Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    Tried what you suggested SANDY, but I almost lost you all again. I think I'll leave well alone! ....... Anne.
    PS. Jilly won't eat carrots in any form.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018
    My day seems to have gone to pot while I ponder my new smartphone. Of course it has become obvious the smart bit means the operator not the phone itself so I'm struggling. Then I was looking forward to a get together with my old yoga crowd at a local pub but my neighbour who still goes to the weekly class just sent a text to say it's off so I'm wondering what to cook. Then I had a phone call from George's groomer to say she can't get to our appointment tomorrow because her van failed its MOT so I'm now hoping the promised heatwave doesn't arrive too soon because the poor fella is wearing a very thick winter coat!

    Anne ~

    I chop and steam the carrots separately then mix in when everything else is cooked because having tried every kind of green veggie and had George turn his nose up, carrots are his only vitamin source. Sounds like Jilly would leave the orange bits at the bottom of her bowl though!!

    Sandy ~ Just before I left Canada to return to the UK I looked at an Arctic fox fur jacket and came very close to buying it but back then I don't think any of us knew that much about what went on to trap these beautiful creatures. My grandmother always wore a fox fur round her neck that had a rather snarling face on it whenever she went somewhere smart and we kids thought it hilarious!!

    Tried typing and putting photos on this post via my new phone but too streesful as I kept losing it altogether so those of you that use your iphone have climbed even higher in my estimation if that's possible! :D

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning again. John is out clearing the drive way. Small twigs and limbs from our little wind storm is the culprit. Partly cloudy now. Springtime warm. Is this a real harbinger of spring?

    Sandy: I am a hopeless case. I was partially successful. I got my group listing back. That makes getting back on sneakers much easier. Thank you. Now back to changing my username. I want to change it to something more anonymous. This has my real last name.

    Lin and Anne...thank you so much for for the friend request. This group means so much to me. I have looked at other groups and they seem nice but not real friends like you all are. I guess even though we connect through the internet, we have come to know each of our personalities, our family, our dear pets and our likes and dislikes. The things that make up real friends in other words.

    Not sure which of the 2000 tasks I need to do first. They are all important and near emergencies. A guess laundry first. Piles of dirty clothes are not very pretty.
    Love you all!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm fine but running badly behind and still must het in touch with Virgin Mibile regarding my stupid Smartphone, and yes, Thank You, JACKIE, I will make another attempt to lower via your advice! AT least I managed to read all of today's posts!
    <3 Buzz
    .......Alwys Believe etc!
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2018
    JACKIE, my piggy little dog will eat anything going, particularly if it's in the street, but not in any form, a carrot. I cook exactly as you do and put peas in her stew later, along with rice, both accepted. What are the white chunks in George's pan, (looks very appetizing by the way), if potato, the Bean will eat them. Anything she doesn't like the messy little thing chucks out of her bowl onto the kitchen floor. She chased a ginger tom cat out of the garden earlier, and looked very pleased with herself because the cat was bigger! The cat we emigrated with attacked ALL dogs who threatened him so I will have to watch Mighty Mouth! Remember Sao PATSY? Sao was modelled on him. We also were in the garden picking up branches and twigs from last weeks gale.

    Username choices. Mine is the start of my parents names plus me. That means JA - Jane, CE - Cec, and AN - Anne. A way of remembering them every day with love.
    I did try once again to rid myself of the MFP ending, but just couldn't manage it.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018

    A beautiful day so George and I walked a couple of miles on the moors in the sunshine. Now home and since no dog grooming I'm going to get into the garden and make the most of this Spring day. The Skylarks were singing high in the sky as we walked and hopefully by the time I return from Norway the Cuckoo will have journeyed to our shores.

    Anne ~ because George had such a delicate stomach when I first adopted him I found the only thing that kept him remotely 'firm' was chicken and rice and someone recommended these very reasonably priced packs from the local Aldi (£1.60) then as time went on I introduced the lamb.

    I add them to the mix about 10 minutes before the rice and lamb have finished cooking, freeze it all together then cut the chicken pieces up when they are placed in George's bowl. However much I mix things he always eats them first then tucks into the rest! Well done Jilly for being territorial and protecting you from Tom! George loves his housemate cats but chases any others that dare to come close!

    Both old and new mobile phones have to remain turned off today while the old number is moved to the smartphone so no temptation to play!
    Hopefully not too much snow around for some of you and signs of Spring in your air too.
    Enjoy your day whatever.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good morning. Yes of course I need to get going in a few minutes!

    I heard a quick bit on the news this morning, something about pet appreciation day (?) or something. They are advocating long walks with your dog today as the weather here is likely to be the best of the week. Sun is out and temperatures are forecast to rise although it will be breezy.

    Yesterday was a nice day with all the activities on my slate being enjoyable and time spent with agreeable people. That is about as good as it gets.

    Today, Tai Chi and then many errands, a webinar and maybe some time working in the yard. We will see.

    Jackie, lucky George! You cook some lovely meals for him. Sorry he won’t be able to get his trim. Fingers crossed that it doesn’t get too warm until he is able to get his grooming. And I am sorry your group was not able to get together. That is always a disappointment isn’t it. And good to know, I had no idea you had to have phones shut off to port a number over to a new phone. Again trying to replace my phone is not something I know how to handle. I have one of those cheap carriers with no physical locations. They sent me my phone, I may have tied myself to more than I can handle.

    Anne, so no carrots for your little one. Well that is a challenge. How about bits of shredded carrots? Nothing she could identify as a carrot? I remember my collie was not fond of vegetables. My mom would add some peas to her food and that dog could eat everything from her bowl but leave the peas behind. Haaaaaa. Clever aren’t they?

    Patsy, I hope you got a couple of your tasks accomplished. That always makes me feel a bit better even if the list remains long. I hope your day is pleasant!

    Sandy, how is Daisy? Have you been over to visit her lately? I seem to have lost track. Hugs for her next time you see her.

    Buzz, good morning. I heard there were some severe storms in Florida in the last week but I did not catch the location. I hope all is well with you.

    Gotta run along.

    Hugs. Best wishes.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Good morning, and good it is right now. Brilliant sunshine but by noon it is forecast rain, rain and more rain until Monday I believe. Never mind, very warm tomorrow so hopefully no more morning ice on the bird bath.

    Even a shredded carrot doesn't make it with The Bean LIN. All deceptions tried. BUT she does love peas. She's definitely got a weak tum. Tried a new treat yesterday with the usual disastrous results. Fortunately outside! Lucky George JACKIE, and lucky you, the stew looks wonderful in an emergency. A bit of mashed spud on the top and you've got shepherds pie!

    I'm getting doddery. Turned the kitchen tap on and wandered off to see to something else whilst the sink filled slowly. Result Noah's flood, BUT a beautiful clean floor after mopping up. Always look on the bright side of life! Ain't old age grand. Well it does have its upside in the form of cheaper washing machines, lol. Oh I left a message with the prof. lawn cutters but they've never got back to me. I view this with mixed feelings because they were expensive. Think I'll carry on as is right now and if it gets too much, look pathetically at Michael and Mark.

    We are now off to the mailbox now most male dogs safely inside and their owners at work. Not much longer in exile!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,125 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) We are going to have a few spring days and then nasty weather again over the weekend. Darn. I have a baby shower to go to Saturday and hate driving in the rain as much as snow. I did not win at bingo last night but it was fun and different from my usual. I will try again tonight and hope I win to try next Tuesday again since they have a game that pays $13,000 if won. I have another person interested in my other fur jacket and am trying to have him meet me where I play bingo tonight so it is a public place. Will let you know.

    Anne, I love the words you and Jackie use from England, like doddery. It is such a great language to listen too, especially when I have the Chicago accent that sounds so tough. lol
    When you went to change your name did they not accept the change? Did they give a reason why?

    Lin, I try to visit Daisy and Babe every Saturday after Church. I was there last week but this week I have a baby shower. I tried to attach a picture but for some reason I can't and can't figure out why. If I can get all the other things I have to do today I would take Daisy for a walk but I think it will be postponed until tomorrow.

    Jackie, I find it odd that both phones should be off for the transfer but you must have been told what to do I am sure. Tell me again the date of the cruise?

    Buzz, I hope you were able to negotiate with Virgin and got a reduced price. I haggle with Comcast every two years to keep my triple play at an affordable price. I still use a landline but I am not sure why other than my cell phone doesn't work so great in my apartment.

    Patsy, any luck with changing your name? Make sure you go to settings under your home page and not the one on top of the MFP.

    Have a good one.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Oh my goodness, I do believe I've changed my username. Yes I DID. Thanks SANDY, maybe not so doddery after all, even if I did just drop the salt shaker into my full coffee mug! Coffee flavoured salt, lol. There's going to be a third thing said she ominously. Going to keep away from the new washer!!!!

    Anne the brilliant one, move over Einstein!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We had a surprise sunny day yesterday but it was breezy and chilly. Today we are back to showers and high clouds. Normal coastal weather. That’s why we have many sweaters in our wardrobe. They hardly ever get put away. Maybe 2 weeks in the summer...

    I had one of my bad nights. I don’t sleep and can’t shut off my brain. Ideas, worries, lists of things to do, transient pains in my feet and knee! Makes for a less than productive day. I will try to soldier on but it is sure to be at a very slow pace and very inefficient.

    Katie eats everything. Sad to say, some things are really not food items. More in the disgusting line. She loves tissues, cardboard, deer poop, plastic, rocks. She also eats a “casserole” of chicken, mixed veggies, and sweet potatoes. Sine she has a tendency to get UTI, she is to avoid all grains and protein should be at least 50% of her diet. Since she is part lab, she is a dedicated chewer. I guess it is common for the breed. And it is the trial of living with sweet dear Kate. She is also a professional ball player.

    The effort change my username continues. I will not give up. But I am ready to flush my iPad down the toilet. A reasonable idea,don’t you think?

    Anne: Good job on the name change! You are far smarter, and just plain intelligent really, than you let on. Dogs are just people in a dog suit. Each of us is a bit different and have different areas of concern. Just like our doggies/kitties/pets.

    Sandy: sorry you didn’t scoop up the big win at bingo. I am impressed that you are getting such good interest in your furs. I ended up donating mine to a PBS fund drive. I never wore it and it was mink. We had mink farms here in this part of the country back in the day. Good grief!

    Jackie: it is so interesting about our phones. We almost rarely answer our phone. Only if we recognize the number. We use the cell phone for communicating with each other and for emergencies. I hate to use the phone and honestly would prefer the tin cans and a string like when I was 8years old.

    Buzz: I am demented! I actually ordered the new Comey book. You’d think I would have had enough of all this political wrangling but NO! I am obsessed. I remember a time when I read more creative interesting books, mysteries, biographies, art retrospectives and philosophical essays. I have to get ahold of myself! I need to get a grip!

    Lin: your activities sound wonderfully positive. I love that you are a dedicated lifelong learner. You are a good lesson in positive living. Thanks for being there. Our son hates grocery shopping and has subscribed to a service called Something Fresh. Not sure of the name. He cooks with his girl friend. They make some scary recipes. Lots of scary really hot peppers etc. dangerous stuff.

    Laundry again, dust bedroom and clean furnace vents where spiders and dust bunnies live.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    First, I was unaware we were surrounded by tornadoes yesterday!!! Second, PATSY, me , too! Super obssessed! I can't believe what's coming out in the open and stiil his followers think it's all fake news! AS I mentioned, tell a lie often enough and some people believe it's the truth. But this guy really scares me, as I believe he never matured mentally! And he's incapable of understanding consequences! Perhaps a few more of his "fired" pals will become courageous?
    Let me know if Comey's book is worth reading, OK?
    To all the rest of you normal friends, we really can't help ourselves!!! Gotta run.
    <3 Buzz
    .......Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Morning, gloomy morning all, rain day and then an ice storm across the weekend. However those of us living on the edge of tropical Lake Ontario might lose out and only get cold rain.

    You are not alone in being obsessed with today's political climate BUZZ and PATSY! I for one fear we are repeating history. Michael at 57 thinks he has had the best years alas now coming to a close. I fear for my grandsons. I've decided to dig out my paints and let the rest of the world go by. There's really nothing I can do.

    So, we are just like dogs in people suits PATSY? Mmm. I'm not sleek and shiny like The Bean. I'm definitely the shaggy terrier type. Think Tramp in the Lady and the Tramp. This could be fun. I can think of two world leaders who resemble certain breeds! One of them has a wife like an afghan hound for instance, lol. Churchill was a bulldog of course, and so on. I shall dwell on this when tucked in bed at night rather than on a bunch of male "dogs"spoiling for a fight.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good afternoon. MFP would not load for me earlier. Not a rare occurrence. Haaaa.

    Another morning of Tai Chi (other class) and then the remainder of the morning with the library ladies. Everyone was coloring and chatting until I switched over to fussy cutting tiny butterflies. It was a good cutting day, the butterflies retained their antennae.

    I hope to do a bit of yard work later. I did not get to it yesterday. Oh well. It will get done or it won’t.

    Anne and Patsy, dogs in people suits? I think that is giving dogs a bad name. :)

    Buzz, glad you are safe and sound. I keep too busy to watch much news. Yes!! I watched a webinar on the painting style of Van Gogh yesterday afternoon. That was interesting and then I watched parts of several Tai Chi DVDs and worked on some individual moves and a bit of single fan. I should do that everyday. I was going to attend a gallery talk this evening (just as you are always going to things my friend) but I decided I will get too tired to keep up with the rest of this week’s schedule if I go out tonight.

    Sandy, hey, what a huge Bingo Pot! Good luck. We heard today that a local store sold a ticket worth $1 million in a lottery drawing. Sadly, not a thing to do with me. I haven’t gotten a ticket for quite a while. Hummmm, maybe I should get one if local stores are selling winners!

    Patsy, if you really want your user name changed, I hope you persist until it is a fait accompli. Sometimes things just do not work! Did you evict all of your dust bunnies?

    Jackie, hello. Maybe I missed your post. If so, I am sorry.

    Well yesterday I did get myself identified at the post office and I should start receiving mail delivery info in about a week. The facility I was directed to visit is really very nice, clean, and it was uncrowded (although that was probably just a bit of luck). I stopped by Trader Joe’s and then went for the 10% off day but I visited a different store. Talk about night and day! I loved this store—Clean, roomy, lots of products that my usual store will not carry or that they say they cannot get. Only one problem, the things that interested me are, on the whole, very pricey. More than Whole Foods in some instances. But overall, a good place to shop if one can stand the busy atmosphere and packed parking lot.

    Well, I had best move on.

    Be well. Hugs.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Another soggy day here. There is a disturbing sameness in this weather report. We are sooooooo ready for sunshine and real spring weather. One of my favorite houseplants just up and crocked with out any warning what so ever! It was that red leafed Chinese evergreen. I can’t remember the real name of this plant but in looking up it’s care and feeding it was supposed to be HARDY! They were so wrong.

    I am having a long coffee time this AM. John has dashed off to our local recycle area with a load of cardboard. I know I should get busy while he is gone but I will sit with Katie, coffee and toast.

    I am feeling rather at “sixes and sevens” as my mom used to say. Not sure how that saying came about. Anyway, a very old school mate I used to keep in touch with has decided to move into a senior assisted living facility in Colorado. I fear that facility isn’t one of the good ones...just what she could afford. She wasn’t a really good friend, more of an old acquaintance. But I wish the best for her, none the less. I remember a time when families consisted of several generations under one roof. My gran lived with us unlil she died. She was such a treat to be around. Funny and she was full of old useless remedies for everything. Some were really quite dangerous... gasoline soaked rags on the chest for congestion. Good Grief! I know I could not live with either of our grown children. The thought would drive John right over the edge. Times change!

    Enough of this dilly-dallying around. Time to get it going...whatever it may be.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,125 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Busy day once again. I went to my meeting and then to Babe's and took Daisy for an almost 2 mile walk since our weather is so beautiful. It is going to change again so I had to take advantage. I am going to cook my chicken breast on my outside grill I think depending what time I start cooking.

    Patsy, I am like you and John and really don't want to live with any of my kids but there will be a day that I might have too. Did you try to change your name again or can I help walk you through it?

    Lin, great day today right? I am so ready for spring and summer just like the rest of you.
    A 90 year old man who lives in my friends complex won one million dollars as well. We all want to propose to him but I am sure he has family that will protect him. lol

    Jackie, where oh where has our English lady gone?

    Buzz, I truthfully don't know how you can stand to watch the news other than local news.

    Anne, hopefully things will change for your son in the future, tell him only 2 1/2 years. The stock market goes up and down, up and down, I don't get myself upset over it because I have no control. Take it one day at a time.

    Time to move on, so much to do.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    Oh yes Sandy, if only we could string together a couple of weather weeks like today, ahhhhhh, I would be so pleased!

    Meanwhile, I finally got the foundation and landscape plants all cleaned up and ready to grow. They are peeking out. Downspouts cleaned out too. Appointment with Roto-rooter scheduled to try to remedy that really bad laundry drain, and a call to the handyman about replacing some deck boards and a look at my fence to see if he can shore it up so I can avoid replacing it once again.

    I have tried to call my friend with the sick doggie twice now and no answer so I hope she is just out working in the yard as well.

    Tai Chi tomorrow morning. I need to pack up supplies for card makers club which is Saturday morning and someday soon I need to start on the church records organization project. Man, I wonder if you can see trails everywhere I go as I drag my feet all the time. Haaaaaaa. No, really, I do.

    Hugs again.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So I'm back frpm dinner followed by a disturbing documentary on shooting elephants, rhinocerouses and magnificent lions for sport and to decorate the walls of personal sports parlours with animal heads!!! Also received a most upsetting phone call from a "Gloria" of Visa cards asking if I had recently made an over $400 purchase at a Delray Beach Publix supermarket. No? Well it looks like my information has been stolen and Visa will have to replace my cards! You know the rest of the story! I stood my ground and told her I would NOT yield my password in order to prevent the card replacement and I wanted to call Visa to verify the caller and suddenly the was a click and a busy signal on the other end! It was scary how much information they had about present and previous residencies! Very smooth Phishing call, , even saying someone was opening charge cards in my accounts! I wanted tohave the call traced but the ID actually disappeared from my phone!!! Beware the Ides of...April?
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Someone May Be Out to Scr.. You!!!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yesterday flew by so I didn't have a chance to post and now I'm about to head to Plymouth with a couple of friends to shop for a few bits including some carrot cake.... just happen to be in the mood for it. We've had luggage labels for our upgrade but no reissued tickets yet so that's a phone call I need to make now!

    I've read everyone's post but must get on. Should be back this evening.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I've been invited to Darren's farewell party tomorrow. Not a happy occasion for me although I wish them the very best. Sadness matches the miserable weather. Ice pellets this weekend.

    Well done BUZZ in foiling the would be thief and thanks for the tip. I await the latest phone call!

    I'm in the mood for carrot cake as well JACKIE, comfort food!
