Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Data transfer 18 more hours to go! But I'm beginning to love this! Just Videochatted with kids in Germany and what a difference, fabulous color, great mike, clear as could be. Finally installed LastPass properly and sent the correct method to the Dell tech who thought it was just an extension! I may end up using voice texting as my typing misses too many letters. Wish I could send a picture of this jazzy keyboard with its red back-light! Sorry I'm so involved with my new toy, but must go down to brunch. Hope to get back later
    <3 Buzz
    ........................... Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) We have wonderful sunshine today after a heavy rain during the night. I have no plans today and welcome the chance to just stay home. I went to see Babe and Daisy after church yesterday and then next door to see my friend who's husband died in November.
    Her daughter was with her and it was great catching up with them. I missed that her husband wasn't there teasing me but know he is in a better place.

    Lin, be careful out there, I am glad you have snowshoes. haha

    Anne, I am glad someone can solve the world's problems, sounds good to me.

    Buzz, things will get easier as you use your new computer just hang in there. Good that you have Dell support to help you.

    Jeri, my computer is old but it serves it purpose. I think if I ever get a new one it might be a Mac, but not sure I could be without some of the windows programs.

    Patsy, I hope your weather is better today and the sun is shining.

    Jackie, busy day????

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning peeps! Spent part of yesterday at Home Depot making sure the new dryer we ordered will work in our current laundry room space. The door is round and has a window (?) our current old work horse has a square drop down door. I have shrunk so much that I have difficulty reaching to the back of the dryer. Is that pathetic or what? And we discovered we have a new natural grocers. Wonderful.

    I often get cranky about getting older and John simply will not permit it. He drags out all of his research and demands we try to keep active and positive and socially involved. That’s a mouthful, I can tell,you. Left to my own devices, I can become a really scary curmudgeon.

    I understand your feelings, Anne. But here we have a few local city council members that are so sour and full of negativity, we all hope and pray for a slightly younger group to come on board. We know a couple of older folks that are such a delight. Politically knowledgeable, active, and they are very attractive. They are my heros. I try to spruce up a bit more when I am around them. I also have to credit John’s positive attitude.

    You might have an achy hip (don’t we all?) but you have an amazing sense of humor and your own style and a wonderful little companion. It would be fun to share a cup of coffee (tea) and set things to right. I often think this little group,could rule the world.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    A lot of what I say or rather write is done with my quirky sense of humour. A bit of truth in it maybe, but mainly I sort of see the funny side of most things that go on around me. I do hope nobody gets offended with my view of this funny old world.
    Michael's just gone home. He's off on a blind date! be young and 56 again! Jilly is not amused that he left early. She's gone for a nap.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Siberia continues to blow her frigid air in our direction so this morning we met up with Scruff and her mum for a stroll round the local woods where it was at least sheltered. Not the same sort of walk for George but he was delighted to greet Scruff before they both bounced round the trees sniffing and rummaging for sticks. The temperature has dropped from 0c first thing to -2c and I understand we are in for a snow storm Wednesday and Thursday and have been warned areas of Cornwall could be cut off so I dropped in to the local supermarket for stores but more especially George's favourite treats.... can't be running out of those! Apart from a pedicure at home this afternoon and a plan to increase the bedding in the hen house to keep them warm I've decided the remainder of the path work can wait until we warm up. George's groomer is booked Thursday morning and I have an appointment for my cataracts to be looked at in the afternoon at a hospital 22 miles away but I've a feeling both will have to be postponed, also my hair appointment Friday so we'll just have to look shaggy together!!

    Buzz ~ Nurdles must be a new word in the English dictionary because I'd not heard of them either but apparently they're nuggets of recycled plastic that get shipped round the world to factories that make new plastic items. The problem is once they break loose from a container they are nigh on impossible to pick up and in the sea wildlife looks on them as a food source and chokes to death! Don't mind me, I just get so annoyed at our ability to pollute and destroy the wonderful creatures that share our planet. :'(

    I'd better tidy up before my pedicure then brace myself for what's being called The Beast from the East!!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Good day. We have a lovely day in store with sunny skies and increasing temperatures. No snow tires on my feet today. I am leaving a bit later for a visit with my friend who had the shoulder replacement. She let me know she felt well enough for company. I must guard to not stay too long. We could of course talk forever!

    Jackie, what nasty weather. Ack. Isn’t it frustrating to have things lined up and then have to reschedule everything? At least you have stocked up for yourself and George. Well done. My Mah Jongg friend called and her appointment with the surgeon was cancelled last week due to poor weather so she is rescheduled for this Tuesday. She was quite frustrated to have to wait the extra week as she is anxious about it and has had an extra week to become more upset.

    Anne, I always take everything you write perfectly seriously. Haaaaaaa. Maybe not.

    Patsy, you have a good balance in your household. John is an excellent influence.

    Time to move along but I must say I am against shipping all this junk around the world. If these plastic pellets can be used why can’t we figure out how to use them in each country rather than shipping them and risking these disasters?


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2018
    Just a quickie from me. Mark, my youngest has been in bed all weekend after bending down and not being able to stand up again. Back out. Too much renovating I think. He says too much computer time when at work. He's supposed to go to Florida tomorrow! AND I've been diagnosed with sciatica. I've certainly got all the symptoms, hip pain, right leg pain and tingling all the way down to the tootsies. Oh joy. Ive joined our Patsy. Isn't that what you've got Patsy? Definitely sympathies sent!

    Jackie, watch yourself when moving the paving slabs! Sciatica isn't fun! The weather doesn't sound fun either. I remember those Siberian winds, living near the east coast once upon a time!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sweet friends. Today looks as if we might not get too much flying moisture of any kind! Oh joy indeed. We had a lovely long visit with our son yesterday. He is crazy busy but is hopful that soon he will be on his boat. I guess those people who sail are obsessed, they NEED to be out in the wind and on the water.

    Anne: I know you are not a pill taker but there is medication that helps. It isn’t too expensive. Maybe your doc will prescribe it. It isn’t a painkiller, it calms that nerve that causes all that discomfort. I also have a few exercises that really help. Our doc urges us to do them daily. John has sciatica as well. This darn problem changes your life. I have to do all these things to maintain life quality. So sorry you must deal with this. Our best wishes sent to your son. Again, an episode with back pain is so awful.

    My cleaning list is growing by the minute. If I want to do anything in the dungeon today, I must shovel out this house. Vacuum, dust, while I wash and sheet changing day. First I have to get John out of bed. He is always the sleepyhead. I will not get it all done, I know, but I have this long list!
    We are invincible. gone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Monday! :) I cancelled my cleaning lady and told her I am only going to use her once a month from now on. My house does not get that dirty living by myself and I can keep it up myself for the weeks she is not here. I in fact cleaned my stove yesterday and the tops of my cabinets which she does not do. I really don't think anyone can clean better than we clean ourselves but she does a great job with the bathrooms which I hate to do.
    My landlady just called and the water heater inspection guy will be here tomorrow morning, she said she does not have to be here. :) She is also trying to schedule the dryer guy for tomorrow to switch my dryer door to right handed.
    We are having a few days of warmer weather with the sun shining and it feels wonderful.

    Patsy, John sounds like me as I like to sleep in the morning, waking between 8 and 9.
    As far as sciatica there are many options, I did therapy, then had the shots and finally the surgery which was an easy surgery. Of course after surgery there is therapy, they mostly like you to walk to strengthen your core muscles. I used to walk Daisy all the time.

    Anne, I hate to hear your are suffering, are you going to go the doctor? There is help.
    Poor Mark, I hope he also is going to the doctor, it sounds like he could have slipped a disc.
    Is he going to cancel his Florida trip?

    Lin, I'm with you, why ship to different countries when we all have our own recycling plastic?
    I would be frustrated as well if my appointment was cancelled waiting for results and a consultation. I am upset enough waiting for my blood work which was done last week.

    Jackie, I am so sorry you are having horrible weather but glad the pups got to play together.
    Maybe the weather will cooperate with you for your appointments or at least so you can drive safe. If not just stay in and keep warm and safe.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    dear everyone, Love your posts, hate your aches, sciatica, etc, and wish I weren't so slow these days so I could spend time here. Being back in my wrist/arm brace isn't helping my slow pace either, so I'm frustrated trying to set up this gorgeous looking pain in the----!!! Carpal Tunnel and volley ball don' work well together either. So I deliver my hugs and love today and must get back to installing or deleting data I cannot believe is in my collection! I keep swearing off plastics but we seem to be inundated!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................... Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!........................
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hello everybody,

    I’m sitting here typing with one finger because I managed to cut my hand when I was making myself lunch. I am such a bad klutz. If I’m not cutting myself I’m burning myself. Ed took the twins Icefishing today so he’ll be gone most of the day. Yesterday he took Joshua and Lucas with their dad Jack out as well. The boys turned out don’t particularly like fishing but really like stopping at the candy store on the way home. But I know the twins love fishing and also stopping at Nanton for candy at the candy store. I still remember one time Peter saying after he had come back from fishing with Ed that it was “the best day of his life”.

    Sandy I bought myself a Mac several years ago. Great resolution and I like how it interacts with my iPad and things like that. However there are programs from windows that I did miss for a long time. I found adequate substitutes so it’s OK now. The program I really miss is a genealogy program but the upside of having a Mac wins out. As for a cleaning lady, Ed and I just recently hired one. She comes every two weeks and I am enjoying the fact that I am much neater. I hate having to run around and do the pick up before she is scheduled to come in so both Ed and I are better at putting our stuff away.

    Jackie that sounds like horrible weather. We’ve had nice warm weather for the last little bit of time but we still have lots of snow. It’s no good for walking for sure and so I have to make do in the house.

    Buzz your new computer sounds like it’s starting to work pretty good for you. Hooray.

    Patsy my husband is the sleepyhead too. He’d like to sleep in all day I think but we just have too many commitments and so it’s up and at it most days. Are usually wake up early and like to get up early but lots of times I just stay in bed and snuggle.

    Anne, I have sciatica too and I just hate it. With me it comes and goes and last night it was there driving me crazy for most of the night. Sorry you were having the same problem and I really feel for you.

    Lin glad your weather is improving.

    Time run, got to pick up a few things before Ed gets home.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A walk in the woods again this morning because when I started the car up in the garage the temperature gauge told me it was -4C before we even got out into the open! A lovely stroll and we met quite a few friendly dogs and owners all thinking the same..... stay off the moors! Yesterday's pedicure was wonderful with a reflexology massage to finish off so my tootsies are tidy and relaxed. Our forecast hasn't changed and so far they've been correct so I've phoned the hospital and put my appointment off until the end of March when surely it can't snow!!

    Anne ~ Oh dear, both Mark and you suffering back problems. Perhaps Mark has thrown himself into the renovations with too much enthusiasm but will know better once he's had bed rest and hopefully won't need any other treatment. Back problems can be debilitating so I'm so sorry you are suffering sciatica which I understand most painkillers don't touch. Patsy is right about exercises if you can find the right ones because a couple of years ago a friend had a similar diagnosis and still today follows the physio's exercise plan. Believe me, those slabs are lifted with the utmost care and when yesterday I lifted a huge pack of wood shavings from the back of my car before dragging it along the communal path to my garden and then down to the hen house I didn't show it any respect and rolled it whenever possible rather than strain anything.

    Sandy ~ Hopefully your heater inspection will go well this morning and you can move on. I did laugh at your comments about how your landlady can talk but she still sounds like a Godsend to me! You seem to be out and about quite a bit so that's probably a good decision to just have the cleaner visit once a month. Sometimes just a half hour tidy and dust can be enough and as it's your bathroom and you don't share there shouldn't be too much to bother you!! LOL Whatever the weather throws at me I'm stocked up with plenty of fuel for my fire and will find it a good excuse to do little!!

    Lin ~ One thing that cancer surgery and treatment a couple of years ago taught me was to take each hospital visit a day at a time so I'm lucky and don't get stressed. At least this postponement was my decision based on my friend who will drive me being more than a little apprehensive about the forecast!

    Patsy ~ Your list sounds similar to my DIY one. Remember the dining chairs and wonderful monkey material.... still waiting for me to pluck up the courage to rip the old covers off and see what I'm dealing with!! Then George needs a jolly good brush out before the groomer arrives so although I'm imagining she won't get to me Thursday through high snow drifts it could be we don't see a flake then I'll be scrabbling about first thing otherwise I get told off.... nicely but still, told off!!

    Jeri ~ Oh dear, another cut with a knife which does have me wondering what you prepare for lunch that requires a sharp implement? Is that ice fishing Ed takes the kids out to enjoy? Of course the candy store is going to be the biggest attraction whatever! LOL

    Buzz ~ What a nightmare changing computers seems to be.... your experiences are certainly putting me off having only just got used to bits of Windows 8 along with Windows 7. I'm never sure what it's supposed to be anymore and don't think my computer knows either!

    All that chat about housework has me thinking I should vacuum and dust my bedroom while the sun shines in the windows and shows me where that dust is lying!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Morning. Glorious sunshine here, but the weatherman says don't get too complacent because we are still in winter. I DO sympathize JACKIE. Roy's just emailed from "up north" and he said he spoke too soon about Spring and snowdrop sending! Meanwhile I have a lone one flowering. How ironic!

    Good for you SANDY having your poor cleaning lady only once a month. I say poor because she's partly lost a good employer I would think.
    Anyway, I consider the housework as part of my keep fit strategy and not a chore. This is particularly true when I've got Jilly Bean hanging on to my duster and shaking it like some poor critter. She loves to run round and round the coffee table with it and I'm supposed to chase her. I find if I do the dusting and vacuuming regularly it never gets really that bad and it's soon done, and I'm all set in summer to get mucky in the garden.

    I'm so sorry for all of you with sciatica! I had a good night for once after a terrible yesterday. Jilly is getting restless. It's her long walk time, and again it's good for me, so I'm away,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Tuesday! :) Well the inspector was here and gone in less than a minute. Friday the dryer guy for which my landlady will be here. We are supposed to reach 60 degrees today and I am thinking of taking Daisy for a walk this afternoon.
    So in cleaning my bathroom yesterday I was very upset in the things my cleaning girl missed.
    It could be that they arent expected to clean the grout on the floor but you should see it now.
    I think I made the right choice in using her once a month since I will keep it up as Anne does the other three weeks.

    Anne, the visual of Jilly running after you while dusting. I am all set for summer to get wet in the pool. lol

    Jackie, I do have two bathrooms but the other is more updated and hardly used so stays clean.
    My bathroom is now sparkling so I am happy. I do hope your weather warms up soon, I think winter is forever this year.

    Jeri, although my computer is older it does the job for me so I don't think a new one is in my future for a while. Besides I am saving money in case I go to Hawaii next March. I may go back to having my cleaning girl every two weeks in the summer but will wait and see.

    Buzz, take care of that wrist and maybe excuse yourself from volley ball until it feels better.
    You will love your new laptop once you have everything done, it is frustrating to get it set up.
    A picture is in order so we can see how pretty it is.

    Patsy and Lin, I hope all is well.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just want to add that all writing is on the back burner at the moment because I'm as slow as molasses! Chores and walks and shopping taking twice as long. Getting there.
    Mark and Mary Jo have just text me from the airport so Mark is also getting on with things. He said he might as well have back ache in the tropics as up here! He has a point. Mary Jo who was born in Portuguese Africa needs her yearly dose of tropical February sun!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! It must be some sort of odd spring fever going on here. Katie has reverted to some puppy behavior. She steals my slippers and shoes and runs off outside with them. She is teasing me in a hundred different ways these days. I guess I have to realize she is tired of winter as well.

    House cleaning in the country is a never ending struggle. I must confess I love a clean house but I do these things as a payment to be able to spend time in the dungeon. I feel guilty when tucked away doing my fun stuff when things are needing a lot attention else where. One of life’s conundrums is that there are two of us here. We each keep doing various chores to stay somewhat organized. We seem never really caught up. There is always something that is in bad need of cleaning, maintained, repaired or replaced!

    I am happy to be somewhat pain free now and so I will be doing my exercises with gusto. much gusto as possible. Old 60s rock and roll help push me along. The Supremes doing “Stop in the name of Love!” Etc. Remember the Mashed Potato and the twist? I have cds of the great old stuff as my work out tunes.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hokay! 97% setup! And I've learned life doesn't give me any rose gardens! First, my hair color went. Then my waistline; then my height, my skin, you name it. But the glancing blow last night (or rather some time this morning) was when I finally was about to rid my life of the password to log onto my Gorgeous Beijing Red laptop and :'(:'(:'( ! I have no fingerprints left :s ! All 10 fingertips are worn smooth! I tried knuckles, palms, and was about to consider my left cheek when I realized the other thing I lost is agility, so I climbed off the chair and am back to passwords! I never thought to ask the salesman for a laptop that reads the eye's iris! The other job ahead is deleting 1/2 the files and folders that were retored by backup! It saved every blessed comma, period and purchase I ever made, and I was embarrassed when the technician saw my order for Poise Pads! I mumbled something about my dear elderly aunt in Poughkeepsie, but living in India or Indonesia or somewhere other than New York, he probably just smiled! Would you believe I have lost over 5 pounds this past week, mostly because I'm glued to my desk and forget to eat! I can afford another 40 at least, but now that Red is up and running, I'm sure I'll remember to eat! When I become intensely consumed in a project, I just get lost in it and forget or ignore almost everything else until it's finished. So I'll see if I can retrieve a couple pf really lousy picures someone requested, that I just spent ages taking from the camera enclosed in my old computer, who'se battery lost power in the middle so of course I'm late for bed for a change! I had to change the password in order for Windows 10 to allow me use of the old one! I must add, the new one has much truer color and clarity but I don't know how to do a selfie!
    The orangey color is really a true Chinese RED! In the next one, I could not get the red lights under the keyboard to show up, so use your imagination. (These are as close to pictures of great-grandchildren I'll ever come!)
    Not too clear, but those orchids on the desktop background are a digbyana plant I rescued after Hurricane Wilma destroyed the nursery that was nurturing it as a baby!

    Tomorrow I am committed to practice seated volley ball with opponents from St. Andrews, against whom we will be seriously playing next week n the OlympiActs game! do you think we'll make news at NBC? My carpal tunnel has almost completely healed and I'm ready with a vicious serve! I wish I could play a decent volley also!
    I hope you are all well and I will make time to read all the posts after I get the Gold Medal!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
    .............................Always believe something WONDERFUL is about to happen!...................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2018
    It seems the rest of the UK is struggling with snow as well as freezing temperatures but here we managed another lovely walk in the sheltered woods with not a flake of the white stuff to be seen! A friend who lives in Plymouth by the sea left a phone message while I was out to let me know it's snowing there so I'm guessing we will see some by the end of the day.
    When I visited my hens yesterday to add some warm bedding I discovered the older chook called Ella had died in the night although I'm not sure if it was the freezing temperatures or an age thing. She had a good life with me and survived a couple of fox attacks before I confined the hens to a chicken run so I'm not too upset.
    Today it will be more housework for me because it is still too cold to be hefting bags of sand and stones about, especially since their contents will probably be frozen.

    Buzz ~ The first thing that struck me from your photos was that stunning orchid so have jotted down the name to see if such a plant is available in the UK because I can imagine it taking over my garden room! I see I was up before you went to bed last night but do understand getting so absorbed in a project that hours disappear. I've been working on a video for Scruff's mum of dog tricks to be sent away and around midnight found myself working on some edits so of course once in bed was wide awake with brain ticking over! At least the video is finished and transferred to You Tube so that she can send the link to the organisation running the competition.

    Anne ~ It's obvious you are in lots of pain because it's just not like you to be dragging yourself about. Get some strong pain relief prescribed and forget the housework for now. A dose of warm sunshine is probably the best cure for Mark especially as he must be loving the freedom to go when he wants. A shame you couldn't have been taken along as excess baggage!! LOL

    Sandy ~ Did you get to walk Daisy? A balmy 60f sounds like paradise to me right now and perfect for dog walking. B)

    Patsy ~ It certainly sounds like Katie is stir crazy so must be sensing Spring in the air. George is the opposite as his Tibetan instincts take over in really cold weather so rushes about like a mad thing and all the stones that get thrown for him to chase and find get left in a pile in the garden as if he is building his own temple. He certainly makes me laugh!

    No excuses because my mug of coffee is consumed and I must pop next door because I've had a message asking me to check their catflap is working as it was apparently frozen shut last night and we have yet another Tom cat prowling around the area looking for trouble. Where's our Lin? Everything alright I hope.

    Have a good day.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, I'm feeling a lot better and so far without pain killers. I think losing a bit of winter weight will help enormously and is giving me incentive. Still think there is a weather connection because with this little warm up spell definitely an improvement. I did offer to take Marks place as on the Florida jaunt JACKIE but it fell on deaf ears! Always try, is my motto! The east coast is really snowed in. Hope you can keep clear of it! Poor little Ella gone. I'm glad you've got the new girls settled in and loving Jackie's care.

    SANDY, a request. I know you have said Daisy has a sensitive tummy. I wonder if you would mind sharing with us exactly what she eats in brands of dog food and also any treat? Jilly's tiny tum seems to have a similar problem and it would be much appreciated. She seems okay with her home cooked food but one day we will have to rely on canned or dry dog food I think. Also store bought treats. She can have problems with them occasionally. Maybe see what the vet offers? Anyway if you wouldn't mind sharing, many thanks.

    Gorgeous orchid BUZZ. Methinks it might flourish in my living room. Mother Nature still beats all man made stuff!

    Everyone, enjoy your day, hugs.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hello friends. I got caught up a bit on tasks and errands yesterday. I was going to write but started to sort through the odd bits and pieces I had drug out the other day trying to think of what to start on for Easter cards. There’s another paper crafting day on Saturday, the last before Easter so I need to buckle down. I made small start, did not like it and then started dragging out other papers. And thus the day and evening melted away. My wheels are still spinning and will start again when I return from Tai Chi.

    While making a stop on my way to Mah Jongg, I received a text. The lady who rescheduled her consultation with the surgeon had her appointment early in the morning and her surgery is scheduled for today! So she canceled Mah Jongg as she had a number of tests to complete immediately. I changed directions, hit three more stores and then home somewhat disappointed as I could not find a suitable substitute for my organic unsalted vegetable stock. The only near product is full of added salt. Oh rats. I wrote to the company about the discontinued product. That will do no good.

    Lots of texts to various folks. Life is full of twists and turns.

    Buzz, good for you. I just knew you would persevere with the new laptop! Nice color and you are a fierce competitor methinks. I do hope you enjoy the volleyball games. I do get wrapped up in things and the other things that should be done are jettisoned for those that grabbed my attention.

    Jackie, indoors is the best place in the cold cold weather. We had a wonderful day yesterday but now that is over and we are back to near freezing weather with Thursday promising rain or snow. It was good of you to work on that video for Scruff’s mom. Let us know the results.

    Anne, I hope your back is better. It is an adventure each day. I wake up and find out what is working and what is not. Yesterday my neck didn’t really want to move. Where that came from I have no idea.

    I must get ready to leave. Best wishes to all.

