Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello sneakers! Bright and sunny but still cold, until the weekend, and then like LIN, so excited! Morning LIN. JACKIE, how absolutely brutal for you. It said on the news this morning if the Montreal region can get frozen pipes fixed and water delivered pretty quickly, what is wrong with our regions system. Some of those poor folks on top of high rises in Toronto have been without for days and days. One couple was shown on the TV carrying buckets of SNOW up to the top floor to put in the bath tub for toilet flushing! JACKIE my very earliest memory of UK comedy, apart from Itma, was Arthur Askey. I loved that song he used to sing when I was little, "oh what a glorious thing to be, a happy, healthy, buzzy little bee!" Enjoy your walk with the awakening buzzy buzzy bees!
    BOB, I guess you will be taking off again next winter! and who can blame you! MARIE, good morning, hope Texas is a little warmer today. Have a good day EVERYBODY!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BOB just had another look at your video, what a wonderful keepsake!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We have WATER, YA WHOO!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Wonderful Shirley!! <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY, I'm so very pleased you and Dave have got the water back. Such a relief! ANNE
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello All,

    I been way too busy and not feeling the greatest on top of it all. Sore foot again and sciatic pain which is definitely impacting my sleep. Had fun though with the grands this afternoon.


    The photo was taken at our dd's place. So typical of a house with 8 kids - laundry piled up in the background. Boy does she have laundry.

    Bob - sounds like a wonderful trip and I enjoyed your video.

    Shirley -- water ---- wonderful water. We don't go to Hawaii until April. I can hardly wait though.

    I'm actually reading a real book tonight - JA Jance - Moving Target. Pretty good but I find my vision isn't as good as it once was and I like the audible version better.

    Have a great evening.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    It looks like you were having fun!! Thanks for posting the picture and sorry you are not feeling better..............
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Options is me, Patsy! We had a nice mild sunny day today. In fact we are to have 5 or 6 of them in a row!! Not sure if that promise holds up but that sounds too wonderful. The re-grouting in the bathroom is done and we are back in business. On to spring clean up next.

    As our political climate becomes really interesting, I find I become a real news hound. I love it all. I read everything and listen to all the speeches and opinion pieces. I am a devoted fan of PBS programs especially Charlie Rose. What would we do without PBS?

    Watched a fascinating movie called "Whiplash " and it is incredibly well done. Very intense, I recommend it highly. It is dramatic and riveting. You'll not soon forget this movie, I promise. name is Patsy. I am a Texan that married a "Yankee" school teacher. We have lived in Colorado, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Oregon during our years as teachers. Loved every single place we lived/taught in. Sadly, I lost my Texas/southern drawl. My relatives can hardly understand me, y'all!
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello to all of my Sneaker friends on the other side of the country.... I feel so privileged to be living in a warmer climate than most of you. By now with all of the snow you have had to endure I can understand why you are anxious for spring to arrive. I am sure I would feel the same way also. Camellias, azaleas, daffodils and tulips, plus blossoming trees are appearing in the neighborhoods now. Not too far from my allergy season I am afraid. :(

    No really cold weather here fortunately. When they say we might get some rain here it doesn't come to our area. This is the 4th yr with drought conditions. Many neighbors are pulling out lawns and putting scrubs or even artificial lawns in, plus lots of rock and bark. We had a landscaper here the other day to prune our 4 trees and clean up the yards. His estimate was way more than what we wanted to pay for other work to get done, so we are holding back on the yard projects. Meanwhile I decided to do the creek path in the front yard moving lots of rock. What a job that was ! Happy with the results and saved us a chunk of money if they had done it.

    Thanks for sharing the cruise photos Bob and Shirley. Knowing me trying to keep control of my eating while on a cruise would be very hard especially having to deal with my sweet tooth. You did well Bob and by the way you have every reason to be very proud of what all you have accomplished on your wt journey. Another great role model in our group. Love the beach picture Shirley. I am so wanting take a trip to some island somewhere. I want the warmth and my dh wants the cold weather...yes this is nothing knew...LOL

    Hope you are feeling better Lin and glad to see the water is running again Shirley. And I too love our british members..... brings me back to my grandmother who was from England. As a child never really paid much attention to her british accent. Funny how I had to move to Canada where I had a british roommate; that was when I realized how british my grandmother really sounded. After experiencing Downton Abbey all I want to do is watch BBC shows when I can find them. Sad the season is over and we have to wait another 9 months.

    Well I need to call it a night. Hello to all of the Sneakers I haven't mentioned tonight. You are all on my mind as well. Hugs...

    Stay warm and dry.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning Sneakers, today is my busy day. The good news is.... Wait for it ..... We are to climb to 48 deg F by the end of next week ! So instead of mushing through the slush, the sleet and snow, we probably will be having a good moan about "paddling our own canoes" when this lot melts! I can't wait to see if any of the snowdrops have survived under the mounds of white stuff. Which brings me to say how much I thoroughly enjoy the gardening comments. Please keep them coming! I can't wait to get the old finger nails ingrained with earth. Can't stand gardening gloves. I love gardens so much I really should be on the west coast with you girls, and that goes for JACKIE too on the west coast across the pond.
    Being on this forum makes me realize just how alike we all are despite language nuances. We all love our pets, Honey and her trucking with PHOEBE, BARBIE out for walkies with her pooches, George and JACKIE, although I think maybe JACKIE is unique with the chickens. etc. We all deal with various aches and pains and even enjoy many of the same TV programs, and fall by the wayside with creme brûlée.
    I find it all very reassuring.
    Well, must dash. Cold but glorious sunshine today, the icicles are actually dripping.
    Cheers, ANNE.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Guess it will take into next week (tax accountant etc.) to catch up on some things.

    Jackie and Lin – I sorta threw the video together for those times I want a quick “memories” break.

    Shirley & Diane – you are right about the calories on a cruise. Being good is easy at first – but like I said after 5 days or so….it’s a slippery slope. Easy to gain a pound daily when you go from 1000-1400 calorie range to 3-4000 range. I mean – I must have eaten 300 calories a day of super-healthy fresh pineapple alone – then add in regular full meals with dessert and….yikes!

    I’ll be recording my official weigh-in Monday and expect to be up 3 or 4 pounds from pre-cruise weight. But it was a planned event with a gain a no-brainer. I have been very good since our return and no temptations. I could probably break-even – but today is Friday and I want that small piece of fried fish for Lent – what an excuse…but I love it and ate a Spartan (under 100 calorie) breakfast. Shirley - How was that Alaskan cruise? I know my wife would like to do it, but it is so far…we’ll see…I never say never.

    Anne & Jeri – I’m not sure what will be planned for next winter – but YES – something will happen that will warm the bones for a couple weeks.

    Plantar fasciitis is bad right now and no way I can walk a treadmill for a few days at least (1st miss since returning); will need to re-work what I do for exercise for a month or so.

    Time to get back to some “have-to” things.

    Enjoy the day! Bob :D
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just got back from Yoga class and took my shower as usual with no stress about water. When I got to Yoga and parked my car I noticed the same front loader and trucks that were at my house yesterday. It is all over our area with frozen pipes this winter. They did dig up our front lawn but will come to fix it in the Spring whenever that comes. At least we change the clocks ahead and get more light at night. :D We also have to leave a trickle of water going they said until May. The town is supposed to call us and let us know when to turn it off. They will also adjust our bill.

    Bob- We loved the Alaskan cruise. Since our daughter was working on the ship we did get a break on the field trips off the boat. She was also watching our bar bill that it didn't get too high. (So funny) We would definitely recommend it, we caught the boat in Seattle, Washington. It was nice to see Seattle too because we were never there before. We saw eagles like they were sparrows, so many of them 14 at one time. The humming birds were much larger than here. We also took a trip to see how crabs were caught and had a meal of that too. We went during the Month of May and one trip to see the glaciers was very cold. I would recommend it.

    I got on the scale this morning and gained 4.2 lbs vacation weight. I did lose 8 lbs before I left so I do have some work to do. My goal is to be 160 by the summer. That is my first goal.

    Enjoy the day

    sunny here but cold
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have sunny weather and all the winter dirt is showing up on the windows! I will have to start washing off the winter grime. Our amazing Mazzy, the sheepdog can open the French doors to the deck if they are not locked. This requires using her teeth somehow and a great amount of doggie slobber! Those doors are disgraceful looking. They are first on my cleaning task list.

    The deer are constantly eating the rose bushes and again they are just disgraceful looking woody stubs most of the time. We decided to call it quits on the roses. We will be pulling them and replacing with some plants that are not on the deer's menu. What? Not sure!

    MoMo, the older sheepdog, is now interested in the neighbors chickens. Not good! This requires constant attention until the new fence is complete. Upkeep on homes and grounds out in the country isn't as easy as it might look. There is always something that has fallen down, blown over, or wearing out. We need to adopt a young repair man. We have enough work to keep him/her busy for a lifetime.

    I have almost lost the weight I gained in a fairly recent backslide. No excuse like a vacation or cruise, just plain eating too much and not keeping track.

    Daylight saving time on Sunday...I don't know...I can never see how that solves or helps anything. It always takes me days to get adjusted. The dogs take even longer. One of them, Mazzy, can tell time and she tells us that she wants her dinner at the regular time! So do I!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi everyone - oh my gosh. It is sunny today and warm enough that a bit of the snow is melting. Looking forward to more of this next week (which reminds me I'd better check my supply of windshield wiper fluid).

    Patsy - I am not a fan of daylight savings time. It seems to take me weeks to adjust! My sleep patterns are not so great anyway but this makes it worse!

    Shirley - goodness sakes, you have to keep the water dribbling out of a faucet until May. Yipes!

    Diane - Hi, I know you have a very different issue with that ongoing drought. I'm sorry the estimates for change in your landscaping were so pricey. That happens here as well. Which is probably why I have nothing but a front yard foundation planting and hire tree trimmers every few years.

    Bob - I am so sorry for the plantar fasciitis. Is this a flare of a prior problem? I trust you will find something suitable at the gym while you recover. Rowing? Recumbent bike? I know you'll find something.

    Anne - we're slushing along with you and am happy for it except not being able to see out my car windows. Haaaaa.

    Marie - where are you my friend???

    I hope Sandy is having a great time!!

    Phyllis - how's baby watch going?

    Where's Gayla? I miss her.

    Best to Phoebe, Jackie, Buzz, Jeri, Karen, Laura, Maddie, Barbie, and all our other Sneakers!

    Lin in Central Iowa where the sun is out today..........yes!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN I'm with you!!! Glorious sunshine!!!! But daylight change time! Yuk. No one seems to like it so why isn't it scrapped? You were talking about your poor roses PATSY, I have no luck with them here, but I love the smell of roses and I've got a hankering for a rose perfume. LIN you are a fountain of knowledge. Can you name a good rose based perfume? Or any of you other gals? Feel like treating myself for spring before the Mosquitos arrive and I can't wear perfume because they eat me alive even without perfume.
    BOB I'm ignorant, is a plantar whatsit one of those things people get on their tootsies? It must be if you can't walk a treadmill. Horrid for you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Anne - I wore the same perfume for decades and most of the time didn't even know if I had it on as I'd burned out my nose for those scents. I only wear a bit of essential oil mixed with Argan oil now. Usually calming lavender so I'm sorry but I'm not an expert on perfumes. So many made me sneeze, others gave me a rash, and then I heard many of them had harmful ingredients so I opted out!!

    Best wishes. Do you feel up to Googling it?

    Oh yes---mosquitos. Argh!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Here's a list I found Anne

    True roses

    1. Annick Goutal Rose Absolue

    Annick Goutal was one of my "gateway" houses into perfume obsession, partially because it offers several rose-inspired fragrances. Rose Absolue is the most "true" rose of the group. It brings together essences of six different roses (May, Turkish, Bulgarian, Damascus, Egyptian, and Moroccan) into a radiant bouquet.

    2. Diptyque Eau Rose

    A more recent release from another French "niche" perfumery, Eau Rose is a delightfully uncomplicated sunny-day rose, pink and freshly picked, with hints of lemon and honey. Bonus: the pretty label design and packaging!

    3. Jo Malone Red Roses

    Jo Malone gained her original following by offering fragrances that smelled just like their names — an unusual idea at the time. Red Roses has always seemed to me more like a bouquet of florist roses than a bunch gathered in a garden. It's linear, with no surprises, and it feels lush yet cultivated.

    Nouveau roses

    4. Serge Lutens Sa Majesté La Rose

    This "queen of the flowers" is one of Serge Lutens's more accessible early fragrances, which is not to say that it's simplistic or cheap. Not at all: Sa Majesté La Rose subtly reveals the rose's varying aspects of brightness, softness, and sweetness. Beautifully crafted, and just plain beautiful.

    5. Diptyque L'Ombre dans L'Eau

    Diptyque was ahead of its time in 1983 when it combined a fresh rose accord with notes of green grass and tart black currant. L'Ombre dans L'Eau's evocation of a place and a mood (a riverside garden, a day shared by friends), its poetic name ("shadow in the water"), and its modernized Art Nouveau label design all add to its artisanal-chic appeal.

    6. Hermès Rose Ikebana

    This "Hermessence" is a minimalist fruity floral that brings together sheer rose, crisp grapefruit, tart rhubarb, and a very subtle vanilla.

    7. Stella McCartney Stella

    If you weren't shopping at high-end department stores or niche boutiques in the early 2000s, you might not have seen any rose fragrances at all. Stella McCartney changed that situation with Stella, an easy-to-wear citrus-rose-amber fragrance in a lovely purple bottle. It was a great commercial success, and thus it spawned dozens of imitators.

    Spicy roses

    8. Guerlain Nahéma

    Nahéma is a dramatic arrangement of overblown roses, spiced honey, ripe peaches, and mossy wood; it feels like a classic film with the color intensified and the volume turned up. Lush and elegant.

    9. Ormonde Jayne Ta'if

    Ormonde Jayne's Ta'if places its Damascus rose in a setting of saffron and pepper, dried fruit and resins. When I wear this fragrance, I feel as though I'm journeying across foreign lands, even though I'm just headed to the office or the corner-store.

    10. Le Labo Rose 31

    When Le Labo opened in 2006, its Rose 31 became a critics' darling in no time at all. Despite the name, this fragrance is more of a masculine spice-woods composition, heavy on the cumin, than a traditional rose scent; but it does include some rose, and it was named "Rose," so it changed many people's ideas of what a rose fragrance could be.

    11. The Different Company Rose Poivrée

    The Different Company took a risqué approach to rose, encircling it with an animalic civet note, some slightly sweaty cumin, and a dash of pepper. Naughty, yet civilized.

    Chypre roses

    12. Serge Lutens Rose de Nuit

    I don't wear many true chypres, just because they're not my style. However, I can appreciate the dark, untouchable beauty of Serge Lutens Rose de Nuit, and now that the former "exclusive" line is more widely available, I can recommend it without guilt.

    13. Guerlain Rose Barbare

    Even with the inclusion of some mossy "Guerlainade," Rose Barbare is a somewhat lighter, brighter take on the concept of a rose chypre. It's polished and dressy, but in a modern-classic way.

    Ladylike roses

    14. Yves Saint Laurent Paris

    A 1980s classic! This effervescent, fruity-sweet blend of roses and violets needs to be worn with magenta lipstick and heels. A little goes a long way.

    15. Les Parfums de Rosine La Rose de Rosine

    If you're looking for a dozen variations on the rose theme, Les Parfums de Rosine is the fragrance line for you. La Rose de Rosine, the brand's initial release from 1991, is a warm and feminine rose-violet composition with an Oriental drydown.

    16. Lush Imogen Rose

    Lush's Gorilla Perfumes concocts Imogen Rose from real rose absolute and rose oil and other natural ingredients (tonka, orris, vetivert). The result is a warm, powdery rose with a soft, woodsy base. Very long-lasting.

    Gourmand roses

    17. Rochas Tocade

    There are a few rose-and-vanilla perfumes worth trying, but Tocade has been around longer than the rest. It's fabulously fake, not at all discreet, and a perfume-lover's perfume. It's also very affordable.

    18. S-Perfume 100% Love

    Roses and chocolate are two of the biggest "romance" clichés, but S-Perfume brought them together in a fragrance that's anything but predictable. The rose is neon-pink, the chocolate is dark and cocoa-like, and a heaping of pulpy red fruit adds to the fun.

    Indie roses

    19. Aftelier Wild Roses

    In their own corner of the fragrance world, botanical perfumers like Mandy Aftel have never lost sight of the rose's endless potential. Wild Roses has a heart of true rose petals edged by spiced apricot and a swirl of incense.

    20. Sonoma Scent Studio Rose Volupté

    Sonoma Scent Studio has added several rose-inspired fragrances to its catalogue over the years. Rose Volupté is a reworking of the earlier Vintage Rose: it's a dusky, plummy rose surrounded by amber and woods. It's a perfect cold-weather rose.

    Luxe roses

    21. Frederic Malle Editions de Parfum Une Rose

    A sales associate in an upscale department store once regaled me with a tale of a member of a Middle Eastern royal family who spritzed Une Rose into the air, sniffed it, and ordered nine bottles for her various residences. The story may have been apocryphal, but it fits the fragrance. Une Rose is a lush, wine-like rose with a deep, root-y "truffle accord." If it were a flower, it would have thorns as well as velvety petals.

    22. Amouage Lyric Woman

    If money is really no object, you could indulge in this East-meets-West tapestry of rich, creamy rose and other florals (geranium, ylang ylang), spices (cardamom, cinnamon, etc.), frankincense, sandalwood, and many, many other notes captured in a deep red bottle. Lyric is complex and demands an emotional response. Its $300-plus price tag may evoke an entirely different set of emotions.

    Bargain roses

    23. Perfumer's Workshop Tea Rose

    Of course, an enjoyable rose fragrance doesn't have to cost a king's ransom. Tea Rose was popular in the 1980s and early 1990s, and it's still around, for less than $15. It can feel oddly prim and strident at the same time, but it's pretty, and it's worth giving a try if you're in the mood for a bit of nostalgia.

    24. Yves Rocher Rose Absolue

    We've certainly all grumbled over the high prices currently being charged for uninspired fruitchoulis and fleurmands at department stores these days. Yves Rocher's Rose Absolue was developed by the same perfumer who created 2000 et Une Rose / Mille et Une Roses for Lancôme, and it's a good-quality nouveau rose (ambery-sweet, with a dash of patchouli) at a bargain price.

    25. Crabtree & Evelyn Rosewater

    Crabtree & Evelyn's signature English-garden sensibility means that we've always been able to find one or two rose-based scents on its tidy shelves. Rosewater Eau de Toilette is a sheer, cheerful blend of rose with peonies and light leafy notes. It can even be paired with a full line of matching bath-and-body products. After all, rose happens to work beautifully as a scent for toiletries as well as perfume.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What a delightful read from all the sneakers. Sure miss Sandy tho.

    Jeri glad you are still here and not out on one of your trips. Sorry to hear you are not up to pare Get well soon. but you are cute as a bug in the photo with your grand kids

    Are you still on a gluten free plan. I had to go back to it for I went thru a terrible time with my guts. and knew I had to get back on it. that was 4 weeks ago. Within a couple days I have had no more Problems I found the gluteno English muffins that is just delightful. I used 1/2 for a small pizza, toast with cheese and etc. Pretty good with peanut butter too, Oh well I just love them I found them at Walmart in the freezer sections. I am also checking out the Greek yogurt too It is suppose to be great on tummy issue At first going to eat the yogurt once a day and then increase it to 2 times a day. I know lin makes her own. but I don't think I will try that too much work for me. I love the greek yogurt with fruit.

    Diane good to hear from you too.

    Lin I am still around Had a dr. appt. his morning Then grocer shopping. we are thraw out around here . Think spring is almost here. The schools are out next week for spring break.

    pasty sound like you have a great life. enjoy reading your post.

    Anne what time zone are you in.? I guess we will be getting up with the sun now. I know we will get an extra hour of computer time at night Barbie will like it for se wont be walking
    in the dark so much. I think I got it screw up it got to be darker in the morning if it is lighter at night.Somebody get me on the right track

    Shirley great having you back from your lovely trip
    So happy you got water now. you will get those added pound off real fast. For you know how.

    Bob last but not least. What an amazing trip you had. Thanks for the video. But that yellow shirt is way too big for you.

    Love to all even those that did not post. phoebe, Sandy, Barbie, But today is not over yet

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, LIN, LIN, WOW, WOW, WOW. Where have I been! Out in the backwoods obviously! Thank you so much, I knew I could rely on you, but where to start! Something simple that's for sure, I am not and never have been your elegant type, ever. Wild Rose perfume I would guess. When I was but a lass we had a face cream called Rose Laird. It smelt gorgeous and me and all the other young things at that time went wild over it. Then it disappeared, but that's the smell I'm imagining. Must get me down to the stores, but probably won't find much in this town. Thanks again! Really, thanks! Something to study.
    Hi MARIE, join the rest of us unfortunately who have problems with today's food. It's not gluten with me, it's the darned additives they add to food these days to give it longer shelf life. That's why I eat organic. I'm so glad you feel better. I think I am in the same time zone as you.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Diptyque eau rose sounds good if I can find it.