Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, it's difficult to think of spring when I can't see across the road for falling snow. We've mounds and mounds of the stuff, even for Canada. You are right though, there's a hint, a sniff of spring in the air. The maples are getting "knobbly" with closed flowers I swear, and the evenings are getting lighter. Still, I think I should have emigrated to Oregon and it's daffy -down -dillies and tulips, mildew and all! Like you, I love a good "real" book to read and I should be okay for the next 2 years as my DIL had a clear out and I've got 7 paper carrier bags full of books!
    JACKIE, so glad George is becoming a socialised George. Don't envy you cleaning out the hen house though. I used to get that job sometimes when a kid. Does wonders for the Brussels sprouts if memory serves me right. You are very clever when it comes to computers, but me! No, no, no. I've already got that sign! "Don't touch a thing Anne, unless the sons are around."
    GOOD AFTERNOON everybody. Youngest son taking me for groceries today. I can't navigate the old buggy on these icy rutted paths and mounds of snow. Can't wait for spring to get back to normal, whatever that is!
    Cheers, ANNE.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne you are lucky to have two adoring sons They take care of their momma. my daughter does not like me try to fixed anything on the computer either. I am so computer ignorant on this high tech stuff. Still not comfortable wit my fit bit. Or even my cell phone. But love to chat on the internet.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    Pasty our daffodils are blooming now too. Seems kind of early for we are havin a real cold spell coiming in Sunday night. have not seen any other signs of life around here.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    MARIE, you are so right, I am very, very lucky with my two lads. I think it stems from when we first came and we were left on our own barely knowing a soul. No relatives here to fall back on. We had to watch out for each other, one boy 11 and one boy 14. They grew up very quickly. I cared about them, and now they care about me. So you see, what seems bad and hopeless very often turns into good and better. I just know I am extremely thankful. ANNE
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited February 2015
    <3 Anne did you and the boys come to Canada by yourself?
    do you own you home or renting?
    if I am to pesonel just says so. Just curious
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good afternoon - interesting thing today. I got a new Fitbit Charge HR. I went through the process to link it to my account and deactivated my old Fitbit One. BUT I am wearing both of them today and the interesting thing is the old Fitbit One shows almost 2,000 more steps than the new Fitbit Charge HR. BUT even with a lower step count the Fitbit calorie adjustment is probably twice as high as I am used to seeing with the old Fitbit One.

    Very strange. My conclusion----none of these devices does a great job of the whole measuring thing!

    I watched a webinar today, did a lot of walking, got things lined up to take to church tomorrow, and made a huge lunch (well breakfast and lunch) of raw veggies---cruciferous crunch, chopped romaine, shredded carrots, chopped raw red onion bits, slices of sweet red and yellow pepper, zucchini rounds, sugar snap peas, celery topped with blueberry vinegar and sesame ginger dressing. Finished it up with an apple.

    Cooked veggies with beans tonight followed by frozen berries.

    The kitchen closes at 7pm!

    Patsy - I'd take that kind of weather but we really are not seeing any signs of spring yet except the longer days.

    Anne - I hope you had a lovely shopping trip.

    Marie - is Alice coming to visit this week-end?

    Shirley - ON VACATION!!

    Sandy - I hope your day is going well. I think I missed your post.

    Jackie - I've never cleaned out a hen house but I've really scooped a lot of both pig poop and horse manure in my younger years. When my dad had hens I found a way to get out of it----I was allergic both to the chickens and the bedding by then.

    Barbie - I hope you got in some steps today. I was about 21,000+ yesterday and with the strange Fitbit issue I don't know but I'm at about 20,000 now. Hope to get some more walking in later.

    Phyllis - I am sorry, I don't think I ever said welcome back. I hope we see you again soon.

    Phoebe - hello my friend. Hope to hear from you again very soon.

    Jeri, Gayla, Karen, Laura, Diane, Buzz, and many many more friends----HELLO to you!! Miss you!!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    MARIE, no, you're not personal. I emigrated with my husband (a very talented man) when he was offered a job in Quebec. I asked him at the time if our 20 year marriage was strong enough to survive such a big change because I didn't want to be left with the boys in what was to me, a completely new country where we knew no one. He assured me we were good. 3 years later he left us having found "the love of his life". I couldn't afford the air fare back to the UK, so I moved to Ontario because with virtually no French it was impossible to find work in Quebec to support us, and the future was bleak for the boys. After many adventures along the way, some hilarious, we three survived. The boys put themselves through university with part time jobs, and a bit of help from me. As for my 100 year old home, it is a rental, but because I have lived here for years and years, very reasonable, plus utilities of course.
    And there you have it my dear, in a nutshell as it were.
    LIN I counted my steps, just walking around the house, and they matched exactly the number shown on my fitbit. I always end the day somewhere in the 12,000 step range.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    As of 7pm: 22235 on the Fitbit One; 20208 on the Fitbit Charge HR.

    Really you count your steps.........? I'm not sure I could count that high! :D

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, sorry I wasn't clear. I walk for half an hour and count those steps. They are invariably 3000 steps. So if I walk for an hour that makes the 6000 steps I record on my home page. I couldn't count every step during the entire day, but it's accurate for those two sessions. ANNE
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    I didn't post this morning because I went to my nieces to get my hair done and she did a great job. We celebrated Bryanna's birthday with her mother, sister and boyfriend today.
    Tomorrow we celebrate with her boyfriend, her dad, Lisa and Robby. I did ride my bike to get some calories so hopefully I didn't gain anything.

    Tired now so going to catch up on some shows I have missed.

    One Day at a Time
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Fat Tuesday! "Let the good times roll". I am off to the eye doctor today. I have controlled macro degeneration and need monthly injections into the eyeball. Sounds much worse than it really is. Would love to go one of the marti Grau parades. But that doesn't happen here on the Oregon coast. Life is starting to green up and we have daffodils everywhere. I would love to be able to send a bit a sun and warm weather to you all there in the frozen north. I guess we all carry springtime in our heart, where it really matters. Patsy
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Phoebe sorry to hear Jim is sick again. I finally got over my sinus infection after almost 4 weeks.

    my great grandson turn 1 month old today and weigh in at 11.6 pounds So cute.
    Hello All,

    Just came up from riding my exercise bike. Whew. I needed to get in the offsetting calories to keep me in good standing. It is so motivating for me to record my calories and exercises. Helps me a lot.

    Sandy and Shirley -- your trips will be here very soon.

    Ed and I are trying plan a trip in April to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Not sure where we want to go. Thinking if Hawaii. Any recommendations?

    Phoebe - sorry to hear Jim is sick again. Bad year this.

    Phyllis - glad to hear all is well and you are enjoying retirement.

    Look at the clock. Time to go relax.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Hello All,

    Just came up from riding my exercise bike. Whew. I needed to get in the offsetting calories to keep me in good standing. It is so motivating for me to record my calories and exercises. Helps me a lot.

    Sandy and Shirley -- your trips will be here very soon.

    Ed and I are trying plan a trip in April to celebrate our 40th anniversary. Not sure where we want to go. Thinking if Hawaii. Any recommendations?

    Phoebe - sorry to hear Jim is sick again. Bad year this.

    Phyllis - glad to hear all is well and you are enjoying retirement.

    Look at the clock. Time to go relax.

    See you all tomorrow.


  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good Morning from COLD Cairo. A few days ago it was in the 40's and I called my son in Seattle and he said it was the same temp there. It has been an extremely COLD winter for us. We usually get a couple weeks of cool weather but this year it is freezing. FOR US IT FEELS LIKE FREEEZING because we have NO indoor heating. I have learned lately to layer up with about 3 layers of clothes and then I sit on the couch in front of a little space heater wrapped in a blanket. I coo look like a little old lady!!! FOR SURE.
    But it is supposed to get warmer in a few days and if that really happens we are going to spend a week end at our beach resort house on the Red Sea.
    I didn't sleep well at all last night because I was so cold in the bed. Tonight I will wear more layers to bed. The nightgown just was not enough!.

    Sorry about complaining about the cold weather. Other than that life is pretty darn good. My daughter is due to deliver her 2nd little girl on or close to the 12th of March. I have my ticket booked to fly over to Abu Dhabi to be with her for a month. I leave on the 10th of March. We are all so excited to see this little girl. My second grand child!! My son's life is also expecting now too so I'll have three grand kids by the end of the year!!!

    I have been sewing baby DOLL clothes for the little grand daughter's doll. I made her several outfits and also some little diapers so she can play with her baby doll along side of her mom with the real baby.
    Everyone.. Have a good day. Phyllis
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    12:31 AM and just finished reading your posts! I never go to bed without my MFP family! I wish I could recount my last few days, but I have been on the move between visitors from bitter Boston with its huge banks of snow, and visits to doctors with no real answers to my unasked questions. Nice seeing Phyllis back since retirement, and hard to believe George has been with Jackie a whole year now! Everyone sounds productive and good. Eye injections give me goosebumps, and I hope you all stay well. Eyes closing, but want to mention I hope to hear success from Bob's temptation while on vacation! I won't worry about Sandy's vacation since I think Robby - sitting will keep her thin! Jeri, Anne, Lin, Marie, Phoebe, Shirley, Patsy and Barbie, I send hugs to all of you, too, and glad I amused you with our overweight entertainer! We can all use a "belly-laugh" daily!!! :D
    - <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning everybody, and a good morning it is! The sun is shining and the mounds of snow are glittering. It never stopped snowing yesterday and when my youngest came to take me for groceries he couldn't get down the drive for the snow. It was quite hard walking through it BUT the snow fairies, or I should say, my snow clear boys, came during the night and I slept through the blower machinery noises to find a lovely clear drive this morning. Up to this year I shovelled it myself, and it is well worth the cost I can tell you. 9 clears I've recorded since Christmas. I get to have the new blind put up in my bathroom today, hopefully. I've only felt "exposed" since the new house, and a bedroom window, was put up on the waste ground next door to me. So tonight no bathing in the semi light from the hallway. Tonight I bathe in glorious well lit abandonment, hopefully. Angela Lansbury (murder she wrote) is in Toronto for a stage production of Blithe Spirit. She was interviewed on TV and at 89!! Is one beautiful elderly lady. Apparently she is very good and very funny as the dotty medium in the seance scenes. Well things to do. Weekly call from the UK at 9 to catch up on the latest there. So enjoy today, ANNE
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :D Going to an earlier Mass this morning as we are meeting at noon for yet another birthday celebration for Bryanna. Her dad wants to take her to Outback so another restaurant meal. I of course gained 2 pounds from yesterday's meal so who knows what today's will add. I am hoping it is all salt gain and by Tuesday it will be gone. Tonight is the Academy Awards which is one of my favorite award shows and I do love Patrick Neil Harris. Not sure I will be able to stay awake for the whole show, tomorrow is a "work" day.

    Enjoy your Sunday and make good choices.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No Lin Alice is not coming today for you sent a blast of winter down here. We are expecting a winter mixed later today and tomorrow.All your fault. for leaving the gate open.Just kidding think this one is from Colorado the next one is from up north.

    making Jerry some chicken and dumplings and I will have me a gluten free pizza out of a gluten free English muffin. By following the gluten free plan it has really help my guts.So I am coping Gluten free with 1=1=1plan. . Not too bad just have to watch the Flour everything else is just about the same , Just portion size.

    My gosh sounds like you are cooking
    for a army.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well good morning my dear sneakers! Sunday is a great day to see sunshine. It is quite cool but a nice fire in the wood stove will warm up the house and my creaky bones as well. I will wait a bit before I take on some exercise. I will be watching the academy awards tonight also Sandy. I have seen several of the movies that are up for awards. Not all by any means. I do believe that movies arè the literature of today. And it makes sense that it would be. This is an age of technology and media communication. I do love real books however.

    Today I have to do something about our doggie girls toenails. It is always a drama and trauma to clip nails. You would think I was Cutting off their entire leg!

    Enjoy the day, I am going to cook up something like Lin puts together. A lovely veggie "something" for a Sunday dinner. Marie's chicken and dumplings sound toooooo wonderful.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a day.... rain, rain and more rain which resulted in a soaking during the morning walk. The usual trail I take was like a river bed and in spite of waterproofs I was bedraggled in no time so as soon as we got home I put George under a warm shower. At least he'll be clean for the groomer tomorrow!

    Anne ~ Karma is something I believe in good or bad and your boys looking after you now is your good karma for what you did for them but I bet you would never have guessed it would involve a soak in the bath without worrying about being overlooked! LOL The best place to be what with all that snow piled up outside. I might have this wrong but wasn't Angela Lansbury in the original Blythe Spirit? What a career the lovely lady has had and still working at 89!

    Wonderful to see Buzz is still popping in... I was missing you. <3

    Patsy ~ Like you I feel a book is not a book unless there are real pages to turn. I've never been brave enough to attempt clipping George's nails, he wiggles enough when I'm trying to brush him.

    Marie ~ Chicken and dumplings sounds gorgeous, real comfort food. I'm trying to be good in the coming week but still, a girl can dream!!

    Phyllis ~ Sounds as if you need to be knitting yourself some bed socks and bobble hat. LOL

    Sandy ~ Hopefully you are enjoying your family gathering and lunch without worrying about weight gain. It'll soon come off again.

    Close to my bedtime so I'll finish before I lose my post.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, I'm not sure if Angela Lansbury was in the original Blithe Spirit. She did say on the interview that she had played it so often it just came naturally. So could be, but somehow Margaret Rutherford also rings a bell. Now there was another marvellous lady! Wasn't she in the old original film version? I seem to remember her riding a bike, cloak flapping, on her way to the seance. Well, the blind is up, and very nice it looks too. God bless my youngest. I shall luxuriate in my bath tonight, bubbles and all, just like the old movie glamour girls (yeah Anne, dream on) and I shall think of your Karma comments, so true! No more lurking in the gloaming, I will be able to see my toes!
    PATSY and JACKIE, just try clipping 17 year old Tabitha Daisy's claws, now THERES a challenge! Not often attempted, and never alone!
    BUZZ, how do you keep up so late! I shall probably doze off in the aforementioned bath!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ I was thinking she played Rex Harrison's character's late wife the blythe spirit so looked it up but it was another Noel Coward play The Picture of Dorian Gray she was in.... quite a different kettle of fish!! You were right, the medium was Margaret Rutherford, an actress I adored even as a child because she always made me laugh out loud!