Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Brighter Monday? I guess we did have a brighter Monday here in sunny Ontario JACKIE, but it's still very nippy outside. Mainly the wind.
    Roy's snowdrops turned up looking the worse for wear, but nevertheless a welcome little bit of Yorkshire. I'll press them.
    Not much to report here either. Just a pleasant mundane sort of day.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Monday! Monday! We have high clouds, no flying water so far. Just read that March 11 is spring forward day. John always loves daylight savings time. He is a late night kind of guy and he sleeps late. Ordinarily that can mean his daytime just disappears. So he is tops with DST.

    Watched part of the awards show. I guess I can say the awards were good choices. I really felt 3 Billboards should have won best picture. But it is was a dark story. It was told by incredible actors, however. I have read about The Shape of Water and it seems to be an interesting film/story. We are looking forward to seeing it. A fun evening where we sort of kept tuning into the awards but not camping on the couch for 4 hours. We were eating dinner, washing up after, doing a few things while the TV kept us informed and entertained.

    The daffodils are out in full now. Yea! Hello happy blooms! Since Katie has graduated from sleeping in the laundry room to a bed next to ours, she goes to bed at the same time we do. She is taking longer naps in the afternoon. In early evening she is bouncing around and ready for a little bit of exercise/play/fun. There is no negotiation on that decision. In and out of the house. Running all around the back yard, barking and hunting for lost balls and her favorite tennis balls. I hope I can stay upright to toss the balls.

    I have Dr. appointment for our usual yearly physical. I dread them so much. It feels such an invasion even though we really like our doctor. It is one of my personal crazies. I have an aversion to doctors and hospitals. John has his physical at the same time. We must get a tune-up occasionally.
    The Easter bunny is coloring eggs as we speak!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oops, I'm missing McMafia, which I want to catch. The awards were like living in another world to me!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm not sure I will want to watch this series on a regular basis. Curious about on whose lives it's based, and I guess very well done, but the subjects are so disturbing. We all know there's human trafficking but so painful to watch! The greed conquers all is overwhelming and certainly not a pleasant preparation for going to bed! I may pass this up.
    My exam this morning showed my blood pressure is really under control for the 1st time in years. I must be up at 5 AM as the lab comes right to my apartment for blood tests. Then a rally for our OlympiActs at 9:30; volleyball practice at 11, an important meeting at 12:30; another at 2! More than I care to be running. So I'm off to bed now and we'll let McMafia drift.
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That's better.... sunshine and relatively mild so our walk was extended beyond the woods, over the styles and into open fields lined with banks of snow left over from the drifts. George was like an excited kid when he saw the white stuff and rolled, jumped and did zoomies through it all. On the way home I filled the car with fuel then stopped off at the allotments to check everything is still standing after the high winds which it is. The plan today is to try to finish the footpath round the garden room although being realistic it will probably take 2 days at least.

    Buzz ~ Wonderful that you have blood pressure under control and hopefully can keep it that way when charging about on the volleyball court!! Like you I did my best with the first episode of McMafia but decided it wasn't a series I would "enjoy" although I gather it gained lots of critical acclaim. Collateral is another well received series that I stopped watching after a couple of episodes but having noticed last night it only ran for 4 I will probably catch up on the BBC iplayer when in the mood. In the UK official Spring is March 1st but our clocks won't go forward for another month I think.

    Anne ~ I'm amazed the snowdrops were allowed in through customs although I think it's Australia that's so strict about anything organic or live. Hopefully they still held a hint of scent.

    Patsy ~ George gets a 2nd wind in the evening so I found it a great bonus to teach him a few tricks to gain a treat reward as this apparently exercises his brain. I'm not sure I could cope with a larger dog like Katie bouncing around although I know you have a lot more space than me!

    Oh dear, I've just hung out a load of towels that had a wash cycle while out walking and now see a few clouds gathering. That also means I must get on with footpath. Also George barking at nothing again but I'd better check just in case Boris is stealing his brunch!!


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    We have been out and about a lot the last couple of days and yes, it stoped snowing but has been too cold to melt.

    We went out for supper on Sunday taking my cousins daughter out to celebrate her 25th birthday. Then home to watch the Oscars. Unfortunately we had recorded it and it ran over about 45 minutes and we missed Best Actress and Best Picture. Oh well, it was easy to find out who won. .

    I took my iPod to the Apple Store yesterday because I was having touch issues with top left corner. One app I use everyday has three little dots you need to touch to access a menu and half the time it doesn’t work. They ran diagnostics on it and it looked fine. After much discussion they gave me a new iPod. I came home reinstalled everything and it still doesn’t work as good as I want. Obviously the problem with the app. Very good Apple service.

    Ed just came down with a new “todo” list. Time to get busy.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    The snowdrops are pretty much dried out JACKIE although I have popped them in a wine glass with water. Not much hope, but it is a bit of home. I'm just hanging around waiting for two pairs of pants to be delivered, express delivery, from M&S. Another bit of home even if they were probably made in Sri Lanka! At least shipped from Derby airport but now here somewhere in town.
    Just been reading that the British government are considering clamping down on the manufacturers of delicious goodies, pizzas, pasties (Cornish?) meat pies, biccys, etc. because of the obesity among children in particular. I wish Justin would do the same here instead of gallivanting off to India in his kaftan. Meanwhile I'm on a fitness drive as already mentioned. Just done a 2000 step walk and already the clothes are more comfortable after a month or so of reduced rations. Actually, I'm getting used to a 1200 cal diet!
    Aren't our dogs funny little things. Like your George, Jilly adores snow! And I think she thinks she is a short, hairy human because the latest quirk is having her food bowl next to my chair at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Food is ignored now in its usual spot unless placed on the floor next to me.
    Who'd have thought my best mate would be The Bean two years ago!
    So, another mundane sort of day with snow this afternoon!
    A big hug for everyone, I love the insight into your lives,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited March 2018
    Snowy day in this neighborhood and I must go out for several errands. I was planning on going early but there so many reported accidents I decided to wait a few hours. They said the snow would soon be over but so far, soon has not arrived!

    I just had a long phone call with an insurance company. My dad was an agent for them and received a commission check yesterday. It took a very long conversation and they won’t let this end. They are putting a void on the check but are following up on my dad’s original agent agreement to see who he named as beneficiary at that time and apparently that person will receive this tiny amount of money. Insane. I do not think commission should be payable to a deceased person in the first place. They will do what they need to do I guess.

    Buzz and Jackie, I have never heard of McMafia. Well, another thing to check out. I probably do not have access to it. Apparently that may be just fine. Oh, I found one of my few cable TV stations is showing episodes of the original Avengers this week. The very old black and white episodes. I always loved the program.

    Anne, isn’t it exciting when a package is set to arrive from an interesting or favorite location ? Not an interesting location but I ordered some tape to use on a project. I received an update that the little package was at the central post office and would be transferred to my post office. Surprise, there was a mix-up and my package was shipped to Jacksonville FL. Yep, that’s really just around the corner. I could have driven to the central post office and picked it up in about 20 minutes.

    Jeri, great service from Apple. I am impressed. And happy for you. Regarding the todo list, aren’t you the one who is to give Ed the list? Something is wrong there.

    Jackie, best wishes with the pathway. Glad the weather is straightening out and so fun to hear about George frolicking in the snow.

    Patsy, amazing that you have flowers in bloom. That sounds wonderful as I look out the window watching the white stuff drifting down.

    Sandy, Hi!!

    I guess I should get going. Best to all Sneakers.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    As I thought, the path is not quite finished although I can see an end to it. Lots of bags of sand and buckets of soil moved until I knew I shouldn't lift one more this evening so stopped. Just in time too as the rain held off until now but I managed to feed the hens some corn and get my still rather damp towels in to air in front of a heater before a few drops fell. As I've said before Anne wherever they are made, M&S clothes are the best and as far as I'm aware check to ensure factories are run ethically with no child labour which is always a start! I want a couple of new pairs of trousers for next month's cruise and can see I will be turning to them for something decent. I don't put George's food bowl near me when eating but that doesn't stop him sitting as close as possible to me during my meal time.... can't think why!!

    Time to put the kettle on!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I did not realize our big tournaments are this coming Friday, so I'll be pretty busy this week. Perhaps back later!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    JACKIE!!! Pants ordered Sunday, arrived today at lunchtime. Everyday pants, but again I'm thrilled to bits with them, one pair navy, one pair grey. Straight leg. Exactly right length for me, regular. I'm 5ft 4ins. They have an inset down the outer leg and some reviewers didn't like that. Doesn't bother me, in fact sort of slimming in the light grey pair.
    Cheers, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Today we have lovely spring weather. Sunny and just a tiny bit chilly. Katie has made about 300 trips in and out. She has only had a couple of quick games of ball. I will need to do a morning survey out in the back yard to retrieve a pair of socks that she snatched out of my hand and ran outside with. Sometimes I double over with laughter and then there are times when my sense of humor is NOTgoing for these tricks. But really! What is the harm?

    We seem to always have an order coming. The only thing that really bugs me is all of the really sturdy amazon boxes. I hate that even in the recycle bin I I wonder if this is a truly repurposed resource. Since we live in rural area, shopping is limited. We have ordered supplies for years. When we lived in Alaska we learned to think ahead and order EVERYTHING. I have ordered a new set of wool dryer balls. I can’t do laundry without them. John is allergic to dryer sheets so this works like a charm.

    My writing group is now discussing what makes a poem. It is such fun. A number of writers in the group write poetry but rarely share their work. I think a poem often is the concentration of
    feeling or emotion. We had a wild back and forth citing our favorites. Frost, ee Cummings, we all held that heartbreaking grief poem..Stop the clocks! As a true classic and work of art.

    Today: exercise, errands, play ball, I will eat my soup in the dungeon with Katie because John is lunching with a friend. Katie always feels we should eat meals together. As close together as possible, she would be very happy to share.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited March 2018
    Happy Tuesday! We are having some snow showers but it doesn't seem to be accumulating, but I think I will stay indoors as my car is still clean. I have no pressing errands other than buying Easter cards which can wait. I finally got my blood tests results which took three weeks and a phone call. Everything is normal except she wants me to repeat my thyroid test in 2-4 weeks and she wants me to take vitamin D 5000. Nothing I am worried about, I was concerned with the back ache I was having thinking it might be my kidney but all is fine and the pain is going away.

    Patsy, I too, have to ride my bike today, I try to ride it at least every other day but daily would be perfect if I weren't so lazy. I have orders from Macy's and Amazon due in this week, I really hate shopping in the stores.

    Anne, that is indeed some quick shipping, do you pay extra? Daisy loves eating the snow, hope she stays away from the yellow snow.

    Buzz, when aren't you busy?

    Jackie, I am glad you listened to your body and stopped doing the path for today. Babe was in awe when I was giving Daisy commands and she listened. He said how come she doesn't listen to me? I told him because she is training him and he doesn't follow through. We had paid big money to have a trainer come to the house and I know she knows commands but he just spoils her. She is still my baby though even though she will be 9 in May.

    Lin, that is weird that the insurance company wants to give a commission check to your deceased father or his heir but every little bit helps. I am lucky that Babe's social security and pension checks can't go to his kids when something happens to him, at least he has protected me that way along with the monthly check he gives me now.

    Jeri, Apple indeed has a great service department, I have dealt with them in the past. I just wish their phones weren't so expensive because I hate paying for the lease. I now own my IPhone 6s Plus but as they make new phones their old phones get slower and slower.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    No delivery payment on any order from M&S that is over $50 SANDY.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Oh McMafia——it’s the actor from Grantchester right?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2018
    Yes -Lin, James Norton who is excellent in all that he appears in but to my mind, this script was beyond rescue! You watch a lot of British drama so will be interested in the review here that sums up what I feel about this year's offerings to-date because I've not come upon one that I'd recommend!

    Lots to do including, hopefully, a hair appointment later this afternoon just 3 weeks later than planned!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning everyone, or afternoon as the case might be! I'm washing. I tend to wash on a Monday and a Wednesday. Bedding and towels on a Monday, and my clothes on a Wednesday. This is because apart from being cheap I'm an old fashioned girl who doesn't like the dryer much and therefore need room in the winter to dry mainly in the basement. I like to iron when slightly damp so air drying helps. In the summer I'm with JACKIE, in and out dodging showers, but not on a high in the sky clothes line like Joyce next door! I prefer the neighbours not to make comments about Anne's undies! No, I have a very large clothes horse and only for sheets, blankets etc do I hook the clothes line to a hook on the house side and a hook across the lawn to the fence. Of course in real desperation I will use the dryer. There, I bet that interested you all no end and goes to show how mundane my life is in the wintry months when I've only got our politicians to keep me entertained!

    My only remaining cousin in Australia who was rushed into hospital last week and had me really worried is to have her gall bladder removed. Mary Jo has been without one for years so I am much relieved that it's nothing worse.

    Talking of haircuts when Marie the hairdresser chopped all mine off earlier in the year I found it very draughty in that horrible cold spell we had! It's really grown now apart from the bit of hacking I've done and I shall definitely have my usual bird nest next winter despite Marie saying it does nothing for me, the "Annie Haircut". Did you know Sophie Loren once said she cuts her own hair? Of course with her looks she can get away with anything. In my case, I can always grow a fringe or bangs down to my nose for breathing purposes.

    I think I'm suffering from cabin fever!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good morning, most of our snow disappeared but flurries are expected again later today. It is cold though! I made a trip to TJ’s this morning and have stopped at home for a cup of coffee and then soon will be off to get some sweet potatoes.

    Well, I *tried* to watch hunky guy’s show last night but I did find McMafia a total disappointing muddy plot mess. Luckily I was doing something else at the time and only gave it an eye from time to time. I will stick with offerings on Acorn TV, and then probably not all of those! Thanks for the link to the article Jackie. Apparently waiting for the remaining episodes is not worth the bother!

    Anne, not much excitement here unless shopping for sweet potatoes and soy milk is exciting. I do use my dryer although I hang some things on the little lines in my basement. I still would prefer to hang outdoors in nice weather but I don’t want to have a run-in with my neighbors or the law.

    The measure to raise the sales tax by a penny was defeated yesterday. Now what will happen next? The county to the west of us passed a similar measure months ago. Several cities span over the county line so it will be very confusing as to where you will pay when shopping.

    I should get going. Best to all today.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Looks like dreary day today weather wise. Socked in with clouds and it is cold. The deck is icy. But I have a list that will be impossible to get through. Today calls for some really great music and great hot soup.

    Laundry around here is a constant thing. I use the dryer and I am looking forward to the new one which
    will be coming this afternoon. With John’s “work” cloths and my clumsy habits and Katie’s funny tricks of dragging clothing...socks and underwear ...out side in the backyard, the laundry basket is always full. It takes very little time to toss things in the washing machine and then into the dryer. quickly fold and I only iron a few things that require it. Both John and I put things away. When John sees a basket of clean folded laundry, he puts it away. I do the same. Other activities call to us. Get the laundry done and over. Move on!

    I must do strength building exercises. The doctor is saying how important it is to try light weight lifting to maintain muscles and strength. He said I have schrunk several inches. Well I don’t think there is much we can do about that!

    My big effort is to keep organized, manage my health regimen, force myself to stay social and get out and about, save a bit of time each day to get into dungeon to play with my toys. Hahahaha
    Enjoy the moment!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Sunny but chilly day. I am going out to dinner tonight to celebrate the daughter's birthday of one of my friends.

    Patsy, I did ride my bike yesterday and now that you mention weights I might start using mine to build up strength. Of course lifting Max is more weight than any of mine. lol

    Lin, we have that tax problem here as well. One is higher than the other and I happen to live in the more expensive sale tax area. I try to buy my gas in the other county to save some money.

    Anne, I used to love to hang sheets outside but living in a condo that is impossible now. I am grateful for having a washer and dryer in my unit, so convenient.

    Jackie, good luck with your hair appointment, I have one scheduled for Friday, just a trim.
    When is your cruise date again? Must be getting close.

    I have to get some things done before dinner, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time