Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Michael did turn up and Bean did go berserk. He took her for two long walks and she's slept all afternoon because she is getting out of shape along with me. He wouldn't come in and we sat two hockey sticks apart in the garden sunshine. Hockey stick apart is the recommendation here. We had to wear our padded winter coats because despite the sun, a chill in the air. Mike is using the time confined to get in shape. He did look slimmer to me and his face a bit thinner with a mop of curly hair on top. Actually, he looked younger and had better watch out for ex wives sniffing round!

    The grass will soon need cutting which should be interesting. Do we let it grow for hay in the fall?

    The seeds look so appealing. Not a sign of a brave seedling here!

    Anneand the still snoozing Jilly Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet sneakers! We have an overcast day...not a ray of sunshine to be had today. But since we had a power outage at 3:30 am and Katie had to discuss the matter rather continually throughtout the 3 hour period. Oh I will say I was ready to stuff her into the garage but that of course would never really never happen! She is napping now and I am a wreak! John looks like he is heading for his recliner for a snooze as well. Hummmmmm? I might throw some veggies and rice together in the crock pot and hope for the best while I join everyone for an hour of shuteye.

    I read in one of my news sites that some doctor from CDC thinks we will have this virus with us from now on. A vaccine and masks will be a new normal. I guess I can live with that. But it will further isolate us as a society. What a strange new world it will be to only see people with masks as we go about our life. I will not have to concern myself with makeup and earrings. Who would see or notice?

    Like Anne and son Mike & Sandy I am trying to follow their good example and exercise more and watch my diet closer.

    I know I wil not accomplish much due to my uneven and sleepless night. Hitting my pillow for a nap!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Warm sunshine again and today my neighbour joined me for a leisurely walk to the local Neolithic stone structure. On the way home we met the lady that helped me before Christmas at the post office when a very heavy parcel was left behind the counter rather than my garden shed. No I’ll effects from carrying it for me! Also several other local people out for their daily walk in the sunshine. Now home and finishing coffee before planning afternoon jobs.

    I just read how the orange man is continuing to pass the buck but hey ho, nothing new there! I do think this virus is something we humans are going to have to accept as a part of our lives from now on. It’s good to remember that a vast majority do recover from it so if we can eat healthily and exercise to keep as fit as possible we should be ok. I haven’t resorted to a mask yet, just continuing to wash my hands and watch them shrivel up as my skin dries up and wrinkles!! 🥺

    Patsy, yesterday a Lady something or the other was interviewed about her concerns for care home residents and workers. She was isolating at home but looked amazing with sparkling hair band, pearl necklace, matching earrings, smart outfit and perfect makeup so I thought good for her, she’s making an effort! So many appearing on tv aren’t but I have to say I’d probably be one of the latter with wild hair blowing in the breeze and no makeup!

    Time to think about lunch, maybe vacuum the bedrooms then do some gardening. Noisy next door folk are out shouting full volume and digging at concrete just the other side of the hedge so lunch indoors methinks! 🥴

    Stay safe and well Sneakers.
    👩🏻‍🌾🙋🏻🍀🌺 Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    Good morning friends. I see the forums will be down for a while today so posting just to check in.

    It is cold and snowed overnight. We have note cold weather ahead and more snow I guess.

    Meanwhile, something hot to drink please! (Diane found this tea set. Thanks again.)


    Hugs from a distance.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Hump day if you were working but none of us are so just hump day to signify the middle of the week, just in case you forgot what day it is. lol I was sent a really funny video about staying in but the ending is a little risque and I don't want to offend anyone.
    But it is also funny so you can decide if you want to see it.

    Lin, love the color of that tea set so thank you Diane. I didn't see any warning about this site so here I am posting. We also had snow last night with more to follow, I may never get outside again. lol

    Jackie, the orange man is going off the rails lately. He wants to blame everyone but himself and almost breaks his back patting himself. You made me laugh with the lady all dressed up.
    I am lucky I take my shower by 2:00pm and I only put on makeup and do my hair when I am having a video call or zoom meeting. Which is why I thought the above video is so funny.

    Patsy, I agree with that doctor, until they find a vaccine we will have this with us a long time.
    Illinois is bending the curve as they say but they still want us to stay home and I think it will be extended past May 1st. :s

    Anne, good for Michael on his weight loss and keep those ex wives away from him. Our grass is covered in snow so no cutting here.

    Hoping Buzz is okay and drops in to say hello.

    Well time to shower. lol Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes, thank you, SANDY. HELLO, everybody!
    Gout improving, and I can finally stand. Terrible backache including shoulders. This too shall pass! Cannot figure out heat or ice? am not doing too well as an example for bearing pain, but every so often, I do lose it. Having problems locating home healthcare activity sheets. Winging it on my is own in harder and harder to do. I finally gave up my page numbers last week..But I couldn't give up my dear friends! STAY WELL>
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello All,

    Just a quick note to say we are all well. Being busy doing stuff around the house. Lots of walking and reading books. Sounds like a good time to me. Also helping Ed do genealogy. Ed said something the other day that made me feel very good. He said that this self isolating wasn't hard because we really enjoy each other's company and enjoy spending time together.
    And we do, there is nobody we enjoy spending time with better than with the two of us.

    Missing our kids and grandkids but we are coping with that.

    We made a turkey dinner for Easter and ate leftovers for several days and froze the rest. Set the dining room table and used our good dishes.

    Later we used Zoom to play a couple of games with Melanie's family. That was so much fun. Melanie's family got all dressed up for Easter, cooked a turkey and took their annual family photos. There were 12 of them including the baby so it was no small get together. LOL

    Our other daughter Melissa is working from home and very very busy. Unfortunately no pictures from her from Easter. Darn. We did FaceTime and that was fun too. She did send a picture of the great cake she ordered - dairy free, egg free and nut free. With all the allergies they have it was a good treat.

    We are ordering Skip the Dishes for supper. We think it is important to support our local businesses so we are ordering from a local pub. We have to come up with something a little nicer as it is our anniversary next week. I've been checking out the options to see what we can do.


    Keep well,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We are well into week 4 with continuous blue skies. It might rain later and definitely tomorrow so with our walk completed I intend to have a light snack for lunch then cut my lawns. My neighbour joined me on what we refer to as the Pooch Express and noticed more people out walking, perhaps because we are being advised how important exercise and soaking up vitamin D is to maintain our immune systems. Not so easy for all of you dealing with snow and rain I know but surely your weather should soon improve.

    Just had my daily jaw dropping moment watching the latest White House reality show on our news but must now get on with my day.

    Hugs across the pond. 🤗😍

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JERI what a lovely thing for Ed to say!! And what a good looking bunch the grand children are AND Mama who I think is to the right? You've had Past Heart ache in your life, but the children must bring you and Ed great joy.

    I've been recovering from a most uncomfortable food allergy. I suspect the huge bag of hikers energy bars that Mike brought me for emergencies and of course, not having a single normal digestive biccy in the house, glutton here couldn't resist something I've never consumed before. Boy did I suffer, however pleased to report I'm almost on the mend! The energy bars are back in Michael's condo!

    And talking of suffering JACKIE, enjoy your day in the sun because I sincerely hope the minus four Centigrade we had overnight doesn't arrive over the pond and hit you in Cornwall. I dread what's happened to my daffodils, hyacinths and emerging tulip buds!

    Our TV is launching a competition for the worst hair. I think Michael should enter! He has masses of hair as does Mark and he went off home on Tuesday muttering about how he looks like a gorilla! I guess at times it's not so bad going bald. Normally his sparse haired mates envy him.

    The best thing about the "King" in his white palace is you can turn him off when he appears on our screens SANDY. Usually I've been watching the swashbuckling Justin with his beard and slightly longer hair doing his daily briefing to us Canucks, but as soon as the man from the south appears it's time to cook lunch.

    Good to hear from BUZZ, the recovering PATSY (from Katie's 3 hour overnight barking), and LIN with her teapots! I wonder how many teapots are lurking in cupboards around the world! I guess BARBIE is out dog walking.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    edited April 2020
    Good day friends. Just received a little grocery delivery, smaller than what I had ordered. I must get smarter. I ordered items, specifying no replacements as I must know exactly what is in each product so I do not get ill. I researched items, placed my order and totally flipped out. Isn’t it interesting how something seemingly small can warp you out some days? She made several substitutions, did not mention it at all. One just irritating, I paid for a gallon of white vinegar and got a quart. Someone else probably ordered a quart and got my gallon. But I really wanted some tofu and read online producer information on the exact products this store sells and finally selected one and I am so angry, she brought a store brand I know nothing about. At worst I will have to throw it out.

    Note to self, note on all orders, no substitutions with shopper’s note—due to allergies do not substitute.

    Well, I am still new at this.

    It is cold this morning but the sun just broke through. Nice. But snow expected later. Luckily I am staying home. Haaaaa.

    Anne, I am glad you are getting better, reactions to food are very unhappy events. Has Jilly taken care of you? Your sons are lucky to have hair. But with you as mom, I can understand it! I am not concerned about my hair at this point, I can go without a haircut for another month or two and still survive. Although I may trim odds and ends.

    Jackie, it has been cold and rainy/snowy but the grass is growing and should be cut. It just has not been good enough weather to accomplish that. Enjoy your weather and at least seeing people from a distance.

    Jeri, oh my, Ed is a darling man. What a wonderful relationship you have. ❤️❤️ Love the photo of the family. They are a big raucous bunch aren’t they. ☺️

    Buzz, hello, so glad to see you stop by from time to time. I appreciate it.

    Sandy, hello, and oh please boy, our schedules are definitely our own these days! Please tell your dear Bryanna that Linda thinks she is an incredible treasure. ❤️❤️ She knows what you want and seems to get the things on your list. I am so hankering to make my own choices in the grocery store.

    Patsy, good morning. I was just wondering if your tarot lady ever emerged again? Please keep taking care of yourself. Best wishes to you and John and also wishes for a more quiet Katie. 😎

    Well, back to attempting online banking. And some veggie cleaning and a cup of tea.

    My big news of the day, my sprouts are ready to eat.

    Sending hugs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    edited April 2020
    Here’s a bit of an oddball set. Coffee server. No idea. Just liked the shapes and the detail.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2020
    Oddball is right Lin but still amazing. Barely room for one cup of whatever it carries. Here is a small set I found when clearing mother's home that I remember being around when I was a child. It wasn't used then and I've not dared since as it feels delicate but definitely not collectable because it has "Foreign" stamped on the bottom of each item!

    Missed most of the sun this afternoon Anne because neighbours had noisy, smelly petrol strimmer running for nearly 2 hours that drove me indoors. 4pm and finally stopped but clouds now drifting by so will put a couple of plants in the flower bed recently uncovered.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    edited April 2020
    Happy Thursday! :) We will have our zoom meeting today and looking forward to it as I am feeling a little down today. Bryanna went to see the kiddos yesterday and I miss them so much. I think to myself that I will just go visit them and then rethink and say that could be dangerous to them and to me. Will follow the guidelines for now but not sure how much longer I can go without seeing them and holding them.

    I have no fancy tea or coffee sets and my mother certainly didn't have any. I did have some china and other stuff when I divorced my first husband but I gave it all to my daughter. The china was from my mother so it sentimental.

    Lin, that was my problem as well with the instacart shopper. Evidently you can only get one of each item as I requested 6 yogurts and got one. Lots of item were out of stock and those were the most important. I hated asking Bryanna to go physically to the store but she insisted and was very careful. Like you I would really like to do my own shopping but so far have managed to stay home so will continue until May 1st. If they extend it, not sure what I will do.

    Anne, the funny thing is the local stations here cut mr. orangeman off after her starts spewing nonsense, it makes me laugh. I prefer to listen to our governor but just for the daily updates about the virus, not all the other stuff. I think yesterday he was preparing everyone for a big tax hike when this is over because of the money being spent for the virus.

    Jeri, your family is so beautiful, thank you for sharing. What kind of games have you played on zoom?? Lisa had her kids dressed up for Easter as well, they looked so nice. Amazon offers a free facebook messenger that is safe for kids, I use it with the kids almost every night.
    In case you are interested.

    Buzz, maybe rotate heat and ice but just ask your aids. Just stay safe.

    One last thought about mr orangeman, those stimulus checks being mailed out, he insisted on having his signature on them which is very inappropriate as he is using it for his ego and political gain. smh

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Another day of some slight the right direction! Meds keeping me groggy, but not to the point I can't enjoy your posts! Nothing going on here except typing is getting more difficult! Still not able to be on my own, but I'll get there!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny day and soooooo springlike! I have a long list of things to do and cleanup outside. John is in the same situation. As we know, he is in charge of lawn care and vehicle maintence. Katie is in charge of almost everything.

    This virus thing is so so pervasive and scary, I have to limit my news or I get nightmares and fear ridden. I do keep supportive of my political candidates and local caucus events online. I get so angry and depressed when I listen to the “orange wonder” it is best to try to keep away and keep positive!

    I have a lot of tea pots...a lot! Not sure why because I have always been a coffee drinker. But I will show you some of my large (unused ) collection. I can’t seem to part with any of them. Each reminds me of the person who gave it to me.

    We are at that stage in life when we have very simple needs and wants. We really have never been very good travelers. We don’t pack very well and we spent too much on luxury accommodations and fancy restaurants etc. We have done our fair share of travel and vacations. but we are comfortable right here and enjoy our area. I also wonder how big our national piggy bank is and how long it will hold out. Oooooops! Here I go filling my head with anxiety.

    Time to get busy, exercise, do my chores and by the way.....the tarot card lady has simply disappeared. Her phone has been shut off and email bounced back to me. She obviously has moved. I wish her well. She was a funny character and sort of deranged. She is just my kind of person, I saw a photo of her and she had an amazing style of clothing. She looked like a demented gypsy. She is probably living in a hollow log and eating roots and berries. Take care and be well, Texa!
    While none of you sneakers are deranged or dress like walking rag bag, l love you dearly,
    Be well and safe,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    Quick, before it is afternoon💜💜


    Morning tea?

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Simply cannot spend time sitting so I'll quickly say how delightful your posts are, gorgeous progeny for JERI, variety of teapots from LIN, news from all ,etc. PATSY's tarot cards lady sounds really funny. As for me, I'm
    finally starting to maneuver on my own a little bit.Gout improvement. Can't keep the old girl down!
    .....If D T had captained the Titanic.....
    There is no iceberg
    We won't hit an iceberg.
    I knew it was an iceberg before anyone else knew.
    No one knows icebergs better than I do.
    The penguins brought the iceberg here.
    No one could have predicted the iceberg.
    We cannot allow an iceberg to stop our ship.
    The crew is spreading fake news about icebergs.
    Some of you have to drown.
    I am the best captain; ask anyone!

    Laughter is the best cure
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing laundry and then will clean the house, I sure do miss my cleaning girl.
    Our governor has closed all Illinois schools for the rest of the year. I bet mom's all opened a bottle of wine. lol I do feel sorry for the graduates, what a bummer time for them.
    We had snow last night but it is slowly melting, not sure if we will ever get spring.

    Buzz, glad you are feeling better and I did see that on Facebook, funny then and funny now.

    Patsy, I do hope your tarot lady was just a nut and nothing serious happened to her. She should have seen it in the cards and told you. lol

    Lin, must be flinting around today. lol

    Where is everyone else?

    Have a good day I better start cleaning before it is time to ride my bike. I do have a schedule. lol

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    Hello, I have been doing a bit of this and a little more of that today. We had a few inches of snow but it has now disappeared with temperatures in the 40’s. I have put together a number of cards and now am in doubt of sending a number of them. They are a bit snarky regarding the quarantine and with so many people being on edge and a bit cranky, I am afraid now that they might not see the bit of fun. Well, must think about it some more. Must move on and write some notes so I can send a card to each of the people on my card list who are in care centers. With no company allowed, any type of note hopefully will be welcomed.

    I was excited to get a big box in the mail today. I didn’t know what could be in such a gigantic box. Well, sprayed it down, waited a while and then tore into the box. In the midst of the paper and packing was my plastic watering can. I had a metal watering can once upon a time but it rusted through. The replacement is much larger than I envisioned it, thus the big box. 👍🏻😅👍🏻

    It is blue. So just fine with me.

    Sandy, schools in our state are closed for the remainder of the spring term as well. Also announced just today but many districts had already decided on their own that they would not open but this made it official for every school in the state. I actually did a bit of dusting today, achoooooo! 😅😂😅. It really is not a lot of fun.

    Buzz, thank you for Titanic verse. How thrilling, we are actually watching our local news this evening. Usually we only get part of it due to interruptions. Thank you for taking time to share it with us.

    Patsy, I am jealous of the springlike weather. Hope we get some next week. I think that is the forecast, but not a promise! Lots of chores, always lots of chores. Tomorrow I have vegetable cleaning, broccoli slaw prep and a sort through of what is in the refrigerator. I may end up having to actually cook something for a main dish.

    Oh no, here he is again. Must run away!

    Virtual hugs, stay safe and healthy

    Lin ❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2020
    Gone midnight, just finished watching documentaries about Sinatra’s later years and before that Elvis’ comeback to what most believe was his best time, the early years in Las Vegas. Great music and lyrics from both men.
    It rained today and my garden looks all the better for it. A good time for housework but in between I tried to help one of my small hens who appears to be egg bound, by sitting her in warm water and Epsom salts for 20 minutes. Seems to be what most experts recommend but by the end she didn’t look at all well so kill or cure came to mind... will discover in the morning.
    Patsy’s description of the clairvoyant lady had me laughing out loud. Sounds like she would get on well with the gardening lady who helped out last year that my neighbour described as alternative and I was left feeling leads a somewhat chaotic life!
    Captain Titanic gave me a good laugh too Buzz and has been forwarded to several friends who like me, view him with a mix of hilarity and increasing alarm for our friends in the US.
    Back to blue Lin when it comes to patterns in the tea sets. My favourite too. Excitement over your watering can delivery is a sure sign of the lockdown syndrome we’re all developing. My excitement today was noticing the newly planted Cardoon is finally lifting its leaves off the ground after the rain!
    Sandy, my teacher neighbour thinks her students won’t get back to school until September but it’s unclear what our government will do as it rather looks like they are floundering while Boris recovers.

    Time for bed. 😴😵🥱

    PS Just remembered another laugh today. A message from my hairdresser about when she shopped today, Friday being the worst for crowds. She added “there was a guy in there in a full on welding mask. That’s quite scary to see”. It just tickled me but I have to think he had a bet on with friends!