Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    But you can keep your days of logging here as long you just show up and, as far as I know, enter a cup of tea but don't even submit it.............
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! I think you only have to check in on the home page for your days to be counted but not sure. I have been here for a long time but have lost my days since I like to travel and forget to log in. No big deal to me, as long as I show improvement that is all I care about. There are days I don't log into my food diary but as long as I have posted somewhere all is good.

    Robby gave me a hard time going down for his second nap so while he is sleeping I am going to try to get on my bike. His dad is home and will pick him up when he wakes. I am going to bingo tonight but would like to get to Walmart after my son picks up Robby.

    Hope all the newcomers will check in and say hi, we love new people.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm still here, and I cleared all today's entries and exercise, thanks LIN. I suspect, although not with celiac I eat a little bit like you by what I've gleaned from your posts. My problem is I'm allergic to anything that contains food preservatives. I now make most of the stuff I eat, even bread, because unless I buy from the organic store I get these horrid allergic reactions. I don't drink alcohol, but on the rare occasions I have done so, I'm allergic to bought wines, but not homemade. It's really weird and I didn't in the past have these reactions. Wine, many cheeses - migraines, bought prepared food from normal grocery stores - stomach pain. Home prepared, I'm perfectly alright. One does wonder what these manufacturers get up to these days and if what is added to preserve our food adds to the obesity problems in the world. ANNE. Thanks again for advice AND the treasures you post on our home pages.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY thanks for replying as well, especially as you are so busy with little Robby. All seems to be fine after logging off with nothing recorded, I'm just a bit paranoid! ANNE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Yes Anne, I not only avoid gluten but also avoid food additives. I have problems with ingesting additives both because I don't think they are needed in food but also because some additives give me headaches, rashes, stomach problems, etc. That's why my eating is very simple and I make everything I can. I don't eat any bread, only those crackers I make. My friends IRL don't really believe me, they say they can eat anything. Okay. Good for them. Ha.

    Tired!! Must finish washing my dishes.

    Be well everyone. Sandy---how many more sleeps before you go?

    Anyone now when Bob will be back?

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    We gots snow! And more to come. Rare treat to me. We are usually not at home for it. Feeling better. Just sinus and mild cough now.
    I want to work upstairs tomorrow, i think I'll try to sleep earlier tonight.
    Anne, thanks for mentioning Quartet. I enjoyed it.
    night all
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    P.s., there was something on the news about fog at sea. It was interrupting the cruise ships itinerary!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :D A wise person told me "if it works, don't fix it". I have been logging food and exercise on MFP for over six years and have lost weight and maintained that loss all this time. I love keeping track of steps on my encourages me to be more I think I'll keep doing all of this stuff that is working for me....staying fit and healthy has become a hobby for me and I love it

    <3 Barbie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning BARBIE, you are most certainly a good example of doing things right. Me, I just wanted a week off to see what happens if I don't log religiously. I suspect I will be back logging a week from today! However, so far, so good. Like LIN I'm now quickly jotting down on a piece of paper everything that goes in my mouth, walked my usual hour yesterday, and appeared to be as usual calorie wise for my age. Sort of an experiment really to see if I can maintain by myself. Anyway, good news, I haven't lost the site this time, despite my shenanigans! Hope the weather is good today for your walk with the doggies.
    Morning! EVERYBODY else. ANNE
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Good morning, I've slugged through most of the paperwork I received yesterday that is always marked to return ASAP! Ha. I've got my step minimum in for the day. Looking forward to listening in on a conference call this evening with a nutritional expert. I seek out opportunities to learn more about nutrition and am happy to listen in on an evening call. I generally walk all the time I'm listening as I put the call on speaker phone.

    I am reading a number of wonderful books and watching (actually more listening as I usually walk while they are on my iPad) videos.

    Speaking of watching things, I got a DVD at the library and haven't watched it yet. Anyone seen "Gone Girl"? Is it worth putting in the DVD player? Well, I'll probably give it a spin at some point.

    Need to venture out this afternoon and fill my vehicle with gas. I've been putting it off and heard our governor signed the bill to increase the gas tax 10 cents on March 1st so I'd like to start off on a full tank when this goes into effect! Ha. I know how cheap of me right?

    Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy day.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA

    Honey would play if I went with her I don't know why it's turned

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA

    Sorry for the sideways view
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Honey looks like my long gone Jenny! AND your snow view looks like MY snow view! ANNE
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2015
    phoebe ~ It's not a problem for me, I just turn the laptop over!! LOL Honey is looking fantastic and healthy.... you're doing a great job with her and I'm sure I can see a look of contentment on her face because she's no longer shut up but has freedom which is so important for dogs.

    Anne ~ I only logged my food until I got into a routine of healthy eating although that took about a year. Now if I'm naughty I know it and don't ignore the fact as in the past, that way I don't get obsessive about calories as I think life's too short! Of course we're all different and some need the discipline to keep the weight either coming off or maintained. I do occasionally log exercise to check if I'm allowed something extra but you've been given the right advice, you don't have to log it all to keep your number of visits going or if you want to log you don't have to hit the 'done' box to show the world!

    Jeri~ Wonderful views and I must thank you especially because when back in 1972 I took the trans Canada train from Vancouver to Toronto we travelled through that area at night so I just caught a distant glimpse as dawn broke of the mountains, icy peaks and lakes.

    Lin ~A friend recently saw that movie and her only comment was that she found it "strange".... of course that could be taken any which way!! Look forward to reading your review in case you use the same word!

    My days have been busy one way and another so I've not been able to post but have now caught up with all of yours. Time for me to cook a meal and get the fire lit as it's already dark outside and we're promised a cold night.... nothing like your weather right now though thank goodness.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! Hubby is out with a contractor looking at the downed fence. Hope that gets rebuilt quickly. We need to keep the furry girls in and the wild creatures out!

    It is one of our famous "on again/off again" days. Bright sunshine then total cloudy, all in the space of several minutes. Not too cold, thank goodness.

    Using my instant pot to make bean soup and it is wonderful for that. I still can't get used to the no salt cooking. Everything tastes so bland. I hear eventually we will get accomstomed to it. But regardless, hubby and I need to ditch the salt where ever we can.

    We have been watching a bit of that PBS special on Italian Americans. Extremely interesting. My entertainment viewing seems to be the out of date films and books. As I mentioned We watch part of a movie while we exercise. Another excellent movie that we have watched several times, "The excellent exotic marigold hotel" with again, wonderful Maggie Smith and Judy Dench. I cannot express how much I love this movie. See it if you haven't already. We did see Gone Girl and while I can see that it is well done, it is hard to watch and somewhat unpleasant to see at times. But I tend to be somewhat of an old foggy. I like a bit of humor and if possible, beauty.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yes Patsy, I love exotic marigold and im thrilled to see there is a second one coming soon!
    feeling yucky again, see ya tomorrow

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    looks like Christmas in Ga. I agree with Jackie. Honey looks so healthy and happy. I can see she is a momma baby.
    Most dogs are.

    We are in for a another winter blast in the morning.Snow sleet , the works. Gald you and Jim are home and not out on the road. Do hope you both feeling better.

    you all take care.
    Thanks Jeri for sharing your lovely photos.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif We have been invited to dinner by some wonderful friends that we don't we often enough. We're due at their house at 6PM which is late for us, so we took a nap this afternoon so we can stay up later and I'm eating my bedtime snack now (my usual suppertime) and am hoping that what they serve for dinner will include foods that I eat.

    <3 Barbie

    Be kind---no exceptions

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    My memory is not what it used to be.
    We do have a very nice group Of Seniors here.

    Oh my, move over, dear MARIE!!! The DR. put DH on Aricept this week, and I just finished reading the side effects;...yech! I don't know if it's worth it to take a pill that might cause more problems that we are trying to avoid, while only staving off the inevitable by a short period! Meantime, I feel like my entire personality is changing, too!
    And since I'm concerned about leaving him alone, I "schlepp" him along everywhere I go, so neither one of us has much time alone! And he is still losing weight! ( I think it's adding to mine!!!)...
    Sorry PHOEBE came back sick. Hope she takes time to get well! Somehow, can't find many posts today, but haven't time to search.

    Tomorrow night, we signed up for "Dinner in Paris" which everyone is raving about! It is one of Around the world Dinners being held here each month. Next month, where else but Ireland! And we must wear green!

    Just checking in and out quickly, as I seem to need much more sleep lately! Thank you for all the lovely supportive notes that a re so welcome! Yes, WELCOME, JULIE; This certainly IS a special group!

    SANDY, Have a fabulous and relaxing cruise! Weather hereabouts is in the 80's and very pleasant/ Gotta run; will try to return tomorrow after therapy. Have I mentioned I finally found a set of leg pumps at an affordable cost?

    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Hi Buzz!!! Good to see you and glad you found suitable leg pumps.

    Meanwhile my opinion is that "Gone Girl" should just be gone. I found it quite disturbing.

    Glad I paid nothing to see it. Gack.

    See you tomorrow.

    Almost 25,000 steps today. Not going for the last ones to finish it out. Enough!!
