Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello BUZZ!
    I will say this about MFP, I've lost about 6lb since February just by following their calorie guidelines. Haven't felt hungry either!

    Great news from the Korean Peninsula IF it's true. Finally civilized behaviour and common sense! And more importantly HOPE for this beautiful planet we call home! Now, if we can just get rid of all the guns floating about !!!!!

    Now, where's our JERI. Haven't heard from you for a while Jeri. Are you both okay?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited April 2018
    Off I go again. Yep, Tai Chi.

    Good job Anne, well done with your calorie watching. And yes, if the news is true, it would be an excellent first step for the Korean Peninsula. An intention to end the war, to let families reunite, all sounds very good. Time will tell.

    Buzz, not knowing what is in your food must be very difficult. I would be ill all the time with unknown ingredients! You can only do what you can do. With all of the temptations I would need to hide in my apartment. Yipes. Hoping you have a lovely day. May the electronic world be good to all of us.

    Hi Sandy, Patsy, Jackie (wherever you may be now), Marie, Jeri, Diane, Barbie, and the rest of the Sneakers we haven’t seen for a while.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Friday! :) The kids left, laundry is being done and always good to get my house back to myself. We went yesterday to show my son and his wife the new unit and to take measurements. They liked it a lot and thought it was brighter and bigger than my place. I called my landlady this morning and told her that I really liked the other place but had to give the new landlord an answer soon since it will be ready July 1st. I told her that either she lets me out of my lease July 1st or I am staying until August 30. She feels sure she will be ready by July 1st. but asked if she could get back to me next week and I agreed. I called Kieran and he was proud of me and hopes we can all get this done by my vacation May 12- 19th.
    My DIL helped me sort through boxes in my garage since I am trying to downsize and get rid of stuff I haven't used since moving here.

    So for now back to normal except for maybe boxes in different rooms in my house. Now to play catch up on my computer.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! Woooooo! We had thunder and lightening this morning. Of course, it upsets Katie and she has to discuss this big odd noise with the world and very loudly. However things are looking more and more springlike. I went to Home Depot yesterday.the plant area is filled with delightful possibilities! I am not ready for planting anything yet. John finished his first big mow of the year. The grass was really tall. We have a part of our acreage near our mailbox that our neighbor always mows for us. He is such a really wonderful young neighbor. Now John has decided he would like to show him some appreciation for his consideration. John is shopping for some sort of “guy gift.”

    I am currently trying to ex out sarcasm from my life. John is right on board with this. I have been reading some of my philosophical books lately and that kind of expression is often so depressing. It is easy to slip into that kind of thinking. Words do have power!

    A dear old friend that we went to college with is having the worst kind of family relationship. How I wish she would do the positive thing and go to Al-Anon. letters and phone calls are so fraught with anger and disappointment with her family. How can I help? What can I do? I know my sugar-sweet cards are of little real help but it is all I can think of.

    I do think everyone here is positive and caring. I know We all have issues of various kinds but mainly, I think everyone here is beautiful, friendly and giving. It is heartwarming to remember there are people like you still on the planet.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What cheering posts, my dear friends! And as I checked in, I was startled by an unexpected tremendously loud burst of rumbling thunder that has NOt STOPPED! It started pouring, but I think I'd better log off! SANDY, I knew this was the place for you and it will be terrific! PATSY, what a great goal, philosophically! We are all happy you are now one of OUR family!
    ANNE and LIN, amazing results in the Korea's, and let's hope it works out as hoped! A real surprise! And I , too, wondered about our dear JERI, and actually others who were part of us! Time and people march on, I guess! I will try to watch portions more carefully, at least. I do enjoy food, I'm afraid!
    <3 Buzz
    ................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen........................
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Well, I wrote quite a long piece and again it blanked out and went back to the very first MFP logo. So.....I lost my words of wisdom or whatever. Here we go again !

    Basically, The Bean and I went for our morning walk and outside the church on our corner, someone had chucked out dried chrysanthemum plants minus their planters. The garbage truck was rumbling towards us so I grabbed these sorry specimens to bring home for planting in a big, big planter I possess. Of course we met Janice and Jilly's pal Amy on the way back! Talk about a cheap skate, but honestly I hate to see plants ripped up to die! So you can call me cheap OR a saver of dying chrysanthemums! They already seem to be perking up and by late summer I may have beautiful pink and white flowering plants to plant out in the garden. When I was coming home with my rescued loot the old chap who wanders around with a shopping cart on garbage day collecting cans and booze bottles out of people's recycle bins gave me a cheery wave of the hand and I think I've got a new friend now, a fellow rescuer of discarded treasures
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good morning. It is World Tai Chi day. The idea is one world one breath. At 10am in each time zone, people will be doing Tai Chi so 24 hours of Tai Chi. I am going to the local gathering as they are having a Lion Dance, demonstrations and workshops. I have intended to get there each of the last two years but something always pops up. Fingers crossed nothing happens in the next half hour.

    We have another sunny day. No thunder here right now. Maybe Tuesday? We actually could use some rain. Brush fires have gotten out of control as it was quite windy yesterday.

    I agree, I love this group. Very kind and supportive people. Wonderfully unique and much appreciated. Thank you.

    Yesterday, yes, Tai Chi, picked up some tomatoes that were supposedly on sale but it doesn’t look like the store’s system agreed. Whatever they are delicious! Home for lunch and then I decided to zip over to the Art Center to catch up on the new exhibits. Finally, the flu threat is muted, the weather was good, lots of other events in town given it is Drake Relay weekend so I thought it would be kind of low volume over there. Oh my gosh no, full of groups of little children complete with school buses and many guides busy trying to contain the kids while also trying to explain bits and pieces about the displays. But I enjoyed it quite a bit. I had wanted to see the Wanderlust exhibit. Very odd mixture of pieces.

    This is probably not interesting but it was to me. Only 5% of the center’s collection is on display at any time. They put together a lithograph exhibit. All were Grant Woods. Another surprise was one little corner with a few oil paintings of local subjects that he completed while living in Des Moines, upstairs in a funeral home as it turns out. I found it quite interesting. And I had to take pictures of the paintings which is allowed as long as no flash is involved.

    Back home, finished a birthday card for next week which I hadn’t seen until I turned my calendar to May. Yipes!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited April 2018
    Happy Saturday! :) I will probably put somethings in containers today for my move. I am trying to get rid of things I haven't used in the last 6 years but I am not sure what to do with them. I have so many frames it is incredible, do I try to sell them or just donate them? I have some old vases and stuff people probably don't want. Where is the best place to donate? I might just keep all in the garage until I see if I should have a garage sale. Decisions, decisions.

    Lin, sounds like a fun day in your area, don't get sidetracked and miss the gathering. Interesting facts about the Art Center, I hope you share some of those pictures.

    Anne, I do not think you are a cheap skate at all, I hope your green thumb brings you some beautiful flowers.

    Buzz, I am excited about the new place and I pray it all works out and I get to move there by July 1st. I think Jeri is very busy with all her grandchildren. Two of them just made their Confirmation with pictures on Facebook.

    Patsy, in Al Anon we learned "Sarcasm" can be traced back to the Greek verb sarkazein, which initially meant to tear flesh I tend to be sarcastic at times when I get nervous. I never mean it to hurt anyone but like you I would prefer to just stop. No one can make anyone go to Al Anon but it is so beneficial when dealing with any kind of addict whether alcohol or drugs.

    I bet our dear Jackie is having the best time, I do hope the weather cooperates for them.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ladies! We might have a sunny or at least a partly sunny day. It is a chilly morning. I have the laundry going. I need to get Katie’s sweet potatos cooked up to add to her chicken snacks. If she wasn’t such a sweetheart I would not be tempted to pamper her.

    We have a woodpecker that is devoted to a large old tree at the edge of the back acreage. You would notbelieve how this bird hammers at that tree for hours. The tree will need to come down before it falls down.

    The wonders of internet friendships...I don’t do Facebook because I feel very uneasy about the risks. Not that I have any great big pots of money for anyone to steal. Being a teacher and artist is a wonderful rich life of exploration and expression. Not wealth. I am however, very easily duped. I trust easily. I think it is hard wired into my brain.

    I love garage sales but they are a lot of work and you always have stuff leftover. It is the joy of moving. Offer first to friends and family. Have them pick out anything they might enjoy. I do that and I am often astounded at what they will chose. Then a trip to Goodwill, Catholic Charities, and Salvation Army. Over and done! A suggestion from someone (me) who hasn’t moved in 30 years. But I do try to thin out the stacks of stuff around here.

    Dryer said clothes are dry....later....
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello, pouring with rain here which should be good for my reclaimed plant treasures!

    I bet JACKIE is having the time of her life. I hope she is, she works so hard she deserves a break. Funnily enough and coincidentally I am reading a book about a Norwegian serial killer at the moment. Mary Jo dropped it off with a few more. It's good but I am having trouble with the names, I I keep forgetting who's who unless a character has a fairly close English name. I'm getting mixed up with the Olafs, Ottos and Augs etc. Anyway it's "The Devils Star" by Jo Nesbo and apparently 28 million books have sold worldwide. Presumably translated but I wish the names had been translated as well!

    You must be getting quite excited SANDY and what a great chance to donate, throw out, and generally spring clean. I received a pamphlet yesterday about new homes going up in Niagara on the Lake. I've been telling Mark how lovely it would be to live in the pretty little town with its theatre. Mark agrees, says he would like to live in wine country as well, but so far I don't seem to have put any thoughts into their heads about buying a new home,.......... with a granny flat of course!

    Well, Jilly is snoozing and I am just wishing the rain would ease up to get out and about.

    Happy Saturday everyone,
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Question. Does anyone feed their dog raw chicken? Jilly goes wild when I cut up her chicken before cooking. I've just done an experiment. I gave her half cooked chicken and rice mixed with half raw chicken. She discarded the cooked chicken and removed it outside her bowl, and only ate the raw. In the wild of course, coyotes, foxes and other canines don't sit and cook their catch. I looked it up on the internet and there's a trend towards raw meat apparently although most vets disprove. Not sure why.
    Any ideas out there amongst you knowledgeable ladies?

    The woodpeckers are lovely aren't they. I get them in my dying apple tree. They are after the insects of course, which incidentally they don't cook, lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Hi Anne, I do not have a dog but I would tend to think, no, no raw chicken from the store. Not to be too descriptive but we are warned about potential salmonella and other issues with this product. All is well when cooked and we are to clean everything that comes in contact with the raw chicken.

    Sorry, gag.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    A lithograph of horses that I’d never seen until yesterday. Sorry my photos are not very good.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    A view of the Des Moines river and I swear I have seen a view very similar to this one.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Arrived in Norway after 2 day north sea crossing calm as a millpond... unheard of!! Cold but bright so enjoying long walk through Olden after 2 days sitting and eating. Won't get near pound a week club after this trip!! Take care xx
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Oh Jackie!! Lovely. <3<3<3
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi JACKIE, so happy to read you are enjoying the scenery and the good food, but mostly enjoying being spoilt for a change!
    Plenty of time to worry about the pound club when you arrive home.

    Point taken about salmonella LIN. I am extremely careful when feeding the little Bean and myself if it comes to that. I've never had food poisoning but I can imagine it's a very nasty experience!

    I'm having trouble posting again. What IS going on!!!! It keeps freezing when trying to type.

    I'll try again later. Thanks for answering LIN.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Early Sunday morning. It looks like a partly cloudy day with sun peeking out up on occasion. Still a lovely day. We will have a late Sunday brunch and hopefully a chat with our son...Maybe our daughter.

    Feeling good but a bit creaky as usual. John was under the weather yesterday. He becomes obsessed when feeling bad. What is this illness? What caused it? How can I f fix this? On and on with research and analyses. But he is much better today. Whew!

    Anne: I understand being concerned about our pets diet. KATIE is picky about her food but is devoted to every bad thing she sees. I have heard about feeding dogs a total raw diet. I have no idea if that is good or bad. I have stopped eating sushi and raw oysters. I love them but I fear our ocean has changed. I used to give Katie a nibble of our salmon but I worry about even that.

    Lin: lovely photos and that exhibit looked fascinating.

    Jackie: how wonderful to hear from you. The photo shows an exquisite scene. I know you are having a great trip. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Coffee and email from the writers group. I am to review a chapter being written by a budding novelist. So far I love the premise but I need more detail. Fun to have a small input in a developing creative project.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    A miracles happened. Truly. A Miracle. We went for our long walk and remember the chrysanthemums I rescued from the garbage truck on Friday, just dead stalks seemingly. WELL, they've got new green buds, the frazzled leaves are plumping AND there's a flower bud! Unbelievable!

    Poor Jilly. She's back to cooked chicken completely. Made her a fresh batch before we trotted out.

    Beautiful day here if a little chilly. I walked Jill in my winter anorak. Glad I did, most of the walk consists of stopping and sniffing and a swift tug on the leash when it's undesirable! Jilly and Katie are sisters under the skin!

    Anne, full of the joys of spring and minor miracles!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited April 2018
    Happy Sunday! :) Having a video call with my family and going to try to pack more containers. It is a beautiful spring day but not sure if I will get outside.

    Anne, of course miracles happen but your green thumb brought those flowers back to life.
    In my opinion, I wouldn't give Daisy raw chicken, her stomach is sensitive enough. Since she is domesticated I think she deserves cooked meals just like we do.

    Patsy, sorry John was under the weather and hopefully today he is all better. How nice of you to help the budding artist, with your help I hope she gets famous.

    Jackie, what a beautiful picture and to think you witnessed it in person. There are no calories on cruises, eat to your heart's content. Life is too short to not enjoy all the wonderful moments.

    Lin, thank you for sharing your pictures, they are indeed beautiful. I can see why you enjoyed the exhibit so much.

    Buzz, hope all is well in Florida.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time