Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin, its because of the traffic, she cant navigate well, she thinks driving during the night will be better. I disagree, with her but you cant talk to her, she doesn't remember things. Shes been repeating this about driving at night for a year, every single phone conversation we have, same phrasing, word for word. It's sad, I'd love to be home to visit her and take her places but that wont happen until 2018 for me.
    I'm trying to go easy, no jumping,running,or even much walking yet. Safe travels, hope the maintenance is minimal.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,501 Member
    Oh dear Phoebe, I am sorry. I don't know how you can try to redirect her when she's repeating the same thing over and over. My dad did that as well---he'd get a notion and it would stick and I could do nothing to reason or persuade or dissuade. It is odd how that happens. I pray something will work out.

    Good for you on taking it easy.

    I'll see you when I get back.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi everybody. Had a mellow Sunday, spending 20 minutes sunning by the pool before running from the heat! Our newly widowed friend has come up with such lovely memories of her husband, whom we all loved for his gentleness and hysterical collection of jokes, almost right up to his end! He was in medical almost 2 years, and never lost his sense of humor, nor did his wife! She told the "angel" who was his aide, "I love you enough to trust my husband's life to you", which I thought was a supreme compliment. My friend plans to help provide the aide's daughter with a scholarship now that she has graduated high school. Very moving, don't you think?
    PATSY's mention of he favorite painters reminded me of my life with my first husband, and the crazy things we produced for our first home, which seemed mostly "orange crate" furnishings! One day we took a huge piece of wood out onto the windy porch and produced what we called our "Polson *kitten*" painting by flinging paint into the wind and onto the wood, which became our first "coffee table"! We actually met Jackson Pollock out in the Hamptons and were in awe that he became so famous! Regarding the remark "Almost all are certifiably deranged. I think it must be the paint fumes"---- I do think many painters, musicians, etcetera, are driven by inner energies and perhaps demons to express themselves in the arts in an intensity that is unbelievably hard! Many I've known actually were afraid to go into analysis for fear of losing that drive. I had always wondered if they might not instead gain more control and become even better at their chosen art. Most were certainly "different" than my regular friends and acquaintances, and while admiring them, I could not remain around them for long periods without becoming exhausted by their brilliance and energies! At least 2 of them were certifiably bi-polar, and their paintings were awesome and prolific!
    JERI, thanks for checking in, and have a wonderful 2 weeks! Stay well, and enjoy Colorado, where my dear sister lives. PHOEBE, I'm curious about your observation regarding different lifestyle there. Also amazed at your reaction to that surgery I was secretly concerned about for you! You are an inspiration! PHYLLIS, what lovely strong features your daughter has. She will do just fine! Give your Mom a hug from every one of us!!! SANDY, so sorry your spring is a disappointment and soon it will be summer and your pool will e delightful! MARIE, happy to see you back, as the papers are full of weather news from Texas! LIN, it will be a joy once you are finished with all the back and forth driving next month, and able to enjoy your own life once again! It's been a long stretch for you! JACKIE, doubt you have a virus, as I've been reading about Google Chrome problems recently and they are working on them. The internet is a blessing and a frustration! ANNE, I can't imagine anyone not loving your bonnie wee baby expression! Delightful! SHIRLEY, we have chair yoga here which I have never attended, but perhaps I should give it a try. Do you enjoy yoga?
    Oh dear, I must move on quickly if I plan to be sleeping my midnight! This falling asleep at my laptop is for the birds!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George and I set off early this morning for our walk, this time across the moors, because having seen a tv weather presenter last night forecast "a day more fitting in November" I didn't want to get blown away or soaked. It was certainly windy but so far the rain is holding off!

    Phoebe ~ What a dilemma your aunt poses and I'm not sure there's an answer. If she knows Atlanta, having driven through in the past, she's probably thinking it's just a case of avoiding heavy traffic but confusion borne of dementia can be a terrible thing as you know and I imagine there's a risk she'll forget why she's there or where she's going. I hate night driving at the best of times when knowing my route but trying to follow signs in a strange place just piles on the stress so a train or bus sounds safer although I can see it's impossible to persuade your aunt if the thought of driving is now set in her mind. GPS drives me nuts if it has one of those dreadful demanding techi voices and I still prefer a good old fashioned map!! No help at all am I but fear the only solution will be you or Jim getting to her place and either driving or accompanying her to yours. Your comment about a trip to Pegosa Springs made me laugh out loud although I can only imagine!! LOL I do hope the surgeon's report you get today will be a positive one. <3

    Sandy ~ Very wise to stay away from Babe's seeing his son was visiting although I could despair that he didn't understand why you hadn't dropped in. Hey ho, perhaps it's a man thing!! I suppose the one good thing is his son is checking on him so if he does have dizzy spells he can seek medical advice. Oh for 69f degrees here never mind for a pool but because so far we've not gone much above 12-14c and there's snow on the northern hills of Scotland today, the other end of the country to me but still not that far away!!

    Anne ~ Bonnie is the perfect term for a happy and healthy baby so goodness knows where the thought you were referring to it being fat came from although I think certainly in the 40's and 50's a "chubby" baby was what all mother's aimed for!! LOL Yesterday I saw a news item where the teaching of Shakespeare in schools was being questioned because some so called experts felt his writing wasn't understood by the young but then someone pointed out the the new texting language is very similar to the sort of words Willy came up with so with a bit of imagination kids really shouldn't struggle.... something I do with much of the new techi language. I'd say no point trying to keep up Anne and anyway, the "olde world" English is so much more descriptive!

    Patsy ~ What a wonderful guard dog you have there especially if leaves are seen off in such a fierce way!! I agree that brilliance can come at a price, certainly if artistic and creative outlets are the only way of expressing emotions. We all admire their results without necessarily appreciating the emotional mess some artists find themselves living in. When I was a kid there were a number of hilarious comedians on tv that were extremely popular and I loved them so when 20 years later I met some when working at a local tv studio it was an eye opener to discover how many were bordering on manic depression and found comedy the only way to feel loved but it was difficult to like them in what we'd call the real world, in fact one or two were horrible!!

    Lin ~ Cockscomb wasn't something I'd come upon until visiting that Canadian pioneer village but having done a google search this morning of Celosia I can see a distinct similarity so imagine they come from the same family. I'm now thinking I'll purchase some seeds and start off on trays in the greenhouse rather than straight into the ground so thanks for the pointer. Take it steady on those roads and I'm sure the month will fly by until you can finally settle with no more thoughts of all that travel unless you really want to. Are you happy with your gas cooker or haven't you had a chance to use it yet?

    Buzz ~ What a beautiful thought your friend had to consider offering a scholarship to her husband's aide's child, a gift both will be able to hold in their hearts and never forget the man who sounded amazing. When I sat at an auction a couple of weeks ago and saw beautiful solid oak and pine furniture couldn't be given away for £1 even when the auctioneer suggested they could be painted, I got to thinking that young people today don't often have the imagination to make something out of nothing in order to create a home but prefer to spend a fortune on flat packed veneered pieces that won't last 20 years never mind the 100+ some of the tables, chairs and bureaus so love your description of the colourful orange box items you and your 1st husband created. I've got a chest of drawers and small cupboard that I colour washed and then pasted decoupage on 25 years ago that might be outdated now but I love the fact I created the look.

    The wind is picking up outside so I'd better go and close up the greenhouse and batten down anything that might blow away. We're promised summer will arrive on Wednesday but will then probably move off on Friday so I'll have to make the most of any sun we do see. Swimming first thing tomorrow but should be able to check in later in the day. Too long a post to spellcheck so bear with any screamers!!

    Happy Monday (if there is such a thing!! LOL)
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Lovely long posts BUZZ and JACKIE, pleasure to read! Just me saying I don't know any eccentric painters so I can't judge, PATSY, and I'm still using some of the pieces of furniture I brought over with me and are now 58 years old and look pretty good - Ercol and g-plan JACKIE. Am not disposed to wearing head scarves. Don't drive so can't comment PHOEBE on your aunt except that's how my friend Dave ended up in the care home - (driving through red lights and stop signs). I keep well away from my ex husband SANDY, uneasy with water other than the bath tub so don't own a floating vessel SHIRLEY and am I the only one who LOVES this lovely temperate weather! Beginning to think I lead a boring life!
    That could change though as apparently I'm going to get new roof tiles because of age and raccoon problems, and the basement tiles need ripping up because of ageing glue under them and a resulting disturbing crunching sound. The house is 11 years older than me and..... I Wish I could be refurbished thus! Hi LIN and everyone else. Happy washday,
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Tabitha Daisy asleep on one of the Ercol pieces JACKIE! Anne with the E. Seat upside down to protect from claws.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,405 Member
    edited June 2015
    Happy Monday! :) Still have the heat on but it hasn't run much. It will be in the 60's so maybe a walk with Robby, although he is still a little congested so will see. He has been napping for over 2 hours as of now, must be tired. I was napping with him but a phone call woke me up so I showered and got ready for the day. I rode my bike 90 minutes yesterday and watch two movies from On Demand which I would recommend. White House Down and Monument Men. My hummingbird is back, so between the bike, the movies and watching shim ( she or him) I had a good day. Bryanna also came to see me which was great since I haven't seen her since Florida. Tomorrow my granddaughter from DC is coming to spend the night with me. She is in town on business and will be flying back on Wednesday. I will either take her and Bryanna out for dinner or cook something on the grill. Lisa said she has one more full week of school and next Monday is my last day. That's it for now.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello, me again. I was thinking about language differences and it strikes me it can happen with sound too. Skip if you can't be bothered with my ramblings, I won't know! LOL. Many years ago in my secretary roll I often answered the phone and chatted to a man from the U.S. mid west. I have a "young" voice apparently, and his was attractively deep. In my mind he was Gary Cooper or Randolph Scott, handsome and rangy, camping out on the plains and cooking his beans over a camp fire. He must have thought me Scottish although I have a Yorkshire accent because he always started the phone call singing Annie Laurie to me. Then came the day he finally arrived in person for a business meeting. I'm not sure who was the most shocked, him on being confronted by a 60 year old wearing pants and NOT a plaid shawl or me when a sixtyish "Winnie the Pooh" came through the door. Ginger haired, plump, wearing a camel overcoat and not a Stetson or spur in sight. Nice chap though, but another girlish allusion shattered! Just saying!
    Anne with the E.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lol @ Anne!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Buzz - Yes I like Yoga, I have signed up for another 20 classes and as I was signing up my instructor Elli said you can pay this amount if you are 65 or older, or you can pay this amount. She said you aren't 65 yet are u? I laughed and said, Honey, I am 66. She said you sure don't look it. I will take the compliment. :D There is a gal in my class who 87 and she is doing great. No
    age limit in Yoga. I also like the fact I am getting strength training which we need as we age.

    Today we did shoulder stands which I used to do as a kid, but as we age it gets to be a challenge. I also like the way Elli
    gets you into the position step by step and then it feels effortless.

    Well that's my spiel on Yoga and today I am doing laundry and we have another day like Sandy, cold and gloomy and
    spitting rain.

    Here is a picture of Isaac he is 14 pounds already and had his first shots already. Kathy said he was a trooper. bspxeuva35iw.jpg

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello fellow sneakers! Today is gardening in the rain day. I say...that's why God made raincoats. John says God also made crazy women who like to garden in the rain and make mudpies! Hummmmmm!

    Loved the new photos of Isaac and Tabitha Daisy. Our girls demand recent photos showing how amazing they are. More on that later. Mazzy and MoMo,the wonder dog, love to have their picture taken.

    Watched an older film last night,"Side Effects", wow! The message here was startling, I really recommend it is you can find it. It is a bit older, starring Catherine Zeta Jones. I'm usually not all that thrilled with her but this is good. It also has Jade Law and Rooney Mara. I think that's her name.

    I decided to take up Yoga as well. Ordered a DVD and will try to find a good class. I need something else to help me with flexibility and balance. I am like an old top, ready to topple over any moment. Still working on the Spanish. I don't think there is a great need for instant communication skills. My son and his South American girlfriend are at odds lately. But that is the way young love happens. On! And then off!

    Anne: I am so impressed that your furniture still looks brand new. Our old stuff looks like it all needs reupolstered. We've had our furnishings for years and we've used it hard! It looks well used and loved hard!

    Shirley: I am really looking forward to the yoga because it seems so restful and calming at the same time of strengthening my sad little muscles.

    Buzz: I must confess to a fascination with contemporary art and abstraction. I've been lucky to find support for those paintings and a couple of folks who collect my work. But even if they didn't sell, I would still want to experiment in that way. So I don't have piles of old work just cluttering up my art dungeon.

    Lin: bless your heart, my friend! This endless travel and estate details must be maddening! I am sure you will enjoy the time when this is all taken care of. Travel safe, listen to wonderful music on the road.

    Sandy: I am amazed at your strength. Being a grandmother/babysitter would be such fun, exhausting as well.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, the name we called our splattered tabletop was *****out by whomever decides what's unacceptable here, but the back end of a donkey followed Polson, a silly play on Jackson Pollock's name! It really looked like an original, too! Loved your post re: Shakespeare, summer and everything in between! Write a book!!!
    ANNE, But you take GREAT kitty shots! You're OK in my book despite everything you cannot do!!!
    SANDY, how nice to see all your visitors. I would take the granddaughters out to dinner so I could enjoy talking without the prep and cleanup! will order your recommendations from Netflix. Am running out of titles!
    Oh SHIRLEY, I, too, used to do shoulder stands, headstands, elbowstands, and wrap my knees and ankles in back of my neck! Today, I'm lucky if I can walk to answer the doorbell (which peals When the Saints Come Marching In) before the visitor walks away!
    Keep going as long as you can! What a love Isaac is!
    PATSY, I usually love Catherine Z-J, so I will look your suggestion up, too. I also prefer contemporary art, and loved working with abstract design, though I doubt I understood much of what I produced. My DS spent years working on producing the "flat" effect in her landscapes etc, and I actually preferred her more spontaneous paintings. My Dad painted "naïf", though he didn't mean to, and I still have a couple of his scenes of Hyannis on my walls. He loved oils and later, photography, and did both quite well.
    PHOEBE, JACKIE's imagination is better than mine; I'm still curious about your trip to Pegosa Springs!
    Well, dinner time again. I wonder if I could try vegan Mondays. I really must get down to a comfortable weight again. I feel like a blimp!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,405 Member
    Just have to tell Shirley how beautiful her grandson is, we are lucky grandmas aren't we?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Is sacs is so adorable. We are having a new great grand baby next January.. These grand kids are keeping me in supplies of babies. Hope they don,t have more than they can handle. . Just thought I would drop in early this morning
    Have a great day all of you Sneakers

    <3 Marie.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Shirley, issac has bonnie kissing cheeks! He is growing so fast!
    Marie, you make the day feel right by checking in with us here. THANK YOU!
    im still doing ok about to strip the bed and also do some mending. Im waiting for a call from Jims' dr office, supposed to have called back Yesterday! So i carry my phone thru the house and yard.
    ook, grumpy is going now.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    Enjoyed a morning swim at the local leisure centre and have been waiting for the skies to clear after a wild night of high winds and plenty of rain. OK Mother Nature, the onions are well watered thank you so you can stop now!! I'm on a fasting day having started with only a small banana for breakfast but the hunger demons are on my shoulder so am doing my best to keep busy and not think about naughty food. Steamed veggies for supper and 2 cups of tea still to go but I'm holding out as long as possible! My Avast did find a virus that was slowing down Chrome and seems to have affected it so that I can't log on to several sites including MFP so I've uninstalled and am currently using Explorer until I decide to either re-install Chrome or go on to something else. I can never understand what pleasure these hackers can possibly get when they can't actually see my frustration. They must just have very destructive personalities and do it because they can similar to any mindless vandal. OK, rant over!!

    Marie ~ Lovely to see you checking in with us. Enjoy your sunshine.

    Anne ~ You may know that G-plan is now very popular as retro furniture for those who weren't around when it was first introduced. I love the lines in the design and would probably snap something suitable up if I saw it even if it was costly. Tabitha Daisy looks very comfy and bonnie on your chair. Ercol is also re-appearing when a few years ago you couldn't give it away.... lovely solid furniture.

    Sandy ~ Wonderful that your hummingbird has returned. Where does it go in the winter months.... south I assume? I'm in agreement with Buzz that if you take your granddaughter out for a meal there's no clearing up after so sounds ideal to me!

    Buzz ~ Whatever that donkey's backside is MFP don't seem to like it so it's still eluding me!! You might have to email me. LOL If vegan food kept your calories low for a day it might be a good way of semi-fasting to get your metabolism working hard so well worth a consideration. When I've drunk those 2 cups of tea due me I'll still have approximately 175 calories to use up with steamed veggies so think that will be a good portion size. I might even be in a position to grate a tiny amount of cheese on top.... bliss!!!

    Time to feed the hens their evening meal of corn and then put the kettle on for one of those cups of tea.


    P.S Phoebe ~ Just the sort of thing I do when waiting for an important phone call and then they usually ring just as I sit on the loo!! Hoping it's good news, whatever!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    He IS a bonnie wee baby SHIRLEY and so is Robby SANDY, and yes, we ARE lucky to all have such beautiful grand children and greats too MARIE! Hi, good morning to YOU, your family IS expanding and happy congratulations for your new year arrival.
    PHOEBE, you appear to have made such a wonderful recovery from the op. Amazing really. VERY pleased for you! I hope the rose is now arrived!
    I had to smile at BUZZ and her first husband pelting the table with paint and creating a masterpiece! Says it all as far as I'm concerned to be honest. Reminds me of me and my new husband at twenty placing the newly iced Christmas cake on a table and pelting it with silver balls and snowmen and holly because we got bored taking our time, and pelting it was so much more fun! I suppose it DID look like a Pollock painting as well if HE'D been old enough at that time to become famous and known! Oh to be young again! Actually I'm thinking of having another go at "painting" this afternoon but I'm afraid being the boring conservative that I am, just another go at JACKIES bluebell wood. Maybe try to make my effort less stilted this time!
    Lunch and my innards beckon.
    Bye everybody, Anne.
    Just read your post JACKIE. I'm so glad Ercol is coming back. Mines solid Beechwood. 2 chairs, sofa and a coffee table. Very expensive in my youth, I bought it on the "never never"! Same with G Plan. That's my bedroom furniture. The Ercol looks actually better in the back room than my present living room stuff, and my younger son who's hobby is woodworking wants it when I leave this mortal coil. He'll probably sand it down I expect.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneaker friends! A wet dewy day here in oregon. It smells great out. Moist, cool air filled with plant and wet dirt perfume. I have my gardening gloves and soiled gardening clothes ready for action. The furry assistants will be close at hand and John is trying to beat back the blackberry vines that threaten to cover everything. I saw an older truck going down the road with a blackberry vine waving in the breeze from under the side of the fender. If only the plants we deem desirable were as tenacious as blackberries.

    Anne: one of the wonderful things about art is the freedom to enjoy whatever expression style appeals to you. I am somewhat eclectic. I have some old cowboy paintings I inherited from my grandfather as well as some Victorian posters I found in an antique store. These hang next to my own abstract expression efforts. They all get along fine! I enjoy it all! So my friend, dive in and enjoy the great enjoyment of painting those blue flowers.

    Phoebe:Wow, lady, you are amazing. After recent knee surgery and changing sheets etc...I would still be whimpering around. I am proud of you, my friend! Strength and determination...wonderful attributes!

    Jackie: your fasting day sounds like a great way to keep the pounds away. I try that but am never able to keep the total calories that low. My husband says that he might just fall down dead on so few calories. I doubt that but he is sure of it. So my struggle to contain my appetite continues! You are my inspiration.

    Buzz: did you ever see the movie "Big Eyes?" Interesting! The 50s had an amazing energy and important from an historical point of view but...honestly...I was never impressed by this artistic cliche even if it was considered " camp."

    On to my herb garden! Speriment, Rosemary, basil, oregano etc!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello Ladies,

    I guess we have lost Bob for awhile, I hope all is well with him and his wife.

    Today was my chiropractic apt., my monthly check up on my back. The other thing I am experiencing is TMJ again. I had it
    when we were in Jamaica last year and so far no reoccurence until lately. My chiro just took a workshop on TMJ so she
    will do some treatment on it next Tuesday. The soreness isn't too bad, but the clicking when I eat is driving me nuts!I
    I asked my dentist if I could get a mouth guard for night time and he thinks I should be mindful of my clenching jaw.
    Well guess what, its not working! I will talk to him again on my next apt.

    Phoebe- You seem to be recovering very well. I hope you continue healing well.
    Patsy - Good luck with the Yoga, let me know how you are doing.

    Tomorrow is my visit to see Isaac, can't wait to hold him. I will be taking more pictures. ;)

    Have a good day!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thank you, yes, today is the best day yet. Shirley, what in the world does being mindful mean? If it means aware, I was aware of my knee pain, but I still wanted it Gone! Yes please, more photos.
    Anne, the rose arrived today. Looks healthy, hope it will stay that way. I plan to scan the tag and post the photo here. I haven't tackled the stairs yet, tomorrow or Thursday. That's where I have my computer and equipment. I checked the soil today, removed some roots, it will be easy to till and mix in the garden soil I bought. Hopefully that will be tomorrow s job.
    Still laundering bedclothes and cleaning a large area rug. At least I'm getting a few things done.
    Jackie, I'd cave if I had gone swimming on a fast day. Water, as in swimming in it, makes me so Hungry! That's my excuse!
    Have a fine evening
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BLUEBELLS, probably my favourite wild flower. ANNE.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Mike was supposed to be interviewed today by our local NBC TV Channel about his trip on the Honor Flight last autumn. But the station cancelled it, so we attended a lecture on retaining memory, instead. Although we've heard most of the tips before, we were quite impressed with how much is offered here, and Mike actually went up to the speaker afterwards to find out what kind of help he is qualified for! It is perhaps his first acceptance of needing some sort of help! Hallelujah! People have mentioned he seems calmer lately, and I believe the new medication has some effect on him!
    JACKIE, watch for your email! And I hope your weather quiets down.
    PHOEBE, exactly how was your knee rescued? You and Sandy have been amazing with recoveries That make my fear ridiculous. My right knee is bone on bone! I hate the idea of getting a motorized scooter!
    SHIRLEY, LIN, PATSY, ANNE, and everybody my closing eyes preclude, sleep well tonight. My sleep will be lulled by the rain that just started pouring outdoors!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2015
    The sun has returned so hopefully the temperature will rise above 11c today!! On the scales this morning to see I've lost 3 lbs after my fasting day so it was worth going to bed feeling hungry. For those of you thinking you couldn't do it, it's just a case of mind over matter so every time I went near the kitchen and felt tempted to break the fast I drank a glass of water and walked away. The good thing with it is I can fantasize about what I'll eat the following day but when it arrives that feeling has gone so I keep to healthy options. Last night it was fish and chips, cheese on toast with a fried egg or a large bowl of pasta but in reality it will be avocado salad!!

    Anne ~ Funny you should mention your son's interest in your Ercol furniture because when looking through this week's auction sites the other day I came upon this picture and am convinced it's a stripped Ercol unit. What do you think?

    Buzz ~ So even Florida is getting some rain! Don't worry, I'm thinking your table was the artist's name with a 'B', a word we use for a dog rather than donkey when describing someone who thinks they're better than the rest!! LOL I'd be fascinated to learn more about the lecture on retaining memory, something I find so frustrating when I forget where things have been put and tell myself to concentrate, concentrate!! Of course I then forget to concentrate!

    Patsy ~ I'll join you in the garden later, especially aongst the herbs as I love to brush past them to get the scent wafting up to my nose! At the allotment garden I share with my neighbour we have a large dill plant that's growing in the wrong place and taking over but we both love the smell as we touch it because it's close to a path so haven't had the heart to dig it up!

    Still using Explorer and struggling until I get Chrome or A-another downloaded so will stop now before this post disappears. Good morning to everyone I missed... I'll try to pop back later having got myself another search engine.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, can't sleep so had a peep in the forum and there you are. I had some idea of what BUZZ meant!
    I'm not sure if your photo is Ercol, I tend to think not. Seems a little too ornate, but then, what do I know, and it could be later than my stuff, which I think was new on the market at the time. I hate boring everyone with photos, so for a last time, my living room and different view of chair with Ercol side table in the far corner, and then back to bed! ANNE.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not boring Anne, it's great to see how the other half lives!! My mum bought Ercol furniture in the mid 60's very similar to the unit I posted but then I'm sure they had a variety of styles whereas G-plan is iconic and so easy to spot.

    Not getting much done but have at least downloaded Mozilla Firefox and will see how I get on with that. Also running yet another virus check just in case it's still lurking!

    Now off my backside to purchase bags of compost to pot on some veggies in the greenhouse.... such an exciting life!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    JACKIE, I bought my stuff in 1957, and newly married. One way to spot Ercol, screws, nails etc were never used. What makes me wonder is the ornate carved end pieces on the dresser top piece in your photo. I've had a good look under my stuff but can't find an identifying mark. I believe Ercol is still in business, so maybe you could find out from them? It was terribly expensive in 1957. The four pieces cost me £250 in those days. Took me 6 months on the "never never". A lot of money for an accounting and wages clerk at Joseph Rank Ltd, flour mills, and seeing you once worked in television, Joseph was the brother of James Rank who made all those lovely British films. I met him once, when he visited the office, but alas, didn't get "discovered". LOL! Some of the office girls hoped and came to work all dolled up in fifties "new look" on THAT day.
    P.S. I've found it under Ercol Originals, and there's a picture of my sofa, only red upholstery!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ It might be that the top doesn't belong to the sideboard but someone has tried to make it look the same by stripping both in order to sell on. Certainly the sliding catch at the front looks the same as on my mum's which she too paid a fortune for so when my parents split in the late 60's it went with her along with the table and 4 chairs so when I came home from work that day I found my dad, brother and I had to sit on the sofa to eat, quite a decadent thing to do back then!! LOL

    Off to make a cheese omlette with salad and coleslaw... yummy and will sit on the sofa to watch Andy Murrey playing his match at the French open.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh dear it's me again! I agree about the top applied later because the fastening on the cupboards DOES look authentic! Shall you buy if it's the case? I think I would after what I've just read! It said on "Ercol Originals" they are bringing the Fifties styles BACK and showed my chairs and "studio couch" and they are going to be displayed at World Expo 2015 in Milan! They were shown in a show room but painted white. I would never paint my beech wood! I can't believe it, I'm in fashion again? After I was going to ditch them a few years back until Mark said he would lynch me if I did! The webbing is a bit slack so Mike is going to see if we can still purchase fresh.
    That was a sad little tale JACKIE. Sounds like me years later except I was left at home in Quebec with the boys AND the furniture since I bought it. However, no car in a Quebec winter! I am so sorry love for you AND us at that time, but like us, not ANYMORE. We all of us took off didn't we! Derek's grandad has no idea what a super young man he missed out on. My BA!
    Just thought, if genuine, the Ercol site said look for a label fixed with two small pins underneath. Mines long gone which isn't surprising after numerous moves AND crossing the Atlantic.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings sneakers! Great day planned here, I am in the dirt all day. I am feeling overwhelmed at the work involved in maintaining all this property. I could go on and on about the things that really need to be attended to. The issue is this...we either need to downsize and move to a smaller place or hire some help on various tasks. My husband is dealing with the fact that for years he has enjoyed being our repair and maintenance man. He loves doing it. But he really can't keep up with it all currently. There are people locally who do this but I fear this has turned into a male pride thing. He says he doesn't trust strangers coming in to work on our property. This is the conundrum of aging, isn't it? In our minds we have no gray hair and our muscles are strong and we have unending endurance! In reality....

    Anne and Jackie: what fun to trace your furniture designers. It shows you both have a great sense of design and style. It takes that to recognize classic elements of design. Anne, your home looks so wonderfully well kept and comfortable. I must confess to being burdened with piles of brick-a-brack, do-dads and what-nots! It is part of my messy life. Junk is everywhere.

    Thanks for sharing your life with us, dear sneakers friend. We are all getting very well acquainted, aren't we?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,405 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Been very busy with my granddaughter and after taking her to to airport today, I went to the pool. Now it is time to get ready for bingo. Will check in tomorrow.
    This is me with my two granddaughters.