Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I ended up making lovely home made bread PATSY. Lovely slices of crusty hot bread oozing with butter! Blame the weather! And the SMELL of baking bread! Oh my, goodbye diet! It's just as well the washer hopefully arrives tomorrow and distracts the stomach! as I figure the new knobs and buttons! I'm amazed how many towels I wash! I think all dogs, regardless of size love mud!
    Yes, Mark has been to Chicago with past conventions SANDY. And yes, he does love the city. He left home at 7 am I gather and will be back on Sunday. Mary Jo went with him once and she enjoyed her visit. I've never been, and must admit my mind set is in the twenties and thirties and prohibition? Al Capone etc. and the "Chicago Outfit". Totally wrong today I gather! I have read that the waterfront is spectacular? Some Toronto councillors here would like to copy I gather.
    Heart breaking about the buzzies JACKIE. It seems we always have white blobs hovering over us these days. Unfortunately our weather map stops at mid Atlantic so I can't advise what's heading your way! However, I can see what's hovering over LIN and SANDY and heading MY way!
    I'm getting to the point of forgetting what summer feels like!
    Hi BUZZ, hope to see you soon! On the Sneakers I mean, not Florida. Spent my flight cash on a washer. More grrrrrrrrrr's.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited April 2018
    Anne, hot bread? Just lovely!!

    Patsy, brownies? Oh my.

    A friend wrote yesterday that he made chili because it felt like winter again. :) it did warm up today though. A one day reprieve. Now back to another week of cold and wet. Late next week it really is to warm up again. My fingers are crossed.

    Jackie, I am so sorry that your bees did not survive the horrendous weather conditions. You certainly did everything possible. It is sad.

    Sandy, congratulations on your Bingo win! Wonderful, I cannot compare to that but I did win one hand in Mah Jongg on Tuesday. No money though.

    I went to the other Tai Chi class this morning and then spent the rest of the morning with the sociable Library ladies. We had a nice time. Then filled both of my vehicles with gas since the weather was fairly nice.

    After lunch I went upstairs to change my clothes and surprisewhen I came downstairs I found, I have an ant infestation. I took stuff outside, killed ants, cleaned the floor, vacuumed, killed ants, used some icky smelling cleaner hoping to make them leave. I seem to have fewer now but will likely get some ant buttons tomorrow. These things were just tiny, not like the red ants or black ants we see later on. I had just seem some of them at the library today in their bathroom so something has apparently hatched around here. Eeeeck. Hate that.

    I am also working on cards. I have several birthday cards finished. It’s a start. Many more to finish for this month. I will work on some on Saturday as we have Papercrafting Saturday.

    Well, I am going to go to check my ant runs again. :D:D

    Anne, I hope the delivery goes well, that you like your new washer and that your refund shows up soon.

    Buzz, where are you?? problems with your computer?

    Take care everyone, many hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Problems with website, I think! I posted yesterday, mentioning my haircut, and re-edited twice, and posted . Today it is missing, and thank you for noticing, but I am fine, unlike JAKIE's poor hive! Have you all seen the alert on the website?

    :"On March 25, 2018, we became aware that during February of this year an unauthorized party acquired data associated with MyFitnessPal user accounts.

    What Information Was Involved?
    The affected information included usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords - the majority with the hashing function called bcrypt used to secure passwords.

    What We Are Doing
    Once we became aware, we quickly took steps to determine the nature and scope of the issue. We are working with leading data security firms to assist in our investigation. We have also notified and are coordinating with law enforcement authorities.

    We are taking steps to protect our community, including the following:

    We are notifying MyFitnessPal users to provide information on how they can protect their data.
    We will be requiring MyFitnessPal users to change their passwords and urge users to do so immediately.
    We continue to monitor for suspicious activity and to coordinate with law enforcement authorities.
    We continue to make enhancements to our systems to detect and prevent unauthorized access to user information.
    What You Can Do
    We take our obligation to safeguard your personal data very seriously and are alerting you about this issue so you can take steps to help protect your information. We recommend you:

    Change your password for any other account on which you used the same or similar information used for your MyFitnessPal account.
    Review your accounts for suspicious activity.
    Be cautious of any unsolicited communications that ask for your personal data or refer you to a web page asking for personal data.
    Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from suspicious emails." I'M ABOUT TO CHANGE MY PASSWORD !
    SORRY about JACKIE's bees, delighted for SANDY's winning streak; hoping ANNE's washing machine is wonderful and a laundry inspiration! Now for PATSY":::::::::::: SAVE ME A BROWNIE! LIN, thank you for missing me!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................ALways Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen............................
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Just got up. Read Buzz's post. Yes, it makes one want to chuck ones iPad in the trash doesn't it and go and live in a cave. (With new washing machine of course when it arrives.)
    I'm going to eat my porridge, have my bath and let the rest of the world roll by.
    Cheers to all,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We had a short walk round the woods this morning because a cold wind doth still blow....!! Since it is cold I knew George would be fine sitting in my car for 20 minutes with windows open while I shopped at the local supermarket and have stocked up with lots of fruit, fresh veggies and averted my gaze as I passed the crumpets and tea cakes. For all that I could happily indulge in more than one of Patsy's brownies!!
    Good news, Fred Olsen cruises have offered us a free upgrade because the cabin we were assigned to is going to have maintenance work on it during our travels. I think an upgrade we were offered back in January for a quarter of the price was probably to get us to pay for the same move but because we didn't take it up they've had to move us for free!

    It wouldn't surprise me if we were told most websites were compromised at some point, we just don't get advised unless there's a big risk of us getting hacked. There's more to come out about Facebook too for sure!

    I gather we could have rain coming in this afternoon so I will clean the hen house out first job today. Just looked out of my window..... too late so I'll eat my lunch instead!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is being done, bills to be paid, some printing of bookmarks and possibly a return of two shirts I bought that I am not sure I like on me. It is the first day that I have to be home by myself so I might just stay in.

    Jackie, good news on the upgrade, does that mean a balcony room? Sorry about the rain, do any of us have decent weather? I almost had a heart attack yesterday when I checked my checking account online and saw a charge I didn't recognize. To make a long story short, I wrote a friend a check and she deposited it in an ATM at the mall. After talking with the fraud department they figured out it was just that and since it was a pending charge the check number didn't come up until today. All is good.

    Anne, if you lived in a cave you probably would do your wash in the river on rocks. lol

    Buzz, thank you for info, I think MFP sent us an email and asked us to change our passwords which I think we all did. Sorry you lost your post yesterday we were all a little worried about you not checking in.

    Lin, so sorry about the ant problem. I was told once to draw a chalk line where you think they might be entering but really don't know if that works. There are suggestions on google as well with homemade remedies. Good luck.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    A very quick check in to keep you from worrying! Had a super busy day since a friend took me out for a shopping trip; then Dell tried to save my older laptop, which Microsoft refuses to log in any longer!We learned how to get around it and found some things I needed. But I might as well stick with the new one.. And then the phone calls never stopped and now I must get ready for dinner. I think SANDY is correct about the MFP email, because I had already chaned my password. Lovely news about JACKIE's cabin. As far a the ants that like LIN, I use something I got in a hardware store that I drop on parchmen or strips of foil and it gets rid of the nests in 3 days, but I forget the name! Here, I call the exterminator. Gotta run...
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen............................
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    About the MFP password change...I am really in a pickle on that score. I tried and they emailed me a link with instructions. I did as they instructed. Didn’t work! They said they didn’t recognize the new password. I did this several times trying different words etc. no dice!!!! Then I deleted my account. Not sure if that solved anything. But I can still get on sneakers. However, I have indeed deleted friends and everything else regarding MFP. I am really a non-techie. I barely know where the on and off button is located.

    Oddly my writers group just changed my password for me. Not sure about that. They are very focused on ID and data security. I am not worried about people stealing my words but my son and John think that I should be more careful.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I ended up deleting my account as well PATSY, and started again with as you will see, a new user name and a new password.
    SANDY helped me out when I couldn't get back on our group.

    Ants. I just put a small can (empty salmon can etc) with a little food inside, anything, brekky oatmeal, canned dog/cat food etc works, outside the back door, and the ants are so busy carrying the food back to their nest they never come inside the house. Means I don't have to kill them either.

    The washing machine came. So far I'm delighted with it. Very simple to use, and I find I prefer the top loader. The two very nice young men stood by as I loaded it and pressed the various dials. It arrived in a snow storm! Needless to say Jilly barked throughout it all! Snow tomorrow again. What a long winter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello, I went to Tai Chi this morning and then stopped at one store in the way home. Then the morning was gone. After lunch I started fussing with materials again. Yippee, another birthday card is finished. I started thinking about the next one and he had pointed out how amazing pop-up cards are but I have never made one. So I am playing with designs. If I don’t go ahead with that, he has so many interests, it should be easy to make a card if I can just decide what theme I want to pursue AND find appropriate images and papers.

    Anne, glad the washer has been delivered and you have found it easy to use. Ah, the weather. Always a topic of conversation, we are expecting a couple of inches of snow in the next few days. I am going to Papercrafting tomorrow and to church on Sunday but if the weather continues nasty I will stay home on Monday. Is your weather going to shape up soon? They are promising 50 degree F temperatures again by next Wed or Th.

    Sandy, a day at home is a good thing. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished.

    Buzz, thanks for checking in. Always good to know how you are doing. Things just mount up and resolving them can take so much time can’t they. I have nothing packed for tomorrow morning. Cannot believe what a pokey Pete I am these days. I did pick up some ant traps by the way.

    Jackie, wahoo, an upgrade! Love it. They were playing you weren’t they. Now that is not nice. Harumph. But I guess it doesn’t matter, you have the better accommodation and that’s what matters. Excellent.

    Patsy, sorry you are in a bit of a mess with passwords etc. I started a new account today for a company wherenI was placing an order. I hit an enter button instead of a backspace and I now have an unknown password and I have tried to reset it, no go. So I decided if I want to log in again, I will use the forgot password option and see if I can get a new assword,that way.

    Acorn TV stopped working on my iPad. I have removed the app and reinstalled it several times. That didn’t help so I have contacted customer service. We’ll see if they can help. They updated the app for a Roku and I had trouble logging in last evening. Which reminds me, I forgot to write that password down and zi a, not logged into my second Roku box. Rats.

    Well everyone, have a lovely evening. I am going to password war now.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Yippee, I remembered it!! Logged in on both Roku boxes now. Wahoo...

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Woke up to snow on the roof again. However, the sun is out and only a sprinkling left on the lawn. I mentioned to my DIL that I really hated buying a new washing machine at my age because I probably wouldn't get the wear out of it, but she assured me washing machines aren't built to last these days, so I should, lol. Apparently her washer and dryer are on the blink as well.

    Meanwhile back here on the old homestead I decided to wash everything in sight in the hope that spring is peeping around the corner. Still very pleased with my oh so simple machine! Lots of instructions on the lid, and with only 5 controls with various options even an idiot like me can't really go wrong, well........ touch wood. Fortunately no passwords involved!

    My bank was having technical problems yesterday, but alls back to normal today. To think our grand children have never known a simpler age! I read that Sweden's virtually got rid of bank notes in favour of plastic cards, sounds a great idea, but what if everything grinds to a standstill, will everyone starve with money not being exchanged? I think I'm feeling my age, and I'm not alone, I also read that elderly Swedes don't like it either.

    Ah well, back to the washing machine and see if Jilly's blankie and my towels are ready for the dryer.

    All from exciting Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have a big wind storm going on. There had been a big tour boat scheduled to dock in Astoria for a couple of days but they rescheduled due to the storm. The tour boats always bring a lot of local business so everyone was disappointed. These kind of storms bring down big trees and the river is full of floating logs. Very dangerous for fishing boats and other boat traffic.

    Annie: let’s be honest here! You have great genes. You will be walking little Jilly and washing clothes for years to come. You realize we have more 100 year old people on earth than ever before. Not exactly sure what the difference is now, I suspect it is better health care and we don’t have to wash our clothes by going to the river to beat our laundry with rocks. Just a thought. I for one am not too upset by the new digital world. I have been looking into one of those little round robotic vacuums. I would have to get our son to program it. Remember the classic...”Brave New World.”

    We have been rewatching the older movie, “we bought a zoo.” While we exercise. Oh I do love that movie. Matt Damon is so adorably bumbling and the animals are fabulous. The story is a true event, (UK)

    Wind blown and dizzy,
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    PATSY, Michaels got one of those robotic vacuums, be warned, dogs love them!
    I was talking tongue in cheek about not getting my money's worth with a new machine. My warped sense of humour and MJ was joking as well.......I think! LOL. Still, I'm not very keen on never handling real cash any more! It means we can't hide our cash in old socks under the bed! Somehow sleeping on a debit card isn't the same.
    I think I've got spring fever, feeling a little skittish here. Freezing cold, but that's okay, Jill wants to play chase the duster.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    One of those days where I wonder where the hours disappeared. After the morning walk I dropped into the local store that click and collect items can be picked up for 2 more ebay dresses for the cruise. One will go straight out to a charity shop because it does nothing for me but the other is just right, the sort of style I wore in the 80's so that'll do just fine. Imagine if you will flowing crepe with a black and gold swirl of small dots and long skirt that sits just above my ankles. When I collected the parcels the shop assistant advised me another package addressed to me was waiting but I hadn't been sent the code so told him to hold on to it rather than get himself into trouble handing it over without. The said code arrived by email later so after George's walk round the village in what was our first warm, sunny evening this year I drove us back into town and now have a new smartphone but haven't a clue what I'm doing because nano sims and how to obtain them are a complete mystery to me. The phone I've been using is years old so I felt I ought to drag myself into the 21st century!! I have got as far as charging the phone and sharing my finger print for security but now feel that until this nano sim thingy is in my hands I'll go no further. Oh yes, the other delay was the leaflet of instructions being in Polish. A download of instructions in English was found but it means sitting at my laptop reading through rather than the comfort of my sofa!! Who'd have thought our generation would be coping with all this technology.... well just about coping!!

    Gosh, it's now coming up to 9pm and dark outside so I'll find a more comfortable seat and relax for the rest of the evening. Stay safe in that storm Patsy. Anne, I'm not sure I manage cards or cash safely these days. On Thursday I thought I had a five pound note in my purse to pay for a couple of items in the farm shop but couldn't find it so because we have to spend over £5 to use a card there I had to rush about picking up extra items. Then in the supermarket yesterday morning I couldn't find the card at first, had a rummage until I did then as I was leaving the gentleman behind me tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at my £5 note on the floor. If I didn't think I was going mad I could be a magician!!

    I'm off.......... Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    I have been Papercrafting all day. Got up early, packed up and was off. Time to start cleaning up now. It has been cold and sunny. No snow in sight yet. There will be much unpacking when I get home. Not something I like to do but must do if I want to work with my supplies again. I laughed this morning as zi packed up and unzipped a side pocket in my tote. There were my three little misssing pads of pattern paper. Haaaaaaa. Didn’t do a good job of unpacking last month. This time I know they are there.

    Anne, you will get your use out of the new washer!!! You are already using it like crazy. Use it in good health.

    Jackie, your dress sounds wonderful. So elegant. Your trip should be fabulous. Cannot help you a bit with the phone. My phone doesn’t have a SIM card, just my old phone has one. Good luck on getting things set up. I must say I am fearful of trying to get a replacement phone.

    Patsy, I hope by now the storm is over and all is well with you, your family and your abode. I don’t think I ever watched the entire movie that you mentioned. Just a bit of it.

    Take care all.



  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Will your cruise ship visit BERGEN, JACKIE. Just watching the town on TV. Lots of tourist shops and fish stalls. Looks an interesting place.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here's a link Anne. Yes Bergen one of our stops as we particularly looked for a trip that went there. Expensive but stunning!!

    Time for shower, coffee, breakfast and out into who knows what sort of weather.... it doesn't seem to know what it wants to do at the moment! Back later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Good morning, I will sneak a peek at your link Jackie. So interested in your upcoming cruise. Excitement!

    I got sort of unpacked last evening after making a trip to the local paper crafting shop. Thank goodness they closed early on Saturday so I escaped with a minor paper purchase.

    I am packing up for church but need to stop by the store on the way so I have a treat for my friend. I has become a weekly tradition. Lately if I do not get cherry or grape tomatoes for her, she does not remember to take her little bag home with her. No need to fight uphill right?

    Snow on the way but should not arrive her until Mid day as they are calling it. Tomorrow temps should reach forty degrees and warmer after that so it should not last long.

    Well, that’s it for my weather forecast. Haaaaaa.


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for the link JACKIE, I'll check it out later when all is quiet. I wondered because I could see a cruise ship in the harbour. You will have a glorious time! New clothes to wear as well! Have a carefree fun time! I have to do the weekly shop soon, because Mike couldn't make it last Friday.

    I'm just having a laugh at myself. I'm beginning to sound like the miserly auntie Wainwright in the Last of the Summer Wine, my favourite character! Just washed my heavier dark winter pants and socks in the hope that spring is almost here. Reason for laughter, I've now tried most wash cycles, normal, bulky, low load etc. and thinking well so far it's cost me $300 a load! Honest, girls, I'm not really THAT miserly in reality. However, when I emigrated I gave my old washer to my aunt kathie and she used it until she suddenly had a heart attack. It was about 30 years old at that point and I don't know who inherited it, probably one of her other nieces. The washer I had and now heading for the dump was all of 11 years!

    Little Jill is now almost through her cycle and we can look forward to long walks again and gardening. I can't remember a time when we all looked forward so much for a bit of warmth and less gale force winds.

    Happy Sunday, and it IS sunny, Anne.