Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Hope to finish my bookmarks today, a friend from Al Anon brought me her paper cutter which should make it much easier. I have a paper cutter but it only cuts one piece of paper at a time where her's does much more. We are expecting snow today so it is a good day to stay inside. I put my fur coats on marketplace to sell and have had a little interest so maybe I will get lucky. I have a leather and fox trimmed on there as well. I also have a bunch of Coach purses that I may try to sell since I don't use them anymore. Just trying to downsize before my move and make some extra money to go to Hawaii next year.

    Anne, nothing wrong with being frugal as long as you still do the things you enjoy. Remember we can't take it with us. Of course they don't make things like they used too, how else would they make us buy new things? I just hope my car lasts until I am unable to drive.

    Lin, we are getting the same weather so we have something to look forward too later in the week. How nice of you to get your friend treats.

    Jackie, I watched the video and your cruise looks fabulous. Your dress also sounds beautiful so you should be all set with formal wear. Did you phone not come with a Sims card? Do you have to activate it at a phone store? They might do things different in the UK but I get my phones at the stores that provide my service.

    Patsy, when you deleted your account did you make a new account with a different password?

    Buzz, did you celebrate the last day of Passover last night?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Rainy day again! Again! Again! But so far no snow or local flooding to speak of. That’s the good news. This time of year I get so impatient for warm sunny weather, it is hard for me to remember how uncomfortable I get in the heat of the summer. What a crazy thing I am. I guess I really want sunny days with 65-70 degrees 12 months of the year and maybe a bit of a shower after dark just to keep things watered. Camelot!!!

    Our son going to see the Portland performance of circ de solas (sp?) I love that amazing group. I have seen several of their performances and they give me chills and goose bumps just thinking about them. This’s is unique in that they have an ice performance featured as well. Anne, I know you probably are well acquainted with this group. They are Canadian. The director is quite famous.

    Sandy: I am not aware of the site you are using for your furs etc. sounds interesting. No I have not rejoined MFP as yet. I am surprised I can still get on this forum. I am not thrilled with MFP because the calories are way off for me, at least. Some of the other information seems off for me as well. So as long as I can get on here and keep in touch with you dear sneakers, I am happy as it is.

    Lin: paper-crafting reminds me of my art supplies. A never ending need for new paints, paper, brushes, and all extraordinarily costly. The good thing for me is that I don’t join a painting group. I would have a disturbing trail of paint and supplies to clean up.

    Buzz: what are you up to my friend? Are gritting your teeth as you watch MSNBC like we all are? My new hobby is talking to myself as I go about my chores. Snarling about the latest developments.

    Wet and moldy,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Sandy: I am not aware of the site you are using for your furs etc. sounds interesting. No I have not rejoined MFP as yet. I am surprised I can still get on this forum. I am not thrilled with MFP because the calories are way off for me, at least. Some of the other information seems off for me as well. So as long as I can get on here and keep in touch with you dear sneakers, I am happy as it is.

    I don't think any of pay for MFP.....I just meant that you left and came back so wondered if you changed your password but still are part of this group.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm "losing it" because I can't recall SANDY talking about FUR, or PATSY actually leaving us (oh, no!) or even whether I celebrated the last day of Passover! I may have by simply eating too much matzo (slathered with butter) which I find addictive! Actually, I find food addictive! I live to eat rather than eating to live!!! My hours the last several days have been abominable as I was searching for flight schedules for my friends who must fly to Long Isaland to see their 62 year old daughter who stopped cerebral development around 8 months! I finally found tickets at $59 each way, and followed their instructions to purchasem but today I hear from them that they only just made a call I suggested 2 weeks ago: find out when graduation is up there so they don't book flights and hotels the same week! So of course that weeknd the universities are holding graduations, and I hope they get hotel bookings! I hate to micromanage other people, but sometimes I wonder !
    JACKIE, your itinerary is super, and you will be going to the most gorgeous spot, Flam, as I recall . It is a glacier and I was there more than 40 years ago, so I hope it is still as amazing!
    I didn't recall Oslo on your cruise, but I really loved Norway, as I'm certain you will, also. I still have my down comforter (dyna or duna?) I bought there! Your dresses sound lovely.
    PATSY, that's Cirque du Soleil (Circus of Sun?) and it always amazes me, too. My Ophthalmologist runs their DVDs in his wating room! We usually prefer long waits!
    Saw a crazy movie this afternoon with Glenn Close named "Father Figures". While I stayed awake trying to wait for it to come tgo the point, I was thinking how much I used to enjoy movies with the actors I considered stars. I didn't know most of the cast today, and the final solution made little sense to me because it left so many holes!
    My fingers keep missing keys, so please excuse the crazy spelling I may miss! I hope alin, ANNE, and all the rest of you snowbirds will suddenly be bathed in warm sunshine. It's time already! I'll go dig up some supper before it's bedtime already!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wondeerful is about to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yesterday was a beautiful one with lots of warm sunshine so after painting the first coat of weathershield on the lower rendered walls of the garden room I began my rather late Spring weeding jobs. Slow but sure with my complaining hips so I'm ready to rake in some bee and butterfly friendly flower seeds before it rains this evening. The mention of passwords reminds me I wanted to check back with Photobucket where photos of mine were stored years ago when my old computer didn't have much space, trouble was I'd forgotten my user name and password so had to start over. Got there in the end and amongst all my old favourites found this one of the top of my garden, probably taken about 4 years ago.

    Unfortunately that area was dug over by the men creating a soakaway for the garden room and is now bare earth so I must start again!!

    I see some of you still have large white blobs on the weather satellite pictures but at least Norway has finally shaken off theirs! We do plan to take the Flam trip to the glacier Buzz but have been warned climate change means large areas have melted so it won't be as dramatic as when you visited. I don't know why I said my new ebay dress is crepe because it isn't, it's chiffon so quite classy by my standards!

    Sandy ~ Since we have so many companies offering phone packages the common practice is to purchase what they call a sim free phone where the card is removed at the factory. This way we can choose who we wish to go with and set the package up on the internet. The sim should arrive tomorrow then I ask my provider for my old phone for a code which when given to the new one gives them authority to move my number and any credit across. Hope that makes sense!! One of my nice neighbours popped in yesterday to return a pint of milk borrowed when they had a surprise visitor who requested a cup of tea and I told her I was a bit overwhelmed with all the new phone can do so she is going to help me go through options.... I'll have to write notes to myself, that I do know!!

    The warm sunshine is calling me outside so I'll get my gardening gloves on and dig a few more weeds up.

    Sorry I missed a few of you but have a great Monday everyone.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Ah, "In an English country garden" JACKIE! It's minus 4 right now,.....but the future (Thursday) looks brighter for us on the weather channel.
    Up late for me!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited April 2018
    Happy Monday! :) It snowed during the night and is still snowing. :# So far it is not sticking on the streets so I hope it stays that way. I am meeting Lisa, her mom and the boys at Portillo's for lunch. Her mom flew in from Florida to go to her best friend's husband's funeral.
    She is going back to Florida tomorrow. I sold one of my fur coats yesterday and someone has interest in another. I had them meet me in my lobby and my neighbor left his door ajar to make sure all was legit. They were a nice couple and she loved the coat. I asked $500 and settled for $375 which I am happy with because I never thought anyone would buy a fur coat.

    Anne, we too are getting temps in the 70's at the end of the week. What crazy weather.

    Jackie, love your English garden and I know you will have it looking like that again in no time.
    I understand about the phone, we can also do that but I was just a little confused. Thanks for straightening me out. lol By the way I can see you coming down the stairs on the cruise ship with your chiffon gown blowing in the breeze. Beautiful!!!

    Buzz, with all that you do it is no wonder you get confused. And like the rest of us, when a new page is turned it is hard to remember what someone else posted. All is good, just remember the first person to take care of is yourself.

    Patsy, as long as you can still get on to post with us it doesn't matter how. My son is leaving Portland on Friday and is sad. Illinois can't compare with Oregon as far as mountains and beautiful scenery. His wife will be happy though as she is moving closer to her family. They will be five hours from me, so at least it is driveable. (sp)

    Lin, must have had an early start. I hope your weather isn't any worse than ours and you also will be getting 70's later this week.

    Enjoy your day!

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Good morning all.

    Yes, I got an early start AT HOME! Sweet potatoes in the countertop oven, laundry finished, toilets cleaned, basement floor and steps swept, refrigerator cleaned out of all the old food bits, call to the bank to discuss IRA, some general straightening up, oh and a nice hot long shower to start the day.

    Taking a break now then back to work. Anyone having a cup of tea or coffee now?

    Sandy, congratulations on the sale of your coat. That is wonderful. Very good price and selling as we are heading into spring is amazing. Excellent! Sorry your son is unhappy but I do hope you see them more often since they will be in Illinois.

    Jackie, I *love* the photo of your garden. Marvelous. I will second the song “In an English country garden.” I adore the way things grow together in a lovely jumble of color. My Grandma’s little backyard garden had that same feel to it but she just didn’t have space. She planted all around her house and between her lot line and the driveway. Every square inch that she could. That didn’t leave much grass to cut. That was a plus! I looked at the cruise materials. Wahoo, very interesting. I hope the weather is lovely, the company agreeable and the scenery outstanding.

    Buzz, hello my friend! You stay so busy helping people that I don’t know how you can keep everything straight. I know I am always behind. I should call and check on a friend who didn’t make it to church yesterday. Her dog is very ill. I am afraid to call. The dog is quite old and has been ailing for a while. I know you would just jump in and make that call rather than avoiding it. Bravery has never been one of my strongest traits.

    Well, time to get up and get going again.

    The roads have been slippery around here. We didn’t get lots of snow but the roads were wet and then froze as the temperatures dropped last evening. We had a 10-car pile up on the main road leading to our airport last evening. Glad I was home watching “Call the Midwife” but I was very tired and fell asleep a few times. The last two nights have been filled with cramps and spasms. I never know exactly what might help so I have both my heating pad and a pump dispenser of BioFreeze. My line of defense. Haaaaaa. Not enough many times.

    Okay, now I really need to get going.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! Sort of sunny here. High clouds and a patch of blue here and there. Okay! The elderberry Bush is in full leaf now. This old strongheart is always the first to leaf out. The berries provide dessert for deer and birds. The roots go down to the center of the earth so what ever pruning we do is soon recovered.

    Our sweet Camellia at the front walk is in full flower as well. It is too cold out to really enjoy the pink flowers. So spring is here. It is just a cold wet spring.

    Today is errand day and we will pick up Thai takeout food as a treat. I know! Bad idea but I have no discipline at all. I bet you knew that! I will see if I can do a couple of household chores before we head out. Katie gets to ride along in the back of our little Honda suv. Clearly it is a dog car. All the back windows have slimy nose art on them. She knows where people give out dog driveup, gas station, car wash. Life is good!

    Jackie: your garden looks great! I don’t see any blackberries or dandelions! I I like to pretend we planted them in our garden. So I don’t feel lazy or a bad gardener...which I am.

    Sandy: good for you on your fur sale. I have some things like that I would like to sell. My social life has been pared down quite a bit. Evening hand bags, really high heels, etc. all things of the past. The pretty high heels would kill me now.

    Lin: impressive and industrious morning. I need to copy your good example.

    Buzz: my life reminds me of a pinball machine. I get knocked around and flipped here and there. Who knows what or why. Details of life are often lost along the way. That’s okay. Far better than being stuck and having little to attend to or think about. That’s why I often roam about the house thinking...”now what was I going Get?” I understand it is normal not a ominous symptom. Whew!

    Get out there among the crowd! See what’s going on!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great news, SANDY. I hope you have good luck with everything else, too. You are so smart to downsize while you are able to choose what to sell or give away, as I hear so many ladies (never the men) complain about the depression they feel because they brought too much with them when they moved here and now they must donate it or simply get rid of their gorgeous stuff they could not bear to leave behind! I pretty much realize now that "stuff is stuff" and while enjoyable at a different stage (younger) in life, if I ever have to make another move, it will mean downsizing to a single room in assissted living, or worse, to the memory-challenged area (where I won't remember what the heck I "owned"!)...Did you notice we no longer use the term "dementia"?
    LIN, I probably would also have put off the call to your friend with the old dog! I am not a lover of telephones, which usually ring just as my hands are greasy, wet, or full! I have friends who live with their cell to their ear, but that is not I, I hate phones, and now must decide whether to downsize to just my smartphone (for a dumb user!) and give up the landline or figure out how to get Comcast to remove the new high raise! My phone and internet are bundled, since Edgewater pays for TV (basic) which is fine since I watch very little other than Morning Joe and Chris Matthews and Rachel, when I can catch her!
    JACKIE, I think the famous flower gardens were why we kept putting the UK on our travel plans yearly! I know it's hard work, but so heavenly to see them constantly! I don't know why we here in the USA cannot seem to duplicate that marvelous appearance! So sorry to hear about the glaciers, but seeing videos of stranded polar bears should have warned me!
    PATSY, whatever else happens, please don't leave us. I hate black holes, and there would be a huge one! And in answer to your previous question, for better or for worse, MSNBC is my "home"! So frustrating when I try talking to a Fox listener! MSNBC has started presenting both (or more) sides of the picture, while Fox still skews everything to the former drug addicts they present as journalists! I know I'm being unfair so I take that back...partially! It's just that hearing so-called adults insult other adults by attaching nasty name s (adjectives? as in Crooked H, etc, ) makes me conscious of the deliberacy of their speech patterns; you know, repeat something often enough and people accept it as normal! So everyone on an opposite side becomes crazy this, crooked that, stupid whomever, and only if one agrees with the speaker does one escape the darts or tweets or whatever. What does this say about those of us who allow this to become the norm? Wow, am I glad I'm 90 instead of 30 now!
    ANNE, I'm so happy that you , the Bean, and most everyone here has lovely weather to look forward to. Enough of this unbelievable winter!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen!.........................

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited April 2018
    Yippee, a good afternoon. I got a product I was looking for at my local drug store. I had looked online, they didn’t sell it there but said local stores had it. I called, they actually listened to me and checked the shelves! They held it for me so I went right over and got it. Score!! Then on to the post office to mail a birthday card and to ask if they could help me finish signing up for the Informed Consent USPS app. They had no idea.

    I did get one kitchen cabinet straightened out this afternoon and then settled in and figured out what I could do to get signed up for this app. I now have an email and a bar code to take to a different post office, mine is not on the approved list. This plus my ID should get me started. Just another byproduct of having your credit frozen, you cannot get anything set up online with the government. Argh.

    I cooked a batch of quinoa, the trash is about ready to take out and I had some fun sorting through some old jewelry of my mom, my grandmother, and my aunt. Oh, and I placed an online order for some non perishable food items that I use regularly that were on sale today.

    Busy busy day tomorrow. Early Tai Chi, then Mah Jongg, maybe that trip to the post office, a quick lunch and an afternoon of coloring.

    I may not get a post finished tomorrow but hey, two today!


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I rejoined mfp...I think?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Me again! They renamed me, but I would like to change it. Not sure how but I will try. Oh I hate all this business. I keep thinking, just do your job mfp! Watch out for data stealing!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2018
    Wild, PATSY,,,,just WILD!!! But at least you are back! We just do not want you floating out there somewhere on an unrecognizable cloud! Speaking of MS..., there is crazy news tonight about the FBI checking in on U-NO-Whose lawyer's LAWYER!!! Gettin' closer???
    LIN, where do you buy your non-perishables? I like the salt replacement, so thank you. Your taste is exquisite!
    Ouch! Way past bedtime. I really do get lost online!Does anyone know how to cut out ads that block web pages? I supposedly do not allow pop-ups...LOL! It's getting worse!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen!.........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2018
    It's a grey and dismal day out there but at least mild so we walked twice round the woods then on the way home I stopped off at our new farm shop for carrots to add into George's next batch of meals and a Tiger loaf that won't do my weight any good at all.... it'll taste delicious though!! Once the coffee has brewed I'm going to sit at my table in the garden room and reconstruct a lamp that had its switch broken by Brady constantly knocking it off its home on a unit when he wanted my attention, mostly hungry! My neighbour was going to a local store so took me along and in fact led me in the right direction for the correct replacement. Sometimes I feel more like the seniors I used to help out when working in the community because they struggled with basic tasks.... I suppose we all get there in the end! She also guided me through getting my PAC number so when the sim arrives for my new phone I'll be able to get started.

    Patsy ~ Your new name is wonderfully descriptive and reminds me of the Jabberwub font which is so appropriate since it is arty and full of flair. Stick with it!! If you could see my “wild bottom” you would know that I share the joys of blackberry thorns, in fact when I began to clear the area last year I enjoyed picking and eating the fruit as I worked which made it far more enjoyable. Of course I left some for the birds too.

    Sandy ~ Hopefully that snow didn't stop you getting out to lunch and meeting Lisa's mum. Great news on the fur coat sale too since the money goes to such a great cause. They are out of fashion here except probably those owned by our friendly Russian Oligarchs who now own most of London! I did manage to rake over the area to be reseeded yesterday before rain arrived and scattered enough to get things started hopefully. Boris' resting place was also sprinkled and I told him he will have a pretty place to sit and watch me potter in the greenhouse!

    Lin ~ That was a busy morning so something must have put the wind in your sails! Yes, the bonus of such a garden is the lack of a need to weed because although they are in there somewhere I choose not to notice them!

    Buzz ~ When you say I hate phones, and now must decide whether to downsize to just my smartphone (for a dumb user!) and give up the landline or figure out how to get Comcast to remove the new high raise! You might have the answer right there. Tell them you are thinking of getting rid of the expensive landline and they will possibly come up with an offer of a discount as I received yesterday when asking for the PAC number to change suppliers. I didn't take it up because my neighbour listening in to the conversation shook her head and when the call finished tried to explain numbered g's and gb's to me. All a foreign language of course!! Getting myself back on the Photobucket site soon reminded me why I stopped using it..... constant pop ups that covered the screen and as fast as I clicked the little x in the righthand corner to lose one another appeared. I've no idea how to stop them either!! :/

    Brrr Anne, minus 4 in April is far too cold but hold on, Thursday isn't too far away!

    Mug of coffee consumed so time to collect tiny screwdriver, reading glasses and a large dose of patience and put my 1960's pottery lamp back in working order.


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello jwubben6600 member. Love it! I got something similar in name, but changed it and caused a whole heap of day long fiddling until Sandy our techie sorted me out. Not keen on my new mfp add on, but daren't touch it!

    How do you get George to eat a carrot JACKIE, impossible over here! I'm thinking of pulling a lot of my grass out as well now I've lost my lawn mower friend, boo hoo. I have trouble cutting grass in the heat, WHEN it arrives. Minus 2 this morning. It's warming up!!! Yeah.

    Just in time for warmer weather, Jilly is almost free of "the curse".

    BUZZ, you have a very interesting loose canon in charge. The news sure ain't boring anymore.

    SANDY is now minus one fur coat and closer to her tropical trip. Super news.

    Hiya LIN and JERI out there.

    Have a super spring day EVERYBODY!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hello, just a minute to say: Buzz, I order from when they have a 20% off sale. There are things that are very expensive here that I am able to purchase more reasonably and other things that are not available at all here. But I purchase quite odd things, primary vegan, organic, no or low salt, etc. Unfortunately they don’t have Benson’s. Darn.

    Gotta scoot.

    Hugs all.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Just got back from short walk with shorty. Robins are back in Canada digging for worms, but a sprinkling of overnight snow still on the lawn. The hyacinths are showing flower buds, beautiful sunny day now at zero degrees, we are getting there!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    This is just a huge hunt every time I try to get back on the sneaker forum. I guess I will eventually get this sorted out.

    The day is dawning and we have a little wind. Some clouds and quite muggy. Not my favorite kind of day but it will do...

    We had Thai takeout last night. I loved my yakisoba noodles with tofu and veggies. John had salmon curry. He said it was too hot. Next time he will order what I got. It was nice to do this simple dinner takeout. No cooking and a relaxed dinner with virtually no dirty dishes. Yea!

    Still trying to find out which way to have the sneakers as “one of my groups” like I used to do. All my friends are deleted from my old account. Soooo I would like to add you all if you would consent. I know we visit here on the sneakers but in case I need to wish you all a special birthday or apologize for some crazy thing I thoughtlessly wrote.

    Trying to get things untangled,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited April 2018
    Happy Tuesday! :) The suns is shining and it is getting warmer with tomorrow to be 60. I can hardly wait for warm weather and to stop wearing my heavy winter coat. I think I am going to a new bingo tonight with my friends as well as tomorrow night. I really can't afford two bingo nights a week but just want to see what this one is like. Did I tell you that the $4000 was won by an elder gentleman who is one of our regulars. They said that he and his wife were moving to a retirement place and during the move one of the movers distracted them and even though they had a sign that said do not enter this room they did and stole money and jewelry. We were all so happy for him that he won and btw he chose number 98 which I wouldn't have done.

    Patsy, let me see if I can direct you; first if you still want to change your username you go to My Home and then to settings, under settings it says change username. You can only do this once so pick a name that you like. Second, click on this link and save it to your bookmarks or favorites.
    If you want all the groups, you can bookmark this:
    Hope that helps but if not let me know.

    Anne, you are a brave soul to walk outside when it is so cold. You can follow my advice for Patsy if you want to get rid of the MFP part of your name. Did you try cutting the carrots in tiny pieces?

    Lin, enjoy all your activities today which is even better with the sun shining.

    Jackie, I was surprised that someone bought my fur coat since no one seems to wear them anymore. Being the big animal lover I am, I can't believe I even owned any fur coats which is why I want them out of my house. I can hardly wait to see the pictures of your garden when it is bloomed and Boris will be happy to share in that beauty.

    Buzz, today I saw a remark made about our leader and it really made me laugh since I did watch the show. It read: Best Apprentice Show yet!!!

    Have a great day and keep smiling.

    One Day at a Time