Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Hello friends. Did some cooking, listened to a conference call, walking, made some lunch and promptly got intense intestinal problems. Don't now what I ran into but it seems to been lunch-related. Tired, weak, sick of looking at the walls in my bathroom.....and no, I don't think it's a virus.

    Hope tomorrow is not a repeat of today. And yes, it is difficult to get your walking in with those issues. Glad I had a lot of it completed before then.

    Going to sip tea. Hugs to all. And I'll probably go to bed early tonight.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh LIN, nasty! Hope you are better come morning. I'm off to bed early too. Me, just sleepy after a day inside listening to the freezing rain hitting the windows. Spring the sweet spring ! Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Jacean – Good to be back – not that exile for another month would have been bad. As for the sirens call – wee did get together a few times in week #2. I hope you are right about “spring” being in the air. I know when I left we were on track to beat the record set in 1934 with an average Feb temp of 11.8 degrees F . I do love the Caribbean weather – but couldn’t live there. When you go behind the scenes and look at it from a native perspective – it is still a 3rd world environment for many.
    Lin – Thanks for the “welcome home”. It’s amazing how quickly the time passed. We were very active at each port. One favorite excursion was on St. Martin…we attended a 3 hour lab “course” and were able to choose from over 300 oils to design our own fragrance.
    If I had not researched before going, I might not have selected it, but the reviews were all excellent. It was a unique experience. I now wear my own signature cologne…I named it “ADDICTED” (I was actually thinking of the Robert Palmer song) LOL

    As for “weight” – I am glad not to be around high-calorie food available 24/7 with no limitations. In one presentation someone asked about calorie counts on the food – everyone laughed when the ships officer said – you don’t want to know.

    Buzz – thanks for the compliment and as you can see from the above, it was a wonderful time. Glad to be back to my routine. Again – the 1st week wasn’t bad…but week #2 – was more challenging.

    Jackie - I did take a lot of photos and have enjoyed educating myself about composition, lighting, bracketing, aperture / shutter speeds etc. over the years. I always tell people that I take both “snap-shots” and “photographs” (when lighting is most important and editing can take hours – eg. a wedding). As for those “glorious blue azure skies” – they required no editing – just gorgeous! The gym and food was great.

    Shirley – Hope you are having a great time on your cruise. I can’t wait to see some photos. Wishing you the best with regards to weather .

    Time now to get ready for “Person of Interest.”
    Bob B)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome back Bob. Miss all of your Breakfast. eat a lot of fruit. I have increase mine. made a big bowl of fruit salad and enjoy a cup of them after Dinner.Very satisfying.

    Shirley, Hope they got your pipes fixed. I don't recalled reading a post from you.
    Is Jeri off on another trip.?
    Lin how are you.Well we are in for another round of ice. coming in tomorrow. dang WE went to walmart today and the store was packed.
    Buzz Lovely one.You are enjoying your life. You and Mike seems to have weather the worst. I can remember Mike playing tennis. he probable thinks he still can.Take care.

    Sandy. Hey we missed you. Enjoy your trip will you be back this weekend?
    <3 Marie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm currently on my knees typing because my laptop suddenly decided it couldn't recharge its battery through the normal channels so is now placed on a chair that's closest to another socket and after some persuasion is showing a charge in progress. Knowing it's not good for my knees I'll get off the floor, sit outside in the sunshine with a fresh brew of coffee and return later.

    BUZZ ~ .... and we think we speak the same language!! LOL No lies required!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, I'm so glad you remarked "and we think we speak the same language". I can't tell you how many times I've got into trouble with my use of English in Canada. I'll say something and I have to be so careful because it's taken quite literally over here. A bit like when I said my daughter in law "threw" a pile of books at me, earlier. However hard I try my old usage seems ingrained in me. So if I offend anyone on this forum, let me know! I'm a slow learner, obviously, after 42 years!
    BOB, I don't think I would be able to take the Caribbean for more than a couple of weeks either. The furthest South I've been is Florida, spending most vacations in the maritimes, British columbia, Great Britain, the Shenandoah valley, and the eastern United States. Iceland the land of fire and ice appeals to me. Must have a bit of the old Viking in my DNA! Well, I've got the slightly curved pinkie finger which is supposed to be a sign, and, it isn't arthritis lol. I don't like the humid July and August here. Definitely a spring and fall person. You resisted the desserts but I'm still dreaming of that creme brûlée I had last Sunday. I guess once every 6 months won't hurt!
    Morning MARIE and all sneakers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh-er, a red strip above the box to type into has appeared stating "Body is required". Has that always been there and I just happened to not notice? This afternoon I've spent time in my garden tidying up and pruning in glorious sunshine. A fleece jacket was required to keep the cool wind out but generally a delightful few hours.

    Bob ~ The perfume experience looks amazing and something I'd love if I ever travelled that far south. In some photos posted by Trip Advisor contributors it does rather look as if wine of even champagne is on offer rather than perfume as noses drift over the glasses checking for aroma!! Like Anne I'd prefer to cruise to the frozen north in the hopes of seeing Polar bears, whales and penguins before sadly they all disappear amongst the melting icecaps. Photography in a purely amateur way has been a hobby of mine since about 10 years old so agree it's so important to understand surrounding light and what can be done with it but since 35 mm film was overtaken by digital I've not invested in a good enough camera to come up with the sort of results you do.

    Anne ~ When I lived in Toronto a Latvian boyfriend used to regularly give me a blank look at some of the things I'd come out with until I educated him in our English language and humour. I'll always remember going to a play in the theatre near the train station to see Jimmy Edwards and Eric Sykes and falling into the isle with laughter while the rest of the audience sat in silence, including my boyfriend.... if I wasn't laughing so much I'd have been embarrassed!! The great thing about our Canadian sneakers Gayla, Shirley and Jeri is that they always do get it!! LOL

    Time for me to take George on his evening pee break trot up the road so I'll wish everyone a fond hello and get us both out.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello, it is me again! I am having a war with this iPad. I think I need to do something like restart it but golly, i am barely computer literate. I'll leave it alone until some elementary school kid can rescue me. Truly!

    Welcome back Bob! Hubby just gave me a pentax K-5. Holy cow the manual is literally an inch thick. I am sort of scared of it. Hope to take a few little photo op trips soon. I am a snapshot person with a photographers camera.

    Lin I understand what you are going through. I occasionally get sick when we eat out. It is like some errant bug sneaks into my food and I am down for the count. I go on the recomended BART diet for food poisoning for a couple of days.

    Anne I love your expressions in your posts. You are like a real live friend that speaks like some of my favorite english TV programs. I must admit some of the expressions of today's young people are funny and I get a real giggle out of them. (But not all of them!)

    We had a really cold night but the sun is out today and it should be a nice day. Looking around outside I see so much to do it is maddening. Still too cold to do much. Yet it isn't raining soooo I might just see what can be done in the flower garden. I didn't get that cleaned out properly last fall.

    Stay warm sneakers. This is the time of year we are all just plain crazy with yearning for the warm days of spring and summer. Then I'll begin complaining of the dryness and the heat. There is no pleasing me.

    But I am pleased to be a member of the golden sneakers. Thanks for including me.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, I so wish I'd seen Jimmy Edwards and Eric Sykes with you! They were so very funny. Do you also remember Tony Hancock and especially his blood clinic farce? The one where he makes such a fuss about the first pin prick, and ends up getting his own blood pumped back into him after an accident on the way home. Those were the days!
    PATSY, thank you, although it's just the way I talk I guess! I love your posts too and your garden descriptions. One of my great loves is flowers. I even see people as flowers! For instance, as I can't see you in person, and can't make a judgement, only on myself, well I'm a sort of shaggy chrysanthemum, especially when my hair was still sort of gingery. I know,.......I'm one weird ex English woman, sigh.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We are on Day 4 of no running water, thank the Lord for our neighbor letting us use his water.
    We will have to settle up with him his bill.
    At least we can shower, do dishes and I did some laundry. Not vacation but winter clothes.

    The Town will be coming today and they have sprayed the snow where they are to fix the problem. They are supposed to come between 2-3 today. Fingers crossed.

    We had freezing rain last night and our driveway was like a skating rink. The temperatures are supposed to get warmer. I did go to Yoga class this morning and it was a challenge driving there and back.

    We are getting back to normal somewhat with meals and getting back on track. I am leaving weigh in until Friday my usual day.

    I hope everyone is surviving this weather at least Bob, Sandy and myself got a reprieve from it.
    Now from flip flops to boots again. :p

    Talked to my daughter Kathy yesterday and the baby is now 7 l bs so if she goes early things look good. The ultra sound tech said the baby is chubby. :D She is due April 6th.
    Getting excited. :D

    Have a great day!

    Ontario, Canada (freezing rain last night)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hugs to Lin, feel better soon. Cold in north Texas!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello friends - I'm back on my feet and I've sent an information form to the company of the new vinegar I tried. I suspect the vinegar may be a grain-based vinegar which is not suitable for someone with celiac. Some banana, some potato waffles, tea last evening and a rocky start to the day but doing well now and back on my normal routine. Thanks for the good wishes. I always get quite ill if I get a bit of gluten. I am thankful the reaction didn't last several days this time.

    Hi Phoebe - yes, I bet it is cold in North Texas.

    Marie - sorry you have more bad weather on the way. We have a cold day today and then we have been promised a warm-up for the next week or more.

    Shirley - oh my gosh, what you came back to! I hope everything gets fixed today. And thankfully you have had your neighbor to get you some water. Glad your daughter is doing so well.

    Patsy - thanks for the tip but I am fairly sure it is not food poisoning, just gluten. Congratulations on the new camera!! I hope you come to love it! Don't be intimidated. Just take your time to learn about it right?

    Anne - I love the way you and Jackie write. I understand what you're saying most of the time but love to pull your leg just a bit!

    Jackie - I am with you on the camera issue. I had a lovely camera and adored taking pictures with my film camera. I did a few weddings, engagement pictures, entered photo shows and was lucky enough to have some hung in various shows and won a couple of prizes. Then the world went digital and I never purchased a new camera. I love everyone's pictures!! And I thank you all for posting......!!

    Bob - Oh what fun!! Custom perfume! Lovely. Eons ago I took a vacation to the French side of St. Martin and it was very relaxing and the markets so colorful and exotic. I think I was there just over a week and never did get all that happy with the tiny green lizards crawling all over everything! But the water was beautiful, the sky clear and the beach beautiful. Ah. I don't think I've ever been on a 2-week vacation. Glad you're back!!!

    Phyllis - wahoo. A new grandbaby. I hope all goes well and you have a wonderful stay with your daughter and we sure to let us know (if you have time to post before you leave).

    Jeri - so you are going to Maui? How wonderful.......! How long are you staying? Do you have everything arranged? Hope you and all your family are feeling well.

    Buzz - hello hello. Yes, I love the veggies and fruits I bring home. Here in the Midwest getting good produce during the winter months is quite difficult. It usually requires either forgetting about certain items or going to multiple stores to try to get what you're looking for. Since that's pretty much all I eat I prefer to pamper myself and hunt for lots of colorful, tasty and nutritious items. Wishing you well and hope to hear from you soon.

    Barbie - hello, we've missed you but I am sure you are very busy. Your schedule is packed each day with healthy, active minutes and hours. Wonderful!

    Diane, Gayla, Maddie, Karen, and everyone I've missed. Hugs. I hope your life is a bit healthier each day. That's my goal---!!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, be sure to carry on pulling my leg, I love it! Glad you are feeling back to your usual self. These allergic reactions are miserable. ANNE (or Anzie baby as a certain Canuck used to call me, lol.)
    SHIRLEY so sorry for your woes and hope all is now fixed. I was woken up by the contractors clearing my drive for the 10th time since Christmas, and found the electricity gone, since repaired and not near as bad as you've got it. ANNE
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello hello Bob know you eat a lot of fruit at Breakfast but what do you eat for lunch and dinner?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hugs to Lin, feel better soon. Cold in north Texas!

    cold in Central Texas too. Snow coming tonight.Better get out of Texas. Phoebe.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Just popped in after playing with photos and will post more later - after I read all posts. In the meantime let me bore you with a vacation video I just uploaded...Bob :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2015
    FABULOUS video Bob! Thank you, I now feel I've had my own touch of warm sun and seas.

    Lin ~ Good to see you are feeling better and thank goodness you seem to know what's happening and can find some relief. My old Pentax is still in a box under the spare bed but of course it's not that easy to get film processed even if I did revert back, not in a small Cornish town anyway!

    Anne ~ The oldies were the best when it came to comedy and yes, Tony Hancock was hilarious and our Sundays were taken up with listening to his 'Half hour', the Navy Lark and Beyond our Ken on the BBC light programme. With the latter, being in my early teens I'm not sure I always knew what I was laughing at! Oh yes, then there was the Goon show.... the list seems endless.

    Shirley ~ Goodness me, it must be cold if you are still frozen up after 4 days and there was me thinking Canadians never had problems with frozen pipes!

    Phoebe ~ Take care.

    Marie ~ Snow in Texas during March has to be unusual surely??

    Another sunny day in Cornwall and although we had frost this morning the temperature is now rising so I'm off out with George to make the most of it.

    Have a lovely day everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Morning all -

    LOVE the post Bob. I think I could watch that all day........

    Jackie - hope you're enjoying your day. It is cold here today and sunny but next week, ah next week, dare I say it.....they are saying maybe 60 degrees at some point! I am so excited.

    Marie - oh my gosh. I am so sorry you guys got hammered again with horrible weather. Stay indoors!

    Phoebe - did you get out of Texas?

    Anne - good morning.

    Shirley - did they get the water to your home fixed?

    Time to zip along to the grocery store, have some cooking to do, walking, and have two online conference calls I'd like to listen to today. Hugs and best wishes to all.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015

    Well still have no water. My poor husband when he shuts the nozzles off from us to the neighbor it freezes and he has to take the blow dryer to heat things up so we can get water in the hoses. It is a bloody mess! The Town was supposed to come yesterday between 2-3 but called and they had a
    main water break again and couldn't come until this morning between 7:30am and 8am. Well they
    called this morning and said they can't come until this afternoon. REALLY?
    Apparently a house they were thawing, they had to dig up the street so it will take longer.

    Dave just got the water going again so I can take my shower. I have to go and get my license,
    license plates, and my health card all renewed today.

    The saga continues.

    LIN - I didn't know that you were sick, I am sorry your celiac is causing you distress. I am glad you are on the mend again.
    JERI - When is the big trip to Hawaii. You lucky dog!
    BOB- Nice to come home so you can get a better handle of the calories. Cruises are brutal with all the food you can eat. Also such fun! I will check out the video.

    Hello to Marie, Buzz, Phyllis (grandbaby) Barbie, Oystereyes, Phoebe, Jackie, Anne and whomever
    I forgot.

    Ontario, Canada (frozen North with no water)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Bob - Really enjoyed your video. You captured it all! It took me back to our Alaskan Cruise on Norweigan many years ago when my daughter worked on the cruise line. Looks like you had a fabulous trip.
