Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello All,

    My goodness, SHIRLEY is having an awful time.

    PHYLLIS - how exciting for you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my grandkids each one is so special.

    ANNE - sounds like a wonderful evening. Savor it. LOL

    BUZZ - glad you popped in, always nice to hear from you.

    PATSY - I reread my favorite authors all the time. Well. I listen to them being read. Mostly I listen to Audible books these days and I have my favorites. I reread the entire Diana Gabaldon Outland series by listening to it. So well done but very long.

    MARIE - I couldn't believe your awful weather. Wow. Hope it is better for you now.

    Went out this snowy day to A&W. Ed had breakfast, I had coffee then home to ride my exercise bike. I don't ride the bike much and it plays me out when I do. Different set of muscles I guess. I'll do the treadmill later. My goal is 10,000 steps and I have 5,500 left to get in. That'll be accomplished on the treadmill. I am a real number person as all the numbers really motivate me. I am trying to use heart rate zones these days. Keep my HR around 131 bpm is my goal while exercising.

    Still making plans for our trip to Hawaii in April. Got our flight, crisis and hotel booked. So looking forward to it.

    Have a great day everyone.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited March 2015
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015
    Well I lost my post again on my tablet. I know what is happening now. There is a button right next to the space bar, when you hit it, it takes you back to the previous page.
    Why they would put it so close I'll never know.

    Anyway, I will attempt this post again. Going on Day 2 of no running water. I am sure anyone here who has had the problem like Marie, can relate. It is getting better today, we
    are using our neighbor's water by hose and we are able to have a shower and do dishes
    and I even did some laundry today. Not vacation laundry, that can wait.

    I am back making meals today and trying to get on track with food and exercise.
    I had my hair cut this morning and got some groceries since we had no food from vacation.
    I have not weighed myself yet, I am giving myself a few days to get rid of fluid from all the salty foods we ate. I am not used to eating like that, we don't use salt and try to cook fresh foods most of the time. You just don't know how the food is cooked when you go away.

    We are back to reality and all the snow again. The temperatures are in the 20's right now but will go down to the teens some time this week. It does feel a little like Spring today.

    Jeri - I love Diana G. books. I have the series on my Kindle but I am engrossed in a rather thick book right now called Wideacre. I did get a lot read on the plane and on the beach but still have more to go. I sure do miss Banff when I see your great pictures.
    Anne - That sure was some dinner you had. Sounds fabulous and some times we just have to splurge. I am sure you will get off those calories soon. :)

    Sandy - I hope you are enjoying the cruise. Jealous!

    Phyllis - I see you are enjoying your retirement!

    Hi to everyone else and I see Bob poked his head in.

    Ontario, Canada
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    This is where we stayed in Jamaica.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Here is me on the beach.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Great photos, Shirley. Was it very warm there? It looks so relaxing!
    Bye for now!

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Back from my weight-loss / winter reward, as promised. No plans to leave MFP any time soon.

    My 1st maintenance lesson – it is easier to stay disciplined for 1 week on a cruise v. 2 weeks.

    It was horrible! The water was a pure blue. The sun kept the temperature at 77-80 degrees and at times would blind me. In short – I had to deal with some totally unfamiliar situations.




    I did well in controlling my calories the 1st week and exercising. The ship had treadmills, weight-room, elliptical equipment and more. I gave the equipment a break week #2. LOL

    My first post-reward recorded weigh-in will be next Monday.

    Today it was back to business as usual - burned 410 calories doing 75 minutes of cardio exercises, including 60 minute walk.

    I will admit there was a brief affair of sorts…but in the end I simply told her she’d find someone else. Here is what she looked like:


    Upon our return, I turned to my wife and said: "Honey, I'm home! She meant nothing to me..."

    This morning my eyes only feasted upon -


    Oh well – gotta go catch up on a few things – more later…warm wishes to all!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BOB, I'm so glad you are back in one piece after your enforced exile in alien conditions, eg. something called "the sun" I believe you said, and "oven like" warmth. You even resisted the sirens call. I'm very proud of my fitness pal!!!
    Seriously, the photos show a beautiful place and I'm so glad you and SHIRLEY had such a lovely relaxing time.
    Meanwhile, here on our corner of planet earth, spring really is in the air. 23 F today felt quite balmy. Hang on to your suntans! Of the 28 days of February, apparently 25 were colder than previous records here in Ontario. Definitely "fresh".
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,193 Member
    Lovely posts today. Welcome home always puts the call of some sort of siren i our path. Thanks for posting some pictures. Ahhhhh, looks so pleasant and definitely a place for some relaxing.

    Shirley, thank you also for your pictures. I am enjoying my long-distance vacations by hearing about yours. I am so sorry the water situation continues to be troublesome. With so many of you having problems I would imagine it will take a while for them to get to you. Are they working in your neighborhood now?

    Marie - is the nastiness melting away yet? We are expecting freezing rain/sleet tomorrow but then it is to warm up and turn to rain. We'll see.

    Well today I cancelled the order for my exercise bike. It was backordered and the update was end of March now. I wonder if it was a product held up in the West coast shipping problem. Anyway, I decided no thanks. I read more about assembling the product and I don't think I could do it.

    Got to the grocery store this morning and my refrigerator and freezer are full to the brim with wonderful vegetables and fruits. Yum!!!

    Had to make a trip to the bank today as well. It's my bank---my since 1990 bank---and I cannot do a transaction with them without showing a picture ID. I am getting tired of that. I bank with 3 other banks and never have that issue. They know me. These people drive me nuts. They just tell me it's their POLICY. Oh well, I don't have to go in often, I do most everything online.

    I joined a group doing a step challenge this month. I was lucky to get in I guess. Response was so overwhelming many many folks didn't even get registered. I thought the challenge was 100,000 steps a week. Turns out it's 100,000 steps in 28 days. Oh well, it's fun to hangout with the group on FB.

    Time to get going here, I am listening in on another conference call this evening. I love these calls, I learn so much.

    I had nice veggies for lunch and made a hodge-podge soup for supper tonight. Something different for me.

    Take care and be healthy.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone and how lovely to have you all back and in your regular spots. Today was the final day of the big shower grout removal and redo effort. Hubby has been at the job for days. It wasn't pretty, folks!!! This was just the kind of job he hates and I hate that he had to do it. It is done now. No more trudging downstairs to the guest bathroom to shower.

    It was ua
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    There is certainly a ghost in this iPad! It keeps making all my "golden words" just disappear. I must report that my calorie goal is on the money! Now if my exercise effort was on the money I would be rich and skinny. Not yet!

    Weather is cold and damp. But it is sunny. It is a typical Oregon spring. Little birds and flowers all wearing their sweaters, including me and the furry old girls on their walks.

    Welcome home Shirley and Bob. You were missed but we waited patiently for your photos, tales of adventures and your daily reports.
    Patsy and the iPad ghost
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi guy and gals. Nice to hear about PHYLLIS's expected grandbaby. Good luck. JERI's brood is a wonderful example of grandma's love! SHIRLEY, too dreadful about the pipes! Hope things warm up really soon. You look great in the swimsuit! PHOEBE, every time we see a huge cross country rig I tell Mike about you! Do you ever tire of all that driving? LIN's fruits and veggies sound so delicious when she describes them. I had chard, beans, and a mixture of squashes and tomatoes tonight along with a fish called trigger. I was not enthused about any of it, but ate it anyway. BOB, sounded like your cruise was really lovely and you, too, look terrific. As does your regular breakfast. MARIE, yippee, warm-up expected! And spring to follow! ANNE, most of us give in once in awhile, as long as the WORKS were worth it! OYSTEREYES, happy your grout job is finished! Lousy undertaking. Please, dear, what is your name???
    <3 Ouch 3:15 AM!!! Buzz
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    in deed Life is grand.
    It is going to get up to the 60's tomorrow but wait Wedneday eveing yep bad winter mix Oh well it can't be much worst than we have has in the last 2 weeks. I am still prayin for the lost lives and all the injuries.

    Shirley hope you get your Water turn on soon. We have ours to freeze before but not in many as years.Could not flush the toilet is the worst part of it. Jerry keeps all the pipes pretty well cover now he dreads freezing ice raining on us knocking our power. Then No TV\s no internet. spring is just days away.
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Well I lost my post again on my tablet. I know what is happening now. There is a button right next to the space bar, when you hit it, it takes you back to the previous page.
    Why they would put it so close I'll never know.

    Anyway, I will attempt this post again. Going on Day 2 of no running water. I am sure anyone here who has had the problem like Marie, can relate. It is getting better today, we
    are using our neighbor's water by hose and we are able to have a shower and do dishes
    and I even did some laundry today. Not vacation laundry, that can wait.

    I am back making meals today and trying to get on track with food and exercise.
    I had my hair cut this morning and got some groceries since we had no food from vacation.
    I have not weighed myself yet, I am giving myself a few days to get rid of fluid from all the salty foods we ate. I am not used to eating like that, we don't use salt and try to cook fresh foods most of the time. You just don't know how the food is cooked when you go away.

    We are back to reality and all the snow again. The temperatures are in the 20's right now but will go down to the teens some time this week. It does feel a little like Spring today.

    Jeri - I love Diana G. books. I have the series on my Kindle but I am engrossed in a rather thick book right now called Wideacre. I did get a lot read on the plane and on the beach but still have more to go. I sure do miss Banff when I see your great pictures.
    Anne - That sure was some dinner you had. Sounds fabulous and some times we just have to splurge. I am sure you will get off those calories soon. :)

    Sandy - I hope you are enjoying the cruise. Jealous!

    Phyllis - I see you are enjoying your retirement!

    Hi to everyone else and I see Bob poked his head in.

    Ontario, Canada

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hello and it is another grand day in Cairo. Went for a hour swim this morning at 5:00 am and it was wonderful really. Makes me happy to start off the day with a swim.
    Came home and chatted ( Texted ) with my daughter and we are both getting more excited by the day to see each other. I am not sure she is looking too forward to the "delivery process" of having the baby but I am looking forward to her going into labor and getting on with it so I can love that little grand daughter! And I am sure when it is all said and done she will be grateful too that it is over with. My second child came so fast that he was born before the doctor arrived. Good thing I had a nice nurse to catch that little boy. ( and he, my second son has been on the go ever since) LOL Maybe my daughter will be so lucky!!
    Loved all the pictures that people are posting, Keep it up. I'll do the same when I have something to post.
    Cheers, Phyllis
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phyllis ~ I too enjoyed an hour's swim this morning although I imagine your water was warmer than mine because although an indoor pool, their boiler had apparently broken down so we all struggled to keep warm even with constant swimming. I feel cold thinking about it now although proud I did manage to dip my shoulders into the water to get going!

    When I set off for a short walk with George first thing the skies darkened and a blizzard came from nowhere; wet snow that didn't settle but still a shock as I was convinced Spring had sprung. Now, although the sun does appear occasionally so do some hefty hail storms but we're promised warm temperatures by the weekend... I can't wait!

    Shirley ~ What a nightmare to return to but I hope those frozen pipes haven't wiped out those wonderful memories of sunshine and good food. Just keep looking at those photos! A friend's brother and his wife returned from a break in Ireland to discover their gas boiler had packed up and although afternoon, headed for their bed to keep warm!

    Bob ~ It's obvious from your photos that's one special camera you have but even so, what glorious blue azure skies. No pollution in their air I bet! So many temptations and yet I can see that a gym with such views would draw you in more than the sight of a plate of Danish pastries!! Pleased to have you back with us but also delighted you had a well deserved glorious celebration for your weight loss.

    Phoebe ~ Off you go again trucking. Take care and hopefully roads and weather will be kind to you both.

    Anne ~ Every now and then it does no harm to have a splurge, especially when amongst loved ones so it's good to see there's no guilt weighing you down!! Could that have been a creme brulee (don't know how to put accents over vowels!!) you finished off with? That's one of my favourites. I see you're walking every day so will soon shake off any extras.

    Lin ~ A couple of months before I adopted George I purchased an exercise bike that was easy to put together with the supplied allen key. It doesn't get used much now that I do so much walking but I plan in the summer months to sit in the porch overlooking my garden peddling away as I admire the blooms! Perhaps you could find one that wouldn't be such a chore to build.

    Buzz ~ Another late night!! Hopefully a lie in this morning to compensate. <3

    Marie ~ Your weather sounds as wacky as mine.... all over the place!

    As I shut my hens away last night I promised them a clean out today so as I hate to break promises I'm going to have to wrap up and get on with the job before the sun goes down.

    Hello to everyone I missed.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE it was indeed a creme brûlée! The machine put the accents in, not me! We have a snowstorm yet again, but it IS warming up. This weekend will be zero, oh happy day. ANNE
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It took me a moment to figure out what kind of lie I had to tell, and suddenly I realized JACKIE was referring to "sleeping in" ! Which I never do!!! I was showering before 8 AM!
    Must dash down to dinner as we have a 5:30 reservation. Best to everybody...
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    edited March 2015
    824241tpvj70j7a0.gifI have been absent from this thread for awhile but have no exotic travel or great adventure to report.....just the same dog walking, dancing, knitting, exercise bike riding, TV watching, telephoning, and family time filling my days.

    <3 Barbie
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Howdy! I think my iPad is behaving now
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    P.S. I guess not, most of my post just disappeared again! Aaaaaaaaagh!