Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Arrived in Orlando and in shuttle to our hotel in Cocoa Beach. It is pouring here today but expected to be nice tomorrow. Our ports hopefully will all be hot and dry. Marie, it is my daughter her husband and their three kids. Their daughter brought a friend. Her in laws are also coming as well as my ex sister in law with her friend. My son from Arizona and his girlfriend. With me and Bryanns that makes 14 of us.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    oh my that makes a big party Sounds nice. Don't get lost come back with a nice tan. I hope Our winter is leaving us. we have been in a deep freeze for a week..Enjoy every minute of it.
    love Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Dinner with our friends went very well Thursday night. I had my bedtime snack at 4PM (my usual suppertime) so I wouldn't be starving by time to eat at 6:30. I looked carefully at all the food that was being served and asked a few questions about ingredients before filling my plate. I skipped the tortillas and rice and ate small portions of coconut baked fish, cole slaw, bean salad (rinsed off to remove sodium filled juice, and little bell peppers (some roasted, some raw). When dessert came, I told the hostess that I never eat dessert even if it seems simple and benign. Jake and I had decided ahead of time how late we would stay. When the conversation turned to a topic that troubled me, I got up from the table and walked into the other room and I heard Jake say, "Barbie's tired, I think we have to go now." It was a perfect evening.

    smiley-computer004.gif The money I spend every year to have the accountant do our taxes is worth a million to me to not have the stress.

    smiley-happy110.gif We are doing an Isagenix cleanse day today---first in a long time. It's usually restful day for us. My only exercise is dog walking. We took a nap with the pets this afternoon and have spent a bit of time watching TV. We save stressful conversations for another day and make this day peaceful.

    1823678z3k6m5ab6p.gif Marie, sorry to hear about your weather. My friend has been unsuccessful getting back to Washington after visiting her mom in Waco because of the weather.

    <3 Barbie
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi there ! Good grief, we have sunshine and mild temps!!!☺️☺️☺️ I was some what puzzled.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    We stayed home til monday. BEEn reading posts about bad roads in texas and other states.
    Taking meds and sleeping, hope to be up and about tomorrow.
    Stay warm and safe♥
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi friends, I just heard the most beautiful hymn By alan Jackson. I have done decided that is what I wanted played at my funeral now I know by whom.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    My internet service is going crazy! I keep losing my posts. They just disappear when I am trying to post them! I knew it! Ghosts in the iPad. Green beans tonight with mushrooms and a bit if chicken. I could do without the chicken but hubby would just faint dead away without some meat. I am going to post right quick before everything disappears again. Bye bye, patsy
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This morning I pulled the curtains back to a glorious blue sky, singing birds and the sun peeping through the trees. No more motivation needed to get out with George and head for the hills although now that the moorland sheep are due to lamb I'll have to watch where we walk just in case he's tempted to chase. Yesterday morning was spent at the allotment where the leek and cabbage beds were weeded whilst catching up with other gardeners enjoying the first sign of Spring.

    Lin ~ A new 3 part series is beginning here tonight that I think you'll enjoy when it gets to PBS. It's a true story about an episode in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's life when he tried to investigate murders that a man was wrongly convicted and imprisoned for. It's called "Arthur and George". Martin Clunes plays Sir Arthur and I have to say, looks the spitting image!

    Glad to see your temperatures are improving and snow hopefully melting in the coming week.

    I've caught up with all the posts and will check in when I can to keep up with all your lives.
    Happy Sunday to you all.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, thanks for giving LIN the tip. That's something I will greatly enjoy too! My DIL has thrown out about 300 books in my direction and amongst them I've found one or two Ruth Randall treasures. Finished reading last night one called "a sight for sore eyes". It fair gave me the shudders just before bedtime! Martin Clunes AND Sir Arthur! Something to look out for indeed!
    Spring is definitely a hint in the air now, despite minus 5 temperatures. I'm going out for dinner tonight with my eldest and family, and my youngest and wife fly out to Florida this morning, he on a business trip. Just as the weather shows signs of improvement!
    My internet service was crazy yesterday too, PATSY.
    Enjoy Sunday Sneakers, ANNE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Thanks Jackie - I just did a search and found out it will be on PBS later this some point! I'll be looking for it. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

    Anne - I hope you DUCKED when you DIL threw the books in your direction. Ha. Wow--that's quite a pile of books. I'm sure there are some keepers and some clunkers in the stacks. Enjoy.

    Patsy and Anne - my Internet service is almost always crazy. I'm always thankful when it just works.....isn't it frustrating when things are off-balance?

    Marie - I hope your weather is warming up now and all that *stuff* that fell will be a memory soon.

    Phoebe - feeling any better?? Praying that you will feel well enough to head out again.

    Barbie - the advice of my accountant means the world to me and I am so happy that all I have to do it prepare the information. The cost in dollars is worth so much more in peace of mind.

    Sandy - I hope the weather shapes up and that you have a lovely and relaxing vacation.

    Well, time to toddle off to church. It's difficult for me to sit so long but the fellowship and learning is worth it.

    See you later.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes, LIN, throw is the wrong word! My DIL more like staggered in with all these books in Organic Garage paper carrier bags. I will recycle as well when I've finally read them! It will take a while I can tell you. My internet service was so bad and so slow I was beginning to wonder if it was "curtains" with MFP.
    In fact I'm beginning to wonder if all my past woes had a connection to the server, or at least some of them. You know, nothing happening, so repeatedly pressing buttons thinking it was me.
    MARIE, such talk about funerals! I've told my lot I want to be stuffed, as in taxidermy, and then become a door stop to keep a glassy eye on them. Failing that, nothing! After all, almost everybody I know is now gone! I'm the last of my generation clan! Be a darned sight cheaper too! Anyway, I've no intention of shuffling off yet, and neither have you. Years left to bug our families, evil laugh!
    PHOEBE hope you and your DH and the pets are all feeling much better today.
    BARBIE, I sort of enjoy doing my tax return to be honest, mind you, for me it's pretty simple. I know I'm doing it right because my friend, who is on a similar income, and employs a professional is getting the same age related benefits I get. I've always done it, but no doubt that will change!
    Welcome home SHIRLEY and BOB if you are indeed home.
    Cheers, ANNE.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    P.S. I said I "hate" filling out income tax forms earlier, well not really, that's when CONTEMPLATING the chore, it's a sort of challenge once I get going. Especially if "they" owe me. Anyway I enjoyed it yesterday!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good day to you all! I am enjoying a slow start to the day, I have not accomplished any thing thus far but I am thinking about possibilities. It is a cold sunny day. I plan to phone our son who lives in Portland, I chatted with our daughter yesterday. So that about does it for weekly family check ups. I am in a phase where finding wonderful books that really fascinate me is just not happening. I seem to be laboriously plodding through the ones I have been reading. Time to investigate some new authors or else start rereading some classics.

    Anne I really got a giggle about your design for your finale resting place. I, too, have this dilemma of being the last in my generation. There are hundreds of distant relatives, and I do mean distant. I know they are out there but have never met them. I do have some colorful family members from the past. Cowboys, artists, musicians.

    Income tax drives us to distraction. The preparation and finding the thousands of tiny pieces of paper aaaaaaaargh! We never get refunds!

    Lin, your post on MFP on measuring success by adherence to process was on the mark! I have had similar thoughts along that line. I hadn't really taken these sound ideas to heart. New intelligent way of thinking about weight loss. I watched a TV show on our pbs channel on the obesity problem in older people. Interesting and scary!

    March is a strange month. It promises spring but it is only a promise and easily broken. Small tokens of spring are tossed our way with a few mild days. Mostly it is winter-like days but there is that smell in the air. It makes me wonder around the garden department in Home Depot. I am trying to resist a sack of "star-gazer lily" bulbs, white with the Crimson center. Oooooh my!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Whew! I've been away from my aptop for so long, I thought it was a goner. Nothing worked, it wouldn't communicate with the printer, etc etc. At least I managed to get to the sneakers. I am feeling better, thank you all for the well wishes. It must have been the medication for arthritis that made my sinus troubles turn into stomach trouble too. No need for details, but I stopped the medicine and my stomach feels so much better. Knee pain, get thee behind me, forever, preferably. They hurt but I don't walk like a slow turtle, so I'm ok with it.

    Honey and I took a walk today, slow and short for her, but I noticed my fitbit didn't show much in the way of progress. It does make me wonder. When I've used it for at least 6 months to a year, I'll go back to a pedometer.

    I'm sure they will have us leaving In the morning, and I have several things to do. Finish on the pc, and then some laundry.

    Take care

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everybody; finished reading current posts and everyone seems to be OK. Where has BOB disappeared? Hope SANDY's cruise is terrific, and thank you, LIN, for verifying my reactions to Aricept. I have not found good reports about its use other than gaining a very few months concerning memory loss. I'm suddenly worrying about MY memory as I haven't been able to solve JUMBLE very well 2 days in a row! Nor is my Sudoku improving this week. Hard to concentrate, somehow. And I'm falling behind in things I must keep up, so I'll just pop in, read posts, and say hello to all my dear friends!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I tried posting twice and lost my posts due to hitting the wrong key on my Tablet so I will try

    Well we are back safe and sound. All suitcases are unpacked and put away. I still need to do
    the laundry but that takes me to another story. I woke up this morning early to get a drink of water and then went back to bed. Got up at 8:00 am and no water! Yes, you guessed it our pipes are frozen. No water! Dave got a hose and is using our neighbors water. I guess once pressurized we can use the warm water too. This is only temporary until the town can fix the problem. I guess there are 400 houses in the same way in our area.

    I grabbed some laundry to get by and had a shower at my MIL's. Once the hose was running
    Dave got his shower. We don't know when this will be fixed yet.

    On to other things, our trip was great. Our third time to Jamaica and to a smaller resort which
    was still all inclusive. A little more intimate with only 50 rooms, one restaurant and one bar.
    Entertainment was sporadic and they were the local Jamaican bands. The food was really good
    and the people there come back regularly. Now back to reality and the snow again. It was snowing today and the piles are getting higher.

    I read every ones posts to catch up again. I am taking the food and exercise one day at a time
    like Sandy until we have water again.

    Ontario, Canada (frozen North)
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    has Anne disappear again? Lin seen anything of her
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Hello Friends,

    I tried posting twice and lost my posts due to hitting the wrong key on my Tablet so I will try

    Well we are back safe and sound. All suitcases are unpacked and put away. I still need to do
    the laundry but that takes me to another story. I woke up this morning early to get a drink of water and then went back to bed. Got up at 8:00 am and no water! Yes, you guessed it our pipes are frozen. No water! Dave got a hose and is using our neighbors water. I guess once pressurized we can use the warm water too. This is only temporary until the town can fix the problem. I guess there are 400 houses in the same way in our area.

    I grabbed some laundry to get by and had a shower at my MIL's. Once the hose was running
    Dave got his shower. We don't know when this will be fixed yet.

    On to other things, our trip was great. Our third time to Jamaica and to a smaller resort which
    was still all inclusive. A little more intimate with only 50 rooms, one restaurant and one bar.
    Entertainment was sporadic and they were the local Jamaican bands. The food was really good
    and the people there come back regularly. Now back to reality and the snow again. It was snowing today and the piles are getting higher.

    I read every ones posts to catch up again. I am taking the food and exercise one day at a time
    like Sandy until we have water again.

    Ontario, Canada (frozen North)

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi everyone!
    The weather is beautiful today and yesterday and the day before! We went off to our beach house on Thursday morning and enjoyed the peace and quiet there until Sunday. Back in Cairo now and enjoyed a long walk this morning to visit a friend and then she walked with me for a while and then I came on home.
    I am so excited that it is March. My daughter will be delivering that second grand child of mine within the next week or two and then I am off to help out for a month in Abu Dhabi. I've probably said that a couple of times already but I am so excited I can't wait!!! Doctor says she could be delivering as soon as the 3rd but if she doesn't and goes until the 16th he will induce labor.I am hoping for a nice delivery this week!!
    Loved reading all about your comings and goings over the past few days.
    Enjoy the day! Phyllis
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning all, just been to mail my tax return, and spring IS in the air.
    Went out with eldest son and his better half last night to a super restaurant and had THE WORKS. Oh dear, but no regrets. Bruschetta, followed by a wonderful Caesar salad, followed by Atlantic salmon with mushrooms, roast potatoes and baby carrots etc. Mmm Mmm, followed by the creamy custard with the fired caramel topping - forgotten the name, followed by coffee. Oh my, I shall suffer for this lapse but SO worth every bite.
    - All these babies on the way or just arrived, all the lambs gambolling in Jackies corner of the world, if you disregard the newscasts, AINT LIFE GRAND.
    - Cheers from the Unremorseful ANNE.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    in deed Life is grand.
    It is going to get up to the 60's tomorrow but wait Wedneday eveing yep bad winter mix Oh well it can't be much worst than we have has in the last 2 weeks. I am still prayin for the lost lives and all the injuries.

    Shirley hope you get your Water turn on soon. We have ours to freeze before but not in many as years.Could not flush the toilet is the worst part of it. Jerry keeps all the pipes pretty well cover now he dreads freezing ice raining on us knocking our power. Then No TV\s no internet. spring is just days away.