Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018
    Oh dear, I pulled back the bedroom curtains to a scene of thick mist, a rain spattered window and trees waving in the wind..... complete opposite to yesterday!! Housework is definitely required so I may get on with that rather than wait until tomorrow. On the way home from our walk in the woods I detoured to a mega store to buy a couple of pots of sweet pea plants that do look incredibly fragile so I'm hoping they pick up before I go away. Not the best timing but I know they'll be gone from the store in no time. I've also got 6 small tomato plants coming on nicely so will just have to cover my kitchen counter with all these youngsters with a note for my neighbours asking them to please keep everything watered!

    Anne ~ Snow and ice is a good enough reason not to go beyond your front door so I do hope you didn't risk it. At least living opposite Darren you will probably have a chance to see him and wish him well before he leaves. Is he heading for the university of Cambridge because if so I can imagine it's not an opportunity to be missed? A trailer for a movie version of the Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society is currently being shown on tv here so I'm hoping they have followed the novel's heart rather than turning it into a mushy romance but see those involved in Four Weddings and Exotic Marigold Hotel have an input so have my doubts!

    Patsy ~ George did his best to disrupt my efforts with the lawnmower yesterday probably because so many of his favourite stones are scattered where either I've thrown them or he has dropped. There's too much drama on the news here about our involvement in Syria so we don't hear much of THE BOOK! It does sound like one of those kiss and tell stories and it's sad that anyone who held such an important position would feel the need to hit back by writing his own version. I tend to believe in that old chestnut of discretion being the better part of valour in the hope that the truth will out one day.

    Lin ~ There's nothing worse than a misbehaving loo because you never quite know what it's going to throw back at you!! LOL Perhaps a plumber will be your best option although if they are the same with you as I find, a mortgage needs to be taken out to pay them!! Please, you must name your naughty robot vacuum cleaner because already it seems to have developed a personality and is rather like George who when caught up in brambles or even a wayward twig stands stock still and waits for me to extricate him before carrying him to safety. They are probably a similar size too!

    Buzz ~ I seemed to miss Atonement when it was released so will add it to my list of dvd's to buy through Amazon when they offer free delivery over a certain amount..... I always seem to find myself spending a few pence less than their offer! I gather it too was a novel so perhaps I should follow my own advice and read it first!

    Sandy ~ Did you find your knight in shining armour to carry your baby shower gift to the car? Far too dangerous to attempt stairs on your own. I had to google search bassinet, a word I'd never come across before. What a lovely gift!

    I've rambled on enough so perhaps an early lunch before settling to housework.... more avoidance tactics.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Forgot my name but you know it's me!! :D:D
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    It's funny, but LINS robot is so like Jilly Bean as well. Bump, bump, bump, silence, what's she up to sort of thing.

    The weather is atrocious! No other word for it. Over 500 road crashes yesterday, planes grounded, outages forecast, icy snow on the ground and hail rattling the windows. Stop the world, I want to get off. And as for the news coming out of Syria on nerve gas plants is it false news again like the last time? All a ploy as it were! Who do we believe these days, but then who could we believe in the past? Just been reading about the nuclear disaster in Cumbria in 1957. Round about the time I married. Contaminated milk, people developing leukaemia and bone cancer, but all was "under control". Dad died of bone cancer 10 years later, and so did his brother, my uncle, and his best friend, all outdoor men. This certainly makes you think and wonder. Atomic Particles crossed the North Sea to be discovered in Holland.

    I didn't go to the party. I didn't see any of the neighbours trotting over so suspect I was the only local invited. Just cars rolling up with unknown folk huddled up carrying wine I think. Great idea PATSY which I will follow through. Yes, Darren is heading for the university JACKIE and its Catherine's home town as well. Mike wanted me to not risk the ice. I think he's thinking if Ma breaks a hip I'll end up with the little horror! He's hoping to get over on Monday to help with groceries because he is owed a day, good Friday being his day off normally. We will survive if things haven't improved! Lots of frozen veggies, frozen chicken and yeast for bread making!

    Reading the above I do seem to be a "bundle of joy" (sarcasm) don't I, but in truth I'm quite looking forward to a quiet day at home with The Bean. That's if the lights and heating don't go off!
    Hugs to all, at the moment warm hugs,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Jacean1935 wrote: »

    Mike wanted me to not risk the ice. I think he's thinking if Ma breaks a hip I'll end up with the little horror!

    Who's the little horror Anne, you or the Bean, perhaps both? LOL
    I'm glad you didn't take any risks and am sure Darren will understand.

    In the past we weren't told anything much were we, now it's take your pick.... propaganda. fake or maybe the truth, who knows? I can often be heard muttering blah, blah, blah as a politician does their best to convince us of a particular point of view! That's so sad about your family and must have happened to many others kept in the dark. After the Chernobyl accident in Ukraine we were told there was no risk in the UK and enjoyed our usual Spring lamb from the Welsh hills as the fallout drifted over and landed amongst the herds of sheep... the geiger counters must have been louder than any bleating!!

    Barely half my housework completed but there's always tomorrow when I gather the rain will continue. It's certainly cold enough to light my fire! Time for a cuppa.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    Well, I actually meant my little Jilly JACKIE, but point made. Mike could end up with me! Doubt it though me being the greater evil!
    I think they'd all have a whip round to put me in care!
    Outside is still white over, but the "rain" on the windows isn't making so much noise anymore. Maybe it's turning to just water! Mark just phoned, he's huddled inside with Mary Jo as well. Meanwhile Roy phoned but he's going dreadfully deaf. I told him we were having an ice storm and even though I spelled ICE over and over he departed still wondering what an 'Ouse storm is!
    Jilly's gone back to bed and tucked under her baby blanket.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello and happy Sunday sneakers! It is cloudy and cold but not raining. I am grateful for that. Katie is in and out and bringing in treasures like muddy sticks and stones. I don’t think a robot vacuum is up to the task of keeping this household vacuumed.

    I am feeling very creaky with this cold wet weather. I am trying to avoid taking any aspirin. Heating pad and gentle exercise will be my treatment of choice.

    I am So amazed at our son’s girlfriend. She is South American but she speaks lovely English in a beautiful accent. She can sew anything. The thing I find so wonderful is the way she wants to make everything beautiful, no matter how common in use. She decorated her kitchen broom! She painted the handle with designs. Etc. she folds her paper napkins into extraordinary shapes. I could go on and on. No wonder our son is entranced by this lovely person. It is interesting to hear them converse in Spanish. She speaks rapid-fire Spanish. Our son speaks slow and smooth Spanish. We live in a multi-cultural world. Border walls will not work...just my thought and belief.

    Some day soon we will be complaining of summer heat and begging for a bit of rain. Hummmmmmm
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Sounds like my Portuguese DIL PATSY. Enjoy. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Cold, rainy, snowy a beautiful spring day. NOT!! The shower was wonderful, more like a wedding since the men were also invited. It was great seeing my brother and nieces and their husbands. After the shower we went back to my niece's house where there was more food and drink. Her daughter, the one who is having the baby bought a new house a couple of blocks away so some of us walked over there to see it. She also had a house full of her friends so I imagine they partied until the wee hours of the morning. (not the expectant mother of course) I got home around 9 or so and went to Church this morning. It is so gloomy though I think I will lay on the couch and take a nap.

    Patsy, I don't think you will hear me complain about hot weather, I love summer. If I didn't have little grandsons here with a new granddaughter on the way, Florida is looking better and better to me.

    Speaking of grandsons, Lisa's mom and dad's house had a pipe that exploded or something but it caused extensive damage. They had to pack it up and are on their way back from Florida. Their daughter in law went to their house to borrow a can opener and found the pipe shooting water all over and leaking into the family room. Everything is ruined. Thank goodness for insurance but I am sure they will be heart broken when they return. Her mom was just here for a funeral and everything was fine then so it must be weather related which the insurance company is investigating.

    I am volunteering at a high school in the morning for a health fair. Al Anon will have a table and explain the program to the teens who might have someone with a drinking problem that affects their life. It is amazing how many teens no nothing of Al Anon.

    I also am waiting for the call to pick up our taxes seeing as they have to be in by Tuesday at midnight.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hello. I am housebound today. Too much ice this morning and I really did not plan on going out today anyway as my sinuses are enjoying being cranky.

    I did some straightening out this morning. Makings for Easter cards are put away, stencils somewhat straightened out, excess emails deleted, others answered, some free images downloaded, watched today’s church service online. Baked some of that mess I’ve made before with pumpkin, old fashioned oats, applesauce, cinnamon, raisins. Cleaned some vegetables, cleaned out the refrigerator, and just made a few mashed potatoes from some spuds that were going bad. I watched a couple of old B&W movies while doing this.

    Oh, and I did communicate with a friend who does need a ride to physical therapy tomorrow. I had offered early last week but I hadn’t heard from her until now. It is funny. I have to drive across town to pick her up then physical therapy is actually at a clinic a couple of blocks from where I live! Haaaa. Then I will take her home across town and drive myself back here. Oh, and I did volunteer to stop anywhere that she wants to pick something up. Still not driving but getting closer. So I won’t be around much tomorrow. But I am glad to do it, I am not complaining.

    I also spent some time hunting for Tai Chi classes. I will check it out but the Y has a number of classes and there is one for single fan which I adore!!! Wahoo! Now I need to see if that instructor is still there and how much the monthly fee is.

    I see Sandy was posting as I am writing this message since I saw a notification fly by.

    I wish the weather would straighten out. We are hearing this may not be the last of the snow. Maybe next week too!!

    Hugs. Stay off the ice.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Just an update if you are interested.
    Storm still going on here. We are white over but it's like crusty snow. Trees swaying in the wind and apparently 10s of thousands without power. It's a pity the Christmas lights got taken down! It's January out there. I tried to copy the piece on the weather channel for you but couldn't manage it. People sending photos in of inches thick ice pellets on their lawns and Lake Ontario looks like the North Sea with waves lashing the shoreline which is cordoned off in case someone slips on the ice and falls in. I am so lucky to still have power and warmth, but if this keeps up Darren won't be flying anywhere. I did totter out with the garbage to the garage and it's like walking on an iced cake if you can imagine the crunching.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    edited April 2018
    Oh NO!!!! Anne what terrible weather. You and little Bean stay in and I pray you will not lose power. I never know what I could do to stay warm if it goes out. I no longer have a wood fireplace but when I did, most of my firewood was stored outdoors, not very helpful! Do you have any alternate heat sources?

    The sun came out this afternoon and snow and ice has actually been disappearing even though temps are just below freezing. My deck which did not get sunlight this afternoon has inches of snow and ice. I guess the sun is becoming powerful.

    More snow expected on Wednesday so if things work out as usual we won’t get any since forecasts are always wrong. Right?

    Back to reading the latest Jacqueline Winspear book and working on a birthday card just a little bit. Haven’t thought it all out yet.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Is it really April??? You all are really going through the wrong season while I am typing quickly to log off before we're struck by lightening! Wild wind and rain started while I was down in our makeshift auditorium, the lobby, watching the 2nd film of today. This afternoon, "Only the Brave" with Jeff Bridges acquainted me with a whole new culture, knowledge, and appreciation of the superbrave people involved in fighting our forest, mountain and other huge fires threatening civilization around them. Initially, I could not relate to the story or characters, but as it continued, I became engrossed and emotionally tied to the film and was wrung out by the end Tonight I watched "Phantom Thread" with Daniel Day Lewis. This award winner was just not my "cuppa" !
    LIN... o:) !
    <3 Buzz
    .....Always Believe, or maybe Always Question...It's So Confusing :s ......
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful sunny day so far and a pot of coffee is brewing before I get into my garden. It seems most of you are still suffering the ravages of a long, long winter..... so sorry. I do hope Anne didn't lose power and managed to stay warm overnight. I did look up the news feed of CBC and amongst others found this...

    George has been walked in the woods and later today Scruff and her mum head off for a week by the sea at a place called Perranporth which is on our north coast. Lots of walking for them but it does also mean I can take George on to the moors this week since he's not interested in chasing the sheep, unlike naughty Scruff!!

    Coffee ready so I'll get on with garden chores but pop back later to check everyone survived their wild weather, including of course Buzz with her nasty storm.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks JACKIE. Very accurate description of storm except I wish they'd had a photo of the oceanic waves! We've woken up to a still white world with rain soaked windows. The howling wind has died down AND a lone bird is tweeting its little head off. No power outage for me. Very lucky. It's the first time my wee dog hasn't nattered to go out for walkies! Hope the temperatures now start to rise. The rain came UP from BUZZ'S area.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Wow, I just read the article that Jackie linked for us. What a monster storm. I hope things are starting to straighten out. 1200 traffic accidents? I must have read that wrong. Argh!

    Anne, goodness what a lot of snow and ice. You definitely need some warm and sunny weather.

    Buzz, I hope you are okay. I had not heard of storms in your area. Two movies in one day. Hummm, sounds familiar.

    Jackie, I am happy to hear you and George will be able to wander any paths that you wish to follow while Scruff and mom are away.

    It is sunny and cold here today. I did finish the needed birthday card last night but didn’t read much of the book. I am not sure but I may be dragging my feet as this book is set in the days just before WW II. Need to move along with it though as it will be due back to the library and no extension allowed as others want to read it. And of course, gotta get started on the book club book soon.

    Wishing everyone a happy day.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! I am happy to see everyone survived yesterday’s WEATHER! I was worried about you Anne. I have been in that kind of weather many times. Not fun. Alternative heat sources are a must now. Not sure what or how but it is a necessity for you and little Jilly.

    We had torrential rain and flooding in the usual vulnerable places. We are okay but our little stream is full and overflowing. The low spot in our little road is under about a foot of water. The dairy across the road moved all their ladies to higher pastures. So there was a lot of activity going on yesterday. Katie had to loudly comment on this.

    Coffee then a cup of yoghurt. The weekly chores begin.
    Take good care of yourselves dear sneakers.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    The sun is sinning here too. The wind seems calm too the last to days was kinda gusty.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    You didn't misread LIN. The police said it was the equivalent of a crash every 2 minutes during the 3 days! The CN tower is closed to tourists because big chunks of ice are dropping on them as we warm up. Solar panels flew off roofs into other folks windows and of course trees uprooted. There's a program on at the moment about people's adventures, a phone-in programme. I was darn lucky methinks, particularly as there's a huge maple at the back of our house. At the moment, deep ice ridges on our road. I believe Toronto didn't get it so bad as us in the wilds, and the further west and north you lived it got worse.

    Mike drove over to Costco on his way here, but turned around and went home. He said the roads are still pretty awful. Remaining melting ice and floods being the problem.

    Tomorrow we are forecast snow........but, a big happy should warm up on Wednesday.

    All from your own personal forecaster, Anne in her snow boots!

    PS. Police say on our news just now - 1450 collisions!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Delighted to see everyone safe and checking in. My day ended up a busy onse as I finished housework then went shopping at the local builder's supply store for materials to make a composting area for all the pulled weeds. George got a 2nd walk round woods we used to visit when I first adopted him and I'm now collapsed in a heap on the sofa!
    There's a horrible cold wind howling outside but I've a feeling nothing will keep me awake tonight :o
    Earlier this evening I phoned my friend who suffered a stroke a few weeks ago and happy to hear she's doing well with lots of support from friends and doctors.
    A busy day again tomorrow with the usual walking, a pedicure and visit from George's groomer but will pop in at some point.

    Stay safe and warm
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Got up early to volunteer at the High School even though the weather was crappy. I only stayed a couple of hours since they had more than enough help. Still didn't get the call for taxes so it looks like it will be last minute. I just got a text from my landlady to see if I was available to see a unit Saturday. I will go look but still seems to early to be looking at anything right now unless the guy in the office is willing to work with me. His tenant is month to month so it is possible to arrange this so it benefits everyone. We will see.

    Jackie, little George is a lucky little dog to have you take him on so many walks. He is beneficial to your good health. He should be very excited to be back on the moors.
    What day do you leave for your cruise?

    Anne, I am not sure I could handle your weather, I though Chicago weather was bad but that article tells me Canada is worse. I am glad Michael didn't try to tackle the roads, always better to be safe than sorry.

    Marie, good to hear from you and glad your weather isn't as horrible as some of ours.

    Patsy, your weather is almost as bad as Anne's. We all need some sunshine to brighten our days and our moods.

    Lin, if the book isn't holding your interest it might be time to return it. I started a book a long time ago but it too was just not cutting it for me so I started another but can't seem to find time to read. I read three daily readings in the morning and two meditation readings when I go to bed. I know I should read more books but I am a computer techie which really holds my attention.

    Buzz, I just posted on Facebook yesterday that if I didn't have young grandsons and a granddaughter on the way, Florida is looking better all the time. But then when I checked the weather violent storms were expected so I will just stay put here.

    Sleepy after getting up early but have a hard time napping so will just catch up on my games and some other things that need to be done.

    One Day at a Time