Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, so much for McMafia. I was beginning to think my judgement capacity had disappeared!
    As for haircuts, I put mine off until; after the OlympiActs and am living with a floor mop over my scalp. Thank goodness my friendly cleaning helper came an for 24 hours, the place will
    appear presentable. Perhaps I can finish reading all the saved newspapers so I can keep my eating counter clear. I hate to throw them out before completing Sudoku and that mixed up word puzzle, so they pile up!
    My friend just called so I could listen to a message on their computer. Warning, your computer has a virus and I have to run next door to see if I can figure it out!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning everyone! We had a little rain overnight and I am not sure how our weather will shake out for the day.

    My odd but interesting news is that the new dryer is installed and working. John was the one who picked out the model and he loves gadgets. This dryer has so many settings and features that I am totally lost. I had to drag a stool up in front of the dryer and sit there with the manual in hand, just to get a small load of towels dryed. I know I will get the hang of it, but our old one was “put wet clothes in, turn dial to low/med/high as desired and load size. That was about it. This even has a steam feature to de-wrinkle clothing. I am not a techie. Even has a feature to turn it on with your iPhone. Seriously!

    Feeling very sleepy this morning. I think I will snuggle in a quilt with a mug of coffee for a short time while I listen to some very mellow jazz. Lazy? Maybe. I’ll get going soon.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good day. I am leaving soon to visit my friend who is still housebound due to her recent surgery. She finally does have an appointment for physical therapy next Tuesday and her DH has his work schedule adjusted to her appointment(s). Yippee. She is getting better. :)

    Patsy, best wishes with your new appliance. Sometimes I get something new and lovely and once I find the few things I want to use I am fine and only tackle extras if needed. My electric toothbrush has an app on my iPhone and connects via Bluetooth to track my brushing habits. I like it and get miffed now when I cannot connect. :D

    It is a cold and sunny day. I will just turn the heat in the car up to HIGH.

    Looking forward to more signs of spring. They are selling darling little bundles of daffodils in the store. Love them.

    Hugs to all. Best wishes.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I'm with you PATSY on modern dryers. Michael left his behind. He lived with me for two years until he bought his condo much nearer his work. He was horrified I didn't have a dryer, but honestly you need a pilots licence to operate them. No wonder I like Mother Nature!

    Talking of Mother Nature I can't believe the little begonia I bought from the organic store. She is still flowering and when I watered her this morning in her new pot I see young new leaves are breaking out. I'm going to put her in the garden in May and hopefully bring her inside again in the fall.

    PATSY and JACKIE, have you noticed how similar our young dogs are despite their size differences. i.e. Love of socks, underwear, dusters, stones etc. Little monkeys in other words! Love of walkies, and virtually understanding every word we say to them. Great joy for snow, mud and sniffing at other dogs scent and not adverse to sniffing dead wee mammals and birds until yanked away. AND most importantly, much loved by Patsy, Jackie, Sandy and Anne,

    And on that note, I think I will take my pest for a walk!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2018
    Just saying hello, sending hugs and am off for some badly needed practice since tomorrow is our BIG DAY and we are still totally unprepared, I think. Of course the other teams may not be much better, lol! I got my neighbor's computer back to functioning, performed both Malwarebytes and Defender scans and found no viruses, but some other junk, and it was performing fine. So I started closing tabs to log off, and when I clicked the last tab...ouch! The desktop froze again with the warning "call this microsoft number immediately to eliminate a serious virus of your computer will remain disabled"! I suggested they remove every connection, close manually, and call either the real Microsoft or their server. What else? I recall having something similar a few years ago. It's not yet a virus but they want entrance to your computer Gotta run!
    <3<3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Signs of Spring in the air here although we still have a few banks of snow against walls and hedges. After an early supermarket shop I took George on the moors and we had a great time climbing up towards an old quarry before taking a narrow path back to the car park. From the beginning of this month we had to take care keeping our dogs under control so because Scruff has a tendency to chase sheep she will be walked elsewhere until lambs are born and old enough to fend for themselves.... end of August I think. This afternoon I dragged the last of the bags of sand into my garden and spread on to the new path then began to lay a membrane that should keep it in place and also stop rogue weeds from popping up. The heavy bags of stone are also slowly making their way into the garden with George sniffing and getting excited because he thinks instead of just one stone to chase I've brought him a 25 kilo bag!! A few have been spread over the membrane and I'm pleased with the result but don't think the weather will be on my side tomorrow to finish. Never mind, nearly there.

    Anne ~ My hair was cut too short for my liking too which makes it sit flat on my head. Hopefully after a morning swim tomorrow and hair wash I can get it to bounce again! Perhaps she was just a bit distracted while she was cutting mine because her little pug dog Milo was there and misbehaving for attention, eating my hair as it fell to the floor then chewing the door mat so I've suggested she book him an hour of her time in the middle of each day for walkies and play when no clients are there! Isn't it a treat when plants survive winter to grow new leaves. Before Christmas I purchased 3 cyclamen that I planned to pop in the garden somewhere. Just as well I didn't what with all that snow but instead kept them in their tiny pots in a corner out of the way of the builders then when the garden room was finished I potted them up into a birthday present pot and they are going on and on! A gorgeous scent too.

    Sandy ~ We leave on April 26th for our cruise but have to spend most of the day travelling by rail to Liverpool, the departure port. Three separate trains and a lot of hanging around between them but we'll get there and are already getting excited.

    Patsy ~ The image of you sitting on a chair in front of your new dryer with instructions in hand did make me smile and have to admit my washing machine's 11 different cycles rarely get moved off the first one selected many years ago. It even has one for trainers!!

    Buzz ~ That review of British drama was a relief to me too since I was thinking I was just becoming intolerant and generally grumpy. Trauma that is mentioned in the article was so ridiculous I became quite cross watching it and in the end only watched to see just how bad it could get and it did!

    Lin ~ An electric toothbrush with an app? I'm not sure I'll ever get into this modern technology but it is fascinating what can be done. Scruff's mum bought herself a new printer yesterday and is delighted that she can use her phone to work it. I'm still dealing with lots of cables catching round my feet as I sit at my desk!

    Oops, 6pm here and I'm beginning to get chilled so must light the fire and decide what to eat for my evening meal.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Will be back tomorrow to catch up....Thursday are just so hectic!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I thought practice went pretty well for me today but afterwards as I talked to our instructor, I felt she was suppressing something and upon prodding, found she was concerned I might favor the hand that gets carpal tunnel syndrome occasionally, and I recalled the cramp I got in my inner thigh at the last actual trial we had at St Andrew's and suggested I become an alternate so a younger better player could take my place on the regular team. I was a bit disappointed when Oris quickly agreed, but in truth, I want our community to win a medal, so I'm fine with it. Tomorrow is expected to be a bit nippy outside.
    We saw Murder on the Orient Express tonight. It was so dark and dreary and felt so contrived, my head dropprd snf I slept through muc
    JACKIE, the cyclamen look gorgeous and the new pathway sounds like lots of work but well worth it! And your hair should be just right for the cruise.
    PATSY, a girl after my own heart! Although there are many choices, both my washer and dryer are used at the same setting for everything, cold/easy and I never finish the dryer cycle so I never need an iron. Simply hang clothing on the shower rod 'til dry!
    ANNE, I think a minor miracle occurred when you found your "baby"! She is the perfect addition to your life.
    SANDY. yes, I guess we all know about hectic days, and since I expect tomorrow will be one for me, I can only try to come here! Signing in with hugs for you all.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3<3<3 BUZZ
    .......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hope today all your wishes come true!
    Hugs from Anne, Jilly and your Daisy. XxxxxxxxxxX
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning. When do the birthday celebrations commence Sandy??

    Everyone is talking about spring break here and getting out of town! The airport parking lot is filling up they say. As one staying behind, I wonder how busy public places and events will be?

    Buzz, I signed up to try to get a free ticket to the movie you mentioned. The senior tickets were all gone in the few hours it took for me to notice the email. Now I don’t feel to bad that I missed it last evening.

    Jackie, I love your pot of cylamen. Just so bright and colorful. I am notorious for killing those quite quickly. Oooh, your friend has a new printer. Wahoo! I have lots of spaghetti cables remaining here but I must say wireless and AirPrint are real helps.

    Must get to a stack of paperwork. The days are running away with me.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    You are so right BUZZ with your comment about our Jilly. She never ceases to amaze me. Must share what she did yesterday. I commented earlier that she likes to eat at the same time as myself. Well yesterday I sat down to dinner and placed her bowl next to me sitting at the kitchen table as usual. She looked at the bowl, looked at me and looked at her bowl again. This went on for some time until I eventually had a brainwave. I emptied her chicken stew out of the bowl onto an old dinner plate whereupon she immediately gobbled the lot up! I think she spends so much time with me she is convinced she is a hairy human.

    I have to keep fit for her so I decided to review all my old MFP requirements for slimming at my age and height.
    It was quite an eye opener. I always thought it was dangerous to go below 1200 calories per day.
    However I'm told that that low limit is now changed to 1109 calories. I was eating around 1300 to 1400 per day which would explain the slow increase in weight over time. If I've understood this correctly, back to the drawing board because I've been consuming 1200 cals slimming and therefore - although I've been losing a little each week - to lose more I mustn't go above 1100 unless I increase the walking exercise. Lucky Jill!

    Anyway, if this is correct, I've learned that as we age we have to review to adapt.

    The little I've lost so far has already made a tremendous difference in hip and leg pain!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Friday :) Doing laundry and later going for manicure to get ready for my birthday week. I actually have no plans for my birthday tomorrow except to go see Babe and Daisy after church. Rob, Lisa and the boys are taking me out Sunday and Monday my three friends and I will be going to the Four Winds Casino for two nights and completing with dinner on Wednesday and then to bingo to try to win that big pot of over $3000. I love the birthday part just not the aging part which is better than the alternative.
    Thank you for the birthday wishes, I really do appreciate all of you and I am grateful for our friendships.

    Anne, you really are on a health kick which is wonderful. MFP has me at 1200 calories but when exercise calories are added it brings it up to 1500. I prefer counting my carbs instead of calories and like to keep them under 75 a day which hasn't been successful lately as I have been eating raisin bran for breakfast which is full of carbs. I would have to pay the premium to have MFP just keep track of my carbs and I am too cheap so I will continue to use the free version and keep track that way. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

    Lin, well with the early birthday wishes my birthday has begun. It is my birthday month so I may just take advantage of the whole month. lol With Easter being on April Fools Day this year Spring Break is also early. I am sure many of the popular places will be very crowded.

    Buzz, I love Johnny Depp so I will probably watch it once it becomes available for free.
    It is probably a good idea to make you an alternative as you don't want to aggravate your wrist. Thank you for the beautiful graphic and birthday wishes.

    Jackie, love your plant in the beautiful container and is the stone work behind it what you are doing? If so I am more than impressed with your work. Your cruise will be here before you know it, I know you will have a wonderful time. Who will be taking care of your critters?

    Patsy, I felt the same with my new washer and dryer but now love them. I especially love that they sensor the load and a little bell rings when done. I of course love any modern technology.

    I am on my last load to I better get myself together to go for that manicure. Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2018
    This morning I got back to swimming after quite a long break. There always seemed to be something getting in my way but I so enjoyed myself today I will make a concerted effort to go once a week. By the time we came out of the leisure centre the rain had arrived so the rest of the day I could barely see beyond the end of my garden and it became cold and wet so not much achieved although that wasn't a bad thing as I felt I needed to rest my hip and back after all the exertion dragging bags of sand yesterday! After a frustrating drive to town behind a cyclist who refused to move over out of traffic's way I spent an entertaining hour making a short movie from the car video....
    Sandy, the path outside the window is one I made when I first moved in 30 years ago because it was just churned up earth. If brighter tomorrow and I get to finish what I'm doing I will post a photo of the section round the garden room.
    My calorie limit is set at 1400 but then I'm taller than Anne and it does seem to matter what sort of food contains them. When I shopped for groceries this week I was very careful to stay away from anything I shouldn't eat and instead have filled my fruit bowl to overflowing, in fact I've just enjoyed a satsuma which satisfied any need for something sweet. I'm also getting back to drinking plenty of water because I do find the slow release ibuprofen I now take dries my mouth, something my GP did warn me would happen.

    A new series of my favourite gardening programme is about to begin which is a good sign Spring is just round the corner. I must check to see what I should be doing, as if I didn't know!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I should have stayed in the team! At least I could punch a fast serve OVER the net! My team lost 18-0 and the gal who considered herself to be a super player did not get one single ball over the net and at the finish said to me, Well I couldn't carry the whole team by myself! I wanted to choke her, or at least scream...and at the end, since teams win a medal for simply trying, who do you suppose went up to collect the bronze medal? Right, my bully of a friend! AND she announced she will wear the T-shirt AND medal at dinner tonight. Does anyone here know what the word Chutzpah means? It has crept into the American language, the CH is a guttural sound and it means pure nerve or gall, and recently I hear it on TV more, as the latest shenanigans from the White House are discussed! Anyway, this "team member" is loaded with it! I'm changing into a nice sweater as a chill has arrived in Sunny Florida!
    On ANNE'S calorie suggestion, I shall try cutting portion size and see if that works eventually for me, too. I waited until the OlympiActs were finished before downing my water pills, and wow! Am I running! JACKIE, your cyclist had Chutzpah!!! How do I turn off a You Tube video? And please be careful of your back, especially before your cruise, as nothing heals quickly!
    Hope SANDY's $3000 wish comes true. LIN, I didn't even realize Johnny Depp was in the movie, and I usually like him! Oh, well, perhaps you will get to see soon, anyway!
    Off to eat...again?
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen............................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my gosh! I had a big long post, just my usual yakety yak, but I forgot to post before leaving . I was so disgruntled, I just went on about my business.

    Went to Costco, Home Depot and post office and Walgreens before we grabbed a nasty tasting lunch at Costco food court. Yuck! Hunger makes us choose awful things sometimes. Costco chili for me and a hot turkey cheese sandwich for John. Assuming we don’t get sick, we can just chalk this up to a strange day.

    I am feeling very sentimental these days. I found my Wind socks to hang out on the deck and also found a deflated tether ball of Mazzie’s. I was sort of weepy for a while. How can two old dogs that have been gone for over two years still tear my heart into? I made things worse by looking at old photos and videos on the old iPad. I seem intent on feeling just horrible. It isn’t as though I don’t have an absolutely wonderful dog in Katie that we adore.

    Buzz: I have to say that Karma set that event in motion. That coach who asked you to assume a standby status was a poor coach as far as I can see. When you have a player who tries and is at all the practices, and you set them aside at the last moment...just my thought. Team sports can be fun most of the time but the most important thing is team spirit.

    I count calories and we eat very healthy most of the time. John weighs the same as he did in high school. He eats about a half more than I do. He actually eats constantly. He eats 6 chocolates with his afternoon coffee etc. never gains a pound. Aaaaaaagh! Chocolate fumes cause me to gain weight. Oh well...he is in charge of car maintenance and lawn care.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Lots of celebrating over the next few days so have a super time!

    Lots of hugs ~ Jackie
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yes me again on the correct day SANDY! I spent all yesterday thinking it was the 10th, one of my pension days and found out I was just being ahead and hopeful!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi Sandy - a wiggly doggie and happy birthday wishes.



    Wahoo---wahoo--wahoo!!!! Let the parties begin.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    I am going to my mo they club meeting today. A lady is demo - ing black ice technique I believe. The paper crafting store in our historic shopping area is having an anniversary party today with 25% off sales. I would image the store will be packed! Haven’t decided if I want to brave the crowds.

    Buzz, nasty people just don’t seem to change. Well, not for the better. I am sorry but we know your value even if some people do not. Hugs.

    Patsy, oh yes, memories. I do a lot of reminiscing as well. I tell myself it is good to keep memories alive, particularly some of the very warm and tender ones.

    Jackie, I am still giggling over that lovely dog photo and also enjoyed the cyclist video. I use to be that person on the bicycle. :D

    Anne, aha, a pension day. That is wonderful. Last month my pension didn’t come and I finally went to the web site to see what was going on. I could see it was scheduled, for that day actually. By the end of the day it had arrived. I hope yours has landed as well.

    Time to finish packing my car and off I go.

    Hugs to all. Wishing everyone well.
