Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :D Another frigid day so I am not going to my meeting today. Bryanna's little sister is off from school and didn't want them to have to come here in such cold weather. Bad enough Robby had to go out in it but his mother has an automatic starter so she warms the car and bundles him up. He still has a little stuffiness and is not taking long naps, an hour this morning so I already had to put him down again.

    Anne, I too, missed you and glad you found your way back to us. Did I ever mention that I can't believe you are in your 80's? You look amazing!! You are correct, I will be happy to leave the sneakers for a week, but only because I am not going to pay for WiFi service on the ship.

    Marie, so glad both you and Jerry are doing better and that nasty sinus infection went away. 1-1-1 and gluton free? Sounds like the perfect plan.

    Phyllis, glad to hear from you again. I love retirement but loved it better before having to get up at 6am to watch my grandson.

    Jeri, sorry about your foot but the exercise bike is better for you knees. Walking outside of course is the best exercise.

    Patsy, my ex sister in law has macular degeneration as I do but mine is dry and hers is wet. She was going to go on the cruise but she too gets shots in her eyes when her vision gets too blurry. She is afraid if it happened on the cruise they wouldn't be able to help her and she is afraid of going blind. She too, said it is not painful, which is hard to believe.

    Shirley, yeah, three more sleeps and finally will get warm weather. I still have 9 sleeps before we head to the airport and spend the night in Florida before boarding the ship on Sunday.

    Jackie, it is hard to be motivated when you have a dreary day, sleep sounds more exciting.
    Your cottage with the fire going and George on your lap or by your side sounds perfect.

    Buzz, The entertainment described sounds great and funny, glad you get to enjoy all these wonderful things. My weight also fluctuates with salt and I crave salt more than sweets, which is my downfall. Love those Veggies Straws.

    Barbie, as your friends is an inspiration to you, that is how you are to us. You are living a life of serenity and filled with the love of a good man and great furry kids..

    I think I will see if I can sneak in 40 winks on the couch.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, Sandy, Sandy, I'm a young chick of only 79! And I'm hanging onto my 70's until October! The photo was taken last April when I started MFP, and of course it's a good one! I'll put the more recent one back tomorrow. I Look more wizened on it after losing the pounds - LOL.
    - ANNE
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yes Anne
    we are both pretty well over it and back on kissing terms.
    my youngest daughter Kathy drop by to see us today. A very pleasant visit.
    I order a pair or shoes online and waiting on them to get here Have no ideal what we are having for dinner tonight. I am sort of thinking about a TV Dinner

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Marie - is a TV dinner workable for your 1-1-1 plan? Just being a pain in the ya!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015
    It was a cleaning day today, doing the downstairs and really got at the shower door today with a toothbrush. It really needed it, soap hides in the smallest of places. :o

    I will pack my clothes tomorrow after Yoga and then one more sleep and we are off.
    I will check in everyday on the News feed to keep my days.

    I will miss everyone's life stories until I return. :)

    Marie - I will put my weight in tomorrow on 20 pounds by Easter and hope I can maintain it
    while away. You are doing so well on your 1-1-1 plan and it seems to be working for you.
    Did you have your eye doctor apt yet?

    Phyllis - I see you are enjoying your retirement, isn't it grande. My hubby will be feeling it soon he retires the end of March.

    Lin - I see you are busy with your food prep and eating very healthy. I admired all the work you put into it. You are always so kind to us all.

    Anne - I am still in the polar vortex the temperatures have been below Zero F.
    I see you are still feeling this winter too and it makes us not wanting to go out unless we
    have too.

    Sandy - Nine more days for you and sun and fun with family. Sorry to hear Robbie is not feeling good. Has he been cranky with the cold?

    Hi to Buzz, Phoebe, Jeri, Jackie, Oystereyes, Bob and anyone else I missed.

    My daughter decided this is her last day of work, her trek to work was a long one. 10-12
    hours a day and being pregnant was getting too much. I am glad she is done now she can
    collect unemployment for a year before making any job decisions after the baby arrives.
    They are loving the new house and she is ready to nest there now.

    Ontario, Canada
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    SANDY, Sandy, Sandy, I'm a young chick of only 79! And I'm hanging onto my 70's until October! The photo was taken last April when I started MFP, and of course it's a good one! I'll put the more recent one back tomorrow. I Look more wizened on it after losing the pounds - LOL.
    - ANNE


    Please forgive me Anne......bad enough we are getting up in years without me adding more. B)o:)<3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Marie - is a TV dinner workable for your 1-1-1 plan? Just being a pain in the ya!!


    Lin I think it is. I am only going to have half of a tray for it is high in calorie, sodiumt is Beefmerlot. With beef and broccoli the girls I post with on the one one one group ocasionly eat a Tv dinner. This is my first time.
    Thanks for keeping an eye on me.
    Love 'ya too

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    So glad Phyllis is ok. I've been hoping to hear from her. So glad you safe and well.

    hi all.
    we are going to California, hope to go home for a few days. Jim is sick with bronchitis again. Hes had a bad time of it. He has antibiotics but no albuterol.
    critters are good, me too♥
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY, just pulling your leg, but worth it for the cute beagle! My uncle loved being in his eighties. He said you can get away with all sorts of things in your eighties as folk think you are somewhat addled, whilst they think you should know better in your seventies. Maybe this only applies to men though! He was a captain in the merchant navy until he retired at 70. He didn't want to but his eyes were letting him down. After a lifetime in tropical climes, he and my aunt finally settled down in Yorkshire, close to the cold North Sea, it must have been a shock, but my aunt said she'd trailed all over the world with him and she wanted to be home near family in old age. During the war he came to Canada and travelled across the country to pick up his next ship. This was in the middle of winter. He said never again! Thanks, your cute doggie brought back affectionate memories. ANNE.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe sorry to hear Jim is sick again. I finally got over my sinus infection after almost 4 weeks.

    my great grandson turn 1 month old today and weigh in at 11.6 pounds So cute.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Another busy day. Got lots of walking in around the house. Also got my caulifower steamed, cooked some green peas and found a package of Edamame in the shell that were getting freezer burn so cooked those too. Three heads of hearts of Romaine at the ready. Tomorrow, I'll cook some beans, and clean and chop/cut up zucchini and sweet bell peppers. Might make some almond milk too. Spoke with a friend for about an hour and a half. Then IM'd with a friend on FB and got a link to the obit for the friend's son. Meanwhile, her husband is back in surgery again today.

    I'm already to the age where I think I can say whatever I want to. Haaaaaaa.

    Hugs to all...............see you soon.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Just came up from riding my exercise bike. Whew. I needed to get in the offsetting calories to keep me in good standing. It is so motivating for me to record my calories and exercises. Helps me a lot.

    Sandy and Shirley -- your trips will be here very soon.

    Ed and I are trying plan a trip in April to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Not sure where we want to go. Thinking if Hawaii. Any recommendations?

    Phoebe - sorry to hear Jim is sick again. Bad year this.

    Phyllis - glad to hear all is well and you are enjoying retirement.

    Look at the clock. Time to go relax.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Woke up to -13 Fahrenheit, or -25 Celsius! Which sounds milder do you think! Incredible!. Newscaster just said we all thought last year was bad, but this year is worse. Eldest son flies home today, poor Mike, but lucky, lucky SHIRLEY tomorrow. Have a safe and lovely warm holiday, SHIRLEY. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning sneakers. Today has been a better one for me as I got out just after 8 am to the local supermarket for some shopping, then walked George across our favourite section of moorland. This afternoon a friend is popping in for a cup of tea so I'm doing my best to tidy up.

    Anne ~ Harebells are adorable but don't seem to like our acidic soil as I discovered when I bought a couple of rather expensive plants from a garden centre and then watched them rapidly disappear. Aqualegia on the other hand seed themselves everywhere and create a wonderful Spring spray. The sheep, cattle and ponies eat most things on the moors so there's little colour except the bright yellow gorse that is a bit too prickly to be chewed. That's my first sign of Spring apart from snowdrops and both have appeared so fingers crossed! That's a cold winter you're experiencing although I know Canada is well equipped for such events so hopefully not a problem.

    Lin ~ Your meals as ever sound wonderful and healthy and an inspiration for me as I find myself eating less meat on a weekly basis. Now my chooks are laying again I can enjoy their eggs to keep my protein intake up and have also stocked up on cottage cheese which I remember BUZZ once told me was a good source. My muscles have stopped complaining quite so much so I'm sure I'm on the right track.

    Jeri ~ Hawaii sounds a great idea for your anniversary celebration, especially after a cold winter. I've never been but then BUZZ is your best bet for advice there.

    Phoebe ~ California also sounds great although I know it's work for you and Jim. Sorry to read he's not well again but hopefully some sunshine will help.

    I forced myself on to the scales this morning convinced I'd had a bad week but was relieved to see there's at least no change so got away with it. Must now get on before my friend gets here and sees the vacuum cleaner sat in the middle of the lounge!!

    Have a good Friday everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Friday!! :D I got a good night's sleep and Robby is napping, life is good. My son took the day off to go to the dentist and bring his rescue greyhound in for his check up, so he is picking Robby up when done with errands. Today is Bryanna's golden birthday, 20 on 20, I can't believe she is no longer a teenager. We will celebrate tomorrow with her mother and again Sunday with her Father. Sad they can't get along to celebrate together but that is their problem. Tonight I am going to an essential oil party that a friend from the block where Babe lives, my other neighbor from next door will also be there. Busy weekend but I like being busy.

    Uh oh, Robby is up will try to get back later.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Happy Friday, I am leaving in a minute to teach my beginner line dance class. I am enjoying the sun coming up earlier in the morning so less of the dog walk is in the dark.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hello everyone!! Productive morning (yes!!). Picked up my new Fitbit. Ordered a foldable exercise bike as you ladies are inspiring me to do something else when my feet hurt too much to keep walking. I hope it works! Beans are cooked, veggies are cleaned and cut and I'm ready to make my salad. I've done some work on preparing for my taxes. And I have over 10,000 steps in.

    Thanks for all the inspiration my friends.

    I am looking forward to everyone's vacations and celebrations.

    Oh and I heard from the *found* cousin in Arizona. She got the packages, we talked for a little while and I'd say it was the closing conversation in our relationship. It's okay. I am not upset about it. Given our history I really didn't expect more.

    Hugs to all.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lin - At least you know where you are at with your cousin. Too bad the relationship didn't last longer. :| We had all kinds of vegetables at Yoga class this morning and I was thinking of you. There was broccoli, Kale, Swiss chard, romaine lettuce and I couldn't take any because we are leaving tomorrow. :\:D Next time I will have to stock up.
    - I hope you enjoy the bike, I use mine religiously and sometimes when I need a break with my knees or back.

    Putting the final clothes in today and just cleaned out the fridge for the week.

    Plane leaves at 8:15am so up and at em in the morning and Tom will be driving us to the
    airport. We are taking him out for dinner tonight to thank him.

    I was down .02 pounds but didn't quite make the 1 pound mark. I am going to try and
    maintain when I am gone so I won't have so much work to do when I return. :)

    Today is my oldest daughter's birthday, Kristina who is 34 today. I called her at work to say Happy Birthday and she remarked how the fast the 30's are going.
    Sandy - looks like Bryanna and my daughter have the same birthday. Enjoy he essential oil
    party. I use the Lavender essential oil, a little bit on my forehead before I go to bed it helps me sleep.

    Phoebe - Enjoy the California weather! I heard Georgia was down to 18F.

    Jackie - Enjoy the visit with your friend, friend's are precious especially when you don't
    have them anymore. o:) Give George a hug for me.

    Jeri - the bike is a good go to exercise when all fails or you just don't feel strong enough to do anything else.

    Well I will see all you lovely ladies in a week. B)

    Ontario, Canada <3B)B)B)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Whoa, just spent 2 hours trying to remove a whole lot of malware after I stupidly downloaded what I thought would be fun animations to add to emails. It also downloaded 4 other uninvited programmes and having uninstalled them I found something called "Jamenize" had taken over Google Chrome and the only way to get rid of it was to go into complicated settings and work my way through instructions I found during a search. I THINK it's gone but won't feel confident until it doesn't reappear in the next couple of days. When this sort of thing happens I always tell myself never again but think I need a BIG sign stuck on the wall in front of me!!

    Winter returned overnight so George and I took a snowy and icy walk this morning and although my body was warm and cosy covered in 4 layers my cheeks were rosy pink from the cold wind. Met some nice dog walkers during the stroll and delighted to report George is pretty well socialized now and rarely growls at other dogs or strangers.... we're getting there! Yesterday I watched an old "Dog Whisperer" programme and calm/assertive recommendation does make sense so I'm doing my best!!

    I'm now going to see if I can get the hen house cleaned out without getting dumped on by another hail storm.

    Shirley ~ Bon voyage sweetheart.... have a wonderful time!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning all! We have lovely daffodils and I see tiny leaflets on the vine maple. But it is cold. Today we are promised sunshine but still chilly. Our old doggies are still snuggled in their doggie tuffets. They are sleeping late this morning. We watched a movie, "Birdman" a new movie that has been nominated for an academy award. Odd movie, thought provoking, not a feel good movie, but interesting. I don't think it will win. I was on my exercise bike while watching so I was a bit distracted. I have been toying with going more vegetarian, Lin. I fix several veggie meals a week and my hubby is just fine with that. He will insist on the occasional fish (salmon) I can see I will need to put more thought into the meal preparation.

    Just finished reading "Poems to Learn by heart" by Carolin Kennedy. It is a lovely book with charming illustrations. I remember many of the poems and started to memorize some of them again after all these years. I am still stuck with reading books on real paper instead of on the iPad. It doesn't feel right. I need to be able to turn the real pages my self.

    I will sweep the front porch and back deck this weekend. Can't really do any outside work yet. That is about all that is possible right now. Spring is just reminding us that while it feels like winter, way down deep, things are waking up. Bundle up my friends, think happy warm thoughts.