hear his father play trombone at Boston Symphony many years ago, so it runs in his family! I think I'll play one of his disks while I try for that nap!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...........................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    A late good morning ladies! We are zipping along here. I am wrinkling my nose at coffee with almond milk. But I am now thinking of finding a protein powder to use in the coffee if I can find one that isn’t a powdered toxic cocktail. Not easy to find.

    We have high thin clouds, sort of chilly but Kate and I were out playing ball in the back yard. It was so chilly I opted to come in for my morning exercise. Okay, I admit it... I am such a wimp! Jackie and Anne would be out charging through the forest, looking for wild flowers.

    Sandy: I also take a handful of various supplements. Some of the same as you take. I always have this odd feeling. Do they help? But I guess I feel uneasy about stopping any of them. My blood pressure is fine. Even if I am the family hysteric, according to John and our son.

    Anne: honestly, if I were younger I would move to one of those beautiful islands. Our whole family would love it as well. Son, Damon would be figuring out how to get the internet. John would be figuring out how to run all his power tools and I would want amazon delivery.

    Lin: your grandmother sounded like mine. My gran even ironed pillowslips, cup towels, and underwear, while singing at the top of her voice. She was just outright demented. A beautiful charmer but she resisted anything that smacked of modernization. We were all crazy about her!

    Jackie: I think sometimes these health issues just happen! Genetic predisposition is certainly a factor. I am convinced that our pets are the best medicine we have. If we are truly connected to them, we do things that that keep us healthier as we care for our beloved animals/birds/fish.

    Movie review...watched part of The Shape of Water. Couldn’t finish it because the physical torture of the creature was just too upsetting. It was a remake of the old movie, The Creature from the black lagoon. The art direction was wonderful. Sally Hawkins was a charmer. The story just got a bit gagging with violence. The sexual part wasn’t over the top, but sometimes made me a little uneasy. We had to ditch it because of the torture and read the conclusion on Wikipedia.
    Tip toeing through the tulips,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I just ordered the Benson's Table Tasty Salt Substitute and for almost $10.00 a bottle, I hope it's better than Costco's substitute, which doesn't taste like salt at all! In fact, it just sits in my pantry almost as full as the day I bought it! Just seems to leave seeds in my mouth. Will let you know if I like it, though it takes too long shipping it to try in my Passover Seder Chicken soup. I think soup is where I most miss salt! And oh, yes, on the 31st, Edgewater is making a fabulous meal, the 2nd Seder, for everyone who would like to attend. The following day is, of course, our wonderful Easter Dinner! We do get to celebrate everything here!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Good morning, yes, time to leave once again. Looks like there will not be sunshine here today. Darn. Still calling for a rainy week with bits of snow perhaps. Winter coat stays with me!

    Buzz, I hope you like the Benson’s Table Tasty. I don’t like the Costco version of salt free seasoning and have never liked Spike either. The two I like are Penzey’s Salt free Mural of Flavor and the Benson product. But most others I am in touch with who are striving to be salt-free, prefer the Benson product to all others. Our church normally has one Seder supper as a teaching opportunity but it has not been mentioned this year so I am guessing once again we do not have enough people willing and able to help.

    Patsy, ah, yes, memories, my grandmother ironed pillow cases and sheets and towels. She didn’t mind ironing at all. All summer long she would have the windows open, a box fan running and she would be humming as she stood barefoot as she ironed and made herself even hotter as steam rose from the linens. Spending time with her was the greatest joy of my life.

    Sandy, what a great deal on the car service. Wahoo! I love a bargain, particularly at a car dealership although the best I can usually do is a coupon for a few dollars off a particular service. And those do not come my way often. Yes, we do need to cherish every little thing each day. Good to be reminded.

    Anne, spring is around the corner but the corner seems to be further away than I’d anticipated. Haaaaa. I hope you and Jilly are well today.

    Hi Jackie and George!


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Spring IS around the corner, the crocus are blooming, the tulips leaves appearing and on our walk this morning a woodpecker loudly knocking on the old maple at the back. Beautiful day, a little cool!

    Oh dear, I iron pillowcases! I like ironing pillowcases! Definitely a throwback, me! I even iron cotton hankies! There HAS to be someone else out there who enjoys seeing lovely smooth fabric appearing after the wrinkles! You can THINK when you iron and smooth any cares away!

    Yes, Jill and I are full of the joys of spring. She had a marvellous day yesterday, Mark came over in the afternoon for a visit, and then a huge surprise, Michael turned up in the evening clutching a very large bag of frozen peas and a very large bag of frozen green, white beans and carrots for me to try. All from Costco. HUGE. Should keep me going until mine in the garden are ready in fall! He also struggled in with toilet tissue which should see me out! Where to put them all, especially the toilet paper. The fridge freezer is full. Of frozen veggies I hasten to add!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) This is the day that completely gets away from me. Went to my meeting and then for hot chocolate before getting gas for my car. It is already dinner time and I do not know where the day went.

    I iron nothing unless it is absolutely necessary. I take my clothes right of the dryer so they don't get wrinkled and the sheets I use don't seem to wrinkle. I know I am lazy but if there are wrinkles I will iron or steam them.

    I have lots of printing to do for my meeting next week so I will be back in the morning.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    I took Boris to the vet to check if he is alright to be pottering about with little sight and stiff limbs. I really was expecting he be put to sleep but after a long chat about options and her reassurance that he will continue to cope just fine in his own environment with lots of senses other than vision I've brought him home together with a gentle pain relief and let's see if some of those stiff joints ease. If he seems ok in a week I will take him back for a blood test to check his kidneys. Good news too from the hospital front where Pat has been tested by the occupational therapist to make sure she can cope with stairs and steaming kettles. Yes is the answer to that so with a file as thick as a major novel she is to be signed off tomorrow and notes transferred as an out patient at her local hospital. Her son will travel by train to me and we will then come up with a plan to get her home. The conclusion.... high blood pressure and stress are to blame so she must alter her lifestyle.... we'll see!!

    Definitely no sign of Spring here apart from a few primroses sitting up in the hedgerows. We have a cold wind and that awful freezing drizzle that puts even George off going outside.

    Buzz ~ That's Piglet with Sandy's lovely quote and above, Winnie the Pooh's best friend!! The other day I came upon a you tube video of your First Lady giving a speech on the efforts needed to help so many that are dealing with drug addictions in your country and probably for the first time realised what a genuine person she is and I've a feeling one day she will find the strength to walk away. Many commentators here observe that any other President would have been forced to stand down by now with so much sleaze surrounding him but since America knew what it was getting when voting him in no one can be too surprised!! The erratic time bomb continues to tick!!

    Patsy ~ The Shape of Water? Thanks for the review which has me thinking it's a movie for me to avoid because I find as I get older I deal less and less with senseless violence in scenes... definitely not for me! Funny you should mention the healing qualities of pets. Pat has never warmed to having any sort in her home and physically moves away if one of mine even looks in her direction but George broke down that barrier the first time they met and is literally the first dog she ever stroked. When she first felt unwell he lay at her feet and wouldn't move.... seemed to know she was in trouble, now she says she loves him so I guess it's never too late!!

    Anne ~ You can't beat a strong Cornish wind to blow those creases out of any washing, that's my excuse anyway!

    Nearly midnight so time for my bed.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Iron? What's that? My clothes are all iron free, or I use those pant creasers that dry them so beautifully. All clothing comes out of the dryer just before dry, and hung to finish, even linen
    so I never use an iron. My pillowcases are satin iron-free. I do have a steamer, which I seldom need. Still, I run out of time every day. Today was much too much:starting off with a Director's meeting, then a special luncheon honoring those who donated $10,000 to our Good Samaritan Fund, but everybody was invited . After that I attended our volleyball practice and I surprised myself and everyone else! Just the walk between my apartment exhausts me, though, and I try to do as much as possible at each destination. I recall thinking the distance would be enforced exercise, but I was 5 years younger! I came up after dinner to try to catch up on the news, but shortly after sitting, I fell asleep. I must get to bed earlier tonight, too. The news was depressing, as HE is filling his new cabinet with some of the worst hawks from years past!
    JACKIE, I hope your friend has learned a lesson or 2, an will take better care of herself, and how nice to be assured Boris can comfortable despite his age and infirmities! And your reassurances about our future aren't helpful when Bolton (remember him?) has been selected to be head of Security! The only hope is that if the orange wonder follows his usual tradition, Bolton should get fired by next midweek. Yes Melania seems to be more concerned about things other than herself,- more so than the rest of his clan!
    SANDY, LIN, PATSY, ANNE, I just woke with a start to a black screen and my post empty and I cannot think straight, so forgive me, but this time I was lucky to get my post back after continuously tapping Control + z. I may not be so lucky next time. You know I love you all!
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...........................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Just a few moments before I must get going...first note to Jackie. I firmly believe we didn’t really elect DJT. I believe he was planted in office by others. They were assisted by a small hapless group of folks who have felt ostracized for years. We didn’t get what we wanted or voted for. That’s just my opinion and my sad conviction about things here. We do have a group of terrified politicians who enable this bully. The way things work here lets these criminals stay in power way too long. If you were to hear our news on TV and hear the constant analysis of this current administration, you could see that as a nation we are in a state of frenzy. How? Why? Who? We also recognize that the world looks at us and wonders why don’t we DO something. The answer is we are trying!!!! We will be doing something. It will not be fast enough for me.

    Our Oregon senators are on every committee humanly possible. Their newsletters are full of concern and detail every effort. I sound upset because....well, as you already know, I am upset at almost every aspect of this administration. I tell myself to just relax and not get too concerned about what is happening in Washington. But I feel we must act.