Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, I google searched tinkers in case my thought that we couldn't or shouldn't use that description these days was wrong and here's what it says
    tinker (plural tinkers) An itinerant tinsmith and mender of household utensils made of tin. (dated, chiefly Britain and Ireland, offensive) A member of the Irish Traveller community.
    I wonder who says so? It's only 23c in Cambridge today so cooling a bit but I bet he'll love feeling the warmth after your freezing winter. I'm glad he saw you and gave you a hug!!

    Lin ~ Wonderful memories of our youth should always be looked back on and enjoyed. Just think, those students planning on walking out today will have their own memories and hopefully be able to say to their grandchildren our actions put an end to insane gun laws!!

    Sandy ~ Wonderful if you get to travel with family to Florida and have a big reunion.

    Patsy ~ The man with his secret stone did make me laugh, all the more so because you saw him doing it!!

    It's 6pm and I'm wondering if I will regret not going back into my garden to cut the lawns. Checking the weather it isn't supposed to rain until Tuesday but I also heard we might get thunder storms tomorrow..... decisions, decisiions!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member

    Glendurgan Garden Cornwall

    At least that is what the caption said.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member

    St. Michael‘s Mount, Marazion, Cornwall

    Again, the info from the caption.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I've seen St Michael's mount LIN.

    Great excitement here. I could hear a lot of noise outside last night and Jilly did a lot of barking. Two people have told me today that two foxes where circling my front garden apple tree last night trying to get at a cat that was clinging to the branches. People came out and tried to chase the foxes away, but only succeeded in frightening the cat that flew off the tree and into my back garden chased by the foxes. No one knows what happened after that! But we have a lot of trees around here so hopefully the Puss climbed another one, which is more than the poor bunny did. So we have to worry about foxes, coyotes and huge hawks which means I can't leave the little Bean all by herself in the garden. She's tinier than a bunny OR a cat! We've been out removing all the sticks and twigs from the ice storm off the lawn and earlier found the parklet near the mail boxes to be full of huge branches. You'd never think we lived in a town! Wild life, ice storms and broken branches everywhere.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Patsy and Anne, I am free to use any of the wording you provided??
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    The May sayings? Of course LIN. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Yes, that is what I meant. Thanks Anne. <3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, how exciting to have all of you together in Floida! With whom are you going to Hawaii (and where?) MFP really messed up my pictute this time! It looked fine o my Home page, but they originally didn't change it on Golden Sneakers. They now cut off the lower 1/2 on my computer! Do they want me to keep my mouth shut? :D
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Probably BUZZ, lol. Seriously though, lots of problems yesterday on the site. Hopefully the staff have the weekend off so no more tampering until Monday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,135 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I got up early to remotely get on Babe's computer so he could watch his granddaughter's softball game. It is not an actually game but there is a baseball diamond and then they have names of who is where and the plays of the game. It is kind of cool but I am sure he would rather see her in person if he weren't so dizzy all the time. It was great being with the boys yesterday and the weather was so nice we were able to be in the yard. I am going to see another unit at 11:00 although I think it is smaller than mine. Can't hurt to look but I certainly am not ready to move out soon.

    Buzz, my grandson "might" be getting married in Hawaii next March. He has worked in Hawaii for the last two summers for and he met a Hawaiian girl who became his friend. He goes to school in Arizona and over this past winter they had a face time relationship and when he goes back to Hawaii in May he is going to propose to her with a ring he bought. He studied Christian Studies/Theology so not sure what he will do for a living. He is not going to the camp this year but hopes to get a job with the tourists possibly teaching surfing. From his first day in Hawaii he said he wants to marry a Hawaiian girl and live in Hawaii since he loves their culture. He graduates early in December so this is his plan. He is going to be 22 in August and I believe she is 19. You can see why I am a little hesitant about this trip. lol

    Have a good day my friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh I am glad to see everyone! Yesterday I I was trying to enter my food and exercise diary and MFP was just a blank white page! Agh! I thought maybe they just decided I was hopeless and tossed me off the site. I was so happy to see everyone this morning.

    Lin: as far as my little sayings go...Yes use what ever you want and hope you find one useful in your cards. hope YOU have a lovely May Day! I am in love with the idea of your handmade May Day cards. I have decided to paint a few May Day stones. Flowers and maybe one word on the underside. Like “springforth” or flowerfriend.

    Anne: the kind of animal attack you described is terrifying to me. We have a little stream on our property and often coyotes and raccoons will prowl the banks. We have seen black bears and cougars as well. We have Eagles, hawks and a family of barred owls. Of course there are the deer! We love all the wildlife and I understand there is a food chain. However I do keep Katie in at night. She does make her last potty break at 11:00 pm. Deck lights are on and I am waiting at the deck door for her to dash back and get into her snuggle tuffet next to our bed.

    Sandy: romance has a difficult time in today’s world. Our son has always been attracted to the Latin culture. He is fluent in Spanish and pretty good in French. His girlfriend is Latin. It is interesting how one can be drawn to a different culture. Internet introductions are very common now. It is a concept that I don’t understand. John and I met in high school. We were high school sweethearts. Went off to college as a young married couple. Maybe your trip to Hawaii could be a sort of family reunion instead of a wedding. Sounds like the young couple could use a bit more time just getting to know one another. But like I said...I am out of touch and out of step with the social norms of today.

    We might have some sun today. It will be chilly out however.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Just a thought, but maybe we are wired to be attracted to other cultures. Prevents in breeding as it were. Now if my grandson ends up with his oriental girlfriend any children will have Chinese, Portuguese, Scottish, English and maybe way back French genes. Not much chance of inbreeding there.

    I think we also have all critters that are normal in Canada here in this town except bears, but they are not that far away. On top of the usual skunks etc I've seen bats and owls, well you name it. We are close to a ravine and stream/creek hence deer etc. An East Indian lady reported a tiger on the loose, but it turned out to be a large raccoon. Would have made a change, a tiger.
    We are over run with raccoons, rats, mice, ground hogs, foxes, hawks, rabbits, opossums, squirrels, etc and etc. Don't let's get into birds! Canadian geese perched on rooftops, ducks, swans, woodpeckers, blue jays, cardinals, finches and the less exotic house sparrows. One wonders how they all feed themselves! Insects galore as well.

    I'll shut up and not go into wood borers, earwigs etc and etc.
    Probably bored YOU all to tears anyway!!
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Out in the garden clearing the winter debris, then we sat in the sun without my jacket. Had to come inside.....too hot! What a change from last saturdays ice storm.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hello Sneakers, it is afternoon and another day of few accomplishments! I put six “hello spring” cards out to mail this morning. Not to be confused with the May Day cards. Which occupied most of the morning. I fiddle around too much. Re-writing the sentiment, maybe more than a few times, trying out different pens and inks as I was going to write this verse 12 times and ultimately decided to print it out on the computer on colored card stock (the exact color being another time consuming decision). Trimmed those all down, cut a background paper for the inside of the card, added the sentiment, assembled and then found an embellishment for each card. Made my list of who will receive the cards and discovered I really could use another seven cards but that is not happening! I don’t have enough materials to match this layout and I am not going to hunt for alternatives. Would probably take me another day for gosh sakes.

    And I found out I need two graduation cards. Two guys, graduating from the same high school with receptions the same day. Which also happens to be Papercrafting club day AND a fiber arts show (an annual event) which sounds very interesting. A fiber artist/weaver is showing there and would really like to see what she is doing these days. I am obviously not going to get to everything. Decisions to make.

    Our weather is overcast but at least it is in the mid fifties today. Now, all this talk of critters and attacking animals shook me up. We have raccoons, skunks, badgers, owls, hawks, and the not so fierce squirrels, rabbits and mice. I am sure we have rats but luckily I haven’t seen any. We do have Eagles down on the river but we do not see them here. They seem to stay with the water and woods. No coyotes or bears on a regular basis. Once in a while somewhere in the state someone will talk about a bear or mountain lion or some other exotic creature, but they aren’t ringing my doorbell.

    When I was trimming bushes the other day there were many many chunks of bunny fur under a tree. Some large bird(s) must have attacked them. Ugh. Nuf said.

    Patsy, yes!! May Day rocks. That is a wonderful idea. I would love to come to hunt for one. Anyone who finds one of your creations will be thrilled. I loved your story about seeing the gentleman finding one and acting a bit like a thief. Haaa. Did I mention a friend of mine likes to camp in their little Skamp trailer? She paints Little Rocks with the image being a Scamp trailer and hides them at every campground. Painted rocks are adorable. Great way to share!

    Anne, I am glad you were able to spend some time outdoors in the sunshine! That is so lovely isn’t it? And you kept a sharp eye on Jill as you worked I am sure. And thanks for not speaking about the insect world. Really, thank you.

    Sandy, good for you. Best to be prepared and a trip to Hawaii would not be at all bad, especially if you are traveling with a nice family member or two. Who knows, he may get married. There is no right amount of time to decide these things. I hope whatever transpires will be for the best for both of them. Sometimes the pieces come together and other times, you know, things just don’t fit.

    Buzz, who knows what goes on these days with any or all apps and web sites? Several people yesterday mentioned they couldn’t get to their food diaries and/or news feed. Kind of frustrating. A friend wrote to me yesterday and apparently 16,000 patients of a local clinic may have had their medical information compromised in some sort of phishing scheme. If it isn’t one breach it’s another lately. She gave me the phone number to call so that ate up a bit of yesterday afternoon. I did a bit of poking around and found out just Googling my name brought up name, address, phone number, a photo of me which I have ONLY used when I set up my Google account. Anyone who wants to pay a little fee can have my email address, any court records etc. Just totally frightening.

    Jackie, hello, yes the students had their day yesterday. Much news coverage and as far as I know, there were no confrontations or problems. Now that is lovely. Countdown to your cruise. Just a few days now. You must be very busy organizing everything. Oh, and I was on Facebook and those photos popped up. I found them lovely and very interesting so on a whim I posted them here. I love the garden maze!

    Well, I had best forge along. Still have the church records hanging over my head. Oh and the drain fix-it people are coming on Monday. Should probably clean out a bit.

    Hugs to all.


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    And my almost non existent hot water is to be fixed on Monday between 7 and 11.
    7!!!!!!!!. People do repairs at 7am !!!!!!!!
    I'm feeling a bit smug. I told Mark I thought it was the old water heater and the plumber says it is. So a new furnace last winter, a new washing machine and now a new water heater. How about a nice new modern house Mark! I'm looking for a new apple tree as well, since the insect riddled one in the back is to be cut down. The woodpeckers will be upset.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent hurs trying to figure out where my mail is disappearing! Still don't know but dinner awaits, so I'll try to get back later! Why did I ever buy a new computer?????
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    edited April 2018
    Anne, please stop,by and diagnose my house problems too please.... <3:)<3

    Buzz, enjoy your dinner.

    I am going to watch Wonder Woman now.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day so off to the allotment with my neighbour to make a plan!!! The cuckoo could be heard way off in the distance on the moors so that really is a sign of Spring and hooray, it's survived a precarious journey again!

    Lin ~ The one time I strolled round that maze I got lost halfway. It's quite difficult because you can't see much over the hedges but great fun!! St Michael's Mount is a fabulous place and one day I'll tell you about the time I was working with the local tv station and the make up artist and I got lost in a back staircase and ended up arriving in Lord and Lady's sitting room through a secret door.... not sure who was more surprised!!

    Back later
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    You certainly have had your share of adventures JACKIE!
    I'm keeping off MFP today, it had the collywobbles earlier, and it is still a bit wobbly. Just to say beautiful morning here!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Jackie, very interesting. I am always ready for stories!

    Anne, hi and hope you are back later.

    As for me, church stuff today. Bye.

