Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I just caught up with your post and you certainly can be proud of your granddaughter for being brave and honest. Is she the one who spent time in Africa years ago? I think I've caught up on reading all the posts finally, and hoping all is going well with all of you, of course!
    My son and daughter in law are acting in Inherit the Wind (In Germany) and he was amazed at how history keeps repeating itself! Indeed, it's why reading is so important! Will we ever learn?
    Better get ready for our special crab dinner, so have a lovely evening!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Actually no Buzz, this granddaughter is my daughter's daughter and she lives in Minnesota.
    Katie is actually back in Africa due to her work and will be there until June. She is in a better environment this time and is staying in an apartment that is better than the one she lives in Washington DC. She works for John Snow Inc as a project officer of international health program. She is a very special person.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good evening

    I understand there was an exciting basketball game today. After church and my lunch, I changed my clothes and moved things about in anticipation of the utilities visit tomorrow. Just praying nothing breaks as they do their work tomorrow.

    I found out today that the last thing they asked me to do at church means I am on the church council which had a meeting this evening. I had a scheduled webinar so begged off plus I did not receive all the paperwork I need to sort and organize until today. So I have a lot of work to do over the next several months. Oh my. I am taking over for one of our members who passed away and was ill for quite a while so records are not up to date.

    Best wishes to all dear Sneakers.

    Many hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    I am so excited Call the Midwife is back! Love that show!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :) Thank you for all the wonderful and colorful birthday greetings. I finally figured out why I don't make any special plans for my birthday. All my days are perfect. I can't think of doing anything on my birthday that would make the day any better than all my other days. Jake is recovering well from his surgery. Yesterday he was able to ride in the car with me when I did my errands. He stayed in the car while I went into the stores. He alternates walking, sitting, and lying down during the day and is able to walk more each day. We'll celebrate my birthday with a restaurant meal when Jake feels able to sit in a hard chair long enough to eat a restaurant meal. My line dance class celebrated my birthday on Friday with balloons, food, a card signed by everyone and a generous gift certificate to Costco. This afternoon some friends came over and brought a gift certificate to my favorite restaurant ( the one we'll go to when Jake is feeling better. The dogs are still happy and active and love to go on long walks.

    <3 Barbie

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. The second day in a row we've seen sunshine but I gather it won't last. Never mind, I'll make the most of it. Over the weekend I've chatted to my friend Pat who is being well looked after by friends who have organised a rota so she is not left alone overnight and has been told the local hospital stroke team will visit this week. Her son had to rush back to London where he lives because his wife had to take their daughter who is barely over a year old to hospital with suspected meningitis. Thankfully doctors now think it isn't but she is still unwell so they keep her in at night but let her out to be home during the day as they think she will feel better in that environment. Also poor Boris had what appeared to be a stroke on Saturday night so yesterday I phoned our emergency vet and told her I thought it time. His last few hours couldn't have been more perfect as he spent the night sleeping against my knees then sat outside in the sunshine until time to go. He's been laid to rest at his favourite spot where he sat when I was feeding hens or pottering in the greenhouse and a small bunch of bluebell bulbs that we uncovered as my neighbour dug for me have been planted there. Brady seems lost without him of course but will no doubt soon be out mousing again. I've so many wonderful memories of Boris with his amazing dog/cat character so he'll continue to make me smile.

    Sandy ~ How proud you must be of all your grandchildren and you're right, the younger generation will put right the wrongs inflicted by a greedy and bullying organisation. I can hear Joan Baez singing We Shall Overcome!! Hankies at the ready for the whole Call the Midwife series, I'll say no more!!

    Barbie ~ You always enjoy your birthdays doing what you love so I knew this year would be no different. Great to read Jake is recovering well but then he's in good hands!

    Well George as ever is barking at nothing I can hear so I will get him busy in the garden helping me weed.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh my!! I wrote a long post, but everything went haywire and I couldn't get off the FIRST page so had to press done. Sorry, just haven't the heart to start over again or the time, but wish everyone a good day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Hello, the utilities will be here soon. Ack!

    Jackie, I am so sorry for your loss. :'(:'(:'(:'( I am glad your friend has found support at home. Her family is going through so much. I hope all turns out well.

    Anne, hello, cold, wet, dreary. That sums up my day.

    I enjoyed Call the Midwife last night. I did not enjoy pulling all the old papers out of the fortfolio the former records person had. Chunks of paper, plaster, and goodness knows what came cascading out. There is just a huge pile of mess. I see no order to the records of births, deaths, marriages, membership. I am sure she knew what she was doing, I have no idea. This may take longer than a couple of months.

    Well, going to make a cup of coffee before the water is shut off. God willing, it will be on again later today.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just having my coffee after a longish walk, but just wanted to say how sorry I am that Boris has gone JACKIE. You have had a tottering time just recently and I'm so glad Pat is safely home. You are going to need the holiday aren't you!
    LIN, you are going to be one busy girl now you have all the records to put straight! I hope your art won't suffer with all these extra duties. But at least you are wanted, that's for sure.
    BUZZ I see the USA will have a few less folk now that 60 Russians plus staff are on their way home! I also read that Remington is facing bankruptcy because of less gun sales. Wow, the times are indeed a - changing. You could be right about presidents and actresses! It used to be bishops and actresses but that's a set of jokes from the past!
    Coffee done, washing done, bye everyone,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Lisa and I are taking the boys to a fun place at the mall. They can release a lot of energy there and be safe bouncing, climbing and sliding. Afterwards I will probably take them to Rainforest Cafe which is a restaurant that has animated animals that move every so often. Kids seem to love it even though it also produces a thunderstorm effect occasionally.
    Bryanna will meet us there and spend some time with her brothers as she is always so busy.

    Anne, I am sorry you lost your long post, I hate when that happens. Finally your weather is warm enough for a long walk, I bet Jilly was happy.

    Lin, it sounds like you have one big job on your hands. You are organized enough to get it all straightened out in no time. You are a good person for doing that for your church.

    Jackie, I am so very sorry about Boris, I know how much you loved him as he loved you. His resting place sounds wonderful.

    Enjoy your day and keep smiling it drives people crazy.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I think this will not be a productive day. I really had a restless night. Allergies! Headaches and gluey eyes, runny nose, it was all too familiar.

    Jackie: I can’t tell you how sorry I am about dearest Boris. Your attitude is so wonderful. You are an inspiration. I need to adopt your method of dealing with loss. Boris had a lovely home with a caring person and fur-friends to communicate with. Sounds like he had a good life.

    I am so foggy I must get a large mug of hot water and lemon. I wonder what plant is giving me these allergic reactions? We are surrounded by vegetation.

    Lin : my whole house is in the condition of those church records. I need a whole crew of people to right this sinking ship.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So Anderson Cooper's big interview came.....and went, with me following asleep and upon awakening I thought I must have missed the most interesting parts! However, I think I fell asleep because it was one huge bore!!!
    Huge sympathy hugs to dear JACKIE, whose pets receive the most wonderful gift life can give,
    a totally non-judgemental love!
    SANDY, repeat wishes for all your family's well being! You have the loveliest group of fine young people, making excellent contributions to society!
    PATSY, I have shared your conjectures regarding the why and wherefore of our man in the WH and more people have answered enthusiastically that you have finally explained to us the logical reason for the foolishness !
    LIN, busy as ever! Keep it up and you'll keep young, t!
    at least in heart.
    BARBIE, your enthusiasm knows no bounds! How wonderful your attitude has always been! And may JAKE continue to mend successfully! Has your problem disappeared? Have a splendid year!
    We watched "I Tonya" after dinner tonight. What a sad state of affairs in her upbringing and the abuse she endured all her life from those who should have been supportive!
    Have I mentioned my disappointment in the stone crabs? I found them to be utterly tasteless an loaded with tiny shards of shell.
    Well beyond what should be my best bedtime so I'm off as we have early lectures I'd like to attend!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I raked up 3 garden bags of leaves, twigs and other debris from a long and horrible winter yesterday afternoon. So glad I did because today is a gloomy, rainy day. A good day for sticking ones head in the fridge and removing all stuff with an expired date. Quite a bit because it's mainly stuff the family like and I don't from past dinners. A good day to talk to Flo and write to Aussie cousin Helen.

    I woke up this morning and realized how content I am with my present life! No yearning for adventures in distant lands anymore. A lovely mellow feeling. A time for pottering and a reading of books.

    Now, I wonder how quickly you gals went grey or white in the hair department if indeed you have turned grey or white. Was it a slow process or a rapid change? Last fall I was my usual hair colour but it's now changing very quickly. Although surprised, I don't mind at all, in fact I rather like it! Makes me feel a little more dignified and my age! Especially as Mike also seems to be suddenly going grey as well, but not Mark who's hair remains the same with the auburn tints. Just curiosity on my part. I remain a curious oldie, or maybe just plain nosy.

    Must away, oh sorry your meal was a disappointment BUZZ. I never eat crab or lobster! Was there an alternative dish?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hello, time to run away to Trader Joe’s soon. Once again Mah Jongg has been cancelled due to lack of players. I have other things to do so that is fine. But I will miss playing.

    The outcome yesterday was that the valve went off, work done, valve turned back on and there was no dramatic issue but it is now leaking. That means a very expensive service call if I pursue it. Right now I am just watching and waiting. Sometimes these tiny leaks magically lime over after a period of time. I have many other things that are hardly working so I will put this one the list of potential disasters. Haaaa.

    I also received a bunch of nasty looking legal documents yesterday pertaining to my that commission check that I mentioned. They want all sorts of notarized documents and sworn documents. I called the attorney who handled my dad’s estate to be sure I would not be in any hot water by not completing any of this stuff. Or if they thought I should. They said let it go and let the company turn over the tiny bit of money to the state as unclaimed. The time, trouble and potential expense is not worth it.

    I did one more look over the church paperwork and made one small discovery. One envelope full of junk pertains to a different committee, I have sorted that out and will return it to the church after Easter. All the remaining stuff has no order to it that I can see. Gulp.

    Well still cold and wet so will grab the winter coat before heading out.

    Patsy, I hope you are feeling better today.

    Buzz, and I hope you are able to get to the early lectures. I stayed up reading an M.C. Beaton book last night. Yawn! Seemed like a good idea at the time.

    Jackie, I hope you are well and that George is being a comfort to you.

    Sandy, any photos of yesterday with the boys? Hope you had a good time.

    Anne, listening to news of the mystery train? That got my attention this morning.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Mystery train LIN? I guess not. Now my interest is sparked.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I shopped early this morning and stocked up with fruit and salad although we are told more cold weather is on its way but with just a month to the cruise I need to watch what I'm eating so that once onboard I can relax and enjoy all that is displayed in the food department!

    Thank you for all the comforting words about Boris but really, you are all animal lovers so I know you would have followed the same path. Making the decision is the difficult bit and ensuring any pet's quality of life rather than spinning things out from a selfish standpoint isn't so bad although emotional, certainly with my vets that are kind, supportive and oh so gentle. Brady did as I thought last night and tried to bring a mouse into the cottage to play with as it was raining outside. A towel flicked at his backside soon had him back in the wet!!

    The sun is out every now and then so I'm doing much as Anne did yesterday, gathering the remnants of winter into bags and hopefully giving the garden a maintained look even if it hasn't been for months!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We had a great time yesterday, exhausting but fun. The place we originally wanted to go to was closed for remodeling. (didn't see that on website) We ended up letting the boys play in play area of the mall for a little while although very crowded with kids off for spring break. We then meet Bryanna at a place where you can paint a piece of pottery and the boys loved it. On to lunch at Game Works and because Bryanna used to work there and knows the manager he gave us a game card so the boys could play some games. It was a fun day.

    Today I am meeting my sponsor to discuss a few things and give her some paperwork I printed for the meeting Thursday. I won't be attending as we are taking my friend out to lunch for her 75th birthday. I also have an order to pick up from JC Penny that I ordered on line. Before all that I will order our ham dinner from Boston Market online so I don't forget to do that.

    Jackie, it is hard to believe your cruise is only a month away. You really deserve this cruise and I hope it is just wonderful. I have a little over a month before heading to Florida where there is sunshine and warmth.

    Anne, I had to google but found this information I think Lin is talking about.

    Lin, ask and you shall receive: boys painting

    Buzz, yes my grandchildren are very liberal and do their best to help the world.

    I better eat and get moving.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ah! SANDY, thank you, interesting!
    I've just read a news flash. Some space equipment is hurtling to earth but we needn't worry. Mmm, staying indoors until after lunch, lol.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone. It feels like Sunday to me!?? John is taking on the tax prep and the leaking bathroom sink. I am doing laundry, and attacking various cleaning tasks. I was so happy to read Anne’s post about her life and her contentment. Words to live by! I am happy but not as content. I think it is because I have been involved in activism my whole life. Our whole family had various causes that meant something to them personally. Several family members have run for various offices, state and local. That seems to spotlight issues, problems, and delimmas. That throws a lovely contentment out the window.

    I watched part of the Stormy Daniel interview. What a total silly waste of time and energy. If she can get a bit of notoriety and money out of this, go for it. Much ado about a disgusting trivial event. Back to the real problems at hand.

    Easter comes two days before our anniversary. We are planning a celebration at home. This is spring break so the area is filled with spring-breakers. I don’t mind. We will fix a nice dinner for each other. Carrot cake and champagne after. Not sure our kids will remember it is our anniversary and call. Again we are okay with that. We remember our crazy hippy wedding. Two love crazy kids, getting ready to go off to college together. My parents were terrified for us. John’s parents were just glad we were continuing our education. Neither of us had a brain cell in our head and we needed training and time to grow up.

    Good Friday is always a quiet day of contemplation. Easter will be a small family dinner. Spring has promised to visit...but it keeps knocking at the door and running away.

    Here is John’ latest jokey remark, “Gee, Patsy! Carrot cake is really a health food if you think about it!” Aaaaah John! I fear that might be self delusion, but a lot of decadent fun anyway.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited March 2018
    Iy! Post disappeared! Such an enthusiastic one, too. I was ruminating on what a miracle it is that we have all met here on MFP,...such a terrific group of friends and genuinely caring for one another's families, quirks and everything in between! I feel as if I know you all and even stranger, knew you all at some other life/place, since I feel you are all so familiar to me! I recall in the beginning , it was not always so, since I had difficulty trying to understand where you were all coming from! Forums were a pretty new concept for me, and mostly I felt a bit strange!
    So PATSY, how many year ago did those 2 flower children get hitched, causing their parents such consternation over two hippies getting in over their heads! Ain't love grand; it actually lasted! And flourished, and I think is much richer today than when you were a couple of college kids! Beautiful, and Mazel Tov! (I'll gladly translate if you never heard that expression!).
    JACKIE, as sad as we are for you regarding sweet Boris, I know you neatly accept life's realities and the fact that we shall all eventually join Boris, wherever he maybe! You do seem like one with nature, and your wisdom stems from that association, I think! I join everyone else who is getting excited about the closeness of your cruise date! Wish I could curl up in your suitcase and join!
    SANDY, with the gorgeous genes (inherited by your progeny!), you will be in Florida at a beautiful time, if nothing changes! Today is a perfect 76 degrees, and fresh and delicious!
    I just wish it would be closer than 460 miles from Boca!
    LIN, didn't anyone at least ask if it was convenient for you to take on such a task at your church? Of course, knowing you, you never have refused, so forget I asked! And they know you can be counted on to do a great job Good luck, dear!
    ANNE, you do sound so serene! It's wonderful you have reached the kind of contentment you describe. As to the hair color question: when my Mom died and I became matriarch of my family, I looked in the mirror at my short poodle-type haircut, which was a beautiful auburn
    (my original color was black!) and thought what a relief it would be to stop coloring it! So I told my hairdresser to give me a buzz cut short enough to get rid of all color, and I'd take it from there! It turned out it was still mostly black with a couple of pure white streaks up front where a glass double door had fallen from storage onto my forehead years before! The rest of it made me look like a Marine!!! But my hair grows quickly, and soon it was naturally speckled, and I'm satisfied I no longer have to worry about roots, so I've never colored it again! In those days, my face was thin with high cheekbones, so a brush cut looked fine!
    Today's 1st meeting was an introduction to our ACTS Portal, of which I have been a charter member since it started about a year ago. I was part of the group that helped form the website, and unbeknownst to me, someone had questioned me way back concerning why I was interested, and a photographer must have videotaped it, because there I was, onscreen, at this introductory meeting today, explaining why I was interested in helping form our website that would be shared with about 33 other "campuses", and I have enjoyed it beyond the frustrations involved in learning how to fix flaws, of which there were plenty! Now, we can order meals from the bistro, chat with communities from Alabama to Florida and north to Ohio , Maryland, and I think one is being built in New Joisey! We can move interchangeably amongst all of the Communities without paying the price of buying in again! And the introduction to the Portal is that video of yours truly saying sublimely ridiculous nonsense! Oh dear! Would you believe I'm dozing off here AGAIN!!! At 5:35 P.M.
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.......................