Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2018
    Just a quick note from me before we take off for the day. Things livening and waking up around here! Mark and Mary Jo back from their vacation hopefully, Michael with a life changing business meeting, and etc etc.
    Those fighter jets fly up the East coast as well JACKIE. Remember them well.
    I heard Donald's sacked Tillerson. Is that right? Reminds me of the red queen in Alice in Wonderland - "off with their heads".
    Poisoned spies in the U.K. And poor people who helped them now fighting for their lives! The UKs Johnson gives Russia until midnight to explain. Then what!!!
    Scruffs friends in season. Jilly about to be.
    Chinese food blamed for high salt content. Now there's a way to follow in Genghis Khans footsteps. Peacefully you might say. Too fat and wobbly to stop a take over rather than a take away?
    The world continues on its merry way!
    Me too.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Where does the time go. I get so caught up in things and poof it’s the next day.

    Still helping Ed with his computer. It was a challenge to move photos from his iPad to his Windows 10 computer. You used to be able to just plug in your device and down load from it. Nope, not like that anymore. But I did find an app that sorts pretty good. I sat at his computer with him all after noon working at getting his stuff organized. Wish mine was as organized. Lol

    We went to one of our granddaughter’s Spring Calgary Girls Choir concert. It was fun and then Mel and Sean invited us back to their place for supper. What a lot of fun.

    Our oldest granddaughter Elizabeth is graduating from high school. Ed and I gave her $300 towards a grad dress and she was so happy. How can she be that old.


    Got to run.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    My post did not post. I did win some money and hope to keep that streak going. Having a great time but not getting enough sleep.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited March 2018
    Sunny and cold once again. So deceiving. It looks lovely so I don’t want my gloves etc but then going outside reminds me, nope, not warm yet. I made my little tour of stops this morning, TJ’s, Whole Foods, Goodwill, and Michael’s. All is put away now and a start has been made on gathering up the music. Oh my, what a pile! Must finish lunch, gather my things and fly away again. The car is begging for fuel and then to the Library for the once a month coloring event. An opportunity to see some folks who I only run into there. Should be fun. Well, fingers crossed.

    Jeri, love the photo but my gosh, how can she be so grown up. Is that the dress she chose? Very generous gift! Transferring photos is quite a job. In fact I really no ,onger know how to move things as too much has changed.

    Jackie, when will the weather settle to spring? It is to warm here but then showers. St least we are not expecting the types of storms in the Northeast. That is beyond wicked weather. I have no words.

    Buzz, sorry you lost your post. It happens to all of us from time to time. Hope you were able to get some rest last night. I woke up with leg spasms once again and heat didn’t help. I hopped and drug myself to the bathroom and sprayed some BioFreeze over the most painful area. Drug myself back to bed, put the heating pad over it and kept the leg as straight as possible. Eventually it got better. I do not know the cause of these things. Sometimes it is over and over, sometimes once, and thank the Lord, sometimes not at all. I wish I could figure it out. When I am trying to drag my leg around, I think, wow, Buzz copes with much more than this, try harder girl.

    Sandy, win more bucks!! Good start.

    Anne, nice to see you.

    Patsy, good day to you. I hope you are having another lovely day.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! We have had a glorious weekend of sunshine. Now we are back to clouds and rain. But I am just fine with that as long as we have some sunny days to enjoy.

    The news is so scary I find my self gasping in terror. Apart from my constant emails to our senators, and their news letters on various issues, I feel like I am thrashing about in a stormy sea.

    I am so glad Katie is spayed. She is such a wild child, we would have real trouble trying to keep her under control. We have a neighborhood of dogs that are not fenced in or leashed. Trouble! If she had puppies I know she would be the worlds worst mom. Soooo as hard as it was to sit up with her at night, watching to make sure she didn’t disturb her stitches, it was over in a couple of weeks. She went crazy when they tried to put her in that cone of shame. Not happening!!

    Spring does bring changes. Our son is thinking of opening a satellite studio in Seattle. That will really make him a busy guy. He is such a great son. I know we depend on him emotionally too much. We are at
    that stage when our roles in life have switched. It is an exciting time for him.

    So happy Sandy is having a great time. I am such a horrible gambler. I lose my first Penney and would feel robbed and it would not be fun for me. I do love games of strategy and knowledge based games. I adore trivia pursuit. Nonsense facts. As a youngster, summer months playing authors and canasta and of course the checkers tournaments were serious business.

    Jackie! The garden path walkway sounds charming and such an emormous project. I am so impressed with your determination. I hope you realize that you are an inspiration for those of us with ideas but flagging energy. We must get on with these tasks. If not now...when?

    I did repot the huge jade plant, hung out my Wind socks on the roof. I love the whirling colorful fish-shaped kites.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Linda I receive your card this morning . And many hugs to you. so sweet of you to send me such lovely cards Hugs to you also. I appreciate it so Much.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    sorry so late. I keep falling asleep
    <3 ...Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good morning, the weather here looks good! So if course I am caught up in a project in the basement. :D:D

    Well, I will get something done. I think so.....or at least hoping for the best. I am assembling a roll around cart but had no idea when I purchased it that there were so many parts. Oh my.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited March 2018
    Happy Wednesday!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    This IPad is messed up, my posts don't post the whole post the first time. Won more money but will be happy to sleep in my own bed tonight. We are leaving this afternoon, going for early dinner, then two of us are going to bingo.

    Have a good day
    One Day at aTime
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The rain is pouring, wind howling and I'm doing my best to do some housework although just like Lin I've been assembling but mine is a new fold down table for the garden room that required one of those awkward keys that fit into the head of screws to attach the legs. They hurt my hand once the things need tightening so then I try to use pliers to hold the key so can't see the small hole in the top of the screw and my frustration grows! Anyway it's assembled so I can take the old one to a charity shop tomorrow. No chance of doing anything outside while the weather is so awful but that does mean I will concentrate on what needs to be done in the cottage. The footpath is finished and remaining bags of stones transported closer to the property and although my muscles complained in the night I feel better after a walk with George this morning. We both got soaked although staying within the village so I don't think we'll risk another stroll later.
    Here's the footpath!

    The cold war continues in my part of the world but no point worrying about it, just terribly concerned for the innocents affected by the nerve agent.

    Enjoy your Wednesday..... hopefully not as wet as mine!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited March 2018
    Me before I take off. The weather is freezing here, but lovely and sunny.

    Great Britain sacks 23 Russian diplomats and the royal family isn't going to attend the world football events in Russia. I bet old Putin is really shaking in his fur lined boots. But what else can be done?

    Like JACKIE I can't do anything about the world and so no point in worrying.
    Great job on the path!! No make that a SUPER job on the path. Very impressive!

    Have a great day girls and don't mind me. I just take my glasses off and the world becomes pretty and fuzzy again!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've sprung a leak! A young man from the garden room building contractors arrived to put back together a downpipe that had been left in pieces when work was completed and his first comment was so where is this water coming from? No, says I, it's a downpipe that needs putting together so he then points at a big puddle of water on the inside window ledge that had built up in the past hour. Downpipe working again, photos of wet area taken and they'll be in touch!

    Anne ~ If I was royalty I'd be delighted not to have to attend rowdy football matches especially since Russian youths have promised street fights and mayhem throughout the tournament!!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! High clouds and quite cool...but no snow, ice, or rain! How perfect is this March day? I am sort of off the mark still adjusting to DST. It is only one hour but what a crazy thing. I am totally tangled up on schedule of the day.

    One thing that keeps me scratching my head is this awful looking amaryllis. It was to bloom near Christmas. Nothing! Not even a small green sprout. I forgot about it and when watering some other house plants, I saw a small spindly little leaf. Yea! I thought, well we are on the way. Now in March, we have 3 spindly little leaves and maybe a bud coming. What a disappointment this little bulb has been. Also my red leafed plant is croaking. Aaaaaaaagh. I really do have a black thumb.

    I am ready to tackle the day. Some what antsy about the physical tomorrow. But it will be over and done. Our doc is a good friend of John’s. He is old school and into tests, tests, tests!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh poor LIN! I think I've stopped buying things that require assembly; or pay to have it assembled for me...I try to take full advantage of letting a salesperson know my fingers are over 90, and they equate me with their Grandmothers and really try to help!
    JACKIE, how lovely your pathway looks! Sorry about your wicked weather; it's not much better here. And as for the cold war, if you would only listen carefuilly, you would understand it's FAKE NEWS! I suspect we are not the only ones whose heads are spinning! I have never watched reality shows and now I understand why not!
    ANNE, I know your assessment of current events is correct and probably hopeless in terms of "change" but I keep frantically looking for answers when I cannot comprehend why make things happen. However, not a single thing makes sense to me now, so I research news, articles, whatever, the print and disseminate them. However, it' really singing to the choir, since almost everything I mention has everyone else scratching their heads, too!
    PATSY, the whole business of lab tests was something I tried to avoid, but my new doctor insisted on lab work and some came back and a whole pile is "pending". Cholesterol is 180 without medication..Platelet count keeps dropping , yet the hematologist I saw 3 yesrs ago did not seem particularly concerned, saying "come back in 2 years". I guess it's been 3, and it's down about another 15 points, but it has been running low for several years.. Other than the usual arthritic aches and pains, I feel fine. Just let me eat my daily cup of blueberries, and I'm happy as a lark!
    As for that amaryllis, do they tend to get bigger each year they return? I was never impressed with my one attempt.
    SANDY, did you hit the BIG ONE?
    At dinner tonight, the gentleman next to me mentioned something about his experience with a website he uses online that keeps count of everything he needs to eat well and properly, so of course I asked him if he uses MFP. No, says he, it's called My Fitness Pal! So, without naming our group, I told him how lucky I have been all these years with our forum, and he agreed that keeping tabs on our food intake is not a simple matter, since we have no idea what goes into our food here! But having been an engineer, he's willing to work at it harder than I have been!
    I'm late again, darn it. No sense of timing!
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day out and about so can't hang around! George has been walked in the woods and is now telling me there are a hundred monsters round and about my cottage..... lots of barking and general grumbling. Buzz, just about all my comments regarding today's politics are tinged with some irony and an awful lot of cynicism BUT the big question has to be is fake news fake news??

    Enjoy your day. ;)
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    BUZZ, as I watch the whole world seemingly going nuts I'm beginning to wonder if something is being added to our morning tea leaves and coffee granules!
    Re: your friend discovering MFP, what's working for me this time round is cutting out everything with even a sniff of sugar, very little bread, rolls, etc, oodles of veggies, and most definitely cutting size portions down. I've lost 5 lbs since the beginning of February but expect to hit a plateau any time soon as I reach a more manageable weight.
    Must fly off on my broomstick, this is one busy week for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good morning, I need massive infusions of coffee this morning. I finished both of my assembly projects (wahoo). Since I kept dropping everything it took a long time but finally finished and did some straightening. It is a start! And I got 44 flights of stairs according to Fitbit and about 20,000 steps. Then I did some more gel plate printing just for fun and finished cleaning up about 10 pm to crawl upstairs, wash up and go to bed. Ouch, ouch, and ouch.

    Jackie, what a wonderful job you did. The walkway is so perfect! A leak? Oh no....Is it fixed? Well, thank heavens he was there and saw the problem firsthand. Enjoy your busy day and avoid all the monsters. Ooooooh.

    Anne, good for you. Amazing results dear lady. After yesterday I note that I will have a struggle this spring just to cut down the remains of the few flowers of last year and trim the bushes in my landscape planting. Have you had Jilly tackle that chore?

    Buzz, I should be able to do these assembly projects and it always seems doable as I decide to purchase. Ha, even with lots of pieces if everything went together as smoothly as the illustration indicates, it would be a breeze. However, there’s always something just off a bit. A screw that has wonky threads or a broken piece of plastic or something. I almost gave up a couple of times but kept with it, keeping the handyman’s number at the ready. And I do love the conversation, MFP versus MyFitnessPal. Funny!

    Patsy, sorry about the amaryllis. I purchased a bulb this winter and it did bloom as advertised. It was a miracle to me, I had never had one of those wax covered, no water bulbs before. My grandmother had a plant in a pot and she kept it year after year. She didn’t share her secret with me.

    Sandy, jackpot? Or would you tell us? Haaaaaa.

    I am going to the library this morning to chatter with the ladies and hopefully that frightening man will not be there. And a couple of errands before returning home.

    Hugs to all lovely Sneakers.

    Hello Marie!


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Good morning all,

    Can you believe we have a snowfall warning for Calgary and southern Alberta. Grrrrrrrr. I’m sick of it.

    Lin - yes that was the dress Elizabeth chose. Looks so nice on her. I am exhausted just reading about all you did yesterday.

    Buzz - I am terrible at assembling things. But luckily I am married to an engineer and Ed has no problem with such things.

    We were at a travel agent yesterday and are ready to book a guided bus tour to Scotland the beginning of September. We wanted to go a bit earlier but they were already booked. If all goes as planned we’ll finalize most of the details next week.

    Cheers to all I missed.

    Have a great day.
