Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A grey day but since George and I were on our own I decided to walk across the lower moorland with him.... all fine until I heard shouting cattle before walking round a large gorse bush to be faced by a frisky steer with wide eyes and ears pointed in my direction! George wanted to play peek-a-boo from the safety of the bush but I did a wide u-turn and headed back from whence we came!! George soon followed! Never mind, we met some pleasant dog walkers, one of them fostering a beautiful collie that's been rescued from a violent and abusive household. What a gorgeous boy and so happy to be running free.

    It's sad that kids already lacking in social skills because they spend so much time on computers should be isolated at home but I do understand why and would probably in similar circumstances keep my child away from schools too. The Florida senator I viewed on our British news was certainly aggressive towards any suggestions of gun control blaming the death of those 17 innocents on what he called the Liberal element in the State who spoke out against the arming of teachers. The jaw of the reporter on this side of the ocean literally dropped!!

    Patsy ~ Hopefully if enough citizens speak out, especially the school children living with the fear, then someone will have to listen won't they? It must be something to do with running water that attracts dogs. George does the same and a dripping tap is his favourite of all!

    Sandy ~ None of my business but I'm pleased you decided to stay home because sometimes you have to think of yourself especially after a fraught day at the hospital. The vast majority of humankind is good and decent, we just don't always shout loud enough!

    Lin ~ Sorry you had a bad day or so but hopefully things are improving. I remember about 40 years ago reading that cancer would grow to epidemic proportions in the West by the time I was in my 60's but it doesn't take away the upset when our friends get such a diagnosis. A friend of mine passed away last Monday after such a battle but all I could feel was relief that she didn't have to suffer anymore. We must all make the most of every day.

    Buzz ~ Big hugs to you.... <3<3

    Anne ~ Jilly back to her bright self I trust!

    Must get on. Just spent an hour chatting to a friend on the phone!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Finally Jill is back to her normal woofity self and ate her morning meal. I think it was the sauce covering the Heinz baked beans! IF that was what it was!
    Shout, shout, shout girls! The Florida senator on British TV unbelievable! A civilized country doesn't have to arm its teachers!!!! What next, holy men in churches, mosques, temples! Or do they already have a gun hidden behind the pulpit! I can't imagine how the wives of police officers feel when their husbands are on duty. Maybe some of these gun loving senators upon election should don the uniform and get to patrol for a month before assuming office. Maybe they need to learn a civilized country protects its young, the frail, the old, none of whom hopefully are packing a gun for their protection.
    Must climb down from my soapbox before I'm banned off iPads for free speech! Final words, SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
    Anne, like BUZZ, grrrrrrrr.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my! We have rain, hail, snow and wind! Other than that the weather is perfect! Katie is snuggled in front of the glowing space heater and I am wrapped up in an favorite old quilt with a huge mug of coffee in hand. To complete this stormy Sunday I have my favorite radio program going...Sunday Baroque. Lovely old flute, recorder and harpsichord music. You know..”music to tame the savage beast.”

    I know we all feel angry and helpless about the senseless waste of life currently. But we must push through this and add our voices where we can. I am trying to not let this horror steal my bless. I am forever grateful for whatever peace and safety I can carve out. How fortunate we all are to have safe place to vent. There are times when I feel the sneakers are my life ring in a very stormy sea. Thank goodness you are there. I know I sometimes have a slightly different point if view but you are tolerant.

    The olympics remain interesting, but scary. Many serious injuries. Snowboarding and skiing have racked up broken bones and heartbreak.

    We have a local festival called The Fisher Poet Gathering. It is a raucous good time. Fishers from all over the world come and read their poetry and sing sea ditties. Most of them are VERY naughty or sad . I confess I only go to the afternoon readings. I am too old to enjoy late nights of drinking and poetry. But there was a time.....anyway if you google the name they have an interesting web site. This weekend the town is full of crusty old guys in rubber boots clutching a weathered notebook.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I so enjoy reading the Sneakers posting this morning

    Time now to make me up some soup for today. I think it will be asparagus soup with potatoes and onions/

    We are in for a Rainey week coming up next spring is just around the corner.

    Hugs - Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Sunday! :) I went to Church this morning as the weather was too bad yesterday. My landlady was here with my permission while I was gone to take pictures of my water heater.
    We got a notice from the association to check the date of the water heater and mine was dated 1998, so my landlady is buying a new one that will be installed tomorrow. I have my yearly physical and a hair appointment so she is going to come and be with the installer. She really is a great landlady who takes good care of her condo that I rent.

    Marie, so great to see you here checking in with us. Your soup sounds delicious, I hope you enjoy it. Our weather is just crazy, snow yesterday and 60 tomorrow. No wonder so many people are sick. I can hardly wait for summer.

    Patsy, I was surprised when my son emailed me and said they had snow. I will find out more information when he is done with his tennis match and we have our video call. The crusty old fishermen sound like a lot of fun, I would prefer the late night adventures. lol

    Anne, so glad Jilly is back to normal. Remember only plain table food for her preferably chicken. She sounds like she has a sensitive tummy.

    Jackie, there are times I should say no and don't but yesterday wasn't one of them. Thank goodness because I would have gotten caught in the snow coming down. They ended up taking the kids to check out the mini van but no sale. Because my son asked me to sit next Saturday I told them they were going to wear me out. However, he also told me I don't have to sit on Fridays any longer as Lisa changed her meeting night to Monday and Rob will sit for the boys. I must admit I am happy about that.

    Lin, I am sorry for all the illness that has been surrounding you. As we get older we lose friends and it doesn't make it any easier especially when it is unexpected. Keep being the good friend you are, I know all must appreciate your kindness as we do.

    Buzz, hope all is well with you.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,181 Member

    Marie, good to see you and your soup does sound very good!! Yummmmm.

    Anne, glad Jilly is feeling better. I thought just of beans from a can but did not consider sauce. I only purchase beans in their own juice. Duh. She is just too quick for her own good isn’t she? With everything I drop around here she would always be in trouble.

    Sandy, glad you got to church and also glad your landlady is conscientious about keeping things working. Tomorrow sounds like a busy day for you. Today was a lovely day with warm temperatures. That was one!!

    Jackie, oh my, avoiding cattle! That would be on my list of things to avoid. I hope you do not run into them again soon.

    Patsy, I need to check the festival you mentioned. It sounds interesting to me but my days of staying out late are pretty much over. If I can watch it on YouTube, I am interested!

    Well I got side tracked with a little painty project today and also a bit of reading. Fu. Y how that can eat up hours of time in a most pleasant way.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited February 2018
    OMG! I just lost a huge post in which I poured out my heart regarding something I'm going through here, regarding people right here who think like that fearful Senator Marco Rubio! The Social Director is trying to shut off a monthly speaker for current events who brilliantly researches in the top sources all the subjects we want to discuss. Social Director is a strong supporter of Mein Herr, and I guess you all know how much they all love hearing truth against Fake News! We are trying to get her back! I also mentioned a marvelous documentery we saw this afternoon, and discussed with the producer. It was the magnificently photographed story of his mother and father who met as Holocaust camp prisoners of 2 separate camps divided by barbed wire, and the story of their interments and eventual delivery to freedom by American liberators! They eventually ended up married, living and raising a family in Brooklyn, and the tribute by their son, who returned to Germany to trace their histories is just wonderful and frightening at the same time. He warned us about blindly following leaders, especially those with illusions of their own missions!
    Then after a fried chicken supper, we watch the most fascinating movie, "Wonder" with Julia Roberts, and Mandy Patimken (sp?), which we all applauded at the ending! I must find out if it was a true story, but I strongly recommend it!
    I'm so sorry for those of you living through the difficulty of seeing people you care about suffering. Saturday, we lost a dear friend who has suffered the last 5 years from MRSA, shingles, hip replacement, and gall bladder surgery!
    Her attitude through it all was amazing! We really expected she would survive!
    I want to thank you, SANDY, JACKIE, LIN, PATSY, ANNE, and MARIE for understanding and supporting my goals for freedom for all, as stated by our Bill of Rights, Constitution, Founding Fathers (who never heard of rapid fire ammunition and allowed for ammunition ownership for use in militias)! How distorted can life become?
    Off the soapbox, and back to that sympathy card I must make for dear Betty.
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen.............................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A walk in this morning's fog was still fun with George chasing the occasional stone thrown over his head and as we climbed higher we came out of the murk to sunshine but of course at a certain point had to turn back and once more into the fog! The store I normally buy chicken feed from experienced an order mix up last week so only had 2 shelves full of bags of corn when I was after layers' pellets so back into the car and a drive to an out of town store. While there I spotted packs of potatoes ready for chitting and couldn't resist them so here we go, hopefully the start of another summer of home grown goodies!

    Patsy ~ Our little group is a great reminder when needed, that from whatever background, there are decent peace loving folk in every corner of our planet just doing what they can to live in harmony and help those in need.We might have to wait for election times to have our say with a vote but our time will come. Coming from a country of few mountains I find the Winter olympics fascinating and terrifying at the same time. A young British girl wins gold sitting on a tray and flying down a track of ice at 80mph and I can barely watch. The speed skating seems cruel as competitors ease past each other before sending someone crashing into a barrier and even curling has its moments..... I didn't know I could hold my breath that long!! My town is full of crusty old men in their wellies at the best of times but we call them farmers!! LOL

    Sandy ~ As ever, you give all of yourself to your family and I so admire you for it. Remember the mornings you would get up late, sip coffee and perhaps be dressed by midday? Ha, those were the days but I'm sure those boys are a wonderful alternative! What a find your landlady is which must ease any worries you might otherwise have about living on you own.

    Marie ~ Lovely to see you popping in and it sounds like you are doing really well with your diet.... asparagus soup sounds yummy!

    Anne ~ Hooray for Jilly "Bean" who obviously took her own name literally!!

    Buzz ~ You've always spoken out for what you think is right so why change now? The one bright light coming out of the most recent tragedy is seeing students ready to march to Washington and demonstrate against gun laws. Of course that man will twist the story to suit as he always does but one day.....!! The latest British feel good movie is called Finding Your Feet and looks great fun so watch out for it to perhaps suggest a viewing at one of your movie evenings.

    Lin ~ No cattle this morning, just a couple of rogue sheep glaring at us out of the gloom!!

    The builders yard have delivered the bags of ordered materials for my footpath and, as requested, stacked them by the gate out to our parking area. This means wheel barrowing one at a time along to my garden, about 100 meters so that will keep me busy!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Monday! :) My landlady rescheduled until tomorrow due to Presidents Day today. She needs a permit to have hot water heater installed and they are closed today. I have an appointment for my physical at 10:00 so no coffee or anything due to blood work. I am getting color and a cut at 1:00. Another busy day.

    Jackie, you are doing your own footpath? Sounds like hard work to me. Ever since I connected my cable to a TV in my bedroom I have been going to sleep earlier and waking earlier. I am still lazy as far as taking a shower early, too busy on my computer. The boys do keep me young though and I will still see them at least once a week.

    Buzz, I rented Wonder from Redbox (it was actually free) yesterday and loved it. Google says this:
    Wonder is a veritable middle-grade fiction phenomenon, right up there with Harry Potter. Published in 2012, Wonder is still the top seller in the juvenile fiction segment, has sold over five million copies, and has been published in 45 languages.

    Opps, time is getting away from me I will be back later to finish.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,181 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hello Sneakers

    A drizzly day today with a promise of ice and nastiness headed our way tonight and tomorrow. Oh joy. Only about 0.1 inch of ice but it doesn’t take much does it? Yes, I am staying home since Mah Jongg was cancelled anyway.

    I realized a friend’s birthday is coming up and I needed to have her card ready to take to church on Sunday. There went the morning but it is finished now and is just drying. :D A bit of watercolor on the front of the card. I have drug out everything to make St. Patrick’s Day cards and hope to get a start on those this afternoon. My vision isn’t great today though so I am not cutting anything close to straight lines and am even messing up with the paper cutter. I know, pathetic. :p

    Sandy, a busy day for you today. It would have been nice to have the water heater swapped out when you were not at home but gosh, a permit to change water heaters. Too much government yes? We just call a plumber and they show up and do the job, same day if you are lucky. I hope the cut and color turn out the way you want. ( I would mention the physical but looking at the clock, that is likely over by now.).

    Jackie, I love the stories about George. I can see him chasing down little rocks/stones and generally having a wonderful time. And so the mix-up with the feed leading you on to a different store was a good thing. I was confident you would be seeking seed potatoes and more for your garden at some point. Now as to the path, you are a hard worker, I would be looking for someone to come to help with that. If not, my back would be screaming at me and I actually do not have a wheelbarrow. Only a five gallon plastic pail.

    Buzz, I am sorry you lost your post. I always enjoy the detail on various topics that you provide. I am on the list to borrow the DVD from the library, speaking of Wonder, but I did enjoy the book very much. Many of the people in my book club have read the book and so far, all have had positive things to say about the book.

    Time to think about lunch. Or maybe a bit of paper cutting first? :D:D:D:D


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sweet friends! We had a very cold night and even though the sun is out shining bright, it is quite chilly . Katie has made at least 20 trips in and out. I am quietly going mad! In or out! Please!

    Laundry is cranking along. Funny thing about holidays...chores still have to be done. This is Presidents’ Day. Remember when in school we made construction paper cherry trees and George Washington hatchets? Oh what fun! I read somewhere that George really didn’t chop down a cherry tree. Is there nothing sacred? Surely that childhood lesson about truthfulness had some validity.

    I usually make John a cherry pie on Presidents’ Day but we had chocolate covered strawberries for valentine day. He said he wasn’t ready for more sweets. What? How can one not be ready for more sweets?

    A note of positivity here. I just heard on TV that all the kids that were demonstrating for gun control have made an impact. We have actual gun control legislation in the works. Nothing louder than a young person of courage with a mission.
    We want to watch that new movie, “Three billboards in ....”. Not sure of the complete title. It took the BAFTA award. I know nothing about it. My reading lately has been political gossip books. Seriously! Ready for a change on that. Those kind of books do leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    I see buds on our andromeda bushes, the camellia has a few open blooms. I saw daffodil leaves and open ones yet. Spring is creeping forward. I wrote a poem that I had a friend read at the Fisher Poets Gathering last year. It got nice reviews. So I will have her read another this time as well. But all the poets get support and encouragement! YEA! No one feels competitive.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, after talking to one of our dining room servers today (these are all high school or college students for whom we give scholarships to help their educations. Many had never eaten in a nice restaurant, so we take them to a nice dinner before they start! Many are "first in family" college bound, and become like family to many of us. They represent many different backgrounds and races) I have great faith our younger generations are learning the mistakes made by previous generations. They are getting together to demand lives become more important than profits! The students at the school where the carnage took place are refusing to go into that school again, and are chanting "Stop the B.S." to the politicians like Rubio and Scott. Although the illustrious orange wonder visited Parkland yesterday, he made NO MENTION of curbing guns, and the kids revolted! I wish there were some way to counter the power of the NRA, but there is finally discussion of the misinterpretation of the 2nd Amendment, which mentions MILITIA, not indiscriminate gun ownership! By the way, will you share your poems with us? I'd love to read it! You have so many talents, as do a number of our members.
    SANDY, your family is one to be envied, having a matriarch (!) always at their call. I am happy you are beginning to recognize your own limits, but I also know how much pleasure you receive from your beautiful family!
    LIN, Another day of creativity for you! When you are having a bad eye day, do you resort to good eye drops several times throughout the day? I find dry eyes affect m sight.
    JACKIE, not certain what "chitting means; doe it designate there are "eyes" growing on them? Thank you for the Finding your Feet link; it sounds very entertaining, and I've emailed it to Karie!
    ANNE, I hope your absence is due to good things keeping you busy! Just please reassure me when you can?
    We saw the old South Pacific tonight, and I was surprised at some of the attitudes that seemed so glaring today of which I was unaware years ago. For instance, women were definitely viewed as objects rather than equals. But is that really so different? I hope we have come a long way, but not all women seem to want to!
    Oh dear, after midnight and I must catch at least 40 winks, so sleep well, dear friends.
    <3 Buzz

    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen............................................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello everybody. It was family day here yesterday. So all the families got to stay indoors to look at the pouring RAIN, the diminishing snow banks and the roads with pools of water running towards the drains. I ventured out at one point to view the emerging shoots of greenery as the snow melted around the borders. Oh, and my valentine card arrived in the mailbox, but not a sniff of a Yorkshire snowdrop in it. Roy insists he sent a bunch, but like myself, who's just lost the frozen raspberries supposedly put out for breakfast and just found still in the freezer, he is getting a little forgetful. No doubt he'll find them eventually. Never mind, with the warmer temperatures I'll soon have my own to enjoy.

    I'm so proud of the American teenagers BUZZ. I think the Orange wonder forgets that the firearm 2nd amendment was for flintlocks and a much smaller population. Yes, I'm okay. Just had a lethargic day in the gloaming. It was like dusk all day. Lots of chatting on the phone though. Not a productive day at all unlike our LIN. I too would love to read your poem PATSY, do share. Glad to read you are relaxing a little more SANDY. Oops, just got a late valentine message from my grandson Derek. I think he was in Ottawa with his own special love.

    I grew my potatoes last year from store bought potatoes which had started sprouting JACKIE and I had a bumper crop. I'll go the same route again because I see my present Russell's are just showing the first signs of growth.

    Well, that was my exciting "family day". Nobody ventured out, but we had phone contact.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. In the middle of the night I heard the wind pick up so by the time George and I headed for the moors it was howling..... from the east too which gives us a cold Scandinavian blast this time of year! Never mind, we both enjoyed ourselves and met some new faces that were probably holiday makers since one was, from his dialect, a Yorkshire man. He had the sweetest little dog on a lead that looked like a miniature Doberman and with his knapsack on his back told me he was planning a long walk across the moors to the Hurlers. I warned him of the freezing wind once at the top but he wasn't put off!

    My plans today include some housework and then back to the footpath. In my mind's eye I see exactly what I want it to look like so once I accept it will be a longer task than maybe 10 years ago, I will do it myself because I find it too frustrating to pay people to do a job I then feel I could have done better myself. Too independent for my own good at times!! LOL My muscles do complain but I learned many years ago that being tall I have to protect my back so am always careful.

    Buzz ~ Chitting is a word I've known all my life but its origin I didn't know and even now am not sure, however the reasons why one should chit are...... One of the first jobs of the veg gardening year is forcing and chitting potatoes. Chitting potatoes means sprouting the potato tuber – putting it, most eyes upright, in a light, cool but frost-free place. There is great debate about the necessity of chitting potatoes, but it does seem to ensure a quicker and slightly larger harvest. One of those things handed down through generations!

    Lin ~ Gone are the days I can heft a large bucket anywhere so wheels have taken over. A sack truck also sits in my garage waiting for any heavy item I can't lift into the wheelbarrow so instead drag it on to the base and pull it along. At one point yesterday as I heaved a bag of sand into the wheelbarrow out by the cars, George decided he didn't like to be shut behind a locked gate so found his secret escape route out of my garden and disappeared for an hour. No point beginning to look for him in the thick woodland and he ignored my calls so I left gates open everywhere so he could find his way back and carried on working. No one could ever steal him because he doesn't let strangers near so I guessed he was having too much fun sniffing for deer and foxes. He finally trotted back looking very sheepish, muddy and wearing an array of brambles in his coat!!

    Sandy ~ I hope your medical check was fine and hair is now looking divine! Looking at the grey appearing in my hair again I must think about highlights before our trip to Norway then, who knows, they might pick up reflections of the Northern Lights if we're lucky enough to view them!

    Patsy ~ The movie Three billboards has won a lot of critical acclaim in Britain and the idea of the 3 billboards has been used by those caught up in that dreadful high rise fire that killed so many in London while politicians' promises of help have been broken. I gather that repugnant Senator who spoke on British tv about the Florida shootings has enjoyed 3 billboards outside his offices too! At least that other man is changing his tune over gun laws and it seems the voices of future voters can be heard so hooray for the students I say and never mind the motives behind the U-turn.... as we said before, sometimes it's down to who shouts loudest!

    Anne ~ Good morning, I see you just posted before me and your potatoes are also on the go!


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good grief! SNOW! Yesterday I was sure we were heading for an early spring. Okay I will dredge up a poem that was written for my chap book of poems and John’ photography. I love to write poetry and when our musician friend was feeling better, he used a couple as lyrics for some of his music. I fear the dear sweet man will never be doing that again. Breaks my heart when we see him and see his wife trying to cope.

    The snow is about an inch. Very cold out so it will hang around for today at least. Tomorrow we have a lunch date with friends. Hummmmmm may cancel. We cannot take Katie because she eats the car if we leave her briefly alone. She goes crazy when left alone. She is a nut case. Our other dogs were seasoned travelers. She has that separation anxiety problem. I read all the data about how to deal with it but at times feel the only answer is to just try to have her with us at all times.

    Off to my dungeon to find my poem. Thanks for asking Buzz and Ann! It is true that painters and writers love to share but fear rejection. The Fisher Poet Gathering is wonderful in that regard. All efforts are encouraged and appreciated, no matter how amateur.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    edited February 2018
    Happy Tuesday! :) I really need to try and take a nap since I only got about 4 hours of sleep. I took Bryanna out to dinner for her 23rd birthday last night and woke up at 4 in the morning and could not go back to sleep. My landlady called about 7:15 to say they were coming to install the new hot water heater by 9:00 so I took a shower and waited. My landlady arrived first and I swear she never stops talking. She kept checking on the two guys with the install and asking all kind of questions. To make a long story short after all was done she found out they installed the wrong one and was furious. She is going to go back to Home Depot and complain so it looks like I will be getting another day with her company and a replacement water heater.

    BTW, my son bought Lisa a new Honda Odyssey so they will have enough room for three kids.

    Sorry I am exhausted.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,181 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hello Sneakers - a very inclement day with many closings. The ice is suppose to end soon but has left behind a mess. Wind next with threats of power outages due to the weight of the ice on the lines. I have run some extra water just in case. I may not go to the mailbox today. A local newscaster is reminding everyone to wear grippers on their shoes. This young man fell 10 years ago and badly broke his hip. Good of him to try to remind folks!

    Patsy, I am also interested in your poems. I didn’t ask as I didn’t think you might want to share. I spent quite a bit of time on the web site yesterday looking at prior year events, photos and reading some poems. I didn’t find yours however. Looks like a lively bunch of folks. I am always interested in sharing. We are an interesting group as well.

    Sandy, I am sorry you are worn out. Glad for the birthday celebration and once again, Bryanna is a beautiful young lady. Gosh, the wrong water heater. Won’t the one that was installed work just as well? So sorry they will have to return. And wow, what a great new vehicle for Lisa. Definitely needed.

    Anne, I see no sprigs of spring around here yet but I haven’t been hunting and I really have nothing but landscape planting’s anyway. Time to plan for spuds again my friend. When I was a kid, my dad purchased seed potatoes, that is potatoes that had not been treated with sprout inhibitor, my dad would cut them up with an eye or two per piece and put them out to scab over before planting them. He never wanted too long a sprout though as his family said that made the plants weak. I do not know, I do know they religiously hilled their potatoes during the season to encourage more potato and to prevent green ones. I think organic potatoes do not have any chemical treatments either so should grow well. It is odd, when I was a kid, we never talked about conventional versus organic vegetables. There were store purchases versus garden grown.

    Speaking of garden grown, I got a message from my CSA, they have changed their business model. They will sell through the local membership coop where you have to pay a fee to belong and the prices are quite high, you place an order well ahead and then have to drive across town to pick it up during certain hours. They will also have a farm stand open a few hours a day and a few days a week and their farm is a long drive North of here. They said the time involved and the labor of the weekly boxes was just too much for them. But they suggest signing up for a CSA the wife manages that employs only autistic individuals. I don’t know if it is public or private entity but my Lord, the cost to sign up is horrific and again you have to drive each week to pick up your share.

    I am back to purchasing at the store I guess. All my experiments over the past year have come to nothing. Argh.

    Jackie, I am sure you will do the job well and that the result will be just what you want. If I ever take on anything like that my bucket would need to be only slightly full, or I would need a cart, or I would need to rethink the project altogether.

    Back to my little list of tasks. I am actually getting a few completed.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Don't know how it got so late, but I have really slowed down and hours pass too quickly! After dinner tonight we thoroughly enjoyed a returning couple who "do" shows; he plays piano and sings while she sort of tells the story line and sings with a magnificent voice. Tonight they presented Carousel, and I will never hear it the same again! MArried 36 years, they are still a vibrant stunning delightful couple and I can't wait for their return!
    ANNE, good for you to dare to allow yourself a "loafing" day!As for the forgotten berries, since I buy 6 or more boxes of blueberries at one time, I have found that , unlike berries purchased frozen, when I put the box directly into the freezer, and do not rinse them until I measure out my daily cup, swishing them under the water spray in a strainer and adding them to my yogurt or cereals while very slightly frozen; they defrost beautifully as I eat them and I don't have a waiting period! And they still taste and feel deliciousj
    JACKIE, I used to know too well your preference to "do it yourself", but as I aged (I'm fast approaching "elderly" now!) and I shrunk in height (lost 3") I was not smart enough to listen to my body's objections, and things changed. Arthritic changes occur, muscles grump, weather changes start affecting our all I'm saying is I'm glad you let someone else build the new roomllll Be careful! As for potatoes, I won't have enough room; just tomatoes. I was told to look at Totally Tomatoes catalogue, though I doubt I'll start from seed!
    PATSY...SNOW? OMG! Your Fisher Poet Gathering sounds dreamy! I'm looking forward to reading your epistles!
    SanDY, drats! When things foul up, they really do! Hope you can force yourself to relax and breathe slowly!
    LIN, I fell asleep while typing this, so I'd better leave. Thank you for always being so supportive. When do you fnd time to read?
    ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Night!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is AbouttoHappen...........................................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My morning has gone a bit haywire what with an early supermarket shop then a longer than intended walk with George because it was just too beautiful to stop! Last night I received an email from oldest and rather arrogant brother informing me what I already knew, our step mother has a cancer diagnosis but because she lives in a property we 3 siblings share ownership of, he is already wanting to make plans for when she dies. Uncomfortable is a mild description of how I feel about this so my initial reply was rather caustic pointing out we need to show respect and back off but before sending I decided to pop it into my Draft file and sleep on it. What is it about money and property that brings out the worst in people? Anyway I've now sent a toned down response telling him I have no wish to discuss such plans while she is alive and am also relieved to see an email from my other brother saying much the same. I'm emotionally exhausted so will make myself a sandwich for lunch then take out my feelings on that footpath!! Buzz, the aches and pains that come with getting older are a reminder to pace myself and also I now find myself warning my dog walking friend that my hips were fine 4 years ago before trudging across the moors at a great rate. She likes to challenge herself whereas my intention these days is to give George an enjoyable walk. She's 4 years younger than me and of course won't take notice of my advice so we walk together less often these days so she can race and I wander!!

    Sorry, I'm sure you didn't want to read about my family issues but I feel a bit better having vented!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Vent away JACKIE. My neighbour has similar issues. I told her I couldn't give a hoot about cash and whilst I'm here anytime; if she wants to relieve her feelings she should realize I haven't much empathy because my thoughts are you can't take property, cash, belongings etc with you when you snuff it and if one can live comfortably on what one has who cares about the acquiring of more in old age. "But what about the children?" she asked. What about them, says I. You coped without anything once didn't you? And they will as well. She looked at me as though I was the strangest being on the planet. Maybe I am!

    I know what you mean about fast trotting younger friends as well! Not to mention fast trotting younger sons. (The eldest is getting there!). It's difficult imagining life in your eighties when one is still in ones fifties/sixties, lol. The big problem of course is as one ages one becomes a lonely little petunia in an onion bed! Unless you ignore folk who tell you what you can do or can't do of course and just think "alas, your time will come".
    I'm "slowly" repotting the house plants today. They flowered all winter, bless them. Begonias and African violets.

    Anne, who also has an aching hip and so sympathizes with all hip sufferers.