Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,135 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) A day at home with basically nothing to do is just what I need before my son and DIL come for a visit Tuesday-Friday. The unit I went to see is smaller than the one I have or at least a different layout. I am not sure my furniture would fit so I have to take some measurements. As of now I would prefer to wait to see if a unit like mine comes up on the renters market but I do really like the location of the new one. I think time wise it all could work out but I don't want to just settle because I don't want to move again if I can help it.

    I may try to change all the old wire hangers in my closet to plastic ones that I bought at the dollar store and in the process get rid of some old clothes. Also want to clean out my guest closet that has all sorts of wrapping paper and gift bags etc. Riding the bike would also be good as I did not get it done yesterday.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018
    Anne ~ There I was digging out compost from a pile in one corner of the garden to spread on my newly weeded areas when a flash caught my eye and hooray, guess what? The greengage tree you suggested I give another chance to blossom has done just that in spite of the freezing weather a few weeks ago so thank you so much!! It must have known I had been eyeing it from the top of the garden working out the best way to cut it down but not now. Long thin branches that regrew after my fierce prune are covered in sweet flowers


    Sandy ~ You will know when you find the right new home so maybe visit again with an open mind and get a feel for the apartment especially if you like the area. A few bits of furniture can easily be moved on if no room but otherwise a 2nd viewing might give you wow that feeling.... or not!! LOL

    Back to the compost digging and spreading!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lovely spring day. I am turning up my favorite music on the radio...Sunday Baroque on NPR station. It is so upbeat and calming at the same time. We will try a chat with our son, Damon before he takes off for an afternoon sail with his sailing group. I have had an idea of seeing about having a great quilt-maker make a special quilt for his bedroom in the sailboat. I will see if I can find fabric with interesting print and a design that will not feel “grannie-like.” One of his UNfavorite things is too much grannie stuff. The challenge to decide what is grannie-like and what is cool. Since I am not can see the issue straight away, can’t you?

    Katie has her ball and is demanding an outdoor ball game. Much running and barking required.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Beautiful JACKIE! I'm so glad you gave the greengage another chance. I find my apple trees have a bumper year, and then they rest the next year. Alas the one in the back has to come down but I will replace it with a young tree further down the garden.

    Mike was over all morning and stayed for lunch so Jilly is all walked out and fast asleep. Mark and Mary Jo have just been and now gone to drive to Toronto to see Derek's baby kitten Hobbes. She's dropped me a pile of books to keep me quiet this summer.

    Roy phoned so alls well with our world although the poor lad is getting very forgetful. His stepson drove him to the dentist and waited outside in the car for him. In went Roy and when he came out he forgot all about poor Tony sitting in his car. He walked the half hour home leaving poor Tony behind. Now he's had to buy him grapes I think to say he's sorry. Ain't old age wonderful!

    That's about all. I'm feeling a bit like a Jilly nap myself.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Somehow could not turn on camera or microphone today in my new laptop, so missed videoing in facebook messenger with my son on his 64th birthday!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2018
    I previously asked if anyone else found they no longer have spell-check on their computer. No one answered, but on the off chance, you are also missing it, here is an answer that seems to work:--Go to any text field in Chrome and right click
    In the popup menu locate Spellcheck
    In that menu select Check the spelling of text field-
    It appears to have brought spell check back for me!
    <3 Buzz <3
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    Up at six am waiting for the water heater installers to arrive at seven! Had my trickle water bath though because you never know! I've beaten Jilly to it. She's still snoozing!
    No problem with spell check BUZZ, in fact they often don't agree with my olde English or English slang and I have to over ride them the same as JACKIE does.
    Anne, up with the birds.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Getting ready for the drain people. They will arrive sometime between 8am and noon,

    Anne, I hope an answer is found for the slow water problem. And that it is fixed swiftly with no mess!

    Buzz, naughty spell check is always changing what I type. Often for the worse. I am on iOS most of the time. Good for you finding that menu option


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    We need a new water heater. Will be installed on Wednesday. Meanwhile we appear to have a critter inside the walls. Scratching and bumps. Harry removed a lot of his junk and some little creatures home??? There's always something isn't there with home ownership. Mark will investigate further on Wednesday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post..... my fault as I was typing on my phone which then ran out of juice!! Now on laptop but lots to do packing, sorting and organising. Snowing in Norway so a rethink on what to take!!
    Back later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Drain guy is here. Wow, that laundry drain is really clogged up!!!! Argh.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Hello again. Drain fixed, hedge trimmer dropped off for service, trip to Library, and waited in line for a car wash.

    Anne, happy Wednesday New Water Heater Day. Critter in wall. Horror!!!!!

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post.

    Making lunch. Baby peas, mixed vegetables, baked Japanese red sweet potato. Yummmmmmm.



    P. S. The weather is fabulous. B)<3B)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers. We have a sunny day as well here. Great! We are to have almost an entire week of sun or mostly sun. Thank goodness and at last!

    Grooming Katie today. Help me! Help me! This will be a big mess. We are going for the springtime short clip hairstyle. Nail trim! She also has a new spring neckerchief with pink and yellow flowers. The cleanup after the grooming session will be massive.

    Anne: The critter might be a mouse family. Or a rat family. Or a squirrel family. We are very familiar with these creatures. These things just drive me into a frenzy. I become obsessed with how to get rid of them. I don’t want to murder anything but I don’t want to share a residence either.

    Everyone seems very busy and getting ready for a wonderful outdoor season.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm in the middle of a Malicious something scan, but wondering what date is JACKIE's cruise?
    Why a scan? Did your computer ever grind, grump and complain out loud? And this is my not-so-cheap brand new laptop!!! Thought it was my imagination last night, but am concerned about hackers due to all the crazy calls an emails I get every day! Might as well be certain, as if that's possible!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I forgot to say Hi everyone. will try to catch up on your posts. Crazy day here; my barstool broke almos under me and everything is suddenly losing screws etc, but we have a shop of volunteer guys downstairs so I'm running back and forth every few hours! Mike was one of the guys and they have not replaced their jeweler yet! He is missed!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Jackie, is the cruise the 25th?

    Munching on lunch. I hate to see it end. :D

    Buzz, I haven’t done a malicious software scan for eons. I just let defender do its thing. I install new definitions everyday and then let it run a little scan. Oh, reminds me, I do have some software to update on my laptop but I keep saying no as I have interesting tabs open and haven’t finished with them yet. Time to give up I guess. Install and restart.

    More tea!! And Patsy if I could help, I would. Katie will be very beautiful and sleek when all this work is accomplished. She is a lucky pup.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,135 Member
    edited April 2018
    Happy Monday! :) I slept entirely too late this morning and now I am playing catch up. I took measurements of my neighbors walls and have decided my furniture will indeed fit in the new place. I called what might be my new landlord and told him I am interested and would like to see it once more and take some measurements. I will have my son and his wife go with me to see how they like it compared to this place. Negotiating with my landlady might be the tricky part because his unit will be available July 1st and my lease is up August 30. I talked to her this morning and explained my situation and she seems to feel it will all work out but we will see.

    My son and his wife will arrive tomorrow afternoon so I have to grocery shop and clean the house. I am very excited that they are coming to Florida while I am there, it will be so much fun being together.

    I would like to respond to all but time is slipping away, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Tuesday already, where is the time going? We've walked round the woods in rather damp, spitty weather so I'm now downing a cup of coffee before driving into the local town for the last few items needed and some cash. George goes to the dog carer tomorrow evening with a bag of goodies that might well end up bigger than mine for the cruise! Thursday I will drive to my friends home about 2 miles away as we have a taxi booked for 6am to take us to the station then it's train with changes at Plymouth and Birmingham to Liverpool and taxi to ship setting sail in the evening. 2 days on the North sea across the top of Scotland until we reach Olden..... can't wait!!

    Anne ~ Last year I had the tiniest mouse in the roof above my kitchen that wore hobnail boots so know how annoying it can be, especially when you're not sure what sort of creature it is. Step outside when Mark begins to delve then, if you see Harry you can ask him to take his pets back!!

    Buzz ~ we've been told the Russians have threatened to hack our systems and routers so who knows what they might get up to. Of course it could be more fake news! I pay a nominal amount for AVG security and as long as I remember to update once a week it seems to be so far so good although I am aware nothing is 100% safe these days.

    Lin ~ Drain sorted, that's good! Amazing what gets deposited out of our washing machines enough to clog the system up. At least you can breath easy next time the machine is turning!

    Patsy ~ If Katie is anything like George she will be delighted to have that winter coat removed.... he's gone back to puppy ways although he did shiver slightly when I took him out to the car first thing so must remember to pack his coat in his holiday bag! We'd love to see a photo of the new Katie if you can.

    Sandy ~ I do hope the new apartment works out for you and imagine since it was your landlady that chose not to offer a new lease she surely won't complain if you go a month early. Still, an unsettling time for you so fingers crossed all goes smoothly.

    I've potted on 6 tomato plants and placed a few pepper seeds in a pot and am just hoping my neighbours will remember to water them when they pop round to feed Brady and Hebe. I'll leave notes of course and a key so they can empty my mailbox occasionally. My potatoes are finally in a box of compost too so hopefully a good crop in the summer to enjoy with salad.
    Looking outside I see the mist is rolling in and bottom of my garden disappearing so I'd better get on into town.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    "See" you soon.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,135 Member
    edited April 2018
    Happy Tuesday! :) My son and DIL will be arriving this afternoon and since I didn't clean yesterday that will be done this morning. Not sure what the plan for tonight will be until they get here. I know they want to go to my son's dad's house to set up a new computer they bought him but not sure if that will be today or Thursday. Tomorrow we will go see the boys as John has not met Max.

    Jackie, in case you don't make it on here tomorrow have a wonderful trip. We will be thinking of you and take lots of pictures to share.

    Anne, I hope the new water heater brings you lots of water pressure. I love the water pressure from my shower, I do hope the next place is the same. Your critter in the wall reminds me of when we had a bird get in our wall somehow. It scared the begitters out of me. When we finally opened the wall it flew around the basement until it found the open door and flew away.

    Buzz, I have no problems with spell check on any of my devices. I also use malwarebytes and
    Eset Nod32 antivirus that my son claims is one of the best. It does notify me when anything malicious comes up so I am happy with it. I did get a notice from Google Chrome one day that said I had a critical error claiming there was a dangerous try to get access to my personal logins and bank information but took a picture and sent it to my son who told me it was phony and to just scan my computer which showed no danger.

    Patsy, I bet Katie looks beautiful and feels wonderful getting rid of her winter coat.

    Lin, glad your drain is fixed and chores are done.

    Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time