Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, I have very little time as my phone has been out, internet is intermittent and I have much to do, but I do hope our PHOEBE knows we are all there with her, knowing she will come through beautifully!
    And PHYLLIS, I hear your pain! So having gone through this with several friends, I know you will survive, and so will she! All of us have beliefs following the ones we grew up with, and sometimes it is difficult to recall most of the major faiths believe basically the same thing: there is but one GOD. With different ways of reaching Him or Her! But in the long run, using common sense, it all ends up in the same belief, doesn't it? And nothing really matters other than how we act, not what we say! Too many languages to understand, but be kind, act ethically and with caring, respect others as you would desire they do with you, and let each one follow what they feel best! Your Mother probably wondered how you could have married as you did, yet look at your wonderful results. And it has broadened you as a person, too. And probably will do so for your daughter as well. Remember, her Dad ( your husband) is Muslim, and so she is part of him, too. You did nothing wrong, so there is no need for guilt...just love her as you always have. Oops, I just fell off my platform so everyone have a wonderful weekend and breathe the fresh wonderful air!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    PHYLLIS, as always BUZZ says it best!

    Welcome home PHOEBE.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Home and doing great, thank every single one of you!♥
    I'm not even having real pain. Just a twinge. I know that can change. My prescription is Percocet. I will take it if truly needed.
    While I was still sleeping in recovery, the surgeon went over her findings with Jim. Big UH OH! :# Jim has the memory of a grain of sand. I didn't realize that she wouldn't fill me in. I'll call Monday to get a report. He thinks she said I have either bad (as in the type of) or a lot of arthritis, lol. Also, bone spurs removed.

    Lin, what a tragedy for everyone. Im sure you are shaken, I would be too. Take care of yourself, and don't fight your emotions on this. You are the essence of kindness.
    Jackie, the cats are not amused by my smelly yellowish disinfectant smeared leg. No washing until Sunday! Guess I'll have to hug my pillows. ♥

    Dear Phyllis, I see your side most clearly, I hope she will be safe. I worry about the meanness of Our world. I tend to try to understand the motivation of the decision. i.e.: Is this a sincere choice, without coercion? If yes, then bless her for her pure heart and her courage. Maybe she is influenced by God, who has His plans for her.

    Thank you all, and Sandy, you get the Best jokes! Who knows, it might have happened that way, but I was fast asleep.

    Connie, I ve wanted that Shark vacuum! I have the cordless pet perfect, handheld, love it, but I feel guilty to get rid of a working machine. ( or two, actually )

    Im pulling a Buzz, falling asleep and fixing my mistakes ♥
    Tomorrow, Phoebe
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,501 Member

    For you Phoebe - may you continue to feel okay and not need the painkiller.


  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks for all of the kind words to me and sharing your thoughts. Buzz you always make me feel as though you are right here next to me talking. It's amazing how you know just what to say and Yes I am sure my mother was devastated when I married a Moslem. I keep thinking of all the pain I caused her and I am sure what I did in my m life is much worse than anything my kids have done to affect me. I know a lot of my feelings tend to be because of guilt of my own life. But as you say , what I have experienced has brought me to who I am today.
    Phoebe It was my daughters own decision no coercion. Her husband was actually surprised that she made the choose and didn't think she would really do it. She does have a sincere heart and is trying to figure out her own life.
    Anne Thanks!
    Love you all. And believe like Buzz said that in the end we all worship the same God.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,501 Member
    Phyllis - God bless you and all your family. May we all sincerely seek and find a closer relationship with God. That is the important thing. And travel safely as you go to visit with your mother. And I am sure you'll make the best decision on what to tell or not tell your mom. The nurses taking care of my dad urged me to say nothing upsetting that would make him more anxious as he had such a problem with an incredibly high anxiety level. I did what they recommended but it wasn't easy. All situations and people are different so I am not advising just sharing my experience.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    PHYLLIS, I've just got back from my usual morning half hour walk, and as usual, the old grey cells where active. I loved BUZZ'S response as I said before, but one more thing occurred to me. Is it possible that in a Moslem dominated region your daughter feels much safer when outside in the streets wearing the traditional head or veil covering? If this is the case I would certainly encourage her to wear it, after all, it's only a bit of cloth isn't it? It's not so long ago, and even today, Christian women covered their hair when in church. Do I believe that we should cover the hair or faces that God gave us? No of course not! It's a man made rule as usual, but if it keeps anyone safe in a particular male dominated society (and which society isn't!) then I'm all for it. Like LIN, think hard before you tell your Mom, again like LIN we were advised to be careful about adding to my very ill fathers cares. Anyway, I'm just sharing a few thoughts running through my head, rightly or wrongly. Just ramblings, you know the situation first hand, I don't.
    Tomorrow I hope you will have a safe journey and a happy reunion.
    Tomorrow I get to travel for 2 or so hours to see my eldest grandson on his birthday.
    On Wednesday I get to travel to Toronto to watch my youngest grandson graduate from university.
    Happy Saturday everybody, and so far the predicted rain is nowhere in sight, but the Mosquitos are!
    Did you have a good sleep PHOEBE, hope so.
    ANNE with the E.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello sneakers. Just popped in as usual for a quick catch up but then also as usual, find quick is never easy when I read so many fascinating posts and opinions.

    Anne ~ A busy week ahead for you but for all the right reasons.... a birthday and a graduation. Can I ask what degree your grandson in Toronto has worked hard for? Something he can make good use of in life whether by way of a career or hobby I expect. Enjoy your travels!

    Phyllis ~ Buzz as ever is so perfectly in sync with life and it's occasional wobbles and I think we're all in agreement that a burkah is really nothing more than a piece of material that doesn't change the person just because it hides their face. A niece of mine was in a relationship with a Moslim for several years and decided to wear one and she hadn't actually converted so it was hard to understand at the time but looking back I think it was a way of showing her man she loved him although I always understood it to be a tribal thing rather than religious. I'm sure it won't change your daughter in any way. Have a wonderful visit with your mother, something I know you've been so looking forward to and perhaps just wait and see what you feel is comfortable for you both to discuss or not.

    Phoebe ~ If your cats are anything like my Hebe who has a foot fettish they will be disgusted by that yellow disinfectant cover on your foot but determined to clean you anyway!! Hopefully the removal of those spurs will make that knee far more comfortable for you and whatever arthritis you might have going on will be kept under control otherwise perhaps a knee replacement some time in the future.... look how well Sandy has done with her new bionic knees!!

    Lin ~ How tragic for your tenant and his wife and at such a relatively young time of life. Doesn't life sometimes just keep throwing one piece of doo-doo after another at us but as Phoebe says, do your best not to get too emotionally involved, as caring a person as you are.

    Patsy ~ From the extracts of MrTurner I've seen I can imagine you might have preferred subtitles rather than translate the cockney accent that had me straining an ear to understand and I'm from a part of London it's spoken in, in fact sometimes hear myself slipping into "apples and pears" lingo even today!!

    Connie ~ Having once been in ecstasy over a new Dyson vacuum cleaner all I can say is be careful to keep an eye on the dust and fur filling your cleaning bag because one day you might find it's now taking up the carpet pile!! I was horrified at the amount of cat hairs sucked up that were invisible to the naked eye but am convinced the carpet became thinner over time!! Meanwhile enjoy the thrill of seeing all that dirt coming up, although twice a day seems excessive to me but then twice a week is probably once too often when other activities call me!!

    Sandy ~ It's good that Babe is managing to get himself to the hospital for his foot procedure without your help so perhaps let him be as independent as you've become rather than insisting. It's not so long ago he was being somewhat needy which most of us found unfair on you and hooray if he's finally thinking about what he was expecting from you considering the position you found yourself in through no fault of your own. I'm jealous of that pool of yours although I'd probably freeze in one on my property at the moment. In fact the only outside job I'm going to attempt this afternoon is cleaning the inside of my greenhouse which will keep me out of the northerly wind, something we never suffer from this time of year usually but then the world's weather is bizarre these days.

    I'm having to use Explorer to get on line because after a security alert that I didn't understand I seem to have lost Google chrome but when I tried to uninstall to then download afresh I can't even do that. If I disappear for a time you'll know there's a security issue on my laptop.... Ahhh!!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Came upon this on the website of animal sanctuary George came from.... made me smile!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,405 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Saturday!! :) Rainy day today with cooler temps going down into the 40's. I feel bad for my friend who is having a graduation party for her daughter, I am sure she was hoping to have it outside. The same thing happened to her last year when her eldest daughter graduated. She has a big two door garage so most people will probably be in there. I will go for a little while and then go to Mass by myself, her house is near the Church.

    Jackie, the enabler in me is always trying to help someone, but I must agree I was happy I didn't have to go with Babe for yet another procedure. He is doing okay but it was more than he thought and is once again in a walking shoe. No pool today but I hope it warms up tomorrow, if the temps are below 69 degrees they do not open the pool.

    Anne, enjoy your time with your grandsons and congratulations on his graduation. My eldest granddaughter (25) is coming to town for business on Tuesday and will spend the night with me. I am looking forward to being with her and it will be her first time meeting Robby.

    Lin, you seem a little more relaxed and I hope as time goes on and things are settled you will find some peace.

    Buzz, you are so wise, I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet you.

    Phyllis, I like the others think Buzz said it perfectly. Although not the same, my granddaughter who is like my second daughter has blonde and blue hair (this week) and a nose piercing which she hides in my presence. I love her just the same but just wish she was more conservative. They are adults and can make their own decisions, all we can hope for is that they make the right ones. Not to make light of the burkah , but the good thing is you don't have to worry about your hair or makeup. (Sorry, just trying to make you smile)

    Phoebe, hope you are feeling good this morning now that the freezing has probably worn off. You are a tough cookie and if Honey can handle her treatments you can handle yours. Love you kiddo.

    Time for Sandy, love my Candy Crush Soda.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,501 Member
    Just lost my brilliant post so I'll just say I'm leaving in a little while for a high school graduation reception and luckily it is indoors! We're having drizzly and colder weather too!

    When I get home I'm going to try to make some easy black bean burgers.

    Have a good day..........

    And Connie thanks for the information on the Shark vacuum. I've been using a Dyson for years but wondered about those. Of course, at this point, I don't have a dog but you never know when I might think it's time to get one again.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WOW! What a wealth of wisdom and love running through today's posts. We seem to have the warmest support group right here on our Golden Sneakers, and I hope LIN and PHYLLIS and PHOEBE feel all the hugs arriving at their doorsteps! To LIN and PHYLLIS, I think we agree they must not carry the burdens of other individual on their shoulders, just sympathize, empathize, and agree the decision or pain are their own to work through. Still, so sorry LIN had that sad experience with her farm renter!
    PHOEBE, JIM is probably similar to most (not all) men who are used to their partner listening for the rules, results, and everything else having little to do with their personal being! I am relieved when I see Mike has not answered the message machine but left it for me to write things of importance down on notepaper! He remembers almost nothing of conversations, and actually never has! I hope your knee heals beautifully and quickly, and I agree with JACKIE about the cats overcoming distaste in order to keep you "clean"! Also, I admire your perception regarding motivation for Phyllis's daughters choice. The dangers originating in that area of the world are beyond the understanding of most of us in the western world.
    SHIRLEY, so pleased about the results of DAVE's biopsy. I always hold my breath about ours as we've spent so much time in the sun! Just enjoy everything with your usual enthusiasm!
    SANDY, loved your surgery cartoon. I sometimes wonder...! I also treasure memories of our meeting!
    PATSY, how is the foot coming along? Feet don't heal as quickly as other areas, sometimes, because of the pounding they take! Try resting with raised legs, if you can!
    I'm also considering re-seeing Mr Turner, this time with sub-titles! His paintings are so intriguing and advanced for his period. And seem so unlike his personality and character I was amazed!
    CONNIE, ditto on the SHARK NAVIGATOR. we bought one in Bed Bath and Beyond when we moved in here with our new white carpet in living room and Florida room/office. And while others are shampooing their floors, we simply vacuum! Looks great! Always so happy to see you posting where I can find you! ...And of course we probably all find we are now what we were annoyed by most in our parents! I try not to discuss health or food, but conversation seems to end up there or about grandkids (no, I won't discuss them in a group!) so I come talk to my favorite friends---YOU!
    ANNE, really perceptive, as usual! Also kind of relate to your being a flower child, although I'm much older. I just never grew up! I hope you have sunshine wherever you go!
    JACKIE, along with your wonderful post, O love that cat and cookie photo! Hope you get Chrome fixed. Google seems to be having many internet problems lately, but is Explorer any better? The new W10 promises a newer version of IE that they promise will incorporate the best of the old without all the problems! Imagine, they bypassed V9 altogether!
    Must go make "Shiva" call (a Jewish wake) to a lovely friend a neighbor who's husband declined for 2 whole years of suffering.
    Have a beautiful weekend, dear friends...
    <3 Buzz
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Again let me say thanks for all your comments on my behalf. Just for the record, my daughter will NOT be covering her face , just her hair. I am sure she will do it in a very attractive way. She is a very stylish young woman. She was telling me yesterday she is experimenting with different ways to wear it. We have open discussions about the whole process. She even told me about how she latest the Burdines ( Swimming suits that they wear ) so she has come up with a whole different way of making her own swim costume! I am glad she chooses to be modest and to build a coder relationship with God. She is really such a sweet and amazing your lady. And like someone mentioned to me , rather our loved ones come to us tattooed, veiled, pierced, or with bandanas decorating them, they are still our loved ones and it is just an expression for some reason or other.
    I don't think I will mention this to my mother though, My daughter will not go to the states for a visit until next year so I will wait until that time to let her know. Who knows what will happen by then anyway. I asked my daughter if she plans to wear the veil forever now and she said, she didn't know what her future will look like but for now she wants to try it. So I think it is just what she chooses to do right now and time will tell how this all plays out. I am sure when I see her for the first time in July when she comes to stay with us for a month it will be a bit of a shift to get used to seeing her but inside the house she won't wear it so it will be like normal. UNLESS a MAN comes by. Then she will grab the veil. That is what all my nieces and sisters in laws do. I am used to this "GAME" I just didn't think my daughter owl be a player. But life has a way of throwing us new adventures and challenges. Right.
    Well in a few hours I'll be heading to the air port. I will be traveling for the next 24 hours. A good nights rest in a real bed awaits me on Sunday night.

    Once again. LOVE YOU all and appreciate your wonderful comments and council. PHYLLIS
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    A picture of my daughter so you can put a picture with the face of SARAH.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PHYLLIS, she is a VERY beautiful young woman. I apologise for I misunderstood. I always think of a veil as something that covers the face. It's amazing how the English language can have different meanings from one country to another. By the way, I wouldn't say no to a scarf myself on the days my hair takes on its birds nest look! Have a lovely, lovely visit. Your Mom will be so pleased to see you!
    It is very black outside as in black clouds not as in black night.. Here we go again. Language! Me and my avid gardener DIL are praying for a good rain soak, but so far just spots (of rain, not spots as in mosquito bites tho' I have those too). See what I mean in saying different strokes for different folks! I better clear off before I get into more trouble,
    but.......JACKIE asked -
    My grandson and his graduation degree. Bachelor of Arts and Digital Enterprise Management. He starts his first full time job on the 1st July with a large firm he worked at as a summer student. He's just turned 22 and a super young man. Proud Granny talking!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    ITS RAINING, ITS POURING! ☔️☔️☔️⚡️⚡️⚡️
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    When my daughter lived in Saudi We both had to wear a veil over our hair every time we went out of the house. And you are right it w's quite nice not to have to worry about fixing the hair. We also wore the long black gown, (Abaya) and so. We didn't even have to get dressed up nice. It was an easy life to just throw on the Abaya and veil and head for the mall. NO one had to know we were wearing what every we wanted Underneath.
    30 minutes till I head to the air port.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well the sun is out. Almost forgot what it looks like. All next week is suoppose to be very pleasant. Week. We will see.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    WOW! Just got back from a major flower buying binge. Bought stuff I don't know anything about or even if I can grow it here in this area or not. I am fearless! What can I loose? I can really blow the budget in a plant store. And I did! I bought these really interesting things called cockscomb. Very interesting. They don't look like flowers, they look fuzzy almost like fur. Snapdragons, marigolds, herbs for my herb garden, geraniums, etc. what fun. Now to dig in!

    I am on an antibiotic for my foot infection. It seems to be helping but it makes me really feel rotten generally. John decided I needed a total diversion and buying plants was just the right prescription. I will fix a light dinner tonight and put my toes up on a footstool after dinner while watching some tv or movie. Because John will be watching with me it will involve car chases and lots of explosions...its a guy thing!

    I've been reading about our weather and it sounds scary. Not sure how to prepare for it. Look out folks, things are going to get interesting. Wasn't it Betty Davis who said..."fasten your seatbelts, we are in for a bumpy ride!"
    When I get going on my planting I will send photos for you gardeners to see what craziness I'm up to. Reason is not my strong suit!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I can't imagine 24 hours of traveling, on the planes? Id have to sleep for two days! Safe travels Phyllis.
    You poor northernmost folks, here we are almost 90 degrees, with or without rain, and you are seeing 40! I like cool, but not 40 in the summer.
    sore today, but not as bad as expected. No need for pain meds, I'm glad too. I have swelling, realizing that I was on my feet Too much, i sat the afternoon out, iced it and am looking forward to removing the bandages tomorrow.
    Veggies for dinner, sf vanilla pudding and cool whip are dessert, my sweet tooth or teeth needed to be fed.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, sounds like you've had a fun day. I haven't kept up with the weather forecast for your area.
    I'm waiting for the shipment of the rose I mentioned earlier. Irony here, the rose I ordered is the first in a series of Downtown Abbey roses. I'm glad now that it is called Live Anna's Promise. OK, Really good night.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm waiting for rain clouds to move away before going for the morning walk although it's already 10 am. Another half an hour and George will have his legs crossed but it does seem to be brightening up!

    Sandy ~ You might consider yourself an enabler but I look on you as a loving, caring person doing your best to make life easier for those around you and completely understand where you're coming from.... I'm still glad Babe is coping on his own this time!!

    Lin ~ So frustrating to lose a post and knowing how you manage to include everyone in yours, that must be especially annoying. Don't blame you for not starting again!!

    Buzz ~ I've no idea what happened with Chrome but certainly something barred it on my laptop so I did my usual delve into places I probably shouldn't go and clicked on every box that appeared to ask me was I sure I wanted to use Chrome and VOILA, it's back!! If asked how I did it I wouldn't have a clue but before I go much further will run my Avast anti virus to make sure nothing is lurking in the depths! So sorry to read you have another wake to attend although I know you're philosophical so will be of great support.

    Phyllis~ Like that 'old Brit' Anne I misunderstood the term veil, probably because there are so many names for the head gear worn by many women in the Middle East, but living in a country where some young women are adorned in short skirts that leave this ex-mini skirt wearer in the 60's open mouthed, I'm delighted to know modesty is still the norm and am sure a veil will only enhance your daughter's obvious beauty. Safe flight and savour every moment with your mother.

    Anne ~ Well 'old Brit' it seems even after the number of years you've spent in Canada you still occasionally fall into the language gap I found in my 8 years there! You were hoping for rain as I was last night and when I got back from an evening walk just in time before the heavens opened all I could think was hooray, the onions will get watered! Proud granny indeed that your grandson has a BA and job lined up... great news.

    Patsy ~ When I visited friends in Canada a few years ago they took us to a Pioneer village where we saw an amazing array of flowers bobbing about in the breeze and I sought a pack of Cockscombe seeds in the gift shop which were dutifully tossed on to a flower bed the following Spring... not one came up so I can only think they didn't like my soil but I remember those lovely flower heads all fluffy and cute! Yes please.... photos once you've got everything planted up!

    Phoebe ~ Now I've heard it all...a Downton Abbey rose but then they are probably available in the UK too, I just haven't been looking but the next time I'm in a garden centre I will seek them out just to see what's available although my garden is so full of plants I'm not sure I could squeeze one more in and being a cottage garden perhaps a grand stately home rose would feel out of place!! LOL Make the most of your rest period and do keep that leg up!

    George has come to jump on my leg saying it's time for a walk so I'll depart whether it's raining or not.

    Happy Sunday!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've just finished my half hour walk, indoors because we've got the promised rain blowing up from Texas apparently. I'll be in a car much of the day visiting Dev, so I'm a happy little amateur gardener, and my little flowers will be happy, the irises, the chives, the peonies, the goats beard etc.
    JACKIE, I'm still putting my foot in it language wise. The other day I said "ooh what a bonnie wee baby", and got a frosty look from the proud Mama. Now to my northern Brit senses I was paying the child and mother a huge compliment, bonnie meaning in Yorkshire/Scotland pretty, beautiful etc. but not so to mother. She thought I meant FAT! As though anyone would call someone's child fat! Well, it all makes for an interesting life, provided I don't get lynched. But you can see how misunderstandings occur between nations! A veil to me is the lace on a pretty hat that the glamour girls used to peer through in the forties, or what a bride flings back at the altar. A covering on the head is a head scarf like the queen wears at the horse races. I think this ancient Briton will somehow have to emerge into the modern western world, or keep her "trap" (mouth) shut. Lol.
    PATSY, enjoy planting your lovely flowers and you too PHOEBE planting your Dowton Abbey rose when it finally arrives (FROM Dowton Abbey in Yorkshire?). Tell Honey and the cats it's FAR too posh (aristocratic) to be peed on or scratched at!
    I've had fun with this post and I'm now thinking of joining PATSY in the literary world in the form of a transatlantic dictionary, okay, only joking!!!
    Have FUN everybody!

    Ancient Brit ANNE, with the E of course! ☔️ ⚡️

    Ps. JACKIE I Loved your pug and Deleting the Cookies photo! Wish I could print it for the cupboard door!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,405 Member
    Happy Chilly Sunday where the temps here are 48 degrees. :) Looks like it will be a movie day on the couch and a good reason to ride my bike. The weather probably won't warm up enough for the pool until Wednesday. This weather makes it so depressing, we need sunshine to keep us smiling, what a terrible Spring.

    Anne, if you right click on Jackie's picture there is a place to print it and/or save it to your computer. Your description of a veil is how I would also describe it, but maybe that is our age. lol Have a great time with Dev.

    Jackie, cute photo and if only it were that easy to delete cookie from our life style. I know Daisy and George would co operate but that is a no no for Daisy. Babe is handling his newest procedure fine except for the pain pills. He had to stop them yesterday as he was so dizzy he was afraid of falling. His immune system does not do well with pain pills although who knows how many he took? When I went to the graduation party I passed his house and saw his son's truck in his driveway so after Church even though the truck was gone I didn't stop. When he called, he asked why I didn't stop and I explained once I saw the truck I just wanted to go home not knowing if he would return. The thought of seeing his son or Cheryl still is too much for me unless of an emergency with Babe.

    Phoebe, you sound like you are doing well and I am happy for you. Just don't overdo because you feel better. I love sugar free frozen yogurt with whipped cream but since I don't know limits on whipped cream I stopped buying. lol

    Patsy, I hope you didn't need that seat belt for your weather, how bad did it get??? Your flowers sound amazing, I do hope to see pictures once in full bloom.

    Marie, I hope the sun stays out for you and warms up those chilled bones from all the rain. We are now getting bad weather but I do hope the sun comes out just to brighten the day.

    Phyllis, safe travels.

    Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, you should be able to first save then open the photo on your computer to print. Right click on the image.
    Jackie, it was bound to happen, as everything Downton is a money magnet. No stately home here, just a bare spot with hopefully, enough sun and a rose in a pretty color.
    about to storm here, need to clean up Honey's deposits, fun things to do here, lol!

    Got an issue to discuss with you all. About my aunt moving from Tennessee to Georgia, but south of Atlanta, and i am north.
    She clearly has some memory issues now, but as is her way, she doesn't want to face her fears, discuss with her doctor or undergo tests. She thinks she will drive to my home in the middle of the night, thru Atlanta. This is too dangerous for anyone who is alone much less easily disoriented. Personally, I wish she didnt drive at all anymore. I fear she will get lost. One solution might be a gps in her car programmed with home. She is not tech savvy, At All.
    Dh is destroying my closet to get my carpet shampooer out, must go
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Just a quick stop by so you know I'm still alive and kicking. We are leaving for a 2 week trip tomorrow. Driving down to Pagosa Springs in Colorado. I've been busy getting organized so my internet time has been cut short.

    Have a wonderful day everyone and I'll try to touch base as we travel.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Pagosa Springs Colorado! That brings a memory, not a great one, lol. We had a delivery to an outfitters ranch. It was a lesson in lifestyle differences.
    Glad to hear from you, Jeri. Have fun
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers, a beautiful warm Sunday here. I will be outside most of the day getting all these flowers into the ground. John is off to the garden shop for a couple of big bags of new potting soil. My flower pots on the decks are needing new refreshed soil. To welcome the new flower plants.

    There is something about fixing up our living space that does wonderful things for our disposition. It is almost magical how a cleaned up, cleaned out closet can make me feel so good. I know, it is some sort of odd nesting behavior in my DNA.

    Finished The Turner movie and will try to pick up a copy when I see it at a good discount. I love to have these artists bios in my collection. Leftover behavior from my teaching days. I loved the movies about Frieda Kahlo and Jackson Pollack. These were all difficult personalities but amazing talents. Even today, the artists I know personally, I would not call people with their lives in a good place. Almost all are certifiably deranged. I think it must be the paint fumes! Ha! It is obvious to me they need to get out in their flower garden more often, don't you agree?

    Our old furry girls are so funny. One of them likes to lie on the front deck behind one of the big flower pots and peer out at the driveway as if on sentry duty. She barks at leaves that fall on the ground or a bug that might crawl by. She is on duty and at her post! I am glad we hired her. She is a great employee. For only a few doggie treats as salary.

    Silliness is my great joy,

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Sneakers,

    Yesterday was sunny and warm and a day at the boat. Dave is still puttering at the auto pilot for the boat. He has three
    parts of it done and now the fourth to do. Then he can get the wiring done and then it will be ready for the first cruise
    in June. I stayed away from the boat and spent my time at the gazebo reading and I did get a 50 min walk on our
    trails by the water. It was such a lovely day!

    Today a different story, pouring rain but I guess we need it. We had nothing planned so i took in a Yoga class and
    Dave is visiting his mom. I am catching up on computer today and some laundry. I think some movies are in order
    when Dave returns.

    Enjoy your day.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,501 Member
    Silliness is your great joy Patsy---mine too!

    Happy trails Jeri!!

    Sandy – sorry about the weather. It is still chilly here as well but at least the sun is out today. I haven’t heard a forecast but I hope you get some pool weather this week.

    Phoebe – don’t get too adventuresome for a few day okay? Now why would your aunt need to drive through Atlanta in the night time? I wouldn’t want to drive Atlanta roads at night until I got to know them well. Daytime only! So what other options do you have?? I would be concerned about her as well but I cannot think of a solution other than a taxi!

    Phyllis – hope we hear from you soon.

    Jackie – now I’m searching my memory banks regarding cockscomb---is that similar (same) as celosia? I remember having some in my garden on the farm from time to time. They are lovely plants!

    Buzz – I hope your weekend is going well

    Anne – I hope you had a lovely drive today.

    Marie - I hope your computers/iPad are all working fine.

    I am packing and will be doing my driving back and forth thing until the end of June. See ya when I can because my Internet connect is also a sometimes on/sometimes off situation! I was at church late again today helping to straighten up after services.

    Hugs to everyone.
