Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm considering the outer Hebrides PATSY as a future abode. But I'd probably need a rowing boat to get there! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello, what a pile of hail we received last night. Thunder storm, wind, just general craziness. I guess that matches the rest of world events? I received a package today with my half year supply of vitamins and special salt free, oil free, sugar free (added that is) of ketchup, vegan mayo, and a Tex-Mex sauce. I couldn’t believe it arrived so quickly. I expected it next Tuesday. I guess they are trying to keep up with M&S? Haaaaaa. Anyway, all unpacked and put away. I also want to work on this week’s journal page and hunted for hours to find supplies that might replicate what the instructor was showing (much too quickly) but since she lives in another part of the world, I gave up. I am just going to do a colorful page with what I found. All I hope to do is please myself. That should be easy but is far from a sure thing. Some watercolor is drying right now.

    Patsy, I am glad your knee is doing a bit better today. May that continue as a daily trend! <3 Deciding where to live can be difficult. I have several friends who have had health issues lately. One has a son and family who live in the area but they really didn’t do anything to help out. They brought over the grandchildren twice. I guess they thought their dad could do everything she would need. But they never asked. Her DH cannot hear well and had no idea of how to care for her. The other lady has a progressive illness and has two children, one lives in-state, the other on the West Coast. They do FaceTime regularly but again, there will be no help from the children as they are busy raising their own families. I was raised to drop everything and help. But I see proximity does not necessarily lead to more closeness.

    Okay, I will stop now. I am just an observer who always thinks having family must be better than not having any but it’s not necessarily true. Problem with being raised during Father Knows Best and Leave it to Beaver generation.

    Sandy, what turmoil in your living arrangements. I am sorry. This place seemed like a good fit for your needs. I pray there will be somewhere equally suitable that emerges.

    Anne, wow outdoor work! Your weather must have settled down. We still have no greening of the grass or flowers yet. Maybe I will wake up one morning and spring will have arrived.

    Jackie, gosh, your friend is quite courageous. I would have said sorry, I will visit another day. Hope all is well. Soup sounded yummy.

    Well, time to sip the tepid tea and move along.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Although I am not Irish I am meeting friends for corn beef and cabbage so I will wear my green shirt with some funky green jewelry. I loved being with the boys yesterday, I didn't have time to think about moving. Today I am a little depressed with thinking about it, but will let it go. I am going to trust that God will handle this for me and make it an easy transaction.

    Anne, there is no way in hell (excuse my language) that Babe would sell his house and move with me to Florida. As Buzz said his son controls his life and for me it is too late. I have no desire to move back with him and have any part of his family. I do forgive them for our situation but prefer the detachment and being alone.

    Patsy, sorry about your knee, I have two bionic knees so before my surgery I had very painful knees. I hope you just sprained yours and will mend quickly. And yes the spider was cute, I am glad Lin posted.

    Jackie, my landlady said she is giving me 60 days notice but at the same time said if I move before she is ready to move in I still have to pay her rent. Since my rent pays her mortgage she needs my checks but I also told her I can't afford to pay rent to two places. None of this is making much sense to me so I will have to clarify it with her to make sure I understand. First of all she didn't give me notice in writing and secondly my lease doesn't end until the end of August so I think I am good until then unless she lets me out of my lease. Confusing? Think how I feel. I hope your friend made it there without incident.

    Buzz, you hit the nail on the head, although I have no intention to moving to Florida at this time. I think it would be wonderful but I just would miss my grandsons too much and with the new baby girl coming in July I just couldn't leave.

    Lin, thanks for posting the spider and for understanding my situation. Loving your post on Facebook all beautiful pictures.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just adding my 2 cents for what it's worth; I think the brazenness of this White House is bound to turn on itself eventually. Won't other workers or staff begin to wonder about the safety of their own jobs? Congress seems terrified to move for fear of tweets! Why, if nothing transpired, was it necessary to sign confidentiality papers in the 1st place? Why doesn't my country fight back on all the con-artistry happening at various top levels? Well, perhaps I'm just having a nightmare!
    So, seeing an adorable movie that brought me back to Venezia helped me through the afternoon. A bit slow at the start but becoming more delightful and funny as it progressed, it starts with a classical bus tour in Italy, and a wife misses the bus when her ring falls into a toilet, and from there on, I loved it! The name is Bread and Tulips, and I left with a huge grin, so it was worth a couple of hours of NO TV!!!
    Well, it's dinnertime, and I'm wearing green but the menu says sauerbraten and I was looking forward to the traditional corned beef and cabbage. Brussel sprouts and bacon just don't seem right! I'll attempt to get back later. HUgs and XXXXs everybody
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen! :s .............
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I was right; sauerbraten will never be a replacement for corned beef and cabbage. I barely ate yet i was too full at the end of the meal whatever that means, and tomorrow is a huge buffet at noon. Who cares? I'm not hungry!
    SANDY, I don't think your landlady has a leg to stand on regarding less or more than the 60 days. She is breaking the lease (is there anything written in the actual lease?) that runs to August and I don't think she can charge you for more time than you remain, and if you do not move prior to August, I doubt she can throw you out! She would have to get a court order and it could take many months before a court date and it would cost her more than her mortgage to do this since you would have already moved by the end of August and she'd be stuck with the cost of the court date and no tenant to throw out! It's unpleasant, but perhaps she will discuss it in a non threatening manner so you can remain on good terms.
    LIN, I recall how available you were for your Dad, despite his being incapable of feeling appreciation. That was so sad, but typical of dementia! You were a wonderful daughter. Every family handles aging parents differently. Mike and I made our decisions based on looming age and the desire to not burden children (who are close to your ages!) who do not live close. We are Floridians, whereas they live in Virginia, NY, Germany and wherever they might land next move. All are busy people and we love one another but evidently do not need to be close by (at least not so far!). My dear sister, on the other hand, moved to Colorado and loves being physically close to 2 of her 3 kids,(both very controlling, but my sister has learned to roll with their decisions!) and a huge bunch of grandchildren, great grandchildren (Her son-in-law married into her family with 5 children, now grown, married and very productive!) We are both happy with our choices, though now they are beginning to look for a place like mine and finding they don't exist in a lifetime care form! CCRC(Continuing Care Retirement Community) has tremendous advantages over rental communities, including large tax advantages.
    PATSY, good luck with the knees. I remember when SANDY had her surgery, and her recovery was amazing! I am now bone on bone, and I can always predict weather changes!
    ANNE, where the heck ARE the outer Hebrides?
    I'm afraid to go back to the former page, and I recall JACKIE"S lovely long post but not the details, so hugs, dearest JACKIE, and I'll make up for it!
    <3 Buzz
    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen! .................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    BUZZ, just going to bed, but the outer Hebrides are far, far north, Scottish islands. Harris tweed comes from one of them. Windswept and beautiful, low on population unless you are a puffin or seal colony, and the archeologists are digging up Viking settlements. Definitely not Florida!

    Night, night,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2018
    SANDY, take note of what BUZZ writes. Did you prepay the last months rent when you became a tenant? This means if you give 3 months notice you live the last month free because you've already paid. However, if you leave earlier than the three months the landlady can keep that months rent. That's how it works here. Don't be rushed into something for your landladies convenience! You need time to think things through and to find another desirable residence. Make sure the family are behind you on this so you are not pressured. Very wise to trust the Lord, he always comes through for me when I have a tricky situation to deal with. All seems lost and then the light bulb suddenly comes on! The very best of luck and know we are all behind you in thought.
    Another busy day and then relief next week. Nothing drastic this week, just family chores etc. I went into the garden again for another hour or so of tidying up. I love gardening, but the body is starting to protest. I suppose one day I will be reduced to plant pot gardening. Jilly had a marvellous time. She loves the great outdoors and yapped at every passing squirrel, dog and person. Then she went to bed early which gave me peace to watch the TV which turned out to be lousy so I read instead!
    I guess JACKIES friend showed up in the snow. Enjoy your week Jackie! LIN will be getting ready to greet her friends at church. I wonder what PATSY and JERI are up to a few days before spring springs officially on us?
    Family day for me,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Stayed out way to late last night. After dinner we played some slot machines till the wee hours of the morning. We were drinking water so no danger of impaired driving.
    When I go to bed so late (or early) I have a hard time sleeping plus I think stress is a factor.
    So I got up at nine and went back to bed at ten and sleep until noon. I will go to a 6:00 Mass later at a different church.

    I did not mean to make it sound like my landlady was being nasty, just confusing. She knows my lease is up in August but one of the guys in the office has two condos he rents out and she said they are more upgraded than mine. He is on vacation until after Easter but I did say I would like to see it and so would she. If the timing is right and he is willing to wait until my lease is up or at least the end of July then she could use my security deposit for August. I will not move unless I find the right place with no additional expenses on this place. She is working with me and I think she understands the lease.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

    P.S. Buzz how do you stay up all night and function the next day? I can't wait to go to bed tonight. lol
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Great news SANDY, very pleased for you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello friends. All the hail has melted now. Smile. Now hopefully some warmer weather will be headed our way soon. Good service at church today and I got an opportunity to talk to several people after services without having to clean up communion! Yippee! I did not have to do anything to prepare it either. Just heaven to get a week off! I love these ladies, I wish they would do a couple of months. But I am day dreaming, I will be back to the communion trays soon enough.

    Sandy, thanks for the clarifying but your lease is up in August and no matter what, it looks like you will not receive a renewal right? So you will be moving, it is just a question of when. Again, I hope you find the perfect place. Hugs.

    Anne, I hope your family day is going well. After all the garden work yesterday, I think you deserve a day of rest! We can count on you for lots of knowledge my friend. I have never noted exactly where the Outer Hebrides are located. I should have guessed. But altogether too cold for me!

    Buzz, yes, I was available for my dad and for most of my life also for my mom through her various hospitalizations and recoveries. That is what I think is normal. Wow, I am so wrong.

    I hope to get a few things accomplished before joining the Facebook live this evening. I joined a cozy mystery online event last week and won a book. How exciting. I was just notified and have sent my mailing address along as it is a physical book, not a Kindle edition. Wahoo!

    Jackie, hello. Hope all is well with you and George.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, where did it say I function??? If I'm online, I seem to lose all track of time til it's suddenly almost time to get up, instead! I'm glad your landlady hasn't suddenly changed from being so nice. And who knows, you may find a new place right there even nicer than your current place.
    ANNE, I have learned to listen to my body, which seems to send new signals much more often these days! My walk to the elevator seems longer every day!
    LIN, I trust that whatever you produce will be exciting and represent your love of creating vibrant new works. Were you always so productive?
    JACKIE, did your friend arrive safely in the snow? Aren't you terrific having that nice warm pot of soup ready for her!
    PATSY, I hope the knee is improving. I've had those series of shots a number of times, but in truth don't think they made any difference .
    We just had a false fire alarm, but thought it was a real fire alarm, and I knew I could not get down 3 flights of stairs dragging my walker. Then they forgot to announce it was false!
    Watched Wonderwheel this afternoon a Woody Allen movie with Kate Winslet and John Belushi...I left shortly after the unsatisfying end of the picture; was over! Just like that!
    If you are a follower of Woodie, see it. Otherwise, It seemed too conrrived
    I might actually have supper now. I generally forget about Sunday supper until it's too late to eat!
    <3 Buzz

    ..................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen! .................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi everyone. Today we talked on the phone all day it seemed. Our son and our daughter. I am still limping around and not very happy about it. Also got a phone call from my doctor on Saturday morning and he wants me to start taking a blood thinner. That is terrifying! I read all about them and that is a scary life altering drug. I will now see a cardiologist for some official diagnoses. I will make whatever lifestyle changes necessary to avoid these drugs if I can. Scary times here!

    Buzz: I do generally like Woody Allen movies. He does occasional really put out a royal stinker however. We are looking forward to “The Shape of Water.”

    Sandy: sounds like you might be finding another nice condo. Too bad you can’t buy something. I guess the interests are still low. It has been so long since we have bought a house or moved, I am not sure I know how to move anymore.

    Lin: I had the same family background. When family was sick or in trouble, we can running at full speed. I don’t regret one minute of that. We were close and the ties that bind were strong. Times were different then. Now I want to be as independent as possible. I guess we all feel that way.

    I am feeling rather anxious about health issues. I want to understand what my options are. I worry about overburdening John. As you can see, we are facing a few challenges.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, and we've swung back to way below temperatures again. What a Yo yo season. To think I was gardening two days ago, and now it's minus 6!

    PATSY, what a dilemma. I hate drug taking and after the disastrous results of 9 years ago (the blind spot in my left eye from broken veins, still with me, and the same problem in my nose from a massive vein breakage which landed me in emergency) I've not been to a doctor since in spite of her telling me I was in imminent danger of keeling over from a stroke 9 years ago! However, not everyone has my situation and so I hope you come to a resolution soon.

    In the meantime Mark went off to the gym yesterday and he said the place was full of coughing, sneezing, nose blowing people and so he expects to get a bad cold any day. Honestly, you go to a gym to be healthy I thought. Then Mike informed us yesterday that after blood work he is pre type 2 diabetic! He's now got to stick to a Mediterranean diet so I've given him one of my old health books. "Optimum Fitness". At 82, touch wood, I seem to be the fittest, lol. I can't think of anyone in our clan who had type 2 diabetes! Or any diabetes. Hopefully he can get back to the normal range. Not easy living alone and a very busy job.

    Talking of clans LIN you are not alone, in our age group anyway, in looking after our older folk. It was expected and mainly done because we loved our elders. It is the normal thing to do and you were exceptionally a very good daughter. God bless you for it.

    Jilly is looking hopeful for a walk but it will be noon before we venture far and a reasonable 0 or 32F. Beautiful blue sky, very deceptive.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Just stopped in to say hi. I wish I could get better Internet here but we will put the house up for sale in may and I will make sure I get intetnet. I get it but it takes 1 hr to get on so I just cancelled it. I need a new computer too.

    So my up date: busy as ever with church activities, senior citizen things, I also play yahtzee with some 90 year old ladies and it's fun. I volunteer all the above so busy is me.
    I also quilt every day as I am making baby quilts and doggie quilts and beds for donation to new babies and our families dogs and mine. Life is good.

    Although I don't post here often I am on weight watchers and slowly losing but losing again. I have had stomach issues for years and finally going to the doctor Thursday.

    I go to the library 1 time a week so I will try and check this site out when I'm there. Until then have a good day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi Chris! Great to hear from you. Not having reliable Internet is a huge obstacle so I am glad you updated us. Busy! Very busy but what a lot of good you are doing.

    Anne, I hope you are not freezing this evening. It warmed enough today that I pushed my trash cart out with my flannel shirt but no coat. But that was a short time outdoors. Yes, it is terrible to run into peop,e who are ill. Yesterday the message was given by an elder who had such a horrible case of the fl a few weeks ago. He spent lots of time wiping his nose with a tissue and sipping water. After the service he told me he was ill with a sinus infection and still was not feeling well even though he had been taking antibiotics for a few days. Yipes. This guy is usually impervious to the bus that go around. I hope your son stays well.

    Oh, and I met the newest puppy in the Neighborhood this afternoon. They have had the tiny tyke for a week and her name is Skye. They have no idea how large she’ll be but she is a cutie now except she is grabbing everything she can get and tries to swallow it. Sound familiar? This lady has her hands full with not just the puppy but two pre-school toddlers. Ooooh. I would imagine her husband is happy to be the one working with all the energy with kids and puppy.

    Patsy, I am afraid I too would be anxious but I am always anxious about anything related to health or problems with my house or broken cars or problems with electronics......I guess just about everything. I hope you find a resolution that is satisfactory to you and to your health care provider. I am known as a non-compliant patient. If he told me to take the medication, I would likely say no and he would say you will die and then he would walk away because really, I am horrible to deal with when it comes to medications and shots of all kinds.

    Buzz, I am sorry about the fire alarm. When I was working in a high rise office building we had required fire drills. I was happy to have them actually as I was always nervous being in a building up 25 floors or so where not only did windows not open but no ladders could reach you. So it is important to know what you are supposed to do if it is for real. We had to carry people down the stairs if possible or if you were a floor monitor, you had to stay with people who could not walk the stairs until help arrived. Everyone went down a few floors and stayed in the stairwells and the fire personnel moved upward in the building moving people down. Did not want a rush of people jamming up the stairwell or possibly hurting each other.

    I am going to move along now. We are going to try to play Mah Jongg tomorrow. Yippee!!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Have the colors been changed on this page? My Reply window is yellow tonight, and I hate to think I was simply unobservant in the past!
    I'm finally getting to some of my paper "piles" of stuff I hang onto because I never know where to save the unfinished or not quite reached the end of my newspapers or magazines, or heaven forbid, I didn't get to the daily Jumble or Soduko puzzles and we NEVER throw those out... do we? I have them way down, found papers to shove into my tax collection (I must finish that this week!) including receipts for donations made to victims of several disasters that did not have the amount on them. So my time is running out faster than I had hoped and I still haven't finished! So many people here brag about how wonderful their children are to take over all their bills, bookkeeping, banking, etc. and I gulp and cringe when I hear that. I can't conceive of burdening my kids with that! They have their own things to take care of! I just wish I were more organized more frequently. I always start the year with the best of intentions...until I run out of space, binders, files etc., and then it runs away from me! I didn't even bother to go down to dinner this evening because I just want to finish clearing up! I treated myself to frozen Haden Mangoes from last summer. Still delicious but not quite the same as fresh.
    PATSY, I re-started my baby aspirin again, but 1 every other night, despite being told to take it every night. WHen I run out of breath, I stop whatever I'm doing and breath deeply while resting until I feel a bit stronger. It's frustrating, but Ifind medications all have some side effects I don't like, so I just try to keep meds to blood pressure control and restless leg syndrome relief. I pretty much ignore what I can!
    ANNE, I wish I could send some sunshine to you. Your March has been brutal! And I hope your kids stay well! I used to worry about all the germs left on equipment at gyms. No one bothers to wipe clean the piece they sneezed or sweated all over!
    CHRIS, keep up all those wonderful things you are doing. Especially the little quilts! The lucky kids who receive them will treasure them for life!
    I'm making too many mistakes so I 'll take the hint and get some sleep.
    .................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen! .................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning dear friends. I've just sat quietly catching up with your posts before regaling the events that hit my friend and I yesterday although actually starting Sunday night. First though, a photo of my garden on Saturday before the Beast from the East sent yet another blizzard our way that dumped over 6" of snow in a couple of hours!!
    It's a story of lessons to be learned and never being too late to take stock of our lives and recognise we aren't 20 anymore especially since I've read your posts and see coincidences in stories of medical dilemmas!
    My friend Pat arrived along with the snow and we had a great afternoon catching up in front of the fire. On Sunday we woke up to a huge dumping of snow so my neighbours kindly offered to take George out for his walk although I think they secretly wanted to go and explore the moors and snowdrifts! All was fine until that evening when Pat said she felt a strange tingling in her face, then her fingers and toes. We did the classic stroke test but that didn't seem to indicate one and as we knew a paramedic would struggle to reach us I gave her an asprin and suggested an early night. No better in the morning we phoned our NHS helpline describing all her symptoms and they said they would send an ambulance. What happens first is a paramedic in a car and she duly arrived after about and hour and a half having struggled to reach us and said she thought it could be a mild stroke so called for an ambulance but then took Pat's blood pressure..... 204 over 143!!! Another call was then made for urgent assistance and 10 minutes later an ambulance arrived. Pat is now in hospital and I followed on an hour later once many of the roads were cleared. 20 miles away in the city not a flake of snow to be seen!! Anyway Pat was sitting up in the emergency department after an MRI scan chatting to the nurses and feeling she was in good hands so after a couple of hours I headed home again because she has stayed overnight for observation. Hopefully I can pick her up either today or tomorrow and her son will travel by train from London so he can collect her and her car and drive her home, no doubt with a prescription for blood thinners!
    Why I've told you all this is because I am aware Pat has had a few chats with doctors over the past couple of years about lifestyle and perhaps taking medication that might ward off such events but of course we all feel we don't want to go down that route don't we. At times we have to take stock and funnily enough we were doing just that on Sunday afternoon when Pat was thinking she should cut down hours in her part time job. She'll be 71 next week but charges about like a teenager, mostly for other people and I was saying she needs to look after herself too so maybe this was the little warning she needed and thank goodness it wasn't a whole lot worse. What we put in ourselves is a personal choice and I'm the first to avoid any chemical substances even if in pain but as a doctor told Pat yesterday, medical treatments have advanced tremendously in the past 10 years. Try not to be too scared Patsy but instead investigate all options and know your doctor will be doing his best for you.

    It was lovely to catch up with all your posts and I was relieved to read Buzz's concise advice about renting property and leases. We'll be stopping off at the Outer Hebrides on our way home from Norway so I'll take a few photos of properties Anne might like to retire to along with the sheep!!
    Time for a calming shower then make sure the hens are ok before walking George. I'll let you now how the week progresses when I can.

    <3 Jackie
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh my goodness JACKIE, what a sad thing to happen and in the middle of the Beast from the East! I do send your friend a wish for a speedy recovery and a safe journey home. It must have all been very traumatic for you as well and I hope you are taking care of yourself!

    The photos will be something to look forward to of crofts in the outer Hebrides! Both my Paternal great grandmother and my Maternal Great grandfather hailed from that region before both independently trekked down to Yorkshire and met their partners. Thus making me a Yorkshire "Rose". Some Rose!!! Maybe that's why I have a love for my morning porridge and weekly dose of fish! Never thought of that before, maybe in the genes? I like Yorkshire pudding as well, mmmm!

    Well having eaten my porridge and....... Jilly also had her usual small scoop,
    I'll turn on the tap for my morning bath and let it trickle in whilst I do the dishes. It fills eventually the old tub, and you can see I am well suited for wind swept croft living and water from the well!
    Hugs to all,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Hello, time to be on my way soon. Looking forward to seeing my Mah Jongg friends again. It’s been too long.

    Buzz, I thought I had everything sorted for my taxes when I started to receive email questions last evening from my preparer. I spent the rest of the evening researching responses and emailing back and forth with her. I hope we are done now and just have the final phone appointment later in the week. So good luck my friend, it seems taxes can present challenges.

    Jackie, what an experience. Good for you to keep your head. You provided excellent help in the circumstances. So, yes, lesson learned. Nothing is fool proof of course and everyone’s different. I hope your friend gets home safely and that no additional storms are on the horizon. Hello George! And I hope you and all your household are well.

    Anne, you do come from a line of very hearty and adventurous people. I don’t think Jilly would want to move though so best to stay where you are?

    Must move along now my friends.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good early morning. I always think of Anne and her early mornings. I fear I just can’t stay up until after midnight and still get up early. Something needs to be adjusted. I would love to get up early as a habit. But not to be I think.

    I waver between yea and nay on the blood thinner. Yes, drugs for that health issue have changed in recent years. But the side effects are often lethal themselves. They alter your life and in my case, could present a whole new set of problems. I think a visit to a specialist is in order. A life change is possible and certainaly something I will immediately undertake. But I might need to take more and different meds. More challenges!

    When we lived in Alaska, the bush villages were often on the shores of the Arctic or Bering Sea. The beaches were big stones instead of sand. The water was mud colored. The Arctic is not as picturesque as you might guess. I can’t describe the winters. They were not as dark, even in the middle of that long Arctic night. We loved/hated Alaska. Summers were magical. We never slept. Stores were open 24 hours a Day. Little kids were up playing outside at 2 and 3 in the morning. The mosquitos! They were called the state bird. With good reason. Is this like the Outer Hebrides?

    I have much to be grateful for and a lifestyle change isn’t too big a deal.
    Thanks everyone for your help. I am a ninny at times. As they say...time to put on my big girl pants and get busy.