Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,472 Member
    edited June 2020
    Home with at least half of my items from the health food store. There is no minimum order with them so that is a plus. So some holes remain. If I was doing my own shopping at least I would never need to hit those minimum purchases which would help!

    Sandy, No, nothing blew up in my house. On my way home I saw the power company on the main thoroughfare near my house. We have underground wiring but the big transmission lines are along that street. I believe a transformer blew out. They seemed to be checking all of them. Power is on again now.

    Jackie, I am sorry about your washer. A new one and problems? Eeeeck. My old one has an excuse for malfunctioning, it is insanely old! And I keep my fingers crossed that is will continue on even though it leaks. And I hope someone gets back to you soon. And I am sorry about the post office. Our newly partially opened library has much reduced hours and they also are closing from noon to two p.m. for cleaning. Very tedious and costly. But all the changes hours are difficult to remember.

    And the bad washer is one of my reasons for not shopping. I have spoken with several friends in this area and none of them even change clothes. And don’t rush to the washing machine. They just wash up any exposed skin well and call it good. I am not swiping everything down to the extent I did a month or two ago. Today my few items from the health food store went directly into the freezer.

    Anne, wow, you are on top of all of your tasks. Well done. It must be Jillo Bean keeping you at it. 😄

    Barbie, I have lots of books to read, I have purchased a number of paperbacks over the years, particularly when Amazon featured very low cost deals on new cozy mysteries. So I am well stocked up, even though I have been making my way through quite a few lately.

    Hello to Patsy, Jeanne, Jeri, Diane, Shirley, Buzz and the rest of our Sneakers. Does anyone ever hear from Gayla? I see Phoebe once in a while on Facebook, Judy, Becky, and Barb (or was she Barbara here) as well.

    Best wishes.

    Lin 🌹

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello good friends, it is a partly sunny day today. We had a drencher last night. Rain, rain, rain! I have begun my chores but seem to be easily lead astray. I need some of Anne’s discipline. The house feels so much better when clean and full of flowers. I must depend on my personal shopper...John! He grabs a bunch of cut flowers when he is in Costco and sometimes Walmart has flowers or plants. I never seem to have enough. We are urged to continue sheltering in place because of our age and my health issues. One designated shopper in the family. When I get cabin fever, I put on a mask and we go for a drive. Not the best but it helps.

    Our neighbors are operating under the notion that everything is okay now. No masks, lots of company and kids and grandchildren running around. I sincerely hope they are right but here in Oregon our cases are increasing. I realize everyone is just sick and tired of this virus and the restrictions it has placed on our lives. Hurry hurry vaccine! I know the scientists and researchers are working non-stop.

    I have a speed queen washing machine. I love it! It seems to be a real workhorse. I wash John’s greasy work clothes and throw rugs, pillows and blankets...the works! It still keeps chugging along. I count my blessings on that. John says I ask a lot of my appliances. I am not gentle with them. My vacuum looks like I throw it down the stairs daily. Poor thing really looks beat up.

    Need to trim John’s hair today. It is interesting how a man with very little hair will need regular hair trims. He does not like to look “scruffy!” Covered in car grease and oil is okay, however. He still loves to tinker with his cars.
    Life is wonderful in it’s incongruity and strange inconsistency.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    With the exception of a few check-in’s I have been gone from “Golden Sneakers” for some time. Once I reached my MFP in mid-2015, I slowly drifted off for the most part. Marie passed around the same time I started looking at “the MFP boards” again… What a wonderful lady.

    I am amazed at the dedication of so many member friends like Sandy with over 4000 days in a row of logging in…. and Linder with her encouragement of so many….along with “many” other long-time MFP participants.

    As an update…I did great for a couple years and then started to have a yo-yo struggle with the last 50-90 lbs I had lost. I never came close to re-gaining all the weight I lost but did hit a danger zone by 2019… so on May 19, 2019 I adopted a 16/8 Intermittent Fasting regimen as my “lifestyle.” (photo from this week posted)

    This past week, I surpassed my goal and officially hit 175 lbs (last seen in high school) and significantly less than my Nov 2013 weight of 405 LOL.

    I no longer require a statin drug. My overall cholesterol, LDL and Triglycerides are at their lowest levels in over a half decade. Weight loss won’t resolve all comorbidities but it has helped in multiple areas.

    So now it is time for maintenance – the other half of the act.

    Again – congrats to all of you that didn’t fall by the wayside and showed superior levels of dedication to “the cause.”
    Kind regards, Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    Amazing Bob, Just amazing!! Congratulations and keep up the good work!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Happiest of congratulations BOB. You look fantastic. Hope you will drop in more often, your posts were very interesting.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,472 Member
    Wahoo! Bob, just great. Thanks for sharing with us. It is lovely to have you back. 👍🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👍🏻

    Great photos.....🥳

    See you soon?

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'll be back later because I'm feeling sad right now. I'm going to Roy's funeral this morning via a video of his farewell. My cousin Helen in Australia is as well. At least the virus will give us a chance to see cousin Tony and wife Pauline plus a few of his friends who I have met. The only flowers will be sunflowers because they were Roy's favourite flowers, which actually sum him up. Colourful and larger than life. I am wearing the Celtic ring he gave me and a pair of earrings.

    We have one thing to be thankful for. Helen just emailed me that her youngest daughter who's husband the fire fighter died a couple of months ago has had a house fire. Claire and daughter Charlotte are okay being out at the time and because it was a kitchen fire the insurance will cover a new kitchen plus painting throughout.

    Anyway, see you later!
    Hope today is kind to everyone,
    Anne and The watch pup, Jilly Bean. Jilly always cheers me up.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thunder storms rumbling round today but I was out early to walk on the moors with the pooches because I received a weather warning on my iPhone that we could experience flash floods and disruption later. The hatches have been battened down outside and I’ve spent an hour paying bills, donating to the hen welfare trust and checking updates with the vet for collecting Betty’s diet food plus booking George’s booster which was due end April. They are continuing their process of asking clients to wait outside then phone to say we’ve arrived but are now trying to catch up on boosters so George will visit mid July.
    No chance of working in the garden so like Patsy I will look to Anne’s discipline and get my house in order! No news of a visit from an engineer to fix my washing machine but then I’m not expecting to hear for a few days as they probably have only one fella covering the whole county.

    Patsy It seems we will have to do what we feel Is necessary to continue to protect ourselves while others behave as if the virus has gone. Thankfully there are few cases in Cornwall and sadly most deaths occurred in care homes but I’m carrying on as if everyone out in the real world is a potential bug waiting to strike! You and John are incredibly sensible and It’s obvious you compliment each other in such a good way which always has me smiling when you report your antics. We are survivors, all of us in our own way, so I’m confident we’ll come out the other side of this, hopefully as healthy as we went in and yes, vaccinated!

    Brilliant Bob that you found a way to control the yo-yo that so many struggle with. I truly admire your determination. Love the hat too of course! 🤠 Lovely to see you checking in. Are you still taking those amazing photos?

    Nothing is made to last these days Lin so I think you wise to hang on to that old washing machine of yours. My last one was doing its job well but the door was becoming dodgy and that was annoying because a few years ago it could have been replaced. We are definitely a throw away society when a repair costs as much as buying new! 😏 I remembered this morning that a local shop operates a small post office In the back so it was my first port of call and birthday card now on its way!

    Thunder rumbling closer so I’ll grab a quick bite to eat then switch off unnecessary electrics.

    Take care everyone 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,472 Member
    Good morning. A whimsical art piece.

    Teapot by Natalya Sots, ceramic artist


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is going to be hot today, summer has arrived. Nothing on my agenda except for my bike. Maybe I will follow Anne's lead and do some cleaning. I can't wait until my cleaning girl can come back but I am not ready for her so will continue to do it myself.
    Still no word from my landlord so I guess I will have to text him and ask about my lease since I do auto pay and need to know how much to send.
    Wow, just heard on the news that there is a new feature on Facebook and we will be able to block political posts. This is a great idea!!!!!

    I really need to eat and get dressed, I will try and get back later. In the meantime enjoy your day inside or outside.

    By the way thank you Jackie for reminding us about Buzz's birthday next Monday, I have my card in the mail.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: So sorry about your loss. I know this passing was even more sad because you could not be in your beloved homeland to grieve with the rest your family. I am sure it makes you want to hang on tightly to your Canadian family, including that adorable little black bundle of joy, Jilly. There are no words to really help, but we care so much for you. We hate to see you hurt and sad.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thank you PATSY, at least Helen in Australia and I could watch the ceremony at the same time and it was lovely seeing Roy's friends who I know and some 1st cousins once removed. Only 20 people allowed all spaced out. We once were such a large, merry, rumbustious "clan" much laughter at family gatherings and here we are Helen and I the youngest and last of that generation.

    I got dressed up for the occasion, seemed right somehow, but you can guess I'm now back into my gardening pants and gear, because the weeds stop for no one.

    Just Like JACKIE Patsy, you usually give me a smile for the day. Please don't change, you and John!

    Tomorrow I MIGHT get to go to the Organic Garage again, peering from behind my terrorist scarf. Something to look forward to. The beetroot was super good last week. Fancy, not so long ago we looked forward to going for a coffee or fish and chips and here I am today getting excited about a bunch of beets!

    You honestly never know what's around the next corner do you,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,472 Member
    edited June 2020
    Good afternoon. I have been busy ordering and checking on things today. I am going to plant a couple of things in pots on my deck a bit later this afternoon. I have lots of bills to pay (darn), and have been playing with that puzzle and reading bits of one of my books. I attended another webinar last evening and have printed off all the handouts to review. Also filled out a form online to attend another farm webinar but this one is only offered online, the in person attendance has been cancelled. It will free up a lot of time for the staff as there will be just 3 meetings in total for the Midwest they usually have a road show going from location to location for several weeks.

    Anne, I know it is a sad day for you but there wouldn’t have been an option to attend from long distance if things had not changed so radically. I wish I could have attended the pastor’s wife’s funeral online but the service was at our church and no video was offered.

    Jackie, is it still raining? We are having a hot sunny day but apparently things will change and we are heading into a stretch of wet weather. I am just not sure when it is to start. But once it starts, apparently we can expect a few days of drenching rains.

    Sandy, I hope you are enjoying your day. I haven’t heard when that new Facebook option will be available but apparently it will be at the top of our newsfeed.

    Patsy, waving hello 🙋🏼‍♀️.

    Off to pick up my mail. A nice hot walk. 😂

    Wishing everyone health and happiness.

    Lin 🌻

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    So true LIN. I am very grateful. Anne. 🌻🌻🌻
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The storm continued to rumble around for a few hours until late afternoon when the sun returned thank goodness because the temperature had dropped considerably. Apparently there were a couple of local flash floods that affected traffic but no problems here.

    Anne, we previously posted within a minute of each other so I missed yours until later this afternoon when I did think of you and hoped you weren’t finding the service too distressing. It’s lovely you remember the great times you shared but at the same time sad when his death was untimely. How thoughtful of his family to video the service for you and Helen.

    Lin, today’s teapot is hilarious but also a bit nightmarish. I can imagine it terrifying small children! 😱😳
    My pot of mixed salad I was growing outside has been decimated by slugs but they don’t seem to like rocket growing in another container... just in case they do, I’ve moved it to a safer place!

    Betty just popped out for a pee break and I see it’s now foggy, almost steamy outside so a mild night. Bedtime for me and no plans for tomorrow.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Amazing Bob, Just amazing!! Congratulations and keep up the good work!!

    Thanks Sandy – I must say the very first thing I saw when checking back was your “days logged” – now that’s amazing. I have logged in 95% of the days since May 2019 but then went to Boston in the Fall and missed some days and started accumulating again. Can’t imagine ever coming close to you. Glad this community is still going strong .
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Wahoo! Bob, just great. Thanks for sharing with us. It is lovely to have you back. 👍🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👍🏻

    Great photos.....🥳

    See you soon?

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Thank you… like Sandy, it was great to still see you still here… gosh… you are closer to 10 yrs on MFP then 5… congrats to you. I always see your positive remarks on the Home page. Hope your week is going well. Bob
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,289 Member
    :)Bob, It's good to see you again. I lurked on this thread for a long time, reading but not saying anything, but lately I've joined the conversation. I hope you'll come back.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Plan for today having walked, chatted to a couple of neighbours and pulled a small branch off a pretty plant that has obviously self seeded on the roadside is to make a pot of coffee, wash up then muck out the hen house before more rain arrives. Now isn't that exciting. :D I will have to look up the new plant cutting in my specialist book to see what I'm dealing with.

    Good morning to everyone, including Jilly Bean of course! <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,472 Member
    Good morning Enjoy your day. 🙋🏼‍♀️ After sharing a very a unique piece yesterday, here’s something more conventional. Nice blue pattern but watch out pinks and florals may be around the corner.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited June 2020
    (Hi JACKIE, I got up at 5:30 but now I'm under my blankie again. BEAN.)

    And I feel like crawling under with her! Should be an interesting day though. Michael might be over and an exciting car ride (for Bean anyway) to the Organic garage. No sign of him going back to work again and Mr Trudeau has extended the monthly benefit for another two months. Goodness knows where all this free (but taxable) cash is coming from! Whatever, I'm enjoying his company and someone to walk with because the Bean is far too busy sniffing every blade of grass for serious conversation.

    I wonder what the new plant is Jackie? Be sure to let us know.

    We are about to embark on another heatwave but that's okay because I will huddle inside, type, and fill Tony in with some family history he isn't aware of. As he charmingly put it, you're the last of the old crowd and when you fall off the twig it will be lost forever. So I guess I am still of some use! Helen won't remember because she was only four (myself nine) at the time he wants to know about.

    I think I've been with this group for nine years now. Maybe more. That's because at the beginning I kept getting in a mess with this iPad and had to keep starting over and over with new names. So I don't really know how many posts I've actually done. Not about to find out because I'm sure to mess things up again and start with yet another new name but I guess you would all recognize Bean.
    BOB, you used to give us interesting breakfast ideas - any more to share?

    Off to skip for a shower, tra lah lah.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    edited June 2020
    Happy Thursday! :) Another hot day, but for now I have my windows open. I have my meeting today and then maybe I will take a ride to the bank to deposit my check. I might stop at the post office to ask about returning an item to China which was wrong but they won't give me a refund unless I return it at my own expense which is just wrong. Pay pal said I can claim up to $30 for return postage so if I can send it for that amount I will. The thought of going in the post office scares me but I will wear a mask and stay away from people.

    Anne, you should have one of the boys make a video of you talking about the old days. Babe's sister in law did that with his dad and it is such a great memory. Enjoy your day with Michael if he does come, I know that always makes you happy.

    Jackie, we all have such exciting days don't we?? You have plenty to keep you busy as long as the weather cooperates.

    Barbie, we are grateful you are back with us at least until you are able to dance again.

    Bob, I am a slow learner which is why I am here so long. Actually I love our little group and would miss everyone too much if I left MFP. I did not log in continually for ten years but when I miss days I ask for them back. I reached my goal once, but now again 3 pounds away which seems like it is never going to happen especially during a pandemic.

    Lin, really love the flowers more than the tea pot but it is a nice pot.

    Time to move. Have a wonderful day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,289 Member
    :)Sandy, awhile ago you mentioned that your car insurance company was giving you credit or a refund or something since you're not driving your car as much lately. That inspired me to call our insurance company about that and sure enough, they lowered the premium that is due next month. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    :) Our post office has plexiglass in front of the clerks, marks on the floor telling how far apart to stand in line, and a sign with suggested guidelines about masks and distancing. I go occasionally with a mask, use hand sanitizer when I get back in the car and wash my clothes and shower when I get home. I wear a washable jacket with pockets so I can carry what I need and not carry my purse.

    :) Off to work in the yard.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,472 Member
    Hello, I made several trips today for curbside pickup and did a bit of extra driving to try to charge up the battery in my Hybrid car. The battery seems low today. Anyway, got my one prescription. No more refills. They want me to come in for a full appointment and blood work. I do not want to go but may be forced to go as I cannot ditch this Rx. I had all of my thyroid removed so must have a replacement med. This afternoon I called the local hardware store and drove over to pick up a few organic plant fertilizer spikes. Those are now in the pots with rain expected.

    Bills to pay (from the mail yesterday), still reading that same book slowly and also working on the puzzle a little bit at a time. I am finding making progress on the puzzle is pleasing but no race is necessary. I am in several jigsaw puzzle groups on Facebook. I find there are many people who time themselves with each puzzle they assemble. That is not for me. It amazes me how competitive people are with everything.

    Sandy and Barbie, I did not call my insurance company as I am with the same company as you Sandy. I will be pleased with a discount if it materializes. 😃

    Barbie, your post office sounds well equipped. That makes a more comfortable atmosphere. A friend of mine has a post office box rather than home delivery. (Not the same post office I go to, she lives in a different suburb). Her late husband insisted on it to keep their mail safe. Anyway, she has been going in for her mail a couple of times a week all through this pandemic. She has also shopped in store at both a grocery store and a drug store weekly and has had all regular service /maintenance in her home performed as usual. Haircut and dentist’s appointment as well. Only once did she seem a bit nervous. A service person called her several days after working on her sump pump. He became ill late in the afternoon on the day her worked in her house. She just checked her temperature more often but did nothing different. She stayed healthy. She never found out if he had covid -19. It was early on and there was hardly any testing or contact tracing.

    Well, was not that boring? Sorry. ☺️

    Here’s the current state of my puzzle.


    Anne, tell lots of great store is. You have the knack!

    Sandy, I wouldn’t try to pursue the return most likely unless there is a lot of money involved.

    Jackie, another day of hard work for you.

    Hello to everyone I have missed.

    Wishing you another day of health and happiness

    Linda 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! We have a warm sunny day here. Not a cloud to be seen. Might be able to work on painting yet another deck chair. There are eight in total and a large table. As I said, my hope is to finish before the winter rains come again.

    This sheltering in place has put a spotlight on individual personality differences. I really miss seeing people, in person, face to face. I am a true southern belle who has to give friends and family a tight hug and a kiss and pinch on the cheek. Not sure how on earth I am going to change a lifetime habit that runs deep into my DNA. John came from a reserved rather uptight family. Physical displays of affection were rare. WELL! After we got married and he was thoroughly hugged regularly, he is now a hugger just like the rest of my family. He is also anticipating that we all need a vaccine ASAP because He hugs all family just like I do. Otherwise we will all come down with this virus together.

    For father’s day, John and I sat down with iPads in hand and he picked out several TV crime fighter series to order. Wow! Car chases and explosions.......I can see that I will be finding other activities while these are going on. What have I done?😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

    Enjoy the day, my lovely friends,

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well I did go to the Organic Garage and found everything I wanted and then the mishap. I'm at the checkout and everyone behind me is keeping their distance in an orderly fashion. I have placed all my groceries on the conveyor belt. I placed one plastic box of blueberries on top of another plastic box of blueberries. The young cashier presses the button for the conveyor to trundle forward but it shoots forward instead and off shoots my blueberries into space. Blueberries everywhere! People are trying to avoid getting squashed blueberries on their shoes. Blueberries are on the plexiglass, blueberries are on me! So much for social distancing! I shouldn't be let out and especially during a pandemic.
    That's it folks, today's mishap.

    Bean is all worn out. Lots of walks with Mike have her hiding under her blanket again. Just the occasional yip when a dog walks by.

    I shouldn't have to go to the Organic Garage next week. Maybe they will have forgotten me the next time I go. The mask helped!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,372 Member
    Anne 😂😂🤣🤣
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    😆😆😂 That’s so funny Anne. When I worked at a supermarket years ago I was amazed how many people would stand bottles of wine up on the conveyor belt and then have to try to catch them as they tipped or flew off when the belt moved! 🤭

    This morning’s walk was early and in the rain but then the sun came out just as we got home! The oven cleaning man arrived just after 9 and worked miracles. He parked at the end of the footpath and was able to access the kitchen through the back door so no distancing problems. We had an interesting chat while he cleaned and I heard all about his family and why they moved to Cornwall a couple of years ago. Like Patsy commented, it’s the social Interacting I’m missing while shut away as Skype and the phone aren’t quite the same. My next conversation will be a brief one in the Vets’s car park this afternoon when I pick up Betty’s diet kibble although I may talk to my neighbour through the hedge at some point! I’ve mentioned my washing machine problem and she offered the use of theirs so I won’t stress about it even though I’m missing being able to clear laundry with hardly a thought. That goes to prove I shouldn’t take modern conveniences for granted as I remember my mother spending every Monday hand washing, scrubbing, boiling and pushing it all through a wringer!!

    For some reason I’m struggling with my new jigsaw and seem to spend an age on one small section but you’re right Lin, there’s no rush. Perhaps Brady has hidden pieces!!

    Back to my kitchen where an oven tray has been left in the sink covered with oven cleaner that I now need to clean off. It had been left on the bottom of the oven forgotten until I checked first thing but wasn’t included in the main job so it’s the least I can do, especially as the oven is so sparkling now!

    Where has this week gone? Another Friday so have a safe one dear friends. If it remains dry I shall potter in the garden.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh yes, after reading about Lin’s friend I meant to comment that our dentists were closed during lockdown and now only accept emergencies which entail extractions. There were some horrendous stories about people in so much pain they pulled their own teeth! I missed a check up back in April and think I’ll be lucky to get an appointment this year. Hairdressing is still a no-no too but hopefully mine will be given permission to open her salon early July.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,472 Member
    Hello, teapot once again. The poster had lots to say.

    “ Vintage 1980s/90s T.G. Green Cornishware Classic teapot. I have been after a vintage Cornishware teapot for quite a while, they seem to be hard to come by. I already had a new Cornishware 'Small Betty' teapot, but I felt it was a little too small, I like teapots to have a bit of weight behind them, this one certainly has! My camera can't seem to capture the right shade of blue in this shot, just imagine the blue a tad paler if you could please!”

