Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Bingo tonight, I hope I have a chance to win that big jackpot again.

    Lin, our weather is just like yours and snow is in tomorrow's forecast. I do hope your friend has an easy surgery and quick recovery. do you know what kind of surgery? Doesn't Whole Foods or Trader Joe's carry unsalted vegetable stock?

    Anne, I talked to Babe this morning and this is the information on Daisy. He feeds her ID low fat canned dog food bought at the Vet's. He also adds shredded boneless chicken breasts to each meal. She eats twice a day. For treats, again from the Vet Hills Prescription Hypo treats which are expensive at $8 or $9 a bag. He also buys milk bones from Target which seem to agree with her and mixes both treats up. She does take 2 Pepcid AC original which each meal but she is 108 pounds. He also mixes a powder in her dog food mix which helps with the diarrhea she used to get. Unfortunately all of this costs Babe about $500 a month, something most folks can't afford, I know I couldn't.
    My advice to you would be to feed her boiled chicken and rice with no other table food.
    For treats try the mini milk bones. I would also ask the Vet about Pepcid AC original to help keep the acid out of her tummy. Remember Daisy is 108 pounds so Jilly would probably need a quarter of a pill. I also suggest watching her when walking to make sure she isn't eating junk something Daisy tries to do. Hope that helps.

    Jackie, I did indeed walk Daisy for about a mile and a half. It felt good on my knees and she loved it. I am sure I will be doing this more often when the weather co operates. I am so sorry about Ella I am sure it was sad even though she had a good life with you.

    Buzz, your computer looks great even if it does show up orange, enjoy! I have been riding my bike and trying to watch what I eat and my scale is not moving. Not eating and losing 5 pounds is probably not healthy but I know you will eat again to regain your strength. Good luck at Volleyball but be careful with your wrist.

    Patsy, I think Katie and Daisy will always be puppies, it is their nature. I am happy to hear you are pain free and can move and groove to the oldies.

    Jeri, what's on your agenda today?

    Take care,
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brrr, I've just taken my afternoon trip to the chickens at the bottom of my garden to give them some corn to see them through the night and even wrapped in layers and a hat found myself frozen within a minute. All 3 cats followed me out together with George but when I returned to the cottage they raced to the door and rushed back indoors.... even George is finding it too cold in that wind!! Still no snow but apparently we could have 20 centimeters tomorrow.... not sure what that is in inches and don't think I want to know!!

    Glad you're feeling better Anne. Nothing worse than backs to make us feel miserable.

    Cuppa tea time!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    SANDY, tremendous help, thank you so much. I already feed her chicken breasts and rice, so I'm on the right track. She also gets the mini milk bones for treats but I will pop into our vets and see if Hills prescription hypo treats are available here and the ID low fat canned food. I don't care about the cost although I couldn't manage five hundred dollars! I bet though, as in everything, the cost will be even higher here. She is so tiny which helps of course. Every so often she throws up bile. I don't think the baked beans which she MIGHT have gotten into caused the problem. I wasn't sure they were but couldn't think of anything else at the time. However the common denominator could be a sweet potato treat she really loves. I've thrown them out and will try the Hills. Jilly is only lO lbs but normally she is such a fun loving little dog which means I certainly know when she's ill! Mike thinks she will always be a puppy.
    Anyway, many many thanks and please thank Babe as well. He appears to be a lovely man from what you have told us. Just off to phone the vet to see if they stock your suggestions.
    Will let you know,
    SANDY, Phoned the vet and yes they do stock. By comparison the treats are $13 a bag, and the canned food is $50 for a pack of twelve. It's supposed to snow starting Thursday evening and all day Friday but I hope it won't be bad enough to keep Mike away because I'll need the car to get there and carry home. Shopping carts useless in snow.
    Hi JACKIE, thinking of you, AND Roy and all the other friends in the U.K. Stay safe, stay warm!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Anne, you could just do the chicken and rice and try the milk bone treats before spending all that money. No table food of any kind just for a trial period.
    Ask your Vet his opinion about the Pepcid AC to see if that would help. And just an FYI, if Daisy ate baked beans or a sweet potato she would definitely throw up. What works for one dog might not for another and I would hate to see you spend money if you don't have too.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello everyone

    Buzz your new computer looks great and I love the picture of the flower. Absolutely beautiful.

    We got Ed’s computer yesterday and it is now up and running. A few little minor hijinks to take care of. We noticed that some of the files had not been transferred over but it’s because They were in a rather obscure place. So we decided to hook up the old computer and copy them. Then old computer would not boot. Didn’t know what to do at all but then I remembered that I could probably download them from the online storage back up that we use. It is called Backblaze and works very good. I was able to go online download the files and install them where I wanted them to. Then we also had to download some files from there as we were installing a new tax program and had to access last year‘s data. In the end we got it working just fine. Today we went down to Best Buy with the old computer to see why it wasn’t working and it just hasn’t been hooked back up properly and they fixed it right on the spot. So far so good.

    Jackie sounds like you’ve been having some nasty nasty weather. Hope it warms up soon for you.

    Sandy you can see from my little blurb about that mostly I’ve been working on computers. Our daughter Melanie is supposed to come over this afternoon and have a visit I’m looking forward to that.

    Lin I to find it very frustrating when company stop caring products that I really like. I went to Costco not too long ago and found out that they were discontinuing a brand of rice cakes that I really liked. I found out that one of the stores still had them and I went there and bought quite a few boxes just to tide me over until I find another brand that I like. Rats.

    My foot is still bothering me a little bit so I’m not getting in my 10,000 steps. I find that very frustrating as I really like to do that but I’m striving for 5000 and trying to come to terms with healing my foot rather than aggravating it by walking too much. Sure hope it smart and stuff pretty soon.

    Time to put my earbuds in and do a little walking I always listen to books while I walk and I really enjoy doing that.

    Have a wonderful day everyone in I’ll check in tomorrow.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    It seems to be one of those days. I've been booting my iPad and three hours later nothing's changed. Still low on usage. Also the key to change to numbers from the alphabet keyboard won't change. It's frozen. I've a horrible feeling this device is on the blink. I maybe won't be able to use it tomorrow! So if I'm not around I haven't deserted you! More expense if I need a new iPad! Grrrrrrrr.
    Oh by the way SANDY, Michael thinks exactly like you regarding Jill's diet. Chuck everything out but the chicken, rice and milk bone treats.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne: see if you can pull up your settings icon and try to reset. I’ve have to do that from time to time. Mine is located in the upper right hand corner with a list of other options. I am no expert, in fact hardly even functional, but what you describe has happened to me, I reset, problem solved. I am speaking of the little icon that looks sort of like a fan or grill.

    Off to lunch with our musician friend. Hope that goes well. It is always a gamble. Will he recognize us? What can we do to support his wife? One thing that is hard for friends and family of those with Alzheimer’s is that we can’t make it go away or even better. His brain fires up occasionally and he is almost back to himself. But most of the time he is missing in action.

    It is interesting about our computers and tablets. If we lose function on these things we are almost cast asea without a life raft. It feels awful. But we all complain from time to time about the internet and the evils therein.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks Patsy, Anne
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So sorry to be so late again tonight, and I really have to catch up on sleep as I'm dragging.
    That digbyana orchid was a lime color, and when dusk came, the scent it sent out made the neighborhood smell heavenly! I had it wrapped to a large barklike piece with roots eventually grabbing hold, but not in a pot. I don't know if you can see the whiskers on each blossom! Each April or May it would add a blossom or 2 awxx29bk3951m.jpg
    nd was becoming very full! My house buyer learned to take care of my orchids and has them growing very successfully.lvnyddn1olbx.jpg....I think this pic is a phaleanopsis (spelling terrible!). Cattleya are larger and gorgeous. Orchids like light that is not direct. I was trying to download several of my plants from restored pictures, and may have just messed up instead!
    Anyway, our volleyball game was very interesting today. I was surprised at how long we volleyed, but our side didn't score well. Just practise, and against a more seasoned group (with one "know it all" who never stopped directing!). I got a cramp in my thigh toward the end and I had to request a substitute. I get them frequently and they are debilitating!
    I'm planning to investigate the fingerprint business further, as right ow, I need to log in with a password every day.
    After 1 AM, so I must log off. Tomorrow is super busy, but I think it eases off Friday. I'll pop in.
    <3 Buzz

    ..........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2018
    Beautiful orchids but I'm sure they would need an indoor environment here. I'm looking for one though!!
    Snow has arrived with a vengeance in the past hour but I did manage to walk George and he's also been groomed this morning but not too short as the weather is still so cold, in fact this morning the water supply is off due to a frozen pipe somewhere and although I did try my hairdryer on the section I thought it might be my fingers got too cold so instead I've filled, kettle, coffee pot and a bucket for the loo courtesy of my nice neighbour. l'll worry about the pipes once this weather eases!

    We are now at risk of power cuts so don't worry if you don't hear from me.... I'll be curled up in front of my fire!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Frozen pipes JACKIE. Over here I leave a tap very slightly dripping when it gets very cold. That's in the basement because that's the one that tends to freeze.
    We get snow again overnight and the sky today is that funny grey/green colour.
    I mentioned my iPad problems to Mike on the phone because I couldn't text him. He was having problems as well. He thinks it was Apple because everything went back to normal in the evening.
    Lastly, what a week! Mark and his back, me and my sciatica?, Jilly and her tum upset, but worst of all my last living first cousin in Australia in hospital with bile problems. Let's not even think about the world boys and their lethal toys!
    Let's think orchids. Beautiful BUZZ. I know they grow on wood bark but do you have to feed them and I guess keep the bark moist? I've considered them in the past but not sure I could care for them successfully.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ When I realised the water was frozen I left a tap open in the hopes warm air from the cottage would find the ice then about an hour ago, just as I was chatting to a friend on the phone I heard a crash, thump and strange noises that sent George into a frenzy and cats flying and followed the noise to the kitchen. Water was pouring out of the tap on to bags of lamb and chicken thawing ready to cook a batch for George, the loo cistern was refilling and hot water tank in airing cupboard also filling so hooray, back in business. Even more of a thick layer of bubble wrap has been placed round the exposed pipe outside so hopefully problem solved.

    Snow drifts are already up against the kitchen door and horizontal white stuff flying across the garden so it looks like I'll be cancelling my hair appointment booked tomorrow yet again and my mop will continue to grow. At least George is looking cute after his trim since we decided it's too cold for a short back and sides!!

    Cuppa tea time!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers. The day begins with my list! It grows and I fear I am losing ground on that voluminous list. Oh well, the interesting news from my lunch date was that our friend seems to be “holding” regarding his dementia. He had k lovely chat with John about the Olympics. They are going on a cruise in April. This site will not let me correct or back up. I don’t like that. It happens here occasionally. Anyway, it is encouraging to see these people, each with physically limiting problems, go on with life and live to the fullest.

    We have a deer family that live somewhere nearby and they nibble what ever flower or bush they can reach. Katie yells at them from the back deck, to no avail. I am sure she is well aware that the cannot come into the fenced area off the deck. They glance up at her without worry or concern. Standoff!!!!

    Life is a learning experience. Now I must learn a new authors program to send my little book to editors. It is called smachup, or something like that. Of course, I have buy new software. I realize that these challenges are what makes this all a peak life experience. Learning new things, meeting new people, discussing the “ins and outs” of the book publishing business and page design is invigorating. As a rank amateur, everything is new and unfamiliar. But fun!

    Sorry about my poor typing, and lack of correction. Not my fault, it is the fault of the tangled internet.
    Be brave...a bad storm is heading your way.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello friends, some frightening weather in various locations around the world. I feel guilty that it was sunny and not too cold here today. I haven’t heard the forecast.

    Patsy, some days I am unable to fix any of my typos or any of the autocorrect faux pas I never know what is going on it seems. And my list is longer as well. At some point I will need to speed up or many things on the list will have to be removed—forever.

    Buzz, I loved the photos of the orchids. I hope the new homeowners are indeed taking good care of them. I had a couple of indoor orchids some decades ago but that very cold and drafty farm house was not a good environment for the darlings. Hummm, the volleyball seems kind of intense but there is always one person who is large and in charge right?

    Anne, I hope sticking to a limited diet will work for Jilly. When my male Husky had digestive problems, my vet either could not solve the problem or just didn’t care to try. I did a lot of laundry. I hope Jilly is still feeling well and your hip is not troubling you too much.

    Jackie, oh my gosh, what horrible weather. And a bout with frozen water. Please stay safe and warm. The weather is insane! I am sorry you lost one of the girls. And I hope the bees make it through this nastiness.

    Jeri, thanks for comisserating with me. That vegetable stock was the perfect package size, had no questionable ingredients such as ‘natural favors and spices’ as well as no added salt, sugars or oils. Just what I wanted and it was organic. I can find products that meet some of my strict criteria but not all of them. Almost all options are in the 32 oz. size which is a problem for me when I need only 8 oz. to make my mushroom gravy. That is my primary use of the stock. I make that more often than soup! I hope your cut hand is healing up. It’s a bother to wear gloves and/or keeping bandaids in place while working in the kitchen. I hope you are able to get your steps in each day soon. That is always a big goal for me each day, steps, flights of stairs, activity minutes, etc. I try to get it all in each day.

    Sandy, I hope you are well. For some reason I see no post from you today.

    It was a quite unsettled day in my world. Our little group at the library had an unpleasant encounter with a very large, barely under control, mentally disturbed man. His female carer did not say a word. Luckily they left but he wrote threatening words on the sign in sheet before leaving. We spoke to the activities director for the Library and the response was irritation on her part and an expressed likelihood that they will discontinue the program. I feel very bad.

    Well, I need to get some work done on my probable Easter cards.

    Tai Chi tomorrow and then I am going to meet a friend for coffee. I have not seen her since early last fall. Take care


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited March 2018
    Happy Thursday! :) Well for some reason my post didn't post the whole post. As I said Thursdays just seem to get away from me. I had my meeting and then errands. It is after dinner but I still have dishes to watch and then hopefully ride my bike. My landlady will be here for the dryer in the morning so I have to get up early to shower. I will respond tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ... I knew when I could not get the time signal from CO. on my clock, that there is a bad storm brewing out there. I keep losing my connection, or dozing off! Read all your posts today. ANNE, orchids require very little care once they are mounted, just a spray to nist the plant containing a very weak food mix.. remember they grow naturally outdoors on trees. Roots do not like being wet.
    My connection is poor, and I must correct every other word, so I'll try making up for lost sleep! Hugs to everyone...
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It must be spring despite the snow outside. I suddenly felt like getting rid of the lethargy that's been plaguing me all winter. I've started walking again. I mean serious stuff, even if it means walking from front to back of the house. Of course Jilly benefits as well as she chases me down the corridor as it were, sock at the ready hopefully. Goodbye hobbies etc, I'm in the mood to get old Annie back in shape. I lost just over 2lbs in February so if I can keep this up that's hopefully another 5lb by May 1st. On top of that, I didn't like looking at me in the mirror with the "stylish" hair cut the hairdresser had crafted. Out came the scissors this morning and I'm back to my old shaggy self. I managed to lose 18 lb after joining MFP and in fact went too thin. It just creeps back on doesn't it if one gets too complacent. This time, from today, I only need to lose 6lb for a reasonable weight. The benefits are already appearing. Leg and hip pain decreasing.
    Sorry to prattle on so, but it helps to write things down and maintain the enthusiasm.
    Whoops, Mikes just phoned, he's on his way.
    Bye, everybody,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Good day, schedule change. Off to the bank. My online profile has been deleted. Must attend to that. Online chat says they will create a new profile for me BUT I must wait for new paperwork to arrive in the mail to start the login process again. Going to the branch this morning to assure my $$ are there.

    Then off to meet my friend for coffee. New location. Now strolling and shopping.

    Heigh ho.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello all of you Sneakers/
    not a cloud in the sky today. have not seen it like tis in a long time. Love it. Dafadills are blomming so spring is almost here
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Friday :) Well another interesting morning with my landlady. The repairman was supposed to be here at 10:00 and when he didn't show up by 10:20 she called Home Depot to complain and finally ended up going to the store to have someone come here even though they weren't supposed too. She got it done and without having to pay, she is a feisty little thing. Anyway my dryer now opens the right way. :)

    I wanted to get the oil changed on my car, plus get my car washed and then to Walmart but first I want to pay some bills. Another day that is going to escape me if I don't move fast. I might postpone the oil change to next week.

    Marie, your day sounds wonderful, ours is still chilly but warming up. So happy to see you check in. <3

    Lin, oh no, I hope you didn't get hacked, please keep us informed. Have fun with your friend strolling and shopping.

    Anne, good for you on the weight loss and desire to walk. I am sure your hair looks great, you do a good job in cutting your own hair. I have managed to lose 16 pounds since I joined MFP and I am grateful. I do agree it creeps back on if we are not careful with diet and exercise.

    Buzz, cute graphic with the cloud. It was probably a good way to have you get some sleep.
    BTW what program do you use to make your cards? Do I have to pay to make one card? Love the orchids, so beautiful.

    Patsy, I would love to see deer in my back yard, my cousin does all the time but she has acres of land in Indiana. Good luck with your book.

    Jackie, glad your water came back on and hope it has finally stopped snowing. Without hearing from you today I am presuming you lost power which I hope will come back on soon. Glad George was able to get his haircut, I am sure he feels handsome.

    Jeri, busy with grand kids or having some other type of fun?

    Time to move.
    One Day at a Time